2014 REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DIRECTOR’S CAUCUS IMP LE M ENTING & M A N AGIN G October 20th—23rd, 2014 Hilton Garden Inn Hotel 19677 East Jackson Drive, Independence, MO 64057 YEARS of OPPORTUNITY HEAD START 1965-2015 Proudly representing more than 41,000 infants, toddlers, preschoolers and families through a diverse service delivery system across the four-state region R7HSA, 233 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 Phone: 816.718.2260 Fax: 816.524.3719 Email: R7HSA@comcast.net www.R7HSA.com THANK YOU KAPLAN FOR YOUR VALUED SUPPORT! 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 2 “The trouble with the future is that it usually arrives before we are ready for it” Arnold H. Glasow What are realistic strategies/steps program leadership can use when implementing a change? Ever wished there was a “how-to” guide — or real life strategies — that can show you how and what to do to implement change? This event will help you solve the Mystery of Change! TABLE OF CONTENTS General Event Information 4 Caucus Presenter Information 5-6 Preliminary Agenda 7-8 Pre-Track Information Parent Leadership Track 9 10 Presenter Bios 11 Policy Summit/Networking Reception 12 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 3 IMPLEMENTING & MANAGING ACROSS THE ORGANIZATION GENERAL TRAINING/EVENT INFORMATION: The Caucus, which first began in the nineties as a Director’s Retreat has grown over the years into a professional development opportunity for program leadership. The event is a collaboration effort involving all Head Start entities across Region VII. Training content is focused on current mandates and relevant information designed to strengthen program quality in the delivery of services to children & families. The focus of the 2014 Caucus theme is: I M PLE ME N TI N G & MA N AG IN G Caucus/Track General Information • On-site registration will begin at 8:00 am, Monday, October 20th • Caucus NCH Stress Pre-Track: Monday, October 20th (9:30 am—4:00 pm) •P arent Leadership/Advocacy Pre-Track: Monday, October 20th (9:30 am—4:00 pm) • Policy Summit: Monday, October 20th (5:30 pm—7:30 pm) • Caucus Date: Tuesday, October 21st -Wednesday, October 22nd • General Caucus Session will begin Tuesday, October 21st at 9:00 am • Caucus will conclude at Noon on Wednesday, October 22nd •P ost Track: Planned Language Approach (2014 Participating Programs only) October 22nd – 23rd •C aucus registration is open to Head Start/Early Head Start/Migrant/Tribal Directors and Assistant Directors, leaders from across Region VII including Program Managers, Regional Office Staff, State Collaboration Office Directors and Assistants, State Association Executive Directors & Presidents, Policy council and Governing Body Boards, Region VII T/A & Partners • Visit the R7HSA Resource Table to learn about R7HSA Initiatives • Lunch Provided on Tuesday, October 21st • Continental Breakfast Provided on Wednesday, October 22nd • Boxed Lunch provided on 10/23 for Planned Language Approach Training Regional Office US Dept. of HHS-ACF-OHS Update Presenter(s): Clarence Small, M.Ed. Regional Program Manager, Ann Johnson, Supervisory Program Specialist & Federal Staff 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 4 GENERAL CAUCUS PRESENTER: Clarence Small M.Ed. Regional Program Manager, ACF-Region VII-Office of Head Start & his team will bring an in-depth Region VII Office of Head Start Update on Wednesday, October 22nd. The Administration for Children and Families provides national leadership and creates opportunities for lowincome, disadvantaged families and individuals to lead economically and socially productive lives, for children to develop into healthy adults and for communities to become more prosperous and supportive of their members. The Head Start Regional Program Office: (1) Guides the day-to-day management of Head Start programs in its jurisdictions; (2) provides technical assistance, resources, and information to the various entities responsible for administering these programs and (3) represent Head Start to state, county, city, and Tribal governments, grantees, and public and private organizations. Clarence Small serves as the Region VII Office of Head Start Program Manager. Mr. Small brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position in guiding the work at the regional level. Clarence is supported by a team of highly skilled grant and program specialists that work diligently day-to-day to strengthen Head Start/Early Head Start programs across Region VII. SAVE THE DATE! February 18-19, 2015 Registration Now Open Holiday Inn Hotel - 9103 E. 39th St., Kansas City, MO 64133 THE FIVE YEAR FUNDING CYCLE Training for Program and Fiscal Management Staff Designed and Delivered by Region VII Office of Head Start and R7 T/TA System 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 5 FEATURED CAUCUS PRESENTER: Denise Mills, Chief Mindset Officer, LeaderFuelNow, LLC, Facilitator, Strategist, Leadership Coach and Confidant, Connector, Positive Instigator Denise respectfully challenges individual perspectives while facilitating Strategy Sessions, Board Meetings, Leadership Development programs, and Executive and Small Business Round Tables. Participants are challenged to think about how and why they think the way they do which affects their outcomes. Her philosophy of “we contribute to what we complain about” holds each of us accountable for the solution, setting it up for success by keeping it simple and practical. Denise will lead the group through a full day of developing a better understanding of the process of implementing and managing change across the organization. Participants will be challenged to practice change at a personal level before implementing change at the organizational level. Participants will be given the opportunity to dig deeper into the elements needed for change to take place through effective communication, focus, teamwork, vision, energy, cooperation, and new skill development? Participants should come prepared to develop strategies that will: • Identify methods and analysis tools needed for change management • Identify key stakeholders- who should be engaged in initial planning • Strategize, assess and possibly — Refocus your vision • How to use program data to make informed decisions • Identify which key staff should be engaged in conversations and early planning on upcoming organizational changes • Communicate to staff what is going to happen. Change requires balance, exploration of resources, flexibility and adaptability, adaptability and more adaptability! LeaderFuelNow LLC / Pacific Accord Inc. ENGAGE People | BOOST Performance | SHIFT Mindset 913.948.5900 office • 913.980.4545 cell Email: denise.mills@leaderfuelnow.com Web: http://www.leaderfuelnow.com 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 6 PRELIMINARY AGENDA: MONDAY, OCTOBER 20TH PRE-TRACK SESSIONS, NETWORKING RECEPTION/POLICY SUMMIT 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration - Ballroom Foyer 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Pre-Caucus Track: “Staff Wellness…….” Presenter: Neal Horen, Georgetown University, NCH California Room 9:30 am—4:00 pm Parent Leadership Training Tamika Sellars & Jonna Burns, R7HSA Parent Representatives Thomas Sheridan, NHSA Santa Fe B/C Rooms 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Networking Reception/Policy Summit Thomas Sheridan, NHSA Sante Fe A Room TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21ST GENERAL DIRECTORS CAUCUS 8:00 am Registration Open - Ballroom Foyer 9:00 am General Caucus Welcome & Introductions Linda Bleything, R7HSA President California Room Opening Plenary Session: Implementing & Managing Change - Denise Mills California Room 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Lunch Opportunities (lunch provided) • Café Table Top Discussion/Facilitated Topics Facilitators: State Office ECE Managers Oregon Room • Networking Lunch Group Peer to Peer Exchange Independence A Room 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Caucus Session Continues 3:45pm Taking it to the States! (Breakout Sessions) Collaborative Facilitation IA— Santa Fe A Room KS— Santa Fe B Room MO— Santa Fe C Room NE— Independence B 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 7 PRELIMINARY AGENDA: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND DIRECTOR’S CAUCUS/POST-TRACK SESSION KHSA RETREAT 7:30 am—8:30 am Networking & Continental Breakfast - Ballroom Foyer State Networking Rooms Open 8:30 am—9:30 am Plenary Session: Building Collective Energy Presenter: Aaron Bowen California Room 9:30 am—12:00 pm (10:30 am Break) Region VII HHS-ACF-OHS Update Presenter(s): R7-US Dept. of HHS-ACF-OHS 1:30 pm –5:00 pm Planned Language Approach—Post Track: NCCLR California Room KS Head Start Assoc. Director’s Retreat: KHSA Sante Fe B Room Bio: Aaron Bowen, MA, is Deputy Director of Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties in Lincoln, Nebraska. Nearing a decade with Community Action, his primary responsibilities are monitoring, fixing, and innovating agency programming, ensuring the consistent implementation of the agency’s case management model, and engaging and developing staff at all levels. Since May 2012, he has been the agency’s Director of Early Head Start and Head Start—alongside a stellar team of managers—and is currently also Director of Educare Lincoln. Aaron takes great pride in being a part of the Community Action and Head Start movements and in doing all he can to fulfill his agency’s mission: To empower people struggling in poverty to reaching their full potential and achieve self-reliance. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23RD POST-TRACK SESSION KHSA RETREAT 8:30 am—4:00 pm Planned Language Approach—Post Track The Trails Room (Lunch Provided) KS Head Start Assoc. Director’s Retreat Lewis & Clark Room 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 8 PRE-CAUCUS TRACK MONDAY, OCTOBER 20TH 9:30 am to 4:00 pm (Lunch on your own) Staff Wellness: What Does It Mean for Me and What Does It Mean for the Program? Pre-Track content is designed to lead into the focus topic of the Caucus This session will highlight staff stress as it relates to working in a challenging environment. Dr. Horen will assist participants in recognizing the physical and emotional effects of stress and how to de-stress for a healthier you! Theoretical information will be used moving the content to a programmatic approach. Program leadership will coordinate and connect information that will serve to assess the impact of stress on the local program. Participants will work collectively on strategies to recognize, address and reduce stress across the organization. PRESENTER: Neal Horen, PhD, Georgetown University National Center, National Center on Health Dr. Neal Horen is a clinical psychologist who has focused on community-based work for the last fifteen years. He is Director of the Early Childhood Division and Co-director of Training and Technical Assistance for the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development. Dr. Horen has worked closely with numerous states, tribes, territories and communities in supporting their development of systems of care for young children and their families. In addition, Dr. Horen continues to spend time working in direct clinical care including development of social skills interventions for young children and is director of the HOYA clinic which offers therapeutic and assessment services for young children and families. Dr. Horen’s primary interest is in early childhood mental health and he has lectured extensively on infant mental health, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. He is the proud father of three children, 15, 14 and 14. 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 9 PRE-CAUCUS PARENT LEADERSHIP TRACK MONDAY, OCTOBER 20TH 9:30 am to 4:00 pm (Lunch provided) Parent Leadership: How does It Look? Taking It to the States. Parents: School Ready? Working in Partnership R7HSA is excited to launch this one day Parent Leadership Track in conjunction with the 2014 Head Start/Early Head Start Director’s Caucus. This session is offered in two parts with the morning session devoted to laying the groundwork for parent engagement and leadership across local programs, the community, state and national level. In honor of the Fifty Year Birthday of the Head Start Program, participants will revisit the history of the program beginning in the White House Rose Garden on May 18th, 1965 and gain an understanding of the emphasis placed on parent involvement beginning in the early years of the program and evolving throughout the fifty year history. Co-facilitators, Tamika Sellars, KS and Jonna Burns, MO both past Head Start parents and R7HSA Board members will serve as presenters for this session. A variety of topics will be reviewed as they relate to family engagement. Heather Schrotberger, Director, Project Eagle will provide a special pre-lunch mini session focusing on the Project Eagle Talk, Read Play Campaign and the research behind that initiative. A networking/working lunch is also planned for the group followed by the afternoon session on Parent Leadership in the role of Advocacy. The afternoon session will be led by Thomas Sheridan, Senior Director of Government Affairs for the National Head Start Association. Resources for the training include materials from the ECLKC website: http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/tta-system/family/for-families/PDRGuide 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 10 PRESENTER BIOS Thomas Sheridan, NHSA, is the Senior Manager of Government Affairs for the National Head Start Association (NHSA) in Alexandria, VA. He came to NHSA in June 2009 and has been in his current role since 2012. In this role, Tommy works with the Head Start community to lobby, advocate, educate, and inform Congress, the White House, and the Federal Administration about Head Start and early learning. Tommy is NHSA’s representative to Congress, the Administration, and national coalitions and organizations. He also plays a significant role in developing, strategizing, coordinating and implementing the Head Start community’s vision for the future of early learning. Prior to his career at NHSA, Tommy worked in the Minnesota State Senate, on several political campaigns, and as a sales manager. Tommy received an Honors Bachelor of Arts from Saint Louis University and will complete his Masters of Public Administration degree in the summer of 2014 from George Washington University. Jonna Burns describes herself as a Wife & Mother of 3 children, Jaeden 17, Kasidy 9 & Maya 7. The youngest children have both been through Head Start programs (Home Base & Center Base options.) Jonna previously served as Chair Person on the Parent Committee at the center level, Chair Person at Policy Committee for the YMCA Head Start, a delegate of Mid America Head Start, as well as Chair Person on the Policy Council for Mid America Head Start. Jonna currently serves on the Missouri Head Start Association Board of Directors, Region 7 Head Start Association Board of Directors and R7HSA Parent Representative to the National Head Start Association Board of Directors. Jonna’s Head Start experience has led her to the following remarkable accomplishments; Trained Facilitator for Strong Fathers Strong Families; Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician and is also trained in Head Start Trauma Smart, recently serving as a parent spokesperson in Washington, DC at the “Connect Early Childhood Briefing” on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Ms. Burns has been employed for the past two years with Senior Solutions of Missouri as the Administrative Assistant. She also serves that organization as a Medicare Part D Specialist and is a selfproclaimed “Jackie of all trades” Jonna’s personal Tagline is: MyKids#1Fan Tamika Sellers and her five year old son, Malachi, reside in Topeka, Kansas. Tamika has been actively involved in Early Childhood programs in the last four years. She volunteered in Head Start classrooms, policy councils, and parent committees. Her dedication and advocacy efforts provided her the opportunity to be the parent representative at the state and regional level. She enjoys being actively involved in her son’s life; and understands she is her son’s greatest teacher and strives to educate and equip him to be successful in this ever changing world. She’s a strong supporter of early learning programs and counts it an honor and privilege to speak up on behalf of the children in Kansas. She holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Management and currently works for Kansas Children’s Service League as the Parent Leadership/ Parents Helping Parents Coordinator. 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 11 PRE-CAUCUS POLICY SUMMIT/ NETWORKING RECEPTION (Registration Required) MONDAY, OCTOBER 20TH Networking Reception: 5:30pm to 6:00pm Policy Summit: 6:00pm to 7:30pm Federal Update: Head Start/Early Care and Education • Appropriation/Authorizing Update • Reauthorization • EHS-CC Partnership • 50th Anniversary • DRS-Where are we in the process? • Current Federal Issues BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Thomas Sheridan , NHSA Senior Manager of Government Affairs for the National Head Start Association (NHSA) Alexandria, VA Bio located on page 11 SUPPORT THE NHSA DOLLAR PER CHILD CAMPAIGN YOUR VOICE ON THE HILL! For just one dollar for every child currently enrolled, NHSA can ensure that the voices of Head Start children and families are heard by Members of Congress & the President. www.nhsa.org/advocacy/advocacy/dollar_per_child 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 12 REGION VII CELEBRATES THE FIFTY YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF HEAD START YEARS of OPPORTUNITY HEAD START 1965-2015 LaPorte Twins picture provided by Douglass Community Services THANK YOU CONSTRUCTIVE PLAYTHINGS General Support and Policy Summit Cordial Table 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 13 NOTES 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 14 NOTES 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 15 HAVE YOU PLAYED IN THE SAND BOX? Don't miss out! Tell your story and get published! Now accepting submissions for 2014 Autumn Edition. Visit the R7HSA Resource Table to learn more! READ THE SUMMER EDITION AT: http://issuu.com/r7hsa/docs/head_start_sandbox_r7_summer_2014/0 2014 Annual Directors Caucus REGION VII HEAD START ASSOCIATION • 816.718.2260 • www.R7HSA.com
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