COVER SHEET A S O 9 1 1 9 6 2 S.E.C. REGISTRATION NUMBER S P L A S H C O R P O R A T I O N (COMPANY’S FULL NAME) H B 5 4 Q U Q U C 8 I E C M R I Z O O R P O R A I N D A N A O N O H I G N C I T Y T E A V E H W A C E N U Y N E T C R O E R . (Business Address: No. Street/City/Town/Province) ATTY. MA. LOURDES B. RODRIGUEZ 984‐5555 Contact Person DECEMBER 31 ___________ ______________ Month Day Fiscal Year Company Telephone Number 3rd Saturday of June SEC FORM 20‐IS ________________________________ Form Type ____________ _____________ Month Day Annual Meeting ____________________________________________ Secondary License Type, If Applicable CRMD ___________________________________ Department Requiring this Document ____________________________________ Amended Articles Number / Section Total Amount of Borrowings ____________________________________ __________________ _________________ Total no. of Subscribers Domestic Foreign ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY SEC PERSONNEL CONCERNED File Number ______________________________________________ LCU Document I.D. ______________________________________________ Cashier 1 0 6 STA AMPS May 27, 2 2008 The Philippine P Sto ock Exchange,, Inc. PSE Centre, Exchan nge Road, Ortigaas Centre, Passig City Attention : Subject : SEEC Form 20 IS: Atty. Pete M. Malab banan Head, Disclosure D Deepartment INFORM MATION STATEEMENT PURSU UANT TO SECTION 20 OF THEE SECURITIES REGULA ATION CODE Gentlemen: Attached is SEC Fo orm 20 IS (Info ormation Stattement pursu uant to Sectio on 20 of the SRC). Thankk you very mu uch. Very truly t yours, EMMANUEL P. MA ANUCOM Senior Vice‐Preside ent / Chief Financial Officeer Corpo orate Informaation Officer Cc: Atty. Justin na F. Callangaan Director, Corporation C F Finance Deparrtment 2 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 20‐IS INFORMATION STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 20 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE 1. Check the appropriate box: [ ] Preliminary Information Statement [x] Definitive Information Statement 2. Name of Registrant as specified in its charter SPLASH CORPORATION 3. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization 4. SEC Identification Number ASO9196206 5. BIR Tax Identification Code 001‐096‐221‐000 VAT 6. HBC Corporate Centre, 548 Mindanao Ave., Quezon City 1116 Address of principal office Postal Code 7. Registrant’s telephone number, including area code (632) 984‐5555 8. June 21, 2008, 90:00 a.m., Ruby Ballroom, Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, Pasig City Date, time and place of the meeting of security holders 9. Approximate date on which the Information Statement is first to be sent or given to security holders on June 4, 2008 10. In case of Proxy Solicitations: Name of Person Filing the Statement/Solicitor: Atty. Ma. Lourdes B. Rodriguez Address and Telephone No.: HBC Corporate Centre, 548 Mindanao Ave., QC; 9845555 11. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the Code or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA (information on number of shares and amount of debt is applicable only to corporate registrants): Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding or Amount of Debt Outstanding Common shares ‐ 746,160,357 12. Are any or all of registrant's securities listed in a Stock Exchange? Yes ___x_ No _______ If yes, disclose the name of such Stock Exchange and the class of securities listed therein: 3 Philippine Stock Exchange, Incorporated NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS (This Notice came out on page 2 of the Business Section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 9, 2008.) TO ALL STOCKHOLDERS: Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Splash Corporation will be held on Saturday, June 21, 2008, at nine o’clock in the morning at the Ruby Ballroom, Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, ADB Ave., Pasig City, to consider and act upon the following matters: 1. Certification of sending of notices and quorum 2. Annual Report of the President and Chief Operating Officer 3. Approval of the Annual Report and Ratification of the Actions of the Board of Directors and Corporate Officers 4. Declaration of Dividends 5. Appointment of External Auditors 6. Election of Directors * 7. Adjournment Only stockholders of record as of May 22, 2008 will be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. For this purpose, the Stock and Transfer Books of the Corporation will be closed on May 22, 2008. We are not soliciting your proxy. However, stockholders who cannot attend the meeting but would like to be represented thereat, may execute a proxy in favor of a representative and submit the same to the Office of the Secretariat at Stock Transfer Service, Inc. (STSI), Tel. Nos. (632) 898‐7555 / 898‐7611, c/o Mr. Richard D. Regala, Jr., Assistant Manager‐Operations Head, 8th Floor, Phinma Plaza, 39 Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, 1211 Makati City on or before June 11, 2008. MA. LOURDES R. BANTEGUI‐ RODRIGUEZ Corporate Secretary * Nomination for directors must be submitted to and received by the Office of the Secretariat at STSI in the above‐given address not later than 5:00 p.m. of May 22, 2008. ** Stockholders desiring to attend the meeting may register and confirm their attendance at any time during office hours from May 22, 2008 to June 18, 2008 at the Office of the Secretariat at STSI in the above‐given address. 4 *** When registering, please bring this notice and an acceptable ID with photograph. SPLASH CORPORATION INFORMATION STATEMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 20 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE PART I GENERAL INFORMATION Date, Time and Place of Meeting The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Splash Corporation is scheduled on June 21, 2008 at 9:00 A.M. at the Ruby Ballroom, Crown Plaza Galleria Manila, ADB Avenue, Pasig City, Metro Manila. The complete mailing address of the principal is at the Office of the Secretariat at Stock Transfer Service, Inc. (STSI), Tel. Nos. (632) 898‐7555 / 898‐7611, c/o Mr. Richard D. Regala, Jr., Assistant Manager‐Operations Head, 8th Floor, Phinma Plaza, 39 Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, 1211 Makati City The information statement and form of proxy is targeted to be mailed to the stockholders on or before June 4, 2008 Dissenter’s Right of Appraisal There are no corporate actions or matters that will be taken up during the meeting that will entitle dissenting stockholders to exercise their right of appraisal under Section 81 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, which provides as follows: Any stockholder of a corporation shall have the right to dissent and demand payment of the fair value of his shares in the following instances: 1. In case any amendment to the Articles of Incorporation has the effect of changing or restricting the rights of any stockholder or class of shares, or of authorizing preferences in any respect superior to those of outstanding shares of any class, or of extending or shortening the term of corporate existence; 2. In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer, mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all or substantially all of the corporate property and assets as provided in this Code; and 3. In case of merger or consolidation. Interest of Certain Persons or Opposition to Matters to be Acted Upon The Registrant is not a party to any arrangement with any person with regard to any matter to be acted upon at the meeting. No director has informed the Registrant that he intends to oppose any action intended to 5 be taken by the Registrant. Neither has any director or executive officer of the corporation, or nominee for director, or any associate of the foregoing persons have any substantial interest, direct or indirect, in any matter to be acted upon, other than election to office. CONTROL AND COMPENSATION INFORMATION Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof There are 746,160,357 shares of Splash Corporation common stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. Only stockholders of record as of May 22, 2008, will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting. An agenda item at the Annual Meeting is the election of directors for the ensuing year. Article II, Section 6 of the Company’s Amended By‐Laws, provides: VOTING – At all meetings of the stockholders, each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock outstanding in his name in the stock transfer books of the Corporation. In the election, a stockholder may vote his shares in person or by proxy for all the nominees for directors, or he may cumulate said shares and give one nominee as many votes as the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number his shares shall equal, or he may distribute them on the same principle among as many nominees as he shall see fit. Provided, however, that the whole number of votes cast by him shall not exceed the number of shares outstanding in his name in the stock transfer books of the Corporation multiplied by the number of directors to be elected. Discretionary authority to cumulate votes is not solicited. Security ownership of persons owning more than 5% of the registrant’s securities as of April 01, 2008: SPLASH CORPORATION List of Top 20 Stockholders* As of 04/01/2008 Rank Srth. No Name Citizenship Holdings 1 0000000001 SPLASH HOLDINGS, INC 3/F HBC CORPORATE CENTER 548 MINDANAO AVE. QUEZON CITY Filipino 522,312,245 70.00% 2 0000000009 PCD NOMINEE CORP. (FIL.) THE ENTERPRISE BLDG. AYALA AVE. MAKATI CITY Filipino 200,647,107 26.89% 3 0000000010 PCD NOMINEE CORP. (NON-FIL.) THE ENTERPRISE BLDG. AYALA AVE. MAKATI CITY Foreign 22,792,000 3.05% 6 % 4 0000000020 WILLIAM T. ENRILE #5 VICENTE MADRIGAL AVENUE CORINTHIAN GARDEN QUEZON CITY Filipino 320,000 0.04% 5 0000000019 WINSTON L. DUY ECDED REALTY BLDG., DR. I., J.P. CABAGUIO AVENUE, DAVAO CITY Filipino 50,000 0.01% 6 0000000021 ALFREDO M. SANTOS #40 AUGUST STREET, VISTA VERDE VILLAGE CAINTA, RIZAL Filipino 10,000 0.00% 7 0000000012 CHERYL LADD CHING OR CHRISTOPHER CHING 103 KAMUNING ROAD, KAMUNING, QUEZON CITY Filipino 5,000 0.00% 8 0000000011 JOSE A. FERRIOLS &/OR EDUARDO A. FERRIOLS 1612 TAYUMAN STREERT STA. CRUZ, MANILA Filipino 5,000 0.00% 9 0000000017 RENE Q. AGUAS 491 KAYUMANGGI STREET PALINVIEW, MANDALUYONG CITY Filipino 5,000 0.00% 10 0000000016 ELSON A. TIO ELSON AUTO SUPPLY R. MAGSAYSAY AVENUE DAVAO CITY Filipino 5,000 0.00% 11 0000000022 MERCEDES D. YBALLE 2 MOUNT BOLIVAR FILINVEST I, QUEZON CITY Filipino 4,000 0.00% 12 0000000014 NAPOLEON D. CRUZ SR., &/OR LUISA I.CRUZ 161 GUINHAWA SUBDIVISION MALOLOS CITY, BULACAN Filipino 2,000 0.00% 13 0000000018 TOMAS IAN C. VALENCIA JR. C/O GLOBE TELECOM G/F NCCC MALL, NATIONAL HIGHWAY TAGUM CITY Filipino 1,000 0.00% 14 0000000015 PHIL ALBERTO D. FABE Filipino 1,000 0.00% 7 C/O GLOBE TELECOM G/F GAISANO CITY MALL, PORT ROAD, OZAMIS CITY 15 0000000013 PHILIP &/OR ELNORA TURNER 7746-E J.B. ROXAS STREET, MAKATI CITY British 1,000 0.00% 16 0000000006 ALLUE KRISANNE A. HORTALEZA 3/F HBC CORPORATE CENTER 548 MINDANAO AVE. QUEZON CITY Filipino 1 0.00% 17 0000000005 MAURICE P. LIGOT 3/F HBC CORPORATE CENTER 548 MINDANAO AVE. QUEZON CITY Filipino 1 0.00% 18 0000000004 SUSAN M. LOYOLA 3/F HBC CORPORATE CENTER 548 MINDANAO AVE. QUEZON CITY Filipino 1 0.00% 19 0000000003 ROSALINDA A. HORTALEZA 3/F HBC CORPORATE CENTER 548 MINDANAO AVE. QUEZON CITY Filipino 1 0.00% 20 0000000002 ROLANDO B. HORTALEZA 3/F HBC CORPORATE CENTER 548 MINDANAO AVE. QUEZON CITY Filipino 1 0.00% Total Top 20 Shareholders 746,160,357 Total Outstanding Shares 746,160,357 *Provided by Stock Transfer Service, Inc. There has been no change in control of the registrant since the beginning of the last fiscal year and there is no arrangement which may result in a change of control. BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP OF MANAGEMENT: DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS As of 22 May 2008 Title of Name of BOD Positions Nationality Amount & Nature Kind of Percentage Class of Beneficial Interest (%) Ownership 8 100.00% Members of the Board of Directors Name Rolando B. Hortaleza, M.D., Chairman Rosalinda A. Hortaleza, M.D., Vice‐Chairman Allue Krisanne A. Hortaleza Maurice P. Ligot Ricardo R. Blanco Jimmy Tiu Yaokasin, Independent Director Rizalino D. Rivera, Independent Director Citizenship Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Filipino Shareholdings 1 1 1 1 17,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL OUTSTANDING SHARES % to Total 0.0000001% 0.0000001% 0.0000001% 0.0000001% 0.0022783% 0.0001340% 0.0001340% 746,160,357 DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS The Directors of the company are elected at the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting to hold office until the next succeeding Annual Meeting or until their respective successors have been elected and qualified. None of the members of the Board of Directors and Officers of the Company own more than 10% of the registrant securities. The nominees are also the incumbent directors of the company. The business experiences of the nominees are as follows: Directors: Rolando B. Hortaleza, M.D. Dr. Hortaleza, 49, Filipino, is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Splash Corporation which he co‐founded with his wife, Rosalinda, also a medical doctor, in 1985. He is a scion of the Hortaleza family which pioneered the Hortaleza Vaciador and Beauty Supplies, a trail‐blazing chain of stores that sells cosmetic products, nippers, scissors and other beauty salon supplies. Dr. Hortaleza also sits as Chairman of Splash Holding, Inc. and Vice‐ Chairman of the following corporations: HBC, Inc., World Partners Bank and World Partners Finance Corporation. He is also Vice‐Chairman of Splash Foundation, Inc. Dr. Hortaleza graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Preparatory Medicine (Pre‐Med) from the University of the East and obtained his degree in Medicine from Our Lady of Fatima University in 1984. Dr. Hortaleza also attended the Owners and Presidents Management Program at the Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts from 1997 to 1998. Rosalinda Ang‐Hortaleza, M.D. Dr. Ang‐Hortaleza, 50, Filipino, is the Vice‐ Chairman of Splash Corporation. She also sits as Vice Chairman of Splash Holdings, 9 Inc., and is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of HBC, Inc., Splash Foundation, Inc., World Partners Bank, and World Partners Finance Corporation. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from the University of Santo Tomas in 1980. She obtained her degree in Medicine from Our Lady of Fatima University in 1984. She attended the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts in 2000. Maurice P. Ligot. Ms. Ligot, 56, Filipino, is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Splash Foundation, Inc. since 1997. Ms. Ligot also sits in the Board of World Partners Finance Corporation and HBC, Inc. Ms. Ligot began her career at Splash Corporation as Quality Manager. She was formerly with CIBA Philippines, Inc. where she was Production Manager. Ms. Ligot obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the Centro Escolar University. She earned units in Master of Science in Pharmacy from the University of the Philippines. Allue Krisanne A. Hortaleza. Ms. Hortaleza, 23 Filipino, is the eldest daughter of Drs. Rolando and Rosalinda Hortaleza and was elected to the Board in 2007. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Management from the Ateneo de Manila University in March 2007. She is currently the Executive Assistant to the Chairman/CEO of HBC, Inc. Ricardo R. Blanco. Mr. Blanco, 49, Filipino was elected to the Board of Splash Corporation on 09 May 2008. He is the founder of Blanconsult Business Consulting, a company organized in 2001 to provide a wide range of business consulting services. From 2001 to 2003, Mr. Blanco was the over‐all Project Construction Manager of Mohri P.A. Associates, Inc. for the P12 billion World Bank‐Japan Bank for International Cooperation project that built school buildings in 22 provinces in the Philippines. From March 1998 to May 2000, he was the Chief Operating Officer of Splash Properties, Inc. He also held various positions in research, planning, and project management for various real estate, architectural, and construction firms. Mr. Blanco obtained his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila and his Master in Business Management from the Asian Institute of Managament. He is a registered civil engineer and a licensed real estate broker. Jimmy T. Yaokasin. Mr. Yaokasin, 39, Filipino, was elected to the Board of Splash Corporation on 1 October 2007. He is currently the Chairman of the Development Academy of the Philippines. In 2002, he started Star Oil, Inc., an independent fuel distribution company which now has 16 company and dealer‐owned stations in 10 Eastern Visayas and parts of Mindanao. Mr. Yaokasin is an active member of civic and community organizations – a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International, Zone Leader of Gideons International, and the Jaycees (Junior Chamber International) where he was once the JCI Vice‐President supervising Jaycee chapters in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and Nepal. Mr. Yaokasin obtained his degree in Business Administration major in Accountancy (Magna cum Laude) from the University of the Philippines. He obtained his Master in Business Administration (MBA) under the Executive MBA program of the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University , Chicago and the Hongkong University of Science and Technology. Mr. Yaokasin is a Certified Public Accountant. Rizalino D. Rivera. Mr. Rivera, 46 Filipino, was elected to the Board of Splash Corporation on 1 October 2007. He is in charge of Management Planning for Digital Alliance which is a group of companies involved in ICT and Broadcast. He is President of Change Consultants, Inc. which offers consultancy services to top business corporations as well as government organizations, the academe, and development work. Mr. Rivera is the Faculty Chair for the Human Resource Cluster of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business. He is also involved with the Institute of People Power and Development of the Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Foundation and is a member of the advisory team to former President Corazon C. Aquino. Mr. Rivera has been a senior consultant on human resource management and organizational development for several companies which include Nestle Philippines, Kraft Foods, Jollibee Foods Corporation, Wyeth Philippines, Pfizer, La Farge Cement, HBC, Inc. and the Asian Development Bank. Mr. Rivera has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of the Philippines. He is a candidate for the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program of the Ateneo de Manila University as well as the Master of Science in Organization Development program of the Pepperdine University, U.S.A. Executive Management Sinforoso Jesus R. Soriano. Mr. Soriano, 45, Filipino, is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Splash Corporation. He is also heads the Company’s Investor Relations. He joined Splash in 2005. He was formerly the President/COO of Splash Nutraceutical Corporation until June 2006. Thereafter, he held the President/COO position of Splash Holdings, Inc. until his appointment to Splash Corporation in August 2007. Prior to joining Splash, Mr. Soriano spent his entire professional career with Eli Lilly (Philippines), Inc. where he started as a Professional Medical Sales Representative in 1987. He was assigned to various positions in the company’s sales and marketing organization in the Philippines and the United 11 States, highlighted by his appointment as Asia‐Pacific Area Operations Manager (Sales) based in Singapore and as National Sales Director for the Philippines, a position he held until he left the company in February 2004. Mr. Soriano graduated from the University of Santo Tomas with a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy. He passed the Pharmacy Licensure Examinations in 1986. He obtained his Master in Business Administration degree from St. Louis College. Emmanuel, P. Manucom. Mr. Manucom, 47, Filipino, is currently the Chief Financial Officer of Splash Corporation. He joined Splash in 1998 as Executive Assistant to the Chairman and Corporate Planning Head. He headed Splash’s International Operations Division in 2001 to 2002. Prior to joining Splash, he was Assistant Vice President for Planning of Primo Oleochemical Corporation (an oleochemical plant project owned by a group of Filipino investors, the Asian Development Bank, the Commonwealth Development Corp., and the Prudential Asset Management Asia) from 1995‐1997. He was also Financial Planning Manager of the A.W. Aujan Group (K.S.A.), a strategic partner of Cadbury Schweppes in the Gulf Region manufacturing and marketing Cadbury beverages and foodstuff from 1991 to 1995. Mr. Manucom is a Certified Financial Consultant, a Certified Management Accountant and has a Certificate in Investment Performance Management. He obtained his Masters in Business Administration and BS Commerce degrees from the De La Salle University, Manila. He is currently completing thesis work for his Masters in Business Economics degree, Strategic Business Economics Program at the University of Asia and the Pacific. Higinio P. Porte. Mr. Porte, 45, Filipino, joined Splash in July 2000 as Plant Operations Manager. In December 2003, he was promoted as Assistant Vice President for Plant Operations and Logistics and in 2006, he was appointed as Director for Supply Chain. Prior to joining Splash, he was with Interphil Laboratories, Inc. from 1987 to June 2000 where he last held the position of Division Head for Logistics and Materials Management. Mr. Porte was a Director’s Awardee of the Management Development Program, Ateneo Professional School from the University of the Philippines. He also completed the 2002 APEC White Collar Scholarship Program on Total Management System conducted in Tokyo, Japan. Edgardo I. Patron. Mr. Patron, 49, Filipino, joined Splash in January 2005. Prior to joining Splash, he was with Kraft Foods International from 2000 to 2004 where he 12 held various senior management positions in the company’s Southeast Asian operations. He last held the position of General Manger for Thailand. He started his career in sales with San Miguel Corporation. From the Philippines, he held the position of Vice‐President – Sales and Distribution Management Service at San Miguel Brewery International Ltd., Hongkong from 1997 to 1999. He also held the position of General Manager of San Miguel Brewery Vietnam Ltd. until 2000. Mr. Patron completed the Management Development Program of the Asian Institute of Management and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce from the San Sebastian College, Manila. Ma. Lourdes R. Bantegui‐Rodriguez. Atty. Rodriguez, 52, Filipino, joined Splash in January 2007. Prior to joining Splash she was the Corporate Counsel and the Corporate Secretary of Araneta Properties, Inc. From 1999 to 2006, she was Legal Counsel to Gregorio Araneta III. She was a Legal Consultant at the Office of Senator Manuel M. Lapid III from 2004 to 2005. Atty. Rodriguez graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications from the Far Eastern University where she also obtained her Bachelor of LL.B. Teresa M. Conde. Ms. Conde, 35, Filipino, joined Splash as Brand Manager in 2002. Prior to joining Splash Corporation, she was Group Sales Manager from Rustan’s Marketing Corporation from 2001 to 2002. Prior positions that she held include: Infant Food Category Manager for Philippine Health Food Center, Inc., a subsidiary of Unilab from 1998 to 2001 and Senior Product Manager for RFM Swift Foods Inc. from 1994 to 1998. Ms. Conde graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce from St. Paul’s College (Quezon City) and obtained her Master in Business Administration degree from the De La Salle University. Deogracias G. Orpilla. Mr. Orpilla, 37, Filipino, joined Splash in 2006. Prior to joining Splash, he was Sales Director of Reckitt Benckiser from 2004 to 2006. He also held various managerial positions in Master Foods (Mars, Inc.) from 1996 to 2004 where he was National Sales Manager from 2002 to 2004. He also served as Territory Manager for Abbot Laboratories, Inc. from 1993 to 1996. Mr. Orpilla graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. 13 Garyzalde O. Morales, 37, Filipino, is the Head of the Brand Activation Group of Splash Corporation. He started his career with Splash as member of the Finance group where he was an inventory staff in 1995 and as materials analyst in 1996. He moved to Marketing in 1997 where he rose from the ranks to be a Marketing Manager until his appointment in 2007, he was appointed as the first head of Brand Activation Group, a position he is holding up to the present. Mr. Morales graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce major in Accounting from the Sacred Heart College in Lucena City, Quezon. He took has units Master in Management from the Technological University of the Philippines and Master in Business Administration from University of Sto. Tomas. Arthur P. Bautista. Mr. Bautista, 33, Filipino, has been with Splash Corporation since 2005. Prior to joining Splash, he was a Faculty Member and Department Chairman of the Industrial Pharmacy Department of the College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines‐Manila. From 2001 to 2003, he was a Research Pharmacist/ Consultant for the Herbal Licensing Project of the Department of Trade and Industry‐Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions and was a Science Research Specialist of the Department of Science and Technology from 1998‐2001. Mr. Bautista has a Master of Science in Industrial Pharmacy degree from the University of the Philippines, Manila where he also obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Pharmacy. Mr. Bautista placed 12th in the Pharmacy Licensure Examinations in 1992. Grace S. Domingo‐Del Rosario. Ms. Del Rosario, 52, Filipino, joined Splash in 2001 as Senior Scientist for Skin Treatment. In 2002, she was promoted as Regulatory Affairs Manager where she oversees the Company’s compliance with relevant regulations (DOH and BFAD), monitors compliance of competitors, ensures ample protection for the Company’s intellectual properties (patent, trademarks, and copyrights) as well as making certain that these intellectual properties are not violated. Ms. Del Rosario graduated from the University of the Philippines where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. Prior to joining Splash, she was Senior Vice‐President of Federal Chemicals, Inc. Currently, she is the Company’s representative to the Chamber of Cosmetics Industry of the Philippines Working Committee on Product Registration for the Cosmetics Harmonization Regulatory Scheme of the ASEAN. She is also a Director and Board Secretary of the Philippine Society of Cosmetic Scientists and a member of the Board of the Chamber of Herbal Industries of the Philippines and the Health and Dietary 14 Supplements Association of the Philippines, respectively. Independent Directors: Among the seven (7) Directors, Messrs. Jimmy Tiu Yaokasin, Jr. and Rizalino D. Rivera are the independent directors of the company, having been as such pursuant to Article III, Section 1(a) of the By‐Laws of the Corporation. For 2008, the following had been nominated by the stockholders as independent Directors: Nominees as Independent Directors Messrs. Jimmy Tiu Yaokasin, Jr. and Rizalino D. Rivera have accepted their nominations to again serve as Independent Directors; they possess the qualifications and none of the disqualifications of an Independent Director. Nominations for Director and Independent Director were received during the period May 1 to 7, 2008, all of which were compliant with Art. III, Sec. 2(a) of the By‐Laws of the Corporation requiring submission of same in writing to the Corporate Secretary not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the regular meeting of stockholders for the election of directors. The Nominations Committee evaluated the qualifications of the seven (7) nominees and concluded that they have more than the required qualifications and have none of the disqualifications for directorship as set out in the Corporation’s By‐Laws and Manual on Corporate Governance which are based on SRC Rule 38‐1. The Committee submitted the list of qualified nominees to the Board on May 9, 2008, in compliance with the By‐Laws requiring submission of same at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting. The members of the Nominations Committee are Rizalino D. Rivera as as Chairman and Dr. Rolando B. Hortaleza, and Dr. Rosalinda A. Hortaleza members. External Auditors Sycip, Gorres, Velayo (SGV) is the Company’s independent external auditor and is proposed to be retained. In compliance with SRC Rule 68 (3)(b)(1r)‐Rotation of External Auditors, Mr. Manolito Q. Montes who served for more than five (5) years was replaced by Ms. Teresita M. Baes starting year 2007 as handling Partner. There are no changes and disagreements with accountants in accounting and 15 financial disclosure. Representatives of the Company, including their principal accountants who are expected to be present at the meeting, will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions. The members of the Audit Committee are Jimmy Tiu Yaokasin, Jr., Independent director of the Corporation as Chairman with Maurice P. Ligot and Allue Krisanne A. Hortaleza as members. Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers: All the members of the Board of Directors are entitled to P20,000.00 per diem for attendance in any regular or special meeting. The members of the Compensation Committee are Maurice P. Ligot as Chairman, and Allue Krisanne A. Hortaleza and Rizalino D. Rivera, an Independent Director, as members. For the year 2008, total salaries, allowances and bonuses for the last two fiscal years and estimated to be paid for the ensuing year to the principal executive, operating and financial officers are as follows: 16 SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE Name and Principal Position Year Salary (in PHP Mn) Other Variable Pay (in PHP Mn) 23,796,248 5,425,625 39,473,031 9,929,208 52,674,724 12,666,047 22,365,242 5,099,351 25,847,225 6,501,717 26,717,996 6,840,833 Rolando B. Hortaleza, M.D. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Sinforoso Jesus R. Soriano President and Chief Operating Officer Emmanuel P. Manucom Chief Financial Officer Higinio P. Porte EVP-General Manager for Domestic Operations Edgardo I. Patron EVP-General Manager for International Operations Atty. Lourdes Bantegui-Rodriguez Corporate Secretary Teresa M. Conde Head - Marketing and Brand Development Deogracias G. Orpilla Head - Customer and Business Development Garyzalde O. Morales Head - Brand Activation Group Arthur P. Bautista Head - Splash Research Institute Actual 2006 CEO and most highly compensated executive officers Actual 2007 Projected 2008 Actual 2006 All other officers* as a group unnamed Acutal 2007 Projected 2008 *Senior managers and up There are no other cash compensation granted to officers and directors in addition to the above summary of compensation. Other than the election of directors, there is no action to be taken at the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting that will affect directors and executive officers relative to bonus, profit sharing, pension/retirement plan, granting or extension of any 17 option, warrant or right to purchase any securities. Significant Employees While the Registrant acknowledges that each and every employee has a role and contribution to make, it also strongly believes that no one is indispensable in the organization. Thus, the loss of an employee, or even an officer, will not cause any serious dislocation or disruption in the business of the Registrant. This is not to say, however, that the Registrant does not endeavor to retain good and deserving employees. As a matter of policy, the Registrant sees to it that the maintenance of good relations with a client, customer or any other third party, is the responsibility of more than one person. Thus, the success of a transaction, undertaking, or project does not depend on any one employee. In this sense, it can be said that the Registrant does not have what the Rules refer to as significant employees. Family Relationship With the exception of the spouses Dr. Rolando B. Hortaleza and Dr. Rosalinda Ang‐ Hortaleza and their eldest daughter Allue Krisanne A. Hortaleza who are the Chairman, Vice‐Chairman, and Director, respectively, of the Company, there are no family relationships either by consanguinity or affinity up to the fourth (4th) civil degree among the directors, executive officers and nominees for election as directors. Involvement in certain Legal Proceedings During the past 5 years, 2003‐2007, there have been no pending Legal Proceedings, Bankruptcy petition, nor conviction by final judgment, against any Director and Executive Officers of registrant that is material to an evaluation of their ability or integrity to become a Director or Executive Officer of the Company during the past five years. Neither has any of them been subject to any Order, Judgment, or Decree, nor involved in any proceeding for violation of a Securities or Commodities law. There are pending legal cases against the Company that are being contested by the Company and its legal counsels. Management and its legal counsels believe that the final resolution of these cases will not have immediate material effect on the financial position and operating results of the Company. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions The Registrant sells to the following affiliates: HBC, Inc. and PT Splash Indonesia, companies owned by Splash Holdings, Inc. where Dr. Rolando B. Hortaleza, Dr. Rosalinda Ang‐Hortaleza, and Allue Krisanne A. Hortaleza are members of the Board 18 of Directors and/or executive officers. HBC accounts for less than 5% of total Company sales while PT Splash Indonesia accounts for less than 1%. Transactions with these affiliates are strictly on an arms‐length basis. There are no material transactions which were negotiated by Splash Corporation with parties whose relationship with the Corporation fall outside the definition of “related parties” under SFA/IAS No. 24 but with whom Splash Corporation has relationship that enables such parties to negotiate terms that may not be available from other, more clearly independent parties on an arm’s length basis. FINANCIAL AND OTHER INFORMATION Registrant incorporates by reference the Annual Report containing the financial report of the Corporation as of December 31, 2007, and other related information. The Annual Report will be handed to stockholders together with this Information Statement and copies of the Minutes of the June 15, 2007 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting. OTHER MATTERS The Board of Directors recommends a vote for the following: 1. Election of the seven (7) members of the Board who are indicated above. 2. Appointment of External Auditor. 3. The President’s Report, Annual Report and the Financial Report as of December 31, 2007 will be submitted to the stockholders for their approval. Likewise the stockholders will be asked to confirm and ratify the resolutions or actions of the outgoing Board of Directors and the Management of the Company in 2007, on matters related to budget, cost control and cost reduction measures, marketing strategies. The resolutions adopted by the Board in 2007 pertain mostly to bank‐ related resolutions authorizing opening or closing of bank accounts, and designating authorized signatories therefore; resolutions designating signatories to the donation of a three‐classroom structure to the Department of Education through the Adopt‐A‐School Program of the Government; a resolution authorizing the Joint Venture with Crown Asia Properties, Inc. to develop to the highest and best use of the Corporation’s real property in Ortigas, Pasig City; and resolutions authorizing signatories to deed of motor vehicles; and the like. 4. Declaration of Dividends 19 Voting Procedures The voting procedure for election and approval of corporate action in which Stockholders’ approval will be required shall be by “viva voce” unless voting by balloting is demanded by the stockholders representing at least 20% of the outstanding capital stock entitled to vote. a. The vote required for approval The approval of any corporate action shall require the majority vote of all stockholders present either in person or represented by proxy in the meeting, if constituting a quorum, except the Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation which shall require two‐thirds vote. For election of Directors, Section 24 of the Corporation Code shall apply. b. The methods by which vote will be counted Except in cases where voting by ballot is required by law, voting and counting shall be by “viva voce”. If by ballot, counting shall be supervised by external auditors. PART III SIGNATURE After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this report is true, complete and correct. This report is signed in Quezon City on May 27, 2008. By: EMMANUEL P. MANUCOM Senior Vice‐President / Chief Financial Officer Corporate Information Officer 20 Instructions We are not soliciting your proxy. However, if you would be unable to attend the meeting but would like to be represented thereat, you may accomplish the proxy form herein provided below for the purpose and submit the same to the Office of the Secretariat at Stock Transfer Service, Inc. (STSI), Tel. Nos. (632) 898‐7555 / 898‐7611, c/o Mr. Richard D. Regala, Jr., Assistant Manager‐Operations Head, 8th Floor, Phinma Plaza, 39 Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, 1211 Makati City on or before June 11, 2008. This Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner as Directed herein by the Stockholder. If no direction is made, this Proxy will be voted “FOR” the election of all nominees, “FOR” the approval of the Annual Report and the Financial Report and Ratification of all previous acts and resolutions of the outgoing Board of Directors and Management and for such other matters as may properly come before the meeting. Revocability of Proxy A stockholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time prior to its exercise by giving written notice to the Corporate Secretary at least six (6) working days prior to the Annual Meeting or by personal presence of the stockholder at the said meeting. SPLASH CORPORATION PROXY I/WE hereby name and appoint __________________________________, or in his/her absence, the Chairman of the Meeting, as my/our proxy at the annual stockholders’ meeting of SPLASH CORPORATION to be held at the Ruby Ballroom, Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, ADB Ave., Pasig City on Saturday, June 21, 2008 at 9:00 A.M. and at any postponement or adjournment thereof. _____________________________ Place ______________________________ Date __________________________________________ Printed Name & Signature Number of shares held: __________________ 21
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