Explore the opportunity. and 5 reasons why you’ll love it here.

Explore the
5 reasons why New Hampshire is right for your insurance company...
and 5 reasons why you’ll love it here.
172 Pembroke Road
P.O. Box 1856
Concord, NH 03302-1856
603-271-2591 Phone
With the reduction in New Hampshire’s insurance premium tax from
2% to 1% on property/casualty and life insurance lines of business
over the next four years, there has never been a better time to expand
or relocate in New Hampshire. Not only does New Hampshire now
21 South Fruit Street, Suite 14
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-2261 Phone
603-271-1406 Fax
have the lowest premium in New England and the Mid-Atlantic
states, but also a transparent regulatory environment, access to state
government officials and a tremendous quality of life.
Robert Solitro, President/COO, North American Specialty Insurance
Company, said “New Hampshire would clearly be number one on our
list as a state we would choose to create new companies in for the
future.” We’re hoping you will feel the same way once you explore the
many opportunities for expanding or relocating in New Hampshire.
It does make a difference where you domesticate a company. We hope
you will consider New Hampshire.
“The overall approach in New Hampshire
is business friendly.”
-Dan Swift, Assistant General Counsel
Acadia Insurance Company
Why you’ll love it here:
Easy access to
highways and airports.
The lowest premium
tax in the eastern
United States.
Recent legislation will reduce New Hampshire’s insurance premium
tax from 2% to 1% on property/casualty and life insurance lines of
New Hampshire is well connected to the
business over the next four years, with the phasing in of the reduction
rest of New England by major north-south
having begun on July 1, 2007 and ending June 20, 2011.
highways, and air travelers have a number
of choices when flying into the state.
New Hampshire will now have the lowest premium tax rate in New
England and the Mid-Atlantic states.
New Hampshire is also serviced by a
number of bus lines and trains, making
travel to and within the state convenient
The new rate provides economic incentives for insurers to be domiciled
in states like New Hampshire with a low premium tax rate.
and hassle-free – we are a prime state in
A company with $20 million in premiums could save $100,000
which to conduct business.
per year or more if domiciled in NH.
“The New Hampshire Insurance
Department has a tremendous reputation
among regulators. New Hampshire is
recognized as a leader and it makes it easier
for us to do business in other states.”
-Robert Solitro, President/COO
North American Specialty Insurance Company
Why you’ll love it here:
Abundant open space
and recreation.
Recreational opportunities are an important
part of the quality of life that companies
A friendly and
consistent regulatory
The New Hampshire Insurance Department is accessible, reasonable,
and workers seek. Whether you enjoy
knowledgeable and professional. Did you know that any insurance
professional sports or concerts or outdoor
executive can simply pick up the phone and reach the Commissioner
activities, New Hampshire is an ideal
of Insurance directly? The Insurance Department has the experience
location. Hundreds of miles of pristine
to understand and review insurance transactions promptly.
natural beauty and open space throughout
Tax credits, reliable and stable utility rates and supply, community
the state mean that you need only travel
development block grants, customized job training programs, low
a short distance to enjoy all New
interest loan programs and energy efficiency programs further provide
Hampshire has to offer.
for a business friendly environment.
92% of NH’s population 25 or
older hold a high school diploma
or higher (4th in the U.S.).
Why you’ll love it here:
Excellent school
The hallmark of a New Hampshire
education is the state’s comprehensive
approach to learning. The state has a full
complement of public and nonpublic
Available, educated
& skilled workforce.
New Hampshire’s workforce is exceptionally strong. Companies
schools, from preschools through graduate
interested in moving to New Hampshire are pleasantly surprised by
schools and has earned a reputation for
the availability of highly skilled workers with a strong work ethic.
not only its strong academic programs,
but also its educational leadership.
Quality practices and programs enable
In fact, New Hampshire ranks 5th highest in the U.S. in adults with
a BA degree or higher, and workers throughout the state have
access to training and educational facilities. The state features 26
students to achieve high standards of
colleges, including the University of New Hampshire and Dartmouth
excellence and become members of a
College. New Hampshire also offers a number of programs to assist
well-educated and skilled workforce.
employers with job training and recruitment.
“Its deep, educated employee base and
unrivaled quality of life are just two
more reasons we are committed to
continuing our heritage here for what
we hope will be another 100 years.”
-Michael Christiansen, President & CEO
Peerless Insurance
Why you’ll love it here:
We’re wired
(and wireless).
New Hampshire features one of the best
network infrastructures on the East Coast.
An open-access, fixed wireless broadband
infrastructure throughout much of the state
enables companies to more effectively do
Low overall
tax burden.
business. New Hampshire knows that in
today’s fast-moving world, providing access
to the latest technology for improved
New Hampshire has one of the lowest overall tax burdens in the
United States with no broad base personal income tax, sales tax,
use tax, inventory tax or capital gains tax and a low corporate
communication is critical and has put in
income tax. And with the reduction in the insurance premium tax to
place the infrastructure needed to help
1%, New Hampshire will now have the lowest premium tax rate in
businesses succeed.
the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states.
In 2008, New Hampshire was ranked:
Most Livable State
Safest State
2nd Healthiest State
Why you’ll love it here:
Whether it’s welcoming visitors or
quality of life.
In 2008, New Hampshire has been ranked “Most Livable State” in
neighbors, businesses or the First in the
the U.S. for a 5th year in a row, safest state in the nation, and 2nd
Nation Primary, the Granite State is
healthiest state in the U.S. You can also benefit from the 18 miles of
known for its hospitality. A warm
coastline and over 1,300 lakes and ponds in the “Live Free or Die”
reception is more than a handshake.
state, or the thousands of miles of trails.
It’s the special way New Hampshire has
The highest mountains in the Northeast, forests and dozens of state
of making everyone feel like they’re home.
parks are further reasons to consider our state for your business.
No matter where you turn, you’ll find a
Excellent schools, high quality health care and low crime make New
welcoming smile and a helping hand.
Hampshire right for you.
Our mission.
Our mission is to promote and protect the public good
by ensuring the existence of a safe and competitive
insurance marketplace through the development and
enforcement of the insurance laws of the State of New
Hampshire. We are committed to doing so in an honest,
effective and timely manner.
For more information:
172 Pembroke Road | P.O. Box 1856
Concord, NH 03302-1856
Tel: 603-271-2591