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Why I’m Pentecostal | Maine Revival | Argentina | Fresh Fire! | After Katrina | Why I Pray | Blueprint
APRIL 2006
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IPHC Manual
n this manual, you will read about
the history, doctrinal emphases,
and government of the people known
as the International Pentecostal
Holiness Church. Our structure,
which is a combination of the
episcopal and congregational forms
of government, gives our churches a
measure of both uniformity and local
autonomy. We see this blend as vital
to church growth.
Our doctrinal emphases center
on the Bible, God’s infallible Word,
as our textbook. Theology provides
the track on which the wheels of
evangelism turn.
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In This
Expressions From Bishop James D. Leggett
The Fire Still Burns; The Wind Still Blows
Why I’m Pentecostal
Teams Touch Argentina
Revival Waves Sweep Maine
Oil of Gladness
Teens Get Ready for Fresh Fire!
Rebuilding After Katrina
Countdown to Pentecost
F. M. Britton-Persuaded by Acts 2:4
A Katrina Christmas
Why I Pray
Meet the Missionaries
Al and Coli Argo
Book Review/Prayer Emphasis
Experiences Here and There..
The Stewardship of Following Blueprints
A Rose by Any Other Name..
Cover Notes
1. William J. Seymour, the evangelist who led the Azusa Street revival of 1906-1909.
2. What became known as the Azusa Street Revival began in this small cottage on Bonnie Brae
Street in Los Angeles where the Holy Spirit fell on William Seymour and his supporters.
3. The meetings moved from the Bonnie Brae Street address to this structure on Azusa Street.
IPHC Experience
Timothy W. Beasley
James D. Leggett
April 2006 • Vol. 3, No. 4
Shirley G. Spencer
Kathryn Shelley
Kimberly Wilkerson (Women’s Ministries)
Joyce Ayers (Men’s Ministries)
Thelma McDowell (Evangelism USA)
Marsha Plumbtree (Stewardship)
Paula Ward (World Missions Ministries)
Shandra Youell (Church Education Ministries)
LifeSprings Resources
Gregory K. Hearn, Chief Executive Officer
General Superintendent
James D. Leggett
Executive Directors
Evangelism USA:
Ronald W. Carpenter, Sr., Vice Chairman
World Missions Ministries:
A. D. Beacham, Jr.
Church Education Ministries:
Talmadge Gardner
Stewardship Ministries:
Edward W. Wood
Women’s Ministries:
Jewelle Stewart
Men’s Ministries:
Bill Terry
Representatives on the GEB
Terry Fowler, Southeast Zone
Chris Thompson, Northeast Zone
Randell Drake, Central Zone
Curtis Belcher, Western Zone
Ronnie Saldaña, Hispanic
Derrick Gardner, Pastoral
Frank G. Tunstall, Pastoral
Trish Weedn, Lay
IPHC Experience (ISSN 1547-4984) Vol. 3,
No. 4, is published monthly except in July and
December by LifeSprings Resources of the
International Pentecostal Holiness Church,
2425 West Main St., Franklin Springs, GA
30639. Printed in the USA. MMVI. Address
editorial comments to IPHC Experience,
P.O. Box 12609, Oklahoma City, OK
Member: International Pentecostal Press Association • Evangelical Press Association
LSR 260085
April 2006 | Expressions
Bishop James D. Leggett
James D. Leggett
General Superintendent
The Fire Still Burns;
The Wind Still Blows
any reporters, as well as people in the church,
dismissed the great movement God started a
century ago on Azusa Street as a passing fad. One
religious leader said the little meeting in Los Angeles was
“not deemed of sufficient importance to be mentioned.”
He referred to it as “a pebble thrown into the sea.” Yet that
revival has continued unabated until it is now the mightiest
force in Christianity.
It reminds me of a word Luke gave concerning the
Pentecost at Jerusalem. He wrote at the end of
Acts 2, “They continued…” (v. 42),
or, as the NIV renders it, “So
continuing….” After describing
the marvelous outpouring of
the Holy Spirit on the Day of
Pentecost with its remarkable
rushing wind, tongues of fire,
and speaking with tongues,
Luke captures the truth that
Pentecost was more than a
moment in time. It was and is a
movement for the ages.
The outpouring of the Holy
Spirit at Azusa Street was not a
tangent, an exercise in emotionalism,
or a passing fad. It was a powerful
move of God that could not be defeated by
opposition or contained by human limitations. It
began as a small and seemingly insignificant event in Los
Angeles, but it has spread like the ripples of a pebble until
it fills the whole earth. Like the river in Ezekiel, the streams
from Azusa continue to flow, changing the landscape of the
church and society.
As we observe the Azusa Street Centennial, we do
more than celebrate a great moment of the past; we commit
ourselves to be part of the continuing movement of the
IPHC Experience | April 2006
Spirit for the future. We not only celebrate yesterday at this
centennial; we make a commitment to tomorrow. We must
rededicate ourselves to make sure the next generation –
our sons and daughters and grandchildren – are fully
Pentecostal. It is for the emerging leaders – the Joshuas,
Davids, Deborahs, Peters, and Pauls – tomorrow’s spiritual
giants. God is equipping a mighty army of young men and
women who will lead the church to greater exploits of faith.
We believe God continues to give the ascension
gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors, and teachers to His church.
We believe sons and daughters will
continue to prophesy, and young
men will see visions as the old
men dream dreams.
Acts 4:31 is a remarkable
evidence of the continuing
outpouring of the Spirit on
God’s people. You know the
story of how the infant church
gathered for prayer after strong
persecution. The passage reads
like another Acts 2:4. “When
they had prayed, the place was
shaken where they were assembled
together; and they were all filled with
the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of
God with boldness.”
The book of Acts contains several accounts of Holy
Spirit outpourings, and those wonderful experiences
of Pentecost are repeated in the church today. Oh, yes,
Pentecost continues. When God’s people get together
and pray with passion for His kingdom, the fire still
falls, the wind still blows, people still speak in tongues,
supernatural power is demonstrated, and the kingdom of
God marches forward.
why i’m pentecostal
Since its resurgence in April 1906 in an obscure little mission in Los Angeles, Pentecost
has swept around the world. Today, with an estimated 400 million adherents (some say 600
million), Pentecostalism is the fastest growing segment of Christianity in the world.
We thought IPHC Experience readers might enjoy hearing from a cross-section of
Pentecostal Holiness believers regarding this life-changing experience. – The Editor
n September 5, 1976, just weeks before I was to start college, I sat outside a Baptist church
in Atlanta and asked Jesus to baptize me in the Holy Spirit. I wasn’t sure what I was getting
myself into, but I wanted more of God and His power in my life.
This experience was not about wearing a new label or adopting a new doctrine. I didn’t know
what a Pentecostal was, and “charismatic” sounded like some kind of back problem!
I didn’t hear a rushing wind or see flames of fire, but Jesus transformed me that night while I sat
on an empty volleyball court. I received a prayer language, and the Holy Spirit began to speak to me
in ways I didn’t know were possible. I experienced the equivalent of a mega-voltage electric shock,
and people around me are still feeling the impact of that current 30 years later.
—Lee Grady, Editor
Charisma Magazine
Lake Mary, Florida
am a Pentecostal because I have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire. I am a
Pentecostal because I enjoy enthusiastic praise to God. I am a Pentecostal because I love to see
the gifts of the Spirit manifested in my church and in my life. I am a Pentecostal because I can’t
even imagine being anything else. I am “plugged in” to the moving of the Spirit, and I don’t want to
get “unplugged.” What a life!
—Thelma McDowell, Executive Assistant
Evangelism USA
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
was born and raised the son of a Pentecostal Holiness pastor; therefore, I was first introduced to
the baptism in the Holy Spirit by Dad when I was quite young. Years later, I had the opportunity
to graduate from Oral Roberts University (a Charismatic school) and Fuller Theological Seminary
and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Neither of these seminaries were Pentecostal/Charismatic
although they held an open stance, and many Pentecostal students attended both. During this
time of education, I had numerous opportunities to reflect on and evaluate my personal theology.
The end result is that I feel comfortable with my beliefs and my sincere commitment to walk in the
Spirit daily.
—Dr. Harold Dalton, Assistant Director
IPHC World Missions Ministries
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 2006 | A
s a third-generation Pentecostal Holiness believer, I was first introduced to Pentecost as
a child. I have been a believer as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until the end of my
college years that I began seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I knew at a young age that I was called into full-time ministry, but I never pursued that calling
as I should. (I was distracted by life in general.) However, at a youth retreat in 1994, I was baptized
in the Holy Spirit, and the most incredible things began to happen after that. That Pentecostal
experience sparked a desire, boldness, and a strength within me to become what Christ had called
me to be – fully devoted to Him, which, in turn, equipped me to do what I knew God had called me
to do.
I remain Pentecostal today, not because of the supernatural experiences that may accompany
Pentecost; rather, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are daily becoming more like Christ.
And in becoming more like Christ, we are allowing Him to be lifted up through our lives and
through our obedience, becoming the bold witnesses that accompany a life led by the Spirit.
Life is a journey, not a series of events. Every step of the journey – both the good and the bad –
may be used by the Holy Spirit to draw us closer to Christ. If we allow the Holy Spirit to direct our
lives, He will lead us along the journey, and in His doing so, our lives will reflect His glory to the
world as a witness of His love and grace.
That’s why I am Pentecostal.
—Joe Francisco, Campus Pastor
Southwestern Christian University
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
hen I was growing up, some wonderful neighbors picked me up on Sunday morning and took
me to church with them. Though their church was not Pentecostal, I was saved and baptized
[in water] there when I was 12 years old. I loved the Lord very much.
As I grew older, married, and had children, I attended a full gospel church with my sister. The
Holy Spirit was so strong in that place I knew that was the fulfillment I was looking for.
My family and I visited the Pentecostal Holiness church in Purcell, Oklahoma, in 1978, and
because of God’s anointing and the love extended to us by the church family, we knew our family
had found a church home. Later, God filled me with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and as I studied
God’s Word, the Truth was confirmed in my spirit. Time and experience have only reinforced my
belief in Pentecostalism.
—Trish Weedn, Lay Member
IPHC General Executive Board
Purcell, Oklahoma
celebrate with Pentecostals the marriage of Word and Spirit. I love the Scriptures and their
catalytic role in transforming the life of the believer, and many traditions have the same
distinctive. But it’s too easy in our modern world to ignore the power of the Spirit not only to
convict humans and draw them to Christ and transform their lives from the inside out – which
is the heart of the gospel – but also to heal and give gifts to believers in order to empower
evangelism. Pentecostals have helped bring that reality to more people than ever before.
—James Cain, Campus Pastor
Emmanuel College
Franklin Springs, Georgia
IPHC Experience | April 2006
by Brenda Clowers
wo IPHC mission teams
concentrated their efforts
on Argentina in 2005. And,
according to Juan Passuelo, national
superintendent, these were the first
teams to minister in his country in
In June 2005, Ron Sexton led a
team to Buenos Aires to begin the
work on a security wall at the IPHC
Bible School and conference campgrounds there. My husband, Dan, and I
were a part of that effort.
The team worked diligently on
the 500-foot wall in the rain and mud.
Though they were unable to finish the
project, they did lay the foundation
and completed a large portion of the
wall. We received reports later that,
with the money the team left behind,
the wall was finally finished.
Following this team, Northwood
Temple in Fayetteville, North
Carolina, dispatched a medical team
to Argentina. I was privileged to help
with this team as well, along with Tony
and Sherry Martin.
Here are some statistics compiled
by the medical team:
twins, who died as infants. Here is an
excerpt from her letter:
Only someone like you was
able to comfort and encourage
my heart and soul with such
grace. Truly, I never felt that I
would ever feel so clean on the
inside. I only needed someone
to listen as I spoke of my problems, my anger, and how far I
was from God…. Today, I began
to walk toward God with firm
and sure steps … because I
know that two little angels will
be waiting for me at the end of
the journey and will say to me,
“You see, Mommie, Jesus was
not so bad.”
When this team first arrived
in Concordia, where they held the
clinic, the mayor came out to inspect
everyone. He was somewhat skeptical, but after meeting with the
team leaders, he decided to give his
Only a handful of patients showed
up the first day, but as the word got
out, the lines grew long, and the reception in the community was positive. At
the end of the week, the mayor hosted
a huge cookout for the team and gave
them an open invitation to return.
Perhaps one of the greatest miracles as a result of the medical team’s
ministry was that a church was started
spontaneously with over 70 people.
This was absolutely amazing.
We praise God for Ron Sexton and
Cecille Booth, leader of the Northwood
Temple team, and their wonderful
team members who blessed Argentina.
Both teams were successful in accomplishing great things for the Lord.
Brenda Clowers serves as TEAMS coordinator
for World Missions Ministries. Her husband,
Dan, is overseas ministry coordinator for
Latin America and the Caribbean.
Welcome to
General medicine patients – 1,584
Prescriptions – 5,273
Eye patients – 609
Glasses distributed – 1,000+ (many
patients had to have two pairs: one
for distance and one for close up)
• Counseling patients – 45
• Professions of faith – 27 recorded
One of the patients in the counseling clinic wrote a long letter
describing how God had healed her
emotionally and spiritually through
the team’s ministry. She had been
extremely depressed from having lost
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will keep you current on what’s happening among our
missionaries and ministries around the world.
Visit us
online at
April 2006 | Revival Waves
by Paul and Monette Dibden
omething significant is stirring in Maine. It is like the
initial waves on the seashore
signaling that a tsunami is rolling in.
As the founders of New Life Christian
Fellowship, a new church plant in
Augusta, we sense an undercurrent
of anticipation that something big is
about to break over us.
Although the church is less than
two years old, we are already seeing
amazing growth and sensing much
excitement. Two things make our
church unique:
First, at least 60 percent of
those who attend New Life Christian
Fellowship every Sunday are under
25 years of age. Obviously, God is
raising up this younger generation in
our midst. These young people are on
fire for Him. They study their Bibles
consistently, hold prayer meetings,
witness to the lost, and seek the Lord
for deeper experiences in Him. No
one coerces them; they are simply
passionate about their devotion to
God. Some of these young people, by
their examples of holy living, abundant
worship, diligence in prayer, and
boldness for the Lord, are actually
stretching the adult leadership.
Every week in our rented facilities
we are enjoying awesome services
with tremendous altar experiences
IPHC Experience | April 2006
that are characterized by unrestrained
worship. During these times of
worship, individuals of all ages feel
free to dance before the Lord with all
their might.
In a recent service, our evangelist
challenged any of the youth to step
forward and give a brief exhortation. One young adult and one young
Paul and Monette Dibden (back row) with
young people from New Life Christian
Fellowship in Augusta, Maine.
person boldly and spontaneously
amazed all of us with powerful and
passionate preaching. Only the Lord
Himself could have enabled these individuals to speak with such clarity and
The second unique and exciting
characteristic of New Life Christian
Fellowship is our approach to leadership. We celebrate the fact that the
IPHC is one of the few denominations
officially to affirm the fivefold ministry
model of leadership. We can testify
that this model is working well in Maine.
As part of that genre, we avoid
the tendency to focus on only one
ministry. Instead, we highlight each
ministry as God fills the need. We
have the apostolic, pastoral, and
evangelistic offices in place and trust
the Holy Spirit for the others in His
timing. We like the fact that when
visitors attend our church, they find it
difficult to tell which of us is in charge.
We want the lordship of Jesus to
show forth more than the leadership
gifts of one person. And yet there is
healthy order in all of our services and
activities, as leaders and elders flow
together in the Holy Spirit.
The following excerpts are from
a prophetic word given by one of our
youth – a 17-year-old girl. We received
this message as timely and from the
… In and of yourselves, you
are small and unlearned, but
do not fear, My children, for I
will take you under My wings
and enfold My love around you
as a shield. I am going to try
you and refine you like gold.
See, I lay out My tools that I
might carve the wood – that I
might stir the fire – that I might
mold the clay. He who resists
My hand and pulls from the
heat of My correction and the
restraint of My love will find
himself dissatisfied…
Many issues of your
days will be shaken; I will
reveal Myself with power. I
will wipe from My church the
“clingings” of immorality and
the fingerprints of sin. My bride
shall be engraved with My love
and adorned with the beauty of
My holy power. Place yourselves
under My authority, and I will
give you authority that you
might pierce the nations…
I select from the masses
those whom I would anoint
and raise up. It is My pleasure
and perfect will to pour out
My power on the land through
imperfect vessels, that My glory
would be marvelous. Answer
the call to run with Me, and
you will feel the ground flying
beneath your feet.
We believe this will happen
because the leadership here
desperately wants to be part of what
God is doing and has completely sold
out to the Lord Jesus Christ. The
waves on the seashore are getting
higher and coming faster. The endtime revival in Maine surely will be
like a great tsunami that sweeps
everything before it.
Steve Ely
Jay Pike
Dr. Richard Ledford
YQ Worship Team & Choir
with Contrel Neal
One Voice
April 2006 | of
by Thelma McDowell
t happened on October
27, 1997. A few days
earlier, I had received
the news that Tonesha, a lovely
young lady, recent bride, and student at Southwestern College (now
Southwestern Christian University)
had been killed instantly in an automobile accident. She was the daughter of
close friends who pastored a church near
Oklahoma City.
Tears flowed as my husband, James, and
I visited the family. Our hearts were torn with
The night before the funeral, James, who
was to conduct the service, told me the family
had written a one-page poem about Tonesha
entitled “Our Gentle Bird.” They had requested
that I read the piece for them at the funeral.
There was only one problem: every time I thought
about Tonesha’s death, I couldn’t stop weeping. I
assured him I wouldn’t be able to read the poem
without sobbing. He offered to ask the family to
get someone else.
Then I had a thought: If I memorize it well,
I can just say the words by rote – without
thinking. I might be able to do it that way.
After dinner, I went to my bedroom and
began reading the words again and again. Each
time, I would break down crying. I became
exhausted, so I crawled into bed. Just before I
10 IPHC Experience | April 2006
fell asleep, the words came to me: “Ask
for the oil of gladness.”
The next morning, I arose long before
anyone else in the house and went downstairs
for my devotional time. As I prayed with my
head buried in my arms on the couch, I was
reminded of the words I had heard while falling
asleep. So without even realizing what I was
asking, I prayed, “God, give me the oil of gladness.”
Immediately the most wonderful scent – like
an exquisite men’s cologne – filled the room. It
shocked me so much I jumped up and opened the
door to see if someone had come downstairs. No
one was there. I returned to my place of prayer and
grabbed my Bible to see if I could find an explanation for the sweet aroma. I opened to Isaiah 61:3:
“[I will] provide for those who grieve in Zion … the
oil of gladness instead of mourning …” (NIV). At
that moment, I knew I would be able to read the
poem without tears. I had been given a gift: the oil
of gladness.
At the funeral, I sat on the platform observing
the family and the many students who were in deep
sorrow. I read the poem with all the passion I knew
the family wanted expressed. Not once did I dissolve into tears, nor was there a break in my voice.
At the close of the poem, I addressed the family and
friends: “God wants me to share this with you: if
you ask Him, He will give you the oil of gladness for
your mourning.”
t happened before. It can happen
In 1906, the fire of God fell
on a small group of seekers at a
tiny mission on Azusa Street in Los
Angeles, California. In April 2006, 100
years later, multiplied thousands of
Pentecostals from around the world
are expecting it to happen again.
Because of their proximity to
the centennial venues, Pentecostal
Holiness young people on the West
Coast have the opportunity of a lifetime. They will have the chance to
experience the fresh fire of Pentecost.
For the past six years, Church
Education Ministries (CEM) has
hosted a West Coast Youth Quest.
These events have been extraordinary
times of impartation and worship.
This year, however, CEM is
joining forces with the Azusa Street
Centennial. On April 28, IPHC young
people and youth workers are invited
to meet at the World Agape Mission
Church (933 South Lake Street) in
Los Angeles at 8:00 p.m. for Fresh Fire
2006. The keynote speaker for the
event will be National Youth Director
Steve Ely. Jason Reyes and his worship team will lead the teens in high
energy and intimate worship.
Then, at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday,
April 29, the young people will make
history by participating in perhaps
the largest outreach ever to the city
of Los Angeles. Partnering with the
Dream Center and thousands of other
Christians from around the world, they
will distribute 30 semi-truck trailers
full of food.
“This outreach effort will impact
1,200 families by providing them with
enough food for one week,” says Ely.
“At 1:00 p.m., following the outreach,
we will enter the L.A. Coliseum for
an incredible festival of pageantry
and praise during the centennial
This high-impact day will conclude with the International Youth
Convocation at 7:00 p.m. Organizers
are expecting as many as 70,000 young
people to attend this event. According
to Ely, a highlight of the entire Azusa
Street Centennial Celebration will
take place when 300 members of the
Centennial Prayer Team lay hands on
the young people and ask God to fill
them with fresh fire. This prayer team
consists of people such as T. D. Jakes,
Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and
Oral Roberts, to name just a few. “This
indeed will be a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity,” says Ely.
For more information, contact
Church Education Ministries toll-free
at 1-866-263-1623. Please pray that a
new generation will experience old but
fresh fire.
Teens Get
Ready for
April 2006 | 11
Rebuilding After Katrina
One Team Leader’s Account
by Gordon Knox
ollowing the destruction of
Hurricane Katrina, the Kinston
First Pentecostal Holiness Church
(North Carolina) organized a disaster relief
team. I had the privilege of traveling with
them in September 2005 to Moss Point,
Mississippi, where the team worked alongside the South Carolina Conference Mobile
Feeding Kitchen. This group of men worked
tirelessly, serving approximately 7,000
meals a day.
As soon as I returned home, I began
assembling a local disaster relief team to
return to Mississippi in October. While
speaking to the Men’s Ministries of Higher
Ground PH Church in September, I
encouraged the men to become a part of
the effort. Almost immediately two men
volunteered. Additional team members
included two men from Grace Family
Fellowship and one man from Wake
Forest Free Will Baptist Church.
The Higher Ground PH Church
Disaster Relief Team, with instructions
from the director of Disaster Relief USA,
set out on a 16-hour journey on October
8, 2005. We arrived late at night at the
New Horizon Church in Moss Point,
where we were housed.
The men were shocked at what they
encountered the next morning as we
Our role was to do whatever was needed to prepare these homes for
12 IPHC Experience | April 2006
rode to the neighboring community of Pascagoula to begin
our work assignment. They gaped in awe at the devastation
on every block. The storm had destroyed homes of every
size, entire shopping centers, medical offices, and piers.
Most heartbreaking to me, however, were the churches that
lay in ruins.
On this trip, the team worked on four homes. We tore
out walls, floors, ceilings, and bathrooms, removed roof
shingles, and began replacing the shingles. Our role was
to do whatever was needed to prepare these homes for
The team labored long and hard each day in an effort to
complete as much of the task as possible before we returned
to Ahoskie. Not only did we work on the homes, but we also
took time to get to know the families we were helping. They
have all been a blessing to us.
Once we returned to North Carolina, our job wasn’t over.
We garnered support from the community to help cover the
costs of supplies needed to complete the work begun by our
team. Thanks to local businesses, churches, and the family
members and friends of our team, we returned to Mississippi
on October 29 with $30,000 worth of materials. Even the
motor freight to Moss Point was provided free of charge.
On this third trip, the team worked on insulating homes
and began installing sheetrock. We also put down flooring
where needed. As we cleaned, removed damaged household
items, ripped out cabinets and walls, yanked hundreds of
nails, worked on rooftops, and witnessed, we also found
time to get to know one another better and enjoy one
another’s company. The families we were helping fed us
daily, and believe me, they knew how to cook!
We also found time to get to know one another better and enjoy one
another’s company.
After praying in the woods
about this doctrinal quandary,
the next day a brother asked Britton
to pray for him to get baptized in the
Spirit. Britton was reluctant at first, but
while doing so, he himself began to speak in
Britton says that prior to hearing about the
Azusa Street Revival, several people in his meetings
had spoken in tongues. But he described these as manifestations of the “gift of tongues,” not initial evidence of Spirit
Britton and S. D. Page visited the Azusa Street Mission
some years later, but at a date currently unknown.
P en
On November 26, the Higher
Ground team made its fourth trip to
Mississippi. This time, we concentrated on finishing the sheetrock and
making sure it was ready to paint. We
have delivered new appliances and
other household items to these families, and with God’s help, we hope to
help them move back into their own
homes no later than mid-March 2006.
Our last two projects are about 75
percent complete. We plan to finish
them by mid-February.
On December 17, the team made
its fifth trip to Moss Point. This time,
instead of being a work detail, we
focused on ministry. Immediately
following our first venture into the
“battle zone,” the Higher Ground
Men’s and Women’s Ministries and
Grace Family Fellowship had launched
a “Toys for Katrina’s Kids” drive. So
several children and Higher Ground
leaders accompanied us on this trip.
. M. Britton’s initial reaction to B. H. Irwin’s scheme of
“dynamite, lyddite, and oxydite”1 was to condemn it as
unscriptural. Thus, he remained outside “all organizations”
until May 1908, when he reunited with the Fire-Baptized
Holiness Church (FBHC) in Pleasant Grove, Georgia. In
1909, Britton was appointed assistant general overseer; then
in 1910, he became acting general overseer while J. H. King
circulated the globe. He was an active figure in the January
1911 FBHC consolidation with the Pentecostal Holiness
In 1906-07, Britton was in Alvin, South Carolina, leading
a group called the “Saints or Church of God” that was
seeking a renewal of Pentecost by meeting only in “upper
rooms.” G. B. Cashwell came to the meeting in Alvin hosted
by Britton on February 8, 1907. During a discussion, an
unnamed preacher there quoted Acts 2:4, which says that
all were filled with the Holy Ghost, and tongues of fire sat
on each of them. The references to “all” and “each” persuaded Britton he had been wrong in his opposition to this
new teaching.
F. M. Britton – Persuaded by Acts 2:4
Dr. Harold Hunter, Director
Archives and Research Center
1. Since his son was an ardent chemistry student, Irwin freely adapted
and invented words from this field to quantify levels of the baptism of
fire. Thus, one would have been salvation, then sanctification, then
baptism in fire, then baptism in dynamite, and so on.
A children’s ministries group went
into the community, where they gave
away 100 Bibles. They also performed
a puppet show, sang songs, and ministered in other ways to families who
attended a special program at the New
Horizon Church.
Because of the outreach efforts,
New Horizon now has several
new members. Recently, we were
informed that a family that attended
the children’s ministries venues had
been saved and were active in the
On Christmas Sunday, over 450
people attended a beautiful service
at New Horizon Church. The program included a dramatic portrayal
of Hurricane Katrina’s effects on the
people of Mississippi before, during,
and after it struck. This moving presentation was designed to reassure
the victims that God was (and is) with
them through it all.
At the close of the service, every
child was given a gift bag filled with
toys, books, fruit, and new clothes.
These gifts were made possible by
local businesses, churches, and the
families and friends of our team.
At least 100 boys received footballs signed by David Garrard, a
Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback.1
The Higher Ground Relief Team
plans to return to Moss Point in midFebruary and complete the work in
progress. We know God organized and
ordained these teams, and they are
doing exactly what He has planned for
them to do.
Gordon Knox is a lay member of Higher
Ground Pentecostal Holiness Church in
Ahoskie, North Carolina. He is also a member
of the North Carolina Conference Men’s
Ministries board. Pastor David Bryan and
the Higher Ground Relief Team wishes to
thank those who contributed toward the
reconstruction of these homes.
1. See “A Katrina Christmas,” page 14.
April 2006 | 13
A Katrina Christmas
by Sandra Eisler
ow do you bless hundreds of children with
Christmas joy and give their parents
peace of mind? You do it with vision …
and that’s exactly how the concept of “A Katrina
Christmas With Jesus” began. When Sheriff
Kent Harris from Erwin, Tennessee; Gordon
Knox from Higher Ground Pentecostal
Holiness Church, Ahoskie, North Carolina;
and Pastor Gary Robertson and Mount
Calvary PH Church partnered with
Pastor Don Edeker and the New Horizon
Church in Pascagoula, Mississippi, they
made wonderful things happen for 600
children and their parents.
Those of us on the “front lines”
of duty following the storm saw the
desperate need in the faces of the
families that came to our church
every day for assistance. Some
came to put their names on a list
to have their homes repaired.
Others came for sheetrock and
roofing materials.
The idea of operating as a
distribution center for hurricane assistance took root after
New Horizon teamed up with
the South Carolina Mobile
Feeding Kitchen and the
Baptist Kitchen to serve over
half a million meals. Storm
victims shared their tears
and stories of heartbreak.
The details were different,
but their stories all had
the same beginning and
ending. They knew their
only hope was the Lord
and His people.
Requests for help
came in all sizes. One
man needed a mattress
for the back of his truck
so he would have a place to
14 IPHC Experience | April 2006
sleep. The mother of five-year-old quadruplets
needed sheetrock to rebuild the walls of their
flooded home.
Even with Christmas approaching and
the disaster food stamp program ending, we
noticed the requests were always for necessities, never “extras.” Parents were either
unable or not emotionally equipped to
handle the idea of Christmas in a FEMA
trailer, a tiny cruise-ship room, or yes,
even a tent. Where would you put a
As God opened our hearts to the
looming needs, He also opened the
floodgates of support that involved
churches and countless individuals
hundreds of miles away. Individuals
led entire counties in marches of
“good will toward all men.” For
example, the Cornerstone and
North Carolina Conferences and
the Erwin PHC joined together
to make our Katrina Christmas
parties a success.
New Horizon members
presented a Christmas play
entitled He Came and Stood
by Me, a reenactment of
storm scenes, complete
with the sound effects of
helicopters over rooftops
and lapping waves and
strong winds as rescuers
in a boat pulled children
out of the raging waters.
In every scene, Jesus
appeared at just the
right time. We wanted
people to realize they
were not alone then,
and they are not alone
now. Jesus is the reason
they were being blessed
and helped.
continued on page 19
efore I knew the secret and power of prayer, I worWhen I pray, I get a new and fresh enablement to witried about every problem that came my way. Then I
ness the good news of the kingdom of God to those who
read the Holy Word – the Bible – and discovered that
have not yet committed their lives to Him. I don’t fear as I
I must ask the Lord God for whatever I need and believe
did before I started a life of prayer. I become courageous to
that He will meet that need. Now, when I pray, I
counterattack any opposition from the antichrists. I
am bold to face whatever I encounter in
stand my ground firmly to resist any form of
life. Prayer energizes me in times of
heresy and abide in the truth because,
discouragement. Life’s challenges
through prayer, the Holy Spirit
cannot overwhelm me when I
reminds me of Scripture passeek God in prayer.
sages with which to defend
When I pray, I receive
sound doctrine. I don’t
spiritual awareness. When
compromise with sin, and I
efore I knew the secret and
ask the Lord wholeheartedly.
which to defend sound doctrine. I
my soul is cast down and
gain a strong boldness to
power of prayer, I worried
Whenever I pray, I have power to
don’t compromise with sin, and I gain
my faith seems to be
say whatever God wants
about every problem that came
defeat the spirit of doubt. The Spirit of
a strong boldness to say whatever God
dimming, I increase my
me to say.
my way. Then I read the Holy Word
God reminds me of the great promises
wants me to say.
faith through prayer,
When I am sick,
– the Bible – and discovered that I
He has in store for me. That is why I
When I am sick, prayer quickly
and no temptation can
prayer quickly relieves
must ask the Lord God for whatever
teach my family to depend on God and
relieves my broken body. In 1992, I
make me lose hope. I
my broken body. In
I need and believe that He will meet
live above despair and hopelessness. I
suffered from highland malaria. I was
receive refreshment,
1992, I suffered from
that need. Now, when I pray, I am bold
defeat the attacks of the devil because
treated in many health centers but
comfort, and peace to
highland malaria. I was
to face whatever I encounter in life.
the Holy Spirit alerts me to watch and
did not get well until I went on my
continue serving the
treated in many health
Prayer energizes me in times of dispray, even if I grow tired of doing so.
knees seriously. I have not been sick
Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t
centers but did not get well
couragement. Life’s challenges cannot
When I pray, I get a new and fresh
with the same case since. In 1997,
panic and lose confidence
until I went on my knees
overwhelm me when I seek God in
enablement to witness the good news
I had a stomach problem and went
to face tomorrow because I
seriously. I have not been
of the kingdom of God to those who
to the hospital for treatment. I was
ask the Lord wholeheartedly.
sick with the same case since.
When I pray, I receive spiritual
have not
taken to a ward, and the doctor said
A. their
Whenever I pray, I have
In 1997, I had a stomach problem
awareness. When my soul is cast down
to Him. I don’t fear as I did before
I needed an operation. This made me
power to defeat the spirit of doubt.
and went to the hospital for treatment.
and my faith seems to be dimming, I
I started a life of prayer. I become
fall facedown to plead with God for my
The Spirit of God reminds me of the great
I was taken to a ward, and the doctor said
increase my faith through prayer, and
courageous to counterattack any
deliverance. My brothers and sisters
promises He has in store for me. That is why I teach
I needed an operation. This made me fall facedown
no temptation can make me lose hope.
opposition from the antichrists. I stand
in Christ also prayed for God to intermy family to depend on God and live above despair and
to plead with God for my deliverance. My brothers and sisI receive refreshment, comfort, and
my ground firmly to resist any form of
vene. I remember feeling my stomach
hopelessness. I defeat the attacks of the devil because the
ters in Christ also prayed for God to intervene. I remember
peace to continue serving the Lord
heresy and abide in the truth because,
cooling down, and on the same day
Holy Spirit alerts me to watch and pray, even if I grow tired
feeling my stomach cooling down, and on the same day I was
Jesus Christ. I don’t panic and lose
through prayer, the Holy Spirit
I was admitted to the hospital, I was
of doing so.
admitted to the hospital, I was released to go home.
confidence to face tomorrow because I
reminds me of Scripture passages with
released to go home. B
Why I Pray
continued on page 22
Meet the
Al and Coli Argo
l and Coli Argo – the A-TEAM –
are career missionaries for
the IPHC. They were serving
in children’s ministry at the
Celebration Center in Anniston,
Alabama, when they felt God leading
them into missions.
The Argos are now based in
Southeast Asia, where Al teaches
in several Bible schools. Through
writing, teaching, and mentoring,
they are equipping pastors, leaders,
and world-changing Christians.
Al, Coli, Alex and Chandler
Al and Coli also assist in church-planting
efforts across Asia and help lead teams on shortterm mission trips. Pray for divine guidance,
wisdom, and safety as this family continues its
quest to reach the unreached for Christ.
Al and Coli both graduated from Christ for
the Nations. Al also holds an advertising/marketing degree from the University of Alabama.
They have two children, Alex and Chandler. Al’s
hobbies include checkers, football, and reading.
Coli enjoys Scrabble, puzzles, and reading. Alex
and Chandler love books, music, soccer, and
April 2006 | 15
Book Review
The Azusa Street
Mission and
by Cecil M.
Thomas Nelson
Inc., 2006
Their prize possession was a printing
publishing a companion volume titled
press. Their nondescript location
The Azusa Street Revival and Its
did boast a trolley stop, but most
Legacy (Pathway Press).
importantly, they were the recipients
Ultimately, Robeck will produce
of an unprecedented outpouring
a multivolume academic series on
of Pentecostal fire. Their message
the Azusa Street Revival that will be
crossed race, gender, and class lines
the definitive work for generations
while rapidly reaching into Latin
to come. Yet this popular version has
r. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.,
America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
considerable value of its own. I was
professor of Church History
This overview of the revival hosted by
honored to be among those who con-
and Ecumenics at Fuller Theological
the Azusa Street Mission is inspiring
tributed to the project.
Seminary, is the foremost authority on
and packed full of photographs, arti-
the legendary Azusa Street Revival.
cles, and testimonies.
That event propelled Pentecostalism
We are grateful to Thomas Nelson
across the world and forever changed
for making this volume available to be
the landscape of Christendom.
used at the Azusa Street Centennial
The Azusa Street Mission and
For more information about the
centennial, visit the official web at
—Dr. Harold D. Hunter, Director
IPHC Archives & Research Center
that will convene April 25-29, 2006,
Revival tells the story from the days
in Los Angeles. During this historic
of the small, racially inclusive group
event, Dr. Robeck and I will co-chair
that gathered in Los Angeles in 1906.
a theological track. We are also jointly
Order these books from LifeSprings
Resources, 1-800-541-1376, or online at
Prayer Emphasis
National Day of Prayer – Freedom Five
f you knew five minutes a day could
impact and change America, would
you be willing to set aside time in
your car, during your coffee break, or
before bedtime to make that happen?
Although the National Day of
Prayer focuses
most of its
efforts on promoting the
annual day of
prayer, organizers realize
16 IPHC Experience | April 2006
that true life-altering, world-changing
prayer cannot happen in a single day.
It must become a discipline.
Freedom Five is an initiative that
challenges you to commit to pray for
our country on a daily basis. It involves
praying for five minutes a day about
five centers of power – Government,
Media, Education, Church, and Family.
Visit the National Day of Prayer
website (http://nationaldayofprayer.
org) to learn how to pray for these
specific areas. By
targeting these
centers of power,
America can experience the freedom
that accompanies
God’s power.
Here & There...
Rangers Leaders
Challenged at 2006 National Council
bout 70 Royal Rangers leaders
participated in the 2006 National
Council, held January 12-14 in
Franklin Springs, Georgia. This event
included inspiration, information, and
planning for local Rangers leaders.
Dr. Ronald Moore, bishop of the
Upper South Carolina Conference,
gave the opening message. The topic
of his sermon and the 2006 Royal
Rangers theme was “Pursue With
Passion God’s Destiny.”
Bill Terry, executive director
of Men’s Ministries, was also one of
the keynote speakers. Rev. Terry
challenged the men with the topics
“Where Are the Men?” and “Spiritual
According to David Moore,
National Royal Rangers Commander,
plans are under way for a combined
Men’s Ministries/Royal Rangers
meeting in 2007. “Anyone who is
involved in Men’s Ministries or ministry
to boys at any level will not want to
miss this event,” he says. The meeting
is scheduled for January 11-13.
One of the highlights of the
National Council occurred on Saturday
morning at the conclusion of a session
led by Talmadge Gardner, executive
director of Church Education
Ministries. In a gesture demonstrating
his commitment to Royal Rangers,
Rev. Gardner washed the feet of
Commander David Moore. “I could
think of no better way to show my
commitment to Rangers than to wash
the feet of their leader,” he said. The
The megachurches have an
estimated combined income of $7.2
billion and draw nearly 4.4 million
people to weekly services, according
to Megachurches Today 2005. The
South has the largest share with 49
percent, including Texas with 13 percent. California led the nation with
14 percent but is part of a declining
western region with 25 percent, 7 percentage points lower than 5 years ago.
– EP News Extra, 2-14-06
Acts2Day Conference
Plans New York City Tour
Commander David Moore presents to Leon
Reeves the “Bill Linn Award for Excellence in
Shaping the Lives of Boys.”
presence of the Lord was very real
during this time of ministry.
Royal Rangers is one of
Church Education Ministries’ six
core discipleship ministries. For
information about Royal Rangers and
how to launch an outpost in your
church, contact the national office at
706-245-3149, or e-mail Commander
Moore at
Study Says Megachurches
Growing Quickly in Size, Reach
new survey on U.S. Protestant
megachurches shows they are
among the nation’s fastest-growing
faith groups, drawing younger people
and families with contemporary
programming and conservative
values. The number of megachurches,
which are defined as having a weekly
attendance of at least 2,000, has
doubled in five years to 1,210.
he Acts2Day Conference (Home
Missions) is planning a tour of
New York City and Metro Ministries
in fall 2006. According to Dr. Ronald
Carpenter, Sr., executive director of
Evangelism USA and superintendent
of Acts2Day, several conference
bishops and evangelism directors
have expressed a desire to see Metro
Ministries “up close and in action.”
The tour is scheduled for October
“Since no bishops’ and Evangelism
directors’ training summits are
planned for 2006 or 2007, this trip
will accomplish the purposes of both,”
says Carpenter. “EVUSA could furnish
leaders with no greater training opportunity than to visit Metro Ministries on
site and see the phenomenal outreach
ministry that takes place there.”
Carpenter says he believes the
evangelism/church-planting models
used by Metro Ministries will work not
just in the inner city. “These strategies can work anywhere you have a
housing project or a dense population,” he says.
continued on page 18
April 2006 | 17
Experiences Here and There
continued from page 17
EVUSA has synchronized the
tour schedule with that of Pastor Bill
Wilson so he will be able to spend
some time with participants during
the visit.
SCU Announces
New Director of
Institutional Advancement
resident Bob Ely has named Jon
Chasteen as the new director
of Institutional Advancement at
Southwestern Christian University.
Chasteen officially started his duties
in September 2005 and has been
making significant changes across
the campus.
Jon is a
2001 alumnus
of SCU
and holds
a master’s
degree in
education from
of Central
Jon Chasteen
Oklahoma. “I
am honored
to serve my alma mater, and I’m
excited about all God is doing
here at the university,” he says.
His responsibilities include alumni
relations, campus development, and
SCU is in the process of an
“Extreme Campus Makeover.” The
makeover includes remodeling
dorms and the cafeteria/kitchen,
new furniture, auditorium chairs,
computers, and a state of the art
wireless Internet campus.
The school continues to lead and
serve the International Pentecostal
Holiness Church by equipping world
changers with a vision for “Service,
Scholarship and Spirit.”
18 IPHC Experience | April 2006
Emmanuel’s Lady Lions Climb
to Fifth in NCCAA Standings
he National Christian College
Athletic Association (NCAA)
ranked the Emmanuel College Lady
Lions basketball team fifth in the
nation for the week of January 17.
Last year, the team won the NCCAA
Regional Tournament and finished
sixth in the nation.
By mid-February, the Lady
Lions were 20-8 overall and 10-7 in
the competitive SSAC (Southern
States Athletic Conference), which
includes colleges and universities in
the NAIA (National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics).
Head Coach Mike Bona, who
returned last year to coaching after
taking off six years, says he’s pleased
with the team’s progress and with
how well they have come together as
a unit. “Each game, they seem to be
improving, and we want to continue
this process right up to the end of the
season and tournament time,” he says.
“This group of ladies seems to have a
special bond, and it shows when they
step out onto the basketball floor.
It will be exciting to see what may
happen with the remainder of this
Emmanuel is a four-year liberal arts Christian college in the
Pentecostal and evangelical tradition.
Through liberal arts and professional
programs, individuals are inspired and
equipped to become Spirit-led world
IPHC Presenters Slated for
Azusa Street Centennial
he Azusa Street Centennial is
being billed as the “Spiritual
Experience of a Lifetime.” The event
has that potential as Pentecostal and
Charismatic believers from around the
world fill the Los Angeles Convention
Center with praise April 25-29.
The centennial celebration is
designed to include more than mass
worship gatherings. Everything from
prayer walks to workshops is on the
docket. For nearly three years, intercessors around the world have been
petitioning the Throne of God on
behalf of the centennial. A continuous,
120-hour prayer meeting will be going
on during the week of the centennial
The names of two Pentecostal
Holiness presenters are listed on the
program: Dr. Harold Hunter, director
of the IPHC Archives and Research
Center, and Shirley G. Spencer,
executive editor of IPHC Experience
magazine and One Accord Resources.
Dr. Hunter’s involvement has
three parts:
First, he will serve on a panel for
the Archives Seminar. Then every
Future Experiences
• National Youth Workers
Appreciation Day is April 2.
• April 7, First Friday Fast – a day
of fasting and prayer for the nation
and the IPHC
• Host/attend a Men’s Ministries
Resurrection Breakfast during
the week of April 9-16.
• Palm Sunday – April 9
• EASTER SUNDAY – April 16
• If discipleship matters to you,
participate generously in the CEM
Discipleship Offering.
• The National Coalition of
Ministry to Men will convene
April 20-22 in Colorado Springs,
• Pentecostals/Charismatics from
around the world will celebrate the
Azusa Street Centennial in Los
Angeles, California, April 25-29.
• The Southwestern Christian
University Commencement is
scheduled for April 29.
• The 2006 National Day of Prayer,
May 4, will focus on Freedom Five.
• May 5, First Friday Fast – a day
of fasting and prayer for the nation
and the IPHC
• Commencement for Emmanuel
College will be held on May 6 in
Franklin Springs, Georgia.
• Mother’s Day – May 14
• Armed Forces Day – May 20
For more information on any of these
events/opportunities, visit the IPHC
website (
morning and
on two afternoons, he
will co-chair
the theology
track. In conjunction with
these sessions,
he and his coDr. Harold Hunter
chair, Dr. Cecil
M. Robeck,
Jr., will release a book entitled The
Azusa Street Revival and Its Legacy,
published by Pathway Press. During
the centennial, Dr. Hunter will also
be meeting with the advisory board
of the International Charismatic
will serve
as a workshop leader
and host in
the “SpiritEmpowered
seminar. On
Shirley G. Spencer
morning, she
will present a workshop entitled “The
Care and Feeding of the Spirit-Led
The IPHC General Executive
Board and other boards are scheduled
to meet in conjunction with the centennial.
The Centennial Cabinet, composed of a cross-section of national
and international church leaders,
serves as the steering committee.
The larger leadership group, the
Centennial Ministry Team, includes
about 150 pastoral and ministry
leaders from around the world.
Cooperating agencies include the
Pentecostal World Fellowship, the
Pentecostal/ Charismatic Churches of
North America, and numerous other
coalition groups and parachurch
ministries. The Center for Spiritual
Renewal is coordinating the meeting.
continued from page 14
Each child received several gifts,
and the teenagers eagerly came forward for their $20 Wal-Mart gift cards.
After all the presents were distributed, a special moment took place that
everyone will remember for years to
come. David Garrard, a quarterback
with the Jacksonville Jaguars, donated
100 official, autographed NFL footballs
to the party.
The boys nearly leaped out of
their seats when they heard the emcee
announce that the footballs would be
given away. When he asked for all the
boys who played football to please
stand, they bounded to their feet, hands
waving. What a sight! Boys of all ages
and even some up-and-coming players
in the arms of their mothers lined up to
receive a football.
After the footballs were distributed and the party drew to a close,
one additional football was presented
to Pastor Don Edeker. This one was
a little different. It was a white, commemorative NFL edition, autographed
especially for Pastor Don from quarterback Garrard.
Another highlight of the endeavor
was the Sidewalk Sunday School that
Higher Ground Pentecostal Holiness
Church held at a nearby public assistance building. A direct fruit of that
ministry was evident on January 6,
2006, when a young woman came forward and received salvation. She had
never attended a Protestant church
service, but her family was led here
by the ministry of the people who
came to bring blessings for a Katrina
Our mission over the past several
months, now, and in the future is to
help people recognize that without the
Lord Jesus Christ, they will always be
in the midst of a storm.
Sandra Eisler is a member of New Horizon
PH Church in Pascagoula, Mississippi.
April 2006 | 19
The Stewardship of Following
or years, Grant had dreamed
of creating a splendid
building. Finally he decided
it was time to see his vision fulfilled.
He sought the most accomplished
architects and spent countless hours
laboring over the design. Soon his
vision took shape on the blueprints
the architectural team put together.
It was going to be perfect.
Thousands of dollars later, it was
time for construction to begin. With
blueprints in hand, the contractor
began his work. He “specked” the
job closely at first. Every beam was
measured precisely according to the
plans. Then the foreman hired to
oversee the job started calculating
other ways to make the building
grand. He thought his way was
better, so he set the blueprints aside
and started including elements of his
own design and imagination.
From the outside, one couldn’t
see the missing components in the
building and the inferior products
used in its construction. But slowly,
as time began to chip away at the
building, it began to disintegrate,
piece by piece.
Grant was puzzled by the
obvious deterioration. He couldn’t
understand why his grand dream
20 IPHC Experience | April 2006
was crumbling before his very eyes.
Hadn’t he hired the best design team
to draw up the plans? Blaming the
architect, he demanded, “Why would
you let this happen?”
Upon closer inspection, they recognized that the problem did not rest
with the architect. The building was
eroding rapidly because the designer’s plans had been ignored.
Grant was furious at the discovery of such presumption. “Why
wouldn’t you follow the plans put
before you?” he bellowed at the
foreman. “They were created by a
man who loved his work and clearly
took pride in the development of this
unique structure.”
The foreman just hung his head.
“I-I’m so sorry,” he stammered. “I
was sure my substitutions would be
better in the long run.”
We are God’s crowning creation;
He invested greatly in the blueprints
for our lives. Then He handed us the
blueprints (the Bible) that would
ensure we would be the grand design
He envisioned. But, like the foreman
in the story, we often lay aside the
master plan. Sure, it’s there, and we
check it occasionally, but we try to
improve on the design by doing our
own thing. When we make a mess of
by Marsha Plumbtree
it all, we throw it back on the One
who created the blueprints when it’s
clear we failed to follow them to the
What do you do when you don’t
understand how something is supposed to be constructed? You read
the instructions. Proverbs 16:20
(NIV) says, “Whoever gives heed to
instruction prospers….” You must
take the time to know how something works before you attempt to
do it. The same principle applies to
the Bible. We have to study and read
God’s Word; it is the blueprint for
our life. Then we must act on the
Scriptures we read.
God’s Word provides the solution to every problem we will face.
Being a good steward means taking
those words and applying them to
our lives. He gives us words of faith
on which to stand and the details of
how to accomplish great things. If
your life doesn’t seem to be going in
the direction you envisioned, maybe
it’s time to stop what you’re doing,
read the instructions, and learn to
build your life the right way. Follow
the blueprints.
Marsha Plumbtree is the executive assistant
to Edward W. Wood, executive director of
Stewardship Ministries.
by Any Other
IPHC Women Flock to Experience
Holy Spirit Power at Retreats
hen did the icebox become
the fridge? How long has it
been since you referred to
your jacket as a wrap? It seems like
just yesterday we were all agog over
the technology of the 8-track. Then,
whoop! It became a CD. Who knows
what’s next … MP3s? They’re already
You may have shown your age
lately simply by the way you referred
to something. Don’t be embarrassed.
It happens to most of us. We find
it difficult to keep up with current
terminology in this high-tech world.
Over the past several years,
Women’s Ministries has undergone
numerous title changes. Woman’s
Auxiliary morphed into Women’s
Ministries. The WM president is
now the WM director. GAs became
GEMs, who became Missionettes.
Individual ministries and events also
are changing names. The Missionary
Sponsor Plan is now called Stay in
Touch. Even Sharing Sisters is soon to
have a new moniker.
The marvelous reality behind all
these changes is that, although the
names are changing, the quality and
effectiveness behind the ministry
remains consistent. Ministry to women
and girls goes on. Women leaders
are trained for excellence. Women in
the church continue to take part in
ministry and service to others.
One type of WM event continues
to forge ahead, empowering the
women who choose to be involved.
It goes by a number of names: fling,
bash, come-away, get-together, blast,
breakaway, conference, and retreat.
Much more than a time for socializing
and shopping, these experiences
offer an opportunity for women to
reconnect, recharge, and
re-evaluate. Women’s retreats today are high
quality, high expectation events.
For instance, more than 700 women
experienced “All About a Journey,” an
event sponsored by the South Carolina
Conference Women’s Ministries in
September 2005. A combined worship
team featuring Pentecostal Holiness,
Assemblies of God, and independent
worship leaders ushered the women
into the presence of the King of kings.
Special guests Dr. Janice Sjostrand
and Reba Rambo-McGuire spoke with
continued on page 22
April 2006 | 21
continued from page 21
continued from page 15
power and authority, challenging not
only the ladies in attendance, but also
each other. “The glory and presence of
God was so real,” said South Carolina
WM Director Tamé Lambert, “it was
life changing.”
Becky Watkins, WM director
in the New Horizons Conference,
says attendance at their retreats
has increased annually. In fact, she
now plans two retreats each year,
in different areas of the conference.
Watkins attributes part of the growth
to upgrading locations. When she
came into her position, 67 ladies
came to retreat at the conference
campground. In 2005, about 400 ladies
flocked to the resort locations, hungry
for the one-on-one ministry offered at
these events.
“The thing that excites me most is
that younger women are experiencing
retreat and getting hooked on WM,”
she says. “They return to their local
churches understanding that Women’s
Ministries isn’t just for older ladies.
It’s for them. And they don’t just soak
it in. They want to give back. Younger
women are hungry for opportunities
to operate in their giftings. Women’s
Ministries is able to provide that
Women still want to experience
the manifest presence and power
of the Holy Spirit. They attend
these events expecting to receive,
and they aren’t disappointed. Many
testify of receiving physical and
emotional healing and deliverance, a
call from God, and an impartation of
spiritual gifts.
Perhaps you want to receive,
reconnect, be revived … whatever
you call it, you want to experience
it. Check out the next Women’s
Ministries Retreat in your area. Visit
the Women’s Ministries website
at for more
However, what I experienced the
day I received salvation is the main
reason I pray. I believe my spiritual
growth after that experience came
about because of my commitment to
prayer. Many people did not believe
that a youth could be saved and stand
on the promises of God. They started
numbering my days as a Christian.
My spiritual father, who was also
my pastor, was a man of much prayer.
He told me to read the Word of God
and pray daily. I’ll admit it was a
struggle at first, but gradually, I gained
momentum. Prayer intensified my
spiritual understanding of God’s Word
and how the Holy Spirit works. Prayer
made me remain focused on God.
God filled me with His Spirit while
I was praying after our normal evening
Bible study. Yes, I knew that when I
got saved, I received the Spirit of God
in my life, but that day has remained
memorable because I felt an unusual
calmness. I had seen others being
filled and speaking in tongues, but I
thought there was some remaining sin
in me that hindered me from receiving
the infilling of the Holy Spirit. So I
repented of everything I could think
of and simply released my life to God
in prayer. After that I started worshiping the Lord. Suddenly, my tongue
was loosened, and I began to speak
in a language I had not learned. I was
never the same again.
Prayer continues to change my
life. That is why I cannot skip praying
even for a day. Prayer is all I have
to transform me daily. I thank God
because He gave me a way to fellowship with Him, and that is through
22 IPHC Experience | April 2006
Morris A. Ayolo is a student at East Africa
Bible Training Center, Eldoret, Kenya. He
is working in one of the new IPHC church
plants in Outspan. This article is an edited
version of an essay Morris wrote following
a prayer class instructed by Winston
We Believe
• … there is but one living and eternal God, of
unlimited power, wisdom, and goodness.
• … that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son
of the Father, took the nature of mankind
in the womb of the virgin Mary.
• … that Christ arose from the dead and
ascended into heaven, where He remains
until the time He will return to judge all
• … the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father
and the Son and is of one substance with
them in majesty and glory.
• … the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of
• … eternal life with God in heaven is the
reward of the righteous, and eternal
banishment from the presence of the
Lord and unending torture in hell are the
wages of those who reject Him.
• … Jesus Christ shed His blood for the
cancellation of our past sins, the
restoration of all sinners who repent, and
salvation from sin and sinning.
• … justification before God is by faith alone.
• … Jesus Christ shed His blood for the
cleansing of the believer from all sin and
its pollution.
• … sanctification by faith in Christ is an
instant work of grace followed by a
lifelong process of spiritual growth after
• … the Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Ghost
is available through faith with the initial
evidence of speaking with other tongues
as the Spirit speaks through us.
• … divine healing was made available through
Christ’s death on the Cross.
• … in the imminent second coming of Jesus
• … it is the responsibility of every believer
to obey Christ’s command to spread His
message of love and deliverance to every
An unabridged version of the IPHC Articles
of Faith is available at
Missionaries on Furlough
Gary and Alesa Akerman
Randal and Dorothea Aldred
Al and Coli Argo
Linwood and Nancy Berry
Joe and Maggie Delport
Tony and Patti Guasco
Winston and Marie Hollingsworth
Philip and Gailya List Sr.
Mark and Jeannie McClung
Scott and Cathy Miller
Tim and Beth Salley
Itinerating Missionaries
Marty Delmon
Mike and Tina Gentilini
Daniel and Rocio Pitti
Jimmie and Angela Pope
Ron and Sharon Wooten
David and Twilla Sasser
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