KNAPPCO-CIVACON COVER SHEET FOR PRODUCT LITERATURE PART #: H52530PAE TITLE: MANUAL ROM II PLUS EURO VERSION 3204E REVISION: F REVISION DATE: December 2005 Revision History Revision ESR Number Drawn By Changes F N/A JKH Initial iDOC Release INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRODUCTION HOUSE (INSERT ‘X’FOR ALL THAT APPLY) X X X Paper Size 8.5” X 11” Paper Size 11” X 17” Paper Size 8.5” X 5.5” Two-Sided Stapled Folded – Tri-folded Folded – Bi-folded Booklet Form (11 X 17 sheets folded into 8.5 X 11 pages) Black and White Black and White – First Page Color Color Notes: 1) Do not duplicate this cover sheet 2) Paper to be used is white, 20 lbs. unless otherwise noted 3) Document must have hand signature before being reproduced. ROM II PlusTM RETAINED –OVERFILL MONITORING SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND WIRING INSTRUCTIONS PART NUMBER H52530PAE CIVACON – A DOVER RESOURCES CO. 4304 MATTOX ROAD KANSAS CITY, MO 64150 OPW FLUID TRANSFER GROUP EUROPE, B.V. BOEWEITSTRAAT 1 P.O. BOX 32, 2150 AA NIEUW-VENNEP THE NETHERLANDS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ........................................................ 5 2 THE ROM II Plus SYSTEM OPERATION.............................................. 7 2.1 THE OPTIC SENSORS..................................................................................................................7 2.2 THE ROM II Plus ONBOARD MONITOR (OBM)..........................................................................8 2.3 THE TOP ONLY ROM II Plus ONBOARD MONITOR ..................................................................9 2.4 THE 5-WIRE TOP ONLY ROM II Plus ONBOARD MONITOR.....................................................9 3 OBM MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS .................................................. 9 4 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS - THE WIRE .............................................. 10 5 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS – POWER INPUT TERMINALS ................................ 11 5.1 NON-I.S. RELAY OUTPUT WIRING............................................................................................12 6 TOP SENSORS INSTALLATION .................................................. 13 6.1 THREADED HOUSING SENSOR INSTALLATION ...................................................................13 6.2 FLANGED HOUSING SENSOR INSTALLATION.......................................................................13 6.3 SENSING POINT ADJUSTMENT................................................................................................13 6.4 2-WIRE SENSOR WIRING CONNECTIONS...............................................................................15 7 BOTTOM SENSORS INSTALLATION [If so equipped] .................................. 15 7.1 THREADED HOUSING RETAINED PRODUCT SENSOR INSTALLATION..............................15 7.2 WIRING CONNECTIONS.............................................................................................................16 8 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS - 2-WIRE SENSORS & ROM II Plus ............................. 17 9 WIRING DIAGRAMS - 2-WIRE SENSORS & ROM II Plus ................................ 20 10 WIRING DIAGRAMS - 5-WIRE SENSORS & ROM II Plus ............................... 24 11 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS - AUXILIARY INPUTS ...................................... 28 12 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS - SOCKETS.............................................. 28 13 PROGRAMMING OF THE INSTALLED SENSORS .................................... 32 14 POWER ON TEST ............................................................ 35 14.1 STATUS LIGHTS [LEDs] ..........................................................................................................35 14.2 TESTING THE SENSORS .........................................................................................................36 14.3 SOCKET TEST...........................................................................................................................36 15 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE.................................................... 37 15.1 TOOLS REQUIRED ...................................................................................................................37 15.2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................37 15.3 PROBLEM SYMPTOMS ............................................................................................................37 15.3.1 No GREEN Permit LED or dimly lit; No YELLOW Power LED or dimly lit; other LEDs are also out or dimly lit. .................................... 37 15.3.3 A RED Compartment LED is on solid. .............................. 38 15.3.2 One or more RED Compartment LEDs are flashing. ................... 38 15.3.4 Trailer will not load at loading rack; appropriate YELLOW and GREEN LEDs are lit. ...................................................... 39 15.3.6 Side Pushbutton Reset Switch will not cause monitor to switch permissive when tank contains retained product. (A Bottom / Retained Product RED LED ON) ........................................................ 40 15.3.7 Auxiliary Input Switches will not cause monitor to switch to Permissive. ... 40 15.3.8 All Display Indicators are Flashing................................. 41 16 REPLACEMENT MODULES ..................................................... 41 17 WARRANTY ................................................................ 42 17.1 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.......................................................................................................42 CIVACON Copyright 2003 3 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 TABLE OF FIGURES & DIAGRAMS FIGURE 1 – PULSED SIGNAL GENERATION................................................................... 6 FIGURE 2 – MONITOR HOUSING MOUNTING DETAILS ................................................. 9 FIGURE 3 – POWER & CONTROL WIRING .................................................................... 11 FIGURE 4 - TOP SENSOR DIMENSIONS........................................................................ 13 FIGURE 5 - RETAIN PRODUCT SENSOR DIMENSIONS ............................................... 15 FIGURE 6A - POWER AND INTRINSICALLY SAFE WIRING – SHEET 1 OF 2 .............. 16 FIGURE 6B - POWER AND INTRINSICALLY SAFE WIRING – SHEET 2 OF 2 .............. 17 FIGURE 7 – TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS & CONNECTION DETAILS ........................... 19 DIAGRAM 8A – 2-WIRE TOP & BOTTOM SENSOR WIRING / 8 COMPARTMENTS ..... 20 DIAGRAM 8B – 2-WIRE TOP SENSOR WIRING TO ROM / 8 COMPARTMENTS. ........ 21 DIAGRAM 8C – 2-WIRE BOTTOM SENSOR WIRING TO ROM / 8 COMPARTMENTS . 22 DIAGRAM 9A – 5-WIRE TOP SENSOR WIRING / 12 COMPARTMENTS....................... 24 DIAGRAM 9B – 5-WIRE TOP SENSOR WIRING TO ROM.............................................. 25 DIAGRAM 10 – 5-WIRE TOP & BOTTOM SENSOR WIRING / 8 COMPARTMENTS ..... 26 DIAGRAM 11 – THERMISTOR / 2-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET WIRING TO ROM ................ 29 DIAGRAM 12 – 5-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET WIRING TO ROM ........................................... 30 DIAGRAM 13 – PROGRAMMING JUMPER LOCATION DETAIL .................................... 31 ROM®, ROM IITM & ROM II Plus are Registered Trademarks and Trademarks of CIVACON. This product uses Patent # 5,349,994, assigned to CIVACON and other Patents Pending. This document and all the information therein is the property of CIVACON; it is proprietary and shall not be copied, and is not to be used directly or indirectly in any way detrimental to the interest of CIVACON. All copyright and intellectual property rights are reserved. © 2003 CIVACON A DOVER Resources Company CIVACON Copyright 2003 4 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This manual describes the operation, installation, and troubleshooting of the CIVACON ROM II Plus (Retain Overfill Monitor) System. It is intended to help operators, maintenance men, and specifiers understand the operation and features of the ROM II Plus system. Some of the information in this manual has come from the field experience of our sales representatives and customers. It is recommended reading this manual completely before installation of any equipment. The ROM II Plus is a tank truck / trailer mounted On Board Monitoring (OBM) system with sensors mounted in the top and bottom of each tank compartment. The ROM II Plus monitor detects and communicates a pending overfill condition to a loading rack control monitor, and signals which tank compartment is overfilled. The ROM II Plus monitor also detects and communicates a retain condition to a loading rack control monitor, and signals which tank compartment has retained product. This control system will enable a tank trailer truck to load at API optic, thermistor or float petroleum loading rack monitors while using only two wire optic sensors. If all of the optic sensors do not detect any liquids, the monitor provides the necessary signal information to the appropriate API sockets to enable loading of the tank trailer truck. The ROM II Plus on board monitor includes some additional new features and benefits when compared to it’s predecessor the ROM II. These include: A. Support for tanks with up to 8 compartments using 2-wire overfill and retained sensors. B. Support for tanks with up to 12 compartments using 5-wire overfill sensors (up to 8 compartments of 5-wire overfill sensors and 2-wire retained sensors are also supported) C. Number of sensor installed is automatically configured at installation. terminators are used or needed. No D. Includes 4 separate Aux. Inputs. E. Retained timer expires on loading rack plug disconnect (thermistor or optic outputs) F. Supports and makes full use of Civacon Pressure –Vacuum Overfill Sensors (PVO Sensors). The ROM II Plus onboard monitor has been designed for use with the following Civacon Sensors: Models 1050 & 1051 2-Wire ROM Top (Overfill) Sensors with Holders Models 1350 & 1351 2-Wire ROM Top (Overfill) Replacement Sensors Models 1000, 1001, 1000R, 1001R, 1000Q & 1001Q Bottom (Retain Sensors) Model 1111 5-Wire Top (Overfill) Sensor with Holder Model 1301 5-Wire Top (overfill) Replacement Sensor CIVACON Copyright 2003 5 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 The typical Civacon On Board Monitoring System consists of a ROM II Plus onboard control monitor (Model 3204 Series), a top 2 wire ROM optic sensor (Model 1050 or 1051), a bottom 2 wire ROM optic sensor (Model 1000, 1001, 1000R or 1001R), seven (7) conductor cable (Model 2300), strain relief fittings (Model EL05117), and optional sockets for loading rack connections. The ROM II Plus onboard control monitor can be configured for use with top and bottom sensors, or top only sensors by way of how the monitor is programmed at installation time. Float, Thermistor and Optic socket outputs from the onboard control monitor allow compatibility with different types of rack control monitors commonly used. The ROM II Plus onboard control monitor and sensors are designed to provide many years of trouble free service, although should a problem occur, an advanced patented internal diagnostic feature can pin point the problem with minimal testing or troubleshooting. CAUTION!: DO NOT apply power to this monitor without thoroughly reading this manual and checking all connections. DO NOT connect a battery charger or other pulsed power supply to this monitor as this may permanently damage the monitor. CAUTION!: DO NOT perform any welding on the tanker when power is applied to this monitor, as welding on the tanker with the monitor power on may permanently damage the monitor. SAFETY NOTE: Since power for the monitor comes from the truck battery, and it must be fused externally from the monitor's enclosure. The monitor's mounting location is classified for use in a Zone 1 (EEx 2G [ia] IIB T4 Tamb= -40C to +60C) location, or a safe area. CIVACON Copyright 2003 6 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 2 THE ROM II Plus SYSTEM OPERATION The ROM II Plus system uses self-checking principles to provide a continuous check on all system components. This is accomplished by the exchange of digital pulses between sensor and monitor. These digital pulses must pass through all active components in the sensor, sensor wiring, and the control monitor to test all the components in the entire sensing circuit. 2.1 THE OPTIC SENSORS The (2-wire) optic sensors require only two wires for connection to the ROM II Plus monitor. Each sensor has an internal electrical pulse generator. This pulse is converted to a pulse of light (infrared) and directed through a prism, and is detected on the other side of the prism. If the prism is dry the light pulse is reflected through; if the prism is wetted by a liquid, the light pulse is diverted into the liquid and does reflect back through the prism to the detector. In the case of a dry sensor, the light pulse is detected by a photo diode and converted back into a digital pulse. This pulse is sent back to the control monitor over 100 times a second on the same two wires. See Figure 1 for a simple diagram of these pulsed signals. Both top and bottom sensors operate the same, and are approved for use in Zone 0 hazardous locations. Refer to Figures 5A & 5B for approval details. SENSOR CIRCUITRY PULSE GENERATOR SIGNAL WIRE GND. WIRE EMITTER DIGITAL PULSE OUTPUT SIGNAL DETECTOR DRY PRISM SENSOR CIRCUITRY PULSE GENERATOR SIGNAL WIRE GND. WIRE EMITTER NO OUTPUT SIGNAL DETECTOR WET PRISM FIGURE 1 – PULSED SIGNAL GENERATION CIVACON Copyright 2003 7 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 2.2 THE ROM II Plus ONBOARD MONITOR (OBM) The ROM II Plus Onboard Monitor provides connections for 8 overfill (top) channels, 8 retain (bottom) channels, a red diagnostic LED for each channel (compartment), a green permit LED, a yellow power LED, a Retain Reset Switch LED for the built-in timer (which is activated via a momentary pushbutton switch on the side of the housing), the 12~24 Volt power connection, and compatible industry standard Thermistor, Optic and Float Switch rack control monitor outputs. In addition, the ROM II Plus OBM contains input connections for four auxiliary inputs, and one auxiliary output. These auxiliary inputs are NOT fail-safe since they connect to simple normally-open (N.O.) switches for activation. The unit also contains additional LEDs to indicate auxiliary input status, timer status, and socket power / signal status. The ROM II Plus monitor contains patented advance diagnostics that can distinguish between sensor failures and wiring problems. Each sensor channel is wired to only one sensor, and the status for that channel is indicated by a corresponding LED. The LED will signal the type of failure with a different (unique) flashing light pattern for an open, shorted to ground, or sensor-to-sensor short wire connection, and a solid light for a wetted or faulty sensor. The ROM II Plus parallel wiring (when 2-wire sensors are used) and advanced diagnostics does not require a special tester to troubleshoot a field problem. If at any time an overfill (top) sensor becomes wetted, the ROM II Plus monitor will switch the API Float, Thermistor and Optic loading rack outputs immediately to non-permissive. When a returning tank truck contains retained product, it will light the corresponding retain (bottom) red LED solid using the same advanced diagnostics. The tank must be completely drained before the ROM II Plus monitor will switch the loading rack outputs to permissive. If loading over (on top of) the retained product is desired, then activating the retained reset switch will force the ROM II Plus monitor to a permissive state for approximately forty (40) minutes, allowing the load to proceed for this amount of time, or until the loading rack plug is disconnected from the socket. At NO time are the overfill (top) sensors effected by the reset switch. After the forty minute cycle is complete, or the loading rack plug disconnected, and product remains in the tank compartments, the ROM II Plus monitor will again switch non-permissive. This feature is beneficial when multiple loads are taken for in-tank blending but extra attention must be given to prevent an overfilled tank. Please note that the reset switch may be activated again to start or re-start another 40 minute timing cycle as long as a loading rack plug is attached to either the thermistor or optic socket. When used with Civacon PVO Sensors, the ROM II Plus will work identical as with other Civacon overfill detection sensors as an overfill detection monitor, but will new include the ability to also sense pressure and vacuum conditions within a tank compartment, and signal for rack or truck compartment shutdown when the overpressure or over vacuum condition occurs. When one of these conditions occur, as they are generally quick occurrences that disappear quickly, the ROM II Plus monitor will capture and remember this event, requiring manual confirmation and acknowledgement of it happening by the operator in order to again get a permissive to load signal (permit LED). This is done via the pushbutton reset switch on the side of the housing. Pressing this pushbutton will clear the stored / captured CIVACON Copyright 2003 8 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 high pressure or high vacuum condition and allow the ROM II Plus to again permit (if everything else if O.K.). Top prevent repetitive nuisance shutdowns and allow a troublesome truck to finish loading or unloading under supervision, once a PVO sensor detects a pressure or vacuum condition twice in any one compartment, the next occurance in the same compartment will be ignored. This feature is cancelled if the power is removed and re-applied to the ROM II Plus monitor (causing the troublesome compartment to again cause shutdown). 2.3 THE "TOP ONLY" ROM II Plus ONBOARD MONITOR The ROM II Plus monitor can be configured for (2-wire sensor) top only (overfill) operation. Simply not connecting any retained sensors during setup / programming will disable the retain (bottom) circuitry. Top only ROM II Plus configuration will provide the advantages of 2 wire sensors and advanced diagnostics with the ability to install retain sensors at a later date. 2.4 THE “5-WIRE TOP ONLY” ROM II Plus ONBOARD MONITOR The ROM II Plus monitor can be configured for use with the industry standard 5wire sensor top only (overfill) operation. Simply connecting the the 5-wire overfill sensors to the monitor instead of the standard 2-wire sensors during setup / programming will configure the ROM II Plus monitor for 5-wire top only (overfill) operation. Top only ROM II Plus 5-wire configuration will provide the advantages of up to twelve (12) compartment operation, loading rack compatibility with the ability to install standard 2-wire retain sensors (up to 8 maximum) at a later date. 3 OBM MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS The ROM II Plus Onboard Monitor has four (4) mounting feet with holes, at the base of its cast aluminum housing, used for mounting the enclosure. These are provided so that it may be securely bolted to a grounded metal portion of the trailer that will provide an excellent physical support to the monitor. Locate the monitor in an area that is visible to the operator near the sockets and bottom loading adapters. The holes through the mounting feet are for 5/16 inch (8 mm) diameter bolts. Refer to Figure 2 for mounting dimension information for the housing. Mounting dimensions are given in millimeters (with inches in parenthesis). To protect the electronics inside the housing, keep the monitor’s cover on the housing until you are ready to wire the monitor. The housing provides seven (7) 20 x 1.5 mm conduit holes (½" NPT on some U.S. models). Refer to Figure 2 for location and use of these holes. These holes provide for easy wiring access to the various electrical terminals on the monitor. The three (3) holes on the right side of the housing are used for wiring to the sockets. The two (2) located on the left side of the housing are used for wiring the 12 ~ 24 Volt DC power and the Auxiliary Inputs. The two (2) holes along the bottom of the housing are used for the overfill (top) and retain (bottom) sensors. Any holes that are not used should be properly sealed with the plugs provided with the monitor. Once the housing is installed, you are ready to remove the cover frame, gasket, and window; and begin the wiring procedure. CIVACON Copyright 2003 9 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 WARNING: There is only one conduit hole provided at the left top side of the monitor to bring the NON-intrinsically safe power wiring into the housing. The remaining six (6) NPT holes are used for intrinsically safe signals and wiring. This convention MUST be complied with in order to maintain the system approvals! 10.00 [254.0] ROM II Plus 8 7 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 TO THERMISTOR SOCKET OR AUX. OUTPUT FLT 2 1 AUX POWER INPUT & NON - I.S. RELAY OUTPUT LISTED 9VX9 BOTTOM SENSORS 2W 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 COMPARTMENT INDICATORS SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSR FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OP EN CIRCUIT 2 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORTED SNSRS AUX 1 AUX 2 AUXILIARY INPUTS AUX 3 AUX 4 HIGH PRESS. HIGH VAC. TO OPTIC SOCKET 5W PERMIT PRG TIMER TOUCH HERE FOR RETAINED RESET 5.38 [136.7] ERR COM R LISTED 9VX9 0539 II(1) G [EEx ia] IIB RETAINED RESET SWITCH DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 TO OVERFILL AND RETAINED SENSORS Ø0.31 [Ø8.0] FIGURE 2 - MONITOR HOUSING – MOUNTING DETAILS 4 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS - THE WIRE All wiring entering the housing must enter through the appropriate conduit openings shown in Figure 2. Use weather-tight cable strain reliefs or liquid-tight (IP 65 minimum) conduit fittings to keep out external moisture. The use of weather-tight cable strain reliefs with the sensor and socket housings as well is also imperative for a moisture resistant system. We require the use of a high quality stranded and tinned copper wire with a minimum thickness of 1.0 mm2 (20 gauge AWG) for all electrical connections to the monitor. Trim about 6 mm (¼") of the insulation off the end of each wire that will be connected to the terminal blocks of the monitor. Insert the trimmed wire into its appropriate slot on the terminal block and tighten the screw on top of that slot securely. Ensure that NO stray strands of wire have separated from the connection that could cause a potential short with an adjacent terminal. It is recommended if possible to use wire ferrules or wire pin connectors on each of the stripped wire ends before inserting the wires into the terminals. These will provide superior connections and prevent the possibility of stray strands of wire causing potential shorts between terminals. Due to the vibrations that can occur on a trailer, it is extremely important to double-check all wiring connections for good mechanical integrity. The proper color code of the wires will save time and money on the installation and on any technical help or troubleshooting which may be required in the future. CIVACON Model 2300 cable is a seven (7) conductor color coded cable which is highly recommended for use with the installation of CIVACON ROM IITM overfill prevention equipment. This cable is usable for up to a 6-compartment installation. For installations 7 & 8 compartment installations, we recommend CIVACON Model 7215 cable. CIVACON also makes a Model 2100 cable that is a five (5) conductor color coded cable which may be used for 5-Wire top only (overfill) sensor installations, and for installation of the loading rack socket(s). For European EN 13922 compliant wiring installations for 5-Wire top only (overfill) sensor installations, Civacon Model 2100E (5) conductor color coded cable is available that meets the color codes of this standard. CIVACON Copyright 2003 10 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 5 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS – POWER INPUT TERMINALS SAFETY FIRST!! POWER MUST BE OFF WHEN INSTALLING OR REMOVING POWER LEADS TO THE MONITOR. THE WIRES FOR THE POWER FROM THE BATTERY MUST BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE SENSOR AND SOCKET WIRING! THEY CANNOT BE RUN TOGETHER IN THE SAME CONDUIT! This is important to maintain safe current levels in the intrinsically safe sensors, auxiliary switches, and socket wiring. Do not apply power to the monitor without reading this manual and thoroughly checking all connections. Measure the truck / trailer system voltage. The monitor is designed to operate from on truck systems with nominal power of either 12 or 24 Volts DC (9 VDC min. to 32 VDC max.), negative ground systems, supplied by a battery (or batteries). If your voltage measurement is not within this range, contact CIVACON before installing the monitor. Power from battery chargers or other pulsed power supplies may permanently damage the monitor. If the power wires pass through a Zone 1 hazardous area, the conduit and wire type must be suitable for this use. The monitor's power supply circuit should contain a switch and an inline fuse with a maximum current rating of ½ Amp. This fuse should be located in the trailer’s nose box or in the truck cab, and an inline switch located in the truck cab so that the overfill system can be turn off when the truck is out of service. This may also be accomplished with an appropriate cabinet door, guard bar or other safety / power interlock switch on the trailer or truck. It is recommended that the power to the monitor be switched off when not in use (i.e.- When servicing the electrical system or when driving the vehicle). The wires from the power source must only enter the ROM II Plus monitor’s housing via the proper conduit opening, which is the upper left hand opening (refer to Figure 2 & 3). Bringing this power into the housing will void the system’s safety approvals! See cautions about this earlier in the manual. An external junction box, fuse holder, and fuse that can be installed directly into the housing’s upper left hand conduit port (for in-line fuse placement) may be purchased from CIVACON as a kit product if one is not available locally. Please contact the factory for further information on this product. This product comes with its' own instruction sheet. Wire the power into the power input terminal block as shown in Figure 3. Be careful to observe the correct polarity. The topmost terminal is the positive (+) terminal, and the one just below it is the negative (-) terminal. Applying the power with the incorrect polarity will not damage the monitor, but will prevent it from working properly. CIVACON Copyright 2003 11 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 5.1 NON-I.S. RELAY OUTPUT WIRING Included on the Power Input Terminal Block are two terminals that serve as a non intrinsically safe (non I.S.) dry relay contact output. This output provides a switched output that corresponds with the permissive & non permissive status of the ROM II Plus monitor. This dry relay contact output may be used to provide a relay closure / opening signal to any device on the vehicle within the rating of the relay contact. The relay contact is rated at 30 VDC, 1 Amp resistive (max.). When using this relay contact, provide the appropriate external fuse for the load being operated to assure that the relay contact is not over-loaded and damaged. Also assure that the load (device being driven) is located in a safe area on the vehicle, or is suitable rated for the intended area of installation. RED ROM II Plus BLACK RELAY 8 7 RELAY LISTED 9VX9 ROM II Plus 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 8 COMPARTMENT SOLID RED= FLASHING 1 EVERY 2 EVE 3E 7 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 2 1 FLT AUX LISTED 9VX9 BOTTOM SENSORS 2W 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 COMPARTMENT INDICAT ORS SOLID RED=WET OR FAULT Y SNSR FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OPEN CIRCUIT 2 EVERY 5 SEC.=SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.=SHORTED SNSRS POWER AND CONTROL WIRING AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3 AUX 4 POWER AND CONTROL WIRING WIRE COLOR / FUNCTION DETAILS HIGH PRESS. HIGH VAC. 5W PERMIT PRG TIMER TOUCH HERE FOR RETAINED RESET ERR COM RED - POS. 12/24 VDC INPUT POWER BLACK - NEG. VDC INPUT POWER RELAY - NON-I.S. RELAY CONTACT (N.O.) RELAY - NON-I.S. RELAY CONTACT (N.O.) RELAY CONTACT RATING 30 VDC, 1 AMP. MAXIMUM, RESISTIVE LOAD FIGURE 3 – POWER & CONTROL WIRING CIVACON Copyright 2003 12 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 6 TOP SENSORS INSTALLATION Install the TOP (Overfill) Sensors in the appropriate locations in the top of the tank or trailer using the following information. Then install lengths of multi-conductor cable (CIVACON Model 2300 or 7215) between each sensor housing leaving sufficient lengths for making the connections inside each sensor housing, and to tie the cable neatly to the rollover rail. A longer length of wire is required from the sensor in the rear most compartment to run down the tank head to the ROM II Plus onboard monitor located near the bottom loading adapters. If this is a front wired trailer, then the longer length is used on the sensor in the front of the trailer to run down the front head. It is recommended that you use CIVACON premium cable because the color coding will help wiring and troubleshooting in later steps. See Figure 4 for additional technical mounting and dimensional information on these sensors. 6.1 THREADED HOUSING SENSOR INSTALLATION A threaded housing sensor is equipped with a 2 inch BSPP housing with two M-20 conduit openings. See Figure 4 for mounting dimensions. This sensor can be mounted two ways. First, the sensor can be mounted though a 60 mm (2-3/8 inch) diameter hole in the manhole cover, and secured using the gasket and lock nut provided. The gasket should be installed between the cover and base of the sensor housing. Second, the sensor can be mounted into a 2 inch BSPP female half-coupling welded into the top skin of the tank, or the manhole. In this case the locknut and gasket are not used. 6.2 FLANGED HOUSING SENSOR INSTALLATION A flange mounted sensor is equipped with flanged housing with two M-20 conduit openings. See Figure 4 for mounting dimensions. The flanged sensor is designed to be mounted against a 133.35 mm (5-¼ inch) flange welded into the skin of the trailer, or the manhole. Use a 133.35 mm (5-¼ inch) O.D. flange with four (4), 7 mm (9/32 inch) bolt holes equally spaced around a 114.30 mm (4-½ inch) bolt circle. This flange is a Tank Trailer Manufacturer’s Association (TTMA) standard 2-1/2 inch flange pattern. Install the sensor with the gasket between sensor base and flange. 6.3 SENSING POINT ADJUSTMENT The actual sensing point can be adjusted by loosening the set screw on the side of the sensor housing. See Figure 4 for locations. Generally the sensor is adjusted with its sensing point typically 6 – 12 mm (¼ - ½ inch) above the normal high level point with enough empty space (outage) above the sensing point to allow for sufficient response time to shut off the loading process and prevent an overflow condition. Many European countries require a minimum of 150 liters (33 gallons) of outage in each compartment. The American Petroleum Institute’s (API) latest recommendation is for a minimum of 275 liters (60 gallons) outage in each compartment, regardless of actual compartment volume. The ROM II Plus system and rack monitor will have a maximum response time of about onehalf (½) second. Keep in mind that the loading terminal’s metering system shut off valve will also have a longer response time. Once the sensor is adjusted to proper height, tighten the set screw. Even if the sensor is not adjusted, insure that the set screw is tight. The standard sensors supplied with the system provide for a typical adjustment range between 127 mm (5 inches) minimum to a maximum of 178 mm (7 inches). If a longer CIVACON Copyright 2003 13 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 sensor is required, please contact the factory for additional information. Special sensors can be made up to 3.66 meters (144 inches) long. 101.60 (4.00") 4 HOLES 7.11 (0.28") DIA. EQUAL SPACED ON 114.30 (4.50") DIA. BOLT CIRCLE. 133.35 (5.25") 82.55 (3.25") EARTHING SCREW M20 x 1.5 EACH SIDE (180 DEG.) M20 x 1.5 2 PLCS. 96.77 (3.81") 84.07 (3.31") GASKET GASKET TANK SHELL OR MANHOLE COVER TANK SHELL OR MANHOLE COVER 2" BSPP HEIGHT ADJ. SET SCREW LOCKNUT 50.80 (2.00") DIA. 127.0 (5")MIN. 127.0 (5")MIN. 177.8 (7")MAX. 177.8 (7")MAX. SENSING POINT SENSING POINT FIGURE 4 - TOP SENSOR DIMENSIONS CIVACON Copyright 2003 14 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 6.4 2-WIRE SENSOR WIRING CONNECTIONS Make all 2-wire wiring connections as defined in Figure 6 using Wiring Diagrams 8A, 8B and 8C, 9A, 9B and 8C and 10 as appropriate to the installation. Refer to the following table for the correct diagrams to use. Maximum No. of Compartments Type of Sensors Use Diagrams Eight (8) 2-Wire ROM 8A, 8B & 8C Twelve (12) Top Sensor 5-Wire Optic Sensors Only Eight (8) 9A & 9B 5-Wire Optic Top with Bottom Sensors 10, 9B & 8C Be sure to double check that your wiring connections are correct. Also, we have found that a small amount of non-corrosive sealant or electrical grease in each crimp connection will prevent corrosion and provide very reliable wire connections. See the SEALED WIRE CONNECTIONS addendum at the rear of the manual. 7 BOTTOM SENSORS INSTALLATION [If so equipped] Install the BOTTOM (Retained Product) Sensors, if so equipped, in the appropriate locations in the bottom of the tank or trailer using the following information. Then install lengths of multi-conductor cable (CIVACON Model 2300 or 7215 between each sensor housing leaving sufficient lengths for making the connections inside the sensor housings, and to tie the cable neatly to any conduit run from the rear to the front of the trailer. Do not let this cable sag beneath the bottom of the trailer, as it may catch on something. A longer length of wire is required from the sensor in rear most compartment to run to the ROM II Plus onboard monitor located near the bottom loading adapters. If this is a front wired trailer, then the longer length is used on the sensor in the front of the trailer. It is recommended that you use the CIVACON premium cable because the color coding will help wiring and troubleshooting in later steps. 7.1 THREADED HOUSING RETAINED PRODUCT SENSOR INSTALLATION A threaded housing retained product sensor is designed to fit into a ½ inch NPT halfcoupling style weld bushing, welded into the bottom of each compartment at the lowest point. See Figure 5 for additional mounting dimension technical information on these sensors and weld bushing. The collar should not protrude more than 19 mm (¾ inch) beyond the outside shell of the tank, and flush with the inside of the tank when possible. CIVACON supplies a special half coupling collar with each retain sensor purchased. This half-coupling requires an opening of 28.6 mm (1-1/8 inch) diameter be cut into the bottom of the compartments. Weld it appropriately so the mechanical strength of this coupling is maintained with the compartment wall. Thread the sensor into the half coupling using pipe sealant or Teflon® tape to lubricate and seal the threads. Always use the hex fitting to tighten the unit. Do NOT use the body of the sensor to tighten it. CIVACON Copyright 2003 15 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 NOTE: Check to see that the sensor housings will not interfere with the emergency valves. It is also a good idea to check for compartment leaks BEFORE wiring the retain sensors. 7.2 WIRING CONNECTIONS Make all wiring connections, as shown in Figure 5 with Diagrams shown in Figures 6 through 10, that show the 1 through 8 compartment configurations. Be sure to double check that your wiring connections are correct. Also, we have found that a small amount of noncorrosive sealant or electrical grease in each crimp connection will prevent corrosion and provide very reliable wire connections. See the SEALED WIRE CONNECTIONS addendum at the rear of the manual. 28.8 (1.13") DIA. TANK WALL FULL WELD 5 MM (0.2") TYPICAL TANK WALL THICHNESS 23.1 (0.91") BUSHING HEIGHT 1/2 IN. NPT THREAD WELD BUSHING (COLLAR) SENSE POINT 2.54 (0.1") TYP. 40.6 (1.6") TYP. SENSE POINT TANK BOTTOM 20.3 (0.8") 1/2 IN. NPT THREAD 82.6 (3.25") MODEL 1001 MODEL 1000 127 (5.00") 31.75 (1.25") 1/2 IN. NPT HOLE ONE EACH END. FIGURE 5 – RETAINED PRODUCT SENSOR MOUNTING DIMENSIONS CIVACON Copyright 2003 16 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 8 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS – 2-WIRE SENSORS & ROM II Plus The sensors must be wired according to Figure 6, as mentioned previously. The wires from the sensors should enter the ROM II Plus housing via the proper conduit opening (refer to Figure 2). The CIVACON ROM sensors follow the two wire ROM signal format. See the Figure 6 diagrams for a complete sensor system wiring diagram. CIVACON has full color wall charts that is available for the ROM II Plus system. Please contact the factory for a copy. NON- I.S. WIRING 2. A SSOCIAT ED AP PARATUS must be installed in accordance with NEC ANSI/NFPA 504 and ANSI/ ISA RP12.6 for the United States. In Canada, the installation must be in accordanc e with the Canadian Elec trical Code. CEC Part 1. In Europe, the ins tallation may be in acc ordance with EN6007914 or according to national ins tallation requirements. CLASS I , DIV . 2, GROUPS C & D ZONE 0, GROUP II B HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 8-30 VDC TRUCK POWER 3. Where multiple circuits extend from the same piece of intrins ically s afe equipment, they mus t be installed in separate cables or in one c able having suitable insulation. Refer to the standards described in Note 2 for information regardin g the installation of intrinsically safe equip ment. MODEL 3203/3204 OBM UNIT ROM II Plus 8 4. Capacitance and inductance of the field wiring from the intrinsically safe equipment to the barrier should be c alc ulated and should be inc luded in the sys tem calcula tions as shown in Table 1. Cable capacitance (Cc) plus intrinsically safe equip ment capacitanc e (Ci) must be less than the mark ed capac itance (Ca or Co) shown on any barrier used. The s ame applies for induc tanc e (Lc, Li and La or Lo, respec tiv ely ). Where the cable capacitance and inductance per foot are not k nown, the following values s hall be used: Cc = 60 pF/ft. , Lc = 0.2 µH/ ft . > Voc (or Vt) I max P max > > Isc (or It) Po Ci + Cc Li + Lc < < Ca La 1 FLT API SOCKET CIVACON BOTTOM SENSORS 053904 DEMKO ATEX 0318938 COMPARTMENT INDICATORS HIGH PRESS. SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSR FLASHING 1 EVERY 5 CODE= SEC.=OPHIGH EN CIRCUIT 5W 2 EVERY EVERY 5 5 SEC.= SEC.= SHORTED SHORT VAC. TOSNSRS GND 3 AUX 1 PERMIT PRG AUX 2 TIMER AUX 3 ERR TOUCH HERE FOR AUX 4 RETAINED RESET COM ASSOCIAT ED AP PARATUS - MODEL 3203/3204 V max TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 2 2W TABLE 3: I.S . EQUIP MENT 7 AUX LISTED 9VX9 CIVACON API SOCKET If Po of the barrier is not known, it may be calculated us ing the formula Po = (Voc * Is c)/4 = (Uo * Io)/4. 5. Vehicle Equipment must not use or generate more than 30 V rms or DC with respect to earth. 6. Power to the unit is supplied from a resistive limited supply of Ui = 30 VDC and Ii = 500 mA . RETAIN SENSORS DATE DATE CODE CODE ENTITY PARAMET ERS FOR TERM INAL BLOCK TB2 TERMINALS Uo / Voc Io / Isc TOP SENSORS 1,2,3,4,5,6 ,7 OR 8 TO COM(GND) 18.6 V 28 mA BOT SENSORS 1,2,3,4,5,6 ,7 OR 8 TO COM(GND) 18.6 V 28 mA TOP SENSORS 1,2,3,4,5,6 ,7,8 OR IN P AR TO COM(GND) 18.6 V 224 mA BOT SENSORS 1,2,3,4,5,6 ,7,8 OR IN P AR TO COM(GND) 18.6 V 224 mA 5-WIRE RED,YEL,ORN OR GRN TO COM(GND) 18.6 V 48 mA 5-WIRE RED,YEL,ORN OR GRN IN PAR TO COM(GND) 18.6 V 128 mA ENTITY PARAMET ERS FOR TERM INAL BLOCK TB3 TERMINALS Ui Ii FLOAT 1 OR FLOAT 2 TO GND 15.0 V 1 A FLOAT 1, FLOAT 2 IN P ARALLEL TO GND 15.0 V 15 mA THERM ORN OR THERM RED TO GND 15.0 V 15 mA OPTIC - PULSE OUT, PULSE IN OR PWR TO GND 15.0 V 190 mA Co / Ca --------------1,66 uF 1,66 uF --------------- Lo / La --------------2.83 mH 2.83 mH --------------- Pi 15 W 220 mW 220 mW 2.85 W Ci ---------------------10,0 uF DATE DATE CODE CODE CLASS I, DIV. 1, GROUPS C & D OR CLASS I, ZONE 0, GROUP IIB HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS Li 320 uH --------------8,86 mH FIGURE 6A – POWER AND INTRINSICALLY SAFE WIRING APPROVAL AGENCY CONTROL DIAGRAM – SHEET 1 of 2 CIVACON Copyright 2003 17 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 NON- I.S. WIRING MODEL 3203/3204 OBM UNIT OVERFILL 5-WIRE (TOP) SENSORS 8-30 VDC TRUCK POWER CONNECT ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TO THE RACK ROM II Plus 8 7 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 2 1 FLT OR OR OR AUX LISTED 9VX9 SWITCHES, ETC. BOTTOM SENSORS 053904 DEMKO ATEX 0318938 COMPARTMENT 2W INDICATORS PRESS. HIGH SOLID RED=WET FAULTY SNSR FLASHING CODE=OR 5W 1 HIGH EN CIRCUIT VAC. 2 EVERY EVERY 5 5 SEC.=OP SEC.= SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORTED SNSRS PERMIT AUX 1 PRG AUX 2 TIMER AUX 3 ERR TOUCH HERE FOR AUX 4 RETAINED RESET COM PROGRAM USE ONLY WITH SUP PLIED JUMPER SENSOR NO. 8 RED CONNECT EITHER 2-WIRE OR 5-WIRE PROBES BUT NOT BOTH OVERFILL 2-WIRE (TOP) SENSORS SENSOR HOUSING SENSOR HOUSING BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET BROWN (TO NO. 1) RED (TO NO. 2) ORANGE (TO NO. 3) YELLOW (TO NO. 4) GREEN (TO NO. 5) BLUE (TO NO. 6) BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY WHITE WHITE WHITE RED BLACK SENSOR NO. 7 RED SENSOR NO. 7 BLACK BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY WHITE RED BLACK BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET BROWN (TO NO. 1) RED (TO NO. 2) ORANGE (TO NO. 3) YELLOW (TO NO. 4) GREEN (TO NO. 5) BLUE (TO NO. 6) WHITE SENSOR HOUSING WHITE SENSOR HOUSING RETAIN (BOTTOM) 2-WIRE SENSORS BLACK SENSOR NO. 8 FIGURE 6B – POWER AND INTRINSICALLY SAFE WIRING APPROVAL AGENCY CONTROL DIAGRAM – SHEET 2 of 2 Additions Notes: 1. Maximum ambient temperature is 70o C (160o F) 2. Intrinsically Safe Device Parameters: (See TABLES 2 & 3 & 4 ) 3. ASSOCIATED APPARATUS must be installed in accordance with NEC ANSI/NFPA 504 and ANSI/ISA RP12.6 for the United States. In Canada, the installation must be in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code. CEC Part 1. In Europe, the installation may be in accordance with EN60079-14 or according to national installation requirements. 4. Where multiple circuits extend from the same piece of intrinsically safe equipment, they must be installed in separate cables or in one cable having suitable insulation. Refer to the standards described in Note 2 for information regarding the installation of intrinsically safe equipment. 5. Capacitance and inductance of the field wiring from the intrinsically safe equipment to the barrier should be calculated and should be included in the system calculations as shown in Table 1. Cable capacitance (Cc) plus intrinsically safe equipment capacitance (Ci) must be less than the marked capacitance (Ca or Co) shown. The same applies for inductance (Lc, Li and La or Lo, respectively). Where the cable capacitance and inductance per foot are not CIVACON Copyright 2003 18 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 known, the following values shall be used: Cc = 60 pF/ft (200 pF/M), Lc = 0.2 µH/ft (0.66 µH/M). I.S. EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATED APPARATUS – MODEL 3203/3204 V max ≥ Voc (or Vt) I max ≥ Isc (or It) P max ≥ Po Ci + Cc ≤ Ca Li + Lc ≤ La If Po of the barrier is not known, it may be calculated using the formula Po = (Voc * Isc)/4 = (Uo * Io)/4. 6. Vehicle Equipment must not use or generate more than 30 V rms or DC with respect to earth. 7. Power to the unit is supplied from a resistive limited supply of Ui = 30 VDC and Ii = 500 mA. 8. TB4 inputs are for simple switch mechanisms with NO inductance or capacitance. They provide Intrinsically Safe circuits for passive switches or jumpers with NO energy storing or discharging capability. 9. CIVACON devices connected to TB2 are sensor Models 1111, 1051, 1000, 1001, 1000R, 1001R, and replacement sensors Models 1301, 1351, plus special length versions of the same models with an "S" suffix. 10. Auxiliary Output terminal (Aux Out of TB3-3/4) can be connected to Auxiliary Input (Aux In. of TB3-11/12 of secondary OBM module. Do not cross connect. 11. CIVACON devices connected to TB3 are Intrinsically Safe outputs from rack monitor Models 8000 series, 8100 series, 8300 series, 8400 series, and 8500 series. The connections are less than 50 feet. CIVACON Copyright 2003 19 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 9 WIRING DIAGRAMS – 2-WIRE SENSORS & ROM II Plus The following wiring diagrams are associated with wiring 2-wire ROM sensors to the ROM II Plus onboard monitor. The first group of three diagrams (Diagrams 7A, 7B & 7C) are for wiring sensors on trailers of up to 6 compartments maximum using Civacon 7-conductor cable (Model 2300). The second group of three diagrams (8A, 8B & 8C) are for wiring sensors on trailers of up to 8 compartments maximum using Civacon 10-conductor cable (Model 7215). NOTE: The wiring diagrams show sensor wire color codes for Civacon ROM sensors (RED & BLACK). SEE MANUAL FOR COMPLETE W IRING DETAILS * 5-W IRE COLORS IN ( ) ARE PER EN 13922 (+)12/24 VDC (-)VDC BRN FLOAT BRN + _ AUX ROM II Plus N.O. RLY 8 7 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 2 1 N.O. RLY FLT AUX ORN LISTED 9VX9 2W DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 BLK (WHT) YEL COMPARTMENT INDICATORS SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSR FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OPEN CIRCUIT 2 EVERY 5 SEC.=SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.=SHORTED SNSRS COM AUX1 AUX2 AUX 2 AUX3 AUX 3 AUX4 AUX 4 C 8 O M 7 HIGH PRESS. HIGH VAC. ORG (BLU) 5W RED (GRY) PRG TIMER TOUCH HERE FOR RETAINED RESET 5 GND RESET SW. ERR PROGRAM COM 4 3 2 1 C 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 O 2-WIRE M BOTTOM SENSORS TOP SENSORS 6 OPTIC* GRN PERMIT AUX 1 THERM. RED BOTTOM SENSORS 0539 1 5-WIRE SENSORS* RED(GRAY) YELLOW BLK(WHT) ORN(BLU) GREEN FIGURE 7 – TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS & CONNECTION DETAILS CIVACON Copyright 2003 20 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 OVERFILL (TOP) SENSORS OVERFILL (TOP) SENSORS SENSOR HOUSING SENSOR HOUSING SENSOR HOUSING VIOLET GRAY WHITE GRAY WHITE SENSOR HOUSING BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY WHITE RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY WHITE ORANGE (TO NO. 3) YELLOW (TO NO. 4) GREEN (TO NO. 5) BLUE (TO NO. 6) WHITE BLACK RED BLACK RED BLACK RED BLACK RED WIRING NOTES: 1. WIRING SPLICES IN HOUSINGS ARE INDICATED BY BLACK DOTS. 2. UNUSED / UNCONNECTED WIRES IN CABLE NOT SHOWN INSIDE / OR IN BETWEEN JUNCTION BOXES. TRIM THESE BACK TO CABLE JACKET AT EACH LOCATION. SENSOR NO. 8 SENSOR NO. 7 SENSOR NO. 2 SENSOR NO. 1 SENSOR NO. 8 SENSOR NO. 7 SENSOR NO. 2 SENSOR NO. 1 3. WIRING SHOWN REFLECTS COMPARTMENT NO. 1 AT FRONT OF TANK, WITH CABLE RUNNING DOWN REAR HEAD OF TANK. 4. SENSOR WIRE COLORS SHOWN ARE FOR CIVACON ROM SENSORS. FOR CIVACON 'QUICK-START" SENSORS SUBSTITUTE WHITE SENSOR WIRE FOR RED SENSOR WIRE IN DIAGRAM. 5. CABLE WIRE COLORS SHOWN ARE FOR CIVACON 10-CONDUCTOR CABLE. 6. IF RETAINED (BOTTOM) SENSORS ARE NOT USED, IGNORE WIRING SHOWN. BLACK RED BLACK RED WHITE GRAY BLACK WHITE GRAY VIOLET RED WHITE SENSOR HOUSING RETAIN (BOTTOM) SENSORS RED WHITE GRAY VIOLET BLUE GREEN YELLOW ORANGE RED BLUE (TO NO. 6) GREEN (TO NO. 5) YELLOW (TO NO. 4) ORANGE (TO NO. 3) SENSOR HOUSING BLACK SENSOR HOUSING WHITE GRAY VIOLET BLUE GREEN YELLOW ORANGE RED BROWN SENSOR HOUSING RETAIN (BOTTOM) SENSORS FIGURE 8A – 2-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) & BOTTOM (RETAINED) SENSOR WIRING UP TO 8 COMPARTMENTS - Using CIVACON 10-Conductor Cable CIVACON Copyright 2003 21 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 2-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) SENSOR WIRING COLOR DETAILS - USING 10 CONDUCTOR CIVACON CABLE BROWN - TO SENSOR NO. 1 RED WIRE RED - TO SENSOR NO. 2 RED WIRE ORANGE - TO SENSOR NO. 3 RED WIRE YELLOW - TO SENSOR NO. 4 RED WIRE GREEN - TO SENSOR NO. 5 RED WIRE BLUE - TO SENSOR NO. 6 RED WIRE VIOLET - TO SENSOR NO. 7 RED WIRE GRAY - TO SENSOR NO. 8 RED WIRE WHITE - TO ALL SENSOR BLACK WIRES ROM II Plus 8 7 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 FLT 2 1 AUX LISTED 9VX9 BOTTOM SENSORS 2W 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 AUX 1 COMPARTMENT INDICATORS SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSR FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OPEN CIRCUIT 2 EVERY 5 SEC.=SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.=SHORTED SNSRS AUX 2 AUX 3 AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 4 AUX 3 AUX 4 HIGH PRESS. HIGH VAC. 5W PERMIT PRG TIMER TOUCH HERE FOR RETAINED RESET ERR COM WHITE GRAY VIOLET BLUE GREEN YELLOW ORANGE RED BROWN TO TOP (OVERFILL) SENSORS FIGURE 8B – 2-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) SENSORS TO ROM WIRING CONNECTIONS UP TO 8 COMPARTMENTS - Using CIVACON 10-Conductor Cable CIVACON Copyright 2003 22 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 2-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) SENSOR WIRING COLOR DETAILS - USING 10 CONDUCTOR CIVACON CABLE BROWN - TO SENSOR NO. 1 RED WIRE RED - TO SENSOR NO. 2 RED WIRE ORANGE - TO SENSOR NO. 3 RED WIRE YELLOW - TO SENSOR NO. 4 RED WIRE GREEN - TO SENSOR NO. 5 RED WIRE BLUE - TO SENSOR NO. 6 RED WIRE VIOLET - TO SENSOR NO. 7 RED WIRE GRAY - TO SENSOR NO. 8 RED WIRE WHITE - TO ALL SENSOR BLACK WIRES ROM II Plus 8 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 7 FLT 2 1 AUX LISTED 9VX9 BOTTOM SENSORS 2W 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 COMPARTMENT INDICATORS SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSR HIGH PRESS. FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OP EN CIRCUIT 2 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORT TO GND HIGH VAC. PERMIT 5W PRG 3 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORTED SNSRS AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3 AUX 4 PERMIT PRG TIMER TIMER TOUCH HERE FOR RETAINED RESET ERR COM ERR COM BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY WHITE TO BOTTOM (RETAINED) SENSORS FIGURE 8C – 2-WIRE BOTTOM (RETAINED) SENSORS TO ROM WIRING CONNECTIONS UP TO 8 COMPARTMENTS - Using CIVACON 10-Conductor Cable CIVACON Copyright 2003 23 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 10 WIRING DIAGRAMS – 5-WIRE SENSORS & ROM II Plus The following wiring diagrams are associated with wiring 5-wire optic sensors to the ROM II Plus onboard monitor. The first group of two diagrams (Figures 9A & 9B) are for wiring just top (overfill) sensors on trailers of up to 12 compartments maximum using Civacon 5conductor cable (Model 2100 or 2100E). The next diagram in this group (Figure 10 is for wiring 5-wire top (overfill) sensors AND 2-wire bottom (retained) sensors on trailers of up to either 8 compartments maximum using Civacon 5-wire and 10-wire cables (Models 2100 & 7215). NOTE: Please refer back to Figure 7 for terminal designations and connection details of each terminal on the ROM II Plus module. CIVACON Copyright 2003 24 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 5-WIRE OVERFILL (TOP) SENSORS SENSOR HOUSING BLUE SENSOR HOUSING SENSOR HOUSING BLUE BLUE WHITE GREEN GRAY BLUE WHITE GREEN GRAY YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW GREEN WHITE 5-WIRE OVERFILL (TOP) SENSORS YELLOW WHITE BLUE BLUE WHITE GREEN GRAY YELLOW YELLOW GREEN GREEN GRAY SENSOR HOUSING BLUE GRAY YELLOW WHITE BLUE GREEN GRAY YELLOW WHITE GRAY YELLOW BLUE WIRING NOTES: 1. WIRING SPLICES IN HOUSINGS ARE INDICATED BY BLACK DOTS. 2. WIRING SHOWN REFLECTS COMPARTMENT NO. 1 AT FRONT OF TANK, WITH CABLE RUNNING DOWN REAR HEAD OF TANK. 3. TOP (OVERFILL) SENSOR CABLE WIRE COLORS SHOWN ARE FOR CIVACON 5-CONDUCTOR CABLE. SENSOR NO. 12 SENSOR NO. 2 SENSOR NO. 11 SENSOR NO. 1 FIGURE 9A – 5-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) SENSOR WIRING UP TO 12 COMPARTMENTS Using CIVACON 5-Conductor Cable CIVACON Copyright 2003 25 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 5-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) SENSOR WIRE COLOR / FUNCTION DETAILS GRAY - POS. VDC SENSOR POWER YELLOW - SIGNAL TO SENSOR WHITE - NEG. VDC SENSOR POWER BLUE - SIGNAL FROM SENSOR GREEN - DIAGNOSTIC SIGNAL ROM II Plus 8 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 7 FLT 2 1 AUX LISTED 9VX9 BOTTOM SENSORS 2W 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 AUX 1 COMPARTMENT INDICATORS AUX 2 AUX 3 SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSR HIGH PRESS. FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OP EN CIRCUIT 2 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORTED SNSRS HIGH VAC. AUX 1 PERMIT AUX 2 AUX 4 AUX 3 AUX 4 5W PRG TIMER TOUCH HERE FOR RETAINED RESET ERR COM GRAY YELLOW WHITE BLUE GREEN TO TOP (OVERFILL) SENSORS FIGURE 9B – 5-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) SENSORS TO ROM WIRING CONNECTIONS UP TO 12 COMPARTMENTS - Using CIVACON 5-Conductor Cable CIVACON Copyright 2003 26 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 5-WIRE OVERFILL (TOP) SENSORS SENSOR HOUSING SENSOR HOUSING BLUE SENSOR HOUSING BLUE BLUE WHITE GREEN GRAY BLUE WHITE GREEN GRAY YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW GREEN WHITE 5-WIRE OVERFILL (TOP) SENSORS WHITE YELLOW GREEN GRAY WHITE YELLOW BLUE YELLOW BLUE WHITE GREEN GRAY YELLOW GREEN GRAY SENSOR HOUSING BLUE GREEN GRAY WHITE YELLOW BLUE BLUE GRAY YELLOW WIRING NOTES: 1. WIRING SPLICES IN HOUSINGS ARE INDICATED BY BLACK DOTS ( ). 2. UNUSED / UNCONNECTED W IRES IN CABLE NOT SHOWN INSIDE / OR IN BETWEEN JUNCTION BOXES. TRIM THESE BACK TO CABLE JACKET AT EACH LOCATION. SENSOR NO. 8 SENSOR NO. 8 SENSOR NO. 7 SENSOR NO. 2 SENSOR NO. 1 SENSOR NO. 7 SENSOR NO. 2 SENSOR NO. 1 3. WIRING SHOWN REFLECTS COMPARTMENT NO. 1 AT FRONT OF TANK, WITH CABLE RUNNING DOWN REAR HEAD OF TANK. 4. SENSOR WIRE COLORS SHOWN ARE FOR CIVACON ROM SENSORS. FOR CIVACON 'QUICK-START" SENSORS SUBSTITUTE WHITE SENSOR WIRE FOR RED SENSOR WIRE IN DIAGRAM. 5. TOP (OVERFILL) SENSOR CABLE W IRE COLORS SHOWN ARE FOR CIVACON 5-CONDUCTOR CABLE. 6. BOTTOM (RETAINED) SENSOR CABLE WIRE COLORS SHOWN ARE FOR CIVACON 10-CONDUCTOR CABLE. 7. IF RETAINED (BOTTOM) SENSORS ARE NOT USED, IGNORE WIRING SHOWN. BLACK RED BLACK RED WHITE GRAY BLACK WHITE GRAY VIOLET RED BLACK WHITE WHITE GRAY VIOLET BLUE GREEN YELLOW ORANGE RED BLUE (TO NO. 6) GREEN (TO NO. 5) YELLOW (TO NO. 4) ORANGE (TO NO. 3) SENSOR HOUSING SENSOR HOUSING RETAIN (BOTTOM) SENSORS RED SENSOR HOUSING WHITE GRAY VIOLET BLUE GREEN YELLOW ORANGE RED BROWN SENSOR HOUSING RETAIN (BOTTOM) SENSORS FIGURE 10 – 5-WIRE TOP (OVERFILL) & 2-WIRE BOTTOM (RETAINED) SENSOR WIRING UP TO 8 COMPARTMENTS - Using CIVACON 5 & 10-Conductor Cables CIVACON Copyright 2003 27 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 11 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS - AUXILIARY INPUTS The AUXILIARY INPUTS are four (4) independent intrinsically safe signal sources connected to monitoring circuits. These inputs provide a voltage source that when connected to the COM common terminals, will enable the auxiliary permissive circuit. This, in addition to the normal overfill sensor permissive circuit, controls the overall "PERMISSIVE" state of the monitor. You must have BOTH circuits permissive before any overall external “PERMISSIVE” output is given to the loading rack sockets. The CONTROL DIAGRAMS of Figure 6 and detail diagram in Figure 7 shows the connections to TB4 which is to the left of TB2, the sensor connections. This figure also shows the auxiliary devices as simple switches. Unused inputs MUST be connected to the Auxiliary Inputs COM common terminal on TB3. CIVACON 5 or 7 conductor cable may be used to connect these auxiliary devices to the ROM II Plus. Please remember that these signals are intrinsically safe and CANNOT be run with any other wires in a cable. Only the auxiliary wires and their commons can be run together in a cable. Any type of simple switch may be used as the switching device. These can be pressure switches which connect to the air lines to indicate a pressurized line, or an un-pressurized condition. The switch could also be a micro-switch to indicate the position of something that moves. In all cases, this switching mechanism MUST NOT be accidentally connected to a NON-intrinsically safe voltage source. Because of this low switching current requirement for intrinsically safe circuits, the contact material on the switching mechanism should be GOLD plated. If contact materials that can corrode are used, then the integrity of the switched signal could be compromised, and not work reliably all the time. If GOLD contact plating is not available, then the best possible material available for low voltage circuits should be used, with every effort made to keep the corrosive atmospheres out of the switching chamber of the device. This leads us to the next problem of corrosion, keeping the connections to the wires free from corrosion. Boots, sealant, junction boxes, or any means must be used to maintain the integrity of the connection to the switching device. The cables' integrity to moisture must also be maintained with any exposed internal wires. Sealing the ends of the cable jacket are suggested, unless the cable enters a liquid-tight junction box that has strain relief fittings on it to keep the moisture outside of the junction boxes. 12 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS - SOCKETS Locate and mount the socket housing(s) in the vicinity of the bottom loading adapters using the bolt holes provided inside each housing. Taking into account the plug and cable that will be coming from the loading rack monitoring equipment so that it does not interfere with the bottom loading adapters when connected. Conduit openings are provided at the OBM so that each type of socket used may have its own conduit connection. Cross reference the CIVACON part number of the socket to its proper wiring diagram and connect accordingly (refer to Diagrams 11 and 12). Please use CIVACON Copyright 2003 28 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 the CIVACON Instruction Sheet H50200PA, which is packaged with each socket, for additional reference information on the sockets. Liquid-tight strain relief fittings or conduit fittings are required for all cable entry locations. Note that pipe plugs are required to be installed in all of the openings which are not used for cable entry. A thread sealant is also recommended to be used with each strain relief fitting or pipe plug. Suitable for connection to the Intrinsically Safe outputs from CIVACON Rack Monitors, Models 8000 Series 8100 Series, 8300 Series, 8400 Series & 8500 Series. PLEASE NOTE: A new feature allows the ROM II Plus Onboard Monitor to pass wet sensor status information along to the rack / gantry monitor. A new Figure 12 – 5-Wire Optic Socket Wiring is included in this revision of the manual that shows a new No. 5 Green Wire connection from the ROM II Plus to the socket. On rack / gantry monitor’s so capable, the wet top, overfill sensor displayed on the ROM II Plus display will also be displayed properly on the rack / gantry monitor. CIVACON Copyright 2003 29 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 CIVACON THERMISTOR SOCKETS Match your socket model number with the model numbers below. Connect the wires shown below to the THERM section of terminal block (TB7) on the ROM II Plus monitor. CAUTION: The THERMISTOR RED and ORN wires are NOT the same wires as the OPTIC RED and ORN wires. (VIEWED FROM WIRE CONNECTION SIDE) ORANGE EARTH CONNECTION INSIDE SOCKET'S METALLIC HOUSING VAPOR RECOVERY HOSE INTERLOCK SWITCH EYELETS 1 GRAY 2 8 9 VIOLET E1 WHITE (GROUND) FACTORY INSTALLED 10 7 WHITE (TO TRUCK 3 10 cm min. CHASSIS) BLUE 6 4 E2 WHITE 5 GREEN YELLOW WHITE BROWN RED (TO TRUCK CHASSIS VIA MOUNTING BOLT OF SOCKET) 10 cm min. WHITE E3 CONNECT TO CHASSIS AT LEAST 10 cm AWAY FROM E1 & E2 GROUND CONNECTIONS WIRING SHOWN USES MODEL 1920-6 DUMMY IN A MODEL 4401xx SOCKET TO THERMISTOR / 2-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET ROM TO THERM ISTOR / 2-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET WIRING C OLOR D ETAILS - USING 5-CONDUCTOR CIVACON CABLE ORANGE - T O SOCKET PIN N O. 1 RED - TO SOCKET PIN NO. 2 ROM II Plus TOP SENSORS 8 7 6 5 4 WHITE - TO CHASSIS EARTH CONNECTION FLT 3 2 1 AUX LISTED 9VX9 ORANGE BOTTOM SENSORS 2W 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 AUX 1 RED WHITE COMPARTMENT INDICATORS SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSRHIGH PRESS. FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OP EN CIRCUIT HIGH VAC. 2 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORTED SNSRS FLT 2 1 5W AUX PERMIT PRG AUX 2 BROWN TIMER AUX 3 AUX 4 ERR TOUCH HERE FOR RETAINED RESET COM 2W RED WHITE HIGH PRESS. HIGH VAC. 5W PRG ERR COM FIGURE 11 – THERMISTOR /2-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET WIRING CIVACON Copyright 2003 30 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 CIVACON OPTIC SOCKETS Match your socket model number with the model numbers below. Connect the wires shown below to the OPTIC section of the terminal block (TB7) on the ROM II Plus monitor. CAUTION: The OPTIC RED and ORN wires are NOT the same wires as the THERMISTOR RED & ORN wires. (VIEWED FROM WIRE CONNECTION SIDE) EARTH CONNECTION INSIDE SOCKET'S METALLIC HOUSING EYELET E1 E3 10 cm min. 8 GRAY (POWER) 10 cm min. 9 EYELET E2 CONNECT TO CHASSIS AT LEAST 10 cm AWAY FROM E1 & E2 GROUND CONNECTIONS WHITE (GROUND) FACTORY INSTALLED WHITE (TO TRUCK CHASSIS) WHITE (TO TRUCK CHASSIS VIA VAPOR RECOVERY MOUNTING BOLT OF SOCKET) HOSE INTERLOCK SWITCH 10 6 BLUE (SIGNAL FROM OBM) 4 5 GREEN (DIAGNOSTIC SIGNAL) YELLOW (SIGNAL TO OBM) WHITE (GROUND FROM OBM) TO 5-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET ROM TO 5-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET WIRING COLOR DETAILS - USING 5-CONDUCTOR CIVACON CABLE WHITE - TO CHASSIS EARTH CONNECTION YELLOW - TO SOCKET PIN NO. 4 GREEN - TO SOCKET PIN NO. 5 BLUE - TO SOCKET PIN NO. 6 GRAY - TO SOCKET PIN NO. 8 ROM II Plus 8 7 TOP SENSORS 6 5 4 3 2 FLT 1 AUX LISTED 9VX9 BOTTOM SENSORS 2W 0539 DEMKO 04 ATEX 0318938 COMPARTMENT INDICATORS SOLID RED=WET OR FAULTY SNSR FLASHING CODE= 1 EVERY 5 SEC.=OP EN CIRCUIT 2 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORT TO GND 3 EVERY 5 SEC.= SHORTED SNSRS AUX 1 HIGH PRESS. 5W HIGH VAC. PERMIT WHITE YELLOW BLUE GRAY GREEN 2 1 FLT AUX PRG AUX 2 AUX 3 AUX 4 TIMER TOUCH HERE FOR RET AINED RESET ERR COM HIGH PRESS. HIGH VAC. 2W WHITE YELLOW BLUE 5W GRAY GREEN PRG ERR COM FIGURE 12 – 5-WIRE OPTIC SOCKET WIRING CIVACON Copyright 2003 31 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 13 PROGRAMMING OF THE INSTALLED SENSORS NOTE: The ROM II Plus Onboard Monitor ships from the factory with the sensor programming jumper installed at the bottom of TB3 (see Figure 13 for location). DO NOT remove this jumper until after the installed sensors are programmed for use. When Truck battery voltage (>9 V) is connected to the PROGRAM connector, the unit will begin looking at active DRY SENSOR input signals. After 5 seconds of stable input signals, the appropriate number of wired/active sensors is shown by the flashing RED Compartment LEDs. These flashing LEDs are the number of compartments that will be programmed for use. The correct number of flashing LEDs for each type of programming varies and is described in detail in the programming sections below To program the installed and wired optic sensors for use with the ROM II Plus monitor, follow the instructions in the programming section below for the type of sensors being installed. 2W RESS. VAC. 5W RMIT PRG PROGRAMMING JUMPER ERR COM FIGURE 13 – PROGRAMMING JUMPER LOCATION - DETAIL 2-WIRE SENSOR PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS The ROM II Plus system can use either just CIVACON ROM 2-wire sensors on Top, up to eight (8) total, or up to eight (8) 2-wire Top and eight (8) 2-wire Bottom (retained) sensors. 1. With the power off, verify that the factory installed “Programming Jumper” is connected to the PROGRAM connector 2. Turn the power on to the unit. (Voltage must be above 9 VDC). 3. The unit will begin looking for DRY SENSOR input signals. After 5 seconds of stable input signals, the Compartment LEDs for all of the compartments that have dry sensors attached (overfill and/or retained) will indicate by flashing ON and OFF indicating they are ready for programming as active sensors. 4. If retained sensors are installed, the number of dry retained sensors MUST match the number of dry overfill sensors seen. CIVACON H52530PAE Rev F 32 Copyright 2003 December 2005 5. The installer must now either: A.) Wet each overfill sensor, starting at Compartment No. 1. When wetted, the Compartment Overfill LED will light SOLID RED, as well as the Retained LED (if present) changing to SOLID RED also. This compartment is now programmed for use. Note: The installer must check that the proper (and equal number of) Retained LED matching the overfill sensor changes from FLASHING to SOLID RED to verify proper Retained Sensor wiring (to the right compartment connector). Wet testing MUST be done in sequence from Compartment No. 1 and proceeding to the last compartment. B.) Proceed to step No. 6 below without wet testing, if wet testing is inconvenient to do. It is strongly recommended that the wet test of each compartment’s sensor be done to assure that the proper number of sensors has been programmed. 6. To have the programming accepted, the installer MUST now remove the programming jumper while power is still applied to the unit. This saves the programming to memory. 7. Turn the power to the ROM II Plus onboard monitor OFF AFTER removing the program jumper. 5-WIRE SENSOR PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS The ROM II Plus system can use either just CIVACON 5-wire sensors on Top, up to twelve (12) total, or up to eight (8) 5-wire Top sensors and eight (8) 2-wire Bottom (retained) sensors. NOTE: If over eight (8) top sensors are connected, two LEDs will flash to indicate the total number of installed 5-wire sensors. These two flashing LEDs MUST be added together to equal the total number of installed 5-wire sensors (for example 8 & 3 flashing means 11 installed sensors). NOTE: This section applies to CIVACON 5-Wire Optic Sensors. NOTE: If 5-Wire Optic Sensors are to be used as overfill sensors, 2-wire retained sensors may or may not be used. 1. With the power off, verify that the factory installed “Programming Jumper” is connected to the PROGRAM connector 2. Turn the power on to the unit. (Voltage must be above 9 VDC). 3. The unit will begin looking for DRY SENSOR input signals. After 5 seconds of stable input signals, the last active RED Compartment LED will flash indicating the total number of wired/active 5-wire sensors to be programmed. This flashing LED is the total number of compartments that will be programmed for use. If over eight (8) top sensors are connected, two LEDs will flash to indicate the total number of installed 5-wire sensors. The flashing Compartment LED(s) indicate the total number of dry sensors attached (overfill and/or retained) that are ready for programming as active sensors. CIVACON Copyright 2003 33 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 4. If Bottom (retained) sensors are installed, the number of dry retained sensors MUST match the number of dry overfill sensors seen. THIS ONLY APPLIES UP TO EIGHT (8) MAXIMUM. No more than eight (8) 5-wire Top sensors may be wired to the ROM II Plus when Bottom (retained) sensors are used. 5. The installer must now either: A.) Wet the Last (flashing) Compartment overfill sensor. When wetted, the Last Compartment Overfill LED will light SOLID RED, as well as ALL connected Retained LEDs (if present). This compartment is now programmed for use. Note: The installer must check that the proper (and equal number of) Retained LEDs matching the overfill sensors changes from FLASHING to SOLID RED to verify proper Retained Sensor wiring (to the right compartment connector). B.) Proceed to step No. 6 below without wet testing, if wet testing inconvenient to do. It is strongly recommended that the wet test of each compartment’s sensor be done to assure that the proper number of sensors has been programmed. 6. To have the programming accepted, the installer MUST remove the programming jumper while power is still applied to the unit. This saves the programming to memory. 7. Turn the power to the ROM II Plus onboard monitor OFF AFTER removing the program jumper. PROGRAMMING ERROR MESSAGES / CODES The ROM II Plus monitor will display an error message via the the ERROR LED if the programming attempt is not correct. These codes are as follows: One flash of the ERROR LED every 5 Seconds = Program / Setup Failure (please repeat the above steps again). Two flashes of the ERROR LED every 5 Seconds = Program Jumper attached to the Program Terminal after successful programming completed. Remove jumper to clear condition. CIVACON Copyright 2003 34 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 14 POWER ON TEST Make one last check of all wiring to ensure proper connections. Check closely the sensor wiring and wire crimp connections. Wiring errors are the most common mistakes made during installation. Turn power ON to the ROM IITM onboard monitor. Be sure to use a well charged battery or filtered 12VDC power supply. Battery chargers alone will not work unless properly filtered by a 12VDC battery. 14.2 STATUS LIGHTS [LEDs] Check for the following conditions. On power up, the ROM II Plus onboard monitor first displays its internal software revision by flashing one of the RED LEDs on the top row of compartment indicators and one of the RED LEDs on the bottom row of compartment indicators, indicating major (top row) and minor (bottom row) software revision of the unit. This information may be helpful if calling for troubleshooting assistance. Once done, the unit will continue to power up as described below. The POWER light is the YELLOW LED at the upper left-hand side of the monitor. When this light is ON, it is indicating that power is being applied to the power terminals of the monitor (refer to Figure 2), and that the internal fuse is intact. The NORMAL indication of the POWER LED is an ON state. The PERMIT light is the GREEN LED at approximately the center of the monitor (below the High Pressure & High Vacuum LEDs). When this light is ON, it is indicating that the sensors are operating, and NOT detecting an overfill situation. This is a "PERMISSIVE" condition. Any RED LED ON should cause this GREEN LED to be turned OFF. The NORMAL indication of the PERMIT LED is an ON state. The COMPARTMENT DIAGNOSTIC lights are the RED LEDs located horizontally at the upper center of the monitor. The functions of these RED LEDs are to indicate which compartment is in an overfill condition or a retained product condition, and to assist in the troubleshooting of the ROM II Plus overfill system in case of a mechanical or electrical problems. The NORMAL indication of the COMPARTMENT DIAGNOSTIC LEDs is an OFF state. If a sensor “wetted”, or is causing a problem, it should light its' corresponding RED LED. The LED to the right of the row is designated as NUMBER ONE and is for the sensor nearest the front (cab) of the tank. For example, if the Number Two (2) LED is lit, this means the second sensor from front the tank (cab) is either wet or faulty. This condition must be troubleshot before testing may continue. Corrective actions include repairing the faulty wiring, or replacing the defective sensor if required. The TIMER STATUS YELLOW LED is located to the right of the GREEN Permit LED. This LED flashes when the retain reset timer is counting (running). There are two conditions that enable the retain reset timer. 1- CIVACON Copyright 2003 When there is NO retained product, and all the RED LEDs are OFF. The first instance that a compartment is loaded with product, and a retain (bottom) compartment diagnostic LED comes ON, this will start the timer counting. 35 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 2- The other instance is when there is retained product on board, and at least one of the lower RED LEDs is ON. Pressing or activating the RESET switch will start the timer counting also. When the timer finishes counting after about 40 minutes, this LED will go out. Resetting the power will also reset the timer back to zero. The NORMAL indication for this LED in a static condition is an OFF state. The AUX INPUTS GREEN LEDs are at the lower left side of the monitor, below the Power LED. They are organized in a 1, 2, 3, 4 pattern, vertically, and correspond to the same order as the terminals of TB4. These LEDs must be ON to have the monitor be in a "PERMISSIVE" state when the sensors are NOT wetted. The SOCKET STATUS YELLOW LEDs are located at the right side of the monitor. These LEDs and are NOT normally ON unless an appropriate testing device is connected to the socket output terminals of TB3 (with the exception of the FLOAT Output LED which follows the status of the Permissive LED). The top most LED (Float Output) corresponds to the status of the float output relay, lighting when the relay is closed (Permissive monitor state). The next “Socket Status” LED is the THERMISTOR output LED, and lights when there is sufficient voltage present between the RED or ORN terminal, and BLK terminal of the THERM output of TB3, AND there is a permissive status present in the monitor. This LED may flutter in brightness. The last “Socket Status” LED is the OPTIC Output LED of the monitor, and lights when there is sufficient voltage present between the RED and BLK terminals of the OPTIC output of TB3. If the above conditions do not exist, refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual. 14.3 TESTING THE SENSORS Wet each top (overfill) sensor and watch for the corresponding red diagnostic LED to light SOLID. If the LED does not light, or the wrong LED lights, check the wiring of that sensor to the correct terminal block input. Testing the bottom (retain) sensors can be accomplished by filling each compartment with water until the sensors sensing point is wetted, and watch for the red diagnostic LED to light SOLID. If the LED does not light, or the wrong LED lights, check the wiring of that sensor to the correct terminal block input. Then drain the compartment and check that the previously lit diagnostic LEDs have turned off. Sensors, with LEDs remaining lit because of fluid remaining in the tank, must be threaded deeper into the tank compartment. It is recommended to remove the sensor and tap the half coupling deeper into the tank using a ½-14 NPT tap. If the above condition does not exist, refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual. 14.4 SOCKET TEST The socket output connections can be tested using a Model 1391 Optic System Tester, and a volt-ohm meter. Test the Thermistor and Optic outputs using the instructions that come with the Model 1391, or the Model 1391 instructions in the Troubleshooting section of this manual. Float output can be tested by checking for continuity (zero ohms) when permissive (green LED is on). CIVACON Copyright 2003 36 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 15 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Good troubleshooting practices are defined procedures that when followed will give fast results to help isolate problem areas. This troubleshooting section is arranged in a flow chart outline, and the steps should be followed in the order as they appear. NOTE: All tests are assumed to be being done on a unit that is already programmed correctly for use with sensors. 15.1 TOOLS REQUIRED 12345- CIVACON Screw driver, small flat blade (packaged with ROM IITM monitor). Screw drivers, #1 or #2 Phillips, and 5mm (3/16") flat blade. Wrench, 11 mm (7/16”). Multi-Meter (Volts, Ohm, Etc.) Model 1391 Optic System Tester, with H50325 Thermistor test leads. 15.2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW The monitor electronics are internally fused, and this fuse is not replaceable. The average power consumption of the electronics in the monitor is less than ¼ Amp. It is recommended that a ¼ Amp external fuse be installed in the power supply line. The voltage being run to the TB1 power terminals is NOT intrinsically safe. The wiring to the power terminals (TB1) MUST NOT be run with intrinsically safe wiring. All power input connections are made at TB1. Check to make sure that all of the above testing procedures have been followed, and that all of the wiring is correct. 15.3 PROBLEM SYMPTOMS First look for the symptom that best resembles the condition of your ROM IITM system. Start by removing the cover, gasket, and window of the OBM, and saving the hardware. Symptom sub-sections are shown below in bold type and underlined. 15.3.1 No GREEN Permit LED or dimly lit; No YELLOW Power LED or dimly lit; other LEDs are also out or dimly lit. ACTION: Measure voltage at TB1 with volt meter (set on DC volt scale). Voltage on TB1 should be between 11.0 V and 28.0 V. and be the correct polarity. RESULTS: Is Voltage below 11.0V ? Check battery voltage; Check inline fuse or switch, and for corroded contacts; Check for corroded wire connections or defective 7 way connector in nose box; Non-filtered power supply used to power trailer (do not use battery charger alone); 1234- CIVACON Copyright 2003 37 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 5- RESULTS: 12- RESULTS: 1- Other accessories on the same power circuit, like marker lights or brake lights; thereby sagging the voltage down. Is Voltage OK (11.0V to 28.0V) ? Check for sensor wires shorted to ground; If voltage on TB1 is OK, and all the LEDs are out, the internal fuse is blown. Replace the monitor. Is Voltage over 30.0V ? Check voltage source immediately ! You may overheat the monitor and blow the fuse if not corrected immediately. 15.3.2 A RED Compartment LED is on solid. ACTION: Check tank compartment for a wetted sensor first. If sensor is wet, then "Un-wet" the sensor. Does this correct the problem ? Otherwise continue below. ACTION: Remove the sensor wire corresponding with the solid lighted LED. (Example: If #4 top LED is lit solid, then remove sensor wire in the monitor at TB2 "COMP4" of "TOP SENSORS"; and switch the wire connection with a wire from the next nearest working sensor connection. e.g.- "COMP3"). RESULTS: If the same LED continues to light solid, replace the monitor. 15.3.3 One or more RED Compartment LEDs are flashing. ACTION: Count number of LED flashes in each 5-Second period. RESULTS: 12- 3- CIVACON Copyright 2003 Refer below for Action to take depending upon number of flashes every 5-Seconds. One Flash every 5 - Seconds. ACTION: Correct OPEN sensor wire condition. Inspect the sensor cable for damage / broken wire. Two Flashes every 5 – Seconds. ACTION: Correct SHORTED to GROUND sensor wire condition. Look for wires pinched in all sensor housing lids, or cable hold down tabs on the roll-over rail. Three Flashes every 5 – Seconds. ACTION: Inspect the sensor cable for damage / shorted wires. Inspect wiring at TB2 of onboard monitor for stray strands of wire shorting together. 38 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 15.3.4 Trailer will not load at loading rack; appropriate YELLOW and GREEN LEDs are lit. ACTION: Check that the sockets are wired properly. See the section on sockets in this manual for socket wiring information. Correct any wiring mistakes if found. Does this correct the problem ? Otherwise continue below. ACTION: Determine which socket output section you are having problems with. Use the following appropriate section for troubleshooting. The TB3 output sections may be tested a two locations. At the rear of the socket with the faceplate removed, but the wires still connected to it. Or at TB3 on the monitor. To be able to test the outputs at this TB3 location, it is usually a good idea to disconnect the wires from the appropriate cable, and add short wires to the terminals so the test leads from the tester may be clipped onto the wires exposed conductors. This method will be indicated below, if required. FLOAT OUTPUT: Using an Ohm meter, check for continuity (zero ohms) across TB3 BRN to BRN. 1High resistance ( >100 ohms), replace the monitor. 2Low resistance (0 to 100 ohms), re-check wiring and wire connections, because this is a correct reading. NOTE: THERMISTOR OUTPUT: THE THERMISTOR AND OPTIC OUTPUTS OF THE MONITOR REQUIRE THE MODEL 1391 TESTER TO TEST THEM. THESE OUTPUTS REQUIRE AN EXTERNAL VOLTAGE TO POWER THEM UP. Using the Model 1391 and H50325 Thermistor output test lead set, test the thermistor output section of the monitor. Follow the instructions packaged with Model 1391 Optic System Tester, or follow these instructions with H50325 Thermistor output test leads. NOTE: The BLK Terminal on TB3 (mentioned below) between the Therm. & Optic sections is a shared ground terminal for wiring both sockets. 1234567- 8CIVACON Copyright 2003 Remove cable wire connections from TB3 "THERM" - ORN, RED, and BLK. Connect small pieces of wire, stripped on both ends, into TB3 "THERM" - ORN, RED, and BLK. Connect red boot clip leads to TB3 "THERM" - ORN and RED. Connect black boot clip lead to TB3 "THERM" - BLK. Plug the H50325 Thermistor test lead set to Model 1391 tester, and turn ON the tester. Does the THERM SOCKET STATUS LED (YELLOW) light on the monitor ? Continue if lit, otherwise replace the monitor. Touch red test sensor to TB3 "THERM" - RED, and then ORN. A solid tone should be heard on both RED and ORN connections. If the tone is missing, replace the monitor. If the above conditions are met, then you may have an intermittent THERMISTOR output problem, or the RACK system may be at fault. 39 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 OPTIC OUTPUT: Follow the instructions packaged with Model 1391 Optic System Tester, or follow these instructions. Use the OPTIC test lead set that has four wires with four alligator clips and rubber boots. NOTE: The BLK Terminal on TB3 (mentioned below) between the Therm. & Optic sections is a shared ground terminal for wiring both sockets. 123- 45678- CIVACON Copyright 2003 Remove cable wire connections from TB3 "OPTIC" - ORN, YEL, RED, and BLK. Connect small pieces of wire, stripped on both ends, into TB3 "THERM" - ORN, YEL, RED, and BLK. Connect red boot clip leads to TB3 "THERM" - ORN, YEL, and RED matching the color code of the wires. (Example: TB3 "OPTIC" RED to red test lead wire ). Connect black boot clip lead to TB3 "THERM" - BLK. Plug the OPTIC test lead set to Model 1391 tester, and turn ON the tester. Does the OPTIC SOCKET STATUS LED (YELLOW) light on the monitor ? Continue if lit, otherwise replace the monitor. A beeping tone should be heard. If the tone is missing, replace the monitor. If the above conditions are met, then you may have an intermittent OPTIC output problem, or the RACK system may be at fault. 15.3.5 Side Pushbutton Reset Switch will not cause monitor to switch to Permissive when tank contains retained product. (A Bottom / Retained Product RED LED is ON) ACTION: Turn the power to the monitor off and then back on again, then press side mounted mechanical Reset Push Button again. Does this correct the problem? Otherwise continue below. ACTION: Remove cover and window of monitor and place a jumper wire between the Reset and GND terminals at the bottom of TB3. Does this cause the monitor to go Permissive and the Retained LED to start flashing? If yes, ACTION: Remove the wires to the side mounted pushbutton Retained Reset Switch and check the function of the switch with an Ohm meter. The switch should close when the pushbutton is depressed. If it does not, ACTION: The pushbutton switch is defective. Replace the switch. 15.3.7 Auxiliary Input Switches will not cause monitor to switch to Permissive. ACTION: Are the four GREEN AUX INPUT LEDs lit ? If they are, and all the other problem possibilities have been checked and passed, then replace the monitor. If not, continue below. 40 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 ACTION: If they are not all lit, check wire connections at TB4 – Terminals 1, 2, 3, 4 and COM. Correct any wiring mistakes if found. Does this correct the problem? Otherwise continue below. ACTION: If they are not all lit, test the input terminal corresponding to the LED that is NOT lit. Check the terminal by taking a small piece of wire and shorting the COM terminal to the corresponding input terminal at TB4 – Terminal 1, 2, 3, or 4 that is NOT lit. Does the LED light, and does this correct the problem? If it does, find and correct any wiring mistakes between the monitor and the external switch. OR, replace the defective external switch device. 15.3.8 All Display Indicators are Flashing. ACTION: All of the display indicators flashing at the same time indicates of loss of internal communications between the unit’s display circuit board and the main circuit board. This will also be accompanied by the BLUE LED in the lower right corner of the display NOT flashing, also indicating loss of internal communications. ACTION: Replace the monitor. 16 REPLACEMENT MODULES SAFETY FIRST!! POWER MUST BE OFF WHEN INSTALLING OR REMOVING POWER LEADS TO THE MONITOR. THE WIRES FOR THE POWER FROM THE BATTERY MUST BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE SENSOR AND SOCKET WIRING! USE CAUTION WHEN REPLACING THE MODULE. ENSURE ALL WIRING IS PROPERLY RECONNECTED TO THE CORRECT TERMINALS ON THE MODULE. The monitor electronics are replaced as a module. There are NO replaceable or repairable parts inside the module. The replacement module is a slightly different part number that the original unit because you normally don't need to replace the aluminum enclosure that the module is mounted in. The standard version replacement module is a Model C52323P. This is a universal voltage (12/24 Volt DC, 8 channel (compartment), top and bottom version module; with four auxiliary inputs. It is imperative that the four mounting screws (with lockwashers) be re-installed on the module to secure it to the enclosure. Every replacement module comes with new screws in the event you have lost the original screws. NEW REPLACEMENT MODULES MUST BE REPROGRAMMED FOR THE NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS (SENSORS) IN USE ON THE TANK. If the monitor is operating as described in the above POWER ON TEST section, you may securely replace the cover frame, window, and the gasket using the saved hardware. CIVACON Copyright 2003 41 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 17 WARRANTY All parts and products are thoroughly inspected and tested from the time raw material is received at our plant, until the product is completed. We guarantee that all products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. Any product that may prove defective within said one year period will, at our option, be promptly repaired, or replaced, or credit given for future orders. This warranty shall not apply to any product that has been altered in any way, which has been repaired by any party other than an authorized service representative, or when such a failure is due to misuse or conditions of use. We shall have no liability for labor costs, freight costs, or any other cost or charges in excess of the amount of invoice for the products. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SPECIFICALLY THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WARNING: CIVACON products should be used in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Product selection should be based on physical specifications and limitations, compatibility with the environment, and the material to be handled. CIVACON MAKES NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. 17.1 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE If at any time during the installation a question arises that is not covered in this Installation Instruction, or with any other applicable documents referenced, feel free to call the CIVACON TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE LINE: In Europe, Call +31(0)252 660 300. In the U.S.A., Call 1-800-5 CIVACON. For the CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT: In the Europe, Call +31(0)252 660 300; E-Mail: In other countries, call your local agent. OPW FLUID TRANSFER GROUP EUROPE, B.V. BOEWEITSTRAAT 1 P.O. BOX 32, 2150 AA NIEUW-VENNEP THE NETHERLANDS +31(0)252 660 300 CIVACON Copyright 2003 42 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005 SEALED WIRE CONNECTIONS 1- IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS BE CORROSION FREE FOR PROPER SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. 2- ALL CIVACON SUPPLIED WIRE IS TIN COATED TO RESIST CORROSION. 3- ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK THAT YOUR WIRING CONNECTIONS ARE ELECTRICALLY CORRECT BEFORE CRIMPING. 4- WHEN POSSIBLE, ENSURE NO MOISTURE ENTERS THE WIRE JUNCTION AREA OF THE ENCLOSURE. 5- AS A SECONDARY PRECAUTION AGAINST MOISTURE AND CORROSION, WE HAVE FOUND THAT A SMALL AMOUNT OF SILICONE RUBBER SEALANT IN EACH CRIMP CONNECTION WILL DETER CORROSION. 6- WE SUGGEST USING THE PERMATEX® BRAND OF SILICONE SEALANT CALLED ULTRA BLUE, PART # 77B. THIS IS A NON-CORROSIVE TYPE OF SILICONE SEALANT. DO NOT USE GENERIC SILICONE (BATHTUB TYPE) SEALANT BECAUSE IT IS USUALLY CORROSIVE ON COPPER AND TIN. 7- TAKE THE SEALANT NOZZLE AND PLACE IT IN THE BOTTOM OF THE END SPLICE TERMINAL. (IT USUALLY HAS A WHITE NYLON HOUSING) 8- SQUEEZE A BEAD OF SEALANT INTO THE BOTTOM OF THE END SPLICE TERMINAL, AND CONTINUE SQUEEZING AS YOU REMOVE THE NOZZLE. ENSURE THAT THERE IS NO LARGE AIR BUBBLE IN THE END OF THE SPLICE. 9- STOP WHEN THE BEAD REACHES THE END OF THE TERMINAL HOUSING. 10 - STRIP THE WIRES TO THE PROPER LENGTH, AND TWIST THEM TOGETHER. 11 - INSERT THE TWISTED WIRES INTO THE FILLED END SPLICE TERMINAL, AND CRIMP THE CONNECTION. REMOVE ANY EXCESS SEALANT FROM THE CONNECTION. 12 - PULL ON THE CRIMP TO ENSURE A GOOD CONNECTION IS MADE, AND THEN LEAVE IT ALONE TO CURE. 13 - ANYBODY'S SEALED TYPE SPLICES MAY USUALLY BE USED IN PLACE OF THE SPLICES SUPPLIED BY CIVACON. TEST THEM FOR YOUR COMPATIBILITY. 14 - IF YOU WANT TO USE A GREASE INSTEAD OF A SEALANT, USE TRUCK-LITE® BRAND NYK-77 CORROSION PREVENTIVE COMPOUND. CIVACON Copyright 2003 43 H52530PAE Rev F December 2005
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