History of Interests Strong believed ability --> interest, but no support Later: self concept --> interests – (Super, Darley, Bordin) Super wrote of interests as: – – – – expressed (verbal) manifest (shown by participation in activities) tested (information or knowledge) inventoried (likes and dislikes) History of Interests Roe: toward or away from people (based on childhood experiences) – led to classification system in COPS & HOOI Holland: interests=expression of personality Interests Pretty stable after age 30 Across cultures and across continents, we share a fairly similar structure to how we map occupations relative to each other. Interests, abilities, and personality all have similar RIASEC factor structures The COST of Dis-interest Interests are not about skills, but...it COSTS me more to do things in areas in which I am less interested. I might have skills in those areas, but I have to expend more energy to use those skills to mastery. Holland’s four basic assumptions 1.People are types 2. Environments are types 3. Birds of a feather flock together 4. Behavior = ƒ(congruence) Realistic (R) Realistic people like realistic careers such as auto mechanic, aircraft controller, surveyor, electrician, and farmer. The R type usually has mechanical and athletic abilities, and likes to work outdoors and with tools and machines. Realistic (R) The R type generally likes to work with things more than with people. The R type is described as conforming, frank, genuine, hardheaded, honest, humble, materialistic, modest, natural, normal, persistent, practical, shy, and thrifty. Investigative (I) Investigative (I) people like investigative careers such as biologist, chemist, physicist, geologist, anthropologist, laboratory assistant, and medical technician. The I type usually has math and science abilities, and likes to work alone and to solve problems. Investigative (I) The I type generally likes to explore and understand things or events, rather than persuade others or sell them things. The I type is described as analytical, cautious, complex, critical, curious, independent, intellectual, introverted, methodical, modest, pessimistic, precise, rational, and reserved. Artistic (A) Artistic (A) people like artistic careers such as composer, musician, stage director, dancer, interior decorator, actor, and writer. The A type usually has artistic skills, enjoys creating original work, and has a good imagination. Artistic (A) The A type generally likes to work with creative ideas and self-expression more than routines and rules. The A type is described as complicated, disorderly, emotional, expressive, idealistic, imaginative, impractical, impulsive, independent, introspective, intuitive, nonconforming, open, and original. Social (S) Social (S) people like social careers such as teacher, speech therapist, religious worker, counselor, clinical psychologist, and nurse. The S type usually likes to be around other people, is interested in how people get along, and likes to help other people with their problems. Social (S) The S type generally likes to help, teach, and counsel people more than engage in mechanical or technical activity. The S type is described as convincing, cooperative, friendly, generous, helpful, idealistic, kind, patient, responsible, social, sympathetic, tactful, understanding, and warm. Enterprising (E) Enterprising (E) people like enterprising careers such as buyer, sports promoter, television producer, business executive, salesperson, travel agent, supervisor, and manager. The E type usually has leadership and public speaking abilities, is interested in money and politics, and likes to influence people. Enterprising (E) The E type generally likes to persuade or direct others more than work on scientific or complicated topics. The E type is described as acquisitive, adventurous, agreeable, ambitious, attention-getting, domineering, energetic, extroverted, impulsive, optimistic, pleasure-seeking, popular, self-confident, and sociable. Conventional (C) Conventional (C) people like conventional careers such as bookkeeper, financial analyst, banker, tax expert, secretary, and radio dispatcher. The C type has clerical and math abilities, likes to work indoors and to organize things. Conventional (C) The C type generally likes to follow orderly routines and meet clear standards, avoiding work that does not have clear directions. The C type is described as conforming, conscientious, careful, efficient, inhibited, obedient, orderly, persistent, practical, thrifty, and unimaginative. Holland’s five key concepts 1. Calculus 2. Consistency 3. Differentiation 4. Identity 5. Congruence Calculus Some types are more alike than others Similarity is inversely related to distance on the hexagon Consistency The application of Calculus (some types more alike than others) to the INDIVIDUAL How similar a person’s top 2 or 3 codes are to each other If your interests are Consistent, you will be more likely to find suitable matches Inconsistency is okay across interests, abilities, and personality it gives you something to talk about Differentiation Some persons and types are more pure Flat Profiles may be the result of: a lack of interest development a wide range of talents and interests the way interests are typically measured - across people, subjects, skills, and work subcultures Identity Clear and stable picture of one’s goals, interests, personality, and talents. Holland, Daiger, & Power, 1980 Congruence Fit between person and environment Congruence is most important for C & E Somewhat important for I & A Somewhat less important for S & R BUT… matching accounts for only 10-15% of the variance in outcomes like satisfaction, longevity, productivity. What accounts for the rest of it? Why else are workers happy and productive? The Krieshok Hypothesis (UNTESTED) Look for Matching to account for more variance when the match is really bad. Once the match reaches a tolerable level, it will account for decreasing amounts of variance in outcomes. What is the Self Directed Search? A guide to educational & career planning Developed by Dr. John Holland in 1971 Subsequently revised three times Most widely used interest inventory in the world 4 Rules for interpreting the SDS … & other Holland-esque measures Rule of intra-occupational variability Rule of unequal distribution of types & subtypes Rule of 8 (only for SDS – NOT for Strong!!) Rule of complete exploration
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