05Z8°06 08:5 R Froth-SAHT L B T-358 SAHTU Land & Water Board P.O. Box I Fort Good Hope, NT XQE OHO Telephone: (867) 598-2413 Fax: (867) 598-2325 E-mail: sahtuhyd@afistream.net P.01/03 FAXED Pg ... Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Tyree Mullaney Regulatory Officer From; Rick Watbourne Fax No.: (867) 873-6610 Hydrologist Number of Pages (incl. cover). 3 Subject: Date, May 1, 2008 p Expanded ExnandedBoundary of the Nahanni National ark Reserve Tyree, As per our discussion, I have attached an e-mail from Katherine Cumming to Scott regarding land withdrawal relating to the proposed expansion of the Nahanni National Park Reserve. I spoke to Katherine on the phone and she said all rights under existing Mineral Claims and leases are permi tted including exploration and development. Also, Land and Water Boards can issue Land Use Permits in any area with withdrawn lands. Any kind of lease would be problematic from their point of view, so i mentioned that any .UP that was without a lease, if one was required as a component of their application, would not be issued anyway. From her point of view, the access road in question is still outside the activities not permitted in the area, more because there is no tease required as opposed to the grandfather clause". Rick F-340 Dt 3t1^ B5-28-08 08:39 F r x-SARTU 1358 P.02/03 F-340 Expanded undaries of the Nahanni None Park Re5erve ate Nahfii National Par}Re serve Expanded Boundaries obit rt! From: Mthtrina.C=min Flats: Wad 9 Apr 2008 11:13:17 -05N Tors hto Mil Thanks for your inquiry_ Attached is the ahapefiLe ror the interim lane withdrawal to support the creation of Naats'ihch'oh National Park Reserve. mote information on the withdrawal ean A o Found in the article below. If you have any questions or if you have trouble with the file, please i t me know. Thanks Katherina attached tile: Neatshchohwithdrewal,znxliSee attached gile: Nlatsihdndftwithdrawal.Prt)tSee attached file: Naatzitchah_withatawal_nbn; w (See attached file: Neatelhchehwithera al.sbe)(see attached file; e Naetaihehoh_withdrawal.shp)ISe attached file: Naatsincnohwichdrawal.zep.xmllISec attaehed file; Naetsihchoh_withdrawal-dbf) Katherine C=ang ghvirOnMehral ASsesSmenZ Scientist Westorn and Northern Service Centre Packs Canada 1A5 Mcdermor Ave. Winnipeg, R3e pap Phone: [204, 904-1929 Fax: c204} 9h5-003/ Woking toward the creation of Naate'lheWoh National Park Reserve d The Government of Canada has signed a memorandum of Un erstanding (MCC) with the designated Sahr6 organizations (land corporations) established under the /and claim agre eme nt rOsontIng the bene dna Melia Or t he a critical step towards the creation of Tullta DiSiriCr. This • Nzaes inch'oh National Park see. The Gov =menr of the North wes t Territories continues to be involved in discussions. The Government of Canada has provided the land coxporatione with a contribetion agreemeet of S500.000. The money will assist them so negotiate en Impact and Benefit Plan that will lead to the establishment of Cho ome tres of national park reser v e. In addition, the 1.500 aquae kil wilderness have been temporarily protect.* through an interim land Withdrawal While the tnpatt and Benefit Plan Is being negotiated. The creation of Naate' ihch • oh National Park Rese rv e world be a necessary Complement to the expansion of the Nahanni National Park ReS0rOo within the adlacent Dendho Region of the Northwest Territories_ The South Nahanni nver CerShed is an incredibly beautiful ana ecologically important area in the Northwest Territories. The river starts ire pourbey at ies headwaters - the HOome Ponds, in the shadow of Naate'ihcho*oh Mount Wilson(. The upper pars of the watershed Aceounte for about 1/6th of the Greaser Nahanni Ecosystem. and i t lo important as the sheep and source of she rivcr and a5 habitat fo r Grizzly bear. woodland caribou. It has long been the home to the Dens and MB;in. and it is often the n$43, VieithrS from vitor4 to the Wil i.unoning area for the seat of Canada and t he world will have the opportunity to see t h e spectacular landscapes and to hike, canoe, and Climb in these new park Areas. aavm s Industria l development i5 progressing in the aoxta, with reads, Pipelines, oevelopment of mines and exploration on minerals. ell and nateral /as, and em E n has remained wells• Amidst this development, the Greater Nahan i cosyst land withdrawa l will a large, relatively intact wilderness arcs- The prohibit new mineral staking. HoweVer, existing third party intereSte in s the area, including existing minera l Claim and leases, will be respected. The NaatViheh'oh proposal is to Create a national park reserve, ra th er than a national park. National park reservee are established where not all aor,,gxeal Claims have been reaolved. Conaultatiens will continue witn origina groups who have LneeStr in the area. other I 1 SehtVgC0 I I BM, net I 4SAntugeOalletre I I I 5p C 6—c-) D5-Z- 09:40 Fro r LB SAM U + T-35 P.03/DS F°344 E pandcd Boundaries of The Nahanni National Park Reserve p 03/04/2lnf T i Ml 12!22 I t >-----------------------------°_---------------------------m®_-__--•------•-----_-^ --^-__ -^ ----------....- --------------•-------^ I Too Kxch z-_L Cumml ory @VC, q . G + cc: Subjeact expanded Houndaries of 'ihe N44;;ini Nzciasal Park .eserve >---------- ---_--_--_------------. ----------_--_-----------------------. ---------------- --------------------..----.----------t I hoard a roporc on zvLe C this moninq rcga€ding cc approval oZ eha sub7so€ National Patk Reserve. t ingmizisg as to lieci^er I can Se-: a aopy om a map oc a shape the contmirinS the Aouhdarie^, sa i can Sn acreening of IAAd ias PexmIr a,ncorpe.Cace cnc p ark into ay Applic`stions, Regards, Scott Dug. Land/ Rcsoucc& Geograpbor t sahru Land & WD ar Board (86'+4999-2413 3 ....,m,.w. _ :_ y[daa^taihr mda et €dr II ., _..._.». ,... •-- I Conignt-Type , ^Yom.FaP^ilicalsurtlflc£^t-sYana€aa: al.sh Content-Encoding: base&4 T_:. _:::.W _Y: -- """ -.'"• _ .• Nag tsihehoh withdrs^val.Prj Content- e- a licatiarlloetcC-Streatn€^ :I Cocttcnc Ea p c€tding. hase64 ,`..:.:. •.:_..:.._•Q%ct .....:..:.s I C©ntrnt-Type: applicationiocut-sttcam Na rsihchahwithdrvl.sLxr;^^ Content-Encod • ivaatzihch b withdrawals appticati^nfoctet-scream ^ Contrnt-Type. Content Eneoding: basa54 Nast ibc@aoh_weth8ruoral.sl^ 'I Content-Type: applioa[ionloc ants •I ^: nr t-Encoding , bascb4 .^::-_w:: ,,.,,,>:»,.-_.:^:^^_.:.:•.-:..^:.W.:.m_:• Ca crn . .,a.-a.^.^,:. „a„m.,, ,..,.^...:,.: ^ .,.-,.^-_.•.••:_.:.:I apptication/octet-stream ,l TVst ttsihcbu1s rirlidrawai,shp xm1; Cuetent«Type! •3 Content Encoding: bascM f appliomionivnd.lotus-approach j NaassiheTwh_withdrs^vVaE dbi! 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