PS Quantifying CO2 Storage Efficiency of Geologic Depositional Environments* Roland Okwen1, Charles Monson1, Yaghoob Lasemi1, and Nathan Grigsby1 Search and Discovery Article #80419 (2014)** Posted November 3, 2014 *Adapted from poster presentation given at AAPG 43rd Eastern Section Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada, September 27-30, 2014 **Datapages©2014 Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly. 1 Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL ( Abstract Storage efficiency (E), the ratio of the injected volume of CO2 to the accessible pore volume, quantifies CO2 storage potential in a reservoir. Storage efficiency is used to make storage resource assessments and to determine distribution of the CO2 at geological carbon storage sites. A single range of E is typically applied to all depositional environments. This work is intended to improve site selection and screening processes by using numerical modeling to quantify E ranges for eight depositional environments, namely deltaic, shelf clastic, reef and non-reef shelf carbonate, strandplain, fluvial deltaic, fluvial-alluvial, and turbidite. Depositional environments were interpreted from core and geophysical log data, and geologic models were developed based on selected Illinois Basin formations. For example, three unique models for non-reef shelf carbonates were created based on the Mississippian Ste. Genevieve Limestone, the Devonian Geneva Dolomite, and the Silurian Moccasin Springs Formation at Johnsonville, Miletus, and Tilden Fields, respectively. At Johnsonville, the Ste. Genevieve contains northeast-southwest trending, elongated oolite shoals and microcrystalline dolomite layers which both form reservoirs. The Geneva at Miletus consists of a regional high-porosity interval with secondary porosity formed through dolomitization and dissolution, possibly enhanced on paleotopographic highs over Silurian reefs. At Tilden, the reservoir is a coral and stromatoporoid reef body in the Moccasin Springs. However, the models were designed to be representative of the different depositional environments and not of any particular field. Features in cratonic and non-cratonic basins differ in scale but exhibit similar reservoir characteristics, allowing comparisons between depositional environments in the Illinois Basin and other United States basins. Geologic and petrophysical data from these fields were used as constraints in the development of geocellular models, which were upscaled for flow simulations. Geologic structures such as domes were removed from the geocellular models because they influence fluid movement and limit lateral flow of CO2, significantly increasing E regardless of the depositional environment. Reservoir simulation of CO2 storage in the different depositional environments is ongoing. Preliminary simulation results predict that baseline E can be increased using operational injection and well completion techniques optimized for CO2 storage. Roland Okwen, Charles Monson, Yaghoob Lasemi, and Nathan Grigsby Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Geologic Models: Reefs and Shelf Carbonates CO2Z[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`,·[OLYH[PVVM[OLPUQLJ[LK]VS\TLVMÅ\PK[V[OLHJJLZZPISLWVYL]VS\TL· WYV]PKLZHTLHUZ[VX\HU[PM`Z[VYHNLYLZV\YJL;OPZZ[\K`\ZLZU\TLYPJHSTVKLSPUN[VX\HU[PM`,MVY eight depositional environments. .LVSVNPJTVKLSZ^LYLKLZPNULK[VYLWYLZLU[KPɈLYLU[KLWVZP[PVUHSLU]PYVUTLU[Z-PN\YLHUKUV[ ZWLJPÄJÄLSKZ4VKLSZ^LYLKL]LSVWLKIHZLKVUZLSLJ[LK0SSPUVPZ)HZPUMVYTH[PVUZI\[ÄLSKZWLJPÄJ results (such as uncharacteristically high porosity and permeability) were adjusted when necessary to make the models more broadly representative of each depositional environment. Prodedure A seven-step process (Figure 1) was used to identify and characterize depositional environments and JOHYHJ[LYPaL[OLPYZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ` The Formation Selection, Conceptual Geologic Model, and Geocellular Model stages were iterative and rigorous to validate that the resulting static reservoir model was representative of the depositional environment. Figure 1. Flow chart of the processes involved PULZ[PTH[PVUVMZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`MVYLHJO depositional environment. Depositional Environment Facies and depositional environments for the selected formations were interpreted from cores and geophysical logs. 4VKLSZMVY[^VKPɈLYLU[[`WLZVMKLWVZP[PVUHSLU]PYVUTLU[Z·YLLMHUKZOLSMJHYIVUH[LVVPK NYHPUZ[VULZHUKKVSVTP[L·HYLJVTWHYLKOLYLHZPSS\Z[YH[PVUZVMV\YTL[OVKVSVN` Shelf Carbonate-Dolomite (Miletus Field) General Geocellular Development :[VYHNL,ɉJPLUJ`*HSJ\SH[PVUZ 4PSL[\Z6PS-PLSKSPLZVUHUHU[PJSPUHSZ[Y\J[\YL^P[OHZ[LLWLHZ[ÅHURHUKSVJHSPaLKHYJ\H[LNLVTL[Y` ^OPJOTH`YLÅLJ[HU\UKLYS`PUNH[VSSSPRLYLLM-PN\YL Geologic models and digital well log and core data were used to develop geocellular models. :[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`PZJHSJ\SH[LK\ZPUN[OLMVSSV^PUNLX\H[PVU! The Geneva is a vuggy and sucrosic dolomite which is brecciated and has enhanced porosity and permeability due to postdepositional dolomitization and dissolution of fossils (example of correlative formation shown in Figure 5). The Geneva play is similar to the Ordovician Red River play in the Williston Basin and the Mississippian Madison Group of the Rocky Mountain and Northern Great Plains regions. Figure 4. Structure map on top of the Devonian Geneva Dolomite at Miletus Field. ;OL:PS\YPHU4VJJHZPU:WYPUNZ-VYTH[PVUH[;PSKLU-PLSK^HZ[OLIHZPZVM[OL9LLMTVKLS-PN\YL :OLSM*HYIVUH[LTVKLSZ^LYLIHZLKVU[^VVPSÄLSKZ![OL+L]VUPHU.LUL]H+VSVTP[LH[4PSL[\Z Field, which produces from a vuggy, sucrosic dolomite (Figures 4 and 5), and the Mississippian Ste. Genevieve Formation at Johnsonville Field, which produces from ooid grainstones and dolomites Structural maps and isopachs were used to delineate top and bottom of each reservoir. E= 4HYRLYILKZ^LYL\ZLK[VKLÄULHZ[YH[PNYHWOPJKH[\THUKYLTV]L[OLPUÅ\LUJLVMNLVSVNPJ Z[Y\J[\YLZZ\JOHZKVTLZPUVYKLY[VPZVSH[L[OLLɈLJ[VM[OLKLWVZP[PVUHSLU]PYVUTLU[VU, VCO 2 *VYLKH[H^LYL\ZLK[VJYLH[LWVYVZP[`[VWLYTLHIPSP[`[YHUZMVYTLX\H[PVUZMVYLHJOTVKLSL_HTWSL shown in Figure 8). In all cases the transform was selected using available data and geologists’ expectations based on reservoir characteristics found in similar reservoirs. The realization most representative of the depositional environment was upscaled and used in reservoir simulations (Figures 9, 10, and 11). :[VYHNL,ɉJPLUJ`5VYTHSPaH[PVU (YHUNLVMZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJPLZMVYLHJOKLWVZP[PVUHSLU]PYVUTLU[TVKLS^HZKL[LYTPULKMYVT CO2PUQLJ[PVUZPT\SH[PVUZH[Ä]LKPɈLYLU[]LY[PJHS^LSSSVJH[PVUZ\ZPUN[OYLLTL[OVKZVMLZ[PTH[PUN ;OLZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`VMMVYTH[PVUZPZKLWLUKLU[VUYLSH[P]LWLYTLHIPSP[`HUKLUKWVPU[ZH[\YH[PVUZ – As a result, the estimated E for each depositional environment was normalized using Sg , the average CO2ZH[\YH[PVU^P[OPU[OLWS\TL\ZPUN! pore volume. VP, type Where VCO2, and Vp, type represent storage volume of CO2 injected and available pore volume respectively. +H[HMYVTKPNP[HS^LSSSVNZ^LYL\ZLK[VJYLH[L]HYPVNYHTZHUKJVUKP[PVUZLX\LU[PHS.H\ZZPHU simulations, in order to create porosity distributions for each depositional environment. Results Three approaches (Figure 12 and Table 3) were adopted to estimate Vp, type!J`SPUKLYJ\IVPKHUKJ\IL ,PZL_WLJ[LK[VPUJYLHZLPUP[PHSS`HUKWSH[LH\V]LY[PTL;OLÄYZ[KLYP]H[P]LVM,K,K[PZHSZV expected to approach zero as E plateaus (Figure 13). Simulations were conducted using both stratigraphic and structural models (Figures 14, 16, and 18). 10.0 9.0 Statistics for the upscaled shelf carbonate and reef geocellular models are shown in Table 2. The size of some models was increased so that E could stabilize and be estimated. 1,000 Barrier/Shoal g La Reservoir Simulations oo Platform Margin n Storage Efficiency Calculations Ge Interpretation of Results -PN\YL;OL1LɈLYZVU]PSSL3PTLZ[VULMYVT :JV[[8\HYY`PU0UKPHUH:L`SLYL[HS ;OL1LɈLYZVU]PSSLPZLX\P]HSLU[[V[OL.LUL]H Dolomite. The fossil allochems (e.g. corals and IY`VaVHUZHYLHI\UKHU[HUKKP]LYZLPUKPJH[PUN deposition within a normal marine environment, I\[\USPRL[OL.LUL]H[OL1LɈLYZVU]PSSLOHZUV[ ILLUHS[LYLKI`KVSVTP[PaH[PVUHUKKPZZVS\[PVU Open Marine y nt l Sl op in a gR mp Coral Patch Reef De ep nc Vi n en es Ba sin 100 10 -PN\YL.LULYHSPaLKKLWVZP[PVUHSTVKLSVMHZOLSMJHYIVUH[L^P[OYLLMZTVKPÄLKMYVT3HZLTP 2009, and Lasemi et al., 2010). -LH[\YLZPUJYH[VUPJHUKUVUJYH[VUPJIHZPUZKPɈLYPUZJHSLI\[L_OPIP[ZPTPSHYYLZLY]VPYJOHYHJ[LYPZ[PJZ allowing comparisons between depositional environments in the Illinois Basin (the Basin) and other Reef (Tilden Field) Tilden Oil Field (Figure 3) is part of a pinnacle reef bank trend along the platform margin in southern United States basins (Table 1). Illinois and into Indiana, and is similar to productive Silurian pinnacle reefs in the Michigan Basin. Table 1: Examples of formations in US basins with similar depositional environments. Depositional Environment US Basin formations Deltaic Benoist (Illinois Basin) Frontier (Rocky Mountain basins) Shelf Clastic Shelf Carbonate Cypress (Illinois Basin) Tapeats (Colorado Plateau) Hamilton and Martinez (Sacramento Valley Basin) *YVZZZLJ[PVUZHJYVZZ[OLÄLSKPUKPJH[L[OH[[OLYLLMZ[Y\J[\YLZJOHUNLSH[LYHSS`[VKLLWLYTHYPULPU[LY reef facies. ;OLJSLHUJHYIVUH[LMHJPLZPUWYVK\J[P]LHYLHZVM[OLÄLSKPZTHPUS`JVTWVZLKVMJVYHSHUK stromatoporoid buildups. 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 Strandplain Reef Racine (Illinois Basin) Cisco-Canyon (Permian Basin) Structural 23–43 100 120 140 160 180 Shelf Clastic Sandstone 17–41 20–52 18–26 Shelf Carbonate Limestone Dolomite 9.5–26 7.5–19 10–28 9.0–19 5.3–7.7 0.0–20 Fluvial Deltaic Sandstone 36–52 36–51 Strandplain Sandstone 16–32 30–43 34–88* Reef Limestone 14–53 13–56 5.7 –7.1 Fluvial and Alluvial Sandstone 11–52 17–58 12–55 200 -PN\YL:[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`HZHM\UJ[PVUVM time for the reef depositional environment using the cube pore volume estimation method. For [OPZL_HTWSLZ[Y\J[\YLOHKUVLɈLJ[VU, 0.0–4.8 0.0–1.9 *Large structure, low dip angle, and thick reservoir 25 Table 5: Normalized CO2]VS\TL[YPJLɉJPLUJ`YHURPUNI`KLWVZP[PVUHSLU]PYVUTLU[. Reef Shelf Carbonate—Ooid Grainstones (Johnsonville Field) The majority of the Johnsonville Oil Field production is from the Mississippian Ste. Genevieve Formation. The primary Ste. Genevieve reservoir bodies are ooid grainstones (Figures 6 and 7) believed to be similar [V[OVZLJ\YYLU[S`MVYTPUNVU[OL)HOHTH)HURZ:[YH[PNYHWOPJ[YHWWPUNVMÅ\PKZPU[OLZLNYHPUZ[VULZPZ Dolomite (Shelf Carbonate) Parameter +LÄUP[PVU Applications VCO2 Reservoir pore volume contacted by CO2 Area and pore space 5.0 Vp, cube Pore volume of cube Area of review Pore volume of rectangular cuboid Area of review -PN\YL 7VYVZP[`KPZ[YPI\[PVUVM[OLZ[Y\J[\YHSSLM[HUKZ[YH[PNYHWOPJYPNO[YLLM geocellular models (foreground corner removed to reveal internal distribution). The models match the conceptual geologic model and capture the two dome Z[Y\J[\YLZPU[LYWYL[LKHZWPUUHJSLYLLMZHUKJVTWHY[TLU[HSPaLK]LY`WVYV\Z HUKWLYTLHISLaVULZVM]HY`PUNSH[LYHSHUK]LY[PJHSL_[LU[ less than 0.4 km (0.25 mi) wide, 3.2 km (2 mi) long, and 3.0 m (10 ft) thick, but often occur in subparallel swarms and may coalesce to form thicker or broader reservoir bodies (Figure 6). Dolomitization can occur at the base of the shoals and in the interbar mudstones (lower image). These dolomite reservoirs (Figure 7) have high porosity and permeability, but tend to be more localized than Dolomite (Shelf Carbonate) Vp, cylinder Pore volume of cylinder Pore space utilization over time 1 Reef Fluvial and Alluvial Shelf Carbonate – Area of review Edynamic – Pore space utilization over time 9 4 5 6 7 8 Conclusions Stratigraphic model Structural model -PN\YL,_[LU[VM[OL*62 plume in the stratigraphic (right) and Z[Y\J[\YHSSLM[VVPKNYHPUZ[VULTVKLSZH[KH`Z[VWHUKKH`Z IV[[VT:[VYHNLLɉJPLUJPLZYHUNLKMYVT MVY[OLZ[YH[PNYHWOPJ TVKLSHUKMVY[OLZ[Y\J[\YHS 10 3 3.0 0 Estatic 2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 -PN\YL:[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`HZHM\UJ[PVUVM time for dolomite shelf carbonate using the cube pore volume estimation method. For this L_HTWSLZ[Y\J[\YLOHK]LY`ZSPNO[LɈLJ[VU, :[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`,VYHUNLZMYVT[VMVYLPNO[KPɈLYLU[HUK\UPX\LKLWVZP[PVUHS environment models. -S\]PHS+LS[HPJOHZ[OLOPNOLZ[Z[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`HUK:OLSM*HYIVUH[LOHZ[OLSV^LZ[ 7YLZLUJLVMZ[Y\J[\YLOHKUVLɈLJ[VUZVTLTVKLSZHUKHSTVZ[KV\ISLK[OLZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`MVY one depositional model. 8 7 6 dE ʜ#t dt dE dt 5 E 4 ʘ dEdt dt 3 Ooid Grainstone (Shelf Carbonate) 2 References 6.0 E 1 Seyler, B., J. P. Grube, and Z. Lasemi. 2003. ;OL6YPNPUVM7YVSPÄJ9LZLY]VPYZPU[OL.LUL]H+VSVTP[L4PKKSL+L]VUPHU >LZ[*LU[YHS0SSPUVPZ)HZPU0SSPUVPZ7L[YVSL\T*OHTWHPNU!0SSPUVPZ:[H[L.LVSVNPJHS:\Y]L` 5.0 0 0 5 10 15 20 t Figure 13. Conceptual representation of changes in E as a function of time. -PN\YL5L[PZVWHJOTHWVMHUVVPKNYHPUZ[VULSH`LY (Fredonia Member, Mississippian Ste. Genevieve Formation) at Johnsonville Consolidated Field EV Ranking Deltaic Turbidite Shelf Clastic Strandplain 2.0 Time (year) Ste. Genevieve ooid shoals are generally oriented either northeast-southwest (tidal channels perpendicular to paleoshoreline) or northwest-southeast (barrier bars along shoreline). They are generally Fluvial Deltaic 4.0 1.0 caused by the interbar muds which encompass the clean oolite packstones at the heart of the thicker shoals. Depositional Environment 6.0 Vp, cuboid Time (years) Upper Mt. Simon (Illinois Basin) Fleming Group (Gulf of Mexico Basin) Pottsville, Parkwood, and Hartselle (Black Warrior Basin) 80 % Change LɈLJ[VMNLVSVNPJZ[Y\J[\YL Sandstone Porosity (%) The Ste. Genevieve marine ooid grainstones are similar to parts of the Cretaceous on the Gulf Coast and Jurassic in the U.S. Eastern and Central Gulf of Mexico. Ste. Genevieve (Illinois Basin) Naco and Martin (Colorado Plateau) Knox (Illinois and Michigan Basins) Arbuckle (Ozark Plateau) 60 Deltaic EV (%) 0.01 ;HISL!+LZJYPW[PVUVMWHYHTL[LYZPUZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`JHSJ\SH[PVU ooid grainstones. 40 3P[OVSVN` Time (year) 1 Pinnacle Reef :[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`JHSJ\SH[PVUZ^LYLIHZLKVUKPɈLYLU[PUQLJ[PVU^LSSWSHJLTLU[ZJLUHYPVZHUK[OYLL KPɈLYLU[WVYL]VS\TL[`WLZL_WYLZZLKHZYHUNLZVMLɉJPLUJ` 20 Depositional Environment Stratigraphic 23–41 Stratigraphic model Structural model 0 -PN\YL,_[LU[VM[OL*62 plume in the structural (left) and stratigraphic YPNO[YLLMTVKLSZH[`LHYZ[VWHUK`LHYZIV[[VT:[VYHNL LɉJPLUJPLZYHUNLKMYVTMVY[OLZ[YH[PNYHWOPJTVKLSHUK for the structural. SE Dolomitizing Fluid Direction 4.0 1.0 Storage Efficiency (%) ea 5.0 3.0 0.0 Storage Efficiency (%) ar Storage Efficiency (%) nd Permeability (mD) Restricted Marine 7.0 6.0 2.0 -PN\YL+PɈLYLU[TL[OVKZ\ZLK[V LZ[PTH[L[OLH]HPSHISLWVYLHYLH=WMVY JHSJ\SH[PUNZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`>HYTLY colors indicate higher CO2 saturation and blue indicates water. -PN\YL(WSV[VMWVYVZP[`_H_PZ]ZWLYTLHIPSP[``H_PZ KH[HMYVTJVYLHUHS`ZPZYLWVY[ZMYVT1VOUZVU]PSSL-PLSK ;OLLX\H[PVUKLÄUPUN[OLSPUL^HZ\ZLK[V[YHUZMVYT ZPT\SH[LKWVYVZP[`]HS\LZ[VWLYTLHIPSP[`=LY`OPNO WLYTLHIPSP[`]HS\LZ^LYLZ\ZWLJ[LK[VIL[OLYLZ\S[VM fractured plugs, so a line was imposed to create the KLZPYLKWLYTLHIPSP[`¶WVYVZP[`YLSH[PVUZOPW 10,000 Conceptual Geologic Model La ;HISL!;OL]VS\TL[YPJKPZWSHJLTLU[LɉJPLUJ`,V MVYLHJOKLWVZP[PVUHSLU]PYVUTLU[PZSPZ[LKILSV^ ranging from 7.5% at the lowest to 53% at the highest. 8.0 (Figures 6 and 7). NW The depositional environments have been ranked based on the estimated EV (Table 5). Fluvial deltaic depositional environment has the highest predicted EV while shelf carbonate has the least. Reef model size. Validate Geocellular or Static Models ¶ To estimate E, the values of E= in Table 4 are multiplied by the Sg of the formation. 4VKLSWYLKPJ[Z[OLZ[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`WYVÄSLZMVY[OLYLLMHUKZOLSMJHYIVUH[LMVYTH[PVUZ (Figures 15, 17, and 19). :[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`VMHZPT\SH[PVUZJLUHYPVPZKL[LYTPULK^OLU,Z[HIPSPaLZ ;OL[PTLPU[LY]HSK\YPUN^OPJO,Z[HIPSPaLZPZKPɈLYLU[MVYLHJOTVKLSIHZLKVU[OLWLYTLHIPSP[`HUK E Sg ;OLUVYTHSPaLKLɉJPLUJ`PZLX\P]HSLU[[V]VS\TL[YPJKPZWSHJLTLU[LɉJPLUJ`E=). (Figures 14, 16, and 18). Formation Selection Validate Ev = Models show CO2 plume distribution over time for the reef and shelf carbonate models Storage Efficiency (%) Introduction 4.0 3HZLTP@ H¸*HYIVUH[L:LX\LUJL:[YH[PNYHWO`HUK9LZLY]VPY+L]LSVWTLU[!;OL4PKKSL:PS\YPHU9HJPUL-VYTH[PVUPU the Sangamon Arch, West-Central Illinois.” AAPG Eastern Section Meeting Program and Abstracts!¶ 3.0 2.0 1.0 Stratigraphic model Structural model 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Lasemi, Y. 2009b. “Oil Potential seen in Silurian Reef-Related Reservoirs in Illinois Sangamon Arch.” Oil and Gas Journal 107 !¶ Time (year) Fluvial Deltaic Bridgeport (Illinois Basin) Domengine (Sacramento Valley Basin) Fleming Group (Gulf Coast Basin) Fluvial and Alluvial Lower Mt. Simon (Illinois Basin) Tuscaloosa (Gulf Coast Basin) Stockton and Passaic (Newark Basin) Turbidite Carper (Illinois Basin) Puente (Los Angeles Basin) -PN\YL7VYVZP[`KPZ[YPI\[PVUVM[OLZ[Y\J[\YHSSLM[HUKZ[YH[PNYHWOPJ (right) dolomite shelf carbonate geocellular models (foreground corner removed to reveal internal distribution). The model contains widespread TVKLYH[LWVYVZP[`NYLLU Ooid Grainstone (Shelf Carbonate) Figure 3. Structure contour map of two Silurian reef structures in Tilden Field, showing close to 30.5 m (100 ft) of closure. -PN\YL6VPKNYHPUZ[VULZ[VWPTHNLMVYT[OLWYPTHY`:[L .LUL]PL]LYLZLY]VPYIVKPLZ^P[OZLJVUKHY`WYVK\J[PVUMYVT dolomites (lower image). -PN\YL7VYVZP[`KPZ[YPI\[PVUVM[OLZ[Y\J[\YHSSLM[HUKZ[YH[PNYHWOPJ (right) ooid geocellular models (foreground corner removed to reveal PU[LYUHSKPZ[YPI\[PVU;OLTVKLSJVU[HPUZJVTWHY[TLU[HSPaLKOPNOS` porous and permeable reservoirs (representing elongated oolite shoals) within impermeable limestone and dolomite (blue). -PN\YL :[VYHNLLɉJPLUJ`HZHM\UJ[PVU of time for the limestone shelf carbonate depositional environment using the cube pore ]VS\TLLZ[PTH[PVUTL[OVK-VY[OPZL_HTWSL Z[Y\J[\YLOHKUVLɈLJ[VU, Properties of the Reef and Shelf Carbonate Geocellular Models ;HISL!:[H[PZ[PJZMVY[OLKPTLUZPVUZHUKWL[YVWO`ZPJHSWYVWLY[PLZMVYLHJO geocellular model. Model Shelf Carbonate (Dolomite) Shelf Carbonate (Limestone) Reef Gridcells in x-direction 215 65 36 Gridcells in y-direction 350 70 44 Gridcells in z-direction 23 23 57 ɣ_M[ɣ_$ɣ` 100 200 200 ɣaM[ 3 3 3 Area (ft2) 7.53 x 108 1.82 x 108 6.34 x 107 Total gridcells 1.73 x 106 1.05 x 105 9.03 x 104 Total volume (ft3) 5.19 x 1010 1.26 x 1010 1.08 x 1010 Number of active cells 1.21 x 106 3.82 x 104 4.54 x 104 Total active volume (ft3) 3.63 x 1010 4.58 x 109 5.45 x 109 Depth (min/max) (ft) 3,197/3,911 2,516/2,730 1,626/1,913 Porosity (min/max/mean) 0/0.27/0.14 0.05/0.25/0.12 0/0.20/0.03 0.02/5,772/211 0/1,041.62/2.35 Permeability (min/max/mean) (mD) 0.0/1,717/13.3 3HZLTP@ J¸(7YVTPULU[<UJVUMVYTHISL)V\UKHY`^P[OPU[OL<WWLY5PHNHYHU9HJPUL-VYTH[PVU!9LJVYKVMH4HQVY Middle Silurian Tectono-Eustatic Event in the Sangamon Arch, West-Central Illinois.” Abstract. GSA Abstracts with Programs ! Lasemi, Y., B. Seyler, Z. Lasemi, and Z. A. Khorasgani. 2010. :LKPTLU[VSVN`HUK9LZLY]VPY*OHYHJ[LYPaH[PVUVM[OL:PS\YPHU +LWVZP[ZPU[OL4[(\I\YU;YLUKVM[OL:HUNHTVU(YJO>LZ[*LU[YHS0SSPUVPZ*PYJ\SHY*OHTWHPNU!0SSPUVPZ:[H[L Geological Survey. Acknowledgements -PN\YL,_[LU[VM[OL*62 plume in the stratigraphic (left) and structural YPNO[VVPKNYHPUZ[VULTVKLSZH[KH`Z[VWHUKKH`ZIV[[VT :[VYHNLLɉJPLUJPLZYHUNLKMYVT MVY[OLZ[YH[PNYHWOPJTVKLSHUK MVY[OLZ[Y\J[\YHS Please visit ^^^JVZPURLɉJPLUJ`VYN for more information. ;OPZWYVQLJ[+,-, PZM\UKLKI`[OL<:+LWHY[TLU[VM,ULYN`[OYV\NO[OL5H[PVUHS,ULYN`;LJOUVSVN` 3HIVYH[VY`5,;3;OYV\NOH\UP]LYZP[`NYHU[WYVNYHT3HUKTHYR:VM[^HYL^HZ\ZLKMVY[OLYLZLY]VPYHUKNLVSVNPJ TVKLSPUN7OV[VTPJYVNYHWOZI`1HYLK-YLPI\YN0:.:
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