COVER SHEETCHURCH NAME: St. Mary Church BULLETIN #911058032413 BULLETIN FOR WEEK OF: 03/24/13 NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED: 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Kate 203-744-5777 Page 1 – COVER Page 2 – COMMENTS FROM DEACON JOE Page 3 – COMMENTS FROM DEACON JOE Page 4 – Column 1, HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Column 2, WAY OF THE CROSS Page 5 – Column 1, PARISH HAPPENINGS Column 2, SCHOOL NEWS Page 6 – Column 1, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Column 2, EASTER EGG HUNT Saint Mary Parish 26 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: (203)744-5777 Fax: (203)744-3740 Parish Office Hours 9am –3:00pm, Monday – Friday March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday Father Corey V. Piccinino, Pastor Father Jeffrey Couture John DeRoin Joseph Gill Parochial Vicar Deacon Deacon Kate Fitzgerald: Parish Secretary and Bulletin Editor Pat Jackson: Parish Secretary Paul Orsino: Property Manager PARISH OFFICE HOURS 9am –3:00pm, Monday – Friday. Closed weekends and Holidays. ST. MARY SCHOOL (744-2922) Sister Anne McCarthy: Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (743-4557) Mary Ferri: Director Elizabeth Cuneo: Secretary Dennis Nauheimer (RCIA): 794-9488 (Call if you are interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your initiation as a Catholic with Confirmation and/or Eucharist) MUSIC MINISTRY Michael Ferrari: Music Director Elizabeth Barnes: Choir Director FINANCE COMMITTEE Bob Kozlowski: Chairman (794-8512) MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 5:30pm CONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:00 – 5:00pm BAPTISMS Every Sunday at 12:45pm. Please call the Rectory to schedule. Our Pre-Baptism Classes are once a month. Call the Rectory to sign up. Godparents/sponsors must be a currently registered and practicing Catholic. There is a 3-month waiting period for a sponsorship form for the newly registered. To be a Godparent or Sponsor you must be: at least 16 years old; received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Catholic Church; attend Mass regularly on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation; receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion regularly; sincerely try to follow the moral teaching of the Catholic Church; and if married, was married in the Catholic Church. ARRANGEMENTS FOR MARRIAGE All couples must meet with a parish clergyman at least six (6) months before the marriage is to be celebrated. “Habemus Papam” God’s Blessings to Pope Francis Comments from Deacon Joe ♦ A Day in the Life A parishioner recently said to me, “It would be interesting to know what priests and deacons do all day!” (That’s a nice way of asking if we actually work Monday through Friday!). But since most parishioners may not know what occupies our time during the week, here’s a peek at a day in the life of a St. Mary’s clergyman (I can only speak for myself, not for the priests…but I suppose our days are probably pretty similar): 6:30am – Rise and shine! Before anything, I make a morning offering, consecrating all of my thoughts, words, and actions to God through Mary so that He may use me to minister to the needs of His people. 7:30am – In the church for a “holy hour” – an hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Prayer is the most critical part of our day. We are only able to serve the parishioners because we are totally, madly in love with Jesus Christ. 8:30am - Pray Morning Prayer. Priests and deacons take a vow to pray from a book called the “Liturgy of the Hours.” This is the official prayer of the church consisting of Psalms, other Scripture readings, and prayers for the needs of the world. We pray from this book five times every day (Morning, midday, evening, night, and once whenever we can). It’s a great routine to meditate on the Word of God! 9:00am – Mass! How awesome it is to be able to receive our Eucharistic Lord on a daily basis! For me, this is the highlight of the day – if I’ve received Christ, it is already a good day, no matter what else happens. 9:30am – Checking in at the office. I have a few phone calls to return, emails to catch up on, random things to throw in the copier. Administrative details are part of every job – not always fun, but they’ve gotta get done! 10:15am – It’s off to visit the sick and homebound. If a parishioner is in Danbury Hospital and lets us know in the office, we go visit them. We also have specific parishioners whom we visit weekly who are blessed with many years. We bring Communion to them and visit with them. 11:30am – Lunchtime! A few minutes scrounging around in the refrigerator produces a delightful and healthful lunch. As an old priest used to say after every meal, “Well, that ought to hold body and soul together for one more day!” 12:15pm – Midday prayer. Good stuff – the true daily bread! This is followed by more office work and maybe a meeting with Fr. Jeff regarding upcoming Youth Group trips. 1:15pm – Teach first grade in the school. It’s always great to see the enthusiasm and innocence on their faces when they do a craft like making their own Advent wreath or when they act out the Stations of the Cross. It brings home the saying of Jesus: “The kingdom of God belongs to just such as these!” 2:00pm – Time for the Rosary, which (on nice days) I pray outside, strolling around our beautiful campus. 2:30pm – Meet with a couple preparing for marriage. This is a great opportunity for evangelization, as I try to convince young couples of their need for God to be the central aspect of their marriage. We have a great meeting, as this couple expresses a desire to raise their kids Catholic and make the Faith a part of their family life. 3:30pm – Time to go work out. A healthy body is a necessity if we are to have healthy souls. You’ll often see me running in Huntington Park or along Codfish Hill Rd. Please don’t hit me with your car if you see me! 4:30pm – Oh shoot, I forgot to work on my homily. Now’s the time that I seek God’s wisdom on the words to preach for Sunday’s Masses. I write down a rough draft on my computer as I listen to some Christian rock music in the background. 5:30pm – Evening prayer, followed by dinner. This is my time to catch up on watching the news or reading the paper. Gotta know what’s going on in the world these days! 6:30pm – Finally, a quiet moment. I do a little spiritual reading (currently I’m reading an autobiography of a priest who lived under the persecution of Elizabethan England during the 1500s, called “An Autobiography of a Hunted Priest”. Fascinating reading!). ♦ Ever Ancient, Ever New Have you ever discovered something in your basement that is somewhat outdated, but you keep it because it is part of your heritage? I think of things like typewriters, or polyester leisure suits, or antique books, knick-knacks, old license plates (for some reason people love to keep these things), old report cards, bottles and containers from a former era, ancient vacuum cleaners, etc. These things don’t have any practical value, but they are a link to our past and we often keep them even though they’re not functional, because we want to remember where we came from and a piece of our history. Comments from Deacon Joe The Church, being 2,000 years old, has a rich heritage as well. One of the pieces of our heritage is the Latin language, which for centuries was the normative language of the Church. A couple parishioners came to me and expressed that they were disappointed that we were using certain Latin responses for Masses in Lent. Their reason was because “it wasn’t practical, no one understands them.” This is certainly understandable on one level – yes, it is easier to understand English, true. But why do we still persist in keeping elements of Latin in the Mass? A few reasons: 1. It helps us to remember our heritage. We are linking ourselves to the millions of believers who worshipped in that language for centuries before we were born. 2. The Second Vatican Council urged us to keep Latin in our liturgy. The Vatican II Document “Sacrosanctum Concilium” (#36) states, “The use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin Rites.” (the “Latin Rites” refer to the Roman Catholic Mass as we are familiar with it, as opposed to the Eastern Rites of the Church such as the Maronite Rite or Byzantine Rite). 3. Holy things should be mysterious and different from the ordinary things we use in daily life. That’s why at Mass, the priest wears different clothes (vestments), uses a different cup (a chalice), a different type of bread (unleavened bread), and we make different postures than we ordinarily do (such as genuflection, kneeling, bowing, etc). Likewise, it is fitting that we use a sacred, mysterious, different language in parts of the Mass to express the holy and truly “otherworldly” and “timeless” mysteries taking place on the altar. 4. The Latin language is the standard language of the Church throughout the world. When I was in Spain this past summer walking the Camino, I was asked to lead a prayer service by the religious brothers and sisters who ran the hostel. I was happy to do so except…there were people who spoke only French, Spanish, English, Italian, and Portugese…and there was no common language I could use for everyone. But at the end of the service we began to sing the “Salve Regina” (the Hail Holy Queen prayer) in Latin, and everybody knew it and sang! It truly was the universal language, and if you go to Mass with the Pope in Rome, you will know some of the parts of the liturgy. So, please understand that we’re not trying to make the Mass less accessible to the people. Rather, there are many good reasons to keep some amount of Latin in the Mass during Lent. I hope you enjoy singing those Mass parts (feel free to use the handy card in the pews to sing along!). MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SAT., MARCH 23 SUN., MARCH 24 Palm Sunday MON., MARCH 25 TUES., MARCH 26 WED., MARCH 27 THU., MARCH 28 Holy Thursday FRI., MARCH 29 Good Friday SAT., MARCH 30 Holy Saturday SUN., MARCH 31 Easter Sunday 5:30 7:00 8:30 10:00 12:00 5:30 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 9:00 7:00 9:00 3:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 8:30 10:00 12:00 + + + + + + + + + + + Rod Dexter (Anniv.) – Family Robert Nelson, Sr. – The Stevens Family Samantha Boyle – The DeShan Family Sandra Wish – The Malone Family Dolores Manfredi – The Benedict Family Kellianne Gartland -- Family Blessed Mother’s Intentions Marilyn De Witt – St. Mary Faculty & Staff Anthony Tomaino – Peter & Roseann Dardis Joe Freebairn – Wife Eileen Eleanor Bartolini – Michele Bartolini Victoria Marinelli – The Korin Family Morning Prayer (No Mass) Mass of the Lord’s Supper Morning Prayer (No Mass) Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Morning Prayer (No Mass) The Great Vigil of Easter HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE 2013 Way of the Cross CONFESSIONS: Monday, March 25: 9:30–10:00am Tuesday, March 26: 7:00–9:00pm Wednesday, March 27: 4:00–5:00pm (Last opportunity for Confession before the Triduum) PALM SUNDAY (March 24) A Musical Journey Recalling The Lord’s Passion Way of the Cross, A Musical Journey recalling the Lord’s Passion, 3pm in the Church. Featuring vocal and instrumental works of Bach - Lloyd Webber - Mozart – Taize and others. Original works by Michael Ferrari & Karen Mattera Michael Ferrari, Director St. Mary Roman Catholic Church DAILY MASSES: Palm Sunday, March 24 – 3:00 PM Masses are celebrated on Sat. evening at 5:30pm and on Sun. at 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 12 noon, 5:30pm (Mon., Tues., & Wed.) 6:30 & 9am HOLY THURSDAY (March 28) A social gathering and refreshments to follow the performance. 9:00am – Morning Prayer (no morning Mass) 7:00pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper Adoration in the Rectory Chapel until 11:00pm GOOD FRIDAY (March 29) (Day of FAST and ABSTINENCE – no eating between meals and no meat) 9:00 am – Morning Prayer (no morning Mass) 12:00noon – Ecumenical Way of the Cross 3:00pm – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:00pm – Stations of the Cross HOLY SATURDAY (March 30) 9:00am – Morning Prayer (no morning Mass) 12:00n – Blessing of Easter Food (Parish Hall) (No 5:30pm Mass) 8:00pm – The Great Vigil of Easter EASTER SUNDAY (March 31) Masses celebrated at: 7:00am 8:30am 10:00am 12:00noon (No 5:30pm Mass on Easter Sunday) DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (April 7) 3:00pm – Holy Hour including Song, Adoration and the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Church DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY was declared by Pope John Paul II in the year 2000 to be celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter each year. The celebration is based upon the words of Jesus, who appeared several times to a Polish nun (now declared a saint) named Faustina Kowalska. He spoke to her about His love and mercy for all persons. In several of His messages to St. Faustina, Jesus described His desire for a special day dedicated to His Mercy. Please join us on Sunday April 7 3pm in the Church for a Holy Hour including Song, Adoration and the Divine Mercy Chaplet (as seen on EWTN). PARISH HAPPENINGS The Parish Office will be closed Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday. ST. MARY’S MEN’S MINISTRY next meeting is April 6th at 6:30am in the Parish Hall. For info, call Eric Keener at 739-0468. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY was declared by Pope John Paul II in the year 2000 to be celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter each year. The celebration is based upon the words of Jesus, who appeared several times to a Polish nun (now declared a saint) named Faustina Kowalska. He spoke to her about His love and mercy for all persons. In several of His messages to St. Faustina, Jesus described His desire for a special day dedicated to His Mercy. Please join us Sunday, April 7th in the Church at 3pm for a Holy Hour including Song, Adoration and the Divine Mercy Chaplet (as seen on EWTN). ST. MARY BOOK CLUB: Our next book is “Jesus Our Brother” by Wilfrid Harrington, O.P. Join us on Thurs., April 4 at 7:30pm, in the Children’s Room. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP provides a prayerful experience of mutual support and comfort for those who are confronting the loss of a loved one. Our next meeting will be on SAT. April 6th from 10:30-noon in the Parish House. If you will be attending for the first time, please call the Rectory (203 744-5777) to confirm. YOUTH GROUPS The Youth Group is having a HUGE TAG SALE the weekend of April 20/21. We are looking for donations from the Parish of “gently” used items (electronics, clothes, house good, furniture, books, toys.) You can drop off your items beginning April 14 in the Parish Hall. Please no junk and no stuffed animals -- only give what you yourself would buy. SCHOOL NEWS There will be an 11:15 EARLY DISMISSAL on Holy Thursday, March 28th and there will be NO CLASSES on Good Friday, March 29th. The St. Mary School Community wishes everyone a blessed and joyous Easter! ST. MARY SCHOOL REGISTRATION is ongoing for Preschool through 8th Grade. For more information, visit our website at or call the School at 203-744-2922. A committee has formed to plan the 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION of Saint Mary School which will take place during the 2013-2014 academic year. If you would like to get involved, please join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, April 10th at 7:00 in the library or email us at or call the school at 203.744.2922. We are collecting photos and other memorabilia for our celebration. If you have photos, uniforms, playbooks, yearbooks etc. that you would like to share, please drop them off at school. All labeled items will be returned to the owner. Save the date! St. Mary School is proud to present OKLAHOMA, May 10th and 11th. More information to follow soon! The 37TH ANNUAL ST. MARY SCHOOL CARNIVAL will be held on May 15th thru May 19th at the Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center – 1 School St. The Knights of Columbus Pavia Council sponsored an essay contest entitled “The Responsibility of the Catholic Citizen in a Free Society” for all 8th graders in the parish. CONGRATULATIONS to contest winner Saint Mary School 8th grader Rosanna Lifrieri. Rosanna’s essay will be entered in the K of C state competition. ST. MARY SCHOOL & CONVENT ROOF FUND ATTN: SENIOR YOUTH GROUP Sign-up sheets for helping at the Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast with the Easter Bunny are in the vestibule of the Church. Volunteers are needed on Fri., March 29 from 4:30-5:30pm in the school gym to set up, and on Sat., March 30 from 811:00am for the Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. These two activities are mandatory for Mission Trip attendees. Parental help is also needed – please contact Fr. Jeff!!!! JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP will meet at Brotherhood in Action on Tues., March 26 from 6:30-7:30pm to sort food. Drop off and pick at Brotherhood. SENIOR YOUTH GROUP will meet at Brotherhood in Action on Wed., March 27 from 6:30-7:30pm to sort food. Drop off and pick at Brotherhood. Contact Fr. Jeff at or Deacon Joe at for more info on Youth Group activities. Please help us reach our goal!!! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEW Religious Ed Office Hours Tues., Wed., and Fri. from 9:30am-2pm. We invite all children grades 3-6 to attend the MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER on Thurs., March 28 and be a part of the procession. Meet in the Parish Hall at 6:45pm and dress in your Sunday best!! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEXT REGULAR MEETING – Mon., March 25th at 8:15pm in the Parish Hall. We will say the Rosary before in the Church at 7:45pm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS APPLICATIONS FOR TWO SCHOLARSHIPS at $4,000 each, to be awarded by Pavia Council #48, are now available. An eligible applicant must be a resident of Bethel or a daughter/son of a current or deceased member of Pavia Council, as well as an active Catholic. High School seniors may pick up an application at their school guidance office or at the Rectory. For information contact Eric Keener at (203) 739-0468, or by email at Deadline: 4/1/13. AROUND THE DIOCESE LOAVES & FISHES COLLECTION Your envelopes may be placed in the offertory collection anytime during Lent. DEFENDING OUR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY As we move forward on our Lenten journey with prayer, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for the coming of Christ, let us pray for our religious freedom that it will continue to be our most cherished and inalienable right If you haven’t expressed your opposition to the federal healthcare mandate, contact the White House at or call: 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414. BROTHERHOOD IN ACTION is collecting food for the needy in our area throughout the Lenten Season. Please drop off your donations in the Parish Hall and be as generous as you can!!! Thank You!! ECUMENICAL WAY OF THE CROSS on Good Friday, March 29 at 12:00 noon. Meet on the sidewalk in front of the Bishop Curtis Homes. In the event of inclement weather, we will meet at The First Congregational Church of Bethel. For more details please call Tony at (203)730-0804. THE 2013 DANBURY ARTHRITIS WALK will take place on Sunday, April 28 from 9am – 12 noon at Immaculate High School. Join your neighbors in the fight against arthritis! Start your team today – Visit our website at For more info call 860-563-1177 or email St. Mary Senior Youth Group sponsors EASTER EGG HUNT (for children 9 years and younger) followed by FAMILY BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY th SATURDAY, MARCH 30 Meet in the Gym for our Easter Egg Hunt, which will begin promptly at 9:00am and be followed by “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny” for all which will end at 10:30am. Cost for breakfast only: $9.00/ person advance tickets, $10.00 at the door. (Children under 3 years old free.) Purchase your tickets in advance by filling out the form and returning it to the Parish Office. Family name:______________________________ Address: _________________________________ Phone #:__________________________________ Email:____________________________________ # of tickets:________________________________ # of children under 3 yrs. Old: ________________ AROUND THE DIOCESE CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF DANBURY DINNER DANCE Parishioners from the Danbury area are invited to the annual Catholic Charities Dinner Dance on Friday, April 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the Ridgewood Country Club in Danbury. For years, Catholic Charities has provided mental health services, nutrition, and countless other programs to our neighbors of all faiths, incomes, and backgrounds in the Danbury area. The need for services is growing, and funding at this time is crucial. All proceeds go directly to the Danbury area Catholic Charities agencies. Tickets are $150 each. Please support an essential organization while enjoying a great evening. For tickets or more information, call Carolyn Silliman at (203) 743-4412, extension 242. Diocesan Celebration of Marriage Anniversaries a Mass commemorating significant marriage anniversaries ending in “0” or “5” beginning with 10 years. Mass will be held at Saint Theresa Church, Trumbull on Sun., Apr. 21 at 3pm. The Mass will include the renewal of marriage vows and presentation of commemorative certificates. Couples who have or will be celebrating an anniversary ending in “0” or “5” beginning with 10 or anyone celebrating 50 PLUS years during the months of January-June are invited to register with their parish by Apr. 10. The Hibernians of Danbury will present “LATE NIGHT CATECHISM” on April 6th at 7pm, Rodgers Park Middle School. Price: $35 advance, $40 at the door. Proceeds benefit the Hibernian Scholarship fund.. For tickets, contact Phil Gallagher at 748-3252. BELARDINELLI STANLEY H. KESSLER, D.D.S. Tom’s BETHEL’S FAMILY DENTIST 14 ELIZABETH STREET BETHEL, CONNECTICUT 06801 (203) 797-8070 Home Health Care in Bethel, Newtown, Brookfield, Redding and Danbury “Ask for us by Name” 203-792-0864 TIRE COMPANY Paint & Wallpaper • Goodyear • Dunlop • Kelly 204 Greenwood Ave. 792-1310 Complete DR. KENNETH SANGIACOMO Automotive Care DR. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Alex and Ani Vera Bradley Chamilia/Trollbeads Wedding Invitations 203-730-1000 John Streaman Agency Enterprise Jay Streaman Jay Streaman 203-748-0101 203-994-9421 HOLTON TRAVEL COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL & ESTATE PLANNING Barbara Holton Parishioner 35 White Street Plaza Ste. #8 Danbury, CT David C. Whitmore, Jr. MSFS, CFP, CLU 203-792-4460 203-798-9041 Your ad 203-744-0105 BOB NELSON / MIKE NELSON A. CARALUZZI & SONS (203) 748-3547 140 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel 203-792-3363 When Quality Cleaning Matters. Full Cleaning • Janitorial Services 860-210-7910 203.797.1448 Phone/Fax Residential & Commercial Bethel, CT CT Licensed & Insured E1-191338 Bethel’s Hometown, Independent Pharmacy could BETHEL be in this FUNERAL HOME space! 215 Greenwood Ave., Bethel 748-4503 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 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