ch eTerr mat craft -Magi8 with fish. Weane«aay, March i9, 1916.] Recorder Biblical Fo«qd«4 1833. by TlMMMM Mcraditk. muMOD wrmmt wwM»*r at in-iM war aAMiTT *t.. iauom. m. ftttu^At iLic6IfiH / a JDHUmOXS CAM BB of usefulness and Wvice in the Master's woik. (6) That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our church; a copy sent to Dr. J. Cpn^Huiy Frank Highsmith, Fayetteville. )J. C, and a copy sent to the Biblical/ Recorder for publication. C. MOOBM rAHMKH - W. HIUHT J. ». BtMtMMI Muwgat D. J. IIEMIMSCENCEH. J. JONES, W. TART, uf three 1875, weeks I POPHAM'S , Dl «i Olm prompt and P|pitl«« Iteltor to B* rry Oaar. Sold br DracslaL 1>i1ea tl.M.' Trial packac* by Mall ISe. WUiaBH ma. rvapa.. cw* O^ ABNER BARKER. Insured and Agent Delighted.. YOIT beld a meeting get bne of onr bis cash dividends yMr, aftw Uking a policy 1 the first HURANCB ^MFANY. in C. B. F. Institute, MurfreeBboro, Hymn: "Come, Happy >Soul^, Adore ihe Lamb." Prayer by Dr. McDowell. ASTHMA *mu & — Roseboro, N. C. with Brother John McDowell,, president Mitchell, Dr. This was a glorious of the college. meeting. Sundayl July 4, at 8 o'clock a large concourse of people assembled on the baipik of the Meherrin River to witness the ordinance of baptism. WHY NOT TRY .•rma.iT«tter. Rlnsworm, Itch, Sc&lr Pstctiea, etc, canaot, beckuM thejr are paraaltie akia dlaeaaca. It takaa a positive akin ramady Uke Tettcrlne to deatroy tbc aa« .heal tbo aurUek Dr. W. Pleldar, Klecirlc, Ala.; aayfe: "I never uae aoythlos «lva but Tettense In air akin trooblea." t*e at ilrunnai<« e» by mall trom Sbuptrlna 'o., Havannati. |ba. ' III. In June, BtOmD b7 tai|arm»l bloofl purtncra beoKOM tkcjr ar* cauaed by blood 4isordera. Bowcrer. Ec- . BibHcal Recorder K<«fl^iMi CP* . We tions '^t^' This niakeatba than In oth^r eompanlea. have the t«ify beat We know no annuaUT becimilas at «< of UNION C8NTRAL LfPB ». net cost of yonr Iworaam LMBB reaaon why TOO ahoulA aoC want intelligeBt. live, hnatling ageats to aewpml trnportaat n«a^d o^ontlfla la Nortk Carolina. If you B«aa bnaln—, wrtt* to CAR^ J. HUNTER & BRO., STATE AGENTS^ CatFiowvn ASpMUIty Reading Scriptures by Dr. Mitchell. X Then the writer led thirty-two happy, young converts down into the water, and buried them with Christ in baptism. 'Twenty-six young ladies and faces ant! six young men, brighter more heavenly countenances we V-C Fertilizers never beheld. Many present said It was the most beautiful baptism they ever witnessed. Dr. McDoweil. greatly enjoyed these meetings and was very happy in seeing so many of bis pupils giving themselveii to Christ, and their edu^ ation sanctifled by the Christian ror * llgloffi. ' J_ Sometlmje after this, I held anothef gloricjus meeting In Murfroesborjs", and bn my forty-sixth birthday I baptized seventeen school girte in the baptistery. They were all draped In ' . . FARMERS white, and the light was beaming down from the chandeliers. /It was a beautifurscene; and then they were Fo happy. "Baptism is not the put-! ting away pf the filth of the flesh, but the answej of a good conBcience." ' are a Power in the World of A^cultura Everyone of them has become a disciple of Greater Prosperity on the Farm th -ough the proper and abundant application of V-C Fertilizj6rs, ther^lqr 18733 Preached sermons 282; profesalons! ot. religion 317; baptized In -'19. " - F. Mi. JORDAN. Calvert, N. C. RKHOMTIOS OF APPBKCIATIOX. That, whereas Dr. J. Frank Highsmith, of the city of Payedevillff, N. c., has been of such marked material beneflt to the Roseboro Baptist Church |n the giving vof liis means towards the building of 'our new house of worship. Now, there'" ':') fore, be It rcsolred: (1) That the Roseboro Baptist Church, in conference assenibred, desire to express to Dr. J. Frigotk Highsmith dur most sincere appreciation of his gift to us in the sum of one MAiOK G THEIR SOIL AND CROPS PAY MORE I These thousands of Progressive and Proqwrous Farmers represent an ever increasing: Army of Permanent! Soil Builder^ hence enabling: them to be constantjiy prepared by anydemands made upon thousand dOIIaiB. That he, realizing our ffnanweakness, came to oar Msistance in the time of our dire distress and shouldered a part of our burden, which appeared a physical' impossibilityj for us to a4rmoant, thereby biinging to us a gleam of light and a ray of sunsJiine and hope, which thrilled our /ouls with a renewed 4eterminatioi/ to master (2) and Bumper Cropsp thereby getting the most outof tfaeirvacreage in Increased F rofits* You can do the same. Therefore^ their Soil in the way of Better cial the situationL v (3) That he not being a member our church, but rendering to us such valiant service in the wise distribution of his funds In our behalf, has'endeaied him in the hearts of our people in such a fixed and ^rmanent mariner that the name of. of Dr. J. with us ciation Why not V-C Now? Wi^^^iCT^^s^^^her our church in the darkest days of its progress, far l>eyond the expectancy of any of Its members. hisltft and hop« for him a long life Army of PlroB- peniy Builders we have Issued, far Free distributicm, a series of valuable and {nrofusely illustrated Crop Books, wherdn is clearly pointed out the V-C) Way to Greater ProBp^rity on aU Farms, no matter what Crops you grow. Simj^y indicate what Crops you are interested in on a Postal and we will send you Books Free. Frank Highsmith will livei in a most favorable appreof his kind remembrance of (4) That again we desire to express to him our sincere appreciation and our debt of gratitude for increasing this Crop Book D#t— V-C Fer^H-^Box JL 1616, RklimoiiJ, ¥%
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