Why are snowflakes hexagonal? E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs TCM Group, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge July 30, 2014 Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Overview 1 Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Introduction. 2 Results. Results for protonated ice. 3 Sanity checks. Vibrational pressure. Beyond principal axes approximation effects. 4 Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Dominant contributions to anharmonicity. 5 Conclusions and next steps. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Introduction. Differences in stacking of hexagonal layers. ❛ ✁ ❜ ✁ ❛ ✁✁ Figure : Hexagonal ice, Ih (blue). ABAB stacking of bilayers. a-I and a-II show chair and boat form hexamers, respectively, the two basic building blocks of Ih. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Figure : Cubic ice, Ic (red). ABC stacking of bilayers. b-I shows a chair form hexamer. Cubic ice does not contain boat form hexamers. Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Introduction. Proton disorder in a nutshell. Bernal-Fowler ice rules. 1 2 Each oxygen is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms. Each oxygen accepts and donates two hydrogen bonds from/two other oxygens. Defect-free ice consists of tetrahedrally coordinated water molecules bound in a hydrogen bond network. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Introduction. Proton disorder in a nutshell. Bernal-Fowler ice rules. Pauling’s residual configurational entropy. Paulings residual configurational entropy [1] has been confirmed experimentally by measuring the entropy differences between pure and KOH-doped ice [2, 3]. The configurational free energies of bulk Ih and Ic are almost identical, since they are effectively determined by the tetrahedral coordination of the molecules [4]. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Introduction. Proton disorder in a nutshell. Bernal-Fowler ice rules. Pauling’s residual configurational entropy. Choice of polytypes for this study. 16 symmetry-unique eight-molecule Ih configurations [5] and 11 symmetry-unique proton-ordered Ic configurations [6]. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Energetics. Ganh Ghar Ghar 15 ∆Ih→Ic min Ganh 10 I41md 0 0 Ic 5 Cmc21 5 Pc Energy [meV/H2O] Ganh Ganh(T) - GXIc anh(0K) [meV/H2O] 10 20 10 15 Ih 20 25 # of proton-ordering Figure : Harmonic free energies, Ghar , (empty squares) and total free energies, Ganh , (filled squares), measured with respect to XIh Ghar (Cmc21 ). 30 Ih configurations Ic configurations Ih P63cm Ic P43 0 -10 -20 0 -1 -2 -30 0 10 20 30 40 50 -40 0 50 100 150 T [K] 200 250 Figure : Anharmonic vibrations stabilise Ih with respect to Ic across a wide temperature range. Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Vibrational pressure. Beyond principal axes approximation effects. Vibrational pressure - Results. Vibrational pressure of ∼ 0.45 ± 0.05 GPa. Zero temperature expansion of ∼ 4% which agrees well with other ab initio DFT and path-integral MD studies [7]. Expanded volumes including vibrations agree with experiment to within ∼ 1%. Vibrational frequencies and anharmonicity do not change significantly upon evaluation at the expanded volume. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Vibrational pressure. Beyond principal axes approximation effects. Coupling of vibrational modes. Next level of approximation: coupling of vibrational modes. Pairwise coupling of vibrational modes already requires mapping of 2D Born-Oppenheimer surfaces and scales as N 5 . Calculations for the primitive unit cells of ice Ih and Ic indicate that including pairwise coupling of vibrational modes leads to a small increase in the differences in anharmonicity between ice Ih and Ic. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Dominant contributions to anharmonicity. Cumulative ∆Ganh(0K) [meV/H2O] Origin of differences in anharmonicity - I. 16 Results averaged over proton-orderings. Ih configurations Ic configurations Ih P63cm Ic P43 14 12 10 Phase 8 6 Ih Ic 4 2 uanh [˚ A] 0.225 0.220 uhar [˚ A] 0.227 0.225 ∆u [˚ A] -0.002 -0.005 0 0 2 4 6 13 Phonon frequency [meV] 15 Figure : Cumulative anharmonic energies as a function of frequency. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Table : RMS displacements of the protons at the harmonic, uhar , and anharmonic level, uanh , and the difference due to anharmonicity, ∆u. Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Dominant contributions to anharmonicity. 2.0 0.20 1.5 0.15 1.0 0.10 0.5 0.05 0.0 0.00 -0.5 -1.0 gIh anh gIc anh 1 -0.05 ∆ganh ∆ghar 2 -0.10 3 4 r [Ang] 5 Figure : H-H RDFs for Ih (blue) and Ic (red). E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs ∆gH-H(r) gH-H(r) Origin of differences in anharmonicity - II. For r < 3 ˚ A At the harmonic level (green), the difference between Ih and Ic, Ih − g Ic , is minimal. ∆ghar ≡ ghar har At the anharmonic level (black), the difference between Ih and Ic, Ih − g Ic , is ∆ganh ≡ ganh anh non-negligible. ˚: For r > 3 A The differences in the static structures of Ih and Ic become dominant. Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Structural origin of differences in anharmonicity. ☞☛✌ ■✕ ❈✓✝✔✠ ✟✆✠✡ ■✖ ☞☛✵ ✙ ✚✚ ✙✙✙ ✎✎ ✵☛✘ ✎❱ ✵☛✗ ✙✛ ✎ ✛ ✒ ✑ ✭ ❣ ❍✏ ✵☛✹ ✎✎✎ ❍ ✵☛✌ ❱ ✵☛✵ ✵☛✍ ❱✎✎✎ ❱✎ ✵☛✌ ❇✆✝✞ ✟✆✠✡ ✛✙ ✛✙✙ ❱✎✎ ✵☛☞ ✵☛✵ ✍☛✵ ✍☛✸ ✹☛✵ r ✹☛✸ ✸☛✵ ✁✂✄☎ Figure : Anharmonic H-H RDF decomposed into contributions from different bonding configurations of fourth-nearest neighbour pairs of protons. ✛✙✙✙ Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Conclusions and next steps. Relevance of Ih and Ic: climate modelling and the simulation of ice nucleation and formation. potential relevance in biological sciences in the context of cryopreservation. Importance of anharmonic vibrations: in hydrogen bonded molecular crystals: likely to be crucial in correctly describing the energy differences between very similar such polymorphs, e.g., in pharmaceutical science. in various other examples as in B. Monserrat’s talk. at ice surfaces (basal and prism surfaces in Ih and basal in Ic). around impurities or other defects. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Acknowledgements. HECToR E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Bibliography I [1] L. Pauling. The structure and entropy of ice and of other crystals with some randomness of atomic arrangement. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2680–2684, 1935. [2] Y. Tajima, T. Matsuo, and H. Suga. Phase transition in KOH-doped hexagonal ice. Nature, 299:810–812, 1982. [3] S. M. Jackson and R. W. Whitworth. Thermally-stimulated depolarization studies of the Ice XI-Ice Ih phase transition. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101:6177–6179, 1997. [4] J. F. Nagle. Lattice Statistics of Hydrogen Bonded Crystals. The Residual Entropy of Ice. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 7:1484–1491, 1966. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Bibliography II [5] K. Hirsch and L. Ojam¨ ae. Quantum-chemical and force-field investigations of ice Ih: computation of proton-ordered structures and prediction of their lattice energies. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108:15856–15864, 2004. [6] Z. Raza, D. Alf` e, C. G. Salzmann, J. Klimeˇs, A. Michaelides, and B. Slater. Proton ordering in cubic ice and hexagonal ice; a potential new ice phase – XIc. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13:19788–19795, 2011. [7] R. Ram´ırez, N. Neuerburg, M.-V. Fern´ andez-Serra, and C. P. Herrero. Quasi-harmonic approximation of thermodynamic properties of ice Ih, II, and III. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137:044502, 2012. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Convergence behaviour. 1 ∆Gh 694 Ic Ih 692 690 0 [meV/H2O] 688 1 -1 Ih ∆Ghar - 4 16 64 16 64 Ic ∆Ghar Ih Ic -3 ∆Ganh - ∆Ganh ∆Ganh 11 9 7 5 1 -4 4 # molecules 1 2 4 8 # multiples of unit cell 16 32 Figure : Convergence of the harmonic (top) and anharmonic contributions (bottom) to the vibrational energy with supercell size. E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. 0.01 0.01 Ic LDA Ic BLYP Ic PBEsol Ic PBE Ih LDA Ih BLYP Ih PBEsol Ih PBE 0.03 (∆Eanh 1 ∆Eanh [meV/H2O] 0.04 0.01 LDA BLYP PBEsol PBE -10 -5 0 5 10 Mode amplitude [Ang] Figure : Anharmonic components of the BO energies, ∆Eanh ≡ Eanh − Ehar , for the highest energy vibrational modes in E. A. Engel, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs 2 Ic 2 0.16 |Ψanh| 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.00 -10 0.00 Ih |Ψanh| -5 0 5 10 Mode amplitude [Ang] Figure : The differences in ∆Eanh between the highest energy vibrational modes in Ih and Ic for different density functionals are Why are snowflakes hexagonal? Vibrational mode density ) [meV/H2O] 0.02 - ∆Eanh 0.01 0.05 Ih Cmc21 0.02 Ic I4 md . Ice Ih and Ic and proton disorder. Results. Sanity checks. Origin of differences in anharmonicity. Conclusions and next steps. Energetics. Ghar 20 Energy [meV/D2O] Ghar 15 ∆Ih→Ic min Ganh 10 0 Ic 5 15 0 Figure : Protonated ice. 25 30 2O GD anh 2O GD har 2O GD har 5 Ih 10 15 20 # of proton-ordering 2O GD anh 10 I41md I41md 0 Cmc21 5 Pc Energy [meV/H2O] Ganh 0 Cmc21 Ganh 20 Ic 5 10 15 Ih 20 25 # of proton-ordering Figure : Deuterated/heavy ice. Ghar (empty squares) and Ganh (filled squares) measured with XIh B. E. A.G Engel, Monserrat,).R. J. Needs Why are snowflakes hexagonal? respect to (Cmc2 30 Vibrational pressure - Self-consistency problem. Initial static equilibrium structure. Structure relaxed at ambient pressure. Harmonic approximation to the BO surface. Equilibrium structure at expanded volume due to lattice vibrations. Evaluate phonon modes and frequencies. Rerelax equilibrium structure taking into account phonon pressure. Anharmonic calculation. Check for self-consistency. Evaluate anharmonicity and resultant phonon pressure. If phonon pressure matches ambient pressure, then exit self-consistency loop. Final structure at expanded volume due to lattice vibrations. The phonon pressure matches the external ambient pressure.
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