Charlotte Historic District Commission Staff Review HDC 2014-070 LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICT: Wesley Heights PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1700 Heathcliff Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: New Construction OWNER: Daimean & Jennifer Fludd APPLICANT: Daimean Fludd Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness Date: August 13, 2014 Details of Proposed Request Existing Conditions The site is a triangular vacant lot at the end of a street. The adjacent properties are 1.5 and 2 story single family homes and a two story quadraplex. There are mature trees on the site. There is not an established front setback on the street. Proposal The proposal is a new two story single family home with a continuous gable roof from front to rear. Primary exterior materials are cementitious siding, brick and standing seam metal roof (front elevation). The height from grade is approximately 30’-8”. Full size windows are 6 over 1. Policy & Design Guidelines New construction in Local Historic Districts has an obligation to blend in with the historic character and scale of the Local Historic District in which it is located. Designs for infill projects and other new construction within designated Local Historic Districts must be designed with the surroundings in mind. The Historic District Commission will not specify a particular architectural style or design for new construction projects. The scale, mass and size of a building are often far more important than the decorative details applied. However, well designed stylistic and decorative elements, as well as building materials and landscaping, can give new construction projects the attributes necessary to blend in with the district, while creating a distinctive character for the building. New construction projects in Local Historic Districts must be appropriate to their surroundings. The Historic District Commission will review the building details for all new construction as part of their evaluation of new construction project proposals. Continued on page 2. 1 All New Construction Projects Will Be Evaluated For Compatibility By The Following Criteria 1. Size the relationship of the project to its site 2. Scale the relationship of the building to those around it 3. Massing the relationship of the building’s various parts to each other 4. Fenestration the placement, style and materials of windows and doors 5. Rhythm the relationship of fenestration, recesses and projections 6. Setback in relation to setback of immediate surroundings 7. Materials proper historic materials or approved substitutes 8. Context the overall relationship of the project to its surroundings 9. Landscaping as a tool to soften and blend the project with the district Staff Analysis The Commission will determine if the proposal meets the guidelines for new construction. 2 Duc Auten St Av ut val od o W eP Duckw orth A v aln W Sumter Av Auten S Charlotte Historic District Commission - Case 2014-070 t Historic District ; Wesley Heights l rook Av lnut Wa tb Wes Av er t m Su Dr Westbrook Dr ut Av Ex t W nd Gr a ut Av W W aln W 100 200 Map Printdate; April , 2014 Av 400 Feet St Gr an din Rd 0 L el a A v er ak L it ! I 2n d 4th St Ex t 1700 Heathcliff Street Wesley Heights Local Historic District W 2n Property Lines d St Building Footprints W 2n d 4th St S St St Ro t 4th in fS clif h t a He 4t h W W aln W Walnut View Dr ad Wesley Heights Wy Wesley Heights Way #2 southern yellow pine floor joist 40 psf live load 10 psf dead load 12" o.c. 16"o.c. 24"o.c. 2x8 2x10 14'-2" 18'-0" 12'-10'' 16'-1" 11'-0" 13'-2" 2x8 2x10 15'-7" 19'-10" 14'-2" 18'-0" 12'-4" 14'-8" 2x6 2x8 2x10 15'-6" 20'-1" 24'-0" 13'-6" 17'-5" 20'-9" 11'-0" 14'-2" 17'-0" 20 psf live load 7 psf dead load 2x6 2x8 17'-0" 22'-5" 15'-2" 19'-8" 12'-5" 16'-1" 30 psf live load 7 psf dead load 2x6 2x8 2x6 2x8 13'-0" 16'-10" 11'-6" 14'-11" 10'-7" 13'-9" 40 psf live load 7 psf dead load 14'-10" 19'-5" 13'-4" 17'-3" These plans are designed to conform to the 2014 International Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings. National and local building codes vary with location and change from time to time. Therefore it is impossible to warrant compliance to your specific location. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and/or the builder to adapt these plans to the requirements of the individual locale. (all rooms except sleeping) 30 psf live load 10 psf dead load (sleeping rooms @ L/360) ceiling joist 20 psf live load 5 psf dead load (drywall ceiling @ L/240) (slope over 3/12 & no finished ceiling @ L/180) #2 S-P-F (spruce-pine-fir) 13'-6" 17'-3" 12'-3'' 15'-5" 10'-3" 12'-7" 30 psf live load 10 psf dead load 2x8 2x10 14'-11" 19'-0" 13'-6" 17'-2" 11'-6" 14'-1" (all rooms except sleeping) (sleeping rooms @ L/360) ceiling joist 20 psf live load 5 psf dead load 2x6 2x8 2x10 14'-9" 18'-9" 22'-11" 12'-10" 16'-3" 19'-10" 10'-6" 13'-3" 16'-3" 20 psf live load 7 psf dead load 2x6 2x8 16'-3" 21'-3" 14'-6" 18'-5" 11'-10" 15'-0" 30 psf live load 7 psf dead load 2x6 2x8 2x6 2x8 12'-5" 15'-8" 11'-0" 13'-11" 10'-1" 12'-10" 40 psf live load 7 psf dead load 14'-3" 18'-2" 12'-8" 16'-1" (drywall ceiling @ L/240) Sheet 02 - Crawl Foundation Crawl Foundation Plan _Fdn8blk _Fl1blk8-4 _crawl notes _ledgerblk8-4 Sheet 03 - Floor 1 Plan 1 - Kitchen Caabinet 2 - Kitchen Cabinet 3- Kitchen Cabinet Floor 1 Plan _deck rail 1 Sheet 04 - Floor 2 Plan Door List RT Electrical 1 Floor Plan Electrical 2 Floor Plan Floor 2 Plan Roof Plan Window List RT General Notes 12" o.c. 16"o.c. 24"o.c. 2x8 2x10 Drawing Index These plans are designed for roof loads of 20 psf live load and 10 psi dead load. The chart to the left can be used to adjust for different requirements. All beams are labeled "LVL" and should be sized locally. Roof loads can vary and have a big impact on the beams carrying accumulated loads. Most lumber suppliers can have this done at no charge, however having a registered engineer is recommended. 9'-5" 12'-2" 40 psf live load 10 psf dead load Sheet 01 - Cover sheet Structural Notes rafters floor joist Index to Drawings Thank you for your purchase of these house plans. • Square footages are for heated floor areas. This does not include fireplace projection or vaulted space. Stairs are counted on the main floor only. Sheet 05 - Front and Right Elevations • Dimensions are from the face of the stud wall. Contractor to verify all dimensions and please contact us if an error is present.. Sheet 06 - Rear and Left Elevations Front Elevation Right Side Elevation _porch3EaveDn18 Left Side Elevation Rear Elevation • All footings shall be on firm undisturbed soil of no less than 2000 psf and be below frost depth. The exact size and reinforcement of concrete footings must be determined by local soil conditions. Verify design with local engineer. rafters 9'-0" 11'-5" Sheet 07 - Details - Buiiding Section -eaveSid9box18-4 -rakeAttic12boxed Building Section _insulation chart _porch8"colBrick • HVAC design to be sized according to the local climate conditions including compass direction. (slope over 3/12 & no finished ceiling @ L/180) Sheet 08 - Alternate Slab Sheet Energy Notes • Caulk all exterior toe plates with latex caulk. abbreviations cj clg. CMU C.O conc. CT. dbl. dj ew. fj ftg. HVAC jst. LVL. mech. mil min. N.T.S. oc pc pt. psf R/A reqd. reinf. Rm. ro. sf syp Shw. T&G W.H. WWM w/ yp • Caulk all wire and pipe holes where they penetrate all upper and lower exterior plates. ceiling joist ceiling concrete masonry unit cased opening concrete ceramic tile double double joist each way floor joist footing heating/ventilating/air conditioning joist laminated veneer lumber - ie. Parallam mechanical .001 inch minimum not to scale on center pull cord pressure treated pounds per square foor return air required reinforcing room rough opening square feet southern yellow pine shower tongue and groove water heater welded wire mesh with yellow pine • Use blown-in wall insulation if at all possible. If batt insulation is used pack behind all electrical boxes. • Seal all joints in HVAC ducts, with leakage no more than 3%. Three inch fiber mesh tape should be used on all collar to plenum connections and all gaps that are 1/4" or wider. Insulate ducts with R-6.5 or greater. • Foam insulate between all exterior window and door edges and rough opening frame. Use non-expanding foam. • Provide back draft damper on kitchen hood vent, dryer vent, and bathroom vents. • Insulate all hot water pipes. • Install wrap kit on water heater. Builder's Guide from This one book, available from The Energy and Enviromental Building Association, if followed, will do more to insure a well built home than any material I know of. It is very clearly written and contains many useful details to build an energy efficient home. Phone 952-881-1092 or order online at There are 4 different versions based on a climate zone map. This plan is licensed to Verde Building Solutions Plan 1209A © Rick Thompson -2012 w w w . thompsonplans. P O Box 160 Lake Junaluska, NC 828-734-2553 com original print date 28745 7/9/14 General crawl notes gypsum wall board Provide 18"x24" min. access door. Location as per field conditions - side prefered. caulking or sealant for air movement control 5/4"x 6" PT decking align top of decking with top of sub-floor drop joist 1/4" kerf in joist for flashing Fill piers solid with grout. Pier block size shown is minimum. May vary as per foundation height. Pier spacing may vary dependant on local snow loads, soli bearing capacity and the use of roof trusses. 10'-0" 6'-0" Footing sizes and reinforcment are assumed. Soil conditions vary and must be taken into account. Inspectors can allow builders to adjust the use of rebar and footing sizes as per local conditions. 2-2x10 pt pressure treated joist see plans for size 5/8" thru bolts w/ washer -24"' O.C. staggered and 12" min from ends 6'-0" 6x6 pt on 24"x24"x10" conc ftg 2x PT ledger 5/4 PT decking 2x6 pt plate 22'-0" 10'-10" 8" scale 1"=1'-0" Lake Junaluska, NC 4'-3" W5 Porch/ Deck Detail 28745 2x PT ledger through bolted to band joist w/ 5/8" bolts 24" o.c. staggered to prevent splitting 2-2x10 siding F4 caulking or sealant for air movement control 4'-2" 1'-4" floor insulation see zone chart Wall detail Fl1 scale 1"=1'-0" 13'-2" 13'-3 1/2" stucco finish 1'-4" 4'-10" 3" 3'-5 1/2" P O Box 160 30'-0" 8x16 concrete block piers on 24"x24"x10" footings w/ 3#4 bars each way - typical 2x10 #2 syp. @ 16" oc styrofoam sill sealer 4'-1 1/2" 2-2x10 8" masonary units slope top of footing with mortar 5/4 PT decking 8'-0" full mortar bed F6 2x PT ledger through bolted to band joist w/ 5/8" bolts 24" o.c. staggered to prevent splitting 10" 2 #5 rebar - if required by local codes (recommended always) 3" as per local frost depth 6 mil film 8'-0" vertical rebar if neededdetermined by height of unbalanced backfill see IRC table R404.1.1(2) 2x8 PT jst. @ 16" oc stucco over block 1'-4" 38'-0" 8" 4'-10" 4 1/2" 1/2" anchor bolts @ 6' O.C. max 7" min embed into solid grout 12" max from ends B1 13'-3 1/2" 2x10 floor joist or floor trusses by others B1 4 1/2" 2x6 pt plate 3-2x10 4'-4 1/2" 30'-0" 2x 10 rim joist 18" min - 24" prefered 2x10 #2 syp. @ 16" oc 2x10 #2 syp. @ 16" oc 3/4" sub-flooring glued and nailed W1 16'-4" 2x4 studs at 16" o.c. alternate 2x6 studs 16'-4" 1/2" sheathing - wood for wall bracing and shear 1'-4" wall insulation see zone chart 4'-3" gypsum wall board 828-734-2553 4 1/2" Rick Thompson - Architect 10'-10" see wall detail for additional notes 1'-4" 18" min - 24" prefered 2x6 pt plate standard contract document flashing tucked 1" min under siding and into kerf cut in joist Provide foundation vents not less than 1 sqft per 150 sqft under floor space. One vent within 3 feet of each corner. IRC - R408.1 or Unvented where exposed earth is covered and and air supplied as per IRC - R408.3 10'-0" 2x4 studs at 16" o.c. alternate 2x6 studs 2x10 PT jst. @ 16" oc wall insulation see zone chart concrete footing - size may vary as per local soil conditions and code requirements 2'-0" F4 Foundation - block wall scale 1"=1'-0" 22'-0" Crawl Foundation Plan scale 1/4"=1'-0" All Federal, State and local codes shall be considered as a part of these documents, and shall take preference over anything shown or implied if differences arise. This plan is licensed to Verde Building Solutions © 2012 Rick Thompson - Architect plan # 1209A original print date 7/9/14 2 3'-0" 36" high rail 4" space between 2x2 pickets 5/4x6 pt decking 2'-0" 2 2x10 fl jst #2 syp 16" o.c. kit 1x8 pt - paint finish 3-2x6's - wrapped living rm 2'-4" 2'-0" 4'-6" 2'-0" 2 #4 rebar each way - if required by local codes (recommended always) 2'-0" F7 Deck Detail 2-2x10 28745 3'-0" 6'-8" 4'-1/2" 8'-0" 6'-11 1/2" 2x6 clg jst 16" o.c. 6'-6" 8'-0" 1'-0" 4'-6" 2'-4" 6'-2" 2'-4" 6'-2" 6" 4" x 12" concrete base wh 2'-5" 2'-1 1/2" 2x12 pt stringers - 2' oc max 7 1/2" 2x6 PT B1 3'-5 1/2" flush LVL's if stick framed roof lattice metal connector- set into concrete footing w/ "J" bolt min. embed 7" closet electric water heater or in crawl LVL droppped 13'-3 1/2" notch 6x6 for inner 2x10 pt ledger or joist hangers 2'-0" 2'-0" 2x10 fl jst #2 syp 16" o.c. 1'-10" 3'-0" 2-2x10 PT 2'-4" 6'-8" DW 2-1/2" x 5 lag screws 1 x 10 2x12 pt treads - paint finish round leading egde with 1/2" bit 3 F B1 HVAC chase as needed stor rfg 30'-0" 2x4 pt - fasten to 4x4's w/ galvanized metal clips pt joist 6'-4 1/2" 1 rail to resist 200 lbs from any direction 5/4x6 pt decking 4'-6" LVL 40" half col 3'-0" 4x4 pt post dining 2'-4" 6'-8" 11'-4" 2x2 pt pickets - 4" o.c. 2'-0" 828-734-2553 1x4 pt - nail from top into pickets 3'-5" 2'-4" 6'-8" 2x6 pt cap - tapper edges 5'-0" Lake Junaluska, NC pantry 3/4" x 3" x 3" "L" bracket screw to 3-2x6 PT column frame before wrapping w/1x stock 2x10 fl jst #2 syp 16" o.c. P O Box 160 pow Rick Thompson - Architect 2'-4" 6'-8" 10'-6 1/2" 4'-9 1/2" 1'-0" 3'-2 1/2" 30'-0" Scale 3/8" = 1'-0" 13'-4" Scale 3/8" = 3'-10" 5'-5" Scale 3/8" = 10'-10 1/2" 2'-1/2" 3- Kitchen Cabinet 5'-5" 4'-8" 2 - Kitchen Cabinet 5'-5 1/2" 5'-4" 5'-2" 1 - Kitchen Caabinet 1'-0" 12'-0" 22'-0" 2'-8" 6'-8" 3'-0" 3'-4 1/2" 1'-6" 3 1/2" 2'-0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 3'-10" 2'-9" 10'-0" 10'-0" alternate deck 2'-11 1/2" standard contract document 3'-0" 1'-6" -Adjust steps as per finish grade. -Align steps across from rear door. -10" treads/7.5" to 7.75" risers concrete footing - size may vary as per local soil conditions and code requirements 14'-6" scale 1"=1'-0" 7'-6" 22'-0" Floor 1 plan scale 1/4"=1'-0" This plan is licensed to Verde Building Solutions All Federal, State and local codes shall be considered as a part of these documents, and shall take preference over anything shown or implied if differences arise. © 2012 Rick Thompson - Architect Floor 1 plan Floor 2 plan total 660 sq.ft. 617 sq.ft. 1277 sq.ft. plan # 1209A original print date 7/9/14 3 Door List 9/12 pitch Width Height Type Name Quantity W x H Size Units Window Type 1 1'-6" 6'-8" Interior RD02 Swing 1 2'-0"x3'-0" Attic RW1-1 Stationary 1 2'-8" 6'-8" Exterior RD01 Door ST 1 2'-0"x3'-10" Single RW1-4 Doublehung 1 3'-0" 6'-8" Exterior RD01 Door ST 1 5'-0"x2'-0" Twin RW1-1 Stationary 1 3'-0" 6'-8" Interior RD02 Swing 1 5'-4"x5'-2" Triple RW1-4 Doublehung 1 4'-0" 6'-8" Interior RD05 Bifold 2 2'-0"x2'-0" Single RW1-1 Stationary 2 2'-0" 6'-8" Interior RD02 Swing 2 2'-4"x6'-2" Single RW1-4 Doublehung 3 2'-6" 6'-8" Interior RD02 Swing 2 3'-0"x4'-6" Single RW1-4 Doublehung 6 2'-4" 6'-8" Interior RD02 Swing 2 6'-0"x4'-6" Twin RW1-4 Doublehung 6 2'-4"x4'-6" Single RW1-4 Doublehung 16 standard contract document Quantity Window List 18 rafters or trusses rafters or trusses B1 B1 Roof vent as reqd 22'-0" 10'-8 1/2" 11'-0" 28745 1'-6" 10'-6 1/2" clos B1 attic access 3'-0" 4'-6" B1 11'-3 1/2" 2'-0" 6'-8" 2'-0" 6'-8" 6'-3" P O Box 160 2'-1/2" 2'-4" 6'-8" HVAC chase unit in attic or crawl/basmt 2'-4" 4'-6" 2'-0" 3'-0" stack w/d 6'-8" 1'-6" 6'-8" stor Lake Junaluska, NC as needed 2 '-6 '-8 " " 6 4'-0" 6'-8" 3 1/2" 2'-1" 3'-2" " '-6 " '-8 6 30'-0" 1'-7" lin brace stick built roof this wall 3'-0" 4'-6" SD 3'-11 1/2" clg jst see chart 2 2'-4" 4'-6" scale 3/16"=1'-0" 2'-1" brace stick built roof here 3/12 pitch Roof plan 2'-6" 4'-1 1/2" 30'-0" 6'-3 1/2" Br #2 2'-6" 6'-8" 1'-6" 10'-6 1/2" Br #3 bath SD 2'-4" bath 2'-4" 4'-6" 2'-4" 4'-6" 4'-6" 6'-6" 12'-11" 2'-4" 4'-6" 6'-8" SD 5'-3 1/2" SD DW F 220 3 1/2" Main br SD 6'-6" 3 1/2" 4'-6" 8'-9 1/2" 22'-0" Floor 2 plan Electrical - Floor 2 Plan Electrical - Floor 1 Plan scale 3/16" = 1'-0" scale 3/16" = 1'-0" All Federal, State and local codes shall be considered as a part of these documents, and shall take preference over anything shown or implied if differences arise. original print date scale 1/4"=1'-0" This plan is licensed to Verde Building Solutions © 2012 Rick Thompson - Architect 13'-4" clg jst see chart 828-734-2553 9/12 pitch 6'-0" 4'-6" 9/12 pitch 5'-7" 6'-0" 4'-6" 5'-7" Rick Thompson - Architect cricket 3 1/2" 7/9/14 plan # 1209A 4 roof tie downs where wind pressures exceed 20 mphIRC-802.11 12 3 blocking 9/12 pitch roofing material 1/2" structural sheathing 15 lb. felt 1x8 w/ 3" crown standard contract document cement board siding 1'-6" Rake mold 5/4x6 trim metal drip edge +17'-11" 3 roof +17'-11" 3 roof 2x6 ceiling joist 4x4 pt bracket soffit gutter lag screw column to beam or strap tie 4/12 pitch adjust to window sill - brands vary 1x8 30'-8" continous soffit vent 3-2x6 column core beyond - column not shown - see elevation 3/8" plywood 3" crown blocking or triple beam 5/4" corner boards alternate metal roof +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 1x8 trim +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 Align window head with transom top 8x8 columns scale 1"=1'-0" ridge vent ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation Lake Junaluska, NC PE2 Typical Porch Boxed Eave 28745 3" crown ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation P O Box 160 Lattice panels Front Elevation 4/12 pitch adjust to window sill +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 1x10 band board w/ drip cap cement board siding stucco ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation original print date Right Side Elevation scale 1/4" = 1'-0" All Federal, State and local codes shall be considered as a part of these documents, and shall take preference over anything shown or implied if differences arise. 828-734-2553 +17'-11" 3 roof +17'-11" 3 roof Rick Thompson - Architect scale 1/4" =1'-0" 7/9/14 This plan is licensed to Verde Building Solutions © 2012 Rick Thompson - Architect plan # 1209A 5 +17'-11" 3 roof standard contract document 24"x36" louver +17'-11" 3 roof 5/4 x 6 corner boards 5/4 x 6 casing ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation P O Box 160 ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation 28745 +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 Lake Junaluska, NC +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 Rear Elevation stucco or siding +17'-11" 3 roof siding 3/12 pitch +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 1x10 band board w/ drip cap 36" rail cement board siding ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation 828-734-2553 +17'-11" 3 roof Rick Thompson - Architect scale 1/4" = 1'-0" ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation stucco brick original print date Left Side Elevation scale 1/4" = 1'-0" All Federal, State and local codes shall be considered as a part of these documents, and shall take preference over anything shown or implied if differences arise. 7/9/14 This plan is licensed to Verde Building Solutions © 2012 Rick Thompson - Architect plan # 1209A 6 ceiling insulation see zone chart 12 3/4" x 3" x 3" "L" bracket screw to masonary column w/masonary anchors 9 1'-0" roofing material tie 2x6 core to framing with metal post connector 3'-0" 2x2 pt pickets - 4" o.c. roofing material 1'-6" 1/2" structural sheathing 15 lb. felt 2x4 plate nailed to rim & joist 2x4 look out beyond rail to resist 200 lbs from any direction roof tie downs where wind uplift pressures exceed 20 lb/sq IRC-802.11 metal drip edge ceiling joist - see floor plan for size and spacing rake mold 2x4 pt - fasten to masonary w/ galvanized metal clips and masonary anchors 5/4x6 pt decking common rafter see chart 1 x 8 base w/ base cap pt joist 3/16" A/C exterior plywood or 1x6 "v" groove paneling 2x4 studs at 16" o.c. alternate 2x6 studs Strap tie column core to floor framing to prevent wind up lift. 2x4 nailer 1x8 and 3" crown 1/2" plywood or OSB caulking or sealant for air movement control 2-2x4 top plate gypsum wall board gutter wall insulation see zone chart 1x8 2x4 studs at 16" o.c. alternate 2x6 studs siding 2x6 pt sill metal drip edge 1x8 2x12 pt treads - paint finish round leading egde with 1/2" bit continuous soffit vent 3/16" A/C exterior plywood or 1x6 "v" groove paneling 1/2" plywood or OSB Galvanized straps, min 2.06 inch wide by 12 gage thick - min 2" from edge of piers - 2 straps per pier min 9 16D nails per strap siding Alternate roof trusses to be raised chord trusses 1x8 pt - paint finish Galvanized straps, w/ 90 degree hook, min. 2 straps per pier, min 4" embedment into footing, min 1.75" horz. leg extension OR other locally approved method 7 1/2" brick brick ties to block 8" masonary units alternate 6" poured concrete 2x12 pt stringers - 2' oc max 1x8 and 3" crown E4 Typical Rake - boxed soffit scale 1"=1'-0" E1 Typical Boxed Eave - rafters on joist scale 1"=1'-0" P O Box 160 below frost depth 10" 4" x 12" concrete base 3" 9/12 pitch 2 #4 rebar - if required by local codes (recommended always) 1'-8" concrete footing - size may vary as per local soil conditions and code requirements Porch Detail F6 trusses to match this profile R-see insulation chart +17'-11" 3 roof +17'-11" 3 roof scale 1"=1'-0" R-see chart Minimum Insulation Chart Table N1102.1 - International Residential Code 2009 Slabd perimeter R value and depth 0 0 0 0 0 .50 .30 3 4 except Marine .35 NR 30 13 19 0 5/13 38 13 19 10/13 10, 2' 10/13 5& Marine .35 NR 38 30g 10/13 10, 2' 10/13 6 .35 NR 49 20 or 13+5h 20 or 13+5h 7 .35 NR 49 21 8 .35 NR 49 21 j e 5/13 f 30g 15/19 10, 2' 10/13 38g 15/19 10, 4' 10/13 38g 15/19 10, 4' 10/13 a - R-values are minimums. U-factors and SHGC are maximums. R-19 batts compressed into a nominal 2 x 6 framing cavity such that the R-value is reduced by R-1 or more shall be marked with the compressed batt R-value in addition to the full thickness R-value. b - The fenestration U-factor column excludes skylights. The SGHC column applies to all glazed fenestration. c - “15/19” means R-15 continuous insulated sheathing on the interior or exterior of the home or R-19 cavity insulation at the interior of the basement wall. “15/19” shall be permitted to be met with R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulated sheathing on the interior or exterior of the home. “10/13” means R-10 continuous insulated sheathing on the interior or exterior of the home or R-13 cavity insulation at the interior of the basement wall. d - R-5 shall be added to the required slab edge R-values for heated slabs. Insulation depth shall be the depth of the footing or 2 feet, whichever is less in Zones 1 through 3 for heated slabs. e - There are no solar heat gain coefficient (SGHC) requirements in the Marine Zone. f - Basement wall insulation is not required in warm-humid locations as defined by Figure 301.1 and Table 301.1. g - Or insulation sufficient to fill the framing cavity, R-19 h - “13+5” means R-13 cavity insulation plus R-5 insulated sheathing. If structural sheathing covers 25 % or less of the exterior, insulating sheathing is not required where structural sheathing is used. If structural sheathing covers more than 25 percent of exterior, structural sheathing shall be supplemented with insulated sheathing of at least R-2. 9 1/2" treads 16 - 7 3/8" risers ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation ±0" 1 Floor 1 -10" -1 foundation R-see chart 6 mil. film Partial section @ stairs original print date Building section scale 1/4" = 1'-0" All Federal, State and local codes shall be considered as a part of these documents, and shall take preference over anything shown or implied if differences arise. Basementc walls R-value 0 13 2x8 landing 7'-7 1/2" Floors R-value 13 13 +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 2'-5 1/2" Wood frame wall R-value 13 30 +9'-10" 2 Floor 2 7'-4 1/2" Ceilings R-value 30 .65j .30 Crawl spacec wall R- value Glazes fenestration SHGCb,e 1.2 .30 2 Glazing U-factor 1 Climate Zone Check appropriate climate zone as determined by local building dept. Insulation and fenestration requirements by components a 828-734-2553 1x4 pt - nail from top into pickets see chart on cover sheet for max unbraced rafter spans 28745 1/2" structural sheathing 15 lb. felt Lake Junaluska, NC 3-2x6 PT column - wrap w/1x stock rafter ties @ 48" oc as per IRC- R 802.3.1 2x6, metal strap or other approved method Rick Thompson - Architect 8x8 wood column 3-2x6 pt core standard contract document 2x6 pt cap - tapper edges 7/9/14 This plan is licensed to Verde Building Solutions © 2012 Rick Thompson - Architect plan # 1209A 7
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