Page 1 of 2 + Attachments (Attachments: CBI Section 00 45 00, Specifications Table of Contents, Specifications Section 10 14 00) ADDENDUM No. 1 TO: Prospective Bidders FROM: Kate Reid, Engineering Contracts Specialist DATE: October 15, 2014 PROJECT: Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department Westover Division Station Project Number: 512-13-047 Bid Number: BM2014-222 The following items are being issued herein for modification and clarification to the Bid Requirements for the project referenced above. All Bidders shall acknowledge this Addendum within their submittal. MODIFICATIONS TO PROJECT MANUAL DIVISION 100 1) Modify Section 00 10 00 “INVITATION TO BID” On Page 00 10 00 – 2, make the following change: Delete “A Contract Goal of TBD has been established for this project. Section 45 outlining CBI program and goals will be issued by Addendum.” Replace with “The following Subcontracting Goals have been established for this project: SBE Goal: 15% and MBE Goal: 5%. TM 2) Modify Section 00 20 00 “INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (AIA A701 -1997)” On Page 4 ARTICLE 4: “BIDDING PROCEDURES”, make the following change: §4.18 Bids shall include all applicable sales and use taxes. See Section 00 70 00 “GENERAL CONDITIONS (AIA TM A201 -2007)” §3.6.1 SALES/USE TAX to determine Non-Eligible and Eligible Taxes. 3) Delete Page 00 45 00 – 1. Add Section 00 45 00 “CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) PROVISIONS AND FORMS” pages 00 45 00-1 through 00 45 00-20. MODIFICATIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS 1) Delete Section 00 01 10 “TABLE OF CONTENTS” pages 00 01 10-1 through 00 01 10-3 dated 09.15.2014. Replace with Section 00 01 10 “TABLE OF CONTENTS” pages 00 01 10-1 through 00 01 10-3 dated 10.15.2014. 2) Add Section 10 14 00 “SIGNAGE” pages 00 14 00-1 through 00 14 00-6 dated 10.15.2014. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The following question(s) and answer(s) are presented solely for information purposes and do not change any elements or aspects of the bid documents for this project. City of Charlotte | 600 East Fourth Street | Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 | Phone: 704.336.2291 | Fax: 704.632.8301 Page 2 of 2 + Attachments (Attachments: CBI Section 00 45 00, Specifications Table of Contents, Specifications Section 10 14 00) # REFERENCE 1 E&PM Website Answer: QUESTIONS / ANSWERS Q: We received two lists of MBE and SBE firms with Bid Documents. Can we ask other MBE firms not shown on the list as long as they are HUB certified with the city? The MBE Goal established for this project can be met by utilizing any City of Charlotte registered MBEs that have been certified as a Historically Underutilized Business by the State of North Carolina who have an ethnic designation of African American, Hispanic, or Native American. A complete list of City of Charlotte certified Small Business Enterprises (SBEs ) and City of Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) is available on the City’s website at (also linked from the Engineering & Property Management project website NOTES Submit any questions, requests for interpretation, or requests for clarifications by e-mail immediately upon receipt of this Addendum to Kate Reid and Edward Mobley END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 City of Charlotte | 600 East Fourth Street | Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 | Phone: 704.336.2291 | Fax: 704.632.8301 00 45 00 – CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) PROGRAM CBI Policy adopted April 8, 2013 The City of Charlotte has a long history of creating and implementing strategies to support and encourage local growth. In 2013, Charlotte City Council adopted the Charlotte Business INClusion (CBI) Policy to promote diversity, inclusion, and local business opportunities in the City’s contracting and procurement process for Minority, Women, and Small Business Enterprises (MWSBEs) headquartered in the Charlotte Combined Statistical Area. A complete list of City of Charlotte certified Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) and City of Charlotte registered Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBEs) is available on the City’s website at The following subcontracting goals have been established for this project: SBE Goal1: 15.00% MBE Goal2: 5.00% * The Charlotte CSA consists of the following 13 counties: In NC: Anson, Cabarrus, Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly, and Union In SC: Chester, Lancaster, and York 1 The SBE Goal established for this project can only be met with City of Charlotte Certified SBEs. 2 The MBE Goal established for this project can only be met with City of Charlotte registered MBEs that have been certified as a Historically Underutilized Business by the State of North Carolina who have an ethnic designation of: • African American • Hispanic • Native American CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 1 1. APPLICATION: The City’s Charlotte Business INClusion (CBI) Policy is incorporated into and made a part of this solicitation and the resulting contract (the “Contract”). Copies of the CBI Policy may be obtained by: Internet: Mail: Charlotte Business INClusion Office 600 East Trade Street, Suite 300 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Capitalized terms used in this document shall have the meanings set forth in Part A, Appendix 1 of the CBI Policy. Each reference to “you” or “your” in these provisions refers to any entity that submits a bid, proposal or statement of qualifications on a City contract, and any entity that enters into a contract with the City. For this solicitation, the CBI Policy requires that you either (a) meet the SBE Utilization Goal, as listed in Section 2 below; or (b) comply with the Good Faith Efforts and Good Faith Negotiation requirements referenced in Section 3 below. Failure to comply with the CBI Policy in the bid phase constitutes grounds for rejection of your bid. Failure to comply after contract award may result in assessment of damages and/ or termination of your contract. 2. THE SBE AND MBE UTILIZATION GOAL: You must submit your proposed SBE and MBE utilization for this Contract on CBI Form 3 (Subcontractor/Supplier Utilization Commitment Form) listing subcontractors and suppliers that will be providing goods or services. CBI Form 3 MUST be submitted with your bid. Failure to submit CBI Form 3 with your bid shall constitute grounds for rejecting a bid. There is an established 15.00% SBE Subcontracting Goal and 5.00% MBE Subcontracting Goal. In measuring SBE and MBE Goal attainment, a firm that is certified as both an SBE by the City and also registered with the City as an MBE shall be counted in both the SBE category and the MBE category. For example, work committed to an SBE that is also an MBE shall count toward both the SBE and MBE Project Goals. The MBE Goal established for this project can only be met with City of Charlotte registered MBEs that have been certified as a Historically Underutilized Business by the State of North Carolina who have an ethnic designation of: • African American • Hispanic • Native American Bidders must state the projected dollar amount for each SBE and MBE listed on their CBI Form 3 and indicate the total dollar value of SBE and MBE participation for the contract. In the event the bidder has no SBE participation or no MBE participation, the Bidder is still required to indicate this on CBI Form 3 by entering the word or number zero. Blank forms will be deemed to represent zero participation. The City will only give Bidders credit toward the SBE Goal and MBE Goal for SBE and MBE participation that : a. b. c. d. Is listed on CBI Form 3 submitted with the Bid; and Is listed on CBI Form 3A (when applicable); and is documented by CBI Form 4 (Letter of Intent) which is submitted to the City within three (3) Business Days after the City requests it; and Meets all the requirements of Part B Section 3 of the CBI Policy. SBEs and MBEs listed on CBI Form 3 must be actively certified/registered with the City of Charlotte as of bid date and must be performing a Commercially Useful Function as defined in Part A of the CBI Policy. Bids submitted which do not have the above required SBE and MBE information indicated on CBI Form 3 constitutes grounds for the Bid to be considered non-responsive and rejected. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 2 The SBE goal and MBE goal will represent the total dollars to be spent with SBEs and MBEs as a portion of the total bid amount, which includes contingency. The SBE and MBE percentage will be rounded to two decimal places. As an example, if the SBE and/or MBE percentage is 3.571, it should be listed as 3.57% or if it is 3.578, it will be 3.58. The percentage will not be rounded to the next “whole” number, i.e., 4%. A Bidder may round up if the third number after the decimal is a five (5) or greater. In the event Alternates are selected by the City, the SBE Goal and MBE Goal for this Contract will apply to the total contract amount including contingency and the selected Alternates (“Total Contract Amount”). If a low bidder would meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal on the base bid amount, but would not meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal for the Alternates selected by the City, the Bidder will have three (3) days after the City notifies it of its low bid status to secure enough additional participation to meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal calculated on the Total Contract Amount. The low bidder will be required to utilize Form 3A to meet this requirement. This in no way exempts the Bidder from the CBI requirements due at bid time. If the Bidder fails to meet the SBE Goal and/or the MBE Goal, calculated on the Total Contract Amount, then the Bidder must meet the Good Faith Efforts and Good Faith Negotiation requirements set forth in Part B Sections 4 and 5 of the CBI Policy. GFE Points will be calculated, independently, for each Subcontracting Goal that is not met. For instance, if the Bidder fails to meet both the SBE Goal and the MBE Goal that was set with respect to African American, Native American and Hispanic firms, the Bidder will have to earn the minimum GFE points for SBEs, and also the minimum GFE points for MBEs. If the Bidder fails to meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal on the Total Contract Amount, and fails to earn the required Good Faith Effort points, the Bid will be rejected. The City will request CBI Form 4 Letters of Intent if you are a finalist for contract award. You must submit a separate CBI Form 4 for each SBE and MBE subcontractor/supplier identified on CBI Form 3 (and CBI Form 3A, if applicable) within three (3) Business Days after the City requests it. 3. GOOD FAITH EFFORTS and GOOD FAITH NEGOTIATION: BOTH THE SBE AND MBE GOALS MUST BE MET. IF YOU DO NOT MEET THE SBE AND MBE UTILIZATION GOALS, then you must meet the Good Faith Efforts and Good Faith Negotiation requirements set forth in Part B Sections 4 and 5 of the CBI Policy. These are summarized below. Detailed information of the City’s Good Faith Efforts and Good Faith Negotiation requirements can be found in the CBI Policy, Part B, Sections 4 and 5. Failure to meet the Good Faith Efforts and Good Faith Negotiation requirements will constitute grounds for rejection of your bid. Documenting Good Faith Efforts. To demonstrate Good Faith Efforts (GFE) compliance, Bidders must complete and submit CBI Form 5 Good Faith Efforts (GFE) and Statement of GFE Compliance. A minimum of fifty (50) GFE Points must be earned for each project when an SBE goal or MBE goal are not met. If more than one Subcontracting Goal is not met, then Bidders will be required to complete and submit a separate form for each unmet goal. CBI Form 5 lists GFEs and the number of points attainable for each type of Good Faith Effort. The City will request your Good Faith Efforts (GFE) / Statement of GFE Compliance if you are a finalist for contract award, and you must submit CBI Form 5 and all supporting documentation within three (3) Business Days after the City requests it. In deciding whether to award GFEs, the City will assess whether the efforts employed by the Bidder are those that a prime contractor would reasonably be expected to take if actively and aggressively trying to meet the MBE/SBE Goal established for the Contract. This assessment will be made on a case-by-case basis taking all available facts into account. The focus will be on the likely effectiveness of steps taken. Mere pro forma efforts will not be sufficient. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 3 In awarding GFEs, the City may also take into account: (1) the Bidder’s past performance in meeting SBE goals; and (2) the performance of other Bidders in meeting the established SBE Goal and MBE Goal on the Contract up for award. For example, when the apparent low Bidder fails to meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal, but other Bidders meet it, the City may reasonably raise the question of whether, with additional reasonable efforts, the apparent low Bidder could have met the goal. It is important that you carefully review Part B Sections 4 and 5 of the CBI Policy in order to understand and comply with all requirements. All actions necessary to earn the required GFE Points must be undertaken prior to Bid Opening. Failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this section shall constitute grounds for rejecting a bid. 3.1 SBE and MBE Contacts In order to receive credit for GFE 5.3.1, SBE and MBE Contacts, at least ten (10) Calendar Days prior to Bid Opening, must contact SBE and MBE firms in a manner reasonably calculated to meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal established for the Contract. An SBE and MBE Source List can is located at Please refer to Part B Section 5.3.1 of the CBI Policy regarding how these Contacts must be made and documented. Contacts are to be recorded on CBI Form 2 (Solicitation Form), which is submitted along with CBI Form 5, within three (3) Business Days after requested by the City. 3.2 Good Faith Negotiation. Bidders must negotiate in good faith with all interested SBE and MBE firms. Part B Section 4 of the CBI Policy defines what negotiating in “Good Faith” means. Among other things, it means that if an SBE and/or MBE is low bid on a contract for construction or for the procurement of goods, then you must contract with that SBE and/or MBE unless it is not “Qualified” within the meaning of the CBI Policy. 3.3 SBE and MBE Assistance Organizations. To receive credit for GFE 5.3.4, Working with SBE and MBE Assistance Organization, the Bidder must document that it worked with one of the following organizations, as described in Part B, Section 5.3.4 of the CBI Policy: • Metrolina Minority Contractors Association (MMCA) • Hispanic Contractors Association of the Carolinas (HCAC) • United Minority Contractors of North Carolina (UMCNC) • Carolinas Association of General Contractors (CAGC) 3.4 Self-Performance. A Bidder that intends to perform 100% of the work on a Contract with its own workforce may submit an affidavit (CBI Form 1) stating that the Bidder does not customarily subcontract elements of this type project, and normally performs and has the capability to perform and will perform all elements of work on this contract with its own current workforces. In such event the Bidder shall not be required to comply with Part B, Section 5 of the CBI Policy. However, if the Bidder is not licensed to perform each and every type of work included in the Contract, or if the City has cause to believe based on past practice or other grounds that the Bidder will not be performing all work under the Contract with its own workforce, then the City may reject the Bidder’s Bid for non-compliance with the CBI Policy. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 4 4. PROJECT DOCUMENTS / PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS th Plans and Specifications may be viewed at City of Charlotte Engineering and Property Management Department, 14 Floor Reception Desk, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202-2844. Other Locations: Carolinas’ Associated General Contractors (CAGC) Plan Room 704.372.1450 Hispanic Contractors Assoc. of the Carolinas (HCAC) 10108 Woodview Circle Charlotte, NC 28277 877.227.1680 McGraw-Hill / Dodge Plan Room 704.525.6924 Metrolina Minority Contractors Assoc. (MMCA) 2848 Queen City Drive Suite B Charlotte, NC 28208 704.332.5746 5. MANDATORY SUBCONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Per Part B Section 2.4 of the CBI Policy, City Council has the authority to establish mandatory subcontracting requirements for certain contracts. The blank checked below indicates whether such requirements have been established for this Contract: City Council has established a mandatory subcontracting requirement of percent ( %) for this Contract. City Council has not established a mandatory subcontracting requirement for this Contract. 6. CBI POLICY PROVISIONS APPLICABLE AFTER CONTRACT AWARD If you are awarded a Contract with the City, note in particular the following Sections of the CBI Policy regarding post contract award requirements and activity: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Compliance with committed SBE and MBE subcontracting goal throughout the Contract (Part D, Section 2) Performance of a commercially useful function and affiliate status (Part D, Section 2) Terminating or Replacing an SBE or MBE on a contract (Part D, Section 5) New Subcontractor Opportunities (Part D, Section 6) Renewals (Part D, Section 7) Payments to SBEs and MBEs (Part D, Section 8) Utilization Reports and Documentation of Payments (Part D, Section 9) Remedies and Liquidated Damages (Part D, Section 14) 7. CBI CONTRACT PROVISIONS The following provisions are incorporated into the contract that may result from this solicitation. Charlotte Business INClusion. The City has adopted a Charlotte Business INClusion Policy (“CBI Policy”), which is posted on the City’s website and available in hard copy form upon request to the City. The parties agree that: I. The terms of the CBI Policy, as revised from time to time, together with all rules and guidelines established, are incorporated into this Contract by reference; and II. A violation of the CBI Policy shall constitute a material breach of this Contract, and shall entitle the City to exercise any of the remedies set forth in Part D of the CBI Policy, including but not limited to liquidated damages; and III. Without limiting any of the other remedies the City has under the CBI Policy, the City shall be entitled to withhold periodic payments and final payment due to the Contractor under this Contract until the City has received in a form satisfactory to the City all claim releases and other documentation required by the City’s CBI Policy, and in the event payments are withheld under this provision, the Contractor waives any right to interest that might otherwise be warranted on such withheld amount under G.S. 143-134.1; and IV. The remedies set forth in Part D Section 14 of the CBI Policy shall be deemed cumulative and not exclusive and may be exercised successively or concurrently, in addition to any other available remedy; and CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 5 V. The City will incur costs if the Contractor violates the CBI Policy, and such costs are difficult to ascertain due to their indefiniteness and uncertainty. Accordingly, the Contractor agrees to pay the City liquidated damages at the rates set forth in Part D of the CBI Policy. VI. The Contractor agrees to participate in any dispute resolution process specified by the City from time to time for the resolution of disputes arising from the CBI Policy. VII. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to relieve a Contractor from any obligation it may have under N.C. Gen. Stat. 143-134.1 regarding the payment of subcontractors. Remedies for Violation of CBI Policy. A violation of the CBI Policy by a Contractor shall constitute a material breach of the Contract, and shall entitle the City or private owner to: I. II. III. IV. Exercise all rights and remedies that it may have at law or at equity for violation of the CBI Policy; Terminate the Contract for default; Suspend the Contract for default; Withhold all payments due to the Contractor under the Contract until such violation has been fully cured or the City and the Contractor have reached a mutually agreeable resolution; V. Assess liquidated damages as provided in Part D Section 14.2; and/or VI. Offset any liquidated damages and/or any amounts necessary to cure any violation of the CBI Policy from any retainage being held by the City on the Contract, or from any other amounts due to the Contractor under the Contract. The remedies set forth herein shall be deemed cumulative and not exclusive, and may be exercised successively or concurrently, in addition to any other available remedy. Liquidated Damages. The City and the Contractor acknowledge and agree that the City will incur costs if the Contractor violates the CBI Policy in one or more of the ways set forth below, including but not limited to loss of goodwill, detrimental impact on economic development and diversion of internal staff resources. The parties further acknowledge and agree that the damages the City might reasonably be anticipated to accrue as a result of such failures are difficult to ascertain due to their indefiniteness and uncertainty. Accordingly, the Contractor agrees to pay the liquidated damages assessed by the City at the rates set forth below for each specified violation of the CBI Policy. The Contractor further agrees that for each specified violation the agreed upon liquidated damages are reasonably proximate to the loss the City will incur as a result of such violation: Failure to Meet Committed SBE and MBE Goal. If the City determines upon completion or termination of a Contract that the Contractor did not meet a Committed SBE Goal and/or MBE Goal and that such failure is not otherwise excused under Part D of the CBI Policy, the City may assess the lesser of: (a) $200,000 or (b) the dollar difference between the Committed SBE Goal and/or MBE Goal that was missed and the Contractor’s actual SBE and/or MBE utilization toward that Goal. Such amount may be assessed when it becomes apparent that it will not be possible for the Contractor to achieve the Committed SBE and/or MBE Goal. II. Use of a SBE and/or MBE as a Conduit. If the Contractor lists an SBE and/or MBE to receive credit toward a Committed SBE and/or MBE Goal with knowledge that the SBE and/or MBE will be acting as a Conduit or will not be performing a Commercially Useful Function reasonably commensurate with the payment amount for which the Contractor will be seeking credit, the City may assess the lesser of: (a) $100,000 per incident; or (b) the dollar amount the Contractor indicated that it would pay such SBE and/or MBE in the SBE/MBE’s contract (or if no contract has been signed, the SBE/MBE’s Letter of Intent). III. Wrongful Termination or Replacement of SBE and/or MBE. If the Contractor terminates or replaces an SBE and/or MBE in violation of the CBI Policy, the City may assess the lesser of: (a) $50,000 per incident; or (b) the dollar amount of the work remaining to be performed by the terminated SBE and/or MBE at the time it was terminated (or if the SBE and/or MBE was not terminated because it was never retained, then the dollar amount that the Contractor indicated it would pay the SBE and/or MBE in the SBE/MBE’s Letter of Intent). I. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 6 IV. Failure to Comply with CBI Policy Following Termination or Withdrawal of an SBE and/or MBE. If the Contractor fails to comply with the Modified Good Faith Efforts requirements (Part D, Section 5 of the CBI Policy) in replacing an SBE and/or MBE that is terminated or withdraws from work on a project, the City may assess the lesser of: (a) $50,000 per incident or (b) the dollar amount of the work remaining to be performed by the SBE and/or MBE that withdrew or was terminated at the time of the termination or withdrawal. V. Failure to Comply with CBI Policy to Add New Subcontractors. If the Contractor fails to comply with the Modified Good Faith Efforts requirements (Part D, Section 5 of the CBI Policy) in adding new subcontractors to a Contract, or when the scope of work of a Contract changes so as to create a new SBE and/or MBE subcontracting opportunity, the City may assess the lesser of: (a) $50,000 per incident; or (b) the dollar amount of the new or additional work. VI. False Statements and Misrepresentations. If the Contractor makes a false statement or material misrepresentation or material misleading omission regarding any matter relevant to the CBI Policy (including but not limited to information relating to good faith efforts, SBE and/or MBE utilization, SBE and/or MBE certification or payments to SBEs and/or MBEs), the City may assess the lesser of: (a) $50,000 per incident; or (b) if the misrepresentation relates to payment, the dollar difference between what the Contractor represented and the truth. VII. Failure to Respond to Request for Information. If the Contractor fails to provide any report, documentation, affidavit, certification or written submission required under the CBI Policy within the time period set forth therein, the City may assess $40 per day for each day that such report, documentation or written submission is overdue. VIII. Seeking Credit for Use of An Affiliate to Meet the Committed SBE and/or MBE Goal. If the City finds a violation of Part D, Section 3 of the CBI Policy due to a Contractor seeking credit for utilizing an SBE and/or MBE that the City determines to be an Affiliate, the City may assess the lesser of: (a) $75,000 per incident or (b) the dollar amount the Contractor counted towards its Committed SBE and/or MBE Goal for that SBE and/or MBE. 8. CBI FORMS: Bidders shall submit the following CBI forms within the timeframes indicated below: CBI Form CBI Form 1: Intent to Perform Contract with Own Workforce Affidavit A Bidder that intends to perform 100% of the work on a Contract with its own workforce must submit an Affidavit (CBI Form 1) stating that the Bidder does not customarily subcontract elements of this type project, and normally performs and has the capability to perform and will perform all elements of work on this Contract with its own current workforces. If the Bidder is not licensed to perform each and every type of work included in the Contract, or if the City has cause to believe based on past practice or other grounds that the Bidder will not be performing all work under the Contract with its own workforce, then the City may reject the Bidder’s Bid for noncompliance with the CBI Policy. CBI Form 2: Solicitation Form. Identifies all SBEs and MBEs the Bidder contacted and any SBEs and MBEs that contacted the Bidder. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) Submission Requirements If not meeting the SBE and/or MBE Goal, and intending to perform 100% of the work, the Bidder must submit this completed CBI Form 1 with its bid*. * In addition to submitting a completed CBI Form 1, the Bidder must also provide at Bid Opening sufficient supporting documentation for the City to determine that the Bidder does not customarily subcontract work on this type project. If not meeting the SBE Goal and/or MBE Goal, submitted as part of a Bidder’s Good Faith Efforts documentation, within three (3) Business Days after requested by the City. 00 45 00 - 7 Documentation content includes: Scope of work, SBE and MBE contact, date and method of contact, response status, as well as other information. Note: For each scope of work bid by a SBE and/or MBE and NOT awarded to a SBE and/or MBE, Bidder must complete CBI Form 2A documenting the reason(s) for rejecting the SBE/MBE’s bid. CBI Form 2A: Good Faith Negotiation Form. Bidders must submit a completed CBI Form 2A for each SBE and/or MBE who bid the project and was ultimately not selected by the Bidder to participate on the Contract. CBI Form 3: Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization Commitment. Identifies all SBE, MBE, and non-MBE/SBE subcontractors and suppliers to be utilized on the Contract and the dollar amounts committed to SBEs, MBEs, and non-MBEs/SBEs. ALL supporting documentation, reflecting the solicitation methods and content, must be submitted at the same time as CBI Form 2. Must be submitted within three (3) Business Days after requested by the City. DUE AT BID OPENING Bidders must identify all subcontractors and suppliers known at the time the Bid is submitted. CBI Form 3A: Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization Commitment – ALTERNATES. Identifies additional SBE and/or MBE commitments made after Bid Opening, when there are accepted alternates. Must be submitted within three (3) Business Days after requested by the City. This form will only be accepted when the City selects alternates. CBI Form 4: Letter of Intent. Bidders must submit a separate Letter of Intent executed by each SBE and/or MBE listed on CBI Form 3 and CBI Form 3A (if applicable) that the Bidder commits to utilize on the Contract. Must be submitted within three (3) Business Days after requested by the City. CBI Form 5: Good Faith Efforts (GFE) and Statement of GFE Compliance. Identifies the minimum GFE points required for this contract, the GFE Categories, and respective GFE Points value for each GFE Category. If not meeting the SBE and/or MBE Goal, this CBI Form 5 must be submitted as part of the Bidder’s Good Faith Efforts documentation, within three (3) Business Days after requested by the City. Bidder must check each GFE Category for which it has performed the respective effort, as described in Part B Section 5.3 of the CBI Policy. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 8 CBI Form 6: Payment Affidavit – Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization. Contractor shall provide with each pay request to the City a payment affidavit showing work that has been completed and approved for all subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, brokers, and / or members of a joint venture in connection with the contract. Upon award of Contract, CBI Form 6 must be submitted to the City with each pay request for the duration of the Project. For Final Payment period, check the box indicating “Final Payment.” All CBI Forms and a full list of SBE and MBE vendors are available on-line at: Please find below a list of activities that the City has identified as potential SBE/MBE subcontracting opportunities. Bidders may identify additional or different opportunities. NIGP Code Commodity Code Description 67066 Toilet Partitions and Doors 90922 Building Construction, Non-Residential (Office Bldg., etc.) 90937 Doors and Windows 90945 Finishes: Flooring, Wall and Ceiling, etc. 91001 Acoustical Ceilings and Walls: Cleaning, Installation, Restoration, Maintenance and Repair (Including Panel Wall Systems) 91023 Firestop Systems (Includes Installation and Fireproofing) 91042 Kitchen and Bathroom Fixture Repair (Not Plumbing): Bathtubs, Sinks, Cabinets, Counter Tops, etc. 91075 Wall and Ceiling Repair and Replacement (Including Drywalling) 91319 Construction, Curb and Gutter (Includes Maintenance, Repair, and Removal) 91336 Construction, Parking Lot and Alley 91345 Construction, Sewer and Storm Drain 91427 Carpentry 91430 Concrete 91438 Electrical 91444 Flooring 91447 Glass and Glazing 91453 Insulation 91455 Masonry 91458 Metal Work 91461 Painting and Wallpapering 91468 Plumbing 91473 Roofing and Siding 91479 Structural Steel 91483 Tile and Marble Work, All Types 93633 Fire Protection Equipment and Systems Including Fire Hydrants, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Smoke Detectors, Jaws of Life, Fire Protection Material Treatment, etc. Maintenance and Repair 94155 HVAC Systems Maintenance and Repair, Power Plant 96239 Hauling Services 96279 Sign Making Services 96894 Waterproofing Systems and Repair 98814 Erosion Control Services 98852 Landscaping (Including Design, Fertilizing, Planting, etc., But Not Grounds Maintenance or Tree Trimming Services) An SBE/MBE vendor source list targeting the areas listed above is available on-line at CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 9 CBI FORM 1 - Intent to Perform Contract with Own Workforce This CBI Form 1, along with all supporting documentation, must be submitted at Bid Opening if the Bidder intends to perform 100% of the work with its own current workforces. Affidavit of (Name of Bidder) I hereby certify that it is our intent to perform 100% of the work required for the Contract. (Name of Project) In making this certification, the Bidder states that the Bidder does not customarily subcontract elements of this type project, and normally performs, and has the capability to perform, and will perform all elements of the work on this project with his/her own current work forces; and The Bidder agrees to provide any additional information or documentation requested by the City of Charlotte in support of the above statement. If additional scopes of work are added after the Bidder has been awarded the Contract, then the Bidder agrees to make a Good Faith Effort to utilize certified Minority, Women, Small Business Enterprises (MWSBEs), as applicable, where possible. The undersigned hereby certifies that he or she has read this certification and is authorized to bind the Bidder to the commitments herein contained. Date: Name of Authorized Officer: Signature: Title: SEAL State of _________ __ , County of Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________________________ day of 20___ Notary Public My commission expires CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 10 CBI FORM 2 - Solicitation Form Copy this Form 2 as needed, to document SBE contacts. NOTE: CONTACTS MUST BE VERIFIABLE §Per Part B, Section 5.3.1 of the CBI Policy, to receive credit for this Good Faith Effort, the Bidder must make the required contacts no less than ten (10) Days before Bid Opening adhering to the Solicitation Method and Solicitation Content defined. A Bidder must submit CBI Form 2 within the time specified in the City Solicitation Documents. If no time period is specified in the City Solicitation Documents, the Bidder must submit CBI Form 2 within three (3) Business Days after the City requests it. For each scope of work bid by a SBE and MBE and NOT awarded to a SBE or MBE, Bidder must complete CBI Form 2A documenting the reasons for rejecting the SBEs and MBEs bid. ALL supporting documentation, reflecting the Solicitation methods and content, must be submitted at the same time as CBI Form 2. Bidder Name: Project Name: Project Number: # of SBEs/MBEs Contacted SBE/MBE Firm(Circle one or both): Scope of Work: Contact Person: NIGP Commodity Code: Initial Contact: Date: Method: Follow-up: Date: Method: Response: No response Selected? YES Not bidding Email Fax Phone Courier In-Person Is bidding $ Other (explain) NO (explain) SBE/MBE Firm(Circle one or both): Scope of Work: Contact Person: NIGP Commodity Code: Initial Contact: Date: Method: Follow-up: Date: Method: Response: No response Selected? YES Not bidding Email Fax Phone Courier In-Person Is bidding $ Other (explain) NO (explain) SBE/MBE Firm(Circle one or both): Scope of Work: Contact Person: NIGP Commodity Code: Initial Contact: Date: Method: Follow-up: Date: Method: Response: No response Not bidding Selected? YES NO (explain) CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) Email Phone Is bidding $ Fax Courier In-Person Other (explain) 00 45 00 - 11 CBI FORM 2A - Good Faith Negotiation Form This form must be completed for each SBE and/or MBE who bid the project and was ultimately not selected by the Bidder to participate on the contract. A Bidder must submit CBI Form 2A within the time specified in the City Solicitation Documents. If no time period is specified in the City Solicitation Documents, the Bidder must submit Form 2A within (3) Business Days after the City requests it. §Per Part B, Section 4.3 of the CBI Policy, Bidders must provide Good Faith Negotiation documentation within the time period specified by the City. Failure to comply with this requirement shall constitute grounds for rejecting a Bid. Bidder Name: Project Name: Project Number: MBE/SBE INFORMATION Firm Name Contact Person Name: Scope of work for which a Bid was submitted MBE/SBE Bid Amount ($) RATIONALE FOR REJECTING MBE/SBE’s SUBCONTRACTING BID: Y Was the MBE/SBE’s bid higher than what was proposed by the subcontractor or supplier the Bidder decided to use; OR was the MBE/SBE’s bid higher than the Bidder’s cost of performing such work on its own? Who were the other Bidders? 1. N What were the Bid Amounts? 2. 3. 4. 5. Is the Business Enterprise that will be performing in place of the Interested MBE/SBE more qualified than the Interested MBE/SBE, to the extent that such difference in qualification would materially impact the Bidder’s Bid? Y N Y N Explanation: Is there a material deficiency with Interested MBE/SBE’s bid? (i.e. Bid submitted late; Bid contained inaccurate information) Explanation: If the MBE/SBE was NOT a “Qualified SBE and/or MBE” (as defined in Part A of the CBI Policy), please state the reasons below: Explanation: CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 12 CBI FORM 3 - Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization Commitment (page 1 of 2) This form MUST be submitted at the time of Bid Opening. Copy this CBI Form 3 as needed. Failure to properly complete and submit Form 3 with the Bid constitutes grounds for rejection of the Bid Per Part B, Section 3.5 of the CBI Policy, the Subcontractor/Supplier Utilization Commitment (CBI Form 3), captures information regarding the SBEs and MBEs and other subcontractors and suppliers that the Bidder intends to use on the Contract FOR ALL TIERS. Bidder Name: Project Name: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Westover Division Station Project Number: 512-13-047 Established SBE Goal: 15.00% Established MBE Goal: 5.00% List below all SBEs and MBEs (Non-Hauling Services) that you intend to use on this contract. NOTE: You will only receive credit for SBEs that are currently certified with the City as of the Bid Opening Date. Furthermore, you will only receive credit for MBEs that are registered with the City as of Bid Opening Date and who have an ethnic designation of African American, Hispanic, or Native American. SBE or MBE Vendor Name Total Projected Description of work / materials NIGP Code Vendor # (Non-Hauling Services) Utilization ($) List below all SBEs and MBEs that you intend to use for hauling services on this contract and the Total Projected Utilization ($) for all hauling services for the contract. SBE or MBE Vendor Name Total Projected Description of work / materials NIGP Code Vendor # (Hauling Services) Utilization ($) *NOTE: If the SBE and/or MBE will be providing hauling services, the Prime will be required to contact and utilize each of the SBE and/or MBE haulers listed on this form on a rotating basis throughout the life of the project. Total Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization (including SBEs, MBEs and Non-SBEs) $ Total SBE Utilization $ Total MBE Utilization $ Total Bid Amount (including Contingency and excluding Allowance Amount) $ Percent SBE Utilization* (Total SBE Utilization divided by Total Bid Amount) % Percent MBE Utilization* (Total MBE Utilization divided by Total Bid Amount) % * The MBE and SBE Utilization percentage stated MUST be rounded to (2) decimal places. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 13 CBI FORM 3 - Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization Commitment (page 2 of 2) List below all non-SBEs (subcontractors and suppliers) that you intend to use on this contract Firm Name Description of work / NIGP Commodity VMS materials Code (Vendor) # Projected Utilization (if known) ($) Letters of Intent submitted upon notice from the City Per Part B, Section 3.6 of the CBI Policy, within three (3) Business Days after receiving a request from the City (or within such longer time as may be communicated by the City in writing), Bidders must submit a separate Letter of Intent (CBI Form 4) for each SBE and MBE listed on CBI Form 3 and for any additional SBEs and MBEs for which the Bidder seeks credit under the last sentence of Part B, Section 3.5. Each Letter of Intent must be executed by both the SBE or MBE and the Bidder. The City shall not count proposed SBE or MBE utilization for which it has not received a Letter of Intent by this deadline. Per Part B, Section 3.3, a Regular Dealer as defined in the CBI Policy shall only count 60% of all expenditures towards the SBE and MBE Goal. In addition, a Hauler, Broker, or Packager shall only count fees or commissions charged by the SBE or MBE toward the SBE or MBE Goal. The Bidder is still obligated to pay the SBE or MBE the full amount listed on the Contract with the SBE or MBE regardless of what percentage is actually counted towards the SBE or MBE Goal. Adding subcontractors or suppliers after submitting this form Nothing in this certification shall be deemed to preclude you from entering into subcontracting arrangements after submission of this form. However, per Part D of the CBI Policy, you must comply with the following: • • • • You must maintain the level of SBE and MBE participation proposed on this CBI Form 3 (and CBI Form 3A, if applicable) throughout the duration of the Contract, except as specifically allowed in Part D. If you need to terminate or replace a SBE or MBE, you must comply with Part D, Section 5. If the scope of work on the Contract increases, or if you elect to subcontract any portion of work not identified on this form as being subcontracted, then you must comply with Part D, Section 6. A Letter of Intent (CBI Form 4) must also be submitted for each SBE and MBE you add subsequent to contract award. All Subcontractors and Suppliers must be registered with the City of Charlotte. Pursuant to the City’s Vendor Registration Policy, each subcontractor or supplier (non-SBE, SBEs and MBEs) that you use on this contract must be registered in the City’s vendor database. You will need to provide the vendor number for each subcontractor or supplier used on this contract as a condition for receiving payment on this Contract. Signature Your signature below indicates that the undersigned firm certifies and agrees that: (a) It has complied with all provisions of the CBI Policy; and, (b) Failure to properly document such compliance in the manner and within the time periods established by the CBI Policy shall constitute grounds for rejection of your bid. Signature of Authorized Official Printed Name CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) Title Submittal Date 00 45 00 - 14 CBI FORM 3A – SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION COMMITMENTS - ALTERNATES Copy this CBI Form 3A as needed. In the event Alternates are selected by the City, the SBE and MBE Goal for this Contract will apply to the total contract amount, including contingency and the selected Alternates (“Total Contract Amount”). Bidders must submit CBI Form 3A identifying additional SBE and/or MBE commitments (for all tiers) made after bid opening due to accepted alternates. This CBI Form 3A will only be accepted when the City selects alternates. A Bidder must submit CBI Form 3A within three (3) Business Days after the City requests it. In order to submit CBI Form 3A identifying additional SBE and/or MBE commitments, bidder MUST have submitted CBI Form 3 at Bid Opening with 100% (or more) of the SBE and MBE Goal met on the total bid amount for this Project. A Bidder will be required to utilize CBI Form 3A to meet this requirement. This in no way exempts the Bidder from the CBI requirements due at bid time. If the Bidder fails to meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal, calculated on the Total Contract Amount, at bid opening, then the Bidder must meet the Good Faith Efforts and Good Faith Negotiation requirements set forth in Part B Sections 4 and 5 of the CBI Policy. If the Bidder fails to meet both the SBE Goal and MBE Goal, and the Good Faith Efforts and Good Faith Negotiation requirements set forth in Part B Sections 4 and 5 of the CBI Policy, the Bid shall be rejected. Bidder Name: Project Name: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Westover Division Station Project Number: 512-13-047 Established SBE Goal: 15.00% Established MBE Goal: 5.00% List below the additional SBE and/or MBE commitments that you intend to use on this contract, committed post-Bid Opening, as a result of alternates selected by the City. 1 SBE and/or MBE Name Description of work / materials NIGP Vendor # Total Projected Commodity Code Utilization ($) 1 Scopes of work and NIGP codes listed on Form 3A cannot have been listed on CBI Form 3, unless the amended utilization is associated with an SBE and/or MBE already listed on CBI Form 3. Form 3A SBE Utilization $ Form 3A MBE Utilization $ Initial Form 3 SBE Utilization $ Initial Form 3 MBE Utilization $ Cumulative SBE Utilization (Form 3 & Form 3A) $ Cumulative MBE Utilization (Form 3 and Form 3A) $ Total Contract Amount (including Contingency and alternates selected by the City) $ Percent SBE Utilization (Cumulative SBE Utilization divided by Total Contract Amount) % Percent MBE Utilization (Cumulative MBE Utilization divided by Total Contract Amount) % Signature Your signature below indicates that the undersigned Company certifies and agrees that: (a) It has complied with all provisions of the CBI Policy; and (b) failure to properly document such compliance in the manner and within the time periods established by the CBI Policy shall constitute grounds for rejection of your bid. Signature of Authorized Official Printed Name CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) Title Submittal Date 00 45 00 - 15 CBI FORM 4 - Letter of Intent Per Part B, Section 2.2 of the CBI Policy, within (3) Business Days after receiving a request from the City (or within such longer time as may be communicated by the City in writing), prime Contractors must submit a separate Letter of Intent for each SBE and MBE listed on CBI Form 3 and CBI Form 3A (if applicable). Project Name: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Westover Division Station Project Number: 512-13-047 To be completed by the Prime Name of Prime: Vendor #: Address: Contact Person: Email: Telephone: Fax: If the Prime has entered into a Quick Pay Agreement, in association with this Letter of Intent and as defined in the CBI Policy, please attach a copy of the executed Agreement with the undersigned SBE or MBE. Identify in complete detail the scope of work to be performed or item(s) to be supplied by the SBE or MBE. Cost of work to be performed by SBE or MBE: $ To be completed by SBE or MBE Name of SBE or MBE: Vendor#: Address: Contact Person: Email: Telephone: Fax: Upon execution of a Contract with the City for the above referenced project, the Prime certifies that it intends to utilize the SBE or MBE listed above, and that the description, cost and percentage of work to be performed by the SBE or MBE as described above is accurate. The SBE or MBE Firm certifies that it has agreed to provide such work/supplies for the amount stated above. Prime: Date: Signature and Title SBE/MBE Firm: Date: (Circle one or Signature and Title both) *NOTE: If the SBE and/or MBE will be providing hauling services, the Prime will be required to contact and utilize each of the SBE and/or MBE haulers listed on this form on a rotating basis throughout the life of the project. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 16 CBI FORM 5 - Good Faith Efforts (GFE) and Statement of GFE Compliance (Page 1 of 2) Bidder Name: Project Name: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Westover Division Station Project Number: 512-13-047 §Per Part B, Section 5 of the CBI Policy, if a Bidder has not fully met the SBE and/or MBE Goal established for this project, then it must document it has met the GFE requirements by completing this Form. GFE Points will be calculated, independently, for each Subcontracting Goal that is not met. For instance, if the Bidder fails to meet both the SBE Goal and the MBE Goal that was set with respect to African American, Native American, and Hispanic firms, the Bidder will have to earn the minimum GFE points for SBEs and also the minimum GFE Points for MBEs. Detailed information of the City’s GFE requirements can be found in the CBI Policy, Part B, Section 5. The Bidder must submit CBI Form 5 within three (3) Business Days after the City requests it, unless specified otherwise in the City Solicitation Documents. Failure to do so constitutes grounds for rejection of the Bid. Below is a list of Good Faith Efforts as defined in Part B: Section 5.3. To the left of each item is the number of points assigned to that item. Please place an “X” in the first column for each item you are claiming credit. Failure to achieve the minimum number of Good Faith Efforts points stated in the box below constitutes grounds for rejection of your bid. NOTE: All actions necessary to earn GFE Points must be undertaken prior to Bid Opening. Minimum Number of GFE Points Required: 50 GFE Points 10 Good Faith Effort (GFE) Section 5.3.1: Contacts. The Bidder must contact SBEs and MBEs in a manner reasonably calculated to meet the SBE and MBE Goal established for the Contract. Factors considered may include but are not limited to: (a) The number of available SBEs and MBEs contacted; (b) Whether the Bidder directed its contacts to SBEs and MBEs listed as performing scopes of work sufficient to meet the SBE Goal and MBE Goal; (c) Whether the contacts were made at least 10 Days before Bid Opening; (d) How the contacts were made and whether they were documented in a verifiable way (and in compliance with any forms provided by the City); (e) Whether the substance of the Bidder’s solicitation was reasonably sufficient to generate a response from SBEs and MBEs ; (f) Whether the Bidder promptly and adequately responded to inquiries received from SBEs and MBEs ; and (g) Whether the Bidder made follow up contacts to SBEs and MBEs that did not respond to the Bidder’s initial contact. Section 5.3.2: Making Plans Available. To receive credit for this GFE, the Bidder must: (i) make “Project Documents” (as defined below) available for inspection by SBEs and MBEs at least 10 Days before Bid Opening; and (ii) notify the SBEs and MBES contacted under GFE 5.3.1 of the way in which Project Documents will be made available. 10 A Bidder may receive credit for GFE 5.3.2 only if it receives credit for GFE 5.3.1 (Contacts), and only if it responds promptly to any requests made for access to the Project Documents. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 17 15 10 10 20 15 25 20 Section 5.3.3: Breaking Down Work. The Bidder must demonstrate to the City’s satisfaction that it broke down or combined elements of work into economically feasible units to facilitate SBE and MBE participation. In awarding points the City will consider the number and dollar value of the scopes of work the Bidder listed for SBE and MBE participation, whether those scopes would be sufficient to meet the SBE and MBE Goal and how the Bidder notified SBEs and MBEs of its willingness to break down the work into such units. A Bidder may receive credit for this GFE only if it receives credit for GFE 5.3.1 (Contacts). Section 5.3.4: Working With MBE/SBE Assistance Organizations. The Bidder must document that it worked with an MBE/SBE Assistance Organization (as defined below), to provide assistance in recruiting MBEs/SBEs for the Contract for which Bids are sought. • A “MBE/SBE Assistance Organization” is an organization identified by the City of Charlotte and listed in the City Solicitation Documents as providing assistance in the recruitment of MBEs/SBEs. Section 5.3.5: Attendance at Pre-Bid. To receive credit for this GFE, the Bidder must attend any pre-bid meetings scheduled by the City for the Contract in question. Section 5.3.6: Bonding or Insurance Assistance on Construction Contract. The Bidder must assist a SBE and/or MBE in getting required bonding or insurance coverage for the Contract at issue or provide alternatives to bonding or insurance for SBEs and/or MBEs. To document satisfaction of this GFE, the Bidder must submit: (a) the name of the SBE and/or MBE; (b) a description of the assistance the Bidder provided; (c) the date the Bidder provided the assistance; (d) the name of a contact person with the SBE and/or MBE who can verify that the Bidder provided the assistance; and (e) any additional information requested by the City. No credit will be given for assistance provided to an Affiliate of the Bidder. In deciding whether to award points for this GFE, the City will consider how significant and meaningful the assistance was, how many SBEs and/or MBEs it was offered to, and what impact it likely had on the Bidder’s efforts to recruit SBEs and/or MBEs for the project. Section 5.3.7: Negotiating in Good Faith with MBEs/SBEs. The Bidder must: (a) demonstrate that it negotiated in good faith with interested SBEs and/or MBEs (which means showing at least some back and forth negotiation between the Bidder and SBEs and/or MBEs); (b) demonstrate that it did not reject any SBEs and/or MBEs as unqualified without sound reasons based on their capabilities; (c) document in writing the reasons for rejecting any SBEs and/or MBEs for lack of qualification. Section 5.3.8: Financial Assistance. The Bidder must provide one of the following types of assistance to an SBE and/or MBE in connection with the Contract: (a) assistance in obtaining equipment, a loan, capital, lines of credit, (b) joint pay agreements or guaranties to secure loans, the purchase of supplies, or letters of credit, including waiving credit that is ordinarily required; or (c) assistance in obtaining the same unit pricing with the Bidder’s suppliers as the Bidder. To receive credit for this GFE, Bidders must document: (a) the name of the SBE and/or MBE; (b) the description of the assistance the Bidder provided; (c) the date the Bidder provided the assistance; and (d) the name of a contact person with the SBE and/or MBE who can verify that the Bidder provided the assistance. No credit will be given for assistance provided to an Affiliate of the Bidder. In deciding whether to award points for this GFE, the City will consider how significant and meaningful the assistance was, how many SBEs and/or MBEs it was offered to, and what impact it likely had on the Bidder’s efforts to recruit SBEs and/or MBEs for the project. Section 5.3.9: Entering Into Joint Venture. To receive credit for this GFE, the Bidder must demonstrate that it negotiated a Joint Venture or partnership arrangement with one or more SBEs and/or MBEs, as applicable, on the Contract. To receive credit for this GFE, Bidders must document; (a) the name of the SBE and/or MBE; (b) a description of the Joint Venture or partnership; (c) evidence of the date the SBE and/or MBE entered into the agreement; and (d) the name of a contact person with the SBE and/or MBE who can verify the terms of the agreement. No credit will be given for a joint venture with an Affiliate of the Bidder. CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 18 20 155 Section 5.3.10: Quick Pay Agreements on the Construction Contract Up For Award. For purposes of this Section, the term “Quick Pay Commitment” means a commitment to pay all SBEs and/or MBEs participating in the Construction Contract within 20 Days after the Contractor confirms that the MBE/SBE has properly performed and the MBE/SBE’s work has been properly completed. To receive credit for this GFE, Bidders must: (a) provide the City with a copy of a policy containing the above-referenced Quick Pay Commitment that the Bidder has adopted for the project and document that the Bidder informed each SBE and/or MBE about the Quick Pay Commitment as part of the Bidder’s SBE and/or MBE contacts under Section 5.3.1; or (b) document that prior to Bid Opening the Bidder made a written Quick Pay Commitment to each SBE and/or MBE that will participate in the Contract up for award. Including a statement in a Bid solicitation letter indicating that the Bidder will consider entering into quick pay agreements will not suffice. A Bidder may receive credit under subpart (a) of GFE 5.3.10 only if it receives credit for GFE 5.3.1 (Contacts) Total Available GFE Points Total GFE Points Claimed by the Bidder Total GFE Points Earned (to be completed by City) CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 19 CBI FORM 6 - Payment Affidavit - Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization To be submitted with each request for payment from the City of Charlotte showing work that has been completed and approved for all subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, brokers, and / or members of a joint venture in connection with the contract. Copy this form as needed. The Prime contractor is responsible for collecting and submitting CBI Form 6 from all subsequent lower tiers. Project Name: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Westover Division Station Contractor Name: Payment / Invoice # Contract Number: Invoice Amount: Payment Period: FINAL PAYMENT From To $ City Department: Check this box only when submitting Final Pay request. Section 1: Payments to SUBCONTRACTORS (SBEs and Non-SBEs) Complete the chart below for all subcontractors used on the Project/Contract regardless of dollar amount. All subcontractors must be registered in the City’s Vendor Management System. SBE/MB E Mark Y Subcontractor’s Name Description of Work Performed NIGP Code Vendor # Payments this Period Cumulative Payments Section 2: Payments to SUPPLIERS All suppliers providing goods under City contracts must be listed on the Sales Tax Statement submitted with each pay request. The City may request on a case-by-case basis that the Contractor require certain suppliers to be registered in the City’s Vendor System and may withhold payment of any amounts due the Contractor in the event the Contractor fails to comply with such request. The undersigned Company certifies the preceding chart is a true and accurate statement of all payments that have been or will be made to subcontractors on this Project/Contract, and that all Suppliers providing goods under this contract have been listed in the Sales Tax Statements submitted to the City in connection with this Payment Affidavit. If no subcontractors or suppliers are listed on the preceding chart or Sales Tax Statements, the Company certifies that no subcontractors or suppliers were used in performing the Project/Contract for the payment period indicated. Failure to provide accurate and truthful information is a violation of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy and may result in the sanctions prescribed therein. This day of 20 Signature Print Name and Title To be completed by City for FINAL PAYMENT SBE Goal: % MBE Goal: % Total Paid to Contractor: $ SBE Goal Commitment: % MBE Goal Commitment: % Total Paid to SBEs: $ SBE Goal Attainment: % MBE Goal Attainment: % Total Paid to MBEs: $ CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION (CBI) 00 45 00 - 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 00 01 01 00 01 05 00 01 10 COVER CERTIFICATIONS PAGE PROJECT DIRECTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 10 00 01 21 00 01 22 00 01 23 00 01 25 00 01 26 00 01 29 00 01 31 00 01 32 00 01 33 00 01 40 00 01 41 13 01 42 00 01 50 00 01 60 00 01 73 00 01 74 19 01 77 00 01 78 23 01 78 39 01 79 00 01 81 13.13 01 91 13 01 91 15 SUMMARY OF THE WORK ALLOWANCES UNIT PRICES ALTERNATES SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PAYMENT PROCEDURES PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES QUALITY REQUIREMENTS STRUCTURAL TESTS AND SPECIAL INSPECTIONS REFERENCES TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS EXECUTION CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS- LEED FOR NEW CONSTRUTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS GENERAL COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS COMMISSIONING OF BUILDING ENCLOSURE DIVISION 3 CONCRETE 03 11 19 03 30 00 03 45 00 INSULATING CONCRETE FORMS CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE PRECAST ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE DIVISION 4 MASONRY 04 20 00 UNIT MASONRY DIVISION 5 METALS 05 12 00 05 21 00 05 31 00 05 50 00 05 51 00 STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING STEEL JOIST FRAMING STEEL DECKING METAL FABRICATIONS METAL STAIRS City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 00 01 10 - 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 6 WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES 06 10 00 06 16 00 06 40 23 06 61 00 06 64 00 ROUGH CARPENTRY SHEATHING INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK ARCHITECTURAL FIBERGLASS PLASTIC PANELING DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROECTION 07 13 26 07 21 00 07 27 26 07 54 19 07 62 00 07 71 00 07 72 00 07 84 13 07 92 00 SELF ADHERING SHEET WATERPROOFING THERMAL INSULATION FLUID-APPLIED MEMBRANE AIR BARRIERS POLY-VINYL-CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM ROOF SPECIALTIES ROOF ACCESSORIES PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING JOINT SEALANTS DIVISION 8 OPENINGS 08 11 13 08 14 16 08 31 13 08 33 23 08 34 73.16 08 43 13 08 56 53 08 71 00 08 80 00 08 83 00 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES FLUSH WOOD DOORS ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES OVERHEAD COILING DOORS WOOD SOUND CONTROL DOOR ASSEMBLIES ALUMINUM FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS SECURITY WINDOWS DOOR HARDWARE GLAZING MIRRORS DIVISION 9 FINISHES 09 22 16 09 29 00 09 30 00 09 51 13 09 65 13 09 65 19 09 67 23 09 68 13 09 72 13 09 77 13 09 84 19 09 84 33 09 91 00 NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING GYPSUM BOARD TILING ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES RESILIENT TILE FLOORING RESINOUS FLOORING TILE CARPETING TACKABLE WALL COVERING STRETCHED FABRIC PANEL SYSTEM CEMENTITOUS WOOD FIBER PANEL PLANK ACOUSTICAL PANELS SOUND ABSORBING WALL UNITS PAINTING City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 00 01 10 - 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Addendum 1: Add Division 10 to read as follows: DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES 10 11 00 10 14 00 10 21 13 10 26 00 10 28 00 10 44 13 10 44 16 10 51 13 10 73 16 10 75 00 VISUAL DISPLAY SURFACES SIGNAGE TOILET COMPARTMENTS WALL AND DOOR PROTECTION TOILET, BATH, AND LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS METAL LOCKERS PRE-FABRICATED ALUMINUM CANOPIES FLAGPOLES DIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS 12 21 13 HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS DIVISION 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13 34 19 13 47 13 METAL BUILDING SYSTEMS BULLET RESISTANT FIBERGLASS PANELS City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 00 01 10 - 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 2 DIVISION 21 FIRE SUPPRESSION 21 05 01 21 05 17 21 05 18 21 05 48 21 05 53 21 08 00 21 13 13 21 13 15 21 13 16 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS SLEEVES AND SLEEVE SEALS FOR FIRE-SUPPRESSION PIPING ESCUTCHEONS FOR FIRE-SUPPRESSION PIPING VIBRATION AND SEIMIC CONTROLS FOR FIRE-SUPPRESSION PIPING AND EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION FOR FIRE-SUPPRESSION PIPING AND EQUIPMENT COMMISSIONING OF FIRE PROTECTION WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS DRY-PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS DRY-PIPE PRE-ACTION SPRINKLER SYSTEMS DIVISION 22 PLUMBING 22 05 00 22 05 16 22 05 17 22 05 18 22 05 19 22 05 23.12 22 05 23.14 22 05 29 22 05 48 22 05 53 22 07 19 22 08 00 22 11 13 22 11 15 22 11 16 22 11 19 22 13 13 22 13 16 22 13 19 22 14 13 22 14 23 22 34 00 22 40 00 22 47 16 BASIC PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS EXPANSION FITTINGS AND LOOPS FOR PLUMBING PIPING SLEEVES AND SLEEVE SEALS FOR PLUMBING PIPING ESCUTCHEONS FOR PLUMBING PIPING METERS AND GAGES FOR PLUMBING PIPING BALL VALVES FOR PLUMBING PIPING CHECK VALVES FOR PLUMBING PIPING HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT VIBRATION AND SEISMIC CONTROLS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PLUMBING PIPING INSULATION COMMISSIONING OF PLUMBING FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITY NATURAL GAS PIPING DOMESTIC WATER PIPING DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SPECIALTIES FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS SANITARY WASTE AND VENT PIPING SANITARY WASTE PIPING SPECIALTIES FACILITY STORM DRAINAGE PIPING STORM DRAINAGE PIPING SPECIALTIES FUEL FIRED, DOMESTIC-WATER HEATERS PLUMBING FIXTURES PRESSURE WATER COOLERS City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 00 01 10 - 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 23 MECHANICAL 23 05 00 23 05 13 23 05 19 23 05 23.11 23 05 23.12 23 05 23.13 23 05 23.14 23 05 29 23 05 48 23 05 53 23 05 93 23 07 13 23 07 19 23 08 00 23 09 23 23 09 23.11 23 09 23.12 23 21 13 23 21 13.13 23 21 16 23 21 23 23 31 13 23 33 00 23 34 23 23 36 00 23 37 13 23 72 00 23 81 46 23 82 39.16 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS COMMON MOTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT METERS AND GAGES FOR HVAC GLOBE VALVES FOR HVAC PIPING BALL VALVES FOR HVAC PIPING BUTTERFLY VALVES FOR HVAC PIPING CHECK VALVES FOR HVAC PIPING HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT VIBRATION AND SEISMIC CONTROLS FOR HVAC IDENTIFICATION FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING FOR HVAC DUCT INSULATION HVAC PIPING INSULATION COMMISSIONING OF HVAC DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL (DDC) SYSTEM FOR HVAC CONTROL VALVES CONTROL DAMPERS HYDRONIC PIPING UNDERGROUND HYDRONIC PIPING HYDRONIC PIPING SPECIALTIES HYDRONIC PUMPS METAL DUCTS AIR DUCTS ACCESSORIES HVAC POWER VENTILATORS AIR TERMINAL UNITS DIFFUSERS, REGISTERS, AND GRILLES AIR TO AIR ENERGY RECOVERY EQUIPMENT WATER SOURCE UNITARY HEAT PUMPS PROPELLER UNIT HEATERS DIVISION 26 ELECTRICAL 26 01 00 26 01 26 26 05 19 26 05 26 26 05 28 26 05 29 26 05 33 26 08 00 26 09 23 26 09 43 26 22 13 26 24 13 26 24 16 26 27 26 26 27 27 26 27 28 26 27 29 26 28 16 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS ELECTRICAL TESTING CONDUCTORS GROUNDING AND BONDING SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SUPPORTS AND SEISMIC RESTAINTS FASTENINGS AND SUPPORTS RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL LIGHTING CONTROL EQUIPMENT LIGHTING DIMMING SYSTEM EQUIPMENT DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS SWITCHBOARDS PANELBOARDS WIRING DEVICES OUTLET AND JUNCTION BOXES EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT DISCONNECTS MOTORS AND CIRCUITS City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 00 01 10 - 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 26 29 13 26 32 00 26 50 00 26 52 00 26 56 00 26 67 50 MOTOR STARTERS EMERGENCY GENERATOR POWER SYSTEM LIGHTING FIXTURES ELECTRONIC BALLASTS EMERGENCY LIGHTING PARKING AREA LIGHTING SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES DIVISION 27 COMMUNICATIONS 27 05 28 27 51 19 TELEPHONE COMPUTER CATV RACEWAY SYSTEM SOUND MASKING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 28 FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEMS 28 05 13 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS DIVISION 31 EARTHWORK 31 10 00 31 20 00 31 31 16 SITE CLEARING EARTH MOVING SOIL TREATMENT DIVISION 32 EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 32 12 16 32 13 13 32 13 73 32 31 19 32 92 00 32 93 00 ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE PAVING CONCRETE PAVING JOINT SEALANTS DECORATIVE METAL FENCES AND GATES TURFS AND GRASSES PLANTS DIVISION 33 UTILITIES 33 41 00 33 46 00 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE SUBDRAINAGE END OF SECTION 00 01 10 City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 00 01 10 - 6 SECTION 10 14 00 - SIGNAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Plaques by allowance. See Section 01 21 00 “Allowances” Dimensional characters by allowance. See Section 01 21 00 “Allowances Panel signs and interior signage by allowance. See Section 01 21 00 “Allowances”. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details for signs. 1. 2. C. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of actual units or sections of units showing the full range of colors available for the following: 1. 2. D. Show sign mounting heights, locations of supplementary supports to be provided by others, and accessories. Provide message list, typestyles, graphic elements, including tactile characters and Braille, and layout for each sign. Aluminum. Bronze Samples for Verification: For each of the following products and for the full range of color, texture, and sign material indicated, of sizes indicated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Plaque Casting: 6 inches square including border. Aluminum: For each form, finish, and color, on 6-inch- (150-mm-) long sections of extrusions and squares of sheet at least 4 by 4 inches (100 by 100 mm). Acrylic Sheet: 8 by 10 inches (200 by 250 mm) for each color required. Polycarbonate Sheet: 8 by 10 inches (200 by 250 mm) for each color required. Fiberglass Sheet: 8 by 10 inches (200 by 250 mm) for each color required. Panel Signs: Not less than 12 inches (305 mm) square including border. Frame: 6-inch- (152-mm-) long sections of each profile. Accessories: Manufacturer's full-size unit. E. Sign Schedule: Use same designations indicated on Drawings. F. Qualification Data: For Installer and fabricator. City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc Project # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ISSUED BY ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 10 14 00 - 1 SECTION 10 14 00 - SIGNAGE G. Maintenance Data: For signs to include in maintenance manuals. H. Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Section. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and approved by manufacturer . B. Fabricator Qualifications: Shop that employs skilled workers who custom-fabricate products similar to those required for this Project and whose products have a record of successful inservice performance. C. Source Limitations for Signs: Obtain each sign type indicated from one source from a single manufacturer. D. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit installation of signs in exterior locations to be performed according to manufacturers' written instructions and warranty requirements. E. Field Measurements: Verify recess openings by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. 1.5 COORDINATION A. 1.6 Coordinate placement of anchorage devices with templates for installing signs. WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of signs that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. 2. Deterioration of finishes beyond normal weathering. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Castings: ASTM B 26/B 26M, of alloy and temper recommended by sign manufacturer for casting process used and for use and finish indicated. B. Aluminum Sheet and Plate: ASTM B 209 (ASTM B 209M), alloy and temper recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for type of use and finish indicated, and with at least the strength and durability properties of Alloy 5005-H32. City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc Project # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ISSUED BY ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 10 14 00 - 2 SECTION 10 14 00 - SIGNAGE C. Bronze Castings: ASTM B 584, Alloy UNS No. C86500 (No. 1 manganese bronze). D. Acrylic Sheet: ASTM D 4802, Category A-1 (cell-cast sheet), Type UVA (UV absorbing). E. Polycarbonate Sheet: Of thickness indicated, manufactured by extrusion process, coated on both surfaces with abrasion-resistant coating: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 Impact Resistance: 16 ft-lbf/in. (854 J/m) per ASTM D 256, Method A. Tensile Strength: 9000 lbf/sq. in. (62 MPa) per ASTM D 638. Flexural Modulus of Elasticity: 340,000 lbf/sq. in. (2345 MPa) per ASTM D 790. Heat Deflection: 265 deg F (129 deg C) at 264 lbf/sq. in. (1.82 MPa) per ASTM D 648. Abrasion Resistance: 1.5 percent maximum haze increase for 100 revolutions of a Taber abraser with a load of 500 g per ASTM D 1044. PLAQUES A. Cast Plaques: Provide castings free of pits, scale, sand holes, and other defects, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Plaque Material: Bronze. Background Texture: Manufacturer's standard pebble texture. Border Style: Single, flatband border. Mounting: Concealed studs for substrates encountered. Plaque Schedule: 1. Plaque Type: a. b. c. d. 2.3 Plaque Size: 22 inches x 14”. Plaque Face: 1) Face of the plaque shall have a 3 1/ 4” high approved City logo with the letters “CITY OF CHARLOTTE, CMPD EASTWAY DIVISION” IN 1 inch high block style lettering. 2) Names of the Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, City Council, and the Police Chief in 1/2 inch high classic style lettering. 3) The Words “Erected 201_ “ (Year of Erection) and the name of the Architect and the name of the Contractor shall be at the bottom in 3/8 inch high block style lettering. Location: Exterior of the building at the location indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the Architect. Quantity: One. DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERS A. Cast Characters: Produce characters with smooth flat faces, sharp corners, and precisely formed lines and profiles, free of pits, scale, sand holes, and other defects. Cast lugs into back of characters and tap to receive threaded mounting studs. Alloy and temper recommended by sign manufacturer for casting process used and for use and finish indicated. Comply with the following requirements. 1. 2. 3. Character Material: Aluminum. Thickness: As indicated. Color(s): Dark Bronze Anodized. City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc Project # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ISSUED BY ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 10 14 00 - 3 SECTION 10 14 00 - SIGNAGE 4. 5. 6. 2.4 Mounting: Concealed studs, noncorroding for substrates encountered. Font: Garamond Bold. Height:10 inches INTERIOR PANEL SIGNS A. Interior Panel Signs: Provide smooth sign panel surfaces constructed to remain flat under installed conditions within a tolerance of plus or minus 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) measured diagonally from corner to corner, complying with the following requirements: 1. Laminated, Etched Photopolymer: Raised graphics with Braille 1/32 inch above surface with contrasting colors as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range] and laminated to acrylic back. 2. Edge Condition: Square cut. 3. Corner Condition: Rounded to radius indicated 4. Mounting: Framed 5. Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 6. Tactile Characters: Characters and Grade 2 Braille raised 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) above surface with contrasting colors. 7. Pictograms: Provide Standard Men, Women, and Accessible Wheelchair Symbols at Restrooms. B. Panel Sign Frames: 1. PVC Frames: Extruded, high-impact PVC plastic. a. b. c. d. e. f. 2.5 Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. Size: 8” x 8” Nom. Depth: Manufacturer’s Standard. Profile: Rounded. Corner Condition: Rounded to radius indicated. Mounting: ACCESSORIES A. 2.6 Anchors and Inserts: Provide nonferrous-metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts for exterior installations and elsewhere as required for corrosion resistance. Use toothed steel or lead expansion-bolt devices for drilled-in-place anchors. Furnish inserts, as required, to be set into concrete or masonry work. FINISHES, GENERAL A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. C. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc Project # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ISSUED BY ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 10 14 00 - 4 SECTION 10 14 00 - SIGNAGE acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. 2.7 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. 2.8 Color Anodic Finish: Manufacturer's standard Class 1 integrally colored or electrolytically deposited color anodic coating, 0.018 mm or thicker, in dark bronze applied over a polished (buffed mechanical finish, complying with AAMA 611. COPPER-ALLOY FINISHES A. Cast-Bronze Plaque Finishes: Exposed surfaces free of porosity, burrs, and rough spots; with returns finished with fine-grain air blast. 1. 2. B. Raised Areas: Hand-tool and buff borders and raised copy to produce manufacturer's standard satin finish. Background Finish: Dark oxidized. Clear Protective Coating: Coat exposed surfaces of copper alloys with manufacturer's standard, clear organic coating specially designed for coating copper-alloy products. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. B. Verify that items, including anchor inserts are sized and located to accommodate signs. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Locate signs and accessories where indicated, using mounting methods of types described and complying with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. B. Install signs level, plumb, and at heights indicated, with sign surfaces free of distortion and other defects in appearance. Dimensional Characters: Mount characters using standard fastening methods to comply with manufacturer's written instructions for character form, type of mounting, wall construction, and condition of exposure indicated. Provide heavy paper template to establish character spacing and to locate holes for fasteners. 1. Projected Mounting: Mount characters at projection distance of 1/2” from wall surface indicated. City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc Project # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ISSUED BY ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 10 14 00 - 5 SECTION 10 14 00 - SIGNAGE C. Cast-Metal Plaques: Mount plaques using standard fastening methods to comply with manufacturer's written instructions for type of wall surface indicated. 1. 3.3 Concealed Mounting: Mount plaques by inserting threaded studs into tapped lugs on back of plaque. Set in predrilled holes filled with quick-setting cement. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. After installation, clean soiled sign surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions. Protect signs from damage until acceptance by Owner. END OF SECTION 10 14 00 City of Charlotte Project # 512-13-047 C design Inc Project # 0604 - 0310 09.15.2014; ISSUED BY ADDENDUM 1: 10.15.2014 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT WESTOVER STATION 10 14 00 - 6
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