COVER SHEET 9 9 9 0 5 S.E.C. Registration Number P H I L I P P I N E C O R P O R A T I O R E A L T Y A N X D H O L D I B A L E T E E W M A N N G S I L A N (Company's Full Name) A N D R E D R I V E Q U E Z O A C N N O O R C I R T N T H D C O M P L E O M I N G O N Y (Business Address : No. Street Company / Town / Province) MS. RACHELLE R. GATPANDAN 636-1170 Contact Person Company Telephone Number 2 Month Day Day 0 I S FORM TYPE PRELIMINARY Month Annual Meeting N/A Secondary License Type, If Applicable Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned 1 Foreign Philippine Realty& Holdings Gorpotation Notice of Annual StockholdersMeetins Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholdersof this Corporation shall be held at the Auditorium of the Philippine Stock Exchange centre, ExchangeRoad,ortigas center, Pasigcity, at 9:30 a.m.on october 3a,2013 to considerthe following agenda: Certificationof noticeand quorum; ReadingandApprovalof the Minutesof theNovember2A,2Al2 Annual Stockholders'Meetingand actiontakenthereon; Reportof the Board of Directors; Ratificationof the acts,contracts,and deedsofthe Directorsand Officers; Electionof Directorsfor the ensuingyear; Appointmentof ExternalAuditor; Othermatter;and Adjournment Registrationwill start at 9:00 a.m. Pleasebring some form of identification, suchas Driver'sLicense,CreditCard,or Voter'sI.D.. .: Only stockholdersof recordas at September13, 2013 shall be entitledto vote at saidmeeting. The minutesof the meetingsand resolutionsof the Board of Directors,since the last Annual Stockholdermeeting,may be.reviewed during office hours at the office of the corporate Secretary,E-1503, 15ft Floor, East Tower, philippine stock ExchangeCentre,ExchangeRoad,OrtigasCenter,PasigCity. Pasig,Metro Manila,September 09,2013. n^ " /) 6-nz%. (d AMADOR C. BACANI President ) 160,5 5iF,Rrn.512-5l3EastTower,PhilippineStockExchangeCentre3xchangeRoad,OrtigasCenter,PasigCity, Tel.Nos.: 631-3179to 80,631-8579to80 Fax: (632) 634-1504 SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 20-IS Information Statement Pursuant to Rule 20 of the Securities Regulation Code 1. 2. Check the appropriate box X Preliminary Information Statement Definitive Information Statement Name of registrant as specified in its charter PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION 3. Country of Incorporation : Philippines 4. SEC Identification 5. Tax Identification No. : 6. Address of Principal Office: Andrea North Complex, Balete Drive cor. N. Domingo St., New Manila, Quezon City, 1111 : Address of Satellite Office: 7. 99905 116-000-188-233 5th Floor, East Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, 1605 Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (02) 631-3179 8. Date, time and place of the meeting of the security holders October 30, 2013, 9:30 a.m. Auditorium of the Philippine Stock Exchange Centre Auditorium Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 9. Approximate date on which the Information Statement is first to be sent or given to security holders October 09, 2013 10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA: Title of each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding or amount of Debt Outstanding Common 4,922,324,908 shares 3 11. Are any or all of registrant’s securities listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange? Yes X No ___ WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY AND YOU ARE REQUESTED NOT TO SEND US A PROXY GENERAL INFORMATION Date, Time and Place of Annual Stockholders’ Meeting The 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (“Meeting” for brevity) of the Philippine Realty and Holdings Corporation (“Company” for brevity) will be held on October 30, 2013 at 9:30 a.m., at the Auditorium of the Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City. The complete mailing address of the satellite office of the Company is 5th Floor, East Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City. The approximate date on which the Information Sheet is first to be sent and given to the security holders shall be October 09, 2013. Dissenters’s Right of Appraisal The shareholders’ shall have appraisal right or the right to dissent and demand payment of the fair value of their shares in the manner provided for under Section 82 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, under any of the following circumstances: (a) In case any amendment to the Articles of Incorporation has the effect of changing or restricting the rights of any stockholders or class of shares, or of authorizing preferences in any respect superior to those of outstanding shares of any class, or of extending or shortening the term of corporate existence; (b) In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer, mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all or substantially all of the corporate property and assets as provided in the Corporation code; and (c) In case of merger or consolidation. NO ACTION is being proposed or submitted in the meeting that may call for the exercise of a stockholder’s right of appraisal. Interest of Certain Person in or Opposition to Matters to be Acted Upon (a) No current director or officer of the Company, or nominee for election as director of the Company or any associate thereof, has any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, in any matter to be acted upon other than election to office. 4 (b) No director has informed the Company that he intends to oppose any action to be taken by the registrant at the meeting. CONTROL AND COMPENSATION INFORMATION Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof The number of shares outstanding as of September 13, 2013 and entitled to vote in the stockholders’ meeting is 4,922,324,908 shares. The record date for purpose of determining stockholders’ entitled to vote in the meeting is September 13, 2013. A stockholder entitled to vote at the Meeting shall have the right to vote in person the number of shares registered in his name in the stock transfer books of the Company as of the record date, for as many persons as there are directors to be elected. Each stockholder shall have the right to cumulate said shares and give one candidate as many votes as the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of his shares shall equal, or he may distribute them on the same cumulative voting principle among as many nominees as he shall see fit; provided, that the whole number of votes cast by him shall not exceed the number of said shares multiplied by the whole number of directors to be elected. Security Ownership of Certain Record and Beneficial Owners and Management The following persons are known to the Company to be directly or indirectly the record or beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Company’s voting security as of August 31, 2013. Title of Class Common Name and Address of Record Owner and Relationship with Issuer Name and Address of Beneficial Owner and Relationship with Record Owner Phil. Depository & Trust Corp. 37/F Tower I, The Enterprise Center, 6766 Ayala Avenue cor. Paseo de Roxas, Makati / PCD Nominee Citizenship Number of Shares Owned Filipino/ NonFilipino 2,064,436,725 shares Common Greenhills Properties, Inc. E-2003B, PSE Centre Exchange Rd., Pasig City / Stockholder Filipino 1,755,779,066 shares Common A Brown Co., Inc. Xavier Estates Uptown Airport Road Cagayan de Oro City / Stockholder Filipino 278,505,248 shares Common Campos, Lanuza & Co., Inc. 5 % Owned 41.94% 35.67% 5.66% E-2003B, PSE Centre Campos, Lanuza & Co., Inc. PSE Centre Exchange Road, Pasig City / E-2003B, Exchange Rd., Stockholder Pasig City / Stockholder Fil./Ameri can/Spanis h/Other Alien 275,418,451 shares ( net of shares under PCD ) Note: Greenhills Properties, Inc. is represented by its President, Andrew D. Alcid and Treasurer, Antonio O. Olbes. Campos, Lanuza & Co., Inc. is represented by its President, Antonio ReyesCuerva and Vice President, Gerardo Domenico Antonio V. Lanuza, while A Brown Co., Inc. is represented by its Chairman, Walter W. Brown and President & CEO, Robertino Pizarro. PCD Nominee holds 41.94% interest. PCD Nominee is the registered owner of shares beneficially owned by participants in the PCD. Campos, Lanuza & Co., a participant of PCD has a total of 1,462,311,877 shares under PCD equivalent to 29.707% of the Company’s voting securities. Shares held by Directors and Executive Officers as reported by transfer agent as of August 31, 2013: Title of Class Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Name of Beneficial Owner Antonio O. Olbes Amador C. Bacani Gerardo Lanuza, Jr. Juan Antonio Lanuza Mariano C. Ereso, Jr. Manuel O. Orros Ramon F. Cuervo, III Gerardo Domenico Antonio V. Lanuza Gregory G. Yang Andrew C. Ng Andrew D. Alcid Directors and Officers As a Group Amount and Nature of Class Citizenship %age Owned 506,388 / Direct 229,980 / Direct 174,024 / Direct 78,035 / Direct 10,000 / Direct 1 / Direct 1 / Direct Filipino Filipino Spanish Spanish Filipino Filipino Filipino 0.010% 0.005% 0.004% 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 6,312,000/ Direct 100,000 / Direct 10,000 / Indirect 50,000 / Indirect Filipino/Spanish Filipino Filipino Filipino/American 0.128% 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 0.15% 7,470,429 / Direct 60,000 / Indirect 6 5.60% Holders As of August 31, 2013 the Company had 2,505 stockholders. The list of the top twenty stockholders of the Company as of August 31, 2013 is as follows: Name of Stockholder PCD Nominee Corporation Greenhills Properties, Inc. A Brown Company, Inc. Campos, Lanuza & Co., Inc. Philex Mining Corporation Belson Securities, Inc. Socorro C. Ramos Universal Travel Corp. Brisot Economic Dev. Corp Vulcan Industrial & Mining Corp. National Bookstore, Inc. Ricardo Leong Ramon de Leon Calixto Laureano Consuelo Madrigal Wealth Securities, Inc. Oscar S. Cu ITF Anthony Cu Meridian Securities Guoco Sec (Phils) Inc. Citisecurities, Inc. Guild Securities, Inc. E. Chua Chiaco Securities, Inc. Total Citizenship Filipino Other Alien Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino No. of Shares 2,041,214,262 23,222,643 1,755,779,066 278,505,248 275,418,451 68,865,002 30,580,956 21,291,750 15,807,000 15,280,621 15,159,434 13,258,728 11,810,854 11,810,854 11,810,854 11,500,000 9,339,953 7,390,000 6,269,888 5,961,532 5,628,078 5,597,712 5,539,016 4,646,041,722 Percentage (%) 41.47% .47% 35.67% 5.66% 5.60% 1.40% .62% .43% .32% .31% .31% .27% .24% .24% .24% .23% .19% .15% .13% .12% .11% .11% .11% 94.40% Voting Trust Agreement There is no voting trust holder of 5% or more with the Company as of August 31, 2013. Change in Control As of the present, there is no change in control nor is the Company aware of any arrangement that may result in a change in control of the Company since the beginning of the last fiscal year. Directors and Their Business Affiliation for the Past Five Years Gerardo Lanuza, Jr./ 67 – Other Alien/Spanish Mr. Lanuza has served as Director of PRHC since 1981 and has been its Chairman for the past fifteen years. He also holds the following significant positions: Chairman of Universal Travel Corporation, Greenhills Properties, Inc.; Director, 7 Meridian Assurance Corp., Xcell Property Ventures, Inc. He is also a Member of the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. Antonio O. Olbes/ 66 - Filipino Mr. Olbes has served as Director of PRHC since 1986 and as a Vice-Chairman for nineteen years. His concurrent positions are: Chairman of File Managers, Inc.; Director of Greenhills Properties, Inc., Universal Travel Corporation and Xcell Property Ventures, Inc. Juan Antonio Lanuza/ 75 – Other Alien/Spanish Mr. Lanuza has served as Director of PRHC since 1987 and has been a ViceChairman for fourteen years. He is also a Director of Greenhills Properties, Inc. and Campos Lanuza & Co., Inc. Ramon C-F. Cuervo, III / 58 (Independent Director) - Filipino Mr. Cuervo has served as Independent Director of PRHC for nine years. He also held the following significant positions: Chairman of Property Partnership, Inc. and Cuervo Far East, Inc. Director of R. F. Cuervo, Inc. and Member of Manila Board of Realtors, Inc., Philippine Association of Real Estate, International Real Estate Institute, Institute of Philippine Real Estate Appraisers, Philippine Association of Real Estate Consultants, and Financial Executives Institute. Manuel O. Orros/65 (Independent Director) - Filipino Mr. Orros has served as Independent Director of PRHC for nine years. He is a Director/Treasurer of Australian International Export-Import, Inc. and the President of O’ Mai Khan, Inc. in Baguio City. Amador C. Bacani/65 - Filipino Mr. Bacani, has served as Director of PRHC since 1998 and is currently the President after serving as its Executive Vice President for seven years. His concurrent positions are: Chairman of Tektite Insurance Brokers, Inc. and PRHC Property Managers, Inc.; Director, Universal Travel Corporation and Meridian Assurance Corporation, President, Xcell Property Ventures, Inc. Atty. Mariano C. Ereso, Jr./80-Filipino Atty. Ereso is a Partner, Corporate & Tax Consulting Practice of Ongkiko Kalaw Manhit & Acorda Law Offices since October 1999. He has been the Principal/Head-Tax Consulting of various auditing firms the latest of which Laya Mananghaya & Co., CPAs/KPMG, from October 1995 to September 30, 1999. His expertise in the field of taxation has led him to be the Team Leader of the Presidential Fact Finding Committee for the Improvement of the operations of the Bureau of Internal Revenue and Chairman of the Committee for Review and Codification of Income Tax Regulations. Gerardo Domenico Antonio V. Lanuza/30 – Filipino Mr. Lanuza was elected as Director on January 15, 2009 and is Vice President for Special Projects of PRHC, Vice President of Campos, Lanuza & Co., Inc. and Director of A Brown Co., Inc.. 8 Gregory G. Yang/57 – Filipino Mr. Yang is currently the Senior Vice President of McDonalds Philippines. He had been a Branch Manager of International Corporate Bank prior to his stint at McDonalds. He was elected as Director last August 20, 2009. Andrew C. Ng/30 – Filipino Mr. Ng is currently the Vice-President of Alpha Alleanza Manufacturing, Inc. He was formerly Operations Manager of Pinncale Foods, Inc. He was elected as Director last August 20, 2009. Andrew D. Alcid/54 – Filipino/American Mr. Alcid was elected as Director on November 8, 2012. He is currently the President of Greenhills Properties, Inc. (GPI). Prior to his stint at GPI, he was the President and CEO of Coastal Road Corporation and Knowledge City Holdings & Development Corporation. He occupied the same position in AXA Philippines from 2006 to 2008. As of the date of this Information Statement, it is the intention of the Management to re-elect the same board of directors. Pursuant to Section 38 of the new Securities Regulation Code and SEC Memorandum Circular No. 16-02 (Guidelines on the Nomination and Election of Independent Directors), the By-Laws has been amended on October 30, 2003 to provide for the Nomination Committee and Election of Independent Directors under Article II, Sections 5 and 6, which reads: “Section 5. Nomination Committee-There shall be a Nomination Committee which shall be independent and shall have at least three (3) voting members, one of whom is an independent director. It shall promulgate guidelines or criteria to govern the conduct of the nomination. It shall pre-screen the qualifications and prepare a final list of candidates which shall contain all the information about all the nominees for independent directors. The Committee shall be constituted at least one month before the date set for the annual stockholders’ meeting. The nomination of independent director/s shall be conducted by the Committee prior to a stockholders’ meeting. Only nominees whose names appear on the Final List of Candidates shall be eligible for election as Independent Director/s. No other nomination shall be entertained after the Final List of Candidates shall have been prepared. No further nominations shall be entertained or allowed on the floor during the actual annual stockholders’ meeting.” “Section 6. Election of Independent Directors-The election of Independent Directors shall be made in accordance with the by-laws of the Corporation, except as otherwise provided in other parts of these by-laws and subject to pertinent existing laws, rules and 9 regulations of the Commission. Cumulative voting shall not apply to the election of an independent director. Single balloting for the regular and independent director/s shall be made. In case however of failure of election for independent director/s, the Chairman of the Meeting shall call a separate election during the same meeting to fill up the vacancy. In case of resignation, disqualification or cessation of independent directorship, the vacancy shall be filled by the vote of at least a majority of the remaining directors, if still constituting a quorum, upon the nomination of the Nomination Committee; otherwise, said vacancies shall be filled by the stockholders in a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. An independent director so elected to fill a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office.” The Nomination Committee was constituted last November 28, 2012 during the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors. It is composed of Mr. Andrew Ng, Mr. Gerardo Lanuza, Jr., and Mr. Manuel Orros. Mr. Ramon C-F. Cuervo, III and Mr. Manuel Orros were nominated as the two (2) Independent Directors to be elected at the Meeting. They were nominated by minority stockholders, Eduardo Lucero and Alfredo Alfonso, respectively. Mr. Lucero and Mr. Alfonso are not related with the nominees. Further in compliance with the Notice of the Commission dated October 20, 2006, both nominees have executed a Certification, under oath, that they possess all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications provided for in the SRC and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. Except for proceedings involving a director or executive office in his/her official capacity, no one from the directors/executive officers for election at the Meeting has been involved in any legal or administrative proceedings in his/her personal capacity during the past five (5) years up to the present date that would materially affect his/her ability and integrity to serve as a director or executive officer. Significant Employees Any director or officer who may be elected at the Meeting is expected to make significant contributions to the operations and business of the Company. Likewise, each employee is expected to do his share in achieving the Company’s set goals. Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings * Petition for Corporate Rehabilitation with Prayer for Suspension of Payments filed with the Regional Trial Court Quezon City On December 12, 2002, the Company filed a Petition for Corporate Rehabilitation with Prayer for Suspension of Payments with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City (Rehab Court) to stop its creditors from foreclosing on 10 the mortgages over the Company’s real properties to the prejudice of the other stakeholders of the Company. The court gave due course to the Petition on February 26, 2003 and appointed Mr. Ricardo Ysmael, as Rehabilitation Receiver. On June 20, 2003, the Company filed an Amended Rehabilitation Plan which was approved by the Rehab Court in its Order dated June 11 2004. On February 2, 2011, the Company filed a Motion to Terminate Rehabilitation Proceedings. In November 2012 the Rehabilitation Court, upon the recommendation of the Rehabilitation Receiver denied the motion on the basis that the Company has still substantial obligation to pay in accordance with the court-approved rehabilitation plan. * Ley Construction and Development Corporation vs. Philippine Realty and Holdings Corporation, Dennis A. Abcede and Joselito L. Santos, Civil Case No. 96-160, Regional Trial Court Makati City Branch 135 This is a complaint for sum of money and damages filed by Ley Construction and Development Corporation (“Ley Construction”) against the Company arising from various construction projects of the Company. On January 31, 2001, the Regional Trial Court of Makati City (“RTC”) rendered a Decision in favor of Ley Construction and against the Company. The Company appealed the Decision to the Court of Appeals which Ley Construction moved for partial reconsideration of the RTC Decision. On May 7, 2001, the RTC modified its January 31, 2011 Decision. The Company appealed Modified Decision to the Court of Appeals. On September 30, 2004, the Court of Appeals reversed and set aside the January 31, 2001 Decision and May 7, 2001 Modified Decision of the RTC and entered a new Decision finding Ley Construction liable to the Company a net amount of P3,747,793.50. Ley Construction appealed the Decision of the Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court. On June 30, 2011 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ley Construction and against the Company. The Company moved for reconsideration which was denied by the Supreme Court with finality on October 25, 2011 and directing the Company to pay P57 million plus legal interest from the time of filing of the case. The Company has booked the prospective settlement expenses in the amount of P112.75 million in its 2011 financial statements. On July 16, 2012, the Company has received a Notice of Garnishment and Notice to Comply/Pay in connection with the claim of “Ley Construction” which was lifted December 16, 2012 on account of the Company’s Corporate Rehabilitation. Ley Construction has presented its claim to the Rehabilitation court where it is pending. * Philippine Realty and Holdings Corp. vs. DMCI Project Developers, Inc., Universal Rightfield Property Holdings, Inc., and Universal Leisure Corporation, Civil Case No. 67092, and pending before Branch 161, Regional Trial Court, Pasig City. Universal Leisure Corporation (ULC) bought several condominium units from the Company under two (2) contracts to sell. After paying the down payment ULC refused to pay the balance due on the principal sums of P32,534,202.66 and P32,383,972.00. ULC claims that it is an assignee of 11 receivable from DMCI Project Developers, Inc.(DMCI) and Universal Rightfield Property Holdings, Inc. (URPHI) for a sum of money allegedly owed by the Company to DMCI and URPHI as a result of cancellation of joint venture agreement entered into by the Company, URPHI and DMCI. The trial Court ruled against Philrealty. Thus, it ordered the Company to pay a sum of money to ULC, DMCI and URPHI and deliver titles to fourteen condominium units and two storage units situated at 34th Floor West Tower as well as the seventy four parking slots situated at the West Podium 3 Parking Level of the PSE Centre. The Company appealed the case to the Court of Appeals(CA) which affirmed the trial court’s decision. In December 2012, Philrealty filed a Motion for Reconsideration and the same was denied. Thereafter, the Parent Company filed a Petition for Review with the Supreme Court where the matter is still pending as of report date. Family Relationships Mr. Gerardo Lanuza, Jr., Chairman of the Board, is the younger brother of Mr. Juan Antonio Lanuza, Vice Chairman; first cousin of Mr. Antonio O. Olbes, and father of Director, Mr. Gerardo Domenico Antonio V. Lanuza. Mr. Gregory Yang is the father-in-law of Mr. Gerardo Domenico Antonio V. Lanuza. Related Party Transactions The Company’s related transactions were made in arm’s length basis. There was no special pricing policy between related parties. The Company engaged the services of its subsidiary, PRHC Property Managers, Inc. (PPMI) in managing Company-owned/developed properties. PPMI, on the other hand, purchased a condominium unit back in 1996 from the Company, which is still being amortized as of to date. The Company also secures insurance from subsidiary, Meridian Assurance Corporation (MAC) through subsidiary, Tektite Insurance Brokers, Inc. The Company is given 90-day period within which to settle the premiums, the same period granted to any assured. Also, the Company extends interest-bearing financial assistance to its subsidiary, PPMI for working capital purposes. The Company has transaction with subsidiary, Universal Travel Corporation and affiliate, Alexandra, USA, wherein the Company extended non-interest bearing loan as additional working capital. In 2008 and 2011, the Company provided an allowance for doubtful accounts on its receivable from Alexandra, USA. The Company has not entered into any material transaction nor is it a party to any transaction in which any director, executive officer or significant shareholder of the Company or any member of the immediate family of any of the persons mentioned in the foregoing had or is to have a direct or indirect material interest. Disagreement with Director None of the directors have resigned or declined to stand for re-election to the Board of Directors since the date of the last annual meeting of security holders due to disagreement with the Company on any matter relating to the Company’s operations, policies or practices. 12 Executive Compensation Year CEO & four most highly compensated executive officers- Gerardo Lanuza (Chairman of the Board), Amador C. Bacani (President), Jose Ma. Francisco (Vice President-Finance and Admin until August 2011), Jose F. Santos (Vice President – Mktg and Bus. Dev.), Gerardo Domenico Antonio V. Lanuza (VP Special Projects) and Robirose M. Abbot (Vice President-Finance and Admin. from September 1, 2011) 2013 (est.only) 2012 2011 All officers & directors as a group – Other officers include: Juan Antonio Lanuza (ViceChairman), Antonio Olbes (Vice Chairman), Dennis Aranaz (Construction Manager) and Josefa Ma. Bernadette Dizon (Accounting Manager) and all other directors 2013(est. only) 2012 2011 Salary Per Diem Other Annual Compensa tion Total None None None 117,000.00 111,000.00 84,000.00 None None None 11,126,340.32 10,40,103.10 8,874,436.82 None None None 488,000.00 414,000.00 458,000.00 None None None 13,524,627.43 12,619,595.73 11,849,086.08 Bonus 11,009,340.32 10,289,103.10 8,790,436.82 13,329,627.43 12,457,595.73 11,435,086.08 The Executive Officers are elected annually by the Board of Directors at its first meeting following the annual stockholders’ meeting. Every officer, including the President, is subject to removal at any time by the Board of Directors. All officers hold office for one year and until their successors are duly elected and qualified; provided that any officer elected to fill any vacancy shall hold office only for the unexpired term of the office filled. The compensation of the Company’s executive officers is fixed by the Board of Directors. They are covered by contract of employment and as such they are entitled to all the benefits accruing to salaried employees of the Company. 13 Compensation of Directors Normally, directors are entitled to a per diem of P3,000.00 for board meetings attended except for independent directors who receive P10,000.00. In addition, the Board is entitled to a portion of the 5% of net income before tax profit-sharing incentive for directors, officers and staff. The directors of the registrant received per diem in the amount of P488,000, P414,000 and P458,000 for 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively. Independent Public Accountants The auditing and accounting firm of Maceda Valencia & Co. (formerly Maceda Farnacio & Co.) is the Company’s Independent Public Accountants appointed in the 2012 Annual Stockholders Meeting. It replaced Manabat Delgado Amper & Co. There has been no disagreement between the Company and Maceda Valencia & Co. with regard to any matter relating to accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure. Nor did such disagreement exist between the Company and its previous auditor, Manabat Delgado Amper & Co. The Members of the Audit Committee are as follows: Chairman: Ramon CF Cuervo, III (Independent Director) Members: Atty. Mariano C. Ereso Antonio O. Olbes Audit and Audit Related Fees The professional fees of Maceda Valencia & Co., for 2011 and 2012 amounted to P822,250 and P862,500, exclusive of VAT, respectively. Out of pocket expenses pegged at 15% for 2011 and 2012. Tax Fees The Company did not engage the services of Maceda Valencia& Co. with regard to tax services. Compliance with Corporate Governance The Company, its directors, officers and employees complied with the leading practices and principles on good corporate governance as embodied in the Company’s Manual on Corporate Governance (“Manual”). The Company accomplished the PSE Corporate Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies: Disclosure Survey for 2012. On August 28, 2012, the Company’s Board of Directors approved the Audit Committee Charter in compliance with SEC Memorandum Circular No. 4, Series of 2012. Pursuant thereto, the Company created an Internal Audit Unit and has engaged the services of an Accountant for the Internal Auditor post. The Company has complied with all leading practices of good governance. An evaluation system has been established to measure the level of compliance with the 14 Manual by Directors and top level management. The Company has undertaken minor revisions in its internal control system and adopted a strict implementation of the provisions of its Manual including the adoption of appropriate penalties for noncompliance. Since the last Annual Meeting, there has been no deviation from the Company’s Manual that would require a report or disclosure. Actions with Respect to Reports and Other Proposed Actions The following reports/minutes shall be submitted to the stockholders for approval/ratification: 1. Minutes of the 2012 Annual Stockholders Meeting held on November 20, 2012 2. Report of the Board of Directors for 2012 3. 2012 Audited Financial Statements 4. Ratification of all acts of the Board of Directors and officers from November 2012 to August 2013. 5. Election of Directors for the ensuing year 6. Appointment of External Auditor All the management concerns, operational problems, new investment opportunities, and issues presented to the Board were duly acted upon and resolved by the Board during the year 2012. During the 2012 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting, all the corporate acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors and Officers since the 2011 Annual Meeting were ratified by the majority of the stockholders who attended and/or represented in said meeting. The copy of the Minutes of the 2012 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting signed by the Chairman, Mr. Gerardo O. Lanuza,Jr. and by the Corporate Secretary, Atty. Rex Bonifacio, is herewith attached for your reference. The major acts of the Boards of Directors to be ratified in the forthcoming Stockholders’ Meeting are summarized as follows: 1. Approval of the Company’s 2012 Audited Financial Statements; 2. Approval, Ratification and Confirmation of the Establishment of the Company’s Retirement Plan; Appointment of a Trustee to Manage the Retirement Fund; and Creation of a Retirement Committee and Appointment of Committee Members; 3. Investment of portion of the Retirement Fund in Special Deposit Account Tax Exempt Facility; 4. Opening of Peso/Dollar/Acceptable Third Currencies Savings/Current/Time Deposit Accounts with Union Bank of the Philippines 5. Additional Investment in Meridian Assurance Corporation 15 Voting Procedures In the electionof directors,the (11) nomineesrvith the greatestnumberof votesrvill be electeddirectors. If the numberof nomineesfor electionas directors doesnot exceedthe number of directorsto be elected,the Secretaryof the Meeting shall be instructedto castall votesrepresentedat the Meeting equally in favor of ai suchnominees.However,if the numberof nomineesfor electionas directorsexceeds the numberof directorsto be elected,voting shall be done by ballot, cumulative voting will be followed, and countingof votes shall be done by tkee (3) election inspectorsto be appointedby the stockholderspresentat the meeting. For corporatemattersthat will be submittedfor approvaland for such other mattersas maJvproperlycomebeforethe Meeting,a vote of the majoritv of the shares presentat the Meetingis necessary for their approval.Voting shallbe doneviva voce or by the raisingof handsandthe votesfor or againstthe mattershall be tallied by the Secretary. Interest of certain Personsin or opposition to Matters to be Acted upon No director has informed the registrantin wtiting that he intendsto oppose any action to be taken at the meeting. There are no matters intended for the approval/disapproval by the stockholders. The company undertakes to provideofi-ee of chargeothe Annuat Report on SEC Form 17-A, shouldthe stockholderrequestfor one. The written request should be forwarded to Atty. Rex P. BonifaciooCorporate Secretary,philippine Realty and Holdings corporation, 5th Floor East Tower, philippine Stock Exchangecentre, ExchangeRoad, ofiigas centeropasig City. At the discretion of managementoa charge may be made for exhibits, provided such charge is limited to rrcasonableexpensesincurred by the registrant in furnishing iuch exhibits. The company also undertakesto distribute sEC Form l7-e ending June 30,2013during the Annual Stockholder.s' Meeting. SIGNATURE After reasonableinquiry and tq the bestof my knowledgeand belief, I certify that the informationsetfort! in this reportis true, completeand correct. This reportis signedin the PasigCity on YfZa :?, !!11,sPHILIPPINEREALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION Issuer "t .-:1 7*4/% AMADOR C. BACANI President 16 EXHIBIT 1 MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Sales of Skyline Tower slowed down as fewer units became available to buyers while new sales were booked on sale of Icon Plaza units which is 47% completed as of year-end. Rental income inched up due to escalation in rental rate. Gross Profit from the sale of condominium units in 2012 amounted to about P51.89 million higher by 34.44 million from 2011. Non-recurring expenses dropped from P138.56 million in 2011 to P0.950 million in 2012 as no impairment occurred in 2012. The table below shows the material change from period to period in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Material shall refer to changes or items amounting to five percent (5%) of the relevant accounts: Sale of real estate Other income Cost of real estate General and administrative expense Other expense 2012 72.66% 1.68% 62.77% 32.51% .18% VERTICAL 2011 67.81% 11.79% 64.67% 50.33% 21.22% 2010 71.49% 12.22% 83.02% 17.43% 6.84% HORIZONTAL 2012 2011 1.00% (29.87%) (86.60%) (28.63%) (8.57%) (42.41%) (39.10%) 113.49% (99.19%) 129.44% The Group posted a net income of P4.69 million in 2012; net loss of P213.02 million and P55.25 in 2011 and 2010, respectively. The loss in 2010 was due to the higher construction cost upon resumption without adjustment on the selling price of old units sold, while loss in 2011 was due to impairments recognized for investments and advances. The sale of real estate pertains to units sold at Skyline Tower located at New Manila, Quezon City and Icon Plaza located at Bonifacio Global City. Other income consists of an adjustment in the interest computation in settlement expenses of LCDC in 2012 and the reversal of the allowance for decline in value of a Bonifacio Global City lot and Leon Guinto property of P53.50 million in 2011 and 55.64 million in 2010, respectively. Dividend income received from A Brown Co. contributed to income in 2010 of about P19.10 million. Our insurance subsidiary, Meridian Assurance Corporation (MAC), posted a net income of P17.05 million, a turnaround from last year’s P7.56 million due to a sale of property located at Quezon City with a gain in the amount of P6.74 million; and also an increase in interest income from money market placements from P2.99 million in 2011 to P3.41million in 2012. Other income on the other hand decreased from P2.12 million in 2011 to P.133 million in 2012. Our property management subsidiary, PRHC Property Managers, Inc. (PPMI), registered a net income of P2.25 million, which dropped by 1.58% from last year’s net income of P2.27 million due to increase in direct cost. Currently, PPMI manages a total of 11 buildings located in various cities in Metro Manila. Tektite Insurance Brokers, Inc. (TIBI) the Group’s insurance brokerage firm posted an income of P.459 million from last year’s income of P.099 million, due to increase in production. Consolidated general and administrative expenses dropped to P170.51 million from P280.06 million in 2011 since no impairment occurred during the year compared to 2011 whereby the Company set-up impairment loss on receivables and investments from subsidiary, Universal Travel Corporation and affiliate Alexandra USA. Other expenses also dropped due to non-accrual of interest on the judicial settlement on the Parent Company’s case with contractor LCDC awaiting decision of the Rehab Court on this case. The Company is aware of the causes of the continuous losses it incurred for the last three years. However, we could not avoid the high costs of labor and materials at the time we resumed the construction of Skyline Tower which we could not pass on to our old buyers. The table below shows the material change from period to period in the Statement of Financial Position. Material shall refer to changes or items amounting to five percent (5%) of the relevant accounts. Cash and cash equivalents Available for sale investments Trade and other receivables-net Prepayments and other assets Real estate inventories Real estate held for dev and sale Investment properties Trade and other payables Funds held in trust Reserves 2012 13.57% 7.74% 17.64% 4.67% 20.45% 21.46% 9.22% 8.52% 15.58% 9.20% VERTICAL 2011 11.14% 7.21% 10.53% 5.61% 14.56% 35.59% 10.06% 8.21% 16.07% 8.92% 2010 7.48% 7.53% 10.00% 5.42% 24.46% 34.93% 3.06% 4.75% 15.19% 8.63% HORIZONTAL 2011 2010 28.35% 45.86% 13.04% (6.21%) 76.56% 3.15% (12.40%) 1.48% 47.97% (41.67%) (36.47%) (0.19%) (3.43%) 221.99% 9.37% 69.44% 2.17% 3.60% 8.69% 1.19% The Company’s total assets stood at P4.19 billion as of year-end 2012, higher by P214.00 million from the end-2011 level. The Company’s real estate assets comprise 41.91%; 50.15% and 59.39% of the total assets of the Company for 2012; 2011 and 2010, respectively. Real estate inventories increase due to take up of Icon Plaza units corresponding to the cost of the FBDC Lot 9-4 contributed to the joint venture with Xcell Property Ventures, Inc. In 2011, the dropped in real estate inventories was due to the reclassification of Tektite I and II properties and provincial lots to investment properties. As at year-end, cash and cash equivalents reached P569.02 million, which is about 13.57% of the total assets. Cash flow from operations, generated mainly from collections of receivable accounts, underwriting, lease rentals, management and consultancy fees, were utilized to settle current payables. Trade and other receivables increased by 76.56% from P418.83 million in 2011 to P739.49 million in 2012 due to the recognition of receivable from the sale of units of Skyline and Icon Plaza units. The receivables comprise about 17.64% of the total assets of the Company. Available-for-sale investments rose in 2012 due to additional acquisition of investment by our subsidiary, MAC. Also, in 2012 the Parent Company disposed 2.51 million of A Brown shares from which we realized a gain of P3.33 million. In 2011, AFS investments declined due to disposal of investments made by MAC. In 2010, lower share price of A Brown Company, Inc. (ABCI) shares brought AFS down by 12.50%. Also in 2010, ABCI declared a cash dividend of P0.20 per share which the Company recognized as income amounting to P19.10 million in 2010. Further, ABCI declared a 16:1 property dividend, thus increasing shares held by 5,970,000 shares. Trade and other payables increased from P326.60 million to P357.19 million due to increase in Claims outstanding by subsidiary Meridian Assurance Corporation from P29.62 million in 2011 to P39.80 million in 2012. Unearned income rose due to the recognition of percentage uncompleted on sale of Icon Plaza Units as of year-end 2012. Total cash received from JV partner, Xcell Property Venture, amounted to P653.09 million as of end 2012. Part of these funds was used to settle full obligation with Landbank of the Philippines. As a result of the foregoing, the Company’s stockholders’ equity went up to P2.90 billion from the prior year’s P2.86 billion. Top Five Performance Indicators Gross Revenue Current Assets Current Ratio = Current Liabilities Liabilities Debt-to-Equity Ratio= Equity Book value per share=SHE + Subs. Rec. # of shares outstanding Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization 2011 2012 P 470,993,400 2,464,867,748 992,334,482 = 2.48 0.00 P 454,268,436 1,812,086,837 814,463,710 = 2.22 0.00 3,408,216,555 4,877,907,002 = .69 3,373,090,090 4,877,907,002= .69 P1,438,282 ( P 222,448,982) Gross revenue includes sale of real estate, rent, commission, management fees and underwriting income. The increase in occupancy of leased areas, rental rates and number of customers will contribute significantly to the cash inflows of the company. The Company has filed with the court a petition for corporate rehabilitation with prayer for suspension of payments in 2002. Settlement has been reached with all the five creditor banks through dacion-en-pago, cash payments from the sale of assets and loan restructuring. The Company has completed another major component of the rehabilitation plan which is the completion of construction of the Andrea North Skyline Tower. This led to the Company’s filing of the Motion to terminate rehabilitation proceeding on the account of successful implementation of the Rehabilitation Plan last February 2011. The Rehabilitation Court denied our petition on the account that the Company has still substantial obligation to settle per Rehabilitation Plan. The Company’s obligation that will have effect on cash is the settlement of its obligation to contractor, Ley Construction Development Corporation (LCDC) which amounts to about P57 million plus legal interest from 1996 to present. The expense was booked in 2011. There is no other event that will trigger direct or contingent financial obligation that is material to the Company. Moreover, there are no material off-balance sheet transactions, arrangements, obligations and other relationships of the Company with unconsolidated entities or other persons created during this period. Planning and design of the next tower at Andrea North Towers to be called “Skybreeze”, is in its final stages and construction is ongoing. Construction of the joint venture project, Icon Plaza in the Bonifacio Global City with Xcell Property Ventures commenced mid 2010 is ongoing. PHILIPPINE REALTYAND HOLDINGS CORPORATION Minutesof the AnnualStockholders' Meeting November 20.2012 The Annual Stockholders' Meetingof the PhilippineRealty and Holdings was heldon Monday,November 20,2012,9:3O am at the Philippine Corporation Stock ExchangeCentre Auditorium,PSE Centre, ExchangeRoad, Ortigas Center,PasigCity. The followingdirectorswerepresent: Mr. GerardoO. Lanuza,Jr., Chairmanof the Board of the Board Mr. JuanAntonioO. Lanuza.Vice-Chairman Mr.AntonioO. Olbes,ViceChairman of the Board Mr.AmadorC. Bacani,President Mr.MarianoC. Ereso Mr. GregoryYang Mr.AndrewDavidAlcid Mr. Domenico AntonioV. Lanuza Mr.AndrewNg Mr. ManuelOrros,Independent Director Mr. RamonCuervo,lll, Independent Director Alsoin attendance: l\4r.RicardoYsmael,Receiver CALLTO ORDER of the Boardassumed Mr.GerardoO. Lanuza,Jr.,Chairman the chairand presided calledthe meetingto order at 9;30 a.m. and over the same.The CorporateSecretaryrecordedthe minutesof the meeting. The CorporateSecretaryintroducedthe membersof the Board,namely: of the Board,Mr.JuanAntonioO. Lanuza, lvlr.GerardoO. Lanuza,Jr.,Chairman Vice-Chairman of the Board,Mr. AntonioO. Olbes,Vice Chairmanof the Board, Mr.AmadorC. Bacani,President, Mr.AndrewDavidAlcid,Mr.MarianoC. Ereso, Mr.GregoryYang,Mr. Domenico AntonioV. Lanuza,Mr.AndrewNg,Mr.Manuel Director. Orros,Independent Director,and Mr. RamonCuervo,lll, Independent CERTIFICATION NOTICE OF SERVICE The Chairmanrequestedthe CorporateSecretaryfor proof that the requirednoticesfor the meetingwere duly sent to all stockholdersof recordof the Corporationprior to the meeting.As requested,the CorporateSecretary submittedan Affidavitof Ms. RachelleRonquillo,certifyingthat on October3'1, 2012 noticesfor the Annual Stockholder'sMeetingwere sent by mail, courier serviceor messengerto all stockholders of recordincludingthe beneflcialowners PageI of 15 of PCD NomineeCorporationas of October17, 2012 in accordancewith the ByLawsof the Corporation. CERTIFICATION OF THEPRESENCE QUORUM The Chairmaninquiredfromthe CorporateSecretarywhethera quorumis presentfor the transactionof business.The CorporateSecretaryrepliedthat sharesrepresenting72.23'/oof the there were presentin person3,555,391,900 sharesof the capitalstockof the Corporationissuedand standing.Thus,on the basis of the registeredattendance,the Secretarycertifiedthe presenceof quorum. READINGAND APPROVALOF THE MINUTESOF THE LAST ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS The Chairmanannouncedthat the meeting would proceed with the readingand approvalof the Minutesof the last Annual Stockholders'Meeting held on July 18, 2011, copiesof whichwere madeavailableat the Ofiiceof the area. CorporateSecretaryand at the registration Meeting A motionto dispensethe readingof the lsst AnnualStockholders ratification and approval was made, submit the same for confirmation, and secondedand carried. AND APPROVALOF THE ANNUALREPORTAND THE PRESENTATION STATEMENTS 20I1 AUDITEDFINANCIAL The next item in the agendawas the presentationof the AnnualReport and the AuditedFinancialStatementsfor the year ended2011, copiesof which priorto the meeting. werefurnishedto the shareholders for Marketingand Business The Chairmanintroducedthe Vice-President gave on the a PowerPointpresentation Development, Mr. Jose Santos,Jr., whp for 2011. ooerationof the CorDoration P a g e 2 o f l5 Pase3or,' /2k ' ;; 1: r*--' Sl Page4 of 15 Page5 of l5 P a g e 6 o f l-i Paee7ofts f2fu Page8 of 15 Page9 of 15 dir , . R$" jl ,% Page10 of li . .i... 1r,l str-e"-r1,*, ...4, Paeetl ..t15 fry Paee12of 15 t7 Page13of 15 After the report, the Chairmanentertainedsome questionsfrom the shareholdersall of which were directedto and answeredby the president. Thereafter,a motionto approvethe AnnualReportof the Boardof Directorsfor the year 2011togetherwith the AuditedFinancialSiatementsfor the year ended December31, 2011 was made,secondedand caried. RATIFICATION OF ALL CORPORATE ACTS A motionwas made for the ratification.approvaland confirmationof Ihe acts, resolutionsand proceedingsof the Board of Directorsand Corporate Officerssincethe lastAnnualMeeting.The motionwas duly seconded. The motion having been secondedand there being no objections,the Chairmandeclaredthe motioncarried. ELECTION OF THEBOARDOF DIRECTORS The Chairmanannouncedthat the Meeting would proceed with the slectionof the BoardDirectors. Before proceedingwith the nomination,the Chairman advised the shareholdersof the SEC requirementto elect at least two (2) independent directorspursuantto SEC Circular No. 16 Series of 2002. The Chairman acknowledgedthe two (2) independentdirectorsin the Board, namely, Mr. Ramon Cuervo lll and Mr. Manuel Onos. They were again nominatedby a minoritystockholderand qualifiedfor this year's electionby the Nomination Committeepriorto the meeting. The followingwere nominatedas membersof the Boardof Directorsfor theensuingyear: Mr.GerardoO. Lanuza,Jr. Mr.JuanAntonioO. Lanuza Mr.AnotinioO. Olbes lvlr.AmadorC. Bacani Mr.Mr.MarianoC. Ereso Mr. GregoryYang Mr. AndrewDavidAlcid Mr. DomenicoAntonioV. Lanuza Mr. AndrewNg Director Mr. ManuelOrros,Independent Mr RamonCuervo,lll, Independent Director A motionto closethe nominationand directthe CorporateSecretaryto cast all volesin favof of thosenominatedeonsideringthat only eleven(11)were nominatedto fill the eleven (11) seats in the Board. The motion was duly seconoeo. Page14of 15 The motion having been secondedand there being no objections'the Boardof Cnaumanleciareathe m6tioncarried Thus,electedas membersofthe Directorsfor the ensuingyearare the following: Mf. GerardoO. Lanuza,Jr. Mr. JuanAntonioO. Lanuza Mr.AntonioO. Olbes Mr.AmadorC. Bacani Mr. MarianoC. Ereso Mr. GregoryYang N/r.AndrewDavidAlcid AntonioV Lanuza Mf. Domenico Mr. AndrewNg Director Mr.ManuelOrros,Independent Directol Mr. RamonCuervo,lll, Independent AUDITOR OF INDEPENDENT APPOINTMENT A motjonto appointthe auditingfirm of MacedaFarnacio& Co as the the Boafd auditoffor thsensurngyearand to authorize inOepenaent Companv's made' was auditor to fix the compensationof the independent ;i D;;i";. secondedand carried OTHERMATTERS None ADJOURNMENT There being no other mattersio be discussed,a motionto adjournthe Meetingwas made,secondedand approved of theMeeting Secretary Attestedto by: of the Boafd Chairman Pagei5 of 15
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