Crossroad NETWORK NEWS INSIDE FALL 2011 Instructor Appreciation Art Gallery Expands Why is Crossroad Successful? by H. David Schuringa When people asked me about the reasons for the success of CBI, I had always answered that God was richly blessing the incredible work of our volunteers, staff and board. Today, I know that this is only part of the truth. I’ve recently learned a more complete answer to the question. A pastor-friend of mine from Kalamazoo recommended the book Oneness Embraced by Dr. Tony Evans. I devoured it. The thesis of Evans’ book is that to accomplish the mission to which God has called the church, we need to follow God’s kingdom agenda. What is God’s kingdom agenda? According to Evans, the agenda contains two vital components needed to carry out the Great Commission to make disciples of the nations. Continued on page 2 Continued from page 1 First, the church needs to work together. That means we must tear down our silos and learn how to work across all denominational lines. This doesn’t imply that we should abandon our denominational distinctives. But we need to find ways to work together, because only together can the mission of the church be accomplished. No church can do it alone (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:21-22). Methodist, to name just a few—and you will find Crossroad Instructors there. Furthermore, Instructors span the ethnic spectrum, with Latinos, Asians, African Americans and Anglos of every stripe represented. In addition, indigenous Instructors are found on all six livable continents around the globe and include Africans, North and South Americans, Asians, Europeans and believers in the South Pacific. Second, along similar lines, the church must tear down all ethnic barriers, working toward complete racial reconciliation. Each nation, tribe and tongue has vital input and an important role to play in accomplishing the Great Commission. Until we destroy all barriers that hinder diversity, the church will never experience the divine, explosive power it needs to fulfill its mission (cf. Acts 2:5; Revelation 5:9-10). You see it? Unbeknownst to me, Crossroad’s success results from God blessing the fact that, empowered by His Spirit, CBI is serving according to His kingdom agenda! After all, how else could the church even begin to accomplish the mission of making disciples in the prisons and jails? Crossroad is succeeding due to God’s abundant grace and mercy in allowing us to play a role in fulfilling His kingdom agenda on earth. Instructors, we thank you for so faithfully taking part in expanding God’s kingdom. God is blessing your ministry immensely. And we’ve only just begun! And then I looked at Crossroad Bible Institute. Yes, our volunteers, staff and board are Spirit-filled, godly women and men with whom I am so blessed to be serving. But there’s much more going on here than that! First of all, the over 5,000 Crossroad volunteers involved in hands-on ministry represent every denomination imaginable. This month we honor CBI Instructors. Name a church—Baptist, Reformed, Lutheran, Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Mennonite, Presbyterian, Charismatic, Independent, Dr. Schuringa serves as the President of Crossroad Bible Institute Instructors, remind your students that CBI will help them with reentry! our y k s ea Pleas in the US h churc a special e is to tak for CBI th ng offeri giving. s T hank The Crossroad Reentry Program helps returning citizens locate housing, employment and a church home in the area of their release. Contact CBI to learn more. 2 Those Who Bring Good News by Stacy Ladenburger Crossroad Bible Institute Instructors represent an array of ages, nationalities, denominations and experiences. Yet they share a deep concern for God’s people in prison and, together, embrace CBI’s commitment to disciple these men and women and prepare them for reentry. This month, we acknowledge the diverse stories of those who serve with us. Stacy serves as an Associate Editor in The Center for Advanced Studies at CBI When Eileen, an Instructor in California, heard about CBI in 1999, her response was simple and straightforward. She thought, “I can do that! I like to write letters.” These many years later, she reflects, “I’ve learned how much paying attention to those who are very lonely means to them.” Dottie, a retired teacher and principal who instructs students in all three tiers, is quick to point out the similarities that connect her to her students: “Walking with Jesus is important to everyone. We are all dependent upon the grace of God in our lives.” She is grateful that she can serve from her home and could even continue while recovering from breast cancer several years ago. Native Spanish-speakers and those with a specific devotion to the US Hispanic population find a niche with Crossroad as well. One Instructor who requested anonymity developed his passion through decades of ministry in Bolivia with his wife. He comments, “We feel it a real privilege to serve the Lord in this way.” As they joyfully serve, Instructors also experience transformation. Vicky is an Australian Instructor and volunteer. She recalls a childhood fear of escaped prisoners like those in the books she read. “Yet now,” she explains, “I have great love in my heart for those in the darkness of the prisons. I have learned to love those I once feared.” A longtime Instructor in Texas, John, says of his students, “I have been blessed to correspond with some strong, deeply faithful Christians. They have strengthened my faith. I can only imagine the impact they are having upon those around them.” CBI Singapore Instructor Philomena summarizes the reflections that first prompted her involvement: “I felt that inmates should be given the chance to know God, as many people will not associate with these marginalized people. I asked, ‘Who then will reach out to them, if we don’t?’” CBI MÉxico North Instructor CBI Australia Instructor Vicky D. and her husband Tony, also a volunteer Sharon R., an Instructor and Instructor Coordinator in Florida Indeed, Paul ponders the same question in Romans 10:14: “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” With willing hearts, over 5,000 men and women around the globe have joined with CBI to reach out in response to this call. Instructors, as we thank you, we echo again the words of Romans 10: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” 3 CBI Nicaragua Instructors Fulfilling the Great Commission by Karen Loyd Instructors, this month we honor you for your faithful service! In this busy world of endless responsibilities, the Great Commission solicits our participation in a seemingly impossible task—that of reaching the nations with the Gospel. Yet our Father never asks us to do anything without equipping us to answer His call. As the Lord showers you with His grace and fills you with His power, you are more than able to disciple incarcerated people worldwide. When your students read your heartfelt letters, they see Christ in you! Though we greatly appreciate every Instructor, we specifically congratulate those celebrating five, ten, fifteen and twenty or more years of serving with CBI. 27 years Judy deVries Gert Rotman Maxine Verburg 26 years Doris Koetsier 25 years Delores DeKok 23 years Lois Duyser Hermina Nyhof Judy VanderArk 22 years John Workman 21 years Elaine Boone Ann Bouma 20 years Harry Stone Edwin VanEk Terry VerHage 15 years La Vonne Apol Norene Aukeman Clare Baar Roger Bosch Harvard Brouwer Merrie Brouwer Ethel Brunger Albert Bytwork Bonnie DeJong Ellie DeVries Tom Diephouse Gertrude Driesenga Morrie Driesenga Jeanette Dyk Dave Evertsberg Carol Honderd Ralph Honderd Fran Huisman Fred Hulst Minnie Ipema Ken Klaasen Ellen Klompien Donald Koning Tracy Lobbezoo Michael Meyers Roger Otten Dorothy Rhone Shirley Snoeyink Harold Soper Bob Theule Marcia Theule George Visser Bill Weber 10 years Lois Aalderks Chris Adams Judith Andersen Sharon P. Anderson Jill Atchison Fritz Awig David Bailey Henry Baron Ruth Baron Jane Batterink, Canada Mary Beard Alma Beltman Jeanette Bergakker Jan Berkenpas Esther Betten Gloria Beukelman Bonnie Bizzanelli Frances Blom Alyce Jane Boender Kay Bolman Wanda Bos Deb Bosch Glenda Bossenbroek Gertrude Brink Joyce Brink Thelma Brink Beverly Brouwers Virginia Brown Jane Buiten Vern Byers Dottie Calhoun Bob Carigon Stanley Cole I love Crossroad; it is perfect for me. I am able to do it from home on my day off, and I write a personal letter to each student, and I pray for them. I look forward to it each week, and I listen to the radio broadcast while I am working on it. Hubert D., FL I am so happy to be part of this institute! This way, I can help people in prison by teaching the Word of God. Lorena C., NJ 4 Karen Loyd serves as Instructor Coordinator at Crossroad Bible Institute Richard Cooper Shirley Cooper Billy H. Cossey Cathy Cotter Michael Courson June Crake Connie Crama Jackie Cruzan Barbara Cusumano Tom Davis Karen Day Elizabeth DeJager Carol DeJong Ellen DeJong Harold DeJong, Canada Pearl DeJong Ted DeJong Helen DenBoer Lori DeRitter Elizabeth DeTroye John DeTroye Nell DeVree Ronald DeVree Henry DeVries Hildy DeVries Norma Dole Christina Donato Helen Dorn Jim Dornbush Flora Ducharme, Canada Domenic Durante Cherie Dykstra Evelyn Dykstra Kathy Dykstra Donna Dykxhoorn Karen Eck Dona Emmert Don Faass Anne Faber Bette Faber Glenn Faber Larry Faber Terri Fetters Dave Fields Kim Fields Lois Fisher Emma Jane Frazier Joyce Frens Eliza Fung Marvin Genzink H. Alfred George Doris Gill Virginia Gilley Ron Gingerich Wilbert G. Glauser Johanna Goslinga Lewis Grant Marjorie Gray Vera Grimmius Virginia Grissen Vernette Guthmiller Holly Haan Barb Hamlin Maria Hansen Judy Harlan Josephine Hauck Orville Hauck Arlene Haverdink Joseph Heinz Hugh Henderson Norma Herder Watheda Hicks Jane Hietbrink Leslie Hilbelink Patricia B. Hill Esther Hillers Jeneva Hoeks Ed Hoeksema Gerald Hoeltge Junella Hoksbergen Beverly Holland Jan Hollander Debra Holmen Calvin Hoogstra Dee Ann Hordyk Marguerite Hubers Bonnie Huenink Dennis Huenink John Huizer Ruth Hulst John Hurley Johanna IntVeld Nelvin Jager Audrey Jansen George Jasperse Nancy Jasperse Eva Johnson Robert F. Jones Marjorie Kalmink Marcella Kamper Ivamarie Kelley Ronald Kelley Catharine Key Laura M. King Judy Knapp Jean Kok Marie M. Kok Lori Kolean Marge Kool Karen Koopmans Sherwin Koopmans Janice Koops Joyce Koops Lynn Koops Mark Kranich Alvina Krikke LuAnn Kruis Mae Kruis Margaret LaDow Marlene Plooster Robert Poel Bob Pohler Halo Polerecky Winifred Pommer Junior Poppema Bea Porter Marian Postema Judy Postma Will Powers Isaac Price Carter Protzmann Jean Pulscher Donna Rasmussen Lorna Reinders It is such a blessing to be an Instructor. I can see so much growth in the lives of my students. God’s Word will not go void! I know that I gain so much spiritually, and I see my students growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ! Wilma V., IL Marie Lambuth William W. Lambuth Joan Landis Henry Lanning Twila Lanning Charlene Ledeboer Jo Ann Lee Marilyn Lefers Jan Leix Eleanor Lieuwen Bill Lohstroh Donna Lomax Lucille Long Kim Lopez Louise Lousma Merna Lowey Harv Lutke Ruth Lutke Lavonne Maas Renee Magee Cheryl Magill Patrick Maloney Donald Matthews, Canada Caryl McCormick Ruth Michielsen Barb Mikuszewski Frederick Miller Nancy L. Miller Walter Miller Carolyn Mills Linda Morris Ernest Moss Duane Moyer Helen Mulder Shirley Nagelkirk Dan Neumann Doug Newcomb Eileen Newcomb Marjory Noffke Leona Noteboom Phyllis Noteboom Martha Nydam Jan Oeverman Joan Olsen Dennis Palombo Richard Parisi Kathleen Pasma Sharon Patterson Shirley PearsonHendrickson Debra Richie Irene Ritsema Pamela Robinson, Canada Jim Rosenberger Charlotte Rosenburg Terry Rudy Arnold Rumph Leah M. Rupp Dolores Rylaarsdam Cherie Saurwein Carol Schaap Leona Schaeffer Linda Schaeffer Wayne Scheeringa Everine Schipper Dale Schmidt Jan Schoen Geraldine Schultz Mary Schultze Sheryl Schwitters Joanne E. Sharon Verna Sheaffer Helen Sheets Steve Shelley Jeanne Sheppard David Shold Martha Shold Ralph P. Sikkema Ann Sims Arthur Sjoerdsma Hennie Sjoerdsma Jeneva Slenk Lawrence Smith Bev Smothers Brian Stack Gail Steenwyk Joe Stravers Lucille Stravers Beverly Sullivan Mary Jane Sullivan Henrietta Sybesma Anne Tameling Frederika Tameling Ileen Tanis Fran Tatina Darlene Teerink Darrell Teerink Vivian TenBrink Alida Terpstra Barbara Thewes Bob Thewes Stephanie Thomas Joyce L. Thompson Susan Tiffany Hubert Timmer Jeanette Timmer Tena Timmer Dan Timmerman Marilyn Tinklenberg Suzanne Towers Jim Tuininga, Canada Charlotte Uilenberg Dolores VandeMinkelis Orville VandenBos Fred VanDenBosch Dorothy VandenBrink Ethel VandenHoek Linda VanDenHoek Margaret VandenHoek Marjorie VanderPloeg Patsy VanderSchaaf Chris VanderSloot Dorothy VanderTuin Dirk VanderWall June VanderWall Elizabeth VanderWeele Elizabeth VanderWeerdt Joan Vanderwey Ken VanderZwaag Don VanDyke Cal VanEe Renae VanEss Dale VanHaitsma Mary VanHarn Dick VanLoo Louise VanLoo Joan VanMaanen Trudy VanManen Cornelius VanTol Janet VanVliet Nancy VanWyk Anna VanZee Tena VanZee Helen Veldhorst Cheryl Veldman Tom Veldman Mary Vellema Debra VerMeer Catherine VerVelde Mae Veurink Shirley Vink Arloa Visser Eunice Voortman Annette Vos Elva June Vos Erma Vos Marion Vos Bobbi Weber Elaine Weber James Weber Thomas Weeda Martha Weg Harold Westra Mary Dana White Bill Wilder Carol Wilder Mardi Wilkinson Barry Wisniewski Carolyn Wolbrink Robert Wolfswinkel Judy Worobel Robert Yanega Donna Zeeb Andrew Zylstra 5 5 years Justina Ahrens Charles Aldridge James Ashmore Judy Ashmore John Asma Linda Baartse, Canada Peggy Baas Sharon Bakker Bette Balgeman JoAnn Barnett Brenda Batts Craig Bennett Kristin Berenschot Yvonne Bernard Geessien Betlehem, Australia Hank Betlehem, Australia Joan Blaak, Canada Bonnie Blauwkamp Jan Boelkens Pieter Braam, New Zealand Philip Briggs, Australia Bruce Brouwer Angela Bukoski Joy Fulheart Christopher Gairns, Canada Janet Garcia Connie Geurkink Art Gibson Barb Goslinga Julie Goslinga Edie Gritter James Gritter Roger Gritters Jeanette Groner Joanne Haan Rose Haarsma Karen Habben Norma Hanenburg Leila Hanson Grace Harper Karen Hase Jim Heeres Peter Heeringa, New Zealand Harry Heersema Curtiss Helgren Elizabeth Helgren Peg Helland Sarah Henderson Glen Hendricks How privileged we are to be instruments in the Lord’s hands in helping inmates to know the Savior. Leo S., Australia LuVerne Bultje Sharon Bultje Nancy Burriss Norma Burton Mary Jane Byker Martha Caceres Mary Carey Kim Carlson Judy Carpenter Eileen Castro John Christopher Paula Cisco Joyce Cole Gerene Compagner Kathy Connor Vicki Copeland Susane Cowans Rosemary Cramer Ruth Dannenberg Amy DeGroot-Bowling Sita DeHaan, Australia Craig DeHoog Jeanne DeJong Wilbur DeJong Els DeKeizer, Australia Jo Dent Edith Derbyshire Henry DeRooy Wietske DeVries, New Zealand Juan Manuel Diaz Rika Diephouse Ann Dirkse, Canada Ron Dirkse, Canada Carol Disher Shirley Dorr, Canada Vern Dorr, Canada Jane Dotson Hubert Drake Joan Droogsma Jan Ellens Barbara Essenburg Michael Frederiksen Anna Hidding, Australia Robert Hines Helen Hofman Audrey Hoftyzer Bill Holbrook John Holtslag, New Zealand Sharon Holwerda Emmy Honig, Canada Janet Hooper Karen Hooper Elfriede Horn Sally Hornick Sally Hosley Jackie Hubbard Margaret Hudelson Twila Huisken Gina Jansen Beverly Johnson Greg Jolley Jamey Kagey Martin Kaldeway, Canada Nate Kamphuis Roland Kamps Dawn Kanis Kris Kiel Edna Kloosterman, Canada Thelma Knol Jeffrey Kohan Margaret Kooiman Shirley Kort, Canada Joe Kortleve, Canada Joan Kortman James Kragt Ruth Ann Kragt Anneke Kramer, Canada Sharon Krile Ron Kunnen Olga LaFaurie Paul LaMaire Mildred Lankheet Derek Lauer Dede Lawson Continued on page 6 Continued fRom page 5 Carole Miller John Milligan Pauline Mol, Australia Harry Molling Leta Monsma Donna Moran Ellen Mustoe Jeff Lee Randy Lydens Ron Lynema Eric Mack Sharon Mack Kenneth Maik Virginia Malloy No doubt it’s the Holy Spirit who compels me to serve. And is there anything more purposeful in life than to share the good news about Jesus Christ? Bonnie V., IA I know CBI is ordained by God, and what God ordains, God maintains. He will most certainly continue to provide Instructors to serve our brothers and sisters behind prison bars. He is our sovereign and awesome God. Sharon R., FL Elizabeth Marsh Susan Martin Aileen May, Australia Florence McGilvray Marcia Meems Sandy Meixell Harry Mennega, Canada DeeAnne Meyers Angela Miller Wanda Myers Penny Nelson Sherry Neubert Betty Nienoord Sylvia Nieuwsma Laverne Nyenhuis Bill Nywening, Canada Eugene Oetting Harriet Oetting Robert Olson Carroll Oskvig Martha Oskvig Ken Packer, Australia Phil Parker, New Zealand Margaret Pearce Kristine Pederstuen Barbara Peterson Marguerite Petroelje Antonie Posthuma, New Zealand Cheryl Price Lisa Ragsdale Brenda Rash Michael Rash Judi Reeder Wayne Reeve Donna Reid Scott Remy Diana Rinzema Mary Beth Ritsema Ed Ritzema Eunice Roan, Australia George Robinson Earl Rotman Pam Rottschafer Esmelda Ruiz Dana Ruland Wendy Lee Rupke, Canada Burton Schoepf Phineke Schoutko Salome Serratos Martin Sharda Martha Sheets CHRISTMAS SEND-A-CARD PROGRAM Becky Shelley Bill Simon Sue Smith Lois Snieder Pat Speth Ralph Speth Olivia Stachorek Cynthia Stember Jean Stewart, Australia James Stryd Ross Stuntz Maryann Sullivan Michael Swanson Gordon Sweers Ineke Sytsma, Canada Jenny Sytsma Luke Tempelman Kim Thibault Renee Tjapkes Anton Marinus Tromop, New Zealand Ron Tuit Rosemary Tymes Wanda Ulmer Vondalee VanBeek Henry VandenBurg Jon VanderBee Peter VanderHeide, Australia Donald VanderMeulen Theo Vanderputte, Canada Jack VanderRos, Australia Elizabeth VanderSchilden Bernice VanderStoep Luverne VanDerWerff Clarence VanDyken Dorothy VanGorp Katherine VanMersbergen Bethany VanRaalte Jim VanRensburg, New Zealand Paul VanRoekel Sharon VanZwaluwenburg James Vedders Brent Veldkamp Jack Verduyn, Canada Lorraine Veurink Carol Vis Pearl Vos Stan Vos Joan Vugteveen Stanley Vugteveen Walter Warhurst Eugene Weatherwax Joyce Weatherwax Lori Weavers Geoffrey Webber, Australia Margaret Webber, Australia Carolyn Weda Edward Wenerski Al Wezeman Benjamin Wherley Joyce Wilcox David Wilson Ed Winters Elizabeth Woolley Gale Woolley Alan Woudstra Bill Young David Zandstra Barb Zillmann Instructions • Select an English or Spanish Christmas card. • Write a greeting if you wish. CBI will personalize the card with a student’s name. • Sign only your first name or “A brother/sister in Christ.” • Place the card in its blank envelope, but do not seal. The Christmas season can be one of the most difficult times of the year for those in prison. For these men and women, alone and far from home, it often provokes depression rather than joy. By sending every CBI student a card, Crossroad's Send-A-Card Program offers them the hope of Christ at Christmas. 6 • Mail all cards and envelopes to CBI between now and November 7. Mailing guidelines • Each card must fit into a 6 x 9 envelope. • Do not include cards or envelopes with foil, stickers, glitter, glue, pop-up parts or paint, and do not send homemade layered cards. • Do not put postage stamps on the envelopes. • Do not send unsigned cards. Cards that do not comply with these guidelines cannot be used because most facilities will not accept them. NEWS In the Campaign for Justice Names Executive Director LANSING—Peter Cunningham has been named the new executive director of the Michigan Campaign for Justice, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the state’s failing public defense system. Cunningham worked previously for the Michigan House of Representatives and brings to the Campaign his wealth of legislative experience as well fresh enthusiasm and strong leadership. Currently, the Campaign is educating and informing the conversation of the governor-appointed commission charged with developing recommendations for a revised public defense system. Crossroad Bible Institute is a member of the Campaign for Justice Coalition, and Dr. Schuringa serves on the organization’s board of directors. Crossroad Inmate Art Gallery Expands GRAND RAPIDS—CBI is pleased to announce the expansion of the Crossroad Inmate Art Gallery, located at its headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The two-year-old gallery has been doubled in size and now holds over seventy pieces of artwork, all of them created by CBI students. Prints of five of the pieces are available for purchase at the gallery or through CBI’s online store. Crossroad hosts tours for church, school and community groups, providing a coffee bar, an inmate art presentation, a tour of the lesson processing center and viewing of the expanded gallery. Contact CBI to schedule a visit for your group or to learn more! Restorative Justice Toolkit Now Available GRAND RAPIDS—As Restorative Justice Week approaches, Crossroad has once again made its free Restorative Justice Toolkit available. Restorative Justice Week, which takes place November 13-19 this year, educates and spurs action worldwide in regard to this important issue. CBI’s toolkit includes worship resources, a book study, helpful links and a list of ministry representatives available for speaking or preaching in churches. The toolkit aims to equip churches, small groups and individuals to recognize Restorative Justice Week through reflection on the biblical call to justice. Visit the CBI website to access the free materials. 7 Michigan Campaign for Justice Fighting for a fair and effective public defense system Memorial Gifts IN HONOR OF DAN & MATILDA ALONS Celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. James Benedum Wedding Gift Opal Huettner BERT & DENA JOLING 72nd Wedding Anniversary Aldie & Bev Altena HANK & TWILA LANNING 50th Wedding Anniversary Bill & Shirley Vanderby Jack & Rita VanderMolen MERLE & JOYCE MEYERINK Celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary WILL & FLORENCE MORET 50th Wedding Anniversary Jim & Thelma VanOtterloo IVAN & RUTH MULDER 50th Wedding Anniversary Kenneth & Dorothy Monsma HENRY & MARGARET SCHOLTEN 70th Wedding Anniversary Allen & Ardith Rubingh JOHN & ARDEAN VANDER WALL Wedding Gift Jeanette Schultze ADRIAN & RACHEL VAN SOMEREN 50th Wedding Anniversary Jerry & Bonnie VanSomeren JAMES & MARTHA ZYLSTRA CBI Volunteers David & Mary Lamberts INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 900 Grand Rapids, MI 49509-0900 ph 616-530-1300 fx 616-530-1351 CBI – AUSTRALIA P.O. Box 6600 Blacktown, NSW 2148, Australia CBI – CANADA P.O. Box 5037 Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Y8 Canada CBI – COLOMBIA Apartado Postal 361533 Bogotá, DC, Colombia (as of September 16, 2011) IN MEMORY OF JOHN A. BANDSTRA Ivan & Ruth Mulder DONALD BAUMBLATT Carol Stika SIDNEY BUSH Len & Margaret VanGrouw ALBERT DEKKER Anonymous Gift Les & Evie Beimers Berwin & Dorothy Bergman Lyle & Ruth Boerman Les & Jan Bundrick Cal & Joann Bushhouse Carl & Emma Butenas Tom & Vanna Buursma Paul Damon & Associates John & Sara Darrow Gerry & Phyllis DeJong Don & Andrea Dekker Harry & Judy Dekker Lee DeVries John & Janet Fischer Dennis & Jana Gale Glen & Nancy Gelderloos Jake & Carol Glas Ron Hoekstra Bart & Fran Huisman Bernie & Joanne Huizenga Jack & Marlene Huls Allyn & Betty Kroll Chuck & Barb Kuiper Dave & Jan Luyk Paul & Gretchen Mellema Char Metzger Arthur & Geraldine Post Greg & Jan Powell Alice Texer Ken & Carole VanDenBosch Jim & Helen VanLaar Don & Wilma VanLoo Gerald & Lois Veldkamp Bud & Audrey Veltema Jack & Jean Venhuizen Shirley Verbeek Jack & Marlene Vos Alicia Westrate Gordon & Dona Zwart ARTHUR GROENHOF Marvin & Dorothy Dykstra Bruce & Susan Harkema Ken & Jane Knoll Terry & Irma Mokma Joel & Deborah VandenHeuvel Neil & Mary VanRegenmorter DAN GRONSMAN Ruth Gronsman ANNE HENDRICKS Richard & Connie Bos SHANNON JANSEN Anonymous Gifts Henrietta Beyer Arlene Bogaards Mr. & Mrs. Brant Bruxvoort Robert & Janice Buyert Martena DeGroot Marvin & Mary DeZwarte Barbara Jansen Jerry & Donna Janssen Theresa Mann Marion County Bank Mark Aldrich Company, Inc. CBI – ECUADOR Casilla Postal 17-01-3762 Quito, Ecuador CBI – GHANA P.O. Box 219 Aburi-Akuapem, Ghana CBI – KENYA P.O. Box 113 Kijabe, 00220, Kenya CBI – MÉXICO NORTH C. Oasis Esperanza s/n Col. Ampliación Loma Blanca C.P. 32599 Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua, México CBI – NEW ZEALAND P.O. Box 11005 Hastings 4158, New Zealand NAPA Auto Parts—Genuine Parts Company Gladys Nieuwsma Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Roozeboom Steven & Beverly Roozeboom Loren & Marge Steenhoek Stacy Sytsma Larry & Lil Terpstra Gerald & Mary VanDeKieft Margaret VanDeKieft Gerald & Ruth VanderLinden Daniel & Janice VanderVoort Robert & Lois VanHouwelingen Bradley & Cheryl Veenstra Marvis Vos Paul Vos Marilyn Wallace VERN SCHULTZE Jeanette Schultze ARVID SLAGTER Lowell & Sandra Slagter JOEL JANSMA Garret & Marcia Jansma MARJORIE VAN MERSBERGEN Ken & Ruth Groenenboom JCM Farm, Inc. John & Mary Roose Randy & Carol Rozenboom Ken & Joyce Slagter Marion & Marilyn VanderLinden Katherine VanMersbergen Wayne & Marilyn VanMersbergen Robert & Marilyn VanSoelen Marjorie Wolters AL KONING Roger DeHaan BOB VAN RYSWYK Kenneth & Dorothy Monsma DELROY LEDEBOER Margo Dinneen FRANCES VAN ZEE Ron & Ivamarie Kelley BURRELL PENNINGS Ida Huisman ADRIANNA ROOSE Larry & Diane Barton Mr. & Mrs. William Monsma Arvin Roose EVADENA ROOSE Kathleen DeHaan SPECIAL GIFTS CBI gratefully acknowledges a generous gift from: the Estate of BERNARD VANDER ZIEL HILDA SANTJER Ida Huisman CBI – NICARAGUA Apartado 3 Estelí, Nicaragua CBI – NIGERIA 21 Odu Street, P.O. Box 8618 Port-Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria CBI – SINGAPORE Woodlands Post Office P.O. Box 250 Singapore 917312 CBI – UNITED KINGDOM P.O. Box 53158 London, E18 9AU, England CBI – ZAMBIA P.O. Box 35538 Lusaka, 10101, Zambia Crossroad bible institute Senior Editor Associate Editor Graphic Design Project Coordinators H. David Schuringa Stacy Ladenburger Kristi Terpstra Eunice Schippers and Jan Vander Veen Copyright © 2011 CBI Publishing Center CNN is a quarterly publication All Rights Reserved
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