How to Obtain a New ODE Institution ID for Charter Schools

How to Obtain a New
ODE Institution ID for
Charter Schools
Presentation - May 2012
Joy Blackwell
• Reasons why an ODE issued institution ID is
necessary to conduct business with ODE:
 To submit student level data in the ODE Data
 To receive access in Electronic Grant
Management System (EGMS) for grant funds
 To be listed in the ODE School Directory as an
Oregon public school
• First, you will need to access the form to apply
for a new ODE institution ID number.
• The form is located on the ODE web page –
• Scroll down until you see the link called
Institutions/School Directory Update
• When you click on the link and open the document
you will see the update form – Form 581-1380-A
Form 581-1380-A
Completing the Form
• Under the TYPE OF REQUEST heading, check the NEW box.
Fill in sections A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. If the
charter school will be their own fiscal agent, rather
than the sponsoring school district, also complete
section J.
• Schools who are their own fiscal agents will need to
be given access to the ODE Electronic Grants
Management System (EGMS). Make sure you specify
the name, email, and contact for each position.
• Let’s start by reviewing each section to be
Completing the Form
Sections A and B
A. Institution - Fill in the name – leave the ID# blank for a NEW school.
B. Federal Identification Numbers - We do not need the TPIN#, but ODE does
need the Federal Tax ID# and the DUNS #. The last page of the application
packet has information about these IDs.
Completing the Form
Section C
C. Demographic Information - Please submit both the mailing and the street
address. If you have a PO Box, you must also submit a physical street
Completing the Form
Sections D and E
D. Institution Administrator - Charter Schools either have a principal or
administrator/director. Only one person can be listed as the main contact.
E. Effective date - Enter the date when the school will open. The effective
date of the institution ID will be the start of the school year - 7/1/school
Completing the Form
Sections F and G
F. Grade Range Offered - List the low grade and high grade you will offer this
school year. Check the other boxes as appropriate.
G. Institution Classification – Check the following: Sector = Public; Function =
School; Instructional Type = Charter. Program type – do not check any boxes.
Completing the Form
Sections H and I
H. Administrative Parent – This is either your sponsoring School District or the
Oregon Department of Education.
I. Fiscal Parent – This is either the sponsoring School District or the charter
school if they are acting as their own fiscal agent. If you will be your own
fiscal agent write in the name of your charter school. Check to make sure
you are eligible to be your own fiscal agent when completing your charter
documents with Margaret Bates.
Completing the Form
Section J – Complete only if applicable
Complete this section only if you are acting as your own fiscal agent instead of
the sponsoring school district.
Make sure each name is filled in. There should be at least two people listed.
The ODE Office of School Finance and Administration – Procurement Section
will ask you to complete additional forms for access to the EGMS system.
Contact: Phyllis Reynolds, (503) 947-5886 or email
Completing the Form
Section K
The boundary calculator spreadsheet is used to indicate your projected
enrollment. The Institutions Database Advisory Team and the Data Governance
Committee are interested in your projected enrollment and the impact it has on
existing schools.
How Do I Look Up the ID Number
• You will need to know the institution ID for your
sponsoring school district, as well as the school
districts of students who will be transferring to your
new school. ODE Sponsored charter schools will use
ODE ID #2336 in Section H.
• If you do not know the ID number for an institution,
you can look it up by going to the link for Institution
ID Search -
• Enter in the school district or institution’s name and
press enter.
Institution Lookup Screen
Enter the name under the Institution Name and press the Search button.
We will use Astoria as our example.
Institution Lookup Screen
By typing in the name Astoria and pressing the Search button, the lookup screen
returned all the institutions with the name “Astoria.” By clicking on the ID # in
the Insti_ID column, additional information for the district or school displayed.
Institution Lookup Screen
Display – School District and School
Example of a School District
Example of a School
Completing the Application Packet
Boundary Calculator
• Now that you have filled out the application form,
you need to also complete a Boundary Calculator
Excel spreadsheet. You may need to use the
institution lookup when completing this form.
• The purpose of this document is to show the number
of students who will be attending your new school
and where the students had been attending the
previous school year. This will let us know if there is
shift of over 40% student population in an existing
Boundary Calculator Spreadsheet
Go to the URL listed above. Click on the Boundary Change Calculator link.
Boundary Change Calculator
Click on the Sample Tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet
to see an example of how to fill out the form.
When you are ready to complete the form, click on the
Calculator tab . This will give you a blank worksheet.
Boundary Change Calculator
Next, we will go over each column and explain what should be entered in
each one. You may have multiple rows listed on your spreadsheet,
depending on the source and number of students who will be transferring
to your new school.
Note: If you have a form that does not have the dates in Row 6 that match
this example, please change them to match the example above.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
Column A – Inst ID – Write the word
“NEW” as the ID# for the new charter
school. Then list each school that will
have students who will be enrolling in
your school in 2012-13 on a separate
line. You can use the institution lookup
to find the ID# for other schools.
Column B – School Name – List the
name of your charter school. Also list
the name of each school where the
transferring student was enrolled in
If the student was homeschooled, list
that on a separate line. Follow the
example to see how schools are listed.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
Column C – Grades Offered in 2011-12
On the line that lists your charter school, you
will list 0 for the grades offered in 11-12.
For each school that has students transferring
to your new school, list the grades offered by
that school for the 2011-12 school year. If
you do not know the grades, we will show
you where to look them up when we look at
the school enrollment for 10/1 report on the
next slide.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
• Column D – Enrollment on 10/1/11
• The line showing the charter school will show 0 enrollment as of
• Each school listed will need to have their enrollment listed.
• You can lookup enrollment for other school districts by going to the
ODE web page -
• The following slides will show how to look up student enrollment.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
Looking up Student Enrollment as of 10/1
Go to the link below. When the screen appears, select ODE REPORTS.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
Looking up Student Enrollment as of 10/1
Scroll down to the STUDENTS section. Select October 1
Enrollment Summary #73. Click on the link.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
Looking up Student Enrollment as of 10/1
Select the School Year and
click on the Submit Query.
Select the District you want to
display from the pull down
menu and click on View Report.
We will continue to use Astoria
SD as our example.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
As you can see by the example, the first listing (brown
font) is the County Total; the (green font) is the District
total; and the (black font) is the School student count.
Astor Elementary shows they had an enrollment of 409
students enrolled on October 1, 2011.
While you are on this screen, make a note of the grades
offered. They will be displayed on the actual screen. You
will need this information for column E on the next slide.
If you don’t know the school district
where the school is located, you go to
the Institution Lookup screen and find a
school by name. Click on their ID link to
see their district information.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
• Column E – Grades Offered 12-13 - For the charter school, you will list the
grades you will be offering. You may list the grades shown in column C for the
other schools.
• Column F – Projected Enrollment on 10/1/12 – For each school listed, you
can “project” the enrollment by subtracting the amount of students who will be
coming to the new charter school from the amount in column D – Enrollment on
10/1/2011. (Example #121 Lincoln Elementary - 237 minus 45 equals 195)
Column G - “Projected” Number of Students out – This column pertains to the
number of students enrolled in 2011-12 who are transferring to the new charter
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
• Column H - “Projected” Number of Students in – This
column shows the number of students who will be
attending the charter school.
• The charter school will have the number of students you
project will be enrolled on 10/1/2012 from Column F.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
• Column I – Explanation of “projected” source of students out
or in – This column is used to define the change of enrollment for the
students on the boundary calculator.
Boundary Change Calculator Tips
• As you enter the enrollment numbers, you may have noticed there are
changes occurring in Columns J, K, L and M. These are automatically
calculated to show the the change in enrollment.
You do not need to do
anything with these
columns. This
information is
requested by the ODE
review committees.
What’s Next?
• Now that you have completed your request for an ID
form and boundary calculator, you will need to
submit them to Joy Blackwell by fax or email.
• Fax Number – (503) 378-5156
• Email –
• If you have questions or need help in completing the
institution application or boundary calculator forms,
contact Joy Blackwell at (503) 947-5767.
When will I get my new ID?
• Once the forms have been submitted to ODE, they
will be reviewed for completeness. If anything is
missing, you will be contacted.
• Joy will check with Margaret Bates for approval that
all the charter documentation has been met from
her office. Once approval is given, the request will
be placed on the agenda for the next regularly
scheduled Institutions Database Advisory Team
(IDAT) meeting. This group meets twice a month.
When will I get my new ID?
• The IDAT group will review the request. If they approve
the application, it will be forwarded to the Data
Governance Committee (DGC).
• The DGC meets twice a month to review requests. If they
have questions, you will be contacted.
• Once the application has been approved and added to
the ODE database, you will receive an email notice with
your new institution ID#.
• Please allow 4-6 weeks for this process.