From the Rector E-Crossings St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church May/June 2014 Why Go to Church? A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one of them. So, I think I’m wasting my time, and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all.” This started a real controversy in the “Letters to the Editor” column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher. “I’ve been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this . . . They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to the church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!” When you are DOWN to nothing . . . God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible. Thank God for physical AND our Spiritual nourishment! My Dear Fellow St. Andrean’s, Like me, as any of you know who had computers running Windows XP, April 8th was drop dead day. That’s because Microsoft Corporation decreed that as of that date, it would no longer offer updates for Windows XP. What that meant is that we had no choice but to go buy new computers to accommodate the newer operating systems like Windows 7 or 8. How clever of Microsoft. The phase out of Windows XP is a clear example of “planned obsolescence.” Not only did Windows XP become obsolete, but most of the computers running it did as well thanks to the requirement of the newer operating systems for much faster speeds and larger amounts of disk space to operate efficiently. Everyone from Microsoft, to Best Buy, Intel Corporation and Dell Computers are the beneficiaries of this fact. Like those of us who ran Windows XP on our computers, anyone over about the age of 50 is aware of a different form of planned obsolescence: that of the human body. Around 50 years or so a common syndrome begins to affect our bodies. It is called “AGE Syndrome.” It is progressive and it is always fatal. It afflicts people of all races and ethnic backgrounds because it is common to all human beings–in fact it is common to all living things. Medical experts tell us that there are ways to slow down AGE Syndrome–eat properly, don’t smoke, get reasonable amounts of exercise, stay mentally active, and so forth–but there is no way to completely stop its progression. Like the expiration of Windows XP, AGE Syndrome will inevitably cause our bodies to expire. Now while the inevitable expiration of our physical bodies is certainly unsettling to us, we who adhere to the Christian faith aren’t undone by it. That’s because we believe that the creator God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, has downloaded a new operating system into our souls. This occurred at baptism when our old decaying bodies were overlain with a new spiritual body–to use the language of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians. When our old physical bodies die and are buried, our spiritual bodies remain stored in the spiritual “cloud” much the way we store photos or tax returns in the internet cloud. Then in God’s good time, our spiritual bodies will be downloaded into new eternal bodies that are AGE resistant. To quote St. Paul, So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44. As Christians the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the source and guarantee of the promised restoration of our mortal bodies to a new eternal state. To use St. Paul’s terminology again, Christ is the “first fruits of those who have died.” 1 Corinthians 15:20. Therefore the message of Easter is a message that counteracts the reality of AGE Syndrome. It heralds the amazingly good news that “Christ is Risen.” And because he is risen, so are we! May you continue to enjoy a blessed Easter! Your Sincere Friend and Rector, Fr. Peter National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 1 The theme for 2014 is One Voice, United in Prayer, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men. To further highlight the theme, Roman 15:6 was chosen as the Scripture for this year: “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” If you wish to come to the church to pray, the back door to the church will be open from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.. Summer Music Program Janice Snyder, Organist Attention all musicians (either vocalists or instrumentalists) in the St. Andrew's parish! Here is a grand opportunity to serve God and the parish. Volunteer to provide music for our regular Sunday worship services. This is a wonderful way to contribute to our worship. Your stewardship will be appreciated by all. Please contact me at 524-2955 to reserve a Sunday for your gift as a musician. Now is the time because the schedule is open from May through August. Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing from you very soon. Screen Free Week May 5-11 Mid Week Holy Eucharist Thursdays at 5:30 Our mid week Holy Eucharist will continue through the summer on Thursday nights. The first Thursday night of each month (May 1 & June 5), a healing service is included within the context of the Holy Eucharist. We invite you to come and be anointed with oil, believing by faith that you will be healed. Family Games Night Friday, May 2, 7-8:30 PM To kick off Screen-Free Week, the Environmental Stewardship committee will again be hosting a Family Games Night on Friday, May 2nd from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. We'll have games for all ages, and if you have a favorite game you'd like to share, bring it along. Pizza and ice cream sundaes will be provided. We had a lot of fun at last year's game night and hope that even more people will join in the fun this year. Screen-Free Week, which this year runs from May 5-11, is an annual event where children, families, schools, and communities are encouraged to turn off screens and "turn on life." Instead of relying on T.V. or video games for entertainment, participants read, explore, enjoy nature, and spend time with family and friends. Handouts ("The Family Guide to a Great Screen-Free Week" and "101 Screen-Free Activities") will be available on the table in the Narthex, and more information can be found at Susquehanna Convocation Thursday, May 8, 6 PM The spring gathering of the Susquehanna Convocation will be Thursday, May 8th at Christ Church in Berwick. The evening begins with dinner at 6 PM followed by the meeting at 7 PM. All are invited to attend. Church Work Day Saturday, May 10 Adult Study Group - Country Cupboard Tuesdays, May 13 & 27, 8:30 AM We hope that you will do your best to come out and help, even if only for a couple of hours. If you would like to do a particular job, a sign up sheet is available in the Narthex, in color. If you can't come on our work day, you may sign up for something and complete it before May 10. We usually have pizza and soft drinks for lunch but feel free to bring your own. See you there! Contact Bill Simpson at 570-524-6450 or The Tuesday morning adult study group had a busy and interesting first quarter of 2014. We are reading and discussing "Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict" by Esther de Waal. We attended a Lenten Evensong at Trinity Episcopal Church on March 16th in Williamsport, under the direction of our own Shirley Smith. We also have provided opportunity for Stations of the Cross each Tuesday at 10 AM during Lent. We will continue to meet during May and then suspend our gatherings until September. Open Table Wednesday, May 28, 4:30 - 6 PM Vestry Meetings May 18 & June 22 The next Open Table will be held on Wednesday, May 28 from 4:30 to 6 PM. Carol Richard & Friends will be hosting the dinner. If you would like to help out, you can contact her at or 570-523-8962. The menu will be: Chicken, Baked Potato Bar, Vegetable, Salad, Dessert, and Drinks. The vestry will meet on May 18 and June 22 to discuss the needs of the church and its parishioners. June’s vestry meeting has been changed to June 22 due to the Rogation Service on the 15th. Aged to Perfection Mondays, May 26 & June 30 St. Andrew's "Aged to Perfection" is a group of older parishioners and their friends at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Lewisburg who meet the last Monday of each month for fellowship and a meal at the Village Common, Buffalo Valley Lutheran Village, at 6 Tressler Blvd., off Reitz Blvd., Lewisburg. Everyone is welcome! Please let us know you are coming a week ahead, if possible, so we can make arrangements. If you would like to know more about the group kindly contact Claudia Wilshusen at 570524-0848 or email: Barbie and/or Ken Dolls May 28 Deadline Claudia Wilshusen is once again collecting Barbie and/or Ken dolls for her upcoming trip to Brazil. The dolls will be distributed in the city of Fortaleza, a city of glaring inequality. One hundred and thirty thousand people live in extreme poverty. It was reported recently that a mother sold her baby for ℒ15 to feed the rest of the family, while a ℒ150m World Cup stadium is being built in her back yard. In order not to incite a mob, Claudia quietly slips into the neighborhood and distributes the dolls to kids on the street, then quickly leaves. Check out the smiling faces on last year’s pictures. The dolls must be in good condition (hair intact, and dressed). They do not have to be the “Barbie” brand, just the type and size so that all children receive equally the same type doll. Keep an eye out at yard sales and thrift stores for the dolls. Many can be purchased for around $2 each. You may also donate money toward them and Claudia will purchase them for you. Green Thumbs Up! Annual Plant Exchange Sunday, June 1 Last year 37 children received these dolls. For some, it is the only toy they have ever owned. Bring your dolls by May 28 to the church and place them in the collection container. Some reminders for this event: Thank you! 1. Nothing invasive, please 2. Label: a. name of plant or seeds b. light exposure: sun, shade, partial shade c. blooming season and height, if possible Start planning now for what you want to bring. Church School Program Sunday, June 1, 10 AM United Thank Offering (UTO) Sunday, June 1 When men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God, we soon discover that thankfulness leads to generosity - not just monetary, but in all areas of life. Think about it. What are you thankful for? Were you able to eat today? Do you have shelter? Do you have a job? These are just the basics of life that many do not have. We often take them for granted. Take time between now and June 1st and start thanking God DAILY for the many blessings in your life - large and small. On June 1st we will give you the opportunity to give to the United Thank Offering. The monies collected are then used to give grants to applicants that address compelling human needs and/or the expansion of mission and ministry. St. Andrew’s has been recipients of a UTO grant for our Open Table Ministry. It’s time for us to give back! Thanks so much to everyone that donated candy and eggs for the Church School Easter Egg Hunt. It was a great success and wouldn't have been possible without all the support from the congregation. As the weather warms up and the anticipation of summer draws near, I want to remind everyone that the end-of-the-year celebration will be during the 10 AM service on June 1. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this special service dedicated to recognizing the youth in our congregation as well as the adults that have dedicated their time and talents to help nurture this important part of the St. Andrew's family. As part of the Church School outreach this year, the kids have decided to donate their weekly offerings to Mostly Mutts and T & D Cat World. In order to give the children an opportunity to see their good works firsthand, I am planning an outing to Cat World following the celebration service on June 1 (weather permitting). All families and friends are invited to join us. We will caravan from the church parking lot after the hospitality hour. Finally, I want to wish everyone a safe and fun summer. We will resume Church School in September - hope to see you then! ~~Torri Stark Day of Pentecost Sunday, June 8 Rogation Service Set for Sunday, June 15 at the Reeves Farm Christians consider the Day of Pentecost the birthday of the church because, from that moment on, the disciples carried the message of Christ everywhere they went all over the world. The Season after Pentecost, in which Christians develop their relationship with the risen Christ, lasts from the Day of Pentecost to the day before Advent. Thus, it begins on June 8th this year and at Advent. Decorations on the Day of Pentecost are red to symbolize tongues of flame and the Holy Spirit; during the season of Pentecost they are green to symbolize the growth and life of the church. At St. Andrew's, a Pentecost tradition is to wear red on Pentecost Sunday. Those of you who have St. Andrew's tee shirts are encouraged to wear those. If you don't have one, and would like to purchase one for $5, they will be available outside of the secretary's office (limited sizes). All proceeds from the T-shirts go to outreach! Our annual St. Andrew's parish Rogation Service will be held at "Braemar," the farm of Al and Ann Reeves near Watsontown, on Sunday, June 15th at 11:00 a.m. There will be no 10:00 a.m. service that day at the church. As this is an outdoor service, you should bring your own chairs. Following the service we will have a potluck dinner, so please bring a dish to pass. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. Rogation is an ancient custom of blessings the fields to ask God's goodness for a bountiful harvest. We use it as an occasion to remember the beauty and bounty of God's world which we only borrow for the time we are here. Please plan to join us for this lovely service and time of fellowship. Your furry family members are also welcome. Crossing Articles for July/August Edition are Due Sunday, June 15 Please email them to Newcomers’ Classes to Begin Soon Diocesan Convention to Meet Saturday, June 14 in State College The annual Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania will meet Saturday, June 14th at the Ramada Inn, State College. Fr. Peter and our lay delegates, including Susan Bowers, Rob Hontz and Suzie Wright, will represent our parish. The main order of business at the convention will be to elect a Provisional (interim) Bishop for the diocese to serve following Bishop Baxter's retirement on May 31st and until the consecration and installation of a new diocesan bishop, probably in September 2015. The Standing Committee of the diocese has nominated the Right Reverend Robert Gepert as the Provisional Bishop. Bishop Gepert is retired as Diocesan Bishop of Western Michigan where he served for 11 years. Bishop Gepert and his wife Anne recently retired to Lancaster, Pa. For more information about Bishop Gepert and the agenda for Diocesan Convention, please go to Within the next few weeks Fr. Peter will hold a series of classes for newcomers to the Episcopal Church or for persons who desire to refresh their knowledge of it. Several persons have already informed him of their desire to attend. If you have not done so but would like to share in these sessions, please let Fr. Peter know as soon as possible. This will also serve as preparation sessions for adult confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church by the Provisional Bishop on Sunday, November 2nd. Valuation Fair a Resounding Success by Prudence McCullough The Outreach Committee is pleased to say that the March 29 Valuation Fair, which was held in conjunction with Faith Lutheran Church, was a resounding success, netting $2,201.76, or $1,100.88 each for Haven Ministry and Transitions. The proceeds came from valuation fees, the bake sale, donations, and a $650 matching-funds grant from Thrivent Financial. Sixteen experts--and over a dozen volunteers from both churches--donated their time and expertise, and we thank them all. We are tentatively planning a second Fair for Saturday, March 28, 2015. Enhanced Lighting Installed in the Lower Level Chapel You may have noticed that track lighting has been installed in the chapel on the lower level of the church. This is the gift of a generous parishioner who prefers to remain anonymous. The new lighting provides a warmer and more pleasing atmosphere for our midweek services. It will also enhance our use of the chapel as the Chapel of Repose during the Holy Week observance when the Reserved Sacrament is placed there following the Maundy Thursday service. Please take advantage of the chapel for some personal devotional time. The new lights are operated by two push-button dimmer controls located on the outside walls. We thank Bob Young, Ron and Carole’s son, for his expertise in installing the new lights. The original florescent lights were retained in the room for meetings and other group functions. Soup Sales by Judy Hontz Many thanks to the following members of The Order of The Golden Ladle: Polly Doyle, Craig Stark, Judy Hontz, Linda Swan, Tom Simpson, Diane Gottlieb, Priscilla Stowe, Carol Young, Emily Stowe, Ann Reeves, and Janie Coyne. They provided us with a total of 72 quarts of soup! Counting the money earned from that, plus the sale of two cookbooks and donations, $466.00 was raised for Outreach. Jubilee House Birthdays If you already shop on Amazon, you can support this work with just a couple clicks. Go to to register the Jubilee House as your charity of choice, and then when you shop be sure to log onto your own Amazon account through and they will donate a percentage to the Jubilee House. May Help needed at the shelter! May 2 8 11 19 21 23 27 29 Mostly Mutts by Sally Coup Kevin Daly Mike Wright Jim Freeman Terry Hackenburg Mark Reeves Doug Spotts John Gerdes Linda Turner Jan Pearson June Dogs need walking; poop needs scooping; kennels need cleaning; dogs need loving attention, etc. You get the idea! If you have time and the energy will you consider helping? If so, go to: There you can find the necessary application form. We still need blankets, sheets, bedspreads for the dogs to stretch out on in their outside yards when it's cool enough. You may place your donations in the Mostly Mutt bin by the mailboxes. Thank you again, St. Andreans for all you do to help out our average of 90 mutts. WOOF! 10 15 18 25 27 28 30 Bill & Carolyn Simpson Larry & Judy Wilson Peter & Liz Harer Craig & Victoria Stark Robert & Judy Hontz Kevin Daly & Stephanie Larson Tim & Mary Jo Heyman Larry & Jean Young Don & Wilma Johnson June 1 When college students leave for the summer we'll lose many volunteers. Anniversaries 2 3 4 9 11 16 21 23 26 28 Marianna Archambault Anne Pusey Sonia Newton Grace Evans Jamie Pusey Carolyn Simpson Billy Simpson, Jr. Brooks Gronlund Sally Coup Leigh Donecker Father Jim Edwards Mack Doyle Suzanne Murdza 2 6 7 12 14 15 18 20 27 John & Genie Gerdes Bob Goulstone & Patricia McDowell John & Terri Mumper Paul & Marianna Archambault Jamie & Anne Pusey Michael & Janie Coyne David & Jan Pearson Ted & Maggie Chappen Chris Magee & Amy Wolaver Loren Gustafson & Sarah Bell
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