WHY SPAIN? MOBILITY PROJECTS • Internships in many different sectors and positions • Big network with more than 400 cooperating companies • Spanish Language Course and Cultural Programme • Professional Visit Programme for students and professionals • Evaluations and follow up with student feedback questionnaires www.oneco.org INTERNSHIP PLACEMENTS The Professional Internship Experience Programme ONECO will interview all participants and introduce them to their future company for the following internship. During the Internship placement, the tutor will visit the participants in the companies and help them with problems as well as to write a report. At the end of the programme a final report will be made using the information from Language course, the company and the tutor. Please note that the position offered is likely to be influenced by the applicants´ level of Spanish (depending on the score of a language test), as well as previous professional experience and academic education!!!!! EXAMPLES OF AVAILABLE UNPAID INTERNSHIPS (COMPANIES) Museums/Art Museo Arqueológico de Sevilla, Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija, R.A. de la Bellas Artes de Santa Isabel de Hungría, Museo del Baile Flamenco etc. Events CICUS - Universidad de Sevilla, PinaPark Campamentos, Deporte y Aventura S.L., Cenarte, Ópera & Flamenco Productions, Ocio Creativo etc. Library/Archives Biblioteca Pública de Sevilla, Archivo Provincial etc. Marketing /Communication USEFULMODELS S.L., Sevilla Futbol Club, Sizet experience, H2E Agencia de Comunicación Integral etc. ICT/Graphic design Handicrafts El Golpe- Cultura del Entorno, Dot the Eye, Jotaweb Rare Design, Redycomercio, PCPaco etc. Artesanos de Gelves “della Robbia” A.I.ETerra, Cerámicas “Pisano”, Cerámicas “Fernando Jiménez, Taller de Imaginería “Francisco Fariñas”, Escuela Taller Plaza de España Theatre Teión ( Scenography ), Teatro Alameda, Compañía Teatral Ruedos, Teatro El Velador, Aíiun Producciones Chemical and Bio- Sectors MP Medioambiente, Isotrol, Biomedal, General Lab Publicity Broker Ideas de Publicidad, El Giraldillo, CIA Fenicia, Creativos a Sueldo etc Media & News Paper El Giraldillo, Savitel, LZ Producciones, Caligary Films, DYP, METTRE producciones Agriculture - Ecology - Environment Estación Biológica de Doñana, Ecologistas en Acción, La Ortiga, Crops, ADENA, SEO Hotel - Turism Hotel Silken Al-Andalus, Confortel Puerta de Triana, Hospes Casas del Rey de Baeza, Sevirama, AVIS etc. Social Work Comisón Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR), Cáritas Diocesana, Centro de acogida de refugiados (CAR), FORUM, Asociación la Sonrisa de un Niño etc. Consulting & Engineering Formación y Estrategia, Montaner y Asociados, INERCO, Factor Consultores, COYNET Museo de Carruajes, WATS Técnicas de Ingeniería, Portuguese Consulate, IDESA, Bester generación, etc. Administration Travel agencies & Congresses Viajes El Corte Inglés, VISITOURS, Inturjoven, Viajes Iberia, ATLANTA SA, Viajes Távora Medicine Médicos del Mundo, Clínica Sagrado Corazón, Centro de Salud CIMME, CEA Antaris (**suelen acoger solo estudiantes españoles) Import - Export La Cultivada, DeMartina, IBC, MIGASA, YARKI etc. Architecture Estudio de Arquitectura Juan Ruesga, PLR Arquitectos, Galvez & Algeciras Architecture Studio, Buró 4, Q COMPANY ARCHITECTS, S.L. *Additional placements available upon request! www.oneco.org EXAMPLES OF AVALIABLE INTERSHIPS (SECTORS) Please note that this timetable is indicative. We recommend, the Incoming team regarding the possibility of accepting participants from sectors not indicated in the table. In this case inform not only about the participant training and language levels. Please be aware that: a) Indications bellow must be taken in consideration together with other factors that are outside ONECO´s control: duration and time of the year for the internship, Spanish language skills, professional experience and academic education of the participant. b) Even though some sectors are easier than others, try not to send more than 3 participants from the same sector. EXAMPLES OF AVAILABLE UNPAID INTERNSHIPS SECTOR SPANISH LANGUAGE DESCRIPCIÓN Accounting LEVEL REQUIRED B2 B2 Architecture A2 Arts Art gallery Arts Music & Performing Arts in NGO or festivals B1 Arts Restoration A2 Biology Environment, Animals Protection, Research B1 Education In NGOs B1 Electricity Installation, Maintenance A2 Environment Research, Consultancy, Quality control A2 Gardening A2 Hotels & Restaurants Bar, Restaurant A2 Hotels & Restaurants Kitchen A2 Hotels & Restaurants Reception (except youth hostels) English higher level is required Human Resources In NGOs, Cultural organisations A2 ICT Web design, Graphic design, Engineering, Technicians, Programmers, Networks, Industrial Design, Telecommunications B1 Laboratory Water, chemical and micro-biologic analysis A2 Law In NGOs, Culture A2 advised + Fluent English Law Law Bureau C1 Spanish is an advantage Marketing Psychology Only in occupational activities (not psychological support) A2 Public relations Events’ organization C1 Social work In NGOs A2 Social work Projects B2/C2 Special education Locomotors disability, mental retardation B1 Sports In NGOs B1 Tourism Tourist guide (in tourism season: Mar-Oct) Spanish / English B2 Tourism Travel agency B2 www.oneco.org POSSIBLE SECTORS OR PROTOCOL JUST FOR SOME PARTICIPANTS SECTOR SPANISH LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION LEVEL REQUIRED B1 Audiovisual Dental Practice Mandatory previous inscription in the Spanish Order B2 Food Industry Laboratory, quality control B2 C2 Health and safety prevention at work handicraft Jewellery A2 B2 Logistics/Transport Hospitals (simple tasks) Nursery B2 A2 Pottery Special Education Deaf people B2 Statistics A1 Translation C2 Veterinary Small domestic animals, food inspection, bromatology and research B1 POSSIBLE WITHIN SPECIFIC DATES OR OUTSIDE OF SEVILLE SECTOR In harvest season Agriculture LEVEL REQUIRED A2 Mechanical Industry / Engineering Tourism SPANISH LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION B1 Preferable in high season for travel agency and guides B1 DIFFICULT SECTORS SECTOR Advertising Civil Construction Drama/Theatre LEVEL REQUIRED A2 AUTOCAD, Budgets and measurements A2 C1Spanish high level is mandatory in most cases Journalism Law SPANISH LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION Civil, criminal, fiscal law A2 advised Acting C2 Note: Note that for Italian or Portuguese speakers, even though they don’t have a Spanish level such as A2 or more, the proximity of both languages allow them most of the times to be recognized as such Legend: A1 Beginner; A2 Novice; B1 Early intermediate; B2 Intermediate; C1 Advanced; C2 Fluent www.oneco.org MORE INFORMATION LANGUAGE COURSES A wide range of courses with a number of possibilities is offered, which meet any kind of personal need. Intensive Spanish Course: (5 different levels, 20 lessons/week) ACCOMMODATION IN SEVILLE Stays with Spanish families (where the student is considered part of the family, sharing bathroom, kitchen and living room with the hosts). The selected families live near the school, so the students will be able to reach the school on foot or by bus. The maximum time from the school to the family will be around 20 minutes walking or around 15 minutes by bus. The price includes laundry once a week and full board (FB). Apartment shared with other foreign students or natives. We try that all places are in central Seville which will allow the students to walk to school from their place of accommodation. INSURANCE European Health Insurance card or a private health insurance is obligatory. AIRPORT TRANSFER SERVICE Pickup from the bus, train station or airport, to your accommodation is provided if selected. Details of your arrival such as the date, time and place are required at least 10 days before your arrival. CERTIFICATE After the course and internship each participant will get a detailed description and evaluation regarding the content and success of the course and traineeship from his/her tutor and company. STUDY VISITS PROGRAMME We receive groups in order to offer them the possibility to visit companies and institutional organisations for study visits in any sector together with a language course, tutoring, translation, transportation, accommodation, cultural activities, certificates etc.. RECEIVING TEAM DIRECTOR Mr. Ernesto Sarrion / PROGRAMME ASSITANTS Mrs. Frieda / Mrs. Amparo LEONARDO CODES SIZE CODE S1 / SECTORAL CODE M80 / TIPE OF ORG. OF / REGIONAL CODE ES61 www.oneco.org BUDGET THE PROGRAMME 2011 WILL INCLUDE PRICES INCLUDES LANGUAGE TRAINING Price includes the above selected options with Daily supervision, certificate, evaluations, meetings... Language Course 40 Lessons (2 weeks) Language Course 80 Lessons (4 weeks) PLACEMENT / PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP Placements follow up, Administration, Monitoring, Certification Additional cost per month after 16 weeks of placement Accommodation Accommodation / shared apartments single room (per week) Accommodation / shared apartments double room (per week) Accommodation in Family + full board individual room (per week) Accommodation in Family + full board double room (per week) MAINTENANCE (BOARD) Accommodation in Family + half board individual room (per week) Food allowance can be given to the participants for the respective meals if not offered by the family or the employer. You can choose to live with a family. Accommodation in Family +half board double room (per week) OTHERS Seville Airport Transfer (only arrival) Seville Airport Transfer (arrival & departure) Transfer from/to Airport Jerez or Malaga Local transport (per month) Insurance - Liability Cultural program Pick the programme that suits you and let us know in order to send you a budget !! MORE INFORMATION ONECO Reyes Católicos, 11 - 41001 Sevilla (Spain) leonardo@oneco.org · www.oneco.org Tef. 0034 954 224036 · Fax. 0034 954 563087 www.oneco.org MEMBERS OF: MORE INFORMATION Reyes Católicos, 11 - 41001 Sevilla (Spain) e-mail: leonardo@oneco.org Tef. 0034 954 224036 · Fax. 0034 954 563087
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