How Do We Get From Here to There? Why Measurement... Authors District: Unit or Course

How Do We Get From Here to There? Why Measurement Matter
Authors: Beth Dichter, Carolyn Gardner, Rachel Stavely-Hale, Antigoni Tzoumakas
District: Northampton School District
Unit or Course: Algebra 1
(focus on measurement)
Lesson Duration: 255 minutes
Prep Time: 90 minutes
Topics or Keywords: measurement, unit analysis, conversion, linear equations, quadradic equations, cubic equations,
polynomials, area and volume, perimeter
Lesson Overview:
Students learn about skills related to measurement of familiar shapes and solids through the use of videos from Discovery Education
as well as java applets and other Web 2.0 tools.
Aligned Standards
This lesson is aligned to the follow standards:
Mathematics – May 2004, Measurement Strand
10.M.1. Calculate perimeter, circumference, and area of common geometric figures such as parallelograms, trapezoids, circles, and
Mathematics – May 2004, Measurement Strand
10.M.2. Given the formula, find the lateral area, surface area, and volume of prisms, pyramids, spheres, cylinders, and cones, e.g., find
the volume of a sphere with a specified surface area.
Mathematics – May 2004, Measurement Strand
10.M.3. Relate changes in the measurement of one attribute of an object to changes in other attributes, e.g., how changing the radius or
height of a cylinder affects its surface area or volume.
Mathematics – May 2004, Measurement Strand
10.M.4. Describe the effects of approximate error in measurement and rounding on measurements and on computed values from
Mathematics – May 2004, Geometry Strand
10.G.6. Use the properties of special triangles (e.g., isosceles, equilateral, 30°-60°-90°, 45°-45°-90°) to solve problems. (10.G.6)
10.G.9 Define the sine, cosine, and tangent of an acute angle. Apply to the solution of problems.
Mathematics – May 2004, Geometry Strand
10.G.5 Solve simple triangle problems using the triangle angle sum property, and/or the Pythagorean theorem.
Mathematics – May 2004, Geometry Strand
G.G.10. Apply the triangle inequality and other inequalities associated with triangles (e.g., the longest side is opposite the greatest
angle) to prove theorems and solve problems.
Mathematics – May 2004, Geometry Strand
G.G.9. Define the sine, cosine and tangent of an acute angle. Apply to the solutions of problems.
Mathematics – May 2004, Measurement Strand
12.M.2. use dimensional analysis for unit conversion and to confirm that expressions and equations make sense.
Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations – April 20008, Use of Computers and Applications Strand
1.19. Enter formulas and functions; use the auto-fill feature in a spreadsheet application.
Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations – April 20008, Use of Computers and Applications Strand
1.20. Explain and use advanced formatting features of a spreadsheet application (e.g., reposition columns and rows, add and name
Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations – April 20008, Use of Computers and Applications Strand
1.21. Differentiate between formulas with absolute and relative cell references.
Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations – April 20008, Ethics and Safety Strand
2.1. Demonstrate compliance with the school's Acceptable Use Policy.
Research, Problem Solving and Communication Strand
Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations – April 20008, Problem Solving and Communication Strand
3.8. Use online communication tools to collaborate with peers, community members, and field experts as appropriate (e.g., bulletin
boards, discussion forums, listservs, Web conferencing).
Assessment Instructions
Formative Assessments:
Prior knowledge assessment during warm-up using clickers or Post-It histograms that will prove for misconceptions
Questions and student discourse throughout lesson
Assessment of understanding through practice with MCAS questions and real life application (in this lesson plan this was done
through the Park Project Design)
Summative Assessments:
Class presentation of scale model projects (virtual or actual)
When this class was taught the students rapidly became engaged in the creation of their garden plot. Two examples of plot plans are
included at the end of the lesson plan as well as descriptions of how they came to their conclusions (one description is a part of the
Sketch-Up diagram and the other was written in a word processor). In addition some of the students explored circles and cubes. They
were asked to write down a hypothesis as to what would happen if a cube was increased, doubling or tripling in size. They then
created a cube in Sketch-Up and resized it to determine if their hypothesis was correct. Other students did a similar activity exploring
the radius of a circle. An example of each of these activities is included at the end of this lesson plan. Each group presented their
findings to the class and discussion followed where students were highly engaged with sharing their findings and exploring the
findings of the other students.
Products and Performances:
Sketch-Up Measurement Project:
1) Design: Pretend you have a plot of land that is 30 ft by 30 ft and wish to make a mini park. Create two different basic designs
of your mini park using the following guidelines.
a. Use the entire plot area to design your park.
b. Construct 4 ft wide walk paths around the perimeter.
c. Ensure that visitors to the park have access 4 ft wide walk paths providing access to water fountain in the center by
constructing two 4 ft wide walk path with seating areas at the end of the paths.
d. Your design should allow for four separate grass and/or flower beds.
e. Be creative.
2) Calculate: Use area formulas and show your process for calculating the following:
a. The total area of the park.
b. The total area of the grass and/or flower beds.
c. The total area of the walk paths (include the water fountain and seating areas).
d. Using the “Entity Info” window in SketchUp, how do your calculations compare to the SketchUp values?
3) Discuss: Base on your scale model project investigations, discuss how the calculated areas in part (2) will be altered if the land
you had was twice the size (60 ft by 60 ft).
Please note - samples of work from this assignment are included in this handout. Please look at page 9.
MCAS Questions – these may be pulled from the DESE website if interested in using them.
Key Concepts/Essential Questions
Essential Question
How does math help us understand our world?
Unit Questions:
In what way are measurements used in the real world that impact our daily lives?
Content Questions:
How do you determine the perimeter, circumference and area of a: parallelogram, trapezoid, circle and triangle?
How do you find the lateral area, surface area, and volume of a prism, pyramid, sphere, cylinder and cone?
How do you relate changes in the measurement of one attribute of an object to changes in another attribute, e.g. how does
changing the radius or height of a cylinder affect the surface area or volume?
Specific Skills
Students will need to be introduced to Sketch-Up.
Activities and Procedures:
Opening Activity (Please note that TA = Teacher Activity and SA = Student Activity)
TA – introduce the lesson plan, using white board configuration (date, objective, agenda for the day).
SA – quick warm-up for assessment of prior knowledge using the clickers or a show of hands.
Motivational Activity
View Discovery video on area and surface area with students and then have students select an object of interest in the classroom to
measure dimensions and find surface area. Follow up with discussion of their challenges in carrying out the activity, what they
discovered during the activity, why accurate measurement matters, and how these sorts of measurements are relevant not just for
achieving proficiency on the MCAS but also in a broad range of applications in the real world.
Discovering Math: Measurement (Grades 9-12). Discovery Education. 2007.
Discovery Education. 25 March 2009
The specific segments we use are from the segment called Surface Area and Volume. The four videos include Introduction: Geometric
Quantities and Fantastic Animation; Example 1: Surface Area – Boxes and Cans; Example 2: Volume – Pools and Cans; and Example
3: Surface Area and Volume – Cheese. The total time for the clips is 10 minutes 47 seconds and they do not all need to be shown in
one sitting.
TA - begin discussion of unit analysis, note that equations produced when finding surface area were quadratic and show second
Discovery video to introduce what happens when you consider a third dimension, such as when calculating volume.
SA - calculate volume of object measured in motivational activity.
TA - give students a selection of MCAS measurement questions. Be sure to select "real world" problems of the sort that students might
realistically encounter in their lives, if possible. First let students attempt the problems without the MCAS reference sheet, then
provide them with the sheets, then provide them with the enhanced sheets. To accommodate students who may have difficulty
determining what are their own areas of weakness, the Special Education Teacher may facilitate individual conversations with
students to gauge understanding of the various area and volume formulas. Individual or small-group conversations may help assess
and engage students who otherwise may perform inadequately on MCAS questions due to test anxiety, reading disabilities, or lack of
motivation. The Special Education Teacher will then report back to the General Education Algebra Teacher results of oral
assessments. Follow up with discussion of what students perceive as their areas of weakness and how/if the reference sheet and
enhanced sheet were of help.
SA - assess for themselves during the activity what their knowledge is of the various area and volume formulas and how to apply
TA - give students a copy of the MCAS scoring rubric and the response to one question, then review it in a whole-class discussion.
SA - take turns scoring their own responses to the MCAS questions in group. The group could then hand the question off to a different
group (or student) and ask them what they would do to improve the response.
TA - show Java applets demonstrating how altering one dimension affects area/volume/surface area. The applets we are utilizing
SA - return to the object measured in the motivational activity and discuss how the surface area and volume would change when one
dimension is increased or decreased.
TA - show introductory Google SketchUp video and demonstrate the use of Google SketchUp. Google SketchUP and the video are
both located at Please note that there is a free version of Google SketchUp and that you
must make sure that your IT Department is willing to download it and make it available for student use
SA - explore Google SketchUp.
TA - assign scale model project, to be completed in groups
SA - create a scale model, virtual or actual, and present scale model project to class. Post at regular intervals to Moodle discussion
boards to update on progress and discuss challenges.
TA – assign Project Park Design to each student as a real life application
SA – see attached document that explains this project in detail
Student presentations may include actual scale models students have built by themselves in their groups or virtual scale models
designed using Google SketchUp or other virtual 3D design software. Presentations should be followed by a question-and-answer
period. Of particular interest will be discussion of the constraints on the students' projects.
This will be followed up by a teacher led discussion using new measurement questions as a wrap-up for this lesson. This provides an
additional opportunity to assess students understanding (and address misconceptions if necessary). It also provides a guide for future
lessons. A teacher may ask: Do I need to repeat this? Is it appropriate to move on? A key component of this section is the presentation
of the real life application design where students were able to self-assess and teacher was able to assess the students comprehension
levels of scaling up the model. (For more information refer to attached plan.)
Extensions and Modifications
Pre-teaching Activity
To accommodate learners that have working memory issues, visual processing disorders, or significant weaknesses in math, the
Special Education Teacher will lead a pre-teaching activity. For example, H = height, which is the perpendicular distance from the
base of a shape (triangle or rectangle) to its topmost point. By limiting pre-teaching instruction to the formulas for measuring triangles
and rectangles, students will not be overwhelmed by the amount of information to which they are attending. Pre-teaching should occur
one to three days before the Motivational Activity of the main lesson.
Materials or Resources Needed for Lesson
Computer Lab with High Speed Internet Access
Software used:
• Sketch-Up, an online software through Google that allows students to create 3D models. There is a free version for education.
• GoogleDocs or Buzzword, online tools that allow students to write and share documents with others in their group as well as
the teacher
• Moodle, an open source content management system that provides forums for that allow students to share and discuss their
work outside of the classroom
Discovery Education videos, specifically Introduction: Geometric Quantities and Fantastic Animation; Example 1: Surface Area –
Boxes and Cans; Example 2: Volume – Pools and Cans; and Example 3: Surface Area and Volume – Cheese. Available at
Websites Used
Lesson plan developed by:
Beth Dichter, Technology Integration Specialist,, Northampton High School, Northampton Public
Carolyn Gardner, Math Teacher,, Northampton High School, Northampton Public Schools
Rachel Stavely-Hale, Math Teacher,, Northampton High School, Northampton Public Schools
Antigoni Tzoumakas, Special Education Teacher,, Northampton High School, Northampton Public
Students should make use of the MCAS reference sheet used at Northampton High School. Each school may use their own reference
sheet. The Geometry textbook is also an excellent resource.
The following pages include samples of student work using SketchUp.
Cube Investigation
Park Radius
Park Design #1
Park Design Calculation #1
Park Design #2
Park Design Calculation #2
A) Area of Park
30 ft ∗ 30 ft = 900 ft 2
B) Area of Grass and Flower beds
The edge length of the park subtract three times the width of the walk path each 4 ft gives the edge length of one of the green
square. Squaring the edge length gives the area of one green square and then multiplying by 4 gives the total area of the grass and
flower beds.
⎛ (30 − 12) ft ⎞ ⎛ 18 ft ⎞
⎟ = (9 ft ) = 81 ft
⎟ =⎜
⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
Area of one grass area:
Total area of grass areas: 81 ft 2 ∗ 4 = 324 ft 2
C) Area of Walk Paths
Area of Park – Area of Grass and Flower beds
900 ft 2 − 324 ft 2 = 576 ft 2
My calculated values correspond to Sketchup values.