HOW TO SUCCEED AT HIGH SCHOOL HOW TO SUCCEED AT HIGH SCHOOL (Secrets of Life We Want You to Know) L. Hiebert, B.Ed., M.Ed. Counsellor, LBHS Teens Top 7 Personal Concerns From: Teen Trends: A Nation in Motion R.W. Bibby & D.C. Posterski Number 7 Looks Number 6 Losing friends Number 5 Not being understood by parents Number 4 What to do after graduation ? ? ? ? Number 3 Lack of Money Number 2 Never enough time! Number 1 Pressure to do well in school So What can you do? Continue Choosing for Success Review the academic level of the courses you are in know the guidelines talk to teachers choose for success Pick complimentary courses that you like and can continue through Grade 12 REMEMBER: Success builds confidence How are Courses Scheduled? For a student in Phys. Ed. 10 (3Cr) Semester I Semester II (September – January) (February – June)) Term 1 Term 2 English 10-1 (5Cr) Pure Math 10 (5Cr) Phys Ed 10 (3Cr) Auto Body 12 (3Cr) Art 10 (3Cr) Des. St. 12 (3Cr) Term 1 Term 2 Social Studies 10-1 (5Cr) Science 10 (5Cr) Career Ex.10 (3Cr) Auto Tech 12 (3Cr) Food Studies 10A (3Cr) Multi Media 10 (3Cr) Credit Total = 44 How are Courses Scheduled? For a student in Phys Ed 10 (5Cr) Semester I Semester II (September – January) (February – June)) Term 1 Term 2 English 10-1 (5Cr) Pure Math 10 (5Cr) Phys. Ed. 10 (5Cr) Art 10 (3Cr) Des. St. 12 (3Cr) Term 1 Term 2 Social Studies 10-1 (5Cr) Science 10 (5Cr) Career Ex.10 (3Cr Food Studies 10A (3Cr) Credit Total = 43 Auto Body 12 (3Cr) Multi Media 10 (3Cr) How are Courses Scheduled? For a Vocal or Instrumental Music Student Semester I Semester II (September – January) (February – June)) Term 1 Term 2 Music 10 / Career Ex. 10(3Cr) Term 3 Term 4 Music 10(5Cr) / Phys. Ed. 10 (3Cr) (Split) (Split) Pure Math 10 (5Cr) English 10 (5Cr) Science 10 (5Cr) Social Studies 10 (5Cr) Art 10 (3Cr) Des. St. 12 (3Cr) Food Studies 10A (3Cr) Multi Media 10 (3Cr) Concert Band or Choir 15 (5Cr), All Year Outside of the Time Table Credit Total = 48 Moms and Dads: Be Informed Read the Student Planning Guide Look at the School’s web site Go to presentations Talk with your child Talk with your child’s teachers Help your child choose academic course levels for success Success builds confidence Confidence opens up the world The LBHS Web Site Put It On Your Favorites List Attend Regularly No single reason destroys student success more than irregular attendance If you are in classes to make it happen ... Attendance + Effort = Success … it will! The Daily Time Table Time Blocks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Periods There are Four Periods a day with the morning and afternoon periods rotating each day Mon – Thurs 90 minute periods 6. Friday 7. 67 minute periods Here is a Sample Classes Start at 9:00 Some classes are scheduled before or after the Period 1-4 Time Table LUNCH Periods 90 min Periods 67 min Day ends at 3:35 Day ends at 1:38 Dads and Moms: Attendance Tips Make attendance important, talk about the school day, every day Keep track of the days you excused your child from school Contact the school if you have concerns Make arrangements to pick up work if your child is sick for more than two days “90% of life is just showing up” Woody Allen Who Can You Contact The Principal Mr. J. Turner Main Office & Phone Directory Guidance & Counselling 259-5585 259-5585 Ext.: 2410 Assistant Principals Counsellors T. Dueck: V. Quan: P.Conrad: C. Forbes: A-F G-L M-Q S-Z L. Freeborn: L. Mason J. Elliott: L. Hiebert : A-F G - L & AP Program M - Q & ESL & K&E R - Z & NSD-Hockey COMPLETE All Assigned Work Attempting ALL assigned work will help you: learn new ideas and skills solidify what you began to learn in class let you, and the teacher, identify areas of concern feel connected and part of the class Moms and Dads: Study Tips Over dinner, talk about what they learned in classes today Become a study skills expert; Google “Study Skills” or “Test Taking Tips” or “Test Anxiety” Be aware of how much time your child spends on homework Help with time management and organizational skills Make sure there is a dedicated place to do homework in the house; it should be comfortable, free of distractions, well lit and stocked with paper, pens, pencils, crayons, etc. Many parents find it best if computer access is in a public place in the home Never miss a parent-teacher conference Praise efforts, NOT JUST accomplishments! NEVER be happy being confused! Everyone gets confused learning new things: admit it when you are confused have a number of ways to get unconfused get unconfused as quickly as possible Never, EVER, be happy being confused Dads and Moms: Homework Help Help with homework, if you can Arrange help through siblings, friends, or tutors, if you can’t Talk to the school about available tutoring times for students at the school Help get your child to the tutoring times Let your child know that being confused is part of learning, even strong students need to ask for help Make Goals (write these down) What do you want out of High School? What are you prepared to do to get what you want? Only worry about each day … … all great journeys start by putting one foot in front of the next. Moms and Dads: Setting Goals Discuss expectations and goals every year, every semester, every reporting period Help your child set reasonable, realistic and positive goals Ensure the goals include effort and outcomes Post the goals in plain sight Praise the efforts not just the accomplishments “The journey usually ends up being more important than the destination.” Develop a Plan Know which courses will get you what you want Talk to friends, parents, teachers and counsellors to get advice about reaching your goals Look back every once in a while and pat yourself on the back for coming this far DON’T FORGET: The most important step is the one you are taking right now Moms and Dads Be a Planning Consultant Listen to your child - about their hopes and dreams for their future - ask them what they want their life to be like when they are 20, 30 or 40 (don’t judge or advise but do dare to dream with them) - talk to them about your journey so far Get informed - look at web sites, go to presentations at the school and open houses at post-secondary institutes, read publications - talk to the school counsellors, career practitioners, teachers, friends, people you work with and anyone else who can give you information to help support your child’s hopes and dreams Celebrate - praise the efforts, recognize the accomplishments, get excited about the possibilities and celebrate the journey Get Involved!!!!! Involvement nourishes: friendships pride confidence excitement fulfillment Guess What! This is the BIGGEST key to success Moms and Dads Encourage involvement school sports and community sports school clubs and groups youth organizations cadets, Scouts volunteer work Make it easy to get involved and stay involved: help find information about opportunities encourage involvement attend school events provide transportation FINALLY Eat Dinner as a Family A Readers Digest survey showed that the students who scored highest on academic tests had one thing in common: Their families ate dinner together at least 4 times a week Help Them Get the Sleep They Need Did you know that: sleep deprivation is commonly used as a form of torture inadequate sleep severely limits the ability to think and learn not enough sleep is one of the main causes of traffic and work place accidents lack of sleep compromises the immune system, people who are sleep deprived get more colds and flu than those that are not 8 – 10 hours is the typical amount recommended for adolescents Talk, Listen, Talk, Listen, Talk, Listen and when you are done …… ….. talk and listen, some more. Hug Your Kids For any good reason ….. ….. and for no good reason in particular. Just trust me on this one In Summary: Students Should Choose for Success Attend regularly Complete all assigned work NEVER be happy being confused Make goals Develop a plan Get involved In Summary: Parent(s) Should Get informed and stay informed Talk about the day, every day Support regular homework completion Help plan and be positive about the future Encourage and support involvement Eat together at least four times a week Be a role model, get your beauty sleep too Talk - Listen - Hug (Repeat) Dare to Excel Lord Beaverbrook High School
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