Michel Ballings

Michel Ballings- About me
•  B.S. Business Administration
(University College Leuven, Belgium)
•  M.S. Business Economics: Strategic Management
(VLEKHO Business School, Belgium)
•  Ph.D. Applied Economic Sciences (Applied Machine
Learning) (Ghent University, Belgium)
•  Work at UT as Assist. Prof. since Aug, 2014
| michel.ballings@utk.edu | www.ballings.co
..trained in these three fields
..research: Social Media Analytics
| michel.ballings@utk.edu | www.ballings.co
About my research
•  Web 1.0 (large corporations) à Web 2.0
•  Spearheaded by smartphones.
•  Will continue to grow because of wearable
•  So I moved into Social Media Analytics
•  Especially Facebook because 18% of world
| michel.ballings@utk.edu | www.ballings.co
About my research
•  Built a Facebook app that extracts as much data as
possible from users with their consent
•  Compiled a large database: some of the data we have:
–  family, significant other, friends and groups
–  statuses, links, videos, albums, photos (including
comments, likes, and tags)
–  books, movies, sports, television, music, likes, favorite
teams, inspirational people
–  check-ins (including comments, likes, and tags)
–  education and professional background
–  locations (including tags), events, interests
–  information about all friends: activities, books, education,
interests, likes, movies, music, significant other, work,
videos, sports
| michel.ballings@utk.edu | www.ballings.co