Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Executive Director, Institute for Public Health
Graduate School of Public Health
San Diego State University
6505 Alvarado Road #116
San Diego, California 92120
619-594-8945 phone
619-594-6963 fax
Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health/Epidemiology)
University of California at San Diego, School of Medicine, and
San Diego State University, Graduate School of Public Health
An epidemiologic study of the influence of victim age and
relationship to the suspect on the results of evidentiary
examinations and law enforcement outcomes in cases of
sexual assault reported to law enforcement.
Master of Public Health (Maternal and Child Health)
San Diego State University
Graduate School of Public Health
Thesis: The health status and health care needs of foster children
in San Diego County.
Master of Social Work
San Diego State University
School of Social Work
Fellowship, Children's Safety Network
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health
Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Washington, D.C.
Medical Technology Degree and License
Saint John’s Hospital and Health Center
Santa Monica, California
Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)
University of California at Davis
Revised 04/2005
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San Diego State University
San Diego State University
San Diego State University
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
8/20/2007- 9/01/2012
Major Subject
Courses Taught
PH 601. Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University
Introduction to Epidemiology, Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Fall 2011
PH 700G. Seminar in Health Disparities
Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University
Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011
This is a graduate level course for master’s and doctoral levels students with both didactic and
experiential components. I obtained extramural funding through the UCSD Comprehensive Center on
Health Disparities (CCHD) to provide this course to GSPH students.
PH 824. Doctoral Seminar in Cohort Studies
Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University
Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011
This is a doctoral level course in cohort study design. Qualified master’s level student also attend.
Epidemiology Doctoral Seminar
San Diego State University, Graduate School of Public Health
I taught this course for nine years in both fall and spring semesters (Fall 1999-Spring 2007), Obtained
extramural funding to teach this course for five years with an emphasis on health disparities.
The Epidemiology of Violence
Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University
Interdisciplinary course for master’s and doctoral level graduate students in epidemiology, nursing, health
promotion, medicine, and criminal justice. Obtained external funding to teach this course for two semesters.
Spring 2003 and Spring 2004.
Clinical Research Enhancement Through Supplemental Training (CREST) Epidemiology:
Basic and advanced epidemiology to physician fellows and industry employees at UCSD
Hillcrest, Children’s Hospital, and La Jolla UCSD Extension, San Diego
Taught for seven years, winter and fall quarters. I also developed an online version of this course
for the UCSD CREST program and have taught the online version for three years.
Epidemiology 1: Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI). This initiative is a partnership
Between Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, Black Lion Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa
Ethiopia, and the University of California San Diego. The goal is to train physicians in Ethiopia in research
methodologies. I taught a hybrid class (both on-line and in person components) to 32 physicians in Ethiopia
in the summer 2011.
Guest lecturer.
I have guest lectured for SDSU faculty in the following content areas:
 The epidemiology of violence
 Applied perinatal epidemiology
 Home visiting
 Public Health Practice: Creating community connections that work
 Program Evaluation
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The Public Health Impact of Violence
Family Violence
Sexual Assault
Surveillance systems
Data management strategies for research
Quality Assurance
Biostatistics for Medical Students
UCSD School of Medicine
Teaching assistant
GSPH Outstanding Preceptor Award, Spring 2009 for my efforts to establish multiple student
field placements for GSPH students interested in the study of violence and its impact on public
health. These field placements involved both participation with community agencies and
discussion with me about the public health impact of violence, and how the student’s work with
the agency might be able to shed light on possible research questions related to violence and
public health that could be empirically answered.
Golden Apple Award. On 5/23/08, I received the San Diego State University Graduate School
of Public Health Golden Apple Award for the 2007-2008 outstanding faculty member as voted by
the GSPH student body.
Articles Submitted/Under Review
1. Alderson, C.M., and Lindsay, S.P., Performance and Predictors of Hospital-Based Health Care
Response to Intimate Partner Violence. Submitted to the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Summer
2011. This journal has an impact factor of 1.354 and a ranking of 13/43 in the category of criminology
and penology in the Journal of Citation Reports, 2010.
2. Bandoli, G., Lindsay, S., Johnson, D.L., Luo, Y., Jones, K.L., and Chambers, C.D., Changing
Paternity and Select Perinatal Outcomes: Are the Associations Resulting from Confounding Factors?
Submitted to the Journal of Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, September, 2011. This journal has
an impact factor of 1,928 and a ranking of 27/75 in the category of obstetrics and gynecology in the
Journal of Citation Reports, 2010.
3. Coleman, K., Wolf, J., Farrell, M., Loo, R.,Rocha, D., Hayashi, T., Sanders, C., Will, J., Hernandez,
M., Lindsay, S. The Impact of California WISEWOMAN on the Readiness to be Physically Active in
Low-Income Latinas. Submitted to the Journal of Women’s Health June 28, 2011.
Published Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Andaya, A., Arredondo, E., Alcaraz, J., Lindsay, S., Elder, J., The Association between Family
Meals, TV Viewing during Meals, and Fruit, Vegetables, Soda, and Chips Intake among Latino
children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Sep-Oct; 43(5): 308-15, 2011. This journal has
an impact factor of 1.471 in Journal Citation Reports, 2011.
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2. Alderson, C.M., Morrow, L., Lindsay, SP, Triglyceride to HDL Cholesterol Ratio and Systolic Blood
Pressure: Potential Markers for NAFLD in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes. 60 (Suppl.):
A662; doi: 10.2337/db11-2432-2532. American Diabetes Association 71 Annual Scientific Sessions
Supplement. June, 2011. Diabetes has an impact factor of 8.889 in Journal Citation Reports, 2010
and a ranking of 4/105 in the category of Endocrinology/metabolism of Journal Citation reports, 2009.
3. Beauchamp, R., Lindsay, S., Hunter, L., Talavera, G., Patriarchal Beliefs and Attitudes Toward
Intimate Partner Violence Among Spanish-Speaking Adults”. Accepted for publication in Hispanic
Health Care International (HHCI), September 12, 2011.
4. Blanco, E., Lindsay, S., Lemus, H., Ojeda, N., Zuniga, ML., Advancing HIV Prevention Among
Multiethnic Vulnerable Youths: Ethnoracial and Gender Differences. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social
Services. 10:311-324, 2011.
5. Sawada, H., Lyons Jones, K., Lindsay, S., Slymen, D., Clonoff-Cohen, H., Kao, K., Rao, S.,
Chambers,C., Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Pattern and Alcohol-Related Birth Defects and Growth
Deficiencies: A Prospective Study. Accepted for publication in Alcoholism: Clinical and
Experimental Research, August 5, 2011. This journal has an impact factor of 3.468 and a ranking of
3/14 in the Substance Abuse category in Journal of Citation Reports, 2010.
6. Smith, J., Novotny, T., Edland, S., Hofstetter, C.R., Lindsay, S., Al-Delaimy, W., Determinants of
Hookah Use Among High School Students. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, July 13 (7), 565-572,
2011. This journal has a one year impact factor of 2.801 and a five year impact factor of 3.103 in
Journal of Citation Reports, 2011.
7. Smith, J., Edland, S., Novotny, T., Hofstetter, C.R., White, M.,Lindsay, S., Al-Delaimy, W. Increasing
Hookah Use in California. American Journal of Public Health, October, 101 (10), 1876-79, 2011. This
journal has an impact factor of 3.85 in the Journal of Citation Reports, 2010.
8. Chadwick, D., Castillo, E., Kuelbs, C, Cox, S. and Lindsay, S. Missed and Missing Cases of Abusive
Injuries: The Magnitude and Measurement of the Problem. The Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect,
34 (12) 943-50, December 2010. This journal has a one year impact factor of 1.945 and a five year
impact factor of 3.248 in Journal of Citation Reports.
9. Kelada, A., Hill, L., Lindsay, S., Slymen, D., Fortlage, D., Coimbra, R. The US-Mexico Border: A
Time-Trend Analysis of Border Crossing Injuries. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2010;
38(5), 548-550.
10. MacGregor AJ., Shaffer RA, Dougherty AL, Galameau MR, Raman R, Baker DG, Lindsay SP,
Golomb BA, Corson Ks. Prevalence and Psychological Correlates of Traumatic Brain Injury in
Operation Iraqi Freedom. J Head Trauma Rehabilitation (2010) Jan-Feb; 25 (1):1-8.
11. MacGregor, A, Corson, K., Larson, G., Shaffer, R., Dougherty, A., Galarneau, M., Raman, R., Baker,
D., Lindsay, S., Golomb, B. Injury-specific predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder. Injury, Int.J.
Care Injured 40 (2009), pages 1004-1010.
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12. MacGregor, A., Shaffer, R., Dougherty, A., Galarneau, M., Rama, R., Baker, D., Lindsay, S.,
Golomb, B., Corson, K. Psychological Correlates of Battle and Nonbattle Injury Among Operation
Iraqi Freedom Veterans. Military Medicine, 174, 3: 224-231 (2009).
13. Reis, J., Macera CA, Araneta MR, Lindsay SP, Marshall SJ, Wingard DL. Comparison of Overall
Obesity and Body Fat Distribution in Predicting Risk of Mortality Obesity (2009), June: 17 (6) 12321239.
14. Reis,J., Araneta, M., Wingard, D., Macera, C., Lindsay, S., Marshall, S. Overall Obesity and
Abdominal Adioposity as Predictors of Mortality in US White and Black Adults. Annals of
Epidemiology, 2009, 19: 134-142.
15. Castillo, E., Kuelbs,C., Cox, S., Lindsay, S., Chadwick, D. Case-Fatality Rate Disparity for Inflected
Injuries of Children. Annals of Emergency Medicine: Research Forum Abstracts, Volume 52, No. 4,
October 2008. This journal is ranked 1/19 in the category of Emergency Medicine in Journal Citation
Reports, 2009.
16. Reis, J.P., Macera, C.A., Wingard, D.L., Araneta, M.R.G., Lindsay, S.P. and Marshall, S.J., The Relation
of leptin and insulin with obesity-related cardiovascular risk factors in US adults. Atherosclerosis 200
(2008), pgs 150-160.
Before 2007
17. Dunford, J., Castillo, E., Chan, T., Vilke, G., Jenson, P., and Lindsay.S. Impact of the San Diego Serial
Inebriate program on Use of Emergency Medical Resources, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume
47, No. 4: April 2006.
18. Eder, C, Fullerton, J, Benroth, R., Lindsay, S. Pragmatic Strategies that Enhance the Reliability of Data
Abstracted from Medical Records, Applied Nursing Research, accepted for publication 2004.
19. Comstock, D., Castillo, E., and Lindsay, S. Four Year Review of the Use of Race and Ethnicity in
Epidemiologic and Public Health Research American Journal of Epidemiology, 2004, 159 611-619.
20. Willis, W., Eder, C., Lindsay, S., Chavez, G., Shelton, S.T., Lower Rates of Low Birthweight and Preterm
Births in the California Black Infant Health Program, Journal of the National Medical Association, Vol 96, No.
3, March 2004, 315-324.
21. Archambault, J, Lindsay, S., Responding to Non-Stranger Sexual Assault. In Solving Crime and Disorder
Problems: Current Issues, Police Strategies, and Organizational Tactics. Police Executive Research Forum,
Washington D.C., 2001 pages 21-42.
22. Lindsay, S., Chadwick, D, Landsverk, J., Pierce E. A computerized Health and Education Passport for Children
in Out-of-Home Care: The San Diego Model. Child Welfare, Volume LXXII, Number 6, November-December
1993, p 581-594.
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Publications Produced in Collaboration with Practice Partners and Meant for Public Distribution
1. Heart of the Family: Manuel del Programa: Corazon de la Familia de California.
This manual was produced for the California Department of Public Health to assist with programs for the
promotion of cardiac health among 40+ Latina women. The manual was produced in partnership with the
California Distance Learning Health Network, and under the direction of Dr. Maura Garcia and myself.
2. The First Annual Asian Pacific Islander Community Health Forum Report: Addressing Asian Pacific Islander
Disparities: Preliminary Findings and Resource Directory.The IPH provided all research, analysis and writing
for the report and directory which were presented at the forum, May 29, 2009.
3. County of San Diego Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team, 2008 Report
Funded by the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, the IPH provided technical support,
database development, and statistical analysis. The GSPH’s California Distance Learning Health Network
provided editing and graphic design for a copy-ready report.
4. A Woman’s Guide To Breast Cancer Treatment. Produced under contract with the California
Department of Public Health, Cancer Detection Section. It is the law of the State of California that physicians
provide this booklet to all women diagnosed with breast cancer to advise them of the many types of treatment
available. This very important and widely used booklet was researched, written, and produced by the Institute
for Public Health in January 2010 under the Cancer Continuous Quality Improvement Project, for which I am
the Principal Investigator. An estimated 25,510 women will be diagnosed with a new breast cancer in
California in 2011, so the reach of this publication is substantial.
5. Breast Cancer Diagnostic Algorithms for Primary Care Providers. Produced under contract with the California
Department of Public Health, Cancer Detection Section, Breast Expert Workgroup. This publication was
produced in 2011 for primary care providers to guide them in the best evidence-based practice for breast
cancer screening and follow-up. The guide has been distributed to all primary care providers who serve lowincome women with breast and cervical cancer screening through the State of California’s Every Woman
Counts Program. The guide is also available to all primary care providers and has been accessed on our
website ( by provider throughout the world.
Unpublished Refereed Papers Before Professional Conferences
1. Lindsay, S, Moorman, C., McDaniels, C., Improving Detection Accuracy in Simulated Breast Models
with Skill-Based Training: Findings From Two Years of a Statewide California Program. 2010
International Cancer Education Conference, October 25-27, 2010, San Diego, California.
2. Alderson, C.M., and Lindsay, S.P., Performance and Predictors of Hospital-Based Health Care
Response to Intimate Partner Violence. Accepted for presentation a the CDC MCH Epidemiology
Conference, Sheraton New Orleans, Lousianna, December 12-16, 2011
3. Penn, T., Lindsay, S., Slymen, D., Hatton, D., Johnson, J. Assessment of Firestorm-Associated
Emergency Department Visits in San Diego County Using the BioSense Application. Third North
American Congress of Epidemiology, June 21-24, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
4. Sawada, H., Lyons Jones, K., Lindsay, S., Slymen, D., Klonoff-Cohen, H., and Chambers, C. Patterns and
Timing of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in Relation to Minor Malformations: Preliminary Data Results from a
California Cohort Study. 2010 San Diego Epidemiology Research Exchange, Friday May 7, 2010, University
of California at San Diego.
5. Blanco E., Lindsay S., Lemus, H., Ojeda N., Zuniga, ML. Evaluation of a Prevention Intervention to Reduce
Transmission of STIs, HIV and Unintended Pregnancy in High-Risk Youth. 2009 San Diego Epidemiology
Research Exchange, Friday May 8 2009, University of California at San Diego.
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6. Lindsay, S., Loomis, D., Community Organizing: A San Diego Model for Children Exposed to Violence.
23 Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, January 27, 2009.
7. Blanco, E., Lindsay, S., Zuniga, M. Assessment of the Relative Effectiveness of a Comprehensive
HIV/STI/Pregnancy Prevention Intervention in a Cohort of Ethnically Diverse At-Risk Youth. 137 APHA
Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 7-11, 2009, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
8. Blanco, E., Lindsay, S., Zuniga, M. Assessment of the Relative Effectiveness of a Comprehensive
HIV/STI/Pregnancy Prevention Intervention in a Cohort of Ethnically Diverse At-Risk Youth. 2009 Epi
Exchange, San Diego California, May 8, 2009.
9. Del Campo, M.M., Campbell, T., Hokoda, A., Ulloa, E.C. & Lindsay,S. Teen relationship violence: An
interdisciplinary implementation and evaluation of a school-based intervention. Paper presented at the
International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, San Diego, California. September, 2008
10. Dombek-Smith, N., Hendricks, T., Hurt, C., Wright, K., Todesco, J., Tarzia, J., Enobi, Y., Arreola, L., Bradley,
V., Angeles, M., McDaniels, C., Lindsay, S., Hokoda, A. The Peer Abuse Prevention Program: A schoolbased bullying program for middle school students. Paper presented at the International Conference on
Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, San Diego, California. September, 2008
11. Lindsay, S., and Whalig, N. MOST UCSD GUYS: A Social Norms Approach to Campus Violence
Prevention for Men. Paper presented at the Association for Women in Psychology Annual Meeting, San
Diego, California, March, 2008.
12. Reis J.P., Macera C.A., Araneta M.R., Lindsay S.P., Marshall S.J., Wingard D.L. A comparison of overall
obesity and abdominal adiposity in predicting risk of mortality among white and black US adults. Paper
presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2008.
13. Jones-Fox, Jennifer and Lindsay, Suzanne. Perceived Parental Monitoring, Risky Behaviors, and
Depressive Symptoms in 2005 California Adolescents. Poster at the 2008 Association of Maternal and Child
Health Programs (AMCHP) conference. March 1-5, Alexandria Virginia.
Participation in Professional Associations
Sigma Chapter, Delta Omega Society (honorary public health society)
American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) - member since 1975.
American Public Health Association (APHA)
 Recipient of President Weber’s “Top 25” Award to individuals and groups who have made a significant
contribution to SDSU for my work with community agencies in adapting and adopting evidence-based
best-practice models for health improvement, May 5, 2010
 Thesis chair for Julie Green, recipient for the first place student award at the SDSU Global Diabetes
Epidemic Symposium April 29,2010
 Thesis chair for Lauren Joe, Recipient of a Dean’s Award at the 2010 SDSU Student Research
 Recipient, San Diego State University Graduate School of Public Health, Outstanding Preceptor Award, 2009
 Thesis chair for Estella Blanco, Recipient of a Dean’s Award at the 2009 SDSU Student Research
 Nominated, 2008 ASPH/Pfizer Faculty Award for Excellence in Academic Public Health Practice, 2008
 Recipient, San Diego State University Graduate School of Public Health Golden Apple Award, 2007-08
 Recipient, San Diego State University Graduate School of Public Health Outstanding Alumni Award, 2006
 Recipient, San Diego County Sexual Assault Response Team “Response with a Heart “ Award for
outstanding contributions toward improving San Diego County’s response to sexual assault.
 Recipient, Outstanding Graduate Student in the School of Public Health
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(Hanlon Award), San Diego State University, May 1992
Recipient University Scholar Award, San Diego State University, 1991-92
Recipient University Scholar Award, San Diego State University, 1989-90
Recipient Mother Mary Michael Scholarship Award, Mercy Hospital,
San Diego California 1990 and 1991.
Active Research Grants and Contracts
Principal Investigator. Cancer Continuous Quality Improvement Project (CCQIP)
Funding Source: California Department of Public Health
$1,255,500.00/year for 5 years beginning June 2008
The CCQIP is a collaborative partnership between the California Department of Public Health, Cancer Detection
Section and the Institute for Public Health at SDSU to implement statewide quality assurance activities designed to
identify problems and design and implement interventions to improve the quality of state funded breast and cervical
cancer screening and diagnostic programs. Activities include medical record abstraction to estimate clinical
parameters and measure quality assurance indicators, the development and implementation of evidence-based
provider training strategies for primary care physicians, nurses, radiologists, surgeons etc., and the development of a
web site to provide module-based distance learning opportunities for primary care clinical providers. Training
strategies include face-to-face and distance learning strategies. The goal of the Center is to provide the highest
quality evidence-based training to improve health care for California women.
Principal Investigator, San Diego County Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) Evaluation
Funding Source: County of San Diego, through the Centers for Disease Control
Evaluation: $1,121,929.00 for 18 months
Enhanced Evaluation: $402,063 until March 2012
San Diego’s CPPW project involves development and intervention in three broad areas 1) the built environment which
includes transportation policies, bike paths, ride-share programs and other similar program, 2) improvement in access
to fresh fruits and vegetables though farmer’s markets, a food hub, and policies and procedures that improve
community access to locally grown food, and 3) interventions within the school system to improve physical activities
and healthy eating. Dr. Lindsay and the IPH are responsible for the evaluation of multiple interventions within each of
these broad categories and the reporting of findings to the County as well as to the Centers for Disease Control.
Principal Investigator. Data Navigator Pilot Project
Funding Source: California Department of Public Health
$557,837/year for five years beginning January 2008
This project tests the hypothesis that Data Navigators specifically trained to educate primary care providers in the
policies and procedures related to submission of clinical screening information will improve Quality Assurance
Indicators as defined by the Centers for Disease Control.
Principal Investigator. Health Education Client Directed Incentives Evaluation
Funding Source: California Department of Public Health
$151,926/three years, beginning April 2009
This research project tests the hypothesis that client incentives will encourage low-income California women to
participate in no-cost breast and cervical cancer screening.
Principal Investigator, Regional Task Force for the Homeless Information Management Improvement
Funding Source:
San Diego Regional Task Force for the Homeless
$89,000/year through October 2011.
The Institute for Public Health (IPI) at the Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University, has
agreed to partner with the San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless (RTFH) and Father Joe’s Village to
complete tasks related to providing data support, data warehouse integration, data management, and ongoing
data analysis projects. The purpose of the Data Warehouse is to provide San Diego County with region-wide
statistics related to homelessness in the County. IPH is responsible for the warehouse database and the quality
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and analysis of the data drawn from the warehouse.
Principal Investigator, In-the-Mix
Funding Source: Family Health Centers of San Diego
The collaboration between Family Health Centers and the Institute for Public Health related to the evaluation of
the successful evidence-based In-the-Mix program has been ongoing since March 2005. This year, the IPH
continues to serve as the Independent Evaluator for this community-based project aimed at providing HIV
prevention services to young men who have sex with men of color. IPH agrees to conduct an evaluation of the
project in accordance with funder guidelines and the evaluation plan outlined in the proposal.
Principal Investigator, UCSD Model Bystander Intervention: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Rape
Prevention Strategies for 1 Year College Students
Funding Source:
University of California at San Diego Student Safety Awareness Program
$25,200/year for three years
The Institute for Public Health (IPH) at the Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University,
provides independent evaluation for this community-based project that will survey both male and female students
on the UCSD campus about their understanding, behavior and perceptions of interpersonal violence including
sexual violence and rape. The lead agency for this project, is the University of California, San Diego Student
Safety Awareness Program. As the center for public health practice, education and research at the Graduate
School of Public Health, the IPH will provide appropriate academic resources.
Principal Investigator. Orange County Performance Outcomes Measures (POMS)
Funding Source: The Child and Family Policy Institute of California
$20,000 for two years
The IPH is available to provide evaluation services to assist in the continued design and implementation of the
sponsor’s Performance Outcome Measurement System (POMS).
Co-Principal Investigator, Oral Flora, Periodontitis, and Vascular Dysfunction in Young Adults
Funding Source:
San Diego Indian Health Council through the National Institute of Health
$92,000/year for three years
This research project using a prospective study design seeks to investigate the relationship between periodontal
disease, vascular function, and inflammation in a population of Native Americans seeking dental services at a health
clinic based on an American Indian reservation in Southern California. Dr. Lindsay is responsible for the development
of culturally sensitive questionnaires, data management, and statistical analysis for the project.
Co-Investigator, The California-Nevada Public Health Training Center (CA-NV PHTC)
Funding Source: DHHS/HRSA from 9/1/2010-8/31/2015
This is a five year grant to design and implement public health training for professionals in the Southwest.
Past Extramural Funded Projects as Principal Investigator
(in reverse chronological order)
Asian Pacific Islander Health Network
Funding Source:
Tides Foundation, Operation Samahan
$20,000/year, July 2008-July 2011
This project helped to initiate community based participatory research activities by forming an API Health Network in
San Diego with participants from health care facilities as well as the community. The IPH contributed by providing an
extensive review of the scientific literature related to the API community in San Diego, and developed a database of
service providers to the API community. We also participated in a community forum.
California Native American Research Centers for Health Evaluation
Funding Source:
Indian Health Council
$51,767, July 2005-2011
The IPH is served as an independent evaluator to provide the NARCH Student Development Program evaluation and
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consultation services. This includes revisions to data collection instruments and databases that will allow CA-NARCH
to track students and prospective students.
Evaluation of Healthy Environments Against Tobacco (HEAT)
Funding Source:
Vista Community Clinic
13,500, July 2007-June 2010
The IPH is provided evaluation consultation to this project including review and modification of existing data collection
instruments, the development of additional evaluation tools, the creation of databases, staff training, and data
Evaluation of Multi-Unit Housing TCS
Funding Source:
Vista Community Clinic
$10,000, July 2007 – June 2010
The IPH provided evaluation consultation to this project including the review and modification of existing data
collection instruments, the review of additional evaluation tools, the creation of a database for entry and analysis of a
public opinion poll survey.
Evaluation of Proyecto Salud y Esperanza
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$15,000, May 2007 - April 2010
The IPH provided evaluation consultation to this project including review and finalization of the overall evaluation
strategy, the development of evaluation tools for promotoras, staff training on data collection, data entry and data
Maternal and Child Health Initiative
Funding Source:
The California Endowment
$63,161, July 2009-January 2010
The Maternal and Child Health Initiative was funded by the California Endowment to re-establish MCH content in the
GSPH curriculum.
San Diego County Homeless Data Advisory Committee
Funding Source:
Regional Task Force for the Homeless
$85,100, Nov 2007- Oct 2009
The IPH is assisted the RTFH to design, implement, and analyze a Data Warehouse which collects data from multiple
sources throughout San Diego County and allows comparable comprehensive analysis and evaluation. Data from
the Warehouse is used to report to funding sources, city and county stakeholders, and to conduct research and
evaluation activities.
In-the-Mix Evaluation
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$60,000, Oct 2006 - Sept 2009
This project was an independent evaluation of a community-based project aimed at providing HIV prevention services
to young men of color who have sex with men.
Evaluation of Survivors of Torture Program
Funding Source:
Survivors of Torture International
$15,000, Oct 2006 - Sept 2009.
This was an independent evaluation of a community-based project aimed at strengthening the capacity of torture
survivors to become fully integrated, productive members of the community.
Dad’s Club Evaluation
Funding Source:
San Diego Social Advocates for Youth
$21,000, April 2007 - Sept 2009
The project provided independent evaluation for Dad's Club, a community based project, sponsored by SAY San
Diego, whose goal is to decrease community violence through engaging Dads in positive and parenting and
leadership development.
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STEP: Youth Empowerment Demonstration Grant
Funding Source:
Federal Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
$636,098, Sept 2006-August 2009
This federal demonstration grant paired SDSU minority undergraduate students with high risk middle school students
for mentoring, tutoring and other supportive activities to encourage matriculation into high school and college.
Wise Woman Project Evaluation
Funding Source:
California Department of Public Health
$56,817, Jan 2008-June 2009
This evaluation project tested the hypothesis that California Latina women presenting to primary health care providers
for breast and cervical cancer screening can be recruited into a program for the prevention of heart disease with
measurable outcomes.
Evaluation of School Community Violence Prevention Programs (Safe Schools)
Funding Source:
San Diego County Superintendent of Schools
$10,500, Jan 2007-June 2009
This is an independent evaluation of the Safe Schools program.
Office of Violence Prevention Services (OVP)
Funding Source:
San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency
490,609, July 2007 - June 2009
This county contract provided academic expertise to the Office of Violence Prevention in four core areas: 1)
assistance and evaluation of the San Diego County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (DVFRT), 2) training
SDSU undergraduate and graduate students to be instructors in teen violence relationship classes offered to high
school students, 3) training professionals in issues related to children exposed to violence, and 4) assisting with the
development of a San Diego model for the prevention and intervention on behalf of students exposed to violence.
Scripps Research Institute TRSI
Funding Source:
Scripps Research Institute
$33,632, May 2008-April 2009
IPH participated with Scripps Research Institute to apply for a CTSA award, with the IPH involved in the Community
Outreach activities, and the development of community support for CTSA activities.
Evaluation of Project Empower
Funding Source:
San Diego Unified School District
$17,818, Jan 2005-Dec 2008
This project evaluated services provided by the San Diego Adolescent Pregnant and Parenting Program. The San
Diego Unified School District provides Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) services to parenting youth and their
children. PCIT is a relationship treatment model with the goal of strengthening parent-child relationships and
decreasing difficult behaviors in young children.
Quality of Life Survey
Funding Source:
Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation (JCNI)
$15,000, March 2008 - September 2008
JCNI collected Quality of Life Surveys from community residents in the Diamond Neighborhoods of southeastern San
Diego at two points in time, 2001 and 2007. IPH compared the results of the surveys and provide trend analysis and
a comprehensive written report.
Pazzaz: Evaluation of Capacity Building and Team Support
Funding Source:
Pazzaz, Inc.
$32,813, Sept 2007- August 2008
This project evaluated a community-based project aimed at improving the ability of at-risk students to function
successfully in all aspects of life including school, social networks, and family life.
Funding Source:
Assistance with Elder Health Needs Assessment
Somali Family Services
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$2,000, September 2007 – August 2008
The IPH is provided technical assistance for a community-based project conducting a health needs assessment of the
elders in the Somali community in San Diego.
Evaluation of Steps to Change: A Prevention Case Management Program for IVDUs
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$50,000, July 2003-June 2008
This was an independent evaluation of a community-based project aimed at providing HIV prevention case
management services to injection drug users.
Evaluation of the Family Health Centers MAI Integrated Care Coordination Program
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$4,780, March 2008 - June 2008
The IPH served as the independent evaluator for the MAI Integrated Care Coordination Program including the
development of an Quality Management (QM) and evaluation plan.
Evaluation of the Community Challenge Grant “Connection Program”
Funding Source:
Neighborhood House Association
$42,000, July 2005-June 2008
This was an independent evaluation of the “Connection Program”, a community-based project aimed at reducing the
number of adolescent and unwed pregnancies in specified target areas of San Diego.
Evaluation of HIV Education: HIV High Risk Positives and High Risk Negatives
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$20,000, July 2007 - June 2008
This project provides independent evaluation for the HIV High Risk Positive and High Risk Negative program which
aims to reduce the rates of HIV among high risk groups and their partners.
Evaluation of the Outreach Navigator Program
Funding source:
Cancer Navigator
$2000, April 2007 – March 2008
This project provided consultation services for the evaluation of the Outreach Navigator Program
Network for Emergency Trafficking Services Evaluation
Funding Source:
The Salvation Army
$34,000 for three years, Sept 2005 – March 2008
This project evaluated the Western Territorial Anti-Trafficking Program, a community-based comprehensive response
to trafficking, including direct services, public awareness, emergency response, outreach, law enforcement, and
service provider training throughout the western United States.
Evaluation of the Orange County Asthma and Chronic Lung Disease Program
Funding Source:
The Child and Family Policy Institute of California
$42,195, April-Sept 2007
This project supported the independent evaluation of the Orange County Asthma and Chronic Lung Disease Program
sponsored by the Children and Families Commission of Orange County
Evaluation of Metabolics Program
Funding Source:
The Child and Family Policy Institute
$22, 858, April-Sept 2007
This project supported and independent evaluation of the Orange County Metabolics Program sponsored by the
Children and Families Commission of Orange County
California Wise Woman Evaluation
Funding Source:
California Department of Public Health
$17,123, March 2007-June 2007
This project supported evaluation activities for the California Wise Woman project including focus groups with
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Outreach Workers, data analysis and report writing.
Breast Cancer Literacy and Health Care Decision Making
Funding Source:
California Breast Cancer Research Program
$3,964, July 2006-June 2007
The California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP), based on its scientific peer review and the CBCRP
Council's programmatic review recommended this award of a research assistance to Dr. Lindsay to further
develop the Community Research Collaborative (CRC) application submitted for CBCRP's funding cycle 12:
"Breast Health Literacy and Health Care Decision Making". The purpose of this award is to enable Dr. Lindsay to
address scientific and collaborative issues raised during the scientific peer review of the above named CRC Pilot
Award application.
Community Action Partnership Needs Assessment
Funding Source:
San Diego County Community Action Partnership
$7,500, Sept 2006-August 2007
This project assisted the Community Action Partnership with an online needs assessment and analysis of results.
Evaluation of Transitional Housing Programs for Homeless Families
Funding Source:
$40,000, Sept 2005 – Dec 2007
The Institute for Public Health is assisted with the data collection and analysis of a national study of families served by
transitional housing programs. San Diego is one of five study sites throughout the nation.
Evaluation of the Southern San Diego Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative
Funding Source:
Operation Samahan
$4,000, May 2006 - June 2007
The IPH is provided evaluation consultation for this community-based project aimed at reducing the number of
adolescent pregnancies in southern San Diego. Academic resources are provided including technical assistance and
consultation regarding the local evaluation component.
Evaluation of “In the Mix”
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$20,000, Oct 2006-Sept 2007
$21,000, Oct 2004-Sept 2006
$10,500, Oct 2003-Sept 2004
This project provides evaluation services for HIV prevention programs for men who have sex with men
Funding Source:
Evaluating Local Interventions Meetings/Trainings
Funding Source:
The San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community Center
$3,499, Sept 2006-Aug 2007
IPH provided evaluation support services and consultation to the Evaluating Local Interventions project
Evaluation of Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Funding Source:
Awareness Inc.
$10,000, Feb 2007-Aug 2007
This project provided evaluation services for multiple activities related to teen pregnancy prevention.
Funding Source:
Evaluation of the California Native American Research Center for Health
Indian Health Council
$8,000, Sept 2006-Aug 2007
$18,000, Oct 2005-Aug 2006
$1,920, July 2005-Sep 2005
Evaluation services and activities for the evaluation of the student recruitment and retention portion of the CA-NARCH
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Evaluation Training
Funding Source:
San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency
$400 for one training
This project provided evaluation training for service providers in San Diego County
Project Embrace
Funding Source:
$585, July 2006
This project provided data analysis and interpretation services to Project Embrace
An Evaluation of Primary Care Clinic Reminder Systems and Risk Assessment
Strategies for Cancer Screening and Follow-up.
Funding Source:
Public Health Institute
$5,000, April-July 2006
This project, funded by the Public Health Institute and the California Dialog on Cancer sought information about
primary care clinic reminder systems and risk assessment strategies for cancer screening and follow-up in California.
A convenience sample of five primary care clinics in each of the ten Cancer Detection Programs: Every Woman
Counts Partnership regions (50 providers total) were selected to participate in a survey related to the screening, risk
assessment and tracking systems used by primary care providers for breast, cervical, prostate, and colorectal cancer.
Funding Source:
Evaluation of the Cancer Navigator Program
San Diego Cancer Navigator, the California Endowment, Kaiser Permanente, and the
Alliance Healthcare Foundation
$13,500, Aug 2005-March 2007
This project evaluated the innovative San Diego Cancer Navigator Program which provides support services to
Cancer Patients including outreach, case management activities and a web-based cancer resource network.
IPH Core Support
Funding Source:
The California Endowment
$20,000, May 2006-April 2007
This project provided core support to the IPH for the training and education of students in community-based
participatory activities including the evaluation of small projects.
Evaluation of the License to Freedom Project
Funding Source:
License to Freedom
$5,000, April 2006-July 2006
This project provided evaluation consultation services for License to Freedom, a community-based project aimed at
preventing violence against immigrant women.
Evaluation of the Center for Justice and Reconciliation Activities
Funding Source:
Point Loma Nazarene University, Alliance Healthcare Foundation
$8,500, Dec 2005-Nov 2006
The IPH provided evaluation support activities and GIS activities to support a San Diego wide initiative to improve the
collection of information related to homelessness in San Diego County.
Funding Source:
Support for Clinical Breast Examination Training
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
$600, Feb 2006-April 2006
$499, Oct 2004-Sept 2005
$1,500, Oct 2003-Sept 2004
This funding supported the clinical breast examination training activities of the Center for Cancer Quality Assurance
and Professional Education (QAPE)
Funding Source:
Evaluation of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation Activities
Tariq Khamisa Foundation
$4,924, Jan 2006-Dec 2006
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$5,712, Oct 2004-April 2005
$3,500, Feb 2004-May 2004
This project support evaluation activities for a community-based program offering education to middle and high school
student to reduce youth violence, including their trademark “PeaceWorks” intervention.
San Diego HIV Funding Collaborative
Funding Source:
Alliance Healthcare Foundation
$3,790, Feb 2006-May 2007
The IPH provided evaluation technical assistance workshops for San Diego HIV funding collaborative grantees.
Evaluation of the Welcome Back Center
Funding Source:
Grossmont Community College District
$7,688, Jan-April 2006
This project provided evaluation consultation services to the Welcome Back Center
Evaluation of a Social Norms Campaign for Reduction of Sexual Violence on a
College Campus
Funding Source:
Regents of the University of California at San Diego
$21,646, July 2005-Jun 2007
$15,094, Oct 2000-August 2003
This evaluation project used social norms marketing strategies to address sexual assault violence prevention for men
on college campuses including a marketing campaign, men’s only workshops, and the use of multimedia software in
2000-2003 (“Most UCSD guys”) Additional funding was then obtained to assess social norms for both men and
women on the college campus (“Most UCSD Tritans”). Both formative and outcome-based performance measures
were used to evaluate the effectiveness of these campaigns.
Evaluation of LGBT Tobacco Control
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$5,000, Oct 2005-June 2006
The IPH served as the evaluator for this community-based planning project aimed at bringing San Diego LGBT
community tobacco control issues to the forefront and generating information to inform the design of LGBT tobacco
control interventions.
Evaluation of HEAT
Funding Source:
Vista Community Clinic
$8,000, July 2005-June 2007
The IPH provided consultation services to Vista Community Clinic’s project entitled “Health Environments Against
Tobacco” (HEAT).
Funding Source:
Local Evaluation of the Community Challenge Grant
Neighborhood House Association
$14,000, July 2006-June 2007
$14,000, July 2005-June 2006
$8,000, July 2004-June 2005
This project supported local evaluation activities for “The Connection: Home, Schools and Community”, a communitybased project aimed at reducing the number of adolescent and unwed pregnancies in a specified target are of San
Diego County.
Funding Source:
Evaluation of Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Operation Samahan
$1,500, July 2004-June 2005
$3,000, Feb 2004-June 2004
The IPH is provided evaluation consultation for this community-based project aimed at reducing the number of
adolescent pregnancies in southern San Diego. Academic resources are provided including technical assistance and
consultation regarding the local evaluation component.
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Evaluation of Primary Care Clinics
Funding Source:
Public Health Institute
$5,000, March 2005-June 2005
This project surveyed primary care clinics throughout California for evidence of recommendations for breast, cervical,
prostate, and colorectal cancer screening. The survey focused on clinic tracking, reminder systems, use of cancer
screening guidelines and use of risk assessment tools.
Funding Source:
Resource Assistance Collaborative Workshop
Council of Community Clinics
$2,700, Feb 2005-July 2005
The Institute for Public Health (IPH) conducted the TRAC Workshop for the Council of Community Clinics.
The intensive workshop is entitled HIV Prevention Program Evaluation Design. The audience was 10 to
20 HIV prevention educators who are providing intervention services. The workshop afforded an
opportunity for educators to explore elements of effective HIV prevention program evaluation
Serial Inebriate Project Evaluation
Funding Source:
University of California Office of the President
$47,378, April 2005-Nov 2006
This project evaluated San Diego County’s Serial Inebriate Project, an intervention designed to reduce the number of
homeless individuals with substance abuse problems.
Evaluation of the Sweetheart Project
Funding Source:
California Black Health Network
$7,500, Jan 2005-April 2005
This project provided evaluation consultation for the extended Youth Educational Component of the SweetHeart
Funding Source:
Obesity and Overweight Evaluation
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$5,000, Sept 2006-Aug 2007
$5,000, Sept 2005-Aug 2006
$11,500, Sepot 2004-Aug 2005
This project evaluated a community-based intervention for the prevention of obesity and overweight in children.
Nigerian Medics for Peace Project
Funding Source:
Fred J Hansen Foundation
$34,882, Dec 2004-Jan 2006
This intervention project for the promotion of peace took place in Nigeria, where communities are often divided along
ethnic lines. Health education classes surrounding the topic of immunizations and sanitation were conducted in
Nigeria with multi-ethnic participation by both instructors and participants. IPH was responsible for both the
intervention and evaluation components of this project.
Evaluation of Multi-Disciplinary Training for Sexual Assault Prevention
Funding Source:
End Violence Against Women International
$59,805, Dec 2004-Jan 2007
This project brought together multiple stakeholders responsible for the community response to sexual assault
including law enforcement, advocacy, medical, district attorneys, and others to participate in multi-disciplinary
conferences. Funding was obtained by End Violence Against Women International to allow scholarships for
conference attendance to cities who were willing to bring a multi-disciplinary team to the training. IPH was
responsible for evaluation of these training activities which included both face-to-face and online methodologies.
Funding Source:
Evaluation of the Hepatitis B Prevention Project
Asian Pacific Health Center
$2,000, June 2004-Sept 2004
$4,000, Jan 2004-Sept 2004
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The IPH provided evaluation consultation services to this community-based project aimed at increasing Hepatitis B
vaccination coverage among Asian and Pacific Islander youth in San Diego.
Support for Clinical Breast Examination Training
Funding Source:
Astra Zeneca
$200 Feb 2004
This funding supported the clinical breast examination training activities of the Center for Cancer Quality Assurance
and Professional Education (QAPE)
Funding Source:
Center for Health Professional Education and Training
California Department of Health Services, Cancer Detection Section
$989,807, July 2006-June 2007
$792,369, July 2005-June 2006
$885,036, July 2004-June 2005
$423,557, Oct 2003-June 2004
This funding was for the development of appropriate evidence-based training strategies to train California’s primary
care clinicians in both breast and cervical screening and diagnostic follow-up. Evidence obtained from the Cancer
Clinical Services Quality Assurance project was used to design and implement trainings including clinical breast
examination training, breast diagnostic algorithm training, quality assurance trainings and other training activities as
directed by the California Department of Health Services. IPH was also responsible for the development of a website
for primary care providers ( as well as the evaluation of all training activities.
Funding Source:
Evaluation of the Steps To Change Program
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$6,000, July 2006-June 2007
$10,000, July 2005-June 2006
The IPH served as the independent evaluator for this community-based project aimed at providing HIV prevention
case management services to IV injection drug users.
Funding Source:
Evaluation of HIV Prevention for Men Who Have Sex with Men
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$6,000, July 2006-June 2007
$6,000, July 2005-June 2006
$6,000, July 2004-June 2005
$10,000, July 2003-June 2004
The IPH served as the independent evaluator for this community-based project aimed at providing HIV prevention
services to young men who have sex with men.
Evaluation of Domestic Violence Prevention Services
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$5,000, July 2003-June 2004
This was a community-based intervention designed to reduce domestic violence utilizing social marketing and
educational campaigns. Evaluation activities included design of evaluation strategies, measurement instruments,
databases, analytic goals and objectives, and report writing.
Quality Assurance Project for HIV Testing
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$6,000, March 2003-June 2003
This project developed and implemented a quality assurance system for the HIV testing activities at the Family Health
Centers of San Diego. The express purpose of these activities was to create an evaluation system that could
continue to be used by the agency after the end of the contract. Components included 1) an in-depth examination of
current processes and procedures, 2) guidance for HIV test educators at various FHCSD sites, 3) accurate
completion of evaluation forms, 4) evaluation tools and guidelines, and 5) staff training.
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Evaluation of the Vida Sana Program
Funding Source:
Family Health Centers of San Diego
$4,000, March 2003-March 2004
The IPH served as the independent evaluator of this community-based program addressing high-risk behaviors for
chronic diseases.
Funding Source:
Cancer Clinical Services Quality Assurance Project
California Department of Health Services, Cancer Detection Section
$510,976, July 2005-June 2006
$688,302, July 2004-June 2005
$789,267, July 2003-June 2004
$874,420, July 2002-June 2003
The Cancer Clinical Services Quality Assurance Project was a collaborative effort between the Institute for Public
Health and the California Department of Health Services Cancer Detection Program to improve the breast and
cervical cancer screening services provided to low-income California women. This project provided quality assurance
activities to the Cancer Detection Program: Every Woman Counts Program in the form of medical record abstraction,
evidence-based best practice, and the face-to-face training of primary care clinicians in screening and diagnostic
follow-up for breast and cervical cancer. Activities included repeated medical record abstraction (over 11,000 medical
records were reviewed) to determine whether or not primary care providers were providing services according to the
guidelines of the Cancer Detection Section. Based on the evidenced-based findings, trainings were developed for
primary health care providers, data collection systems were improved for the collection and calculation of
performance-based outcomes, and a website was developed specifically for primary care providers.
Youth Sexual Assault Prevention School Based Partnership
Funding Source:
City of San Diego Police Department, San Diego Unified School District
$33,000, Aug 1999-Nov 2001
The goal of this project was the development of a youth sexual assault prevention curriculum for use with middle
and high school students in the San Diego City Schools. Activities included gathering relevant information for the
purpose of curriculum development including the analysis of existing SDPD police department data, development
of key informant surveys, and implementation of focus group activities to obtain input from all relevant
stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, law enforcement etc.
Past Extramural Funded Projects as Co-Principal Investigator
(in reverse chronological order)
With Dr. Robert Seidman
San Diego County Academic Health Department
Funding Source:
Association of Schools of Public Health
$102,396, Nov 2003-Sept 2005
This was a collaborative project between the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency, the County
Department of Environmental Health, and the SDSU Institute for Public Health. The purpose of this project was to
improve training and research opportunities for students and faculty that focus specifically on public health practice in
the community, to enhance the practice of public health practitioners in the San Diego County Health and Human
Services Agency, and to increase access by HHSA staff and SDSU GSPH staff to appropriate training, consultation,
and current public health practice knowledge via a web site, public health grand rounds, seminars, field placements,
and other mechnanisms. (Dr. Robert Seidman, Co-Principal Investigator)
Evaluation of Expenditures by California Children’s Services
Funding Source:
California Department of Health Services, Medical Services Branch
$275,000, July 2005-Dec 2006
The purpose of this project was to evaluate why the California Children's Services (CCS)/Healthy Families (HF)
expenditures disproportionately increased since fiscal year 2001-02 despite a relatively steady caseload
compared to the total expenditures in other CCS patient populations. The analysis focused on potential
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differences among CCS patients and the medical services delivered to them, differences among providers and
settings, and differences among varying CCS program populations.
With Dr. Winnie Willis
Breast Cancer Early Detection Program Quality Assurance Project
Funding Source:
California Department of Health Services, Cancer Detection Section
$103,531, July 2001-June 2002
$871,901, July 2001-June 2002
$ 55,073, July 2000-Sept 2001
$775,035, July 2000-June 2001
$586,030, July 1999-June 2000
$ 91,585, April 1999-June 1999
This project provided quality assurance activities to the California Department of Health Services Cancer Detection
Section in the form of medical record abstraction, evidence-based best practice, and the face-to-face training of
primary care clinicians in screening and diagnostic follow-up for breast and cervical cancer.
Funded Training/Education Contracts
Seminar in Health Disparities
Funding Source:
University of California at San Diego Comprehensive Center on Health Disparities
$12, 133 for Fall 2008 class
I obtained this funding from the UCSD CCHD to teach a graduate level class in health disparities including master’s
and doctoral level students.
Funding Source:
Doctoral Seminar in Health Disparities
University of California at San Diego
$4,596, Aug 2006-Aug 2007
$8,407, Aug 2005-Aug 2006
$12,356, Aug 2003-Sept 2005
I obtained this funding to teach the Epidemiology Doctoral Seminar for five of the eight years that I taught the class.
This class was designed for incoming first year Epidemiology doctoral students. Content focused on health
Epidemiology of Violence Class
Funding Source:
University of California at San Diego
$18,080, Oct 2002-Oct 2005
I obtained this funding to teach a class in the Epidemiology of Violence for two years at the Graduate School of Public
Health. The class was open to GSPH graduate students, students from other SDSU disciplines and Open University
students allowing for a multi-disciplinary approach.
Service for the University
Assistant Director of Public Health Practice, Graduate School of Public Health since 2008
Associated Schools of Public Health SDSU/GSPH Public Health Practice Coordinator since 2007
Chairperson, Graduate School of Public Health Student Affairs/Alumni Committee 2007-2009
Member, GSPH Student Affairs/Alumni Committee 2009-2010
GSPH Core Course Advisory Committee to the Director 2010/2011.
Coordinated the GSPH Passion for Public Health Lecture Series, 2006 and 2007
Participated in a panel of 2
year faculty at the SDSU new faculty orientation
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on August 21, 2008.
Presented Institute for Public Health research projects to the SDSU Research
Foundation Human Resources staff and Executive Director, Dan Gilbreath on June 26, 2008.
Provided guest lectures on the Epidemiology of Violence to PH 601 students 2008,2009
Provided guest lectures on the Epidemiology of Violence to Chronic Disease Students 2008-2011
Provided guest lecture on the Epidemiology of Violence to Nursing 454 Primary care nursing class (Diane
Hatton, instructor). Also coordinated with two community members who work in the area of domestic
violence to bring their perspectives to the class.
Presented on a panel describing “Communication Strategies” at the ASPH Student Services Workshop
October 24, 2009 sponsored by the SDSU GSPH. My role was to speak about maintaining
communication between schools of public health and external organizations, making connections with
community organizations for applied research and evaluation activities, participating in community
collaborations, and finding field placement sites for students.
Provided a guest lecture to the GSPH Joint Doctoral Program about career paths, the Institute for Public
Health, and working with the community.
Provided a guest lecture on the Epidemiology of Violence for Dr. Carleen Stoskopf in PH 131, February
13, 2009.
Provided a guest lecture on the topic of Health Disparities in the Biology 246 Colloquium. Students
attending included those in MARC, Bridges to the Future, MBRS, and McNair Scholars, all SDSU
program to encourage scholastic excellence for minority or disadvantaged students.
Participated as a member of the SDSU faculty in the site review for the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral
Programs Accreditation Process held at UCSD on April 23, 2009.
Member, SDSU-UCSD Health Disparities Curriculum Review Committee since 2010. The
HDCRC is a committee of the SDSU-UCSD Cancer Center Partnership with the goal to assess how
health disparities are taught at both SDSU and UCSD, to ensure appropriate breadth and
depth in the area of health disparities (with emphasis on cancer) and ultimately, make
recommendations to those individuals who have responsibility for curriculum development.
Member since 2010. Provided guest lectures for Cancer Health Disparities Class taught by Dr.
Hillary Klonoff-Cohen and sponsored by the SDSU-UCSD Cancer Center Partnership, Monday January
14, and January 24, 2011.
Service for the Community
Member, San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative Evaluation Advisory Group 2008-2010
Member, San Diego County Domestic Violence Response Team 2008-2010
Member San Diego Regional Task Force for the Homeless Data Advisory Committee 2007- 2010
Member San Diego County Domestic Violence Council Advisory Board, 2010,2011
Member, API Health Network Research Scientific Advisory Council, 2008-2011
IPH provided assistance to the API Community Health Forum in preparing a Research Compendium and
Resource Directory for the API Community May 2009 and May 2010.
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Participated in a panel presentation for unveiling the new San Diego Domestic Violence Protocol and DV
Supplemental Update. Spoke about the statistics related to children exposed to violence. Feb 20,2009
Member, UCSD Health Disparities Curriculum Review Committee with the goal of surveying schools and
asking about health disparities content in their curriculum.
Chairperson, San Diego “CeaseFire” Working Group. This group held monthly meetings throughout
2009-2010 seeking public health solutions to the problem of community violence. Membership
included academic public health, county public health, law enforcement, probation, advocacy groups,
mental health, and community-based non-profit organizations. Submitted two grant proposal with
this working group.
Coordinated workshop for the State of California Breast Expert Workgroup to review and improve the
California State-wide Breast Diagnostic Algorithms produced by the California Department of Health
Services, Cancer Detection Section. July 29, 2010.
Conference Moderator for the US-Mexico Cross-Border One-Border-One-Health Conference, Sponsored
by the California Department of Health Services Early Warning Infectious Disease Program and the
Institute for Public Health June 23-24, 2011.
Presentations to the Community
Lindsay, S., The Health Effects of Childhood Exposure to Violence. Presentation to the Raising the Bar
Advisory Board Conference entitled: Closing the Gap: Hospitals Addressing Domestic Violence
Dialogue. San Diego, California, June 5, 2009.
Lindsay, S. Children Exposed to Violence and Domestic Violence as a Public Health Crisis.
Presentation at a media event launching the new San Diego Law Enforcement Protocol for Domestic
Violence, February 20, 2009
Lindsay, S., Xiong, L, deMatos, M., Bariuan, J., Hirano, T., Phuong, L. Creating a Collaborative
Framework to Understand and Reduce Health Disparities in San Diego County’s Asian/Pacific Islander
(API) Communities. An IPH presentation (including student presenters) to the First Annual Asian/Pacific
Islander Community Health Forum, May 29, 2009, Springfield College, San Diego, California.
Lindsay, S., Hospitals: Models of Care for Victims of Domestic Violence. Presentation to the Domestic
Violence Fatality Review Committee Medical Sub-Committee. San Diego, California, June 12, 2009.
Lindsay, S. Children Exposed to Violence and Domestic Violence as a Public Health Crisis.
Presentation to the City Heights Anti-Violence Task Force, May 28, 2010.
Lindsay, S., Clinical Breast Exam Professional Education in California
Presented to the California Department of Health Services, Cancer Detection Section, Clinical Breast
Exam Patient Instructors, June 4, 2011.