Oct. 27. 2 0 1 0 3 : 5 4 P M Na. 5587 P. 1 TELECOPY COVER SHEET D If there is R prohlenr with trnnsniission or if all pacer are not rcccivetl, please cell (859) 254-0000 Tor rctreilsmisrion. TO: FROM: Public Service Com.rnission Filing Division Frix ft: (502) 564-3460 William H.May, IIUMatthew R. Malone DATE: October 27,2010 Number of pfiges including this cover page: 13 __. This me.;%@ is intended only for the u$e o f the individual or entity ro which it is addrcsred, ahd may contain infoinlation rhae is PRIVILEGED, CONFIDEN'f fAL ,md exempt froin disdosuie under applicnble Inw. If the leader of rhis message is not the intended iecipienr, or the employee 01 agent iesponsible for delivering the mewige to The intended recipient, you art' hcieby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this colnn7unicali6n is strictly prohibited. Tf you have received this communication in e m r , please notify us iininediatcly by telephone, and return the 01 iginal to us by innil without makirq a copy. Thank you. i o c t . 27. No. 2010 3 : 5 4 P M 5587 P. 2 COMMONWEALTI-I OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE KENTUCKY PUBLIC SERViCE COMMISSION In the Matter of: AN INVESTIGATION 0%NATUWL GAS ) RETAIL COMYETTZ’IONPROGUMS ) CASE N0.2010-00146 -r-..*..,.--- INTERSTATE GAS SUPPLY, INC.’S, SOUTHSTAR ENERGY SERVICES, LLC’S AND VECTmN SOURCE’S POST HEARING DATA REQUEST RESPONSES TO--THE CONiMISSIOW STAFF Respectfully submitted, HTJRT, CROSBIE & MAY P U C .I - William if.. May, 111 Matthew R. Malone The Equus Building 127 West Main Street Lexington, Kentucky 4 0507 (859) 254-0000 (office) (85 9) 254-4763 (facsimile) Counsel for, INTERSTATE GAS SUPPLY, INC. SOUTHSTAR ENERGY SERVICES, LkC and VECTREN RETAIL, LEC D/B/A VEGTREN SOURCE -1 - O c t . 27. No. 2010 3 : 5 4 P M 5587 P. 3 Comes Interstate Gas Supply, hic. (“IQS”), SouthStar Energy Services, LLC (“SoutliStar.”) and Vectrai Retail, LLC d/b/a Vectren Source (“Vectren”), individually, and hereinafter, collectively, by couisel, and hereby certifies that an original and twelve (12) copies of‘ the foregoing was served via facsimile and US Mail, postage prepaid, upon Jeff Derouen, Executive Director, Public SeIvice Commission, 21.1 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615; furtheirnore, it was served by mailing a copy by first class U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, on the following, on this 27 day of October 2010. Lonnie E Bellax Louisville Gas and Electric Company 220 W*hhjn Street I?. 0. Box 32010 Louisville, KY 40202 John B Brown Delta Natural Gas Company, lnc. 3 6 17 Lexington Road Winchester, KY 40391 Judy Cooper Columbia Gas of Kentucky, h c . 2001 blerca Road P. 0. Box 14241 Lexington, KY 40512-4241 Rocco D’Ascenm, Esq. Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. 139 East 4th Street, R.25 At I1 P. 0.Box 960 Cincinnati, OH 45201 John M Dosker, Esq. Stand Energy Corporation 1077 Celestial Street Building 3, Suite 1 10 Cincinnati, OH 45202-1629 -2- No. O c t . 27. 2010 3 : 5 4 P M Trevor I;.Ed,Esq. Reed Weitkctmp Schell8t ‘Vice,PLLC 500 W. Jefferson Street Suite 2400 Louisville, KY 40202-28 12 Thomas J. FitzGerald, Esq. Counsel & Director Kentucky Resources Council, Inc. P.O. Box 10’90 Frankfort, KY 40602 Lisa Kilkelly, Esq. Legal Rid Societjr 41 6 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. Suite 300 Louisville, Kentucky 40202 John B. Park, Esq. Katherine K. Yudcer, Esq. Yunkcr 2% Park, PLC P 0 ,Box 21784 Lexington, KY 40522-1784 Brooke E Leslie, Esq. Columbia Gas o f Kentucky, h e . 200 Civic Center Drive P.O.Box 117 ColumbIIs, OH 43216-0117 Mark Maitin Atrnos Energy Corporation 3275 Highland Pointe Drive Owensboro, KY 42303 Iris G Skidmore, Esq. 4 15 W. Main St.reet: Suite 2 Frankfort, Kentucky 4060 1 -3- 5587 P. 4 oct. No. 27. 2010 3 : 5 4 P M Hon. Lawrence Cook Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Utility PC Rate 1024 Capital Center Drive Suite 200 Frankfort, KY 40601-8204 Hon. Mark David Gass Frost, Brown, Todd, LLC 250 W.Main Street Suite 2700 Lesington, KY 40507 Hon. Michael T. Griffth 111 Monument Circle Suite 2200 Tndianupolis, I N 46204 Hon. h4su.k Hutchinson Wilsan, Hutchinson & Poteat 61 1 Frederica Street Owensbo~o,KY 42301 Hon Jeanne Kingery Dake Energy Business Services, Inc. 155 W. Broad Street, 21" Flour Columbus, OH 432 15 Hon. Carroll M. Redford, 111 Miller, Griffin & Marks, PSC 271 W. Short Street, Suite 600 Lexington, KY 40507 Hon. Holly Rachel Smith Hitt Business Center 3803 Rectortown Road Marshall, 'VA 201 15 Hon. Robert M.Wat.t, 111 Stoll Keenon 6c: Ogden 300 W. Vine Street Suite 2 100 Lexington, KY 40507-1801 -4 - 5587 P. 5 o c t . 27. 2070 3 : 5 4 P M No. 5587 William H.May, 111 Matthew R. Malone The Equus Building 127 West Main Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 (859) 254-0000 (office) (859) 254-4763 (facsimile) Counsel for, INTERSTATE GAS SUPPLY, INC, SOUTNSTAR ENERGY SERVICES, LLC and VECTREN JUTALL, LLC D/D/A VECr'1RE.N SOURCE P. 6 Oct. 27. 2010 3 : 5 4 P M No. 5587 P. 7 PSC Case No. 2010-00146 Commission Staff Post Hearing Data Request Respondent: Ellen Williams Page 1 o f 2 INTERSTATE GAS SUPPLY,JNC., SOUTHSTAR ENERGY SERVICES, LLC’S AND VECTREN SOURCE’S RESPONSE TO POST HEARING DATA REQUESTS OF COh4MISSlON STAFF Request for Information 1. Please provide the following information regarding Kentucky Consumers for Energy Competition, Inc. (“KCEC”). Who paid the fees for any ofthe mailers sent out by KCEC relative to Ms. Willianis’ testiiiionyl From where did the source list of the approximately 22,000 persons identified in Ms. Williams’ testimony as having initially received a mailer to join KCEC and the approsimate 6,000 that did join arise? Please provide a copy of the initial letter that was actually sent to the KCEC members and the mailer to the 1,000 persons as members of KCEC. How did KCEC determine the “‘random sample” for the 1,000 persons that received the ma.iler/letter fiom the approximate 6,000 tnenibers of KCEC? Please verifjr whether the mailing by KCEC was prepared &-house or by an outside firm? Please provide copies of any tax 1etuins for KCEC for 2008 or 2009. TGS Energy, Inc. The pre-existing list. was from persons already enrolled in the Columbiu Choice Program and came from XGS Energy, Inc. Attached. Executive Director of KCEC, Dan Bayens, picked 1,000 persons randomly from the appioximate 6,000 members of KCEC. The mailer was prepared in-house by Dan Bayens. I Case NO.2010-00146 No. 5587 P. % PSC Case No. 2010-00146 Commission Staff Post Hearing Data Request Respondent: Ellen Williams Page 2 o f 2 (f) KCEC has had no income and no tax retuns have been filed or prepared. 1 CaseNo. 2010-00146 N ~ 5587 . O c t . 27. 20111 3 : 5 4 P M Augual IS, 2009 Dear Homer L Hicks. We wanled lo lake a nionient Io thank you for chooslno IGS Energy 8 8 your nelurel gae suppliar We greally appreclale Ihe oppodunlty to wve ymr Wa also wanted to niake you aware of an opporlunlty m ~ u lin l even more optlons and benonls for you. 16 holp us improve I h i nslurel gas msrkal in Ysnlucky, which m i l d The Choice prograni lhal you currenlly parliclpate In allows IGS Energy lo supply your nelurol gss. Your ullllly. COlufnhla Gas, conllnues Lo deliver lhe gas lhmugh their exieling pipes and refpoiid to any eniergenc!es, Tlils prugfam m u r e g that you liava a choice in pricing and plan, while also allowlng you lo haho advanraga of \ne ~oNIC-eSand wppofi Columbis offere. The prograni has been highly emceaoful, ae evidwced by llie r w e than 28.000 households and buslnesses in cenlral snd easlern Kenlucky Lhat now partlclpale. But Ihere are a couple or sltnpls changss that would make ihe progteni even heller, Flcs(. Ill0 Choice progrsm *auld be made permanent. Rlght now. Ltis Colunibla program is set lo expire in leas lhan two years If Lhis happens, you vrould no longer be able lo choose your price End plan IGS Energy would be uneble lo supply your gae in lhe fiiture ann you would be required lo pay Colurnbia'e nionopoly rale Semnd, Clioice programs like yovrs should be expanded so that everyone in Kenfucky can particfpata. Currenlly, only those UlsLONrars in the Colunibla Gas servlce area can enroll Opening up Ihe nelural gas nisrket Eh{elbidf! would altracL rnom supplier8 and grealer tompalilion This could mean 10w2r prlms and even iiiore chokes for you These change8 roqulre leglslallve acllon. meaning Ihe Kentucky General Assembly m i ~ act. t hasr from yoiri And [here Is any sasy way b show your support, But heforo they act, lhBy mud There it3 B group In Kenlucky lhaf Is working Lo niaCe sura lheae finiall, brit imponant, changes happen, Kenkicky Consumare for Energy Conlpetilion (KCEC) provides e voice for nsliml gas users like you who valua having a choice. There Is no cost and no obliaelion lo io$. All KCEC needs Is to add vouc VOIR to [lie hundrerla OF olharz lhRt have alreedv signed up. Simply slgii a n d k l u r n Ihb reply card in the pre-paid envelope. That's 111 Or you niriy dgn-ufr onlino by bisilinb &L&GbQiCeKV orq!ioiq, Wo hope you agree InaI when I1 ~ o m m lo nalural gas, you desewe [lie freednrn and cholce to niake Ih8 bect decisions for you aild your' family Thel's why ~ l ' einiporianl to make yoirr volce heard. \h,e Value your buelness and the opportunlly to sil,?pLyyour nalurzll yec Thsnk you. 1GS Energy To join KCEC, pleaae detach, slgn, and mall Lnls card in lhe endosed pre-paid envelope or sign up online at ~ y c h o i c c , K Y . a r c r ~ i D i n . energychoice ...-.. _"_.* ...,^,, * Yes1 Ih a n t to join Kentucky Consurnors for Energy CompetlUon. I value hablng a cholce. I went to add niy voice to the hundreds of otlw natura gas cansuniers in Ksnlucky who support freedom snd competition1 I Homer L Hlcks 137 E Maln S l Clv, Shto Zip: Hindrnsn, KY41922 Name: Address: If necessary, update address on \he IInec; beloirr Address: --- City. Shte Zip: Slgnature (REQUIRED) Ernsll Adrlress (co vie may uodate you an our progress), )___ 2640014 P. c) Oct. No. 27. 2010 3 : 5 4 P M Update of KCEC activities, your right to choose1 July 26,2010 Daar Merion Gildersleevs&. Jennifer Werman : I want to briefly lake lhls opponunly lo IRsnk you for your auppon and glve you an upciala on a couple of important ilenib. Flrst, your support helpad us fo pa66 le~ialaflonin lhe 20~10Kentucky Genaml Assembly session that directad the Kenlucky Public SerJlce Commission to Q Nths ~ legislalure eonie Guidance on how to most efficiently end aHecilvely open nalural gas comaelltloni o more people In Kenluchy. Second. Culunibla Gea of Kentucky, yotrr naLural gas Ulilily, has &Ed lhe Comniieslon to allow Columbla to extend Its Cholce program for aiiothor 3 yeart; Only through (hie.Cliolce program can you make 6 choice regsrding who v.ipplles your IIdlural ge3 and take conlro! of your nalurslg36 prim, We lhlnk lhls Is greet nwm, end we will ba er~cour&qlng In0 Cornmiscion l o spprove lha exlension of lhis qreal program. Wnile lhese ai0 bolh positive aleps, oiir work Is nor done. We hope lhst VIE can mt~nl on you to canilnua lo support our efforts lo htlng efhcliva gaa con~petltlanlo Keniucky. I1 is our belief lhal conipellllon creates downward preeeures on pflcec;. Inc(e2sDs quslily, promoles Innowallon end, moel irnportsplly, provlcles transparency for lhe buyer end sccnuntabll~lylor Ihe soller. If you ehare 1~1ASQopinions ihen we could USA your help In telling \Ire Kenlucky Pub!ic Sewire Commlsslon k n w the1 o support Ihe development of cornpetitire na!ural gae programs. you conllnuo L Your VOIRIn tli'is moces8 la lniPo&& Now, more lhan ever, it ia importent that Ihe Comriikslon haar from you. Your volce, along Wilh hundreds of olhers. will le1 the Commiszion know Ilia! you srrppon eneryy Cornpetilion and lhsl you llke lo have the right to choose your naluml gas supplier And khat lhl$r.bolco benefik you bsmuxe it gblQ3yoii the control to rnake decisiona lhal you (eel are bas! for you and your farnlly. we ask you to take R nilnufe ancl slgn Iha card balow end eend It hack to tis (lhe poslage is pra-psid ao you just haw lo drop it in (he nleill). we Wil1 compile ell of the letlers and 11. lhe Cornrnission know lhat you euppon YOlJf rlghL to chooze and went thew programs to continua end be svatlahlefor olbcrs. Thank yoir again tot your support. Cholce onlywoas ~ ~ C W S Cyou I psrticipatd Slncorely, Dan Bayens. Execuliva Oirector Dear PurJIlC Setvice Commissloners! 1 support competilion end like havlny a tlyht fo C ~ D O E Qmy selural gas supplier. Choioe e lo lake conlml end declde fnr programs give me lhal rlghl. Ehlural gas choice e l l o ~ ~me myeelf. Cholce crealos Imsparency, and provldes nie wlih bellor Informellon than wllh only a ulllliy opllon Please continue my rlght l o choose, conllnuo Ihe choice program and allow olhcrs lhroughoul KanIiJcky tho Same oppoflunily If you ~uouldllke lo lncludo further comnienls, please do BO on the back of lhie card If n,:cessery, update addreRa on the IinoS balow Addresa: Clty, Slate, ZIP: C"_ 3 g n to show your support Emsil Address (80 tv8 msy updale you on our progreee) -. c. .__ 12ue5.1 5587 P. 10 O c t . 27. 2 0 1 0 Comments: 3:55PM No. 5 5 8 7 P. 11 No. oct. 27. 2010 3 : 5 5 P M 5537 P. 1 2 C O M M O M A L T H OF KEMZIJCK'II BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In re the Matter of: AN UWEIS7XGATION OF NATURAL GAS ) RmAK COMPlBarTlON PROGRAMS 1 CASE NO. 202Wa 1 AFFIDAVIT OP ELLEN WILLIAMS Comes the undersigned, Ellen Williams, being duly sworn, deposes and states that she fs 0 volunteer consultant. for Kentucky Consumers for Energy Competition and she is a witness on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Hm,, South3tar Hnergy Services, LLC and Vectren RetaiI, LLC dolng business 86 Vaken Source, that she ]has personal knowledge of the matters set forth in &e foforegotng post-hearing data request rmponses, and i€ inquiries were made a6 to the facts Sn eaid tmtirnony she would respond as therein set forth and the m w e r contained ~ therein are true and C O K ~ Cto~ the best of her knowldge. oct. 27. 2010 3 : 5 5 P M No. 5587 Subscrim and 6wom to me this 27h day of October 2010, by Ellen P. 13
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