Southeast Preparatory Academy “Home of the Jaguars” Parent Information and Policy Manual/ Student Handbook 2013-2014 Roger Jones, Principal Vernon Foster, Assistant Principal Glynis C. Williams, Instructional Facilitator 5396 Mendenhall Square Memphis, Tennessee 38115 (901) 416-1430 Main (901) 416-1422 Fax “Academic Excellence through Technological Expertise” PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK 2013-2014 Roger Jones, Principal Vernon Foster, Assistant Principal Glynis Williams, Instructional Facilitator LaRhonda Harris, Professional Guidance Counselor School Colors: Blue and Gold Mascot: Jaguars Southeast Prep Academy Support Staff: Faye Tolbert, Financial Secretary Candice Gardner, Records Clerk II Anthony Walton, Behavioral Specialist Precious Chapman, Instructional Computer Technician Johnnie Jackson, Instructional Computer Technician “Academic Excellence through Technological Expertise” NCLB Parent Information The federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that every state and school district develop and implement academic standards and assessments, as well as a system for accountability. Under the law, federal resources are allocated to provide various academic programs and services for eligible students and keep parents informed of their rights. AYP Letter – English and Spanish Vision, Mission, and Belief Statements – English and Spanish Did You Know Southeast Prep Academy is Title I – English and Spanish Parents Right to Know? English and Spanish School/Home Compact – English and Spanish Family Engagement Plan – English and Spanish Homeless Information – English and Spanish August 2013 To the Community: As you know, our school and district are dedicated to ensuring that our students succeed. While we have always held high expectations for our students, the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) has set new standards for students to meet. This summer, our state released a report on the progress our schools are making toward achieving proficiency for 100 percent of our students under NCLB. The report identifies whether schools have made “Adequate Yearly Progress” (AYP) - a simple yes or no grade based on a complex set of measurements. To make AYP, each district school must achieve targets: areas of test participation and performance measured across subgroups of students (grouped by such categories as race, language proficiency, and disability). In addition, schools must meet graduation rates and attendance targets. If just one subgroup misses just one target, an entire school does not make AYP. Our school will strive to increase our target for the 2013-2014 school years, and are currently considered in improving status. Please know that many good schools have not made AYP, that doesn’t mean they’re not successful. AYP is an all-or-nothing proposition, but student achievement is not. Academic success is measured in many ways, including classroom tests, teacher observations, report cards, homework, and standardized tests. But AYP focuses only on state tests. Entire schools can miss the target if too many students are absent on a test day or if students who aren’t yet fluent in English miss the reading and writing goals. I am firmly committed to achieving our goal of success for every child, and I recognize that we must continually improve. We currently have the following programs in place to help improve scores: (EOC prep, Developing Adult Readers, and ACT Prep). Our school is filled with outstanding teachers, principals, and support staff, who regularly update their skills and participate in training to help them meet the needs of all students. I invite you to arrange a visit to any classroom in the school to see for yourself. I urge you to examine the results and look closely at the progress our school is making. Most important, I encourage you to join me in addressing our challenges and applauding the great work students and staffs are doing in classrooms throughout the district. As always, I welcome your comments, suggestions, and involvement in our schools and in the challenges our students face. Yours truly, Roger Jones, Principal gw August 2013 Para la comonidad: Como sabes, nuestra escuela y districto se dedican a asegurarse de que nuestros estudiantes tienen éxito. Mientras que hemos llevado a cabo siempre las altas expectativas para nuestros estudiantes, el federal ningún acto detrás izquierdo del niño de 2001 (NCLB) ha fijado el nuevo estándar para los estudiantes a la reunión. Este verano, nuestro estado lanzó un informe sobre el progreso que nuestras escuelas están haciendo hacia la realización de la habilidad para el 100 ciento de nuestros estudiantes debajo de NCLB. El informe identifica si las escuelas han hecho “progreso anual adecuado” (AYP) un sí simple o ningún grado basado en un sistema complejo de medidas. Hacer que AYP cada districto enseña debe alcanzar requisitos: las áreas de la participación y del funcionamiento de la prueba que midieron a través de subgrupos de estudiantes (agrupados por las categorías tales como la raza, el conocimiento de idiomas, y la inhabilidad. Además, las escuelas deben resolver tarifas de la graduación y requisitos de la atención. Si apenas un subgrupo falta apenas una requisitos, y en la escuela entera no hace AYP. Nuestra escuela no resolvió nuestros requisitos y, ahora nos consideran una “escuela que se esfuerza por el estado y el districto. Saber por favor que muchas buenas escuelas no han hecho AYP, eso no significa que él no es acertado. AYP es un asunto todo o nada, pero el logro del estudiante no es. El éxito académico se mide de muchas maneras, incluyendo sala de clase, prueba de observaciones del profesor, calificasiones, de la preparación, y de pruebas estandardizadas. Pero enfocamiento de AYP solamente en pruebas del estado. Las escuelas enteras pueden faltar el requisito si demasiados estudiantes están ausentes en un día de la prueba o si el estudiante que no es todavía fluido en falta ingles las metas de la lectura y de la escritura. Estoy confiado firmemente a alcanzar nuestra meta del éxito para el niño, y reconozco que debemos mejorar continuamente. Tenemos actualmente los programas siguientes en el lugar a ayudar a mejorar cuentas: (EOC, Developing Adult Readers, y de la entrada y preparación del ACTO). Nuestra escuela se llena de los profesores, de los directores y del personal de ayuda excepcionales, que regularmente ponen al día sus habilidades y participan en el entrenamiento para ayudaros a resolver las necesidades de todos los estudiantes. Te invito a que hagas una visita a cualquier salon de clase en la escuela para vea usted mismo. Te impulso examinar los resultados y que mires de cerca en el progreso que nuestra escuela está haciendo. Y más importante, te animo a que me ensambles en la dirección de nuestros desafíos y aplaudiendo los estudiantes el gran trabajo y los personales están haciendo en a traves de los salones de clase y el districto. Como siempre, doy la bienvenida a tus comentarios, sugerencias, e implicación en nuestras escuelas y en los desafíos nuestra cara de los estudiantes. Sinceramente, Roger Jones, Principal gw Southeast Prep Academy Vision, Mission, and Belief Statements Mission Statement Our mission is to be the driving force behind academic excellence through technological expertise. Vision Statement It is the vision of Southeast Preparatory Academy to accelerate the learning process through academic excellence and instructional technology. Southeast Prep is a unique institution geared toward meeting the needs of all students academically, technically, vocationally, and socially. We will foster high expectations and exceed the potential of all our students. Core Belief Statements *All Southeast Prep Academy students can learn, achieve, and succeed. *Provide a respectful, caring and safe environment that will increase students’ self esteem and academic performance. *Administration, teachers, staff, parents, students, and community members share in the responsibility for supporting the school’s mission by encouraging high standards and expectations that, strength instructional goals. *Research-based, student focused instruction *School, District, State, and Federal policies and information will guide the driven decision making process *A rigorous and challenging curriculum *Collaboration focused on improving student learning *An active partnership with parents, community, and all stakeholders Southeast Prep Academy Punto de vista, Mision, y Creencias Punto de vista Los estudiantes de la escuela Southeast Prep Academy sobre saldran como responsables ciudadanos, motivados academicamente, socialmente, y fisicamente, habilidades necesarias pare tener un impacto positivo en las comunidades, locales, nacionales, y globales. Mision La escuela Southeast Prep Academy preparara a los estudiantes para que demuestren exito despues de su graduasion atrabes de retos en la escuela Secundaria, estudios colegiales, y estudios bocasionales. Lo que les dara un major entendimiento de lectura, desiframiento de problemas, ejercitar un buen ciudadanismo. Creencias Todos los estudiantes, pueden aprender, cumplir, y tener exito. Todos los administradores, maestros, trabajadores, padres y estudiantes compartiran la responsabilidad para soportar la mission dela escuela para esperar altas expectasiones para las misiones de la escuela. La escuela, el distrito, el estado y el federal guiaran las desiciones de la escuela Southeast Prep Academy. Proive un ambiente de protecsion, fisica, comfortable para los estudiantes. La escuela Southeast Prep Academy expone a los estudiantes un major aprobechamiento, entendimiento, aprendisaje, y apresiasion de culturas diferentes. Los estudiantes construiran habilidades para su vida en una variedad con estilos de aprendisaje y actividades demostrando reconocimientos de situaciones de la vida real. Como en grupos de aprendisaje, resolviendo problemas, y desisiones para sus projectos. El funcionamiento del estudiante se debe medir con una variedad de estrategias. Todas las decisions de la escuela Southeast Prep Academy trataran las necesidades de todos los estudiantes de acuerdo con el local, estado, y los estandares nacionales con el planamiento y la producsion de la calidad que trabajan. Southeast Prep Academy 5396 Mendenhall Square Memphis, Tennessee 38115 DID YOU KNOW? Southeast Prep Academy is a federally funded school wide Title I school. Title I is a part of the No Child Left Behind federal program. The program requires that schools create a positive and supportive learning environment that will result in high levels of achievement for all students. Funds are available for academic programs and strategies, additional teachers and support staff. In addition, professional development, materials, supplies, technology and parent involvement are important components provided to the school by No Child Left Behind. We look forward to working with you and your child to make this a successful and rewarding school year. Sabian que…..? Nuestra escuela es una escuela federal de Ttiulo 1. Titulo 1 es parte del No Chile Left Behind, que quiere decir Ningun Nino/a se queda atras. Titulo 1 requiere que las escuelas creen un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo y de apoyo el cual resulte en lograr metas de alto nivel para todos los estudiantes. Los fondos estan disponibles para programas y estrategias academicas, maestros adicionales y otro personal. El desarrollo de los trabajadores, los materiales, los utensilios escolares, la tecnologia y entrenamiento de los pardres. Deseamos trabajar con Usted y su hijo/a para hacer que este sea un ano muy provechoso. _____________________________ Mr. Roger Jones, Principal Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Parents’ Right-To-Know All parents have the right to request the following: A teacher’s professional qualifications, which includes: state qualifications, licensure, grade/s certification, waivers A teacher’s baccalaureate and /or graduate degree, fields of endorsement, previous teaching experience A paraprofessional’s qualifications An assurance that their child’s name, address, and telephone listing not be released to military recruiters All parents will receive information on the following: Their child’s level of achievement in each of the state academic assessments Their option to request a transfer to another school within the district if their child is the victim of a violent crime at school Their right to timely notification that their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified NINGUN NINO SE QUEDA ATRAS Derecho De los Padres de Familia a saber Todos los padres tienen derecho a solicitar lo siguiente: Las calificaciones profesionales de un maestro, que incluye: Calificaciones del Estado, Licenciatura, graos de la certificación, Renuncia a derecho El Bachillerato a Titulo de graduación del maestro, campos de especialidad, experiencia previa La calificaciones del profesional Garantía que los datos de su hijo como nombre, dirección, numero de teléfono, no se entregan a los reclutadores militares Todos los padres recibirán información sobre lo siguiente: El nivel de rendimiento de su hijo en cada una de las evaluaciones académicas del estado Su opción de solicitar un traslado a otra escuela del distrito si su hijo/a es victima de un crimen violento en la escuela Su derecho a aviso con tiempo anticipado que su hijo/a ha sido asignado o ha estado bajo la enseñanza durante cuatro semanas consecutivas o más, de un maestro que no está altamente cualificado Southeast Prep Academy School/Home Compact 2013-2014 Revised: August 2013 Southeast Prep Academy is a Title I school jointly developed with parents a School/Home/Compact. The compact has outlined how the parent/school/staff/students will share responsibility for improving student academic achievement. Parent/Guardian Agreement: Described below are ways parents/guardian’s will be responsible for supporting their child’s learning. Make sure that I get my child to school on time with his/her supplies and monitor their attendance. Support the school in its effort to maintain proper discipline. Establish a quiet place for study and monitor my child’s homework. Read with my child and let my child see me reading. Provide a library card for my child. Attend Report Card Nights, Parent/Teacher Conferences and review my child’s report card with the child. Visit and contact my child’s teachers to stay aware of what my child is learning. Encourage positive use of extra-curricular time and activities Encourage my child’s efforts and be available for questions. Participate in and understand the importance of teacher/parent communication Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________ Date _________ Student Agreement: It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following: Attend school regularly and be on time Do all make up work for all classes missed Come to school each day with all supplies, and an attitude for learning Conform to SCS dress policy and rules of student conduct Participate in extended learning programs Deliver to parents’ progress reports, flyers and other notices in a timely manner Complete and return homework assignments and projects Show respect to all administration, teachers, and staff of Southeast Prep Academy Student’s Signature_________________________________ Date ___________ Teacher Agreement: It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to address the importance of communication with my student’s parents or guardian. Provide a positive and safe learning environment Set high standards and make assignments clear Use appropriate activities in the classroom to make learning enjoyable Encourage students to do their best at all times Encourage Family Engagement at Southeast Prep Academy, and encourage them to visit the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Division of Family Engagement and Family Support Services provided by Shelby County Schools. Provide homework assignments and projects for students as well as make up assignments for days missed from school. Send home frequent student progress reports to parents. Make phone calls to parents and understand the importance of teacher/parent communication throughout the school year. Provide parents with class expectations, and curriculum information Provide parents my school email address and counselors phone numbers (this will provide the parent an opportunity to set up appointments during the teachers planning period) Homeroom Teacher’s Signature ____________________________ Subject/Grade ___________________ 1st Block Teacher’s Signature ______________________________ Subject/Grade ___________________ 2nd Block Teacher’s Signature _____________________________ Subject/Grade ___________________ 3rd Block Teacher’s Signature _____________________________ Subject/Grade ___________________ 4th Block Teacher’s Signature _____________________________ Subject/Grade ___________________ 5th Block Teacher’s Signature _____________________________ Subject/Grade ___________________ School Responsibility: I, Roger Jones, Principal of Southeast Prep Academy shall provide Family Engagement opportunities for all parents and guardians by doing the following: Discuss school-parent compact in relationship to individual child’s achievement. Provide a high quality curriculum and instruction in all classes. Allow parents to have access to staff. Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction Give parents opportunities to volunteer, participate and observe in their child’s class. Stress the importance of teacher/parent communication throughout the year. Provide a supportive, safe and effective learning environment. Provide flexible meeting times for Title I Annual Meeting for parents Hold two meetings a year (Fall and Spring) for parents to discuss the school/parent compact in relationship to individual child’s achievement. Display respect for all stakeholders. Principal’s Signature_________________________________ Date: ___________ Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. De Southeast Prep Academy Secundaria School/Home 2013-2014 Revised: Augusta, 2013 De Southeast Prep es una escuela del título I desarrollada en común con los padres un School/Home/Compact. El acuerdo ha contorneado cómo el parent/school/staff/students compartirá la responsabilidad de mejorar el logro académico del estudiante. Acuerdo De Parent/Guardian: Se describen abajo las maneras que parent's/guardian's será responsable de apoyar aprender de su niño. q se cerciora de que consiga a mi niño enseñar el tiempo con su fuentes y supervisar su atención. q apoya la escuela en su esfuerzo de mantener disciplina apropiada. q establece un lugar reservado para el estudio y supervisa la preparación de mi niño. q leyó con mi niño y dejó a mi niño considerarme lectura. q proporciona una tarjeta de la biblioteca para mi niño. q atiende a las noches de la tarjeta del informe, conferencias de Parent/Teacher y repasa la tarjeta del informe de mi niño con el niño. q visita y entra en contacto con a profesores de mi niño para permanecer enterado de lo que está aprendiendo mi niño. q anima uso positivo del tiempo extra-curricular y las actividades q animan los esfuerzos de mi niño y estén disponibles para las preguntas. q participa adentro y entiende la importancia del ______ de la fecha del _______________________ de la firma del Ø Parent/Guardian de la comunicación de teacher/parent Acuerdo Del Estudiante: Es importante que trabajo al mejor de mi capacidad. Por lo tanto, me esforzaré hacer el siguiente: el ü atiende a la escuela regularmente y esté en ü del tiempo hace toda la marca para arriba trabaja para todo el ü faltado las clases viene enseñar cada día con todas las fuentes, y una actitud para el ü que aprende se conforma con la política del vestido del SCS y las reglas del ü de la conducta del estudiante participan en programas que aprenden extendidos que el ü entrega a los informes sobre la marcha de los trabajos de los padres, aviadores y otros avisos en asignaciones completas y de vuelta de un ü oportuno de la manera de la preparación y proyectan respecto de la demostración del ü a toda la administración, profesores, y personal del ___________ de la fecha del _________________________________ de la firma del estudiante del Ø de la High School secundaria de Southeast Acuerdo Del Profesor: Es importante que los estudiantes alcanzan. Por lo tanto, me esforzaré tratar la importancia de la comunicación con los padres o el guarda de mi estudiante. v proporcione mayores niveles determinadas positivas y seguras del ambiente que aprenden v y haga las asignaciones el uso claro de v las actividades apropiadas en la sala de clase de hacer aprender v agradables animar a estudiantes hagan su mejor v animan siempre el contrato de la familia en la High School secundaria de Southeast Prep Academy, y le animan a que visite a niño de no a la izquierda detrás de la división (NCLB) del contrato de la familia y de los servicios de ayuda de la familia proporcionados por las escuelas de la ciudad de Memphis. v proporcione las asignaciones y los proyectos de la preparación para los estudiantes tan bien como hacen para arriba las asignaciones por los días faltados de escuela. v envíe el estudiante frecuente casero los informes sobre la marcha de los trabajos a los padres. v haga las llamadas telefónicas a los padres y entienda la importancia de la comunicación de teacher/parent a través del año escolar. v provea de los padres expectativas de la clase, y la información v del plan de estudios proporciona a padres mi email address de la escuela y números de teléfono de los consejeros (ésta proporcionará a padre una oportunidad de instalar citas durante el período de planeamiento de los profesores) ____________Del _________________________ Subject/Grade De la Firma Del 5 to Profesor Del Período Del ___________ Del __________________________ Subject/Grade De la Firma Del 4 to Profesor Del Período Del ____________Del __________________________ Subject/Grade De la Firma Del 3 ro Profesor Del Período Del ____________Del __________________________ Subject/Grade De la Firma Del 2do Profesor Del Período Del ___________ Del __________________________ Subject/Grade De la Firma Del 1do Profesor Del Período Del ___________ Del __________________________ Subject/Grade De la Firma Del do Profesor De Homeroom Responsabilidad De la Escuela: El Roger Jones, director de I, de la High School secundaria de Southeast proporcionará las oportunidades del contrato de la familia para todos los padres y guardas haciendo el siguiente: el ¨ discute el escuela-padre que el acuerdo en la relación al ¨ del logro del niño individual proporciona un plan de estudios de la alta calidad y la instrucción en todo el ¨ de las clases permite los padres hagan el acceso al ¨ del personal anime a profesores que proporcionen regularmente las asignaciones de la preparación que reforzarán oportunidades de los padres de la elasticidad del ¨ de la instrucción de sala de clase de ofrecerse voluntariamente, participar y observar en la tensión del ¨ de la clase de su niño la importancia de la comunicación de teacher/parent a través del ¨ del año proporciona un de apoyo, el ¨ seguro y eficaz del ambiente que aprende proporciona los tiempos flexibles de la reunión para la reunión anual del título I para las reuniones del asimiento dos del ¨ de los padres al año (caída y resorte) para los padres para discutir el acuerdo de school/parent en la relación al respecto de la exhibición del ¨ del logro del niño individual por todos los tenedores de apuestas. Fecha Del _________________________________ De la Firma Del Principal Del Ø: ___________ Las escuelas de la ciudad de Memphis no discriminan en sus programas o empleo en base de la raza, del color, de la religión, del origen nacional, de handicap/disability, de sexo o de edad. Southeast Prep Academy Family Engagement Plan 2013 – 2014 Revised: August, 2013 Southeast Prep Academy a Title I school has jointly developed with parents a family engagement plan. The plan has established expectations for family engagement and participation in their child’s education. Southeast Prep Academy encourages parental involvement on all areas of the educational process. We feel that the home and school have a shared responsibility in the success of our children. We encourage our parents to serve as advisors, resources people, volunteers and coordinators on the following ways. Become active members and participants in the Southeast Prep Academy’s Parent/Teacher Organization Serve on the Site-Based Leadership Team, School Improvement Plan, PBIS and other committee’s that aid to the improvement and success of Southeast Prep Academy. Support school activities and serve as chaperones, etc…as needed Share their talents and resources to enhance the educational process. Participate in community and in-house surveys and express ideas, as well as concerns about our school and community. Attend Title I Annual Meeting (Open House), report card nights, parent meetings and department night. (Ex. Literacy Night) Southeast Prep Academy will hold an annual meeting, in which all parents/guardians have been invited. At this meeting all parties were informed of Title I requirements, school’s participation in Title I and the rights of parents to be involved in Southeast Prep Academy. Title I Involvement Southeast Prep Academy administrators, faculty and staff will provide a family engagement plan and implement that plan in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set forth in the Shelby County Schools’ policies and procedures as follows: The school will keep parents informed and involved throughout each nine weeks about curriculum and activities as well as send home progress reports. The school will provide an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review and improvement of programs for Family Engagement and the school level Family Engagement Plan. The school will provide information in a timely manner about programs and encourage parents to visit classrooms and participate in classroom and school programs supporting instruction. The school will provide flexible ongoing regular parent meetings with opportunities and regular parent/teacher conferences and phone calls. The school will provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at Southeast Prep Academy, results from academic assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. Teachers will give parents their school e-mail addresses, the Southeast Prep Website address, and the counselor’s phone numbers, as to set up appointments, and meet concerns and needs of the parent. The school will provide each parent with a copy of Southeast Prep Academy Family Engagement Plan, Home/School Compact and SCS Family Engagement Policy. Provide information in a language that parents can understand. Provide parents with a copy of the Family Engagement Plan, Student Code of Conduct, ESEA Parents’ Right-To-Know, and PBIS Plan. Southeast Prep Academy intends to ensure that our parents are given the opportunity to participate in the development and implementation of our school’s program. Therefore, we will do the following: Provide flexible times and opportunities for parent/teacher conferences and other school business as deemed necessary. Refer parents to training and workshops at the NCLB Center for Family Engagement and other community agencies and support services. Provide Family Engagement in planning and developing school improvement plan, and other projects. Describe how Southeast Prep Academy, a Title I school has jointly developed with parents a home/school compact. This compact will be reviewed annually, which will describe how parents, student and the school will share in the responsibility of ensuring that Southeast Prep Academy is a safe and productive educational environment. Ensure that the compact is distributed to all students and parents with verifying signatures. Inform parents of their rights to be involved in their child’s education. Encourage parental involvement in an organized, on-going, and timely way in the planning, reviewing, and improvement of programs for family engagement and Family Engagement Plan. Provide parents training that will support our students’ education. Parents will serve on the Family Engagement Plan Committee, and the document created will be presented to parents for input and approval before distribution to the school family and the community. Develop programs that enable parents to actively participate in their child’s education. Provide training to staff to promote parental involvement. Provide timely information about programs under family engagement through ParentLink, Power Teacher, flyers, Teacher websites, PTSA Website, Shelby County Website, school marquee, and Shelby County Newsletter articles. Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability sex or age. Southeast Prep Academy Secundaria Familia Plan Del Contrato 2013-2014 Revisado: De Augusta de 2013 Prep Academy Secundaria de Southeast que una escuela del titulo 1 tiene en comun desarrollada con los padres un plan del contrato de la familia. El plan ha establecido expectativa para el contrato de la familia y participacion en su nino educacion. Nos sentimos que el hogar y la escuela implicacion parental en todas las areas del proceso educativo. Nos sentimos que el hogar y la escuela tienen compartido responsabilidad en el exito de nuestros ninos. Animamos a nuestros padres a sirva como los consejeros, los recursos gente, los voluntaries y los coordinadores en maneras de siguiente. Se convierten los miembros activos y participantes en la organizacion de Parent/Teacher de la Prep Academy Secundaria de Southeast. Servicio en Sitio-Basado Equipo de la direccion, plan de la mejora de la escuela, plan de la cinta azul y otro comite que ayuda a la mejora y al exito de la Prep Academy Secundaria de Southeast. Actividades de la escuela de la ayuda y servicio como chaperones, etc…segun lo necesitado. Comparta sus talentos y recursos para realzar el proceso educativo. Participe en comunidad y examenes internos e ideas expresas, asi como preocupaciones por nuestro escuela y comunidad. Atienda A la Publicacion annual Del Titulo I El satisfacer (abra la casa), noches de la tarjeta del informe, reuniones del padre y departamento noche. (ex Noche De la Instruccion) Southeast Prep celebrara una reunion annual, en la cual toda se han invitado parents/guardians. En esta reunion todos los partidos eran informados de los requisitos del titulo I, de la participacion de la escuela en el titulo 1 y de las derechas de padres que se implicaran en la Prep Academy Secundaria de Southeast. Prep Academy Secundaria De Southeast los administradores, la facultad y el personal proporcionaran un plan del contrato de la familia y ponga en ejecucio’n que el plan de acuerdo con las regulaciones y las pautas dispusieron en Memphis la ciudad enseno politicas y procedimientos como sigue: La escuela guardara a padres informado e implicado a traves de cada nueve semanas sobre plan de estudios y actividades. La escuela proporcionara manera organizada, en curso, y oportuna, en el planeamiento, la revision y la mejora de los programas para el contrato de la familia y la escuela nivelan plan del contrato de la familia. La escuela proporcionara flexible reuniones regulares en curso del padre con oportunidades y conferencias regulares de parent/teacher y llamadas telefonicas. La escuela proporcionara a padres con una descripcion y una explicacion del plan de estudios en uso en Southeast Prep Academy, formas del gravamen academico usado para medir progreso del estudiante, y de la habilidad se espera que los estudiantes de los niveles satisfagan. Los profesores daran a padres sus direcciones del E-mail de la escuela, la direccion del Web site de Southeast Prep Academy, y el consejero numeros de telefono, en cuanto a del instalar citas, y preocupaciones de la reunion y necesidades del padre. La escuela proporcionara cada uno padre con una copia del alto plan del contrato de la familia de Southeast Prep Academy, Home/School Acuerdo y politica del contrato de la familia del SCS. La Prep Academy Secundaria de Southeast Prep se prepone asegurarse de que nuestros padres se dan la oportunidad de participar en el desarrollo y la puesta en practica del programa de nuestra escuela. Por lo tanto, haremos el siguiente: Proporcione las epocas flexibles y oportunidades para las conferencias de parent/teacher y el otro negocio de la escuela como juzgado necesario. Refiera a padres al entrenamiento y los talleres en el NCLB se centran para el contrato de la familia y otras agencies. Proporcione El Contrato De la Familia en plan de la mejora de la escuela del planeamiento y el convertirse, y otros proyectos. Describa como colmo de Southeast Prep Academy La escuela, una escuela del titulo I ha deserrollado en comun con los padres un home/school acuerdo. Este acuerdo sera repasado anualmente, que describira como los padres, el estudiante y la escuela compartiran en la responsabilidad de asegurandose de que el colmo de Southeast Prep Academy sea un educativo seguro y productivo ambiente. Asegurese de que el acuerdo este diseminado entre todos los estudiantes y padres con las firmas que verifican. Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability sex or age. Southeast Prep Parent and Student Information Southeast Prep Academy wants to make sure that our parents are well informed about school rules, procedures and policies. We also want parents to know what opportunities they will have to meet with district officials while attending monthly parent assemblies; and for parents wanting to provide information to students regarding college, we have included the college planning guide. Credit Review Bell Schedule Counselor’s Corner General Attendance Information Southeast Prep Progressive Discipline Plan - Behavior Matrix No Weapons Policy Shelby County Schools Instructional Calendar Shelby County Attendance and Report Card Periods Quick Review - General School wide Rules Uniform Policy SOUTHEAST PREP ACADEMY BENEFITS OF ATTENDING SOUTHEAST PREP ACADEMY Individual Learning Plans (ILP) No Sequential Grade Structure Extended Day/Extended Year Integration of Career and Technology Industry Certification SCS Prep Credit Structure 1st Semester 2nd Semester Summer Regular Day Extended Day 4 credits 1 credit 4 credits 1 credit 2 credits Total Credits 5 credits 5 credits 2 credits Total Credits Per Yr 12 credits Bell Schedule 8:00 - Homerooms 8:00 -9:30…………………1st Block 9:35-11:05…………………2nd Block 11:20 - 11:50…………….1st Lunch 11:10 -1:10……………….3rd Block* 12:00 – 12:30……………2nd Lunch 1:15-2:45………………….4th Block 2:50-4:15………………….5th Block 4:15-4:45…………………Dismissal GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS for students beginning high school, in 2009. Listed below are the minimum graduation requirements for a Tennessee Public High School Diploma. Many private and out-of-state colleges and universities have entrance requirements which may exceed these state requirements. It is the responsibility of the parents and students to contact the college or university that they plan to attend to verify the minimum requirements for admission. Course selection should be made with careful consideration. Students and parents should be familiar with requirements for graduation and The Tennessee Board of Education regulations require that all students be enrolled in courses that will produce at least five (5) credits toward graduation each school year. **************************************************************************** The total required credits increased from 20 to 22 * One diploma for all students, no track or path * Four years of math will be required of all students. 8th grade Algebra will count as an elective. * Students will select and take no more than 3 electives in one focus area. * Personal Finance will be required of all students. * An extra .5 credit of P.E. will be required. * Gateway Tests will no longer be given. End of course tests will be added and given for: English I, II, and III Algebra I and Algebra II U. S. History Biology Chemistry Total Credits = 22 Welcome to Southeast Prep! Professional School Counselors are uniquely trained leaders who promote success for all students. They collaborate with school stakeholders using data‐driven decisions to facilitate student success in an ever‐changing society. As a result the student will: achieve to his/her maximum potential demonstrate academic, career-related, personal, and social problem-solving skills recognize and appreciate individual and cultural differences develop citizenship, communication, and employability skills to make positive contributions to the community access human and technological resources for support and information ACADEMICS: High School Classification and Status: 0-4 credits = 9th grade-Freshman 5-9 credits=10th grade-Sophomore 10-14 credits = 11th grade-Junior 15 or more= 12th grade-Senior Requirements for a Tennessee High School Diploma and Graduation Requirements English: 4 credits Math: 4 credits Science: 3 credits Social Studies: 3 credits Lifetime Wellness & P.E. 1.5 credits Personal Finance 0.5 Credits Foreign Language: 2 credits Fine Arts: 1 credit Elective Focus: 3 credits Equals 22 credits which is the minimum Students will generally earn above the minimum of 22 credits Southeast Prep Counselor, Ms. L. Harris What every 9th grade student should know: It is never too early to plan for the future! *Build strong academic and study skills * Strengthen your vocabulary *Check out what high school courses colleges require Research career possibilities * Begin saving money for college What every 10th grade student should know: *Concentrate on academic preparation and continue to develop basic skills and co-curricular interests. *The PLAN (Practice Test for the ACT) is offered to all 10th grade students in September *Make sure you are on top of your academic work. If necessary meet with your teacher for additional help. *You will receive results of the PLAN in December. *Keep Studying *Volunteer-a great way to identify interest and develop skills. *Begin researching colleges or trade schools What every 11th grade student should know: Begin the college selection process. Attend college fairs, financial aid seminars, general information sessions, etc. to learn as much as you can about the college application process. *The ACT is given at the school site during the spring semester for JUNIORS ONLY. *Begin to make a preliminary list of colleges you would like to investigate further. Surf the internet and use the college resources provided. *Have your social security number available to provide on college applications. *Begin touring colleges with your family to determine firsthand whether a school is right for you. *Volunteer and earn community service hours. *Continue to identify your interests. What every 12th grade student should know: Apply to colleges. Make decisions. Finish high school with pride in yourself and your accomplishments. *Prepare all documents needed to apply for financial aid. *Make sure you have all applications completed and fees required. *Mail applications to colleges before the deadline. *Inform teachers, counselor, and school staff that you will need a letter of recommendation in the future. *Attend regional college fairs offered within your school district *Be sure that your first quarter grades are excellent. *Continue completing applications * Keep all records, test score reports, and copies of applications for admission and financial aid. *Keep working in your classes. *Request for transcripts to be sent to colleges *Make a request for a dorm application and send a deposit to secure your dorm room. * Surf the internet of items needed for campus living ******************************************************************* ACADEMIC RESOURCES: THE ACT TEST THE ACT IS THE NATIONAL COLLEGE ADMISSIONS EXAM THAT CONSISTS OF SUBJECT AREA TESTS IN ENGLISH, MATH, READING, AND SCIENCE. THE ACT PLUS WRITING INCLUDES THE FOUR SUBJECT AREA TESTS PLUS A 30 MINUTE WRITING TEST. THE COST OF THE ACT IS $35.00 AND ADDITIONAL FOR THE WRITING TEST STUDENTS MAY APPLY ON LINE AT ACT.ORG ANY SCHOOL AGE STUDENT MAY APPLY AND PAY TO TAKE THE ACT THE ACT IS ADMINISTERED DURING THE SPRING TO ALL JUNIORS AT THEIR SCHOOL SITE, AT NO CHARGE. FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION THE FAFSA The free application for Federal Student Aid is available ON-LINE at This is the form you will need to complete in order to be eligible for financial aid and most college scholarships. It also serves as the application for the Tennessee HOPE (lottery) Scholarship! The financial aid form cannot be submitted until January of 2014. You may want to LOOK at the site to familiarize yourself with the process. FINANCIAL AID WEBSITE: (Parents and students are strongly discouraged from using other FAFSA-related websites, such as (They will charge a fee.) ASVAB The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. THE ASVAB SCORES ARE USED TO DETERMINE QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENTRY AND ADMISSIONS TO THE MILITARY. COLLEGE and COLLEGE APPLICATION LINKS Visit: SCHOLARSHIPS.COM (Be careful about .com websites, because some may charge you for their service.): CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS VISIT: WORKFORCE ADVANCEMENT ACT PROVIDER SEARCH @ TN.GOV General Attendance Information Southeast Prep Academy begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends 4:45 p.m. Students arriving before 7:45 a.m. are to wait in the school’s cafeteria. Students are not to be in any other area of the building without permission prior to 8:00 a.m. Excused Absences If a student is absent from school, a parent must call the Attendance Office at 416-1426 to inform the school of their child’s absence. On the following day, the student must bring a written notice or doctor’s statement to the attendance office so that an excused absence can be documented. Parent absence notes will not be accepted by e-mail. Without this notification, the student will receive an unexcused absence which may place the student in jeopardy of being classified as truant. Failure to follow Attendance Guidelines may result in disciplinary action. The following conditions may excuse a student from school attendance: 1. Personal illness or injury (a medical verification note may be required by the school principal) 2. Illness in immediate family – an emergency situation requiring the student to be absent from school 3. Juvenile Court Appearance (notification or verification document by court officials) 4. Quarantine of the home by local health officials 5. Death of a relative (limited to three days unless reasonable cause can be shown for a longer absence) 6. Other related absences (approved by school officials) Tennessee law requires that students returning to school after all absences bring a written note from their parent or guardian stating each of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. The date(s) of absence(s) The reason for the absence(s) The parent or guardian signature The parent or guardian phone number Unexcused Absences Students are expected to bring a parent note upon their return. Students who fail to bring a written excuse upon their return may be subject to the following consequences: 1. On the first offense, a student will receive a warning and information on attendance policies from the attendance office. 2. On the second offense, a student will need to contact parent/guardian to allow attendance to notify parent of attendance issue. 3. On the third offense, a student will be issued In-School Suspension. 4. On the fourth or subsequent offenses, a student will be issued Out of School Suspension. Early Dismissal/Check-Out The student’s legal parent/guardian must report to the main office and show proper identification before the student will be allowed to leave campus early. In addition, all other adults checking student out must be on the approved student contact list. This rule is in effect because your child’s safety is important to us. A telephone call will not be sufficient to release (or check out) a student from school. All students with permission to leave school must sign-out in the main office before leaving. Students who leave campus for work-related curriculum requirements must have an early release form, card on file, and school issued picture ID in the main office. Students will receive a dismissal form which will allow and validate permission to leave the campus. Students must never leave the school building without permission and/or without signing out in the Attendance Office with parent approval. Failure to follow this procedure may result in disciplinary action. Parents are required to sign scholars in after 8:30 a.m., with 10:30 a.m. being the latest scholars can check-in to be counted as present for the day. If parents need to check students out early, there will be no check-outs after 3:45 p.m. Excessive Absenteeism The teacher should notify the attendance office in writing after the student has been absent from class three times in a nine-week grading period; however, it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the number of days he or she has missed in each class. If a student has missed more than 2 days a week, teachers will need to contact parents/guardians of student’s absence and academic status. Upon the sixth absence, the teacher will notify the attendance office that the student has missed six class periods and may fail for the nine-week grading period, or be subject to other consequences as outlined by Juvenile Court and/or the Truancy Department. If during the school year, the student accumulates 10 consecutive absences, the school may proceed with a recommendation to expel the student from school for non-attendance or refer the student to Pupil Services and the Truancy Department. Make-Up Work Students have the same number of days to make up work as they have been absent from school (i.e., if a student is absent three school days, then he has three school days after his return to make up work). Tardies Students who arrive at school after 8:35 a.m. are considered tardy. After school begins, students are required to report to the Attendance Office immediately upon arrival. In order for a student to receive an excused tardy, he or she must submit a written note with a valid phone number or bring a parent/guardian into the building and sign the student in school in the attendance office. Students will not be permitted to class without a (excused or unexcused) tardy slip. Each student will be permitted one tardy per quarter (45 days). On the second, third and fourth unexcused tardies in a quarter, a suspension will be issued. On the fifth and subsequent unexcused tardy in a quarter, Suspension may be assigned and a parent conference will be requested. On the 6th tardy an overnight suspension will be issued. In School Suspension after School Detention In School Suspension after school detention is generally served from 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. Students are notified of the infraction and are to serve the detention on the "Designated" date listed on the detention slip. The parents will receive a copy of the detention slip which will be sent home with the student. Transportation home after detention is the responsibility of the student/parent. Failure to serve assigned detention may result in further disciplinary action. The following rules must be followed in detention: 1. 2. 3. 4. Talking or moving from the assigned seat is not permitted. No headphones, radios or any other electronic devices are not allowed. Students need to bring schoolwork or reading material. Sleeping will not be tolerated. Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) If a student has been issued an out-of-school suspension, then he or she has violated the school’s rules and/or Shelby County School rules and regulations. Guidelines for OSS are as follows: 1. Parents will be notified of the suspension and may be asked to remove the student from the school’s premises. The student may not attend school for the length of the suspension. 2. A parent or guardian, who is listed as the student’s designated contact, must clear the suspension on the clearance date noted on the suspension. Suspensions may be cleared between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Suspensions cannot be cleared over the phone at any time. 3. Students will be permitted to make up class work, quizzes, tests, papers and/or major projects missed while serving Out-of-School Suspension will be specified by teacher. 4. Parents will be notified of the student’s right to appeal the issued suspension at the time of issue. 5. Suspensions may cross semester lines and may be carried from one school year to the next. 6. Students may not attend any school functions on the school’s premises or any other Shelby County School. A student who is serving an out-of-school suspension will be deemed a trespasser. Shelby County School resource officers will be notified, and the suspension may be extended and further disciplinary action may result. School’s Right to Search Lockers, desks or storage places provided for student use are, and remain at all times, property of the Shelby County Schools. These areas and the contents, therefore, are subject to a random search at any time, pursuant to board policy. Administrators are authorized to conduct reasonable inspection of school property or of students and items brought upon school grounds, including vehicles, when there is reasonable cause to believe that a student may be in possession of evidence that a law or a school rule has been violated. Southeast Prep Progressive Discipline Plan Procedural steps regarding referrals and consequences 1. Teacher will instruct students on Southeast Prep’s school-wide rules and consequences for their classroom. 2. If student is in violation of classroom rule teacher, can give “The Look” or use proximity technique, so student can self-correct undesired behaviors. 3. Verbal Warning 4. Teacher / Student Conference 5. Teacher / Parent Conference (Phone call/ In person) 6. Student Behavior Contract 7. Referral to Counselor (if warranted) 8. Administrative Referral: Parent Notification In School Suspension- After School Detention ISS (In School Suspension) Parent / Student / Administrator Conference Out-of-School Suspension Immediate Office Referrals Zero Tolerance / Non-Negotiable Actions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Inappropriate Language Towards a Teacher / Staff Member Weapons Fighting Serious Threats Sexual Harassment Vandalism Alcohol/ Drugs Gang Affiliated Activity We will confiscate Illegal Contraband from students. Illegal contraband includes cellular phones, MP3’s, IPods, I Pads, digital cameras and laser pens, and Game Boys, etc. Actions Taken: Teacher/ Staff may take up the contraband, and send it to the attendance office. First time, the student can retrieve the product at the end of day. Second time, a 72-hour hold will be placed on the contraband, and the parent has to retrieve it. If student refuses to release product a 72 hour suspension will be issued. Weapons are Prohibited! The carrying of any weapon on school property is prohibited and may be a felony as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated 39-17-1309. A fine of up to $3,000.00 and /or imprisonment of up to six (6) years may be imposed. Roger Jones, Principal Vernon Foster, Assistant Principal Glynis Williams, Instructional Facilitator 5396 Mendenhall Square Mall Memphis, TN 38115 Phone: 416-1430 Fax: 416-1422 Quick Review - General School wide Rules Students must be in uniform at all times. The following items are NOT permitted in the school: o I Pods, headsets, or any other electronic devices o Playing cards, dice, hats, weapons, illegal paraphernalia, etc. Students who are under the influence are not permitted to attend class or school functions according to SCS Student Code of Conduct Handbook. Food is not permitted outside the cafeteria. Students are subject to unannounced electronic surveillance and electronic screening. Each teacher has his or her own set of class rules and expectations. Students are expected to know and abide by those rules. Physical, verbal, or sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Gang-related activity is prohibited. Involvement in gangs, displaying gang symbols or paraphernalia, recruiting for membership, and verbally or nonverbally communicating gang, and information will result in immediate disciplinary action. Any activity which is inappropriate, profane, threatening, or otherwise detrimental to others and the learning environment is prohibited. Students are subject to progressive disciplinary action on school grounds before, during, or after school hours, and at any other times when a school group is using the school. Students also are subject to disciplinary action when they are off campus at a school activity, function, and event or in a capacity representing the school. Southeast Prep Mandatory School Uniforms Basic Uniform - The basic uniform shall be tan, navy blue or black pants, skirt or jumper and a white long sleeve or short sleeve shirt with a collar (polo style, dress style, or turtleneck). A student can wear any combination of the official colors. - Pants must be straight-legged or boot cut. Full-length pants, cropped pants, cargo pants and straight-legged capri pants are permitted. Denim jeans, pedal pushers, and bell bottoms are not permitted. - Walking shorts are permitted for elementary, middle/junior high and high school students. (Walking shorts are straight-legged shorts that are at the knee.) - Pants must fit at the waist and not be oversized or undersized (e.g., Baggy pants, sagging pants, tights, or pants made of Spandex are prohibited.). If belts are worn they must be fitted and put through belt loops. - Skirts or jumpers must be at or below the knee. - Shirts must be tucked on the inside unless they are made to be worn over pants or skirts. - T-shirts may be worn as undergarments. They must be solid white or one of the additional colors approved by the school leadership council. - Light jackets, vests, shirts, sweaters, sweat shirts, and cardigans are permitted as items that may be worn over the uniform top. They must be white, tan, navy blue, black or one of the additional colors approved by the school leadership council. - No denim material may be worn as uniform clothing. - All uniform clothing must be plain with small manufacturer's logos, brand names, pictures, or insignias visible on the clothing. - Shoes can have heels no higher than one and one-half inches. Shoes with rollers/wheels are prohibited. Athletic shoes, sandals with straps on the heel, and boots are permitted. - Heavy coats, heavy jackets and raincoats are not covered by these regulations and are not to be worn during the school day unless permitted by the principal for special circumstances. All Students —NO Colored Belts, Undershirts or Camisoles and Socks. Young Men—NO Earrings, Large Necklaces, Grills, Caps and Backpacks (unless you can see through the bag) Young Ladies—NO Headscarves, Hand bands or miniskirts. Come Prepared to Learn, Graduate and Focus on a Career! Thanks! Administrative Staff NCLB/Family Engagement Parent Information The Federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that every state and school district develop and implement academic standards and assessments, as well as a system for accountability. Under the law, federal resources are allocated to provide various academic programs and services for eligible students and keep parents informed of their rights. Division of Parent and Community Engagement Mission: The mission is to bridge the gap between parent, school, and community and improve relationships between home and school by empowering families to become more proactive in their child’s education on a continuous basis. Parent Volunteer Opportunities Parent Resources Center Parent Expectations Parent Instructional Protocol Shelby County Schools Volunteer Orientation Schedule Tutoring Schedule Parent’s Guide to School Conferences How to Improve Your Teen’s Study Habits Attendance Matters Family Engagement Policy Regularity of Attendance Policy Southeast Prep Academy Parent Volunteer Opportunities All parents/guardians interested in becoming an in school volunteer or participate with student community service projects need to see Ms. G. Williams for application and information. All parents are encouraged to become engaged with the academic development and growth of the school to build partnerships toward helping students achieve goal. Therefore, if you would like to become a volunteer, all parents/guardians are required by Shelby County Schools to take part in a Volunteer Orientation. (The attached schedule is on the following page) Parent Resources Center The Southeast Prep Academy Parent Center is a resource center for parents/guardians located in the lobby area in room 102. All parents/guardians who are interested in visiting the parent center for an extended time must sign-in while using the facilities or checking out materials. The hour of operation for the center is: 8:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. The Parent Resource Center offers: Access to computers and printer Internet DVDs and Books available for checkout Parenting Pamphlets and Brochures Meeting Space by appointment and approval Media Resource/News Parent Expectations The role of the parent and guardian at Southeast Prep Academy is very important. The following guidelines are minimal if we are to have the greatest success in the education of our students: A. Parents/guardians are expected to be responsible for the regular and punctual attendance of their children and to provide written excuses for all absences and tardies. B. Parents/guardians are expected to sign the student in when tardy. C. Parents/guardians are expected to participate in workshops, conferences, and meetings in support of the students of this school. D. Parents/guardians are expected to come to the school for parent conferences if requested by a teacher or in the event of a suspension. This is required prior to re-admission. E. Parents/guardians are expected to review their children’s progress reports and report cards each nine weeks and to become acquainted with each of their children’s teachers. F. Parents/guardians are expected to insist that their children bring notebooks, pencils and supplies to school and insist that they study at least one hour at home each night. G. Parents/guardians should have conversations with students about their academic and behavioral expectations. H. Parent-Teacher Conferences should be arranged before or after school or during the teacher’s planning period. Parent Instructional Protocol The classrooms of Southeast Prep Academy are open to parents/guardians at all times. We request, however, that you report to the main office upon entering the building. It is usually best to call ahead for an appointment with the administrator, teacher or counselor with whom you want to meet. Please do not go unannounced to a teacher’s classroom or expect to have a conference without an appointment. Please contact Ms. Hampton or Mrs. Gardner at 901.416.1431 or 416-1432 to schedule a conference. Early Dismissal/Check-Out The student’s legal parent/guardian must report to the main office and show proper identification before the student will be allowed to leave campus early. In addition, all other adults checking student out must be on the approved student contact list. This rule is in effect because your child’s safety is important to us. A telephone call will not be sufficient to release (or check out) a student from school. All students with permission to leave school must sign-out in the main office before leaving. Students who leave campus for work-related curriculum requirements must have an early release form, card on file, and school issued picture ID in the main office. Students will receive a dismissal form which will allow and validate permission to leave the campus. Students must never leave the school building without permission and/or without signing out in the Attendance Office with parent approval. Failure to follow this procedure may result in disciplinary action. Parents are required to sign scholars in after 8:30 a.m., with 10:30 a.m. being the latest scholars can check-in to be counted as present for the day. If parents need to check students out early, there will be no check-outs after 3:45 p.m. Bell Schedule 8:00 -9:30…………………1st Block 9:35-11:05…………………2nd Block 11:10 -1:10………………….3rd Block* 1:15-2:45………………….4th Block 2:50-4:15………………….5th Block 4:15-4:45…………………Dismissal Southeast Prep Academy Staff All tutoring will begin promptly at 4:15 PM and end at 4:45 PM NOTE: Tutoring sessions will not be offered on Wednesdays due to Faculty Meeting. Teacher Room Number 1. Byron Johnson 2. Dequiliah Brandon 149 3. Herbert Kendall 4. Hiawatha Renfroe 138 5. Jesse McGee 6. Jimmy McKnight 7. Juliet Barnett 139 140 8. TBA 9. LaTisha Shorter 10. Lois Simmons 147 110 130 132 129 144 11. Marlon Lee 12. Marquita Rice 13. Natasha Seymour 14. Rhonda Washington 134 150 135 15. Targanar Buford 16. Wendell Brown 17. Yaschia Dillard 18. Shyteria Dunlap 136 107 148 128 108 Subject Art I, II, III and IV English II and III Day Tuesday by Appointment Monday through Friday by Appointment World History Tuesday and Thursday Physical Science Tuesday and Thursday by Appointment U. S. History Tuesday by Appointment Economics/Government Tuesday and Thursday English IV and III Monday and Tuesday by Appointment Spanish I and II TBA Special Education Tuesday Business (Various) 4th Block Planning and; 1st and 2nd Lunch with approval Thursday Algebra I/Bridge Math Monday and Thursday Business/Library Media Tuesday and Thursday Geometry/Bridge Math Monday and Thursday Biology Mon., Tues or Thurs. by Appointment Algebra II/Bridge Math Monday and Thursday Chemistry Tuesday and Thursday Physical Education Monday and Tuesday English Thursday Parent’s Guide to School Conferences Parent-Teacher Conference Guide Conferences are a valuable tool to help you and your child’s teacher(s) work together for your child’s school success. Parent-Teacher conferences are valuable and effective because you and the teacher(s) can communicate face-to-face. The conferences provide an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s problems and progress directly with teachers. Most important of all, they are a chance for parents and teachers to work together to ensure student’s academic achievement. Well-conducted parent-teacher conference can accomplish several goals: You and the teacher(s) get to know each other. You can find out for yourself what is being taught and how your child is progressing academically, socially, and emotionally. You and the teacher(s) can share what each of you see as the child’s strengths and areas for growth. You and the teacher can discuss information about your child’s home learning environment. You and the teacher(s) can agree on a plan to ensure your child’s success in school. TALK WITH YOUR CHILD FIRST Spend a few minutes talking with your child before the conference. Tell him or her that you need help preparing for the conference. Some questions you might ask are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Is there anything special that you would like for me to talk about with the teacher(s)? Is there anything you want me to know before I speak with your teacher(s)? What do you really like or dislike about the class (es)? In what classes are you experiencing the most success? Are you having problems in any areas? What previous effort have you personally made to remove any problems? Have you spoken with your teacher? Parent – Teacher Conference Guide Your Checklist for Conferencing with your Child’s Teacher Parent-Teacher conferences will be successful if both you and the teacher(s) prepare for them. Here is a checklist to help you before, during, and after your conference with your child’s teacher(s). Before the Conference Find out how your child’s school schedules parent-teacher conferences. Use any materials given to you to prepare for the conference. Talk with your child about his/her school (discuss successes, achievements, favorite subjects, problem area, etc. Review work that your child has brought home. Think about your child’s level of achievement and your expectations for your child. Are they the same? Write down your concerns and questions about your child’s work, classroom or school programs. Some information you may want to share with your child’s teacher(s) might include: 1. Favorite subjects 2. Outside interests and hobbies 3. Any medical or health needs 4. Things happening at home that may affect schoolwork (divorce, death, moving, etc.) At the Conference Find out how much time has been allotted and decide what is important to discuss in the time available. Arrive on time Say something positive to the teacher to help both fell more comfortable. Decide with the teacher what is most important to talk about. Refer to your notes and questions so you will not forget important issues. Ask to see your child’s work. Take notes during the conference. After the Conference Ask questions and make sure you understand all the teacher is saying. Summarize what has been said. Write down a plan of action that says what you need and the teacher will do. Let the teacher know how best to reach you and decide how you will communicate with the teacher (call, notes, e-mail, future conferences). Thank the teacher for his/her time and concern. How to Improve Your Teen's Study Habits What do you need to do to encourage good study habits in your high school student? Are you worried that your child does not have the best study habits for high school? If she is scoring poorly on tests or getting bad grades on her report card now, imagine the trouble she will have in college. The transition from middle school to high school proves to be an important time for developing study skills. The student who could skate by in middle school barely opening a book to study usually finds that higher-level high school courses require much more time and preparation to study. It’s usually not lack of motivation that is keeping your high school student from studying. Beyond scanning a textbook for a few minutes, he might not know what else to do. At some point in your child’s life, he was probably taught basic study skills. But most of the time, a student needs to go beyond the basics to figure out what works best for them. There is no single prescription for learning good study skills. Each person benefits from a different study routine. What Are Good Study Habits? You probably haven’t had to worry about study skills in a while, so it’s important that you brush up on your knowledge before trying to teach your child. Here are some helpful habits for high school students: Location Your teen is sitting on his bed, books and notepads spread willy-nilly around him, music is blasting and his computer is on. Does this sound familiar? If possible, devote an area of the house for studying. This area should be organized, quiet and free from other distractions. Other great places to study include a library, study hall, bookstore or coffee shop. One recent study reported by The New York Times suggests that studying in multiple places can actually improve retention. You’ll need to find what works best for your child. The Omnipresent Computer Computers are a great research resource, but when it comes to studying they turn into a distraction. Your student should not be surfing the web when she is supposed to be hitting the books. According to a study by Cornell University, students who used computers to take notes during a lecture had less memory retention than students who left their laptops closed. Ideally, your student should use a computer when necessary, and then set it aside. Outlines and Flashcards Organizing several chapters’ worth of information into chunks allows a student to independently connect ideas. Just the simple act of re-writing notes may help with retaining information. Study Groups Some people study best when they are alone. But other people thrive in social atmospheres. Encourage your child to meet with a group of four or five people to compare notes, review course materials and quiz each other. Planning and Scheduling Studying is often viewed as a task or an obligation and many people put it off until the last minute. To avoid this nerve-wracking mistake, your child should follow a daily studying schedule. Even if she doesn’t have homework that day, taking 30 to 60 minutes of time to study each day will help enforce key concepts over a longer period of time, rather than cramming it in last minute. Using a planner (whether on paper or digital) can really help. Create a daily or weekly list of “things to do” is one of the most effective tools for staying organized. Breaks Encourage your child to study for about 30 to 45 minutes at a time, and then leave room for a five- to 10-minute break to exercise or rest. Instilling these study tips into your child now will help prepare him or her for college later. Things You Should Know about Attendance It is the law Children between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17), both inclusive, must attend a public or non-public school. Excused absents consist of 1. Illness or hospitalization of student. The District may require a parent conference and/or physician verification to justify absences after the accumulation of ten (10) days of absence during a school year. Notes must be date specific and will be required for subsequent absences beyond ten (10) days. 2. Death or serious illness within the student's immediate family. 3. When the student is officially representing the school in a school sponsored activity. 4. Special and recognized religious holidays regularly observed by persons of their faith. 5. Legal court summons not as a result of the student's misconduct. Truancy If a student receives five (5) or more absences during the school year without adequate excuse, the Superintendent shall notify the parents that the student is required to attend school. If within 3 days of receiving the notice, the parent has failed to comply, the Superintendent shall notify the District Attorney General and/or local law enforcement of this fact and legal action may be taken against the parent as provided by T.C.A. § 49-6-3007. After a student has accumulated ten (10) or more unexcused absences, the final letter and subsequent letters from the District Attorney’s Office will be automatically generated by the District and sent to the parents/guardians requiring them to bring their child to a mandatory meeting of the communitywide Student Attendance Review Board (SARB). Law Enforcement Any student who accumulates 10 or more days of unexcused absences within a school year may be referred to Juvenile Court and the District Attorney General's Office for appropriate legal action. However, every attempt shall be made to intervene to support students prior to referral to these agencies. Shelby County Schools Parent Resources Parent & Community Engagement Division ACADEMICS & CHARACTER Discover education and youth development programs at your Memphis Urban League (901.272.2491). Does your child need tutoring? Contact Our Children-Our Future (901.416.5732). See what famous people, like Will Smith and Bill Gates, believe about effort. Get support with high school math, including calculus and geometry. Learn how to support with homework. Find math games, quizzes, and skill building activities for students K-12. See resources by grade and subject. Support your adolescent in finding information on a wide range of topics. Discover everyday “people who stick their necks out for the common good.” Learn concrete strategies to shape your adolescent’s character. See how entertainers are motivating students to Get Schooled. COLLEGE & CAREERS Why go to college? What to do to get in? How to pay for it? Does your adolescent like math, computers, building and fixing things, etc.? Check out which careers match their interests. Educate your adolescent on a range of different careers. Show your adolescent how to plan their education, develop a career, etc. JUST FOR PARENTS As a Memphis City Schools parent, discover Parent CONNECT which gives you on-line access to your children’s grades, attendance, assignments, and other information. For direct assistance, contact your child’s school. Discover resources and services for parents of Memphis City Schools—contact the Parent and Community Engagement (PACE) office (901.416.7264). Want to get involved and help improve Memphis City School? Contact Stand for Children Memphis (901.522.5022). See parental resources offered by the U.S. Department of Education. Encourage safe use of the internet, TV, cell phones, and other electronic media. Understand bullies and victims, the warning signs, and what to do. Get practical parental advice. Explore a range of topics for parents. Find a directory of websites on parenting, education, health, etc. 4.502 Family Engagement Policy _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Original Adoption: 08/05/91 (6156 Parental Involvement) Effective Date: 12/04/06 Revision Dates: 9/11/00 & 9/12/05 (Parental Involvement), 12/04/06 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to partner with families in a coordinated effort to provide Shelby County Schools students with a home/school/community environment that encourages academic achievement and enables students to meet Federal, state and city academic performance standards. II. SCOPE This policy applies to all families that have children in Shelby County Schools and to administrators, principals, teachers and other support personnel in Shelby County Schools. III. POLICY STATEMENT Families have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. They provide the foundation for academic success. Shelby County Schools respects the roles and responsibilities of families in assuring that their children are adequately educated, and is committed to developing a strong, ongoing partnership with families to create or strengthen stimulating home and school learning environments. Administrators, principals, teachers and support staff at each school must create a climate of respect for and cooperation with families that will be evident in all teacher and staff interactions. This climate of respect and cooperation will be based on the following goals: 1. To provide meaningful two-way communications between families and teachers and among families, schools, the district and the community; 2. To provide opportunities for meaningful and varied participation by families in district and school leadership organizations and other school activities and in programs and activities in the community that support student achievement; 3. To eliminate or reduce barriers to greater family participation and effective parent/child relations. Barriers include, but are not limited to, socioeconomic, language/cultural/racial/ethnic, special needs or limited literacy; and 4. To provide training opportunities and informational seminars for families to enable them to understand student academic content and achievement standards and curricular materials and to improve their parenting skills. The school district, in conjunction with parents/guardians, shall develop a Family and Community Engagement Plan based on the goals outlined in this policy. Activities and strategies included in the plan shall be incorporated in the Tennessee Comprehensive Systemwide Planning Process. All Title I and non-Title I schools, in conjunction with parents/guardians, also shall develop a family and community engagement plan based on the district’s parent involvement goals and other goals a school deems appropriate. Parents at Title I schools shall also fully participate in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the School Instructional Improvement Plan and the school review process for assessing progress. The family and community engagement plan and a summary of the plan’s outcomes shall be included in the school’s School Instructional Improvement Plan, if applicable. Parent Assembly The Superintendent of Schools shall organize a district wide Parent Assembly to assist the school system in providing children with a quality education. The purposes of the Parent Assembly are: a. To support the school system at the national, state and local level in advocating for sound educational programs and policies; b. To advise the Superintendent on issues of concern to parents; and c. To support the development of strong parent organizations at all schools. The Parent Assembly shall include parent representatives from all schools in the district. Family and Community Advisory Council The Superintendent of Schools shall organize a Family and Community Advisory Council to assist the school system in providing children with a quality education. The Council shall be comprised of members of the Parent Assembly, representing Title I and non-Title I schools; district personnel; a Board member; and community representatives. The Council shall reflect the school district’s socioeconomic, linguistic, and cultural diversity. The purpose of the Council shall be to: a. Participate in developing, implementing and evaluating a district wide family engagement policy; b. Participate in developing, implementing and evaluating the district wide Family and Community Engagement Plan and in coordinating parent involvement strategies among various programs; c. Participate in developing the district wide School Consolidated Plan; d. Participate in planning and developing district wide policies and programs addressing such issues as homework, attendance and student behavior; and e. Participate in deciding how Title I funds for family involvement activities are allotted. Each local school shall also have a local parent/school/community council that will assist in planning family involvement activities and promoting student achievement at the school. The council, which can be an existing or new organization, must reflect the diverse student population at the school. The purpose of the council shall be to: a. Participate in developing, implementing and evaluating the school wide Family and Community Engagement Plan; b. Participate in developing the School Instructional Improvement Plan; c. Participate in planning and developing school-based rules and programs addressing such issues as homework, attendance and student behavior; and d. Participate in deciding how Title I funds for family involvement activities are allotted. Payment of a membership fee to a school wide parent organization shall not be a precondition to becoming a parent representative on the council. Shelby County Schools shall offer district level administrators, local school administrators and teacher’s formal training to increase knowledge and skills in working with families. Shelby County Schools also shall support the development of teaching curricula and training programs on parental involvement within the district and in the university community. The district shall initiate contact with all local colleges to discuss parental involvement curricula at their institutions. Such discussions shall include, but not be limited to, opportunities for field experience in parental involvement for pre-service teachers and specific courses on parental involvement at each institution for schools, parents and community members. IV. RESPONSIBILITY A. B. C. D. The Department of Student Support Services is responsible for implementing this policy. The Department of NCLB, with support from the Department of Research, Evaluation and Assessment, is responsible for evaluating the school district’s Family Engagement Plan. Principals are responsible for ensuring that school-based family and community engagement plans are developed, implemented and evaluated. Parents/guardians are responsible for pursuing opportunities in the school, home environment and community that support their children’s education and ensure that their children meet academic standards. 6.200 Regularity of Attendance Policy _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Original Adoption: 02/15/66 Effective Date: 07/21/08 Revision Dates: 8/20/84, 9/24/90, 9/14/92, 9/20/99, 3/1/00, 8/16/04, 6/6/05, 7/10/06, 12/04/06, 7/21/08 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I. PURPOSE To support student achievement by requiring and facilitating regular school attendance. II. SCOPE This policy applies to all Shelby County Schools students. (Tennessee law requires that all children between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17), both inclusive, attend school.) 1 III. POLICY STATEMENT Regular and punctual school attendance is essential for deriving maximum success from the instructional program. Higher academic achievement and lower drop-out rates occur when students attend classes regularly. It is the policy of the Shelby County Schools that all students attend school on all days that school is officially in operation and be on time for all classes. Unexcused absences are prohibited by law and policy. When unexcused absences occur, Shelby County Schools will seek assistance and support from school based and communitywide programs or agencies to restore the student's attendance. MCS will also use effective interventions with students and parents/guardians to restore and maintain a student's regular attendance. Referral to Juvenile Court or to the District Attorney General will be the final option.2 Excused Absences Student absences shall be excused for the following reasons only: 1. Personal illness of the student. This includes medical appointments for physical and mental health needs. 2. Death or serious illness in the immediate family of the student. Immediate family includes parents/guardians/custodians, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. This will also include spouse, children, mother-in-law, and father-in-law for married or parenting students. 3. Validated court appearances of the student. 4. Recognized religious holiday/event.3,4 5. Any other unusual cause acceptable to the principal. (These reasons will include approved school sponsored/sanctioned activities.) 6. Deployment for and return from military service of a student’s parent/guardian or custodian (one day excused for the parent’s deployment and one day excused for the parent’s return)5 7. Visitation with a parent/guardian or custodian who is a member of the United States armed forces when the member is granted rest and recuperation leave and is stationed out of the country.5 (up to 10 days of excused absences) A student who does not receive prior approval from the teacher or principal/designee for an excused absence must submit a note from a parent or guardian or other appropriate person describing the excused absence immediately upon the student's return to school, but, in any event, no later than three (3) school days after the absence was taken. The principal may require a doctor’s statement for the personal illness of a student that extends beyond three (3) consecutive school days or when a student is repeatedly absent for less than three (3) consecutive days. If no documentation justifying the absence as excusable is submitted within the three-day period, the absence will become an unexcused absence. Appeals Disputes over whether an absence is excused or unexcused shall be decided by the principal (or designee). In a meeting with the principal the parent/guardian can explain that any or all of the absences were for an unusual cause or that an acceptable excuse was presented in a timely manner. If, after meeting with the parent/guardian, the principal determines that any or all of a student's absences are excusable, the principal will adjust the student's attendance record accordingly and will send the parent/guardian a letter confirming the adjustment. The principal's decision can be appealed to the school's academic director. Tardies, Absences from Classes, and Early Releases Shelby County Schools also believes that students who arrive to school or classes after the regular starting time, students who consistently leave school early, and students who are at school but fail to attend classes are not receiving maximum educational opportunities. Therefore, a school shall use any necessary interventions to promote regular and timely attendance to school and classes. However, a student who has excessive tardies or early releases or a student who fails to attend a class may be subject to disciplinary action. Make-Up Work Students shall be permitted the opportunity to make up all work and classroom tests (or their equivalent) missed as a result of an excused or unexcused absence. IV. RESPONSIBILITY A. The principal shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of this policy and all state laws pertaining to student attendance. B. Students and parents are responsible for ensuring that the student attends school/class for one hundred and eighty (180) days each school year and is on time. C. Questions concerning the interpretation and administration of this policy should be directed to the Office of the Chief Academic Officer. ______________________________________ Legal References: 1. TCA 49-6-3001 2. TCA 49-6-3007 3. TCA 49-6-2904 4. TRR/MS 0520-1-3-.03(15) 5. Public Acts, 2006, Public Chapter 552 ______________________________________ Cross References: 1. Attendance Accounting Procedural Manual, Tennessee Dept. of Education 2. 6.201 Compulsory Attendance Ages 3. 6.208 School Day For Pupils 4. 6.313 Student Behavior
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