APPLICATION COVER SHEET High School Equivalency Program APPLICA nON RECEIVED: CLASS TlME: _ 10# NAME: ~------------- HOME CAMPUS: __ DOCUMENTS: -'~7~-------- _ D08: _ AGE: INCLUDED _ NEEDED Secondary Enrollment Form GED Program Rules Parent Agreement Form' Consent to Test Attendance Form(yeIlow) Secondary Health Information GED Test Center- Information 1a Proof of Residency Transcript SS Card Withdrawal Court Ordered: Yes' 2a Age at the beginning of the school year: 2 b Risk Factors: (2) __ No (Must indude (If 'Yes' indude do~umen( and skip 2) (Must be 16 or above) one of the following risk factors) did not pass the semester in two or more subjects of the core curriculum in the preceding or current school year; (3) __ was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years; (4) __ did not perform satisfactorily . assessment . instrument on one or more sections of the most recent state administered (TAAS) (5) __ is pregnant or is a parent; (6) __ has been placed in an alternative (7) __ has been expelled during the preceding or current school year, education program during the preceding or current school year; (8) __ is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, (9) __ was previously reported through the PEIMS to have dropped out of school; or other conditional release; ( 10) __ is a student of limited English proficiency; (11) __ is in the custody of DPRS or has been referred by a school official, juvenile court, or law enforcement official to-the DPRS during the school year; (12) __ is homeless; (13 )__ resided in the preceding school year or the current school year in a residential placement the district, including a detention facility, substance psychiatric Parent written consent: 2 d Year originally Yes No _ 2 e Total number of high school credits: 2 f Pre-test score: enrolled in 9'h grade: (Must be Has taken the exit level assessment: Yes__ Yes__ (Must have parent written consent) August (Two years must have elapsed) (Must be less than 6) ::> 8 grade level) Yes No No__ No If "No"does not qualified because: COMMENTS shelter, hospital, halfway house, or foster group home. 2 c ENROLL: abuse treatment facility, emergency facility in AND RECOMMENDATIONS If No when do you plan to take it? Reviewed by Reviewed by Date: Date: _ _ _ Venture School 4QOOWest Arkansas Lane • Arlington. HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY PREPARATORY PARENTAL AGREEMENT FORM Texas 7hO 16· (SI7) 492-6400 FAX: (817)492·6405 CLASS The certificate of General Educational Development (GED) is an alternative to a high school diploma. The Arlington Independent School District offers GED preparatory classes at Venture School for persons seventeen to twentyone years of age who have not obtained a high school diploma and are not enrolled in school. Persons who are seventeen years of age must have parental consent to enroll in classes and to take the test I give my permission for my child, who is years of age to enroll in the GED Preparatory _ Classes. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Student Signature Date ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT S.CHOOL DISTRICT "Quality In Action" Page 2 of2 Texas Education Agency PARENT I GUARDIAN CONSENT TO TAKE THE TESTS OF GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT (GED) (To be completed by parent/guardian of 17-year-old applicant) My son/daughter, , is not enrolled in school and has my permission to take the General Educational Development (OED) Tests. If passing scores are obtained on the tests, I understand that a Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency will be issued. Name of School My Son/Daughter I, -:-=-_--:: ~-----' Last Attended authorize the OED Chief Examiner to verify (Parent's name) with the above named school, or any other school that my son/daughter has attended, the current enrollment status of my child. I authorize any school attended by my son/daughter to release to the OED Chief Examiner any information necessary to confirm current enrollment status, including information other wise made confidential under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.c. Section 1232g. I understand that if the information provided on this form is found to be incorrect, the testing center GED Chief Examiner can refuse to administer or score the GED tests and the state can refuse to issue a score report or high school equivalency certificate based on your son's/daughter's tests results. Parent I Guardian Signature Date "., . .' .". Texas Education Agency Page 1 of2 Texas Education Agency Continuing Education and School Improvement OED Test Administration Withdrawal Form For 17 Year Olds o . . This withdrawal form must be completed for seventeen (17) year olds who are seeking to tske the General Educational Development (GED) test and are not enrolled in an approved High School Equivalency Program (HSEP). Please Print Student Information: Last Name First Name Middle Name ~ .I 1 (MonthlDay/Y r) Date of Birth Social Security Number ------.1 / Maideh Name _ Age _ (MonthiDay/Y r) Date Withdrawn from Schoo I Has this student been enrolled in an approved HSEP for any length of time after January I, 2002? D D Yes* No *If an individual has been enrolled in an approved HSEP after January 1, 2002, but is not currently enrolled in an HSEP, then the individual may not test prior to his/her 18th birthday, unless the student has taken all required assessment instrument at another school. School Information: School Campus Name School District Name County-District # . .'1.: Campus Principal or Designee Signature of Principal or Designee Date of Signature .j; ..;.... hrtnv/www tf':;:tst~tf':txlls/PNl/follns/(JF.nWithcir;:twH iphSchoolFoml htm 1I111?OOR Venture School GED Program Rules All GED students must adhere to A.I.S.D. rules regarding the following: TobaccolLighters .. • No cigarettes, no lighters, no smoking on school grounds. • Cigarettes and/or lighters will be confiscated if student isfound in possession of them. Cell Phones • • Students are authorized to possess cell phones and other electronic communication devices on a school campus; however, phones or other electronic devices must be switched off during class time. School is not responsible for damage, loss or theft. Students are reminded that any school authority has the right to require phones or electronic devices to be turned off while school business is begin conducted. Attendance Policy • If you are absent 3 days in a row, you may be withdrawn from class. • If you are not present 80% of the time, you may be withdrawn from class. Dress Code • All Venture School Dress Codes regulations will be enforced. Behavior • Students are expected to follow A.I.S.D. rules. Violation of rules may result in immediate withdrawal from the GED class. • Students are expected to respect Venture rules, others, and themselves. Inappropriate language used in the classroom and/or toward the teacher will result in immediate withdrawal. I agree to follow all A.I.S.D. and Venture rules and guidelines. I understand that I may be withdrawn from the GED class if I violate any of the above rules and guidelines. I have received a copy of the A.I.S.D. Student Dress Code. ---Initials Student Signature: ------------------Date: --------- THE STUDENT DRESS CODE A student's conduct is related to his/her clothing. Therefore, the school is directly concerned with the student's clothing. The appropriateness of a student's clothing for the school environment should dictate the choice of clothing and grooming practices on each given day. All students are expected to adhere to common practices of modesty, cleanliness and neatness; to dress in a respectful manner within the acceptable standards of the community and in such a manner as to contribute to the academic atmosphere, not detract from it. Students who fail to comply with this dress code may be sent home and be subject to disciplinary actions. Any clothing, accessories, symbols, jewelry, or other paraphernalia, which depicts or suggests association with a gang, secret society, or fraternity, shall not be brought to school, worn at school, or in any way be present at any school-sponsored event. ANY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONSIDER ANY CURRENT FASHION TO DETERMINE ITS ACCEPTABILITY FOR SCHOOL WEAR. Clarification regarding apparel should be obtained PRIOR TO WEARING IT TO SCHOOL; this can be obtained from the school administration. Students in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the school's administration. Teachers are charged with the responsibility of enforcing student dress code in their classes as well as on campus. Administrators and other school personnel share the same responsibility. Teachers shall follow building procedure for discipline referral regarding dress code violations. No attempt will be made to dictate fashion styles as long as they are in keeping with district policies. It should be noted, however, that it is the responsibility of the student and parent that the student adhere to the dress code, as follows: GENERAL: Any clothing, jewelry or accessories with decorations, patches, lettering, advertisements, etc., that may be considered obscene or offensive are not to be worn to school. This includes any clothing, jewelry, accessories that may be used as weapons, accessories having drug, sexual emblems, tobacco or alcoholic beverage references or .designs. Form-Fitting garments such as spandex may only be worn with another layer of clothing, which meets the dress code. SHIRTS & BLOUSES Crop tops, tube tops, halters and spaghetti straps are unacceptable (anythingless than 2 inchesis considereda spaghetti strap.) Strapless dresses without jackets are unacceptable. The length of an untucked shirt must be no longer than the tip of the longest finger with the student's hand fully extended down the side of the student's leg. 32 .-- -~:7' - .._..•. -.... - ...-•.•.•-;".... Transparent and/or see through material is considered unacceptable. Shirts/tops must touch the waist of pants/skirts at all times (i.e. when in movement, when arms are extended or raised, and when in seated position, etc.) Low-cut tops or blouses are inappropriate. At the secondary y ;/ I 1 I ! DRESSES, level, a boy's shirt should cover the entire crown of the shoulder. SKIRTS: The length of a skirt/dress must be a minimum of half the distance between the fingertips and the top of the knee when the student's hand is fully extended down the side of the student's leg. When measuring skirts, dresses, or shorts/skorts that have slits, the length will be determined by measuring from the top of the slit. SHORTS, SKORTS The minimum length of shorts/skorts must be no shorter than the tip of the longest finger with student's hand fully extended down the side of the student's leg. PANTS: Intentionally torn or cut/slashed cut slits are acceptable. t-, :rI SAGGING pants are considered inappropriate. Manufactured boot- PANTS: .1 No Sagging. Students shall wear their trousers or overalls properly at the waist. ACCESSORIES: All students must wear shoes. Students should wear athletic footwear in order to participate in any physical education class. Hair should be kept neat, clean, and reasonably styled. Any type of head covering is unacceptable. Religious exceptions must be cleared by the principal. Proper undergarments should be worn but not visible. Facial hair should be neat, clean, closely trimmed and not be a distraction learning environment. Chains or spiked jewelry are unacceptable. Pierced body ornaments are restricted to the ear. 33 to the Venture School General Educational Development (GED) Arlington Independent School District Name Previous School Parent/Guardian Age Sept. 1sT _ -------------------------Zip Business Class Time _ Sex --- Grade ---- Home Phone ----------- Cell Phone Mother's Business -------------- ---------------------------------- -------------Texas 10: Yes --WD: Date TAKS Taken: ------ 20 -- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 September October November December 20__ January February March April May June absent "120" = minutes in class, etc. "W = Holiday Court Order: Yes ----- No --No Yes__ August = _ _ Date 9th Grade Entry ------ "A" Ethnic Code --- ----- Address Father's _ Social Security # ----------------------------------- Date of Birth Entry Date AlSO 10 No. ------ ------------------------------------------------- II 12 No --- _ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Totals ABTD Arlington Independent School District Secondary Health Information Date'--- Grade'--- Age Advisor _ Student~ Birthdate Address. Home Phone'-- ParentiGuardian, Wk Phone'-- _ _ Pager__ "-- _ ~tSchooIAttended, _ Name of School District Transferring.From, (If other than Arlington ISD) School Address'-- _ _ Medicallnforrnation: It is important that school staff have vital information to be able to deal with emergencies. Docs the student have any of the following conditions: Attention Deficit__ Depression__ Kidney Disease__ Allergy (Severe>-Diabetes__ Liver Disease__ Anemia__ Eating Disorder_'_ Migraine __ Anxiety Attacks__ Heart Condition_, _ Muscular Dyst.__ Asthma__ High Blood Pressure__ Multiple Sclerosis__ Bipolar Disorder__ Immune Deficiency Schizophreni~ Cancer__ (HIV, Lupus, etc.)__ Sickle Cell__ Cystic Fibrosis_ . Intestinal Problems__ Seizure Disorder__ Pregnancy__ Due Date Suicidal Tendency__ Other (if yes, please explain). Do you wear: --:- Glasses__ Contacts__ --'-_--,- _ Hearing Aid__ Name and dosage of any routine medication given: At Home.__ ....:- _ At School _ Condition for which medication is received, _ Person(s) to call in case a parent/guardian cannot be contacted: 1.------------Relationship .Current Home Phone # Current Wk. Phone # Pager Number _ _ _ _ 2. _ Relationship Current Home Phone #'-----~ CurrentWk.Phone# Pager Number _ _ _ _ [ hereby authorize the school to administer first aid and arrange transportation to a physician or hospital in case of emergency.; I give consent for my child's health information to be shared with f acu Lty Zata f f on an "as-needed" basis only. Signature of Parent or Guardian Physician Hospital Preferred:. -'- Phone'-"-- _ _ Texas ID Location: Texas Driver's License Oftice 3901 W. Arkansas Corner of Arkansas and Park Springs I mile WEST of Bowen Arlington, TX 76016 N. J03IPioncer Phone: 817-274-1818 Hours: Monday through Thursday Friday Cost: $15.00 7:30 am to 6:00 pm 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Park Springs Bring: 3 forms of identification I. original birth certificate 2. social security card 3. another form ofID W. ArkansaS Social Security Card Location: Social Security Administration Northridge Technical Center 2010 North Highway 360 (East side of Hwy 360) Arlington, TX 1. Take Highway 360 NOl1h a. Exit Ave K'Brown Blvd. b. North on service road for about 1 mile c. Next door to Hampton Inn Phone~I-800-772-1213 . 972-343-2307 Hours: Monday through Friday Bring: Call for information. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Bowen {~ Secondary Enrollment Card ~~~~,~~~~~ <.L More Than a Remarkable Education Enroll Date: Enrollment Card Accepted By: Withdrawal/Report Card Requested: Records Requested: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (Office: Record any corrections on this !JJKlthe computer.) Campus: Student ID #: Grade/Homeroom: Counselor: Graduation Plan: Locker: _ Parents: Please print in pencil and complete _ _ T oday's Date: Fecha De Hay both sides Padres De Familia:Escriban con Iclpiz y completen ambos lados ** SpecialNotation (Including Medical,Court/Restraining Orders): Anotocion Especial (Incluyenda 6rdenes Medicas. De Restriccion. De La Corte) Student Name: Nombre Del Estudiante (LEGAL) First Name Nombre (LEGAL) Last Name Ape/lido Generation (jr; II,III,etc.): _ Generoci6n Sex: _ Nickname Apodo Ml/nicia/ Grade: Sexo Grado SocialSecurity #: -,--",- (OFFICE ONLY: PEIMSAlternate ID #): S _ _ Numero De Seguro Social # Copy of SSN Card Provided? Y N Copy of Birth Certificate? d'rovey6 Copia De La Ioqeu: del SSN? Si No iCopia Del Acta De Nacimiento? Date of Birth: N Copy of Immunizations? Si No iCopia De Las Vocunas7 Y N Si-- No Birthg,lace: Month/DaylYear MesiDialAiio Fecha De Noatmenu: Y Lugar e Nocimiento Home Phone #: CityGudad State Eszooo Pais Country DUnlisted Numero De Te/efono Sin Lstar En EJDirectorio Home Language(LanguageSpoken in Student's Home): Lengua}e Del Hagar (Lenguaje Que Se Habla En La Coso) Circle the graders) your child has attended in United States schools: Orwle EJ(Los)Grada(s) Que Su Niiia(a) Asisti6A Oases En Escuelas De Los Estaclas Unidos Student Is: Homeless? Migrant? EJEstudlOnte mene Cosa? iMigrante? Student ResidesWith: DFather DMother Padre Madre EJEstudlante ViveCon DLegal Guardian Guardian Legal PK3 PK4 K 2 3 5 6 City: Oudad Proof of ResidencyProvided? Y N No 8 9 II 10 12 Otro Direcci6nDe La Coso ----------------------------------d'rovey6 Prueba De Residencia? 7 DOther: Home Address: Si 4 ZiP Code: Zona Postal (If proof of residency is in someone else'sname, a ResidencyAffidavit form must be completed.) (Si la prueba de residencia esrd a nombre de ouo persona debe de completar el Oflcio De Residencia.) Lease Utility Bill Other Contracto De Renta Reciba De La Luz Otro FIRSTPARENT/GUARDIAN (Identify only ONE person as legal guandian in this section.ldentifida sola uno persona a su guardian en esto forma.) Parent/Guardian Name: Relation: Legal Guardian? Y N Nombre del padre Parentesco iGuardian Legal? No 0 tutor DUID #: DaB: Home Phone #: Numero de lic-enc-,-la-de.,-m-a-ne""'j,.-a' •.IN"'u7"·m-e-ro-de...,....,ic/e-;-n'""ufi'/c-oc""i67"n----Fecha De"";N"'oc-,-im""ie-n-to--------------- OCity: DlfeCci6n Empleador udad Work Phone #: ---------------------------- NumeroDelkabap ZipCode: ----Zona Postal Ext.: ---------------------- Cell Phone #: _____________ May we send a text messageto you? Y _ N_ E-mailAddress: Telefono Celular # d'cx:iemos enviarie un mensoje en texto a usteel? Si No Domicilio de correo electr6nlCo SECOND PARENT/GUARDIAN _ Numero De Telefono Address: ________________________________ Employer: Si _ Extensr6n (Identify only ONE person as legal guardian in tihis section.ldentifrcia sola una persona a su guardan en esto forma.) Parent/Guardian Name: Relation: LegalGuardian? Y N Nombre del padre Porentesco iGuardian Legal? No 0 tutor DUID #: DaB: Home Phone #: Numero de /jc-en-c.,-,o-de.,-m-o-n""'ej-o' •.IN"'u7"·m-e-ro-de...,....,id""e-n'""u~'/c-ac""i67"n----Fecha De-N:-;a-c.,-im-/e-n-to--------------- _ Numero De Te/efono Address: ________________________________________________________ City: ZipCode: Dlrecci6n Oudad Zona Postal Employer: _______________________ Empleodor Work Phone #: Numero Del Trabajo ---------------------- Cell Phone #: _____________ May we send a text messageto you?Y __ N_ E-mailAddress: Telerono Celular # d'cx:iemos enviarle un mensoje en texto a usted? Si No Domiciliode correo electr6nico whse# 01.32.0 I07 SI-- _ Ext.: _ Extensi6n A-038-S-11 PreviouslyAttended School in the Arlington ISD?Y__ N _ Campus: iAslsti6 Previomente A La Escuela En Arlington? No Plantel escolar Si _ Grade(s): _ Grodo(s) Student is approved transfer from which AISD campus? _ De Cual AISD Escuela Esta AprolxxJo Transfero? LastSchool/District Attended: Date: _______ Grade(s): Ulumo Distrito Escolar AI Que Asistio Fed1a Grado(s) Address: oCity:-----udod Dlrecoon State: __ Zip Code: ____ Phone #: Estado Zona Postol TeJe(ono _ If student hasever received any of the following special services,indicate in which grade(s). Si el estu<!iante ha recibido alguna vez cualquiera de los siguientes servicios especiales indique en que grado(s) 504 Dyslexia GiftedfTalented Bilingual 504 Dislexia Superdotados Bilingiie SpecialEd.(check all that apply): OResource Edx:006n Especial (marque !ados /os que aplican) OSpeechTherapy Recursos District/School Where ServicesWere Provided: Name: DJStrito/EscueloDonde Esws Servicios Fueron Proveidos Nombre Repeated a Grade? Y _ iRepiti6 Grado? Si N_ No Student Plansto Attend College? Y LEI/AI Estudiante Va A Asistir La UniversiQocP Si _ Dicci6n ESL _ _ ESL OOther (specifythe service provided) Otro (especifique (as servicios prevefcios) City/State: _ _ Cuidod/Estado Which Grade(s)? iQue Grodo(s)? N No-- Student Is Pregnant? Y N Si-- iEsta Emborazado La Estudiante? No Student Is a Parent? Y N iEs EJ Estudiante Padre Madre AHara? No o Names of Other School-Age Children in the Home Age Sex Campus Attending Nombre de otros niiios de edod escolar en coso Edod Sexo 0 genera Plantel 01 que asiste Si I authorize the person(s) listed below to pick up my child during the school day.(Include both parents' names if both are authorized to pick up the child.) Autorizo a 1'0 persona mencionado abojo a que recoja a mi nino/a durante el dia escoTor.(Esto incluye los nombres de ambos padres si los dos estan autorizados a recoger '01 nino/a). Personsto Notify in Case of Emergency when Parent or Guardian Is Not Available La Persona Para NofifJCar En Caso De Emergenico Name: Phone: Nombre Tele(ono Name: Phone: Nombre Tele(ono _ Relationship: _ Relationship: Name: Phone: Relationship: Tele(ono Parentesco Physician: Phone: Tele(ono _ Parentesco Nombre Doctor _ Parentesco _ _ I hereby authorize the school to administer first aid and to provide and/or authorize transportation of my child in case of emergency. Por Medio De La Presente YoAutorizo A La Escuela A Administrar Primeros Auxilios Y transportacion En Coso De Emergenoa Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: hnna Del Padre/Madre/Guardian Fecha _ Any person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required for enrollment of a student in a school district commits an offense under section 37.10 of the TexasPenalCode, which offense is a classA misdemeanor unlessthe person's intent isto defraud or harm another. in which event the offense is a felony of the third degree. Further.such person is liable to the district if the student is not eligible for enrollment in the district but is enrolled on the basisof the false information. The person is liable,for the period during which the ineligible student is enrolled, for the greater of: (I) Maximum tuition fee the district may charge under 25.038,Texas Education Code; or (2) The amount the district has budgeted for each student as maintenance and operation expenses. A classA misdemeanor is punishableby a fine not to exceed $4,000, and confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year.or both such a fine and imprisonment A third degree felony is punishableby a prison sentence for the term of not more than ten years or lessthan two years,and additionally,by a fine not to exceed $10,000. My signature below confirms I have read and understand the above information and accept the responsibility for any false information conceming the enrollment of the student CuolqUJerpersona que a sobiendos (alsiflque in(ormacion en uno (orma requerido pora 10 instruccion de un estooiante en un distrito escolar comete un delito bojo 1'0 seccion 37.10 del C6digo Penal de Texas, este delJtos es uno (ed1oria de close A a menos que el intento de 1'0 persona sea el de de(rnuclor 0 donor a otra persona, en cuyo coso el delito es uno (elonia del tercer grado. Ademas eso persona es responsible ante el distrito Slel estu<!iante no es elegible pora inscripcion en el distnto pero file inscrito en bose a 10 (alsa in(ormaci6n. La persona es responsible, por el periad durante el cual el estudiante ineligibleeste inscrito, por 10 contidad mayor de: (I) La colegiotura maximo queel distnto puede cobrar bojo 1'0 seccion 25.038 del C6digo de Educocion de Texas; (2) La confidad que el distrito ha presupuestado por coda estudiante como gastos de operacion y mantenimiento. Uno (echoria de close A es costigable con multo que no exceda de $4,000 dolores, y con(inamiento en 1'0 carcel por un termino que no exceda de un ana, 0 ambos 1'0 multo y el encorcelamiento. Uno (elonia del tercer grodo es cosfigable con un termino de prision de no mas de diez anos 0 menos de dos anos, y adicionalmente uno multo que no exceda de $10,000 dolores. Mi flrma en 10 porte de abojo conflrma que he leido y comprendido 10 in(ormacion contenida anteriormento y acepto 10 responsabilidad por cualquier in(ormacion (also en 10 que se respeaa a 10 inscripcion del estudionte. Parent/GuardianSignature: Date: Firma Del Padre/Madre/GUardian Fed1a _
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