Why is it important to learn foreign languages? ther t to learn o n a rt o p im It's be cause may e b s e g a u to lang have to go l 'l u o y y rk a d s o me tries to wo n u o c n ig re different fo . ore money m rn a e d an arn ortant to le p im o ls a tions in a c It's e ir d r fo k to as st languages if you get lo ak y tr n u o c n pe foreig y people s n a m t o n e becaus ge. our langua n and rning Italia a le to w o n I'm go to work to e p o h I d up. English an hen I grow w a c ri e m Italy of to A ričić Matteo Ma , VI form The world is full of foreign languages. How far do you have to go from your front door to know that it’s true? Think about how many people and places you could discover, newspapers you could understand, books you could read, movies and TV programs you could understand, web-sites you could visit just by knowing another language. Nowadays, knowing another language has many benefits. By learning other languages we are discovering new cultures and traditions. Knowing foreign languages later in life will help us to get a job that we want. Remember you are never too young to begin to study a foreign language but it’s also never too late! Laura Janković, VI form Foreign languages are very important to study because we can meet people from all over the world and learn about many cultures. Travel and learn and meet people from all over the world. If you know the languages it’s easier to communicate and there is no obstacle when you talk with other people form all over the world. I love foreign languages and I’m trying to study as much as I can so I could speak with so many people without difficulties. Foreign languages are very interesting for me. I speak Spanish, Italian, Croatian and English. I would also like to speak German, Japanese and Portuguese. I love foreign languages very much! Rea Petrc, VI from If you move to a di fferent country the language will help you to com municate with loca l community. If your relatives or friends speak diffe rent languages, learnin g that language w ill help you to communicate wi th them and better understand their cu lture and their way of thinking. Knowing foreign la nguages at work m ay increase your chan ces of finding a job or of going on business trips. You may find inform ation about subjec ts you’re interested in foreig n books or on the Internet. A basic ability to sp eak a foreign lang uage will help you to order fo od and drink, find your way around, buy tickets … Also, you can ha ve a real conversation with the local people yo u meet who can be very in teresting. If you plan to study in a foreign univers ity you have to know foreig n languages. You can easily read books, watch films, TV programs, listen to music in foreign la nguages. It’s fun learning fore ign languages! Dora Ivezić, VI form reign languages Knowing more about fo reign cultures, we know more about fo traditions… e important to All of the languages ar are spoken all study, but three of them are: Spanish, over the world. Those English and French. b. I think it says I also heard one prover languages you something like: “More u worth”. speak, more people yo important to Foreign languages are to the other study when we travel reign language is country, where that fo uages help us to spoken. Studying lang d that is one very make good friends an life! important thing in our Karlo Žakula, VI form It's important to study foreign languages to get to know other cultures. It's important to study foreign languages for better communication. It's important to because some words are similar in different languages so it's easier to understand. It's easier to connect with other people from different countries. It's important for some signs in a case of emergency. It's important for reading instructions of computers, cellphones… It's important and it’s fun learning foreign languages!! Lina Škorić, VI form learn foreign I think it’s very important to ish, French languages, especially Span three and English, because those er the world. languages are spoken all ov very If you are travelling a lot it’s . This important to speak English Europe, language is spoken all over d in some North America, Australia an you know well parts of Asia and Africa. If rn about the one language, you can lea even go to different cultures. You can in a foreign the university or find a job ny friends country. You can make ma people from and create friendships with there. glish and also Many films are made in En or mobile it’s easier to use computers . phones if you know English you can’t So, today, without English miss a lot. learn many things and you Lovre Marjanović, VI form I think it’s im portant to k now foreign languages because if we travel around the world we ne ed to know at least Eng lish, which is the internationa l language. For me it’s cute to kno w more languages and it’s also important for commun ication. Iris Mehme ti, VII form rn foreign a le to t n a rt o I think it’s imp to se it’s easier u a c e b s e g a langu r people that e th o h it w te communica age. Also by u g n la y m k a don’t spe nguages one la n ig re fo g speakin a better to r o o d e th opens nt cultures re fe if d f o g in understand and nations. al richness n o rs e p a ’s it After all, as many k a e p s to n o and satisfacti you can! languages as , VI form in rč o v o G a ri Glo It’s important to study foreign languages because in someway we have to communicate with the world. It’s important because when we travel again we have to communicate with someone. It’s important so that we could ask for help in a foreign country if we need one. It’s important so we coul communicate with other players if we play some sport. It’s important so we could watch satellite programs. It’s important if we want to study in some foreign university. It’s important so that we could read books in foreign languages. It’s important so we could get a job in a foreign country. It’s important because it is said that you worth as many languages as you can speak! Dorijan Semenčić, VI form Learning foreig n languages ta kes time. You should kn ow other lang uages. When you mo ve to a differe nt country, learning the la nguage will he lp you to communicate with local peo ple. Many people believe that to whatever country you g o on holiday y ou can get by speaking E nglish, but is b etter to know the origin al language b ecause people get mo re confident a nd also you can have more fun. In a foreig n language cou ntry knowing th e language will help you o ut, i.e. order fo od, find the way… With the know ledge of a fore ign language, you can meet bett er the culture of that country. Not k nowing English mean s being exclud ed from many Internet sites, TV prog rams and world news. Roko Marunic a , VII form very Languages are important, ore important for all people. M things languages we know, more le we we can do, with more peop can hang out. the EU. In 2013. Croatia will enter e won’t When we enter the EU, ther fferent be any limits to live in the di . The countries all across Europe we don’t only problem could be that know all the languages. any That’s only one of many, m more reasons why we must know many languages. Because of so four reasons I’m learning even n, languages: Croatian, Italia ish! Spanish and of course Engl Ana Šoda, VII form It’s important to study foreig n languages because if w e visit some new places w can speak fo e reign langua g e s , and understand s omething too . If we watch fo reign videos, films… we ca understand it n . For tourist g u id es is very important to know many la nguages, because they are working w ith foreign people and th ey are talking them about o country and th ur ey have to exp la in everything about the pla ce they visit. Speaking ma ny languages you have a lo knowledge a t of nd in this wa y y o u have more opportunity to find a job all around the world! You can learn more about c ulture and customs of th e states and more about th nations. Stud e ying languag e s y o u g et to know a lot of people and y o u find a lot of new friend. A ll the people say: “How m languages yo any u speak that m any people y worth!” ou René Balint, V II form n now foreig k to t n a rt o ery imp I think it’s v o in other ls a t u b U in the E languages e world. states of th an ause you c c e b t n a rt o It’s imp without le p o e p r e te to oth ou communica in the EU y le p m a x e or difficulty. F think 90% I . h s li g n E at least sh. must know peak Engli s d rl o w e th of people in ing foreign y d tu s e s u o d b e ca nd Also, it’s go expands a ry o m e m r u yo ou languages nguages y la n ig re fo n ar y when you le nd so man a re u lt u c about the also learn in with the te ta s e th s of other thing spoken. language is Enis Ibiši, V II form I think it’s imp ortant to stud y foreign languages be cause you ca n have a nice job in a touris t agency. Wh en you go on trips you mee t many people and you can found out som ething about their culture and their lang uages. As a matter of fac when you kno t w many lang u a ges you have more po ssibilities in y our life. When you go somewhere fo r example on a trip is go od to know a foreign language so you can com municate with other pople. If you know ma ny languages yo u are have go od qualifications to find any jo b and you ca go to the univ n ersity in a fore ign country. It’s good to k now foreign la nguages because you will never sta y without job. For example you can teac h other children lang uages. Ani Čudina, V II study foreign languages I think that it is important to I will tell you some now: because of many reasons. d Croatia will be we are entering the EU, an states and they said on surrounded by many other much more with them TV that we will communicate languages written on the and that will be more other rants and traffic signs. signs in the stores, restau guages because of it is good to know other lan er state it is nice when school, if you go in some oth that state you know the language of Germany when I my dream is to go to live to er persons have a dream grow up. Maybe many oth of that kind does study if nobody didn’t and nobody uld be no tourist guides, foreign languages there wo ages, translators and professors of foreign langu many others. ia, Italy or other many people go to Sloven need to eat or wear and countries to buy what they ies without knowing the you can’t go to other countr language ut how important foreign Well this is what I think abo think like me too! languages are. I hope you Piera Bertolini, VII form form od to know In my opinion, it’s really go many foreign languages. We have mmunicate reasons to know how to co really useful. with other people, and it is guage so English is the business lan the most everyone should know it, it’s rld. It’s spoken languages in the wo us to speak going to be easier for all of so that we many different languages live wherever would be able to work and know and to we want. It is important to age. communicate in other langu es can help Knowing different languag it at all. It is a you when you don’t expect es but hard work studying languag e opens many knowing a foreign languag doors. Lauren Cooper, VII form ages. I go to I like to study foreign langu It’s a the Italian minority school. am proud of multinational school and I es: Croatia, this. I know a lot of languag . I think it’s Italian, Spanish and English guages. important to learn foreign lan ms such as Our country has big proble we become unemployment, but when Union it will members of the European dad travels all be easier to find a job. My eds to know around the world and he ne e he must foreign languages becaus wants to understand people when he one for help. buy something or ask some know a lot of The tourist guides have to come a languages too. You can’t be derstand the tourist guide if you don’t un . Those are: most important languages ch. English, Spanish and Fren Rea Stemberger, VII form nt to study foreign rta po im is it at th k in th I if you want to travel e us ca be s, ge ua ng la try you must know un co r he ot in e liv to or n, German and if lia Ita , ish gl En t as le at y Chinese. For you want you can stud , I live in Croatia example: I’m Russian ority school. I have and I go to Italian min use I want to go to to know English beca to know Italian Britain to study; I have n school; Croatian because I go to Italia atia and Russian because I live in Cro her tongue. because it is my mot form Ivan Bystriyakov, VII I think it’s ve ry important to study fore languages b ign ecause we c a n communica with foreign te people. Wh e n I g o on holiday to a foreign s country it’s v e ry n ic e when I know langua ge of that co u ntry becaus good to und e it’s erstand peo p le w ho live there If you want . to live a diffe re n t c o untry you have to kno w or study a d ifferent lang If you know uage. more langua g e s you can ma friends with ke different peo p le fr o m different countries. It’s importan t to know En glish becau can have a se you better future . S p a n ish, English French and , Portuguese a re a ls o languages. important You have to k n o w foreign languages if you want to be a transla teacher, doc tor, tor, hotel re c e p ti o n is t… even if you want to play a TV q u iz show you h to know the ave most import a n t fo reign languages. Sara Chelli, VII form many I think it is important to know English is the foreign languages. Today the world. most important language in for me and My opinion is that the best guages others is to know many lan understand because we can connect, er people. If and get information from oth untry it’s you want to work in other co guage. For important to know other lan s to become a example, if someone want eak different tourist guide he needs to sp able to kinds of languages. If he is ople, he can communicate with other pe tourists do his job and he can guide eak four wherever he wants. I can sp lp me a lot in languages and that can he my life! Mia Vukušić, VII form
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