“Kyler is one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. He is the proof of me getting better and being a better person.” THIS IS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO. FISCAL YEAR 2012 ANNUAL REPORT SERVING KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, SOUTHERN INDIANA AND WEST VIRGINIA Dear Friends, You will notice a bold and simple statement on the cover of this report: This is why we do what we do. A national advertising campaign was launched recently and carries this message to the public. It is quite simple. Volunteers of America is the charity that always steps forward to help the most vulnerable. For more than 115 years we have taken on the most difficult tasks to help the underserved. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA CREATES POSITIVE CHANGE IN THE LIVES OF INDIVIDUALS AND COMMUNITIES THROUGH A MINISTRY OF SERVICE. The reason we are one of region’s oldest human service organizations is because we are effective and accountable. You will see that evidence as you read this report. Our successful outcomes are possible because of our highly skilled employees, our engaged and knowledgeable Board of Directors and Advisory Councils, our dedicated volunteers, and our many generous community supporters. ON THE COVER: Heaven, age 24, came to us last year scared, addicted, and pregnant. With our help, she delivered her son, Kyler, healthy and drug-free, and is now stable in recovery. Sincerely, programs focusing on homeless families, addiction recovery, individuals with disabilities, veterans, people living with HIV, and low-income seniors 2 6 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SERVICES 8 ADDICTION RECOVERY SERVICES 10 VETERANS SERVICES 11 HIV SERVICES 14DONORS 19LEADERSHIP Editorial/Creative: Jennifer Recktenwald, Senior Director of Communications Claire Sheehan, Communications Coordinator Printing generously donated by Publishers Press Photography on pages 1, 3, 8, and 15 generously donated by Jessica Powell, Vogue Visions Photography Lisa C. DeJaco Board Chair 32 HOMELESS AND HOUSING SERVICES 12FINANCIALS Each year brings new challenges to the way we deliver our high-quality, life-changing services. We are poised and ready to meet those challenges and continue taking on the most difficult tasks. We hope you will join us. Jane W. Burks President and CEO 4 Impact 750 highly-skilled employees providing compassionate and professional services to individuals and families throughout our region 11,069 hours of community service contributed by 682 volunteers 20,384 people served across Kentucky, Tennessee, Southern Indiana, and West Virginia 3 HOMELESS AND HOUSING SERVICES Collaborative Housing Initiative Eviction Prevention 77% of families exited to affordable, stable housing Family Follow Up 100% of adults increased their income through employment or disability payment and/or were pursuing an educational goal upon exit from the program Lexington Family Housing my family together in our own home is a dream come true. I cannot tell you what it means to be able to fix a healthy, home-cooked meal for my family in our very own kitchen!” 4 – Katrina (top right), who along with her husband, George (top left), sought help from our Family Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing Program. George and Katrina secured stable, affordable housing for themselves and their four sons, and are working toward purchasing their own home. 95% of clients served remained in permanent housing Family Emergency Shelter Follow Up for Success “Having 100% of households maintained permanent housing for at least 12 months after exiting a shelter or transitional housing program Service locations: Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky Memphis, Knoxville, and Powell, Tennessee Senora (left) and Blanche, residents of our Spanish Cove Senior Housing Community in Louisville, take part in regular social activities and enjoy the benefits of health and wellness services designed to help residents maintain their independence. 100% of households obtained permanent housing after exiting a shelter or transitional housing program 91% of exiting participants transitioned to permanent housing Permanent Supportive Housing 80% of those who remained in the program had stable or improved income Specialized Housing Provided affordable, stable housing for 279 low-income elderly residents, as well as affordable, stable housing to 30 adults with severe, chronic mental illness Transitional Housing 100% of households exited the program to stable housing Family Emergency Shelter and Eviction Prevention Program funded in part by 5 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SERVICES “Volunteers of America has helped me out a lot. They take me places I want to go, And Sandy is a great cook. They treat me real good. They are the best people in the world.” 247 program participants served around-the-clock by our Direct Support Professional staff 55 Supportive Living Homes Respite housing for temporary family member support Community living supports, weekly activity events, transportation for day services and medical care supervision Program locations: Middle Tennessee and West Tennessee Southern Indiana Northern Kentucky 12 family-based residential homes 97% of family members or legal guardians indicated they were completely satisfied with the services provided to their loved one “““I love working with Nancy, She makes progress every day. We take her out daily and were able to accompany her to five Tennessee Titans football games last year, She is their number one fan.” – June (center), who receives services from our staff members Tammy Vinson (left), Sandy DeWeese (right), and others. With help from Volunteers of America, June is able to continue living in the home she owns in Southern Indiana, pursue her jewelry-making hobby, and volunteer at her church. 6 – Direct Support Professional Scarlett Gunter (right), who has worked with Nancy Doyle (left), a resident of one of our Supportive Living Homes in Middle Tennessee, for nearly four years. 7 Services locations: Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky ADDICTION RECOVERY SERVICES Women’s Addiction Recovery Services All 15 babies born while their mothers participated in the program were born healthy and drug-free 12 children were reunited with their mothers Katie delivered her daughter, Aubrey, healthy and drug-free with help from our Addiction Recovery Services. While in treatment, Katie participated in the Arts in Healing program offered by the Kentucky Center for the Arts, and has discovered within herself a love of dramatic performance. 100% of clients exited the program with improved treatment status and increased income 97% of clients surveyed indicated that they benefited from the program Men’s Addiction Recovery Services 100% of clients in transitional treatment obtained employment “The staff really care. They let you know how serious they are about helping you recover. They break it down in a common sense way. When I drank and did drugs, that was the only thing on my mind. Volunteers of America has given me the reassurance that I can go out into the world and not into some bar or back alley.” – David, a recent graduate of our Addiction Recovery Services in Louisville. He and other clients have benefited from the use of Serenity Park, a green space adjacent to our Shelby Street Clinical Campus in Louisville, which was transformed with the support of numerous community groups. 8 Among clients exiting a correctional facility, 90% did not re-offend 96% of clients in four separate programs indicated that they benefited from the services received Shelby Men’s Center and Freedom House (part of our Addiction Recovery Services) funded in part by 9 VETERANS SERVICES Service locations: Louisville, Lexington, and Grayson, Kentucky Knoxville, and Morristown, Tennessee Ceredo, West Virginia HIV SERVICES 649 veterans served in Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia 100% of individuals who were tested and confirmed HIV positive were linked to medical services within 72 hours 99% of clients surveyed indicated that they benefited from the services received More than 1,100 people living with HIV and AIDS received comprehensive medical case management 74% of clients receiving employment counseling entered the job market 98% of clients surveyed indicated they were satisfied with the services received Education and supplies were provided to nearly 14,000 people through community outreach Service locations: Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (a division of HIV Services) funded in part by “Receiving With help from our Homeless Veterans Transitional Treatment Program and Supportive Services for Veterans and Families Program in Lexington, Timothy (left) was able to secure stable, affordable housing and regain custody of his children, Erika (center) and Stephan (right). Timothy is enrolled in college courses and plans to become a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor. 10 support during a time of crisis absolutely changed my life. I am now not only living healthy and successfully – working full time and enjoying my life – I am also part of the solution.” – Cooper (center), a recipient and supporter of our HIV Services, with staff member Kim Webster (left) and Dennis Cheney (right), Cooper’s partner for more than a decade. Cooper was laid off from a former job and faced thousands of dollars in medical expenses. Volunteers of America helped cover those costs until he secured insurance. 11 FINANCIALS Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalent Accounts receivable, net Prepaid expenses Total current assets 284,516 3,165,300 253,976 3,703,792 Property and Equipment Land and buildings Furniture and equipment Less accumulated depreciation Total property and equipment 7,032,832 2,884,190 (5,476,765) 4,440,257 Other Assets Long-term investments Restricted Deposits Pledges receivable noncurrent Intangible assets Other Total other assets 627,324 84,089 286,963 158,795 54,899 1,212,070 Total Assets 9,356,119 Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable Line of credit Mortgages and other notes payable, due in one year Accrued expenses Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Our five core values – Commitment, Compassion, Diversity, Integrity, and Justice – are featured on inspiring murals at our Shelby Street Clinical Campus. Positive Change Society member and artist Micki Thomas masterminded the concept and enlisted fellow employees of Yum! Brands to bring the project to fruition. 12 Expenses by Program Long-term Liabilities Mortgages and notes payable, noncurrent Payable to affiliate Total long-term liabilities 348,921 223,074 178,648 1,319,225 142,360 2,212,228 989,639 158,795 1,148,434 Net Assets Unrestricted 4,261,880 Temporarily restricted 1,703,602 Permanently restricted 29,965 Total net assets 5,995,457 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $9,356,119 Statement of Revenue and Expenses Public Support and Revenue Public support/direct and indirect support Public support/capital and bequests Special events Volunteers of America awards and grants United Way awards and grants Total public support Revenues and grants from public agencies Program service fees Rental income Miscellaneous revenue Total other revenue Total Revenue from Operations Developmental Disability Services 63% Homeless and Housing Services 17% Health Care 8% Addiction Recovery Services 6% VOA Property Corporation of Louisville 3% Correctional Services 3% Expenses by Program Homeless services Addiction recovery services Developmental disability services Correctional services Health care services Housing VOA Property Corporation of Louisville Total program services Support Services Management and general Fundraising Administration fees paid to national organization Total Supporting Services 2,560,838 388,115 74,493 161,538 195,224 3,380,208 23,249,318 838,292 236,126 278,939 1,353,357 27,982,883 3,865,097 1,335,184 14,651,498 631,594 1,768,543 235,921 845,693 23,333,530 2,363,755 1,008,941 569,292 3,941,988 Total Operating Expenses 27,275,518 Excess/(deficit) from operations 707,365 Non-operating Gains and Losses and Other Revenue Gain on acquisition of program 427,480 Capital advances 1,311,597 Interest and dividend income 15,732 Gains on investments (18,818) Profits from other activities 1,735,991 Net Assets at End of Year 5,995,457 13 POSITIVE CHANGE SOCIETY 14 DONORS The Positive Change Society* is a giving circle of donors who have committed to creating sustainable funding for our organization by pledging at least $1,000 a year for five years. Their investment in long-term solutions helps homeless families secure affordable, stable housing; assists individuals undergoing substance abuse treatment; and supports individuals with developmental disabilities in our network of residential programs. To learn more, contact Jennifer Hancock at (502) 636-4649 or JenniferH@voaky.org. Listed on the following pages are financial gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Volunteers of America also thanks the individuals and companies that made contributions of $249 or less, donated goods or services (including vehicles), and volunteered their time to support our mission, services, and clients during Fiscal Year 2012. Their generous contributions and support exceed the capacity of this publication. Mrs. Ruth Atkins and Mr. Luis Prada Natalie and John Bajandas Art and Bay Baltes Ms. Barbara C. Banaszynski Ms. Pamela E. Barry Rita and Elroy Bond LuAnn and Michael Brent Mr. Randy Brothers Ms. Meredith W. Brown Ms. Jane W. Burks and Mr. G. Richard Burks, II Anonymous Sandra and Carlous Chambers Tammy and Greg Coats Mr. Chris Conliffe and Mr. Scott Howard Mr. Robert M. Connolly Mr. Richard A. Coomer and Mr. Jamie Massey Dr. Robert B. Cooter Jr., Ed.D. and Dr. Kathleen Cooter, Ph.D. Mr. Alfonso N. Cornish Ms. Patricia Cummings and Mr. John A. Bruggman Carolyn and David Davis Lisa C. DeJaco and Marc Crutcher Mr. Erik Eaker Mr. Aaron M. Evans Mary and Ed Farmer Anonymous David W. and Maura B. Fennell Ms. Farrah Ferriell David and Vicki Flanery Joe and Angie Fleig Mr. Marion M. Gee Tom and Laura George Robert and Debra Roberts Ms. Andrea Robinson Ms. Sherall L. Ruffatto, AD Trish and Bill Segrest Anonymous Judge Paula Sherlock Anonymous Brad and Patti Smith Pete and Caroline Smith Kim and Jim Spalding Mr. John D. (Jack) Sweeney Jr. Charles and Melinda Tewell Sarah and Gary Thieneman Micki and Don Thomas Joanne and Ken Towery Ms. Donna H. Trabue Ms. Janice M. Trimer Mr. Michael R. Vine Mr. Carl L. Williams Mrs. Frances H. Wilson Champion: $25,000 to $49,999 *Current as of January 29, 2013 AIDS Services Center Coalition, Inc. Ms. Meredith W. Brown Ms. Jane W. Burks and Mr. G. Richard Burks, II Caldwell Charitable Trust The Champ Foundation LLC GE Employees Community Fund GE Foundation Ms. Mary Nixon Norton Healthcare Papa John’s International, Inc. Piedmont Natural Gas Radio Sound, Inc. Mr. Gene Ulrich Fred B. and Opal S. Woosley Foundation YUM ! Brands Foundation, Inc. Anonymous Tiffany and John Hall Jennifer M. Hancock John and Jessica Haworth Ms. Alex Heart Hal and Sheila Heiner Mr. Kevin J. Hickey Ms. Sheryl A. Howell David and Annette Huff Sharon and Terry Johnson Ms. Jan Jones James and Kathi Kauffman Don and Mary Carol Kelly Ms. Patricia E. Killion Gary and Anne King Mr. Jon Kuehl Mr. John T. Launius Ms. Patrice Y. Lux Mr. Steve Magre Mr. Kevin S. McCauley Mr. Kevin McCowan Joyce McKiernan Susan and Robert Means Mr. Ken N. Middleton Catherine Newton, MD Ms. Mary Nixon Mr. Thomas M. Norris Mr. R. Wood Northup Mr. Nicholas B. O’Brien Dickie and Linda Oliver Judie Parks-Gornet and Tim Gornet Mr. Chad Perkins Mack and Marilyn Poole Ms. Paula M. Purifoy Dr. Gary and Janet Purlee Ms. Katie Receveur Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Rechter Jennifer Recktenwald and Tony Peyton Mr. Jesse Rhodes Ms. Linda Rice Patron: $2,500 to $4,999 Home Depot Foundation The PNC Foundation Leader: $10,000 to $24,999 Opal Godfrey Brennan Trust Council on Prevention and Education: Substances, Inc. The Gheens Foundation, Inc. Anonymous Anonymous Nissan North America Inc. The Ephraim and Wilma Shaw Roseman Foundation Volunteers of America Inc. WHAS Crusade for Children Wal*Mart Supercenter Guardian: $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Ms. Pamela E. Barry William E. Barth Foundation Community Foundation of Southern Indiana Dare To Care, Inc. Del Mar Medical East Tennessee Foundation Five-Star Technology Solutions David and Vicki Flanery Tom and Laura George JDC Coatings Inc. Kentucky Social Welfare Foundation Mr. William F. Kolodey LG&E and KU Foundation Manor Respiratory Care, Inc. Messer Construction Foundation PNC Bank Woodrow M. and Florence G. Strickler Designated Fund Mr. James D. Thomasell Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, Inc. VOICES of Kentuckiana Ben and Whitney Wilson Robert Winthrop Charitable Trust Zoeller Company Pacesetter: $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous All-American Termite and Pest Control, Inc. Mr. William T. Allen Alltrade Service Solutions, LLC Ruth E. Atkins and Luis E. Prada B-Dry Systems of Louisville Inc. Art and Bay Baltes Ms. Barbara C. Banaszynski Mrs. Mary Louise E. Barr Daniel and Jayne Becher Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee Mrs. Edith S. Bingham Rita and Elroy Bond Mr. Randy Brothers Mr. Leighton Bush Anonymous Caudill Seed Company, Inc. Century II Staffing, Inc. Sandra and Carlous Chambers Ms. Ruth H. Cloudman Tammy and Greg Coats Combined Federal Campaign Mr. Scott D. Cook V. V. Cooke Foundation Mr. Richard A. Coomer and Mr. Jamie Massey Mr. Alfonso N. Cornish Crutcher Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Patricia Cummings and Mr. John A. Bruggman The Danner Foundation Lisa C. DeJaco and Marc Crutcher Duplicator Sales & Service, Inc. Mr. Erik Eaker Emdeon Ernst & Young LLP Estes Excavating, Inc. David W. and Maura B. Fennell Ms. Farrah Ferriell Ms. Barbara J. Ford James and Doris Ford Charles and Carol French Dr. and Ms. Russell J. Gailor, DVM Ms. Marsha Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Garmon Mr. Marion M. Gee Grand Avenue Limousine, LLC The HCA Foundation Tiffany and John Hall Jennifer M. Hancock The Wood & Marie Hannah Foundation Ms. Cordia W. Harrington Ms. Alex Heart Major General (Ret) Charles K. Heiden Hal and Sheila Heiner Ms. Sheryl A. Howell Humana, Inc. Hylant Group IBM Employee and Retiree Charitable Contribution Campaign 15 Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church Sharon and Terry Johnson Ms. Jan Jones Carroll and Rosalie Kamer Don and Mary Carol Kelly Kenwal Steel Corporation Gary and Anne King Steve Kraman, M.D. LG&E and KU Energy LLC LHI Lighting Sales, Inc. Joan and John LaGrasse Mr. Jeff B. Lasater Mr. John T. Launius Mr. James J. Levenson Sr Ms. Patrice Y. Lux Mr. William E. Lux The MacLean Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred M. McCord Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Kentuckiana Mrs. Joyce McKiernan Mr. Ken N. Middleton Mrs. Janet M. Musson Roger and Terri Neal Dr. Ethel H. O’Brien Designated Fund Dickie and Linda Oliver PNC Bank Judie Parks-Gornet and Tim Gornet Pinnacle Bank Mr. Joe E. Poe Dr. Gary and Janet Purlee Quantrell Cadillac, Inc. Ms. Katie Receveur Jennifer L. Recktenwald and Tony Peyton Ms. Linda Rice Ms. Marjorie U. Rice Sue and Fred Rice Stephen and Donna Rivette Robert and Debra Roberts Ms. Andrea Robinson George and Melissa Rue Ms. Sherall L. Ruffatto, AD Ms. Delma C. Schnellenberger Second Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Kentucky, Inc. Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church The J. M. Smucker Company Kim and James Spalding Strothman & Company PSC Summit Medical Center Jack and Carolyn Sweeney Sypris Solutions, Inc. Sypris Technologies TNT Fireworks T & T Family Foundation Charles and Melinda Tewell Micki and Don Thomas Eliza”Beth” and Paul Torp Ms. Donna H. Trabue Ms. Janice M. Trimer Anonymous UPS (Louisville) UPS (Tennessee) Michael and Susan Vine Ms. Judith E. Wagner Mr. Neal Wallace Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP Mrs. Frances H. Wilson Good Samaritan: $500 to $999 Ms. Ann T. Allen Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Ms. Lynda A. Antonelli Association of Pakistani Physicians Atlas Machine & Supply, Inc. Brian and Bonnie Bailey Ms. Amy G. Benovitz Mr. T. Grant Benson Bluegrass Classic Tommy and Christine Borders Mrs. Doris H. Bridgeman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Browne Estate of Edna M. Carrithers Anonymous “I support Volunteers of America because of all the great work they do helping families, children, veterans, the homeless, and others in need. We’ve all said to ourselves, ‘If I had more time or more money I would do more.’ The truth is, most of us have really good intentions but we are all so busy with work, kids, and life in general, that we don’t always have the time or extra money to contribute. I was recently reviewing my personal portfolio and I realized I could in fact include Volunteers of America. I was able to allocate a percentage of income payable to Volunteers of America as a beneficiary just as I would any family member or friend. Although it doesn’t affect my day-to-day finances, I knew it could significantly impact the work that Volunteers of America does on a daily basis.” 16 l EAVE A lEGACY make a planned gift visit voaky.org/legacy or call (502) 636-4638 – Dana Moody Dr. Robert B. Cooter Jr, Ed.D. and Dr. Kathleen Cooter, Ph.D. Anonymous Ms. Melissa Dilworth Mrs. Betty L. Doering Donelson/Hermitage Rotary Foundation Mr. Thomas E. Dunbar EMC Structural Engineers, PC Ms. Patricia L. Edmiston Mr. and Mrs. James L. Eversole Mary and Ed Farmer Keeta and Dave Fox Ms. Ruth F. Goldstein Mr. E. J. Golightly Mr. David L. Graeser Mr. and Mrs. R. Brooks Hatcher Jr. Mr. and Ms. R. Gene Hoffman David and Annette Huff Ms. Jennifer Hughes Christine and John Johnson Hunt B. Jones, M.D. Mr. Ronald S. Kareken Ms. Lisa Keener and Mr. Bill Hollander Ms. Patricia E. Killion Mrs. Patricia A. Klumb Ms. Dawn R. Landry Dr. Albin L. Lee Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lewis Jeannie and Mark Locy Lodging Kit Company Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lux Mr. Steve Magre Mr. Frederick B. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Mason Ms. Bettye J. Mayes Anonymous Anonymous Mark and Lynn McLeroy Mrs. Mary T. Means Meridian Surgical Partners LLC Messer Construction Company Mrs. Arlyn J. Metcalfe Metro United Way Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Meuler Andrew and Stacy Mill Thomas and Cheryl Mitchell Catherine Newton, MD Mr. Thomas M. Norris Office Furniture Concepts LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pacholek Ms. Kimie T. Pendleton Mr. Samuel Pinter Mrs. Meta S. Richards Ms. Terry Richards Riverside Parking, Inc. Rogers Group, Inc. William and Kaelin Rybak Anonymous Anonymous Ms. Jodi K. Smith Pete and Caroline Smith Snowden & Associates, Inc. The Star Group, LLC Ms. Novalene Stevenson-Sitgraves Mrs. Betty A. Stotz Talk Wireless Inc Technology Conservation Group, Inc. Sarah and Gary Thieneman Anonymous Mr. Jared Thompson Top Flight Financial Van Zandt, Emrich & Cary The Village Anchor Pub & Roost Ms. Linda Ward Whayne Supply Company Ms. Vida Tuley-Whitman Mr. C. Ken Wilson Jr. Associate: $250 to $499 Mr. Richard Adams Aetna Foundation, Inc. Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Bays Pastor and Mrs. Harlan Beckemeyer Mrs. Jo Ann Becker Ms. Karen M. Beckley Stan and Michelle Bell Mrs. Norma J. Bender Ms. Deborah A. Bilitski Mr. and Mrs. J. David Borders Mr. Brooks H. Bower Mrs. Ruth M. Bowers Bowles Mattress Company Mr. and Mrs. James F. Braun Mrs. Jane Breece Bristol-Myers Squibb Brown & Brown of Tennessee Inc Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bryant Mrs. Julie B. Campbell Capistrano Associates, Inc. Mr. Mark A. Carroll Mr. Billy C. Carter Tom and Bonnie Case Mark and Mariellen Cassidy Mr. Dennis L. Chaney and Mr. Ralph M. Coopersmith Mr. Fred W. Christian Mrs. Bonnie K. Ciresi Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Ciresi Combined Federal Campaign Ms. Susan M. Coomes John and Ann Davis Mr. Wade Duggin E3 Performance Group LLC Arloa I. Eckels, M.D. Reverend John G. Eifler Mrs. Margaret D. Ellaby Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Elmore Susan and Jacob Ems EnhanceMyBenefits.com, LLC Melyssa and Bryson Evans Ms. Paula Fargen First Data Merchant Services Corporation Mr. Jon L. Fleischaker Anonymous Mr. Mark A. Ford Steve and Kathleen Ford Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Fowler Paul and Mary Franz Ms. LaToya Frennesson Ms. Tina L. Fulkerson James and Callie Gammon Mrs. Myra G. Garon G & C Communications Incorporated Mr. John A. Geiser German Paristown Inc Mr. John R. Gernert Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Ghazi Steven D. Glassman, M.D. Mrs. Linda M. Graham Gina and James Gregory Gresham, Smith and Partners Haddad’s Auto Service Ms. Elizabeth M. Haendiges Mrs. Helen Hammer Mr. Keath Hammon Ms. Barbara S. Hanka Mr. Wayne Harnack Ms. Elizabeth Harper Jenny and Terry Harris Mr. Thomas M. Harris Harshaw Trane Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hayes Heine Brothers’ Coffee, Inc. Mrs. Maxine M. Herdman Dr. Susan J. Herlin Mr. Neal Herrington Allen and Michelle Hertzman Ms. Judy R. Hirn Horizon Group International Mr. James C. Hulme Kelly and Paul Hutchinson ICAP Energy LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Hermann W. Kaebnick Ms. Cynthia A. Kelley Ms. Ruth A. Kelley Kentuckiana Auto Storage Pool, Inc. Steve and Sharon Kerrick Mrs. Ann B. Kirwan Mr. John R. Krawczyk Mr. Jon Kuehl Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lannon Ms. Rosemarie Lau Francis and Margaret Lori Ms. Elcie St. Victor Louinis Anonymous Ms. Cynthia S. Matherly Paul and Cindy Mattingly Mrs. Betty B. McCord Mr. James R. McDowall Mr. and Ms. G. Thomas Mercer Merrick Printing Company, Inc. Ms. Robin Mohn 17 Mr. Elliott L. Morris Mr. Richard L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Leo Naiser Mrs. Beverly Nickels Mr. Richard H. Nowka Ms. Tandee L. Ogburn Mr. and Mrs. James S. Oldson Oscar’s Germantown Hardware Ms. Rebecca M. Overstreet Mr. Dick Peterson Pinnacle Roofs Plus Mr. Kenneth C. Plotnik Mr. Carl Powell Prestige Cleaners Professional Bank Services Ms. Robyn M. Przybylek Ms. Paula M. Purifoy Raytheon Cindy L. Read and James Nold Jr. Mr. Henry M. Reed, III Republic National Distributing Ms. Cindy Rice Grissom Richards & Richards Office Records Management Inc Brian and Judy Riendeau Mrs. Doretha H. Riffle Mr. Kirt Roosa Harry and Helen Rothgerber Ms. Peggy Sabol Mr. Marc Satterthwaite Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Schardein Jr. Mr. Louis G. Scherzer Ms. Emma L. Schwartz Ms. Paula F. Sherlock David A. Shirley Construction Company Dr. and Mrs. Roger J. Shott Robb R. Shrader, MD and Anna Shrader, MD Mrs. Juanita Siers Ms. Jamie L. Siler Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sleamaker Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Smith Mr. George M. Snider Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sobieski Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Soergel Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spath Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Spencer Mrs. Jennie L. Staugas Mr. and Mrs. David A. Steere Jess and Amanda Stewart 18 Mrs. Mary C. Stites Tennessee Spine & Nerve Institute Mr. Carl M. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Ken D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James O. Trafton Kevin and Sara Urrutia Valley Child Care Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Van Stockum Ms. Tammie Vinson Mr. R. Dale Warren Mrs. Marilyn Werst Stephen and Patricia Wheeler Anonymous Mr. Henry K. Willard, II Ms. Ellen S. Wilson Lisa and Larry Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Wimsatt Joan and David Winkler Ms. Katherine A. Witherington Anonymous Ms. Mary Wright Willard and Karen Yeager Lucian and Deborah Young Ms. Sherri S. Young Government grants and contracts Kentucky Department for Public Health Kentucky Department of Corrections Kentucky Department of Education Kentucky Housing Corporation Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Louisville Metro Government Louisville Metro Housing Authority Metro United Way Seven Counties Services, Inc. Social Security Administration U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs LEADERSHIP Board of Directors President and CEO, Jane W. Burks Chair, Lisa DeJaco, Wyatt Tarrant & Combs, LLC Immediate Past Chair, Pamela E. Barry, PNC Wealth Management Treasurer, G. Bradley Smith, Mountjoy Chilton Medley, LLC Secretary, Sharon Johnson, LG&E and KU Member-at-Large of Executive Committee, Ken Middleton, Middleton Consulting, LLC Tyson Adams, Stites & Harbison, PLLC Sandra Chambers, Jefferson Community and Technical College Al Cornish, Norton Healthcare Chris Conliffe, Conliffe & Hickey LLC Patricia Cummings, Consultant Karen Dunaway, CPA, PLLC David Fennell, Retired, PNC Bank Barbara Ford, Barbara J. Ford, LLC Keeta Fox, Papa John’s International Steve Magre, Magre Outsource George McMinn, Messer Construction Mark Mitchen, UPS Dickie Oliver, YUM! Brands Paula Purifoy, Metropolitan Sewer District Cindy Read, KentuckianaWorks Paula F. Sherlock, Commonwealth of Kentucky Breck Thomas-Ross, Humana Inc. Chris Ward, DMLO Certified Public Accountants Carl Williams, Jefferson County Public School Ken Wilson, Brown-Forman Wines USA Senior Staff Jane W. Burks, President and CEO Bay Baltes, Vice President of Human Resources Rita Bond, Associate Vice President of Developmental Disability Services for Tennessee Tiffany Cole Hall, Associate Vice President of Developmental Disability Services for Northern Kentucky and Southern Indiana Tom George, Chief Financial Officer Jennifer Hancock, Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Kuehl, Senior Director, Operations Support and Oversight Gary Purlee, Vice President of Clinical and Housing Services President’s Advisory Council J. David Flanery, Papa John’s International, Inc. Daniel Hall, University of Louisville Richard Hallman, UPS Airlines Donald Kelly, Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP Jack D. Sweeney, PNC Bank Tennessee Advisory Council Donna Adwell, Links 2000 Commercial Lending Tara Bloom, Senior Home Health Care LuAnn Brent, Retired Terry Burns, Allstate Insurance Leighton Bush, Bush Insurance Shelly Cole, Manor Respiratory Care, Inc. Penny Crook, Resource Title Melyssa Evans, Indoff Office Furniture Jenny Harris, F&M Bank Don Henderson, Gillette, Henderson,& Co., LLC Stacey Horner, Summit Medical Center Sharon Kipp, Team Kipp Realtors Joan Lagrasse, Imagen, Inc. Melanie Lampertz, Retired Educator Amy McDaniel, Contract Sales Willie McDonald, CedarStone Bank Robb McDowell, Rite Rug Barry Paul, Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority Anna Shepard, Diocese of Nashville Chief John Taylor, Davidson County Sheriff’s Office Bluegrass Advisory Council Andrew Beck, CirrusMio, Inc. Teresa Isaac, Lexington Fair Housing Council Connie Morgan, MSN, RN, Retired Kathy Plomin, United Way of the Bluegrass, Past President Kay L. Soda, Pike and Preston Thomas Smith, Lexington Housing Authority, Member At Large Tracy Westcote, Dulworth, Breeding & Karns, LLP Jessica Whittaker, Kentucky State Auditor’s Office 19 933 Goss Avenue Louisville, KY 40217 Office Locations Headquarters 933 Goss Avenue Louisville, KY 40217 (502) 636-0771 info@voaky.org Bluegrass Regional Services 333 Waller Avenue, Suite 120 Lexington, KY 40504 (859) 254-3469 Northern Kentucky Developmental Disability Services 8172 Mall Road, Suite 231 Florence, KY 41042 Middle Tennessee Developmental Disability Services 446 Metroplex Drive, Suite A100 Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 885-2552 West Tennessee Developmental Disability Services 6591 Summer Knoll Cove Bartlett, TN 38134 (901) 937-0100 Veterans Services 2821 East Magnolia Avenue Knoxville, TN 37914 (865) 546-5813 Veterans services 303 Sixth Street West Ceredo, WV 25507 (304) 453-2900 Southern Indiana Developmental Disability Services 2676 Charlestown Road, Suite #3 New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 944-5213 www.voaky.org
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