Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Project Document Cover Sheet Project Information Project Acronym Integrate Project Title The University of Exeter Business School Integrative technologies Project Start Date 1st November 2008 Lead Institution University of Exeter Project Director Liz Dunne Project Manager & contact details Ali Press | 01392 725719 Partner Institutions n/a Project Web URL Programme Name (and number) e-Learning Programme Manager Lisa Gray 31st October 2010 End Date Document Name Document Title Project Plan Reporting Period n/a Author(s) & project role Ali Press, Project Manager Liz Dunne, Project Director Date 31st March 2009 URL if document is posted on project web site Access X Project and JISC internal Page 1 of 60 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Filename Q:\PROJECTS\JISC 08-08 Integrate project\JISC documents\Integrate Project Plan 1-3.doc General dissemination Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Document History Version Date Comments 1.1 2009-01-31 First version of plan presented to Steering Group 1.2 2009-02-10 Amended with feedback from Critical Friend and Steering Group 1.3 2009-03-31 Amended with feedback from JISC Programme Manager and services Page 2 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Table of Contents Project Document Cover Sheet..................................................................................................1 Overview of Project ...................................................................................................................4 1. Background ............................................................................................................................4 2. Aims and Objectives ..............................................................................................................8 3. Overall Approach.................................................................................................................11 4. Project Outputs.....................................................................................................................18 5. Project Outcomes .................................................................................................................18 6. Stakeholder Analysis ...........................................................................................................19 7. Risk Analysis .......................................................................................................................20 8. Standards..............................................................................................................................21 9. Technical Development .......................................................................................................22 10. Intellectual Property Rights ...............................................................................................24 Project Resources.....................................................................................................................24 11. Project Partners ..................................................................................................................24 12. Project Management ..........................................................................................................24 13. Programme Support ...........................................................................................................26 14. Budget ................................................................................................................................26 Detailed Project Planning ........................................................................................................26 15. Workpackages....................................................................................................................26 16. Evaluation Plan ..................................................................................................................27 17. Quality Plan .......................................................................................................................33 Overall Quality Plan ............................................................................................................33 Output Specific Quality Plan ...............................................................................................34 18. Dissemination Plan ............................................................................................................40 19. Exit and Sustainability Plans .............................................................................................43 Appendix A. Project Budget ....................................................................................................46 Appendix B. Detailed Breakdown of Workpackages ..............................................................48 Page 3 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 JISC Project Plan Overview of Project 1. Background The University of Exeter Business School is highly successful. It has a top 10 ranking in all subjects in The Times university league tables and was the highest ranked Business School in the 2007 National Student Survey for overall satisfaction in all four subjects (Management, Accounting, Finance and Business Studies). For 2008 student applications have risen dramatically (+26% for undergraduates, including a 95% rise from international students), further evidence of its growing reputation. In its recent business plan, the Business School has anticipated expansion from the current 1,000 students a year to over 2,500 by 2014. In addition, the University has recently entered into joint venture with INTO University Partnerships1; this will lead to 40% of the undergraduate cohort being international students in the next few years. It is mission critical for the University that this ‘flagship School’ continues to provide an excellent educational experience for all its students; technology is envisaged as playing a major role in this. The School’s education strategy addresses the agendas and issues faced in sustaining an excellent and coherent education for large numbers of increasingly diverse students. Figure 1 captures these and provides the broad investigative framework for work packages 2 and 3 of the Business School Integrative Technologies project. The outer ring of the diagram provides an indicative range of technology solutions that will be drawn upon during the project to address how the delivery of the School’s programmes might be joined up to provide an integrative learning environment. Many of these educational and administrative technologies are already in use in the School providing knowledge-based resources and administrative information, but they have not yet been coordinated to address pedagogic and management issues such as those faced by the Business School; other technologies are new to the School, or are being used in small pockets of innovation. The project will be used as a vehicle to pilot the potential of some of these new technologies and to upscale use of existing technologies. The initial mapping process has identified some key areas for supporting students through technology, but also indicates that narrowing the focus too much might be counterproductive. The mapping process has also revealed how many of the items are overlapping. As an example, one module is now looking to incorporate lecture capture for video streaming, use of Flip video cameras to capture appropriate parts of tutorials, personal response systems, SMS, computer aided assessment and better organisation of existing online resources. Through this incorporation will come the project’s vision of an integrated learning experience. The project will bring the Business School students, academics and support staff together with specialists working in Education Enhancement (a new strategic grouping of four interrelating teams that work collaboratively on academic staff development, technologysupported learning, student skills and learning spaces) and specialist subject consultants Page 4 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 (Library Research Support). The project team will select and work on innovative and integrative approaches to delivering six first year modules; where appropriate modules will also be selected from other year groups. The selected modules (Principles of Economics, Theory of Management, Introduction to Accounting, Introduction to Statistics, Mathematics for Economists, and Introduction to Econometrics) involve either the whole student cohort or a large part of it and cover key topics from across all subject areas within the School. Figure 1 – Agendas, issues, technological ideas and solutions Collaborative working between the Business School and Education Enhancement specialists throughout the mapping process has revealed a number of areas and ideas to prioritise over the course of the project, many of which will support an overall change in culture from curriculum delivery to a more flexible and process-oriented approach. Two main challenges arose in each of the six modules: firstly, there has been a large increase in student numbers; and, secondly, an increase in diversity of students, particularly international students. In addressing these challenges, the project will make use of technologies that: 1. are routine for some, but by no means all, academics (such as use of WebCT to provide lecture notes and additional support materials, formative feedback from webbased quizzes and tests); Page 5 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 2. have been tested within the institution but are far from embedded (such as electronic submission of assignments both to support plagiarism detection and to enable efficient administrative processes); 3. are presently untried at Exeter (such as the use of personal response systems during large group lectures, video-streaming of lectures so that all content can be constantly available for reviewing and revision, and use of SMS; the extension of electronic submission of assignments for online marking and feedback; electronic examinations); 4. promote a sense of community (such as web 2.0 tools) for students both within modules and across the first year cohort. Mapping has also highlighted the potential for linking with other institutional projects and developments, for example, the rolling out of BART (an electronic tool for monitoring submission of assignments) across the institution, as well as a bid for alumni funding (DARO) that is exploring the use of personal response systems with students. The project will also serve as a demonstrator for the benefits of a ‘hub and spoke’ model being considered by the University’s e-Learning Review group. This model would see Educational Technologists embedded within schools and supported by a central unit Challenge to be investigated by the project: How to promote a learning ethos in which students participate, engage and feel known Academic Viewpoint Specific project foci: Support through technology: Student attendance Attendance monitoring system (RFID?) Student engagement and participation in class In-lecture feedback (personal response system, (lectures and seminars) and out of class SMS, Twitter?) (practice and consolidation) Support resources (WebCT, textbook link Student motivation sites, blogs, wikis, streamed video?) Communication routes Peer-led support (Ning?) Administration Viewpoint Communication routes Requests, information, feedback (email/website/discussion fora/synchronous online support?) Student Viewpoint Specific project foci: Support through technology: Student engagement and participation in class In-lecture feedback (personal response system, (lectures and seminars) and out of class SMS, Twitter?) (practice and consolidation) Support resources (WebCT, textbook link sites, blogs, wikis, streamed video?) Peer-led support (Ning?) Page 6 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Challenge to be investigated by the project: How to manage assessment and feedback with large numbers Academic Viewpoint Specific project foci: Support through technology: Summative examinations / tests Electronic examination with electronic Formative tests / assignments with associated marking (Assessment21?) feedback Online testing with instant feedback (WebCT, QMP?) Plagiarism detection Individually tailored e-feedback (Captivate?) Audio feedback e-submission, e-marking, e-feedback Turnitin Administration Viewpoint As above e-submission system (online, BART?) e-feedback forms Turnitin, to include Grademark for marks and feedback Student Viewpoint Formative tests with timely feedback Online testing with instant feedback (WebCT, QMP?) Individually tailored e-feedback (Captivate?) Audio feedback e-submission, e-marking, e-feedback Challenge to be investigated by the project: How to promote a collaborative community in which diversity is both valued and well-catered for Academic (Pastoral) Viewpoint Specific project foci: Support through technology: Induction / team development Podcasts, student-created video, photos Pdp / employability e-pdp Online support for academic skills Online support for presentations/essay writing/revision? Administration (Pastoral) Viewpoint Communication routes Requests, information, feedback (email/website/discussion fora/synchronous online support?) Student Viewpoint Student induction Student created content (podcasts, vodcasts) Page 7 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 2. Aims and Objectives Broadly the project aims to deliver and evaluate collaboratively planned technologyenhanced learning activities and experiences for all students across six first year modules. Three key themes emerged from across these modules during the project’s initial mapping process: promoting a learning ethos in which students participate, engage and feel known; managing assessment and feedback with large numbers of students; and promoting a collaborative community in which diversity is both valued and catered for. In addressing these themes the project will pilot a range of different technologies (interventions chosen by the module leaders to address specific areas of practice will be complemented with centrally envisioned initiatives) to ascertain their effectiveness. Successful interventions will be carried forward for wider use in the Business School and other schools. Key to the project will be the collaborative involvement of both staff and students in designing, supporting and delivering the curricular changes. The project will contribute to the JISC e-learning programme vision for 2008-12 by addressing aspects of several of the five domains. E-assessment is central to the project in being one area of curriculum delivery that we anticipate will have the most impact on students in relation to both learning and achievement; e-pdp (a form of e-Portfolio), and its ongoing development as a means of learners linking activities and achievements within and beyond the curriculum, contributes to the concept and implementation of an integrative curriculum; students will be working with a variety of curriculum-based learning resources and activities and will be supported by technology to engage in more constructive and creative ways; administration becomes important in the context of streamlining new activity relating to, for example, management of electronic submission of assignments, plagiarism detection, and general office procedures that enable better monitoring of student progress. The proposed project objectives align with all three themes in the vision for curriculum delivery (JISC Circular 08/08 paragraph 24-30). ‘Learning and teaching practice’ addresses the vision of flexible and accessible provision for diverse students, and in particular in supporting an international community. In addition to assessment and e-pdp, the project will have a strong focus on supporting academic literacy/numeracy and the development of high order meta-cognitive skills (reflection, self-awareness, ability to make informed judgments and responsibility for their learning and progression). These skills are central to the concept of an integrative learning experience and are built into the module descriptors for the six selected modules. Professional development for staff will mean that teaching practices will draw on evidence about how technologies can best be employed and of students’ expectations. ‘Technology and standards’ will focus on extracting greater benefits and synergies from existing institutional systems. An integral approach will be to ensure that evaluation data is used to inform future investment. All technologies used to support this bid provide interoperability for data and use known standards to store and deliver content to staff and students. ‘Strategy and policy’ is central to the success of the project, especially in relation to the institutional mission and future ambitions. Leadership, development support for module and programme leaders is particularly important as they are expected to spearhead future developments, sustainability and dissemination. Page 8 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Project objectives fit closely with several of the anticipated outcomes (JISC Circular 08/08 paragraph 31) and are incorporated into the table below: LEARNING and TEACHING PRACTICE To deliver and evaluate collaboratively planned technology- enhanced activities and experiences for all students across six first year modules. To develop means of curriculum delivery that supports flexible learning with particular emphasis on the challenge of large numbers and internationalisation To experiment with and evaluate what might form an appropriate technology-enhanced mix for providing an integrative and skills-rich learning experience To provide professional development for staff and students across a variety of roles in the Business School to ensure that they can actively and confidently contribute to the design of technology-enhanced integrative learning experiences TECHNOLOGY AND STANDARDS To implement and evaluate the use of technologies that will support the project’s challenges including :-• Incorporate Web 2.0 technologies to ascertain ways in which they can promote communicative and collaborative communities of learners integrated with Exeter’s mainstream proprietary systems. • Assessment and feedback underpinned by technology, incorporated within the curriculum. • Use of institutional e-pdp (online portfolio) system so as to enable learners to have an integrated record and understanding of their own learning experience (rather than disconnected elements). ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES Learners will have led on designing experiences and will have experienced a ‘step change’ in the way the curriculum is delivered; students will have been involved in workshops to train staff. Variety in curriculum delivery will have been developed or adapted to support flexible learning and preferences. The Business School will have trialed, evaluated and embedded integrative approaches and shared these with colleagues in the UK and through the Carnegie Institute, USA. All staff contributing to the six first year modules and students on bursary placements will have attended sessions and enhanced capacity, knowledge and skills. Teaching and learning behaviours will show tangible evidence of change with regard to the use of technology. Systems available within the University will have been used more effectively and efficiently than is currently the case to provide, re-purpose and store information for, and about, learners. The technology will become more integrated into the curriculum and be an integral part of learning material delivery and assessment. Evaluation data from the project will inform future strategy and investment in IT infrastructure to ensure continued interoperability. STRATEGY AND POLICY To use students to support students and staff and to Students will have engaged with engage with the processes of change in a variety of students through learning with Page 9 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 ways. To facilitate the smooth transition of students and student data between INTO and the Business School To develop improved understanding at senior management level of effective curriculum delivery through technology, and to support greater connectedness between the role of technology in enhancing learning and the meeting of strategic institutional targets for becoming a Top Ten University. To influence planning for technology rich learning spaces in Estates strategies and in particular for the phased Business School infrastructure project. To evaluate, report on and disseminate project outcomes as specified in the work plan peers, directly supporting peers and by playing a part in the evaluation phase (design, delivery and undertaking); students will have designed and delivered workshops both with and for staff International students will have access to materials specifically aimed at supporting their induction and adjustment to UK Higher Education. Improved understanding at senior management level; Evidence of action through financial support and strategic planning for future investment in technology enhanced learning. Report on best use of technology for learning, and action plan for implementation. Project outcomes made available to the wider community. The direction of strategic education planning within the University provides a solid base and rationale for the proposed project and provides assurance that the project outcomes will be taken forward and embedded in other Schools. Of the nine key performance indicators in the University’s Strategic Plan (2007-11), four relate directly to this project: satisfaction scores as rated by the National Student survey; undergraduate completion and degree classifications; graduate-level employment or further study; and the proportion of the total student population that are international fee-payers. The University is currently revising its Education Strategy and is placing greater emphasis on providing integrative student learning experiences through technology over the next three years. Building on our e-learning benchmarking exercise and a successful pathfinder project (on the use of video conferencing), we have recently Page 10 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 commissioned external consultants to review our use of and support for e-learning. The preliminary outcomes of the review reinforce the need to provide development and support to academic and other staff if our strategic ambitions are to be met. We are planning to implement a ‘hub and spoke’ model to create a expert network of support across the University. This project provides one very important element of this strategy as it will provide a focus, drive and energy that is difficult to achieve without targeted funding. This external funding will be complemented by other (and different) School-based technology initiatives funded by University. This diversity is a strength we shall draw on in that it will allow a comparative analysis of pedagogic models for embedding technology in the delivery of the curriculum. Central to the new Education Strategy will be a cross cutting inspiring educational leadership theme which will bring internationally significant higher education strategists to Exeter. This project will stimulate one strand of the new Education Strategy by linking the University with the Carnegie Institute. To enhance graduate level employment a new skills-based Exeter Award is being launched in 2008 which will reinforce the value of undertaking work placements (to attain the award students must undertake a 24 hour placement). The use of student bursaries will be built around the opportunity for student’s to take the Award providing a useful model for the University more widely. The project provides particular value to JISC and the wider community because (a) it addresses challenges about cohort size and diversity which are likely to be experienced by many UK HEIs; as a result the transferability of the outcomes from this project will be paramount and (b) it introduces a powerful concept from the highly respected Carnegie Institute in the United States into UK thinking about integrative learning environments. This project takes the thinking from the Carnegie project forward, drawing on prior experience but developing new and innovative approaches to integrative technologies which are underpinned by the existing conceptual framework. These will be shared with the JISC and wider communities through dissemination strategies which include working closely with colleagues from the Carnegie Institute. 3. Overall Approach The Integrate project will be divided into 10 work packages (WP) delivered by the following actors: Project Manager (PM) – e-learning Advisor (Ali Press) Principal Investigator (PI) – Education Enhancement’s Head of Project Development (Liz Dunne) Education Technologist (ET) – (Laura Taylor) Co-Investigator (CO1) – e-Learning Advisor (Nick Birbeck) Co-Investigator (CO2) – Head of e-Learning (Matt Newcombe) Co-Investigator (CO3) – Head of Education Enhancement (Sue Burkill) Co-Investigator (CO4) – Education Research & Evaluation Advisor (Tom Browne) Other Staff (OS1) – Senior Teaching Fellow, Business School (Juliette Stephenson) Other Staff (OS2) – Lecturers and Teaching Fellows, Business School (six core modules) Bursary Students (BS) – students employed through project funds Page 11 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 WP1 – Project Management Scope: The project will be managed by the e-Learning Advisor in close collaboration with Education Enhancement’s Head of Project Development and driven by additional leaders within Education Enhancement and other experts in technology-supported learning. This group will make up the ‘Project Working Group’ that will organize the day-to-day running and maintenance of the project. Academics and Teaching Fellows from each subject area within the Business School will form the broader ‘Whole Group’, and bursary students (see WP6) together with the Staff Student Liaison Committee will comprise the ‘Student Liaison Group’. The ‘Whole Group’ will be central to the processes of bringing about change, and will be involved in collaborative decision-making about ways of working, evaluation, and feedback and dissemination. Formal meetings will be timetabled on a regular basis (between weekly and six-monthly depending on level of involvement in the project). The Project Management Steering Group, meeting on 5 occasions over the 2-year period, will guide and inform project processes and outcomes. It will comprise a representative sample of Project Group members, an INTO representative and a student representative plus senior University staff (Head of Education Enhancement, Deputy Head of the Business School) and the project’s JISC-appointed critical friend, Malcolm Ryan. To provide maximum transfer of ideas and findings into University strategy, senior managers (eg. DVC, Dean of Taught Programmes, Head of Academic Services), the Head and Deputy Head of the Business School, a small number of the project group, and external consultants including the Economics HEA Subject Centre link (Professor John Sloman) and an internationally renowned expert in technology for learning (Betty Collis) will form a Strategic Management Steering Group. Deliverables: A well-managed project that satisfies the Aims and Objectives by providing effective change within the Business School and understandings that benefit the institution and the wider community. Carried out by: PM, PI, CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 WP2 - Review of Current Practice Scope: Benchmarking data gathered during Exeter's involvement in the initiative, as well as external and internal survey data on the Business School, will contribute to the initial baseline description of first year curriculum delivery that can be used for evaluation of change. A questionnaire survey of Business School students repeated periodically during the project will also provide baseline data. Alongside this, a continued review of current literature, workshops, presentations, projects and reports, alongside engagement with the CIRCLE community and project cluster, will enable understanding of known good practice, current thinking and trends. The literature will be revisited throughout the project as it takes on greater meaning when grappling with issues in practice. Deliverables: A review report detailing current practices in curriculum delivery and use of technology in the Business School, to serve as a baseline for ongoing change and evaluation of development; a brief outline of literature that relates to and can specifically inform this project; start of an ongoing website and weblog to be continued throughout. Carried out by: PM, PI, CO1, CO2, CO4 WP3 - Understanding the Challenges Scope: Understanding the key challenges will be at the heart of this stage of the project, along with addressing the Aims and Objectives outlined in detail in section 2, and the Page 12 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 articulation of desired changes. This, together with WP2 above, will be achieved in close collaboration with Business School both staff and students. The term ‘integrative’ will also be investigated in order to establish a joint agreed definition with stakeholders. Deliverables: A plan of action demonstrating technological solutions for implementing change and providing a plan of delivery, dependent on the findings of the review above. Carried out by: PM, PI, CO1, CO3, CO4, OS1, OS2 WP4 - Planning Curriculum Delivery Scope: The primary activity during this phase will be to embark on induction and professional development in technology-supported teaching for all newly-appointed Teaching Fellows and bursary students in the Business School, led by the project’s E-Learning Advisor, Education Technologist, staff from the Education Enhancement Unit and students where appropriate. All activities will be planned to address the challenges and associated needs outlined within workpackages 2/3. The programme will commence early in the project, to capture interest and to set out expectations, and will continue in a more tailored way as training needs become more apparent and the project progresses. Newly-appointed Teaching Fellows for 2009-10 will be drawn into the project through professional development when appropriate. Deliverables: A report on the training activities undertaken, their reception and impact; an outline, and resources, for a training package that could be used in different contexts in the University and more widely. Carried out by: PM, PI, ET, CO1, CO2, OS1, OS2 WP5 - Piloting and Implementation Scope: The kind of technologies to be used during this phase, led by Business School staff supported by Education Enhancement specialists and bursary students, will be determined during WP2/3. The following will figure highly in the early piloting and implementation stage with different modules expressing particular interest in different technologies (see Appendix B for detailed analysis): • Taking full advantage of all relevant facilities within the institution's long-standing Virtual Learning Environment VLE (WebCT) including discussion fora, blogs and journals. • Using a range of Web 2.0 technologies (e.g. wikis, social networking tools, virtual worlds) to support learning and teaching aims. • Promoting greater use of Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) to address the challenge of large student groups; using technology to provide faster and richer sources of feedback on assignments (e.g. audio feedback); and promoting on-line submission of assignments and investigate technology-supported methods of on-line marking. • Using a range of technological innovation to ensure that large lecture audiences feel engaged (interactive tablets, voting systems, videoconferencing, streamed video recordings) before, during and after the event. • Developing learning materials around technology-captured events such as lectures, and group presentations with particular concentration on the use of subject specific, already existing, reusable learning objects. Materials will be aimed at supporting the Business School buddying system (a system where home students are buddied with international students) and inductions and will be focused on the different needs of home and international students as appropriate. Page 13 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 • Promoting the use of technology to provide virtual tutorials, pastoral care and support for Personal Development Planning (e-PDP), and making use of a range of interactive technologies to provide virtual drop-in surgeries to support curriculum activities. • Using technology to tackle issues of plagiarism and academic honesty. By July 2009 the focus will move to integration of the above based upon the principles of integrative learning. Early Pilots Commencing January 2009 BEA1006/7 Accounting 1/2 500+ students. New course this year. Planned Activity: Increased use of WebCT tools Assessment - online quiz (from text book) / feedback MCQs Echo 360 BEM1007 Theory of Management Semester 1: 260 students Semester 2: 85 students Before: WebCT for lecture notes. Planned: Echo 360 Improved Ppts (eg. graphics, embedded videos) Tutorials - Knowing students level of technological abilities MCQs Video in tutorials - showcase the best case studies BEE1025 Statistic for Business & Management 180 students. New course this year. Planned: Tutorials in computer lab Formative assessment MCQs in WebCT 2 summative assignments – Turnitin WebCT feedback (individual) Vodcasts (recording) Student to student platforms BEE1023 Introduction to Econometrics 186 students. Before: WebCT for ppt files. Planned: Summative MCQs in WebCT (Motivation) Changes (Stats) Page 14 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 BEE1024 Mathematics for Economists 296 students. Before: Link from WebCT to personal web pages (not ppts). Planned: WebCT repository Web Links (HEA Maths Projects, etc) ARS - before course (each unit) - check level of competency with the subject and then check again at end. Flip video - tutorials - put in WebCT Echo 360? Tablet PC? SMS BEE1001 Principles of Economics 655 students. Before: WebCT for ppt files. My EconLab - Marking feedback online. Not compulsory but well used. 573 students registered. Planned: ARS Attendance monitoring Echo 360 Assessment marking overlays Second Life? Deliverables: A series of case-studies detailing the outcomes of the identified pilots. Carried out by: PM, ET, CO1, CO4, OS1, OS2, BS WP6 - Students Supporting Staff and Students Through the provision of 24 x £500 student bursaries funded by the project, the following activities will be developed with first and second year students (with a deliberate balance of home and international). Through these activities the projects will engage closely with and better understand students’ needs in using and understanding technology. Initiatives will be piloted from February to June 2009 and integrated into activity for the full year starting from October 2009. Students will collaborate in: a) Enhancing the existing Business School’s buddy-system' by identifying second and third year students willing to mentor others in learning through the technologyenhanced activities provided by the School. b) Developing support activities through FEELE, the Finance and Economics Experimental Laboratory at Exeter, which undertakes research into economic behaviour through interactive gaming experiments. c) Working as e-learning champions within the School d) Promoting activities such as e-pdp and buddying through student-made podcasts/vodcasts. e) Assisting with on-line support into basic skills (including on-line tutoring). Page 15 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 f) Providing targeted support specifically for students having difficulty in using technologies new to them, including e-pdp. The Business School and Education Enhancement staff will collaborate to provide any training required. All bursary students will gain their Exeter Award through this and other skills-based activity. Deliverables: A report focusing on the views and experiences of students; student-led casebook of technology practices they appreciate, and why; student-made video and audio. These will be made available via the Exeter Student Guild to other student unions in the UK and beyond. Carried out by: PM, ET, PI, CO1, CO4, OS1, OS2 WP7 - Ongoing Evaluation Scope: High value is given to regular review and to ongoing evaluation. An evaluation plan will show how outcomes will be evaluated against the initial review and the identified challenges, and the technology-related activities that will be used to promote enhancement and change. The focus will be both on processes and outcomes, some of which can be quantified and some of which will be less tangible, with the intention of enabling continuous improvement. Evaluation is important in terms of dissemination, but is crucial to the processes of change. Evidence-led change is especially powerful on a local level because it allows the dispelling of myths that tend to hinder new developments (for instance, that using a plagiarism detection tool is an administrative burden, or that all that international students want is to be ‘spoon-fed’). The University’s HEA Pathfinder project demonstrated that evidence-led change has a potential for promoting real interest and for generating informed, context-specific discussion. Evaluation will begin at an early stage, so that it becomes part of an ongoing reflective process, with understandings being consistently built upon, and with aspects of the project being refined and adapted throughout. Importantly, it will include evaluation of the efficiency and benefits of all technologies used, especially in the pilot phase. All stakeholders will be central to the evaluation process (students, academic staff, project staff and Teaching Fellows, senior managers in the School and University, Steering Group). Feedback will be gained throughout the project, both informally and formally. Informal feedback will occur through the central project team working within the School, observing and supporting staff and students, listening to their needs and engaging with issues as they arise. Formal feedback will be gained by brief questionnaires, focus groups and short interviews at key points in the project (May/June 2009 and 2010), as well as ongoing activities through SMS/PRS, flip camera records, wikis or blogs. Brief student-made videos will also provide the student voice on aspects such as good and poor experiences in the context of technology-enabled learning. The Steering Groups and external consultants will be expected to promote critical reflection and analytic review of processes and outcomes. Deliverables: Updates to the University’s Education Strategy Group as evidence becomes available (so as to impact upon future recommendations for policy and strategy); contributions to the six-monthly interim reports, case-studies and final report. Carried out by: PM, PI, CO1, CO4, OS1, OS2 Page 16 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 WP8 - Dissemination Scope: The audiences for dissemination will be HE students, HE teachers, administrative staff, pedagogic support staff and trainers, technology support staff, educational researchers, and policy and strategic decision makers within the Business School, within the University, and beyond the institution. Internal dissemination will be achieved through: making information, reports and resources available on a purpose-built web-site; School meetings, including Staff/Student liaison groups; University committees; lunchtime seminars; workshops and away days; and conference presentations and papers. There will be ongoing staff development awareness raising for Exeter staff about the tangible benefits of technologies. Directors of Learning and Teaching in all academic Schools will be required to review feedback gained by the project, to comment on outcomes and to suggest further developments. The new University Innovation Group/ Web 2.0 Thinktank will serve as a repository of knowledge and expertise across the institution in order to promote the benefits, structured development and adoption of new technologies, and to minimise institutional risks concerned with widespread adoption of new initiatives. This group will work with the proposed project to ensure the best use of technology and will use evaluation evidence to make sure the institution learns from evidence-based practice. External dissemination will include liaising with JISC, other projects within the Curriculum Delivery strand, particularly the cluster Integrate has been assigned to, and with HEA subject centres, in particular Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance (BMAF), and Economics. A weblog will be used for reporting on progress on a continual basis and will be available to any audience. Findings on technology-enhanced education will specifically be made available to the INTO network. Deliverables: Interim and final reports including a report for the Student Guild at Exeter, an evaluation report, case studies to outline new use of technologies, changes in practice, impact on staff and students, and illustrations of practice, ongoing weblog with a record of project activity and outcomes, student-made videos, outline training packages. Carried out by: PM, PI, CO1, CO3, CO4, OS1, OS2 WP9 - Embedding New Practices and Sustainability Scope: This stage will address the extent to which activities have become embedded so as to provide genuine transformation of curriculum delivery, and how they have addressed the challenges set out in section 1 and the proposed Aims and Objectives (section 2). Sustainability will be a crucial and driving factor and will have been planned for from the very beginning of the project. For instance, a series of lunchtime workshops will be run for the Business School (and other Schools) in order to pass on the lessons learnt in each of the pilots; findings will be presented at School roadshows; LTHE extras roadshows will be used to disseminate findings to staff new to teaching in HE; and findings will be shared across teams in the Education Enhancement Unit. Deliverables: Case studies and evidence of sustainability within University strategies. Carried out by: PM, PI, ET, CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, OS1, OS2 WP10 - Final evaluation Scope: The entire project will be subject to a detailed and critical evaluation during the last three months. Deliverables: Case studies, final report, an evaluation report reflecting on the issues and processes, what has been learnt and questions for the future. Carried out by: PM, PI, ET, CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, OS1, OS2 Page 17 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 4. Project Outputs WP1 Deliverables: A well-managed project that satisfies the Aims and Objectives by providing effective change within the Business School and understandings that benefit the institution and the wider community. WP2 Deliverables: A review report detailing current practices in curriculum delivery and use of technology in the Business School, to serve as a baseline for ongoing change and evaluation of development; an outline of literature that relates to and can specifically inform this project; start of an ongoing website and weblog to be continued throughout. WP3 Deliverables: A plan of action demonstrating technological solutions for implementing change and providing a plan of delivery, dependent on the findings of the review above; an evaluation plan to show how outcomes will be evaluated against the initial review and the identified challenge(s). WP4 Deliverables: A report on the training activities undertaken, their reception and impact; an outline, and resources, for a training package that could be used in different contexts in the University and more widely. WP5 Deliverables: A series of case-studies detailing technologies selected for and outcomes of the identified pilots. WP6 Deliverables: A report focusing on the views and experiences of students; student-led case-book of technology practices they appreciate, and why; student-made video. WP7 Deliverables: Regular updates to the University’s Education Strategy Group (so as to impact upon future recommendations for policy and strategy); contributions to the sixmonthly interim reports, case-studies and final report. WP8 Deliverables: Interim and final reports including a report for the Student Guild at Exeter, an evaluation report, case studies to outline new use of technologies, changes in practice, impact on staff and students, and illustrations of practice, ongoing weblog with a record of project activity and outcomes, student-made videos, outline training packages. WP9 Deliverables: Case studies and evidence of sustainability within University strategies. WP10 Deliverables: Dissemination activities. 5. Project Outcomes • Learners will have led on designing experiences and will experienced a ‘step change’ in the way the curriculum is delivered Page 18 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 • • • • • • • • • Variety in curriculum delivery will have been developed or adapted to support flexible learning and preferences. The Business School will have trialed and evaluated integrative approaches and shared these with colleagues in the UK and through the Carnegie Institute, USA. All staff contributing to the six first year modules and students on bursary placements will have attended sessions and enhanced capacity, knowledge and skills. Teaching and learning behaviours will show tangible evidence of change with regard to the use of technology. Systems available within the University will have been used more effectively and efficiently than is currently the case to provide, re-purpose and store information for, and about, learners. The technology will become more integrated into the curriculum and be an integral part of learning material delivery and assessment. Evaluation data from the project will inform future strategy and investment in IT infrastructure to ensure continued interoperability. Students will have engaged with students through learning with peers, directly supporting peers and by playing a part in the evaluation phase. International students will have improved satisfaction levels. Improved understanding at senior management level; Evidence of action through financial support and strategic planning for future investment in technology enhanced learning. Report on best use of technology for learning, and action plan for implementation. Project deliverables made available to the wider community through dissemination activities, project website and project blog. 6. Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Business School Students Business School Bursary Students Teaching Fellows Head of School Interest / stake Opportunity to engage with a more dynamic teaching and learning environment; opportunity to develop employability skills derived from engagement with technology-enhanced modules. Enhanced employability; opportunity to work outside traditional student boundaries; opportunity to influence teaching and learning in the Business School. Opportunity for personal and professional development; opportunity to streamline academic administration; opportunity to transform teaching. Furthering of strategic aims for introducing more technology enhanced learning to the School. Page 19 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Importance High High High High Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 School Manager Opportunity to investigate new process for administration and management of large cohorts of students. School Student Services Manager Furthering Business School student and other administrative staff support policies to incorporate technology enhanced learning; opportunity to investigate ways to streamline support and assessment processes. Other Business School teaching Opportunity to incorporate more staff technology into teaching using bestpractice models developed through the project. The Business School Opportunity to try higher-risk strategies for engagement, assessment and interactivity in a heavily supported manner in order to transform curriculum delivery. Other UoE Schools Lower risk opportunities for investigating curriculum transformation using tried and tested methods. Education Enhancement Unit Opportunity to further demonstrate breadth and depth of skill sets within the unit and raise profile across the University. Head of Academic Services Opportunity to showcase work being undertaken in the Education Enhancement Unit. UoE e-Learning Advisors and Opportunities for dialogue, collaboration Education Technologists and sharing of good practice. National HE Community Awareness of project; opportunities for sharing of good practice, dialogue and collaboration. Other JISC Projects Lessons learned Medium Medium High High High High Medium Medium Medium High 7. Risk Analysis Risk 1-5 (5=high) Recruitment and retention of new staff Proba Seve bility -rity 2 4 Score Contingency plans / Action to PxS prevent/manage risk 8 Staff who have worked on previous development projects are likely to be available. Known candidates will be addressed. Efficient project management and induction to ensure retention of staff. Page 20 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Collaboration between School and Project proves difficult Teaching Fellow (TF) resistance to change 1 5 5 1 5 5 Academic Staff resistance 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 4 4 Senior management engagement is weak Barriers to the use of technology 1 5 5 1 4 4 Technology unsuitable for the kinds of communication identified in project 2 3 6 Students resistance to changes Project aims and objectives not met Strong links have already been established and the School strongly supports the proposals. Sensitive re-negotiation would be adopted; different staff might take on key roles. Care will be taken in explaining involvement in this project, purposes, and expectations to this group of staff; project will be highly collaborative between Business School staff, Education Enhancement and students. The project team will work carefully to create an ethos of collaboration and support rather than centralised enforcement. Project will provide direct support to academics and teaching fellows; bursary students will be employed to engage with wider student groups; students will be kept informed of project progress. Strong project management from identified team and emphasis on collaboration with the Business School should ensure this is avoided. The known support of the DVC, Heads of Academic Services and Education Enhancement will firmly drive the project and ensure continued high-level participation. Effective project management: change needs to be seen in the long term as well as over the course of this project; technology will be supported for duration and after project. Review technology for technical, managerial or pedagogic difficulties and decide whether to continue. Use second semester pilot phase to highlight problems before implementation in the following academic year. 8. Standards Technical standards relating to existing tools and technologies the project will employ: Name of standard or specification WORD2003 & PDF Version XHTML CSS 1.1 2.1 Notes Documents hosted on the Integrate blog and website will be in WORD and PDF format Page 21 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 JPEG Multimedia – FLASH 1.02 IMS Content Packaging 1.1.3 Dublin Core / Qualified Dublin Core Scanned images capture resolution 1.1 SMS Mp3 Advanced Profile MPEG-4 AVI Any images used will conform to JPEG standards Any multimedia content produced will use multimedia standards based on FLASH Whilst not a core part of the project, any e-learning materials produced will be compliant to IMS standards Any materials produced will have metadata conforming to Dublin Core standards A default capture resolution of 600DPI will be employed and varied as appropriate for larger/smaller objects Text messaging will use the SMS protocol prevalent in GSM communications Audio files for dissemination will be in mp3 format Videos collected from FLIP cameras will be in AVI format 9. Technical Development The Integrate project is investigating the processes surrounding and application of a range of technologies. The technologies we have identified for use so far have been chosen by merit based upon their potential to fulfil a particular need. The needs have for the most part been identified by the academics and teaching fellows working with Integrate. Technologies are selected mainly for their fitness for purpose – will they do what we want? Selecting the right technology in some ways could mean the difference between a successful pilot, and therefore future, in the Business School and an expensive failure, both in terms of staff time taken to investigate use and potentially in terms of money wasting in buying a tool or service. Part of the decision making process relies upon experiences in the e-learning team, but also on the experiences of other people external to the University. In this latter aspect we hope to avoid wild goose chases for tools or services that either simply don’t work or are in some way inferior to other similar tools and services. After researching effectiveness the Integrate project will then make a decision as to whether or not to undertake a trial and ascertain effectiveness in the Business School setting. The technologies identified so far include the following: SMS: Student feedback and participation will be elicited using vie mobile phone technology. Students will use their own handsets to text responses to a PAYG number. The messages can then be manipulated in Excel to provide graphical representations of results or put into a word cloud generator such as Wordle to create visual representations. Readily available technologies will be used: SMS; MS Excel; Nokia PC Suite; Bluetooth; web-based word cloud generators. Related projects: Kastanet, WALES Page 22 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 ARS: Student feedback and participation will be elicited using an audience response system (Turning Point). The ARS kit is the result of a successful bid to the University’s Development and Alumni Relations Office and will see 200 handsets being made available to the Business School. Many of the modules in the Integrate project have cohorts greater than 200 so investigation will concentrate on smaller modules, or smaller group sessions (tutorials, help classes) of the larger modules. Echo360: Echo is a lecture capture and streaming system used in three large lecture theatres across the University. These theatres are frequently used by Business School modules due to their large cohorts. Captured lectures are stored centrally and hyperlinks to media are provided through WebCT courses for students to review in their own time. Flip video: Students can use handheld video recorders to capture presentations, vodcasts and different aspects of their student lives. The videos can then be uploaded to WebCT for sharing. Recorders can also be used in student projects aimed at capturing different elements of the student experience. Tablet PC: This will be trialled in maths-based modules as a way of capturing mathematical explanations. Screen captures can they be shared through WebCT. We will be working towards using the Tablet with Echo in order that audio and video can be captured along with the explanations. WebCT: Work will be undertaken to make better use of the tools available through WebCT. Second Life: Potential uses of SL will be explored in a constrained way in order to ascertain its potential for the Business School. A potential application might be accessing keynote speakers, although the benefit of SL over videoconferencing is as yet unclear. CAA: Integrate is looking to pilot Assessment21’s ABC tool with the hope of gaining marking efficiencies – ABC allows markers to work question by question rather than script by script. Assessment21 believe this leads to better consistency in marking and also saves time. e-PDP: The University’s bespoke e-PDP system will be used across all modules for students to record reflections and progress in all areas of their studies. Related projects: Leap2a As cohorts change and different agendas come to the fore, the Integrate project will look to incorporate and support other technologies based upon user needs. Also, as the student projects get underway (WP6 Students Supporting Staff and Students) more technologies may need to be incorporated into the project and investigated and supported by the central team. Examples might include Ning for peer to peer social networking, Twitter, RFID for attendance monitoring, Wikis, blogs and VOIP as a method of collecting feedback. The wellsupported nature of the Integrate project (supported by two dedicated members of project team and a group of bursary students) allows the potential for a great deal of flexibility in the work undertaken by the project and allows for a broader scope than would be usual for a project of this size. Page 23 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 10. Intellectual Property Rights Project deliverables will be freely available to the JISC community and IPR for project deliverables will rest with JISC. Any information gathered during the course of the study (and not already in the public domain) will become the property of HEFCE on behalf of JISC. IPR for any research papers and journal articles, which draw on project findings but are not in themselves project deliverables, will rest with authors and their institutions as appropriate. IPR advice will be sought from JISC Legal and it is envisaged the Web2Rights project could also be of use. Project Resources 11. Project Partners The project is being wholly run by the University of Exeter. 12. Project Management Project Steering Group (PSG) Project Working Group (PWG) Project Management Group (PMG) Whole Group Student Liaison Group Project Evaluation Group Other School Staff Figure 2 – Project Management Structure Page 24 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 • The Project Steering Group (PSG) will advise on the direction and implementation of the project, monitor project progress and adherence to the project plan and consider and recommend strategies for the continuation and development of project initiatives after the life of the project. The steering group will comprise senior institutional managers, the student-chair of the Staff Student Liaison Committee, members of the team delivering the project and external consultants. • The Project Working Group (PWG), internal to the Education Enhancement Unit and led by the Principal Investigator and Project Manager, has oversight of the day to day running of the project and will liaise regularly with Whole Group, the Student Liaison Group, the Project Evaluation Group and Other School Staff (e.g. other academics and teaching staff, school managers, school administrators). o Whole Group comprises members of PWG, Academics and Teaching Fellows leading the Integrate pilot modules and other members of Business School staff close to the project. o Student Liaison Group comprises members of the Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) and bursary students. o Project Evaluation Group comprises members of all other groups (except Project Steering group) and will advise on matters regarding project evaluation. o Other School Staff is made up of any other members of Business School staff who have an interest in the project. • The Project Management Group (PMG) will have oversight of School-level issues, both administrative and managerial, within and surrounding the project. Name Liz Dunne Ali Press Role Integrate in Time Previous experience allocated to project Principal 20% Education Enhancement’s Head of Project Investigator Development at the University of Exeter. (PI) Her career over 30 years has been devoted to the promotion of innovation, change and strategic development in education. She has coordinated and directed many major research, development and evaluation projects on aspects of learning and teaching of national interest, most recently as director of a Pathfinder project on video-conferencing. Project 100% e-Learning Advisor. Successful Manager (PM) involvement in TEL projects for over 6 years and supporting colleagues’ use of ICT and ILT for over 10 years. Page 25 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Laura Taylor Nick Birbeck Matt Newcombe Sue Burkill Tom Browne Juliette Stephenson Education Technologist (ET) Co-Investigator (CO1) Co-Investigator (CO2) Co-Investigator (CO3) Co-Investigator (CO4) Key Business School Link (OS1) 100% Education Technologist 5% e-Learning Advisor 5% Head of e-Learning 5% Head of Education Enhancement 5% Education Research & Evaluation Advisor 5% Senior Teaching Fellow Training needs will be addressed as the project progresses and sourced either internally or externally depending on need. 13. Programme Support Advice and guidance will be sought from the Programme Manager and JISC services as required. Members of the project team will attend programme meetings and other JISC events as required. Team members have been involved in a number of other projects and have access to great deal of knowledge and expertise in the TEL community. Support will also be sought through the project cluster Integrate has been assigned to. 14. Budget The larger than expected pay settlement in October 2008 has meant the cost of the two posts funded by the Integrate project are higher than forecast. However, this cost has been offset largely by the Education Technologist for the project not commencing in post until 1st January 2009 (i.e. two months later than the project start). See Appendix A for detailed budget. Detailed Project Planning 15. Workpackages See Appendix B Page 26 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 16. Evaluation Plan There will be systematic and rigorous evaluation continuing throughout the project. In the pilot phase this will be used to inform the future implementation stage. Throughout the implementation phase evaluation will be used as a continuous cycle to inform practice and improve development - from project management to working with technology - and for report writing, and dissemination across the University and beyond. It will address evaluation of processes as well as outputs/outcomes in order to inform future developmental work, and will depend on a merging of both quantitative and qualitative data to give the fullest picture possible. This kind of process-based evaluation intrinsically reviews not only the measured effectiveness of any change or development but, possibly more importantly, the reasons for success or failure, whether to do with the technology per se or the delivery and pedagogy surrounding its use. Evaluation will be undertaken by the two full-time project members in collaboration with the PI, though this will be supported by staff and, in particular, by student involvement in data-collection, as agreed on an ongoing basis. Timing WP1 Throughou t the project Factor to Evaluate Questions to Address Project management Have discussions/ being achieved as in meetings (formal descriptions, from and informal) been staff and technology achieved as development to outlined? control of finances – To what extent have at each level from they been effective? everyday activity to Steering group. Method(s) Measure of Success Quantitative: counts of how many contacts/ meetings/ workshops/ other sessions organised, etc. and for what purpose. Qualitative: review of processes/ outcomes through stakeholder feedback/internal project review; notes and actions from meetings. Effectiveness evident in processes, progress and outcomes of project. Project to budget. Page 27 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 WP2 Initially from Nov 08 to Feb 09; continuing throughout the project Engagement of stakeholders, especially Business School/ INTO staff, especially of the project group, individually and as a team, initially and on a continued basis. Have efforts/ strategies to engage staff been appropriate for the context? Have all appropriate staff engaged at an appropriate level? What has been the impact of this engagement WP2 Gathering and recording of internal data to inform project development (benchmarking, surveys, informal interviews etc, as detailed in project plan) to provide a background report on prior technology use in the Business School and a baseline description of first year curriculum delivery. Data on student technology use and interests via survey written for purpose. Has appropriate documentation been traced, analysed, succinctly written up? Is the description in the report robust enough to provide a baseline for prompting action and against which to evaluate change? Should any survey questions be changed/ additional questions necessary? Is the design fit for purpose/ for re-use? Nov 08 to end Feb 09 Some repeated 09-10 Quantitative: counts of numbers attending sessions/ meetings, numbers working with new technologies. Numbers involved in dissemination within School or beyond. Qualitative: Internal project review of processes and outcomes, feedback from staff (academic/ teaching fellows/ admin). Quantitative: counts of papers/surveys, etc covered. Qualitative: review of processes and outcomes. Evidence of engagement, and quality of engagement observable through individual/group engagement/ changes in practice/ increased and enhanced technology use. Report provides a detailed background to the project, is perceived as interesting/ useful by the Business School; Qualitative: and can be built on feedback from staff to inform the future and students through shape of project. informal discussions Enough with staff/SSLCs appropriately completed survey returns to give a representative sample. Questions provide meaningful/ useful results. Page 28 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 WP2 To July 09 July-Oct 2010 WP2 WP3 Especially Nov-Feb 2009 WP3 Especially Jan-Feb 09, but ongoing as appropriate WP3 Review of literature to cover technology use and development, internationalisation, large numbers Weblog and website dissemination Quality, interest, usefulness Understanding of key challenges that underpin the project Articulation of desired changes to produce a plan of action Addressing aims and objectives Has the literature base been appropriately covered – what’s missing? Has the literature review been written up succinctly and appropriately so that links with the actions within the project are apparent or explicit. To what extent is this weblog/site publicised/ viewed by others. How useful is it and to which audiences? What should be included? Is it accessible? Have key challenges been appropriately identified - for all stakeholders? Is revision needed? Have changes been articulated/ by whom? To what extent is there built-in flexibility? Is revision needed? Have all the aims and objectives been appropriately covered – what’s missing/why? Is revision needed? What has been the quality of processes and outcomes? Qualitative: informal feedback from interested parties Quantitative: measurement of ‘hits’. Qualitative: feedback through informal discussion, final survey. Qualitative: accounts/ descriptions from staff/students, from discussions/focus groups/ final survey. Qualitative: initial articulation found to be sound/appropriate and hence a solid underpinning to action plan. Quantitative: Matching of aims and objectives to outcomes. How much/ what else is achieved? Qualitative: review of quality of processes/ outcomes through stakeholder feedback/ internal project review/ final survey. Page 29 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Report provides an effective and relevant background to the project, is perceived as interesting/ useful by the Business School and beyond; and is used to underpin project developments and clarify expectations and outcomes. Evidence of use and reported interest/ impact. Evidence in ways of working/feedback that challenges have been understood and have potential for change. Evidence in ways of working/feedback that changes have been understood and have potential for action. Evidence of uptake by staff/students. Changes in the baseline. Observed and reported evidence of impact on learning/ management. Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 WP3 Plan of action demonstrating technological solutions Induction and professional development WP4 At intervals programme to from March ensure staff 09 to Sept development in 2010 technology Implementing technologies: to From Jan include established 09 - June through to 2010 innovative WP5 -Improving WebCT use -Web 2.-CAA/online submission/ marking/ feedback -Engagement of large lecture audiences -Reusable learning objects -Pastoral care and support -Plagiarism and academic honesty How useful/ effective/ realistic has this plan been? In what ways has it changed/ developed? Quantitative: How much of the plan is implemented? Qualitative: review of quality of processes/ outcomes through stakeholder feedback/ internal project review/ final survey. How was face-toQuantitative: face training numbers received? Was it attending/satisfied. appropriately Numbers of tailored? What was Business School its impact on staff who become technology use? Has involved as it been possible to ‘trainers’/disseminat capture an outline ors of experience. and resources for a Qualitative: written/ reusable training verbal feedback package. from participants. Has this technology Quantitative: been used? To what numbers to show extent and in which what and who by – modules? To what staff/students? effect? Measures of impact may be possible time savings, cost savings (or lack of increase with large cohorts), increased effectiveness/ satisfaction. Qualitative: feedback from staff/ students via informal discussions/ focus groups/ final survey. Page 30 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Evidence through experience that plan is useable/ workable/ adaptable by different parties. Evidence of satisfaction levels with training/ implementation of change as an outcome. Evidence of uptake by staff/students. Changes in the baseline. Observed and reported evidence of impact on learning/ management. Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 WP5 WP6 WP6 Conceptualising and embedding to provide an integrative learning experience Making use of student bursaries to provide e-learning champions Has ‘integrative’ been adequately conceptualised? What constitutes an integrative experience for students? Has this been achieved? Was a bursary an effective means for engaging students? What was its impact in recruitment of students to project/ maintaining interest and support? Should it be repeated? How effective are students in this role? What has been achieved that could not be achieved by staff/ non-bursary students? Student involvement To what extent and in supporting project in what ways have aims students supported -as mentors/buddies project aims. How -developing support effectively? through FEELE -assisting with online support/tutoring - assisting with support for international students Quantitative: How many staff/students feel that learning has been integrated? Qualitative: feedback from staff/ students via informal discussions/ focus groups/ final survey. Qualitative: feedback through individual discussions/focus groups. Evidence of change in practice with staff/students. Changes in the baseline. Observed and reported evidence of impact on learning/ management/ technology. Evidence of change in practice with staff/students. Changes in the baseline. Observed and reported evidence of impact on learning/ management/ technology. Qualitative; feedback through individual discussions/focus groups. Evidence of uptake by staff/students. Changes in the baseline. Observed and reported evidence of impact on learning/ management/ technology. Page 31 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Ongoing evaluation WP7 WP8 WP8 Dissemination (detailed in 18.) To what extent is the predicted scale of evaluation realistic/ effective? Should it be changed? Is the evaluative process supporting change? What is it possible to measure? What should be measured? Who can contribute to evaluative processes and in what ways? Have the intended audiences been reached? Are these the most appropriate targets? Who should do the dissemination? Which stakeholders should be actively involved in the process? Embedding new To what extent has practices/sustainabili the project become ty owned by the Business School in general, by groups of staff, by individuals? In what ways has Education Enhancement been able to support embedding more broadly than the business School? How has sustainability been addressed throughout the project? Qualitative: Internal project review of processes and outcomes, feedback from staff (academic/ teaching fellows/ admin). Evidence that evaluation is capturing the essence of what is being achieved and with what impact (or not). Quantitative: amount of dissemination (workshops, presentations, articles/ papers) to which audiences, for what purposes. Qualitative: Evidence of a variety of forms of dissemination from conference presentations/ papers, journal articles, workshops, training sessions. Involvement of project staff/ Business School staff/ students Evidence of many forms of embedding/ sustainable activities. Involvement of project staff/ Business School staff/ students. Quantitative: numbers to show what and who by – staff/students/other Schools/beyond? Qualitative: feedback from staff/ students via informal discussions/ focus groups/ final survey. Page 32 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Across all packages Collaboration with academic and other staff/SSLCs and students/JISC How effective has collaboration been? Have appropriate opportunities been identified? eg. Across the school, across the university, with JISC Curriculum Design, JISC services and project cluster? Quantitative: numbers to show what collaboration and who by – staff/ students/other Schools/ beyond? Qualitative: feedback from staff/ students via informal discussions/ focus groups/ final survey. Evidence of collaboration throughout the project and accounts of impact. 17. Quality Plan The quality plan will have a strong, ongoing link to the evaluation plan. Overall Quality Plan Timing Quality criteria As required Best practice for tools and processes Ongoing and culminating in final report Evaluation that will analyse which areas of the project have been more successful and which have been less successful, and highlight key challenges in adoption. QA method(s) Evidence of compliance Analysis of User uptake; experiences; user feedback; analysis of relative ease of fitness for use purpose of technologies Analysis of Evaluation project report Quality responsibilities All PM, PI, CO1-4 Page 33 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Quality tools None Questionnaires ; focus group questions; interview questions Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 During each semester Evaluation of learners’ experiences Analysis of experience Regularly Review of progress with module leaders Feedback and analysis As required When appropriat e Fitness purpose Reports publication for User activity for Peer review Reports for blog and website; inclusion in interim and final reports. Reports for blog and website; inclusion in interim and final reports. Adoption by users Publication PM, PI, CO1-4, OS1-2 Questionnaires focus group questions; interview questions PM, ET Questionnaires focus group questions; interview questions PM, ET None PM, PI, CO1-4, None OS1-2 Output Specific Quality Plan Output: WP1 - A well-managed project that satisfies the Aims and Objectives by providing effective change within the Business School and understandings that benefit the institution and the wider community. Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality Quality tools compliance responsibilities Ongoing Adherence to Analysis of Workpackage PM none project plan project; milestones are reporting of hit; reports progress to produced on project time management groups Output: WP2 - A review report detailing current practices in curriculum delivery and use of technology in the Business School, to serve as a baseline for ongoing change and evaluation of development Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality Quality tools compliance responsibilities Ongoing Report accepted Review of Report is PM none by internal report by signed off by stakeholders as an internal all accurate picture stakeholders stakeholders of current practice. Page 34 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Output: WP2 - An outline of literature that relates to and can specifically inform this project Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities By Oct Literature Literature Literature PM, PI, ET, 2010 collection collection collection is CO1-4 encompasses best ( seen as practice in put together by informative technology a wide set of and useful by enhanced learning project project (TEL). participants; stakeholders. literature collection informed by leading figures in TEL field. Output: WP2 – Website Timing Quality criteria Ongoing; as appropriate Website informs wider community about Integrate’s aims, objectives and achievements to date; Website hosts project outputs as and when they become available; Output: WP2 - Blog Timing Quality criteria Ongoing Blog provides an open and informative record of project activities to interested parties. QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities User testing; User testing All and feedback suggests website is fit for purpose QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Blog postings Blog postings All made by team are cited or members are Twittered reviewed by about by other team readers; members; Page 35 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Quality tools none Quality tools Questionnaire Quality tools none Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Output: WP3 - A plan of action demonstrating technological solutions for implementing change and providing a plan of delivery, dependent on the findings of the review above Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality Quality tools compliance responsibilities Ongoing; Technological Stakeholders Technological All Questionnaire as apsolutions are fit are surveyed solutions are propriate for purpose and using used by selected to questionnaires; academics, address particular further focus teaching areas of practice groups and fellows and interviews are students and held surveying of all groups indicates their usefulness Output: WP3 - An evaluation plan to show how outcomes will be evaluated against the initial review and the identified challenge(s). Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality Quality tools compliance responsibilities Ongoing Plan evaluates Project Project PM, PI none each output of the evaluation will Evaluation project in an be undertaken Group sign off appropriate in consultation evaluation manner with the plan Project Evaluation Group Output: WP4 - A report on the training activities undertaken, their reception and impact Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Ongoing Report accurately Feedback will Feedback is PM, PI, ET details the be sought from included in the training activities all training report undertaken, their activities reception and their impact Page 36 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Quality tools Training activity feedback form Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Output: WP4 - An outline, and resources, for a training package that could be used in different contexts in the University and more widely Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality Quality tools compliance responsibilities Ongoing Based on Feedback from Final training PM, PI, ET Training feedback from training packages and activity training sessions resources are feedback undertaken, undertaken fit for purpose form lesson plans and will inform as resources will be to their fitness made available on for purpose – the project adjustments website so will be made training activities to can be accommodate successfully feedback replicated Output: WP5 - A series of case-studies detailing the outcomes of the identified pilots Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Ongoing Case studies Case studies Case studies All accurately reflect will draw upon are felt by all what happened, all available involved with whom and evaluation stakeholders to how everyone felt sources and an accurately about it account of represent what actual practice happened Output: WP6 - A report focusing on the views and experiences of students Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Ongoing Report accurately Report will Students and All reflects what draw upon all stakeholders happened, with available sign off report whom and how evaluation as an accurate everyone felt sources and an account of about it account of what took actual practice place Page 37 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Quality tools All evaluation tools Quality tools none Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Output: WP6 - Student-led case-book of technology practices they appreciate, and why Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Ongoing Case-book Students will Students will PM, PI, ET, accurately reflects decide how to produce own CO1-4 students’ opinions ensure their quality of technology case-book criteria; casemeets their book will quality criteria adhere to these criteria Output: WP6 - Student-made video Timing Quality criteria Ongoing Students will decide on quality criteria with guidance from the project team QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities All Quality tools Students’ quality criteria Quality tools Output: WP7 - Regular updates to the University’s Education Strategy Group (so as to impact upon future recommendations for policy and strategy) Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality Quality tools compliance responsibilities Ongoing Updates Stakeholders Stakeholders All All accurately reflect are involved in sign off evaluation activity of the producing and updates to be tools project. presenting given to updates Education Strategy Group Page 38 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Output: WP7 - Ongoing evaluation Timing Quality criteria Ongoing Evaluation activities conform to evaluation plan QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Project Project All evaluation will Evaluation be undertaken Group agree in consultation evaluation with the activities Project conform to Evaluation evaluation Group plan Output: WP8 - Interim and final reports Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Ongoing Reports paint Presentation to Stakeholders PM accurate picture stakeholders sign off of project reports for activities; publication Output: WP8 – Dissemination activities Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Ongoing Message given by Feedback will Feedback PM project accurately be elicited gathered from reflects project from dissemination activities and is of dissemination activities benefit to HE activities; (verbal and community types of written) internally and feedback will externally be appropriate to audience (e.g. internal audiences can be asked to fill in feedback forms) Page 39 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Quality tools All evaluation tools Quality tools none Quality tools Training activity feedback forms Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Output: WP9 - Evidence of sustainability within University strategies Timing Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Ongoing Updates and Exit and Feedback from PM, PI findings from the Sustainability Head of eIntegrate project Group will Learning and will have exert influence Head of influenced School at the Education and University appropriate Enhancement TEL policies level in order Unit that once findings and benefits of project activities are clear Output: WP10 – Final evaluation Timing Quality criteria By October 2010 Outputs described above provide a valuable contribution to HE community QA method(s) Evidence of Quality compliance responsibilities Stakeholders Use of All and Project successful Evaluation technologies Group will embedded analyse and within sign off all Business project outputs School and are permeating to other Schools; dissemination of activities yields positive feedback Quality tools None Quality tools All evaluation tools 18. Dissemination Plan Dissemination will be undertaken both by the project team in Education Enhancement and by members of Business School staff and students. Dissemination will include conventional paper-based and face to face interaction, as well as audio, video and student-designed feedback. Page 40 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Timing Dissemination Activity Page on JISC website Blog created Audience Purpose Key Message JISC community Project perspective Website in University of Exeter Domain Bursary students to work with other students and staff Internal and external education community Project dissemination Awareness raising and progress reporting Project dissemination University community; Students Guild Awareness raising and sharing experiences May 2009 Programme Meeting JISC community; other Delivery projects Awareness raising and sharing experience Oct 2009 Programme Meeting JISC community; other Delivery projects Awareness raising and sharing experience May 2010 Programme Meeting JISC community; other Delivery projects Awareness raising and sharing experience Oct 2010 Programme Meeting JISC community; other Delivery projects Awareness raising and sharing experience Monthly Project Working Group meetings Project colleagues What we did, with whom and what we found; how to become involved What we did, with whom and what we found; how we are progressing What we did, with whom and what we found; how we are progressing What we did, with whom and what we found; how we are progressing What we did, with whom and what we found; how we are progressing Awareness raising and sharing experiences Awareness raising and sharing experiences Awareness raising and sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found; how we are progressing December 2008 November 2008 Mar 2009 Feb 2009 – June 2010 Internal and external education community Awareness raising and sharing experiences Every other Project Key Business School Awareness raising month management management links and sharing Group Meetings experiences 5 times Project Steering Steering Group Awareness raising through Group meetings and sharing project life experiences 4 times Meetings with HE community Awareness raising through life project cluster and and sharing of project critical friend experiences Page 41 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Lessons learnt; project activities Project activity and outputs Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 As Updates given at opportunities bi-monthly present Education Enhancement Unit meetings As Updates given at opportunities bi-monthly present University Innovations Group Meetings As Presentation of opportunities papers and case present studies As Updates in opportunities University present Revolve magazine As Presentations to opportunities Staff Student present Liaison Committees As School road shows opportunities present As Education opportunities Enhancement present dissemination routes, such as School road shows and LTHE extras As Through the INTO opportunities partnership present network ideas for good practice As Module Leaders, opportunities Lecturers and present Teaching Follows to feed back to HEA subject centres relevant to the Business School By Lunchtime September seminars, 2009 demonstrations and reports Pedagogic and technical support staff and trainers, educational researchers University community Awareness raising and sharing experiences How we are progressing Sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found Wider education community nationally and internationally University community Sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found How we are progressing University community Sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found University community Sharing experiences Directors of Learning and teaching in all academic Schools Sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found What we did, with whom and what we found INTO Sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found HEA Subject Centres Sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found Administrators Sharing experiences What we did, with whom and what we found Awareness raising Page 42 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 June 2009 Lunchtime seminars and demonstrations University community Awareness raising and promotion of TEL August 2009 Interim report JISC community 2009 and 2010 Journal Articles: BJET; IJEL; Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal; Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR); ALT-J Interim report Education Community Project dissemination and reporting Sharing experiences; project dissemination JISC community April 2010 JISC Conference – Presentation Education Community Project dissemination and reporting Sharing experiences April 2010 Plymouth eLearning Conference Hertfordshire Blended Learning Conference ALT-C 2010 Conference Presentation Final Report Education Community Sharing experiences Education Community Sharing experiences Education Community Sharing experiences JISC Community Online Educa, Berlin Conference Presentation HE Community Project dissemination and reporting Project dissemination and reporting Feb 2010 June 2010 September 2010 October 2010 December 2010 What we did, what we found, how others can get involved How we are progressing What we did, with whom and what we found How we are progressing What we did, with whom and what we found What we did, with whom and what we found What we did, with whom and what we found What we did, with whom and what we found What we did, with whom and what we found What we did, with whom and what we found 19. Exit and Sustainability Plans As the project lasts for a duration of two years the project will ensure there is sufficient professional development within the Business School in order for the technologies implemented to remain in use beyond the life of the project, both by project staff and by others. In addition, the knowledge and expertise gained by members of the Education Enhancement Unit will be Page 43 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 shared widely both within the Unit and by the Unit. An Exit and Sustainability Group comprising a mixture of all project management groups will be tasked with ensuring wider rollout of successful project activities within the Business School. The Exit and Sustainability Group will be formed during the 2009/10 academic year once pilots of most technologies have taken place and successful interventions are being embedded. Contacts within the Education Enhancement Unit, such as School Link Advisers, will be involved in the wider roll-out of successful activities to other Schools. Project Outputs Knowledge and experience of technology gained through the project Action for Take-up & Embedding The value of the changes in practice explored will have proven beneficial to the Business School and permeated into more modules and programme areas across the School and beyond. Website to include all written reports Website to remain available to all for three years after the end of the project. A series of case studies detailing what was done, by whom, and how others can do similar Case studies will form best practice models and be shared at School roadshows and technology seminars across the University. Case studies will also be promoted at conferences etc. Blog detailing project learning Blog to remain available to all for three years after the end of the project. Project reports Promotion through conferences etc Action for Exit All learning will be routinely incorporated into future practice as a matter of course, since working group members belong to a central unit wherein the role of staff is continued dissemination, transfer and embedding of activity. Website will be maintained or incorporated into Education enhancement as part of the institutional strategy to focus on good practice. Some materials to be on Business School website and maintained for future use, for example, induction/buddy materials/videos. All learning will be routinely incorporated into future practice both within the Business School and across the University. Case studies to be archived on project website and in Exeter Research and Institutional Content (ERIC) repository. Blog will be maintained or incorporated into Education enhancement as part of the institutional strategy to focus on good practice. Archived on website and placed in ERIC repository Page 44 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Project Outputs Why Sustainable Website Supported until 2013 Supported until 2013 Blog Scenarios for Taking Issues to Address Forward Maintained by None Education Enhancement Maintained by None Education Enhancement Page 45 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Appendix A. Project Budget Key JISC Contributions Institutional Contributions Directly Incurred Staff (Post, Grade, No. Hours & % FTE) April 08 – March 09 April 09 – March 10 April 10 – March 11 TOTAL £ 61,594.04 80,536.28 Total Directly Incurred Staff (A) £35,532.58 £71,065.16 £35,532.58 £142,130.32 Non-Staff April 08 – March 09 April 09 – March 10 April 10 – March 11 TOTAL £ 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 4,200.00 10,350.00 5,410.00 21,170.00 24 Student Bursaries @£500 – Student-Supporting-Student Workplan Phase – 8 Y1, 16 Y2 Consultant Fees – 5 @ £1,000 Dissemination – Attendance at events £4,000 + printing £200 Travel and expenses -From Exeter to London to fulfill JISC requirements of 55 events (Standard Open Ticket is£179.00; £5.00 per trip expenses +£110 accommodation) – 15 Y1, 25 Y2, 15 Y3 + 10 events @£500 release time for Senior Management Hardware/software (inc VAT) New workstation x 2 for new members of directly incurred project staff (2 x desktop PC (2 x £550.00) x 2; 1 x networked colour laser jet printer(£240.00) Consumables Total Directly Incurred Non-Staff (B) Directly Incurred Total (C) (A+B=C) 5,410.00 1,340.00 1,340.00 2,500.00 8,000.00 3,500.00 14,000.00 £13,250.00 £29,450.00 £15,010.00 £57,710.00 £48,782.58 £100,515.16 £50,542.58 £199,840.32 Page 46 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Directly Allocated April 08 – March 09 April 09 – Sept 09 April 10 – March 11 TOTAL £ 23,880.01 6,716.25 5,122.78 2,026.50 7,167.48 4,884.42 20,134.07 Estates Directly Allocated Total (D) 4,180.47 £24,968.40 8,360.94 £41,940.34 4,180.47 £19,744.66 16,721.88 £86,653.40 Indirect Costs (E) £55,390.87 £110,781.75 £55,390.88 £221,563.50 Total Project Cost (C+D+E) Amount Requested from JISC Institutional Contributions £129,141.85 £48,782.58 £80,359.27 £253,237.25 £100,515.16 £152,722.09 £125,678.13 £50,542.58 £75,135.55 £508,057.23 £199,840.32 £308,216.91 Page 47 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate - The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – th Date: 26 January 2009 Appendix B. Detailed Breakdown of Workpackages Page 48 of 60 Document title: University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project: JISC Project Plan Last updated: December 2008 Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 JISC WORK PACKAGE 2008 WORKPACKAGES 1: Project Management 2:Review of Current Practice 3: Understanding the Challenges 4: Planning Curriculum Delivery 5: Piloting and Implementation 6: Students Supporting Staff and Students 7: Ongoing Evaluation 8: Dissemination Page 49 of 60 Document title: JISC Work Package Last updated: April 2007 2009 2010 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Earliest start date Latest completion date Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) 1. Project Management Activities 2. Create & approve JISC Project Plan 3. Create Integrate blog at Exeter Nov 08 Jan 08 Nov 08 Oct 09 Feb 09 Nov 08 4. Create Integrate website at Exeter Nov 08 Mar 09 Manage progress on Integrate Complete JISC Project Plan Publish Integrate blog in UoE domain Publish Integrate website in Responsibility Milestone 9: Embedding New Practice and Sustainability 10: Final Evaluation Project start date: 01/11/2008 Project completion date: 31/10/2010 Duration: 24 months Workpackage and activity Milestone Responsibilit y YEAR 1 WP1: Project Management Objective: To ensure effective internal communications and project success Page 50 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 x PM PM PM PM Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity Earliest start date Latest completion date 5. Provide content for JISC website Nov 08 Nov 08 6. Set up project teams and meeting schedules Nov 08 Dec 08 7. Monitor finance Oct 08 Oct 10 8. Interim report 9. Interim report 10. Final Report 11. Project closure Aug 09 Feb 10 Aug 10 Aug 09 Feb 10 Oct 10 Oct 09 12. Ongoing review of literature Nov 08 Oct 10 13. Review current practice in Business School Nov 08 Jan 09 Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) UoE domain Publication of Integrate details on JISC website Formation of project groups (working Group, Management Group and Steering Group) and setting of meeting schedules Keep financial expenditure within budget Interim report Interim report Final Report Closure of Integrate project Responsibility Milestone PM PM; PI; CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 X PI; PM X X x x PM PM PM PI; PM WP2: Review of Current Practice Objective: To benchmark current use of technology in curriculum delivery in the Business School Page 51 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 Tag cloud in made available to project blog and website Report detailing current practices in curriculum delivery All PM, PI, ET, CO1, CO2, Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity 14. Elicit baseline data from students Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Responsibility Milestone and use of technology; internal wiki Questionnaires completed by students; analysis of questionnaires CO3, CO4 Nov 08 Dec 08 PM, PI Nov 08 Jan 09 Shared understanding in Project teams of the key challenges PM, PI, ET, CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 Nov 08 Jan 09 Plan of action for training delivery PM, LT, CO1 WP3: Understanding the Challenges Objective: To understand key challenges facing the Business School from the perspective of module leaders 15. Exploring and recording the challenges faced by the Business School WP4: Planning Curriculum Delivery Objective: To ensure technological interventions are understood and can be applied appropriately 16. Discussion with Module Leaders to elicit comfort with technology Page 52 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity 17. Deliver training based upon needs 18. Determine which technologies would alleviate School challenges Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Responsibility Milestone Jan 09 Nov 08 Oct 10 Feb 09 Appropriately trained staff Schedule of technologies to be piloted in each module PM, ET PM, PI, ET, CO1, CO2 Jan 09 Dec 09 Case Study Student created podcasts PM, ET, OS2, BS Jan 09 Dec 09 Case Study Student created podcasts PM, ET, OS2, BS WP5: Piloting and Implementation Objective: To trial technologies aimed at transforming curriculum technology in live module teaching 19. BEE1001 – Principles of Economics (core) 19.1. Personal response systems 19.2. Attendance monitoring 19.3. Lecture capture/streaming 19.4. Assessment marking overlays 19.5. Secondlife? 19.6. How I Learn podcasts 20. BEE1025 – Statistics for Business and Management (core) 20.1. Formative CAA - MCQs in VLE 20.2. Summative assessments submitted through Turnitin 20.3. e-feedback (vodcast) using captive through VLE? 20.4. Individual feedback through VLE Page 53 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity 20.5. Student to student platform 20.6. How I Learn podcasts 21. BEM1007 – Theory of Management (core) 21.1. Lecture capture/streaming 21.2. Streaming media in tutorials 21.3. Improved resources 21.4. CAA - VLE MCQs 21.5. How I Learn podcasts 22. BEA1006/7 - Accounting 1/2 (core) 22.1. Textbook quizzes (online) 22.2. CAA - VLE MCQs 22.3. Lecture capture/streaming 22.4. How I Learn podcasts 23. BEE1024 – Mathematics for Economists (core) 23.1. Personal response systems 23.2. SMS 23.3. WebCT repository 23.4. Videoed tutorials 23.5. Lecture capture/streaming 23.6. Use of tablet PC 23.7. How I Learn podcasts 24. BEE1023 – Introduction to Econometrics (core) 24.1. Summative CAA - MCQs in VLE 24.2. How I Learn podcasts 25. BEMM108 - Entrepreneurship: New Page 54 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Responsibility Milestone Jan 09 Dec 09 Case Study Student created podcasts PM, ET, OS2, BS Jan 09 Dec 09 Case Study Student created podcasts PM, ET, OS2, BS Jan 09 Dec 09 Case Study Student created podcasts PM, ET, OS1, BS Jan 09 Dec 09 Case Study Student created podcasts PM, ET, OS2, BS Jan 09 Apr 09 Case study PM, ET, OS2 Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity Venture Development (extra) 25.1. Summative CAA using MCQ and short answer questions Assessment21 26. BEE1015 – Philosophy of Economics (extra) 26.1. Personal response system 27. BEAM034 – Corporate Finance (extra) 27.1. Game-based learning 28. International Students and INTO 28.1. Capture videos for induction 29. Distance (learners and guest lecturers) 29.1. Use of Skype and/or Adobe Connect to join groups separated by time and distance Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Responsibility Milestone Jan 09 Dec 09 Further evidence of use of response systems PM, ET, OS1 Jan 09 Dec 09 Case study PM, ET, OS2 Jan 09 Jun 09 Student-created video content Jan 09 Dec 09 Proof of concept study for Business School PM, ET, OS1, OS2 PM, ET, OS2 30. Employ 8 students for 2008/09 31. Student induction Jan 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 32. Student engagement with Business Feb 09 Jun 09 8 employed students Students ready to engage with school Students lead on areas WP 6: Students Supporting Staff and Students Objective: 24 first and second year students will be offered bursaries for undertaking an amount of project directed work Page 55 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 PM, PI, ET PM, ET PM, ET, BS Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity School 33. Employ 16 students for 2009/10 34. Student induction Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) identified in WP description 16 employed students Students ready to engage with school Students lead on areas identified in WP description Sept 09 Oct 09 Oct 09 Oct 09 Jun 10 36. Discussion with project stakeholders to ascertain what they want from project evaluation 37. Engagement, observation and support of staff Jan 09 Mar 09 38. Engagement, observation and support of students 39. Student focus groups and short interviews Dec 09 Jun 10 Formal and informal feedback Feb 09 Jun 10 Formal feedback 40. Gathering of internal data Nov 08 Feb 09 41. Review of literature Nov 08 Oct 10 Report providing a detailed background to the project Literature review 35. Student engagement with Business School Responsibility Milestone PM, PI, ET PM, ET PM, ET, BS WP 7: Ongoing Evaluation Objective: To regularly review and evaluate the project Page 56 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 Dec 09 Feedback to incorporate into evaluation plan PM, PI Formal and informal feedback PM, ET, PI, CO1, CO2, BS PM, ET, PI, CO1, CO2 PM, ET, PI, CO1, OS1, OS2 PI, PM, ET, CO1 PI, PM, ET, Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Responsibility Milestone Nov 08 Oct 10 Formal and informal feedback CO1-4, OS12 PM Feb 09 Jun 10 Formal and informal feedback PM, PI, ET 44. Update project Blog 45. Update project website (internal) 46. Lunchtime seminars Nov 09 Nov 09 Jun 09 47. Project meetings 48. Updates at Education Enhancement meetings 49. Updates at University Innovation Group meetings 50. Presentation of case-studies and papers at conferences 51. Updates in University publications 52. Presentations to Staff Student Liaison Nov 08 Nov 08 Oct 10 Oct 10 Ongoing 09-10 Oct 10 Oct 10 Blog Website Seminars in various Schools and locations across the University Meeting notes and minutes Verbal updates PM PM, ET PM, ET, CO1, BS All PM, PI, BS Jan 09 Oct 10 Verbal updates PM, CO2 Jun 09 Oct 10 All Nov 08 Nov 08 Oct 10 Oct 10 Presentation of case-studies and papers Published updates Verbal updates 42. Blog and website dissemination – evidence of use and reported interest/impact (internal and external) 43. Feedback from bursary students WP8: Dissemination Objective: To tell others what we did, with whom and what we found Page 57 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 PM, PI All Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Responsibility Milestone Committees WP 9: Embedding New Practices and Sustainability Objective: To permeate piloted technologies throughout the Business School and beyond 53. Lunchtime seminars Jun 09 54. Presentation of findings at School roadshows Jun 09 55. Knowledge and expertise gained by core module leaders to permeate to other Business School staff 56. Knowledge and expertise gained by Education Enhancement Unit transferred to other Schools 57. Knowledge and expertise gained shared through LTHE Extras sessions WP 10: Final Evaluation Page 58 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 Ongoing 09-10 Ongoing 09-10 Seminars in various Schools and locations across the University Presentations of findings PM, ET, CO1, BS PM, PI, ET, CO1, OS1-2, BS All Jun 09 Ongoing Sharing of evidence-based practice Jun 09 Ongoing Sharing of evidence-based practice All Jun 09 Ongoing Sharing of evidence-based practice All Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Responsibility Milestone Objective: To conduct a detailed and critical evaluation of the project 58. Gathering of internal data to inform project Nov 08 Jul 10 59. Review of literature Nov 08 July 10 Counts of papers/surveys covered; review of processes and outcomes; feedback from staff and students Literature review 60. Review of case studies and practice changes in Business School Jun 09 July 10 Contribution to final report 61. Recording of significant project events Nov 08 July 10 62. Student focus groups Mar 09 July 10 Blog postings; contribution to final report Contribution to final report 63. Staff interviews and focus groups Nov 09 July 10 Contribution to final report 64. Members of Project Team: Project Manager (PM) – e-learning Advisor (Ali Press) Principal Investigator (PI) – Education Enhancement’s Head of Project Development (Liz Dunne) Education Technologist (ET) – (Laura Taylor) Page 59 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 All PM, PI, ET, CO1-4, OS12 PM, PI, ET, CO1-4, OS12 PM, ET PM, ET, PI, CO1, BS PM, PI, ET, CO1, BS Project Acronym: Integrate – The University of Exeter Business School Integrative Technologies Project Version: 1.3 Contact: Ali Press – Date: 29/01/2009 Workpackage and activity Earliest start date Latest completion date Outputs (clearly indicate deliverables & reports in bold) Co-Investigator (CO1) – e-Learning Advisor (Nick Birbeck) Co-Investigator (CO2) – Head of e-Learning (Matt Newcombe) Co-Investigator (CO3) – Head of Education Enhancement (Sue Burkill) Co-Investigator (CO4) – Education Research & Evaluation Advisor (Tom Browne) Other Staff (OS1) – Senior Teaching Fellow, Business School (Juliette Stephenson) Other Staff (OS2) – Lecturers and Teaching Fellows, Business School (six core modules) Bursary Students (BS) – students employed through project funds Page 60 of 60 Document title: JISC work package template Last updated: April 2007 Responsibility Milestone
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