BOARD OF DIRECTORS PUBLIC DATE: 3rd October 2013 TIME: 09.00 am VENUE: Room 2, Level 0, Training & Education Centre DISTRIBUTION: CHAIR OF MEETING: Sean Lyons Chairman Stuart Grasar David Leah Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Ray Dawson Peter John Marks Claire Ward Gerry McSorley Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Paul O’Connor Nabeel Ali Susan Bowler Karen Fisher Fran Steele Chief Executive Executive Medical Director Executive Director Nursing & Quality Executive Director of Human Resources Chief Financial Officer IN ATTENDANCE: Jacqui Tuffnell Craig Day Kerry Rogers Yolanda Martin Lisa Bratby Ian Greenwood Director of Operations Lead Governor Director of Corporate Services Head of Communications Minutes Interim Director of Strategic Planning & Commercial Development OBSERVERS: Jane Stubbings APOLOGIES: Ray Dawson Mark Chivers For information: Tim Reddish Mark Chivers Board of Directors cover sheet for 03.10.2013 Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Unconfirmed MINUTES of a Public meeting of the Board of Directors held at 9.30am on Thursday 5th September 2013 in the Holy Trinity Centre, Boundary Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire Present: Sean Lyons David Leah Stuart Grasar Ray Dawson Claire Ward Dr Gerry McSorley Paul O’Connor Dr Nabeel Ali Susan Bowler Fran Steele Karen Fisher Chairman Non-Executive Director (Senior) Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Chief Executive Officer Executive Medical Director Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Chief Financial Officer Executive Director of Human Resources SL DL SG RD CW GMc PO NA SB FS KF In Attendance: Kerry Rogers Director of Corporate Services /Company Secretary Director of Operations Head of Communications Head of Programme Management (Enc D only) Interim Director of Strategic Planning & Commercial Development Lead Governor Minutes Non-Executive Director- Designate Non-Executive Director -Designate Health and Safety Manager (Health & Safety Report only) KR Ward Leader, Ward 52 Consultant Geriatrician AB ALS Practice Development matron – Dementia AH Jacqui Tuffnell Yolanda Martin Shirley Clarke Ian Greenwood Craig Day Lisa Bratby Tim Reddish Mark Chivers Robert Dabbs Observers Adele Bonsall Dr Anne-Louise Schokker Adam Haywood JT YM SC IG CD LB TR MC RDa Action 13/77 Date CHAIRS WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION The meeting being quorate, SL declared the meeting open at 9.30 hrs and confirmed that the meeting had been convened in accordance with the Trust’s Standing Orders. SL welcomed KR to the meeting. KR had recently been appointed as the Director of Corporate Services /Company Secretary. PATIENT STORY 13/78 SB delivered an update regarding the patient story presented to the August Board of Director’s meeting reminding Directors that this patient Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 1 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 story was not a complaint but was about how improvements could be made in terms of compassionate care and putting ourselves “in the patient’s shoes”. SB advised that following the August Board meeting SL, GMc, SB, the Ward sister, the Head of Nursing for the ward area and the divisional matron all met to review the story and ascertain what actions could be taken to ensure that things could be done better moving forward. SL also met with the ward staff who were involved in the story and they were quite upset by the lady’s perception of her care and were keen to contribute to any changes that could be made. Subsequently the operational policy for the ward area has been updated and will be re-launched on 9 September 2013 and further improvements are expected now that the ward has commenced comfort rounding. Improvements have also been made in regarding communicating with patients and relatives with the introduction of information leaflets, posters displaying the ward purpose and ethos and the rehabilitation focus of the ward. AH introduced a new patient story that involved a patient who linked to the work of the National Dementia Strategy. AH explained that the aim of the Strategy is to ensure that significant improvements are made to dementia services across three key areas: improved awareness, earlier diagnosis and intervention, and a higher quality of care. The Strategy identifies 17 key objectives which, when implemented, largely at a local level, should result in significant improvements in the quality of services provided to people with dementia and should promote a greater understanding of the causes and consequences of dementia. This Strategy should be a catalyst for a change in the way that people with dementia are viewed and cared for in England.’ AH added that a key element of this strategy is a focus on “This is Me” where important information to help in the understanding of the patient’s needs is identified. The other key priorities are Patient & carer involvement & information Pilot of reducing harms team Enhanced observation tool Geriatric team at front door Training and development Inside out of mind Practice Development Dementia Nurse AH presented a new story which involved a 60 year old gentleman who was living in a care home and had advanced dementia which caused him to be confused and aggressive and as a consequence was subject to a deprivation of liberty (D.O.L) order. Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 2 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 This gentleman presented with a swollen leg and the most probable diagnosis was a DVT. However, due to his aggressive tendencies it was realised that it would not be possible to deliver an ultrasound scan under normal conditions as his symptoms dictated that he required intensive supervision so a CT scan under general anaesthetic (GA) was considered. It was identified, during the initial admission process, that this gentleman had a previous history of risk associated with sedatives so a decision was made to delay the GA until his notes were obtained from NUH. This caused a further delay which added to an eventual 13 day stay in hospital. During this gentleman’s care ALS was contacted and an ultrasound was eventually carried out under sedation which showed a negative result for DVT. A review of this gentleman’s analgesia was also undertaken and resulted in improved pain management. The learning points from this gentleman’s story were Specialist intervention may have prevented admission if this was implemented earlier No patient history profiling used and the use of “This is Me needs to be embedded An extended length of stay was caused due to difficulties in clinical decision making and also the fact that the care home where this gentleman resided were not happy to accept him back into their care immediately The excellence in practice points were The gentleman was afforded excellent nursing care throughout his stay The management of aggression and personal care was well planned A pain assessment was undertaken which led to a review of his analgesia and improvements being made. No harms were sustained by the patient or staff The communication was good at all times. Following the completion of the presentation of the patient story ALS confirmed that the geriatric team are firmly embedded in the EAU team and stated that education is already underway to clarify the best use of the team at the “front door”. Work is also being undertaken to improve communication between GPs and geriatricians to encourage GPs to refer patients directly to geriatric services rather than via emergency care routes. PO suggested that the option of implementing the “This is me” concept be developed earlier in the patient’s pathway, i.e. in the care home setting which will make the handover process more streamlined and informative. JT added that a new pathway is now in place within the Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 3 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Trust discharge team which will improve the patient discharge pathway to a care home setting. Board members requested that thanks be passed to all staff involved in this gentleman’s care and stated that it is clear to see that the Trust’s business evidences compassionate caring for patients. SL encouraged any members of the Board to contact ALS if they think they can support the implemented changes in line with the National ALL Dementia Strategy 13/79 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE / CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP It was CONFIRMED that apologies were received from Dr Peter Marks. 13/80 DECLARATION OF DIRECTORS INTERESTS It was CONFIRMED that there were no new declarations of interest. 13/81 OCT 2013 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 1 AUGUST 2013 Following review of the minutes of the public meeting held on 1 August 2013 the following amendments were proposed; Page 3 – 13/54 – Mortality – para 4 – “PO added that during the recent Keogh report the team only recommended that a review of mortality be undertaken at Newark Hospital only. The terms of reference for this review have been agreed” be changed to read “PO added that during the recent Keogh report the team recommended that a review of the mortality of Newark residents that attend Newark Hospital be undertaken separately” Page 3 – CQUIN - para 6 – “CW questioned why the smoking at the time of delivery CQUIN was not achievable in Q3 and Q4. SB clarified that this CQUIN is difficult to measure as not all patients go full term to delivery” change to “CW questioned why the smoking at the time of delivery CQUIN was not achievable in Q3 and Q4. SB clarified that this CQUIN is difficult to measure as not all patients go full term to delivery at SFH. ” Page 4 – Complaints – para 1 – “Following a question from TR it was clarified that the 3 outstanding complaints do not include complaints that are still in the system and currently within the stated timescales for response of which we are achieving 100% response within 72 hours” Change to read acknowledging 100% of complaints within 72 hours. Subject to these amendments the minutes were APPROVED as a true and accurate record 13/82 MATTERS ARISING / ACTION LOG TRACKER The Board REVIEWED the matters arising / action tracker document in detail. The following updates were AGREED Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 4 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Action 18 – Transforming Pathology Services – It was noted that the date of the Pathology Alliance presentation has been updated to November 2013. Action 17 – Chief Executives Report - CIP – This action remains ongoing. Engagement with clinicians to bring forward more savings incentives continues. Action 22 – ODP NED involvement – It was acknowledged that the development of the Trust ODP continues and any NED involvement is welcomed. Action 34 – Patient story – Acknowledgement was given that an update was given earlier in this meeting. The action is now COMPLETED. Action 35 & 36 & 37 – Quality & Safety – Complaints / Review of end of life care / MRSA - Confirmation was given that a further update on all issues will be given in the Quality and Safety report to the October Board of Directors meeting. Action 38 – Quality & Safety – Friends & Family test – It was updated that trend analysis will be provided quarterly. This action is now COMPLETED. Action 39 – Mortality Monitoring - Confirmation was given that the mortality presentation has been issued to all new NED’s. This action is now COMPLETED. Action 43- Performance Appraisal- KF updated that the appraisal rate in HR is currently up to 82% and further measures will be undertaken to achieve the 100% target. Action 45 – Exit interviews - It was noted that it is not necessary for an exiting member of staff’s line manager to undertake the exit interview and a more flexible method of interview with varied members of staff is available . This action is now COMPLETED Action 46 – Mandatory training – It was confirmed that this issue had been referred back to the Clinical Governance and Quality Committee and a further update will be given at the October Board meeting. Directors discussed the importance of this issue being addressed urgently and the impact of what will happen from an individual and also an organisational perspective if training is not undertaken. The specific importance of training pertaining to fire safety and resus training was identified. Action 47 – Governance Programme - It was noted that the Governance framework was due to be discussed as an item on today’s agenda. Therefore this action is COMPLETED. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 5 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 13/83 SL presented the Chairman’s report giving an update on progress, plans and regulatory developments. Monitor The Trust undertook the monthly progress meeting via teleconference on 30th August 2013. Further details of this call will be given in the Chief Executives report later in this meeting. Governor meeting A very lively Council of Governors meeting was held on 15th August 2013. During the meeting a number of ideas were put forward to improve and build on the relationship between the Board and Governors including how the Governors can become more involved in the Board sub committee meetings and how their training needs can be met. It was identified that in the past Governors received an update following each Board meeting but this has not been forthcoming during the last few months. KR responded that consideration will be given to this as all KR Board papers are now available on the Trust website. Oct 2013 MP’s meetings SL updated that he had met with Gloria DePiero and PO to discuss various complaints and feedback was given by Gloria that her constituency office had seen a marked improvement in the turnaround in responses to complaints being received. FT Chair’s meeting A meeting of all the Chairmen in the East Midlands area was held in Derby on 3rd September 2013. This meeting was a very helpful forum to share views and ideas for improvement. Government Support for A&E departments Directors discussed the recent information that had been released pertaining to government support for A & E department “in need”. PO added that a clearer understanding needed to be gained of what determined whether a Trust was “in need” and highlighted that any support would be non-recurrent. SL concluded his report by encouraging all Directors to get out and about across the Trust as often as busy schedules allowed so that the hard work and dedication that is taking place by our staff can be witnessed first hand. Directors NOTED the Chairman’s report 13/84 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT PO presented the Chief Executive’s Report and apologised for the late distribution of this paper. The following points were brought forward CIP Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 6 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 SC advised that at 15th August 2013 the ‘opportunity’ for in year savings of schemes identified a total of £14,155,000, exceeding the target of £13,301,000 by £853,000. The value of schemes currently in the developed or implemented gateways totals £11,605,000 i.e. 87% of the in-year target. These schemes achieve £9,376,000 recurrent savings, with a full year effect of £13,506,000. Initiated schemes which do not yet have fully developed plans total £2,549,000. Work is progressing with the divisions to move these schemes through the gateways as quickly as possible in order to optimise the savings potential identified. All CIP schemes have been RAG rated to reflect risk adjusted CIP delivery using the agreed criteria: • Green 100% CIP delivery • Amber 70% CIP delivery • Red 30% CIP delivery This gives a total risk adjusted in year delivery CIP total of £11,245,000. MC requested more clarity regarding how the full year effect and the in year savings totals are achieved. SC agreed to discuss this with MC SC outside this meeting. Discussions were held regarding the need for the CIP update to be included in the Finance report, as a fuller review of the CIP position will have been undertaken in advance of the Board meeting by the Finance & performance sub committee. This question will be considered and PO/FS feedback given at the next meeting Oct 2013 Oct 2013 SL questioned whether the international recruitment initiative is proving to be beneficial. SB responded that the international recruitment drive is underway and added that 41 staff members were recruited from the local clearing house which is the highest level achieved to date. GM reported that a large part of the agenda of the next Finance & Performance meeting has been dedicated to CIP and a detailed report GM/FS and contextual view will be given to the Board in October Oct 2013 Progress Review meeting with Monitor PO updated that on 30 August 2013 a teleconference was held with Monitor to undertake the Trust’s Progress Review Meeting (PRM). Discussions included the formal agreement to extend to 31st October 2013 the date by which the Trust (in accordance with Discretionary Requirements) will deliver the Board and Quality Governance and Financial Governance Action Plans and achieve a sustained recovery of quality governance (i.e. a score of less than 4 on the Quality Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 7 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Governance Framework). A formal record of the PRM is awaited from Monitor. APR 2013/14 Reporting Executive Summary On 7 August the Trust received news from Monitor that it had completed its review of 2013/14 Annual Plan submissions from NHS Foundation Trusts and was publishing the results of its annual plan monitoring exercise to individual FTs. Following Monitors review of the Trust’s selfassessment the outcome was : • • Financial Risk Rating: 1 Governance Rating: Amber/Green The ratings are now published on Monitor’s website and Monitor will continue to assess the risks to the Trust’s compliance with its licence conditions through the returns provided by the Trust as part of the monthly monitoring process. In its outcome of APR, Monitor has confirmed that the Trust remains subject to enforcement action as a result of breaches of its licence conditions. Cancellation of Potential Industrial Action As advised at the Board meeting on 1 August 2013 the potential for industrial action on 27th August 2013 called by the GMB Union was highlighted. Following extensive negotiation between the Trust and GMB, the union informed the Trust that it would withdraw its proposal for the industrial action that had been planned for the 27th August and no further industrial action is anticipated on this matter. Learning from the Keogh Rapid Responsiveness Review PL updated that a formal statement from the Secretary for Health pertaining to the actions required for Trusts to come out of special measures is still awaited. The delivery of the Keogh action plan will be assessed by the CQC review team which is expected between January – July 2014. Healthwatch On 8 August PO and YM attended a very useful meeting with Derbyshire Healthwatch and Nottinghamshire Healthwatch. Last year’s Health & Social Care Act created a role for Healthwatch in representing the interests of local communities and we encouraged both the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Healthwatch organisations to participate alongside the Trust in helping to develop our strategic ideas. YM is working with both Healthwatch organisations to facilitate this. Audiology Accreditation TR conveyed his congratulations to the Trust for becoming the first within the Midlands region to receive accreditation against new national standards for its Audiology service. To date only 3 other NHS Trusts in the country have received this accreditation standard. Directors NOTED the Chief Executive Report and the specific Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 8 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 recommendations given. 13/85 QUALITY MONTHLY QUALITY AND SAFETY REPORT SB presented the monthly Quality and Safety Report and requested that Board members NOTE the contents of the report and the progress / position to date. Mortality NA tabled a report detailing graphs pertaining to HSMR All deaths by Quarter, HSMR by Acute Trust in the East Midlands and Residual codes by Acute Trust- June 2013. Each graph indicates a further improvement in terms of the Trusts HSMR and if the Trust remains on the trajectory planned further improvement will be forthcoming. The reasons for these improvements include more staff awareness, Trust wide improvement projects and improved coding. CW highlighted the importance of getting the improved headlines communicated to all areas in the run up to the Dr Foster release in YM November 2013. Infection Control DL stated that following the report of a second case of Trust acquired MRSA bacteraemia in July 2013 assurance needs to be gained confirming that the Trust’s levels of infection control are still being maintained. SB responded that assurance detailing the measures that SB are being taken will be given at the next Board meeting. NA added that the c.difficile infection rates did rise periodically but have now started to get back on track following the relaunch of the hand hygiene campaign and the reinforcement of the key principles around cannulae care. Oct 2013 Oct 2013 Friends and family GM requested that consideration be given to the level and type of information that is given pertaining to the friends and family test results. Following a discussion TR proposed that for the purpose of the Board report high level information is presented and if further details and statistics are required this information could be provided separately outside the meeting. Never Event SL expressed his concerns regarding the 2 month timeframe that is detailed to deal with the medication never event that occurred in July. SB clarified that this timeframe is the timeframe for response to commissioners in terms of the Root Cause Analysis investigation. The actual incident was resolve in a timely manner and had been presented to CG&QC. GMc added that it was agreed at the Clinical Governance & Quality Committee (CG&QC) in August that the Board members will be informed of any never events that occur. Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 9 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Complaints RD expressed his disappointment that the slight lapse in complaints handling was associated to the level of annual leave that has been taken. SB responded that the response rates are on target and the mention of slight delay due to staff annual leave was an honest comment. PO added that the majority of the complaints that he signs are exceptionally detailed and required multiple discipline input to get an accurate and thorough response. If staff are not available a slight delay is unavoidable. CRB checks update KF reported that at the CG&QC meeting which was held on 23 August 2013 the Committee were informed that there were 26 individuals whose posts required CRB checks that were still outstanding as they were recruited prior to CRB checks being a mandatory requirement. GMc expressed his concerns that although the number of affected staff had reduced from 36 to 26 this action is not being undertaken quickly and this delay is exposing the Trust to potential liability PPC workforce change Directors noted that the recent PPC workforce change will be reviewed JT in 3 months to check the effectiveness and benefits. KR proposed that the Trust Board needs to concentrate in the coming All weeks on determining a clear focus on the key themes in Quality and Safety in preparation for the quarterly report to Monitor which is due in October 2013, especially important being triangulation of emerging themes and trends. Dec 2013 Oct 2013 Directors NOTED all points and the progress to date. 13/86 INPATIENT CAPACITY AND DEMAND REVIEW OF KINGS MILL HOSPITAL JT advised that the Inpatient Capacity and Demand review paper was presented for noting and assurance only. This paper summarises the Kings Mill bed capacity and demand analysis completed to date. It describes the methodology undertaken as well as the status of recommendations made within report. These recommendations support planning for the emergency care pathway across the Trust as well as acting as supporting evidence for winter planning. JT assured Directors that all recommendations are on track GMc expressed his concern that the recommendation affordability detailed in section 5 states that there is £2m in reserves to support this work but the plan equates to £2.254m. GMc questioned whether the staff that are required to incorporate this plan are embedded in the recruitment plan. JT confirmed that the staff are embedded in the recruitment plan but they are not in place yet. Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 10 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 13/87 Directors NOTED the recommendations in the report ELECTIVE ACCESS POLICY JT advised Directors that the Elective Access policy paper had previously been considered by the Executive Team on 2 September 2013. The Trust is required to have an Elective Access Policy detailing how we manage patients on a pathway of elective care that is signed off locally by the Trust and Commissioners with clinical and patient consultation. This policy is required to be published on the Trust’s internet site. This proposed policy has been subject to three weeks internal consultation at SFH through Divisional Management teams of which comments that were received and have been incorporated. The policy has also been presented to the Executive Committee of Mansfield & Ashfield CCG and the Clinical Executive Committee of Newark & Sherwood CCG. An implementation plan is being developed to support the roll out of the revised arrangements to clinical, administrative and management teams that will be supported by monitoring arrangements which are set out within the policy. A programme of training is being developed to support roll out. NA questioned whether the department were confident that the required administration support would be in place prior to the implementation of the policy. JT confirmed that a full implementation plan, including a training schedule for all staff involved, is in place and will be adhered to. During discussions JT advised that as this policy is quite heavy in terms of detail it will be refreshed yearly and reviewed in detail every 3 years. CW questioned whether the Trust experiences issues obtaining interpreters for overseas visitors. SB responded that no issues have been encountered obtaining appropriate access to interpreters TR suggested that the option of forming a database of Trust staff that speak more than one language be arranged to be used in emergency situations. KF identified that this database had been created previously. However, the requirements had been too onerous and therefore the arrangements now in place were adopted Directors APPROVED the sign off of the proposed Elective Access Policy The meeting broke at this point (11.40am) and reconvened at 11.55am Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 11 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 13/88 FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE REPORT – EXCEPTION SUMMARY REPORT JT presented the Integrated Performance (Exception) Report giving an update on the performance summary for July 2013. The following points were brought forward ASI rates RD questioned why the ASI rates are still variable. JT confirmed that the Trust does have planned capacity and demand data but whilst improvements have been made we are still experiencing issues with higher than predicted demands. Work is in place to change working practice to even out the variables and provide a better response. Sickness absence MC questioned what actions have been put in place to address the Trust’s high level of sickness absence. KF confirmed that the Trust have recently introduced an additional data set which allows managers to easily identify when an employee has had 3 periods of sickness in a given time period and are therefore required to attend a review meeting. To support managers JT and KF are holding meetings monthly with all managers with high levels of sickness absence to discuss and address any issues. JT is also holding meetings to pick up the operational consequences separately. KF added that during the review meetings it has been identified that back to work meetings are being undertaken but not always in a timely manner, i.e. not within 72 hours of return. This issue is being addressed. MC questioned whether the current sickness policy that is in place is enough to drive down sickness levels to an acceptable level. KF responded that she was confident that the policy will enable the Trust to get to the 3.5% target but is not confident it will enable the Trust to reduce the sickness levels beyond this level. MC proposed that the Trust investigate the option of changing the way that sickness pay is given to discourage staff from repeatedly being absent i.e. 3 paid episodes in a given period and then a significant drop. This option has had a large impact in the private sector. PO stated that he would address this issue at the next team brief and PO give staff a clear message pertaining to the “real” financial effect that increasing sickness absence has on the Trust financial status. SEPT 2013 62 day cancer risk CW noted that the 62 day cancer target is flagged as a potential risk with the projected Q2 performance as at 23 August 2013 deteriorating to 86.9% and questioned what exactly the risk is. JT responded that the risks are associated with CT colons and endoscopy capacity issues. This issue is improving with only 3 patients currently outside the target Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 12 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and a request for an additional CT scanner is being considered by the Capital Management Group to further reduce waiting lists. Appraisal rates It was noted that the Trust are working hard to achieve 79% appraisal rate by the end of September 2013. 13/89 FINANCE PERFORMANCE REPORT FS presented the financial performance report giving key headlines arising at the month 4 position. The following points were brought forward during the presentation; We recorded a positive Q1 EBITDA of £0.75m against a planned EBITDA of £0.05m. Whilst ahead of plan our EBITDA margin was still just 0.8% (against a Foundation Trust acute sector average of 5.8%), however adjusted for the impact of the PFI premium our Q1 EBITDA margin would have been 8.0%. FS added that an external firm have now been appointed to assess the impact of the Trust PFI debt and are due to commence work on 16 September 2013. A further update will be given at the September Finance & performance meeting and the next Board of Directors meeting Our cash balance at the end of July was £27.62m which was £3.60m better than plan. However, after adjusting for cash payments received in advance our cash balance would be negative £8.95m. The latest yearend forecast cash position is for a shortfall of £25.99m, with a cash negative position being reached in February 2014. Director’s attention was drawn to table 5 on page 8 of the report which detailed the sanctions that are currently in place against the Trust. Further information on the probability of these sanctions being reinvested back in the Trust and the likely financial loss at Trust entity FS level will be reported at the next meeting following discussion with commissioners on Qtr 1 performance during August and September. Divisions will continue to incur sanction where performance has not been met irrespective of any financial agreement between Commissioners and the Trust. Oct 2013 SL referred to table 4 on page 7 of the report and questioned why the cumulative variance was 4.91%. FS explained that this variance has occurred whilst the implementation of the Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) is being worked through. IG advised that following initial concerns that the Capital programme was slipping, some intensive spending has resulted in a pleasing report that the programme currently stands at 86% on target which is within Monitor’s tolerance levels. FS reported that to assist with the further streamlining of financial matters Keith Turner, the newly appointed Head of Estates and Facilities, is looking at the non-pay elements of the PFI and Colin Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 13 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 McLean, Interim Strategic Head of Procurement, is investigating procurement improvements. CW advised that at the Finance & Performance meeting on 22nd August 2013 the large increase in drug spend that is identified on page 13 of the report was discussed and a timeline for this matter to be resolved was requested. FS clarified that some of these additional costs were pass through costs and further clarity of the reasons behind this increase FS would be provided Oct 2013 Directors NOTED and the key areas of concern and the actions being taken. 13/90 GOVERNANCE AND RISK MONITOR IMPROVEMENT PLAN IG tabled an update regarding the Monitor Improvement plan. IG presented the information highlighting that the approach that needs to be taken and the associated planning cycle moving forward into 2014/15. IG identified that more details of what is required to be included in this planning cycle will be undertaken in a separate strategy session that is scheduled to take place later in today’s meeting. Directors noted that work that is being undertaken within the Newark Strategy Group and the associated workstreams as well as the Mid Notts Review work will also feed into the planning cycle for 2014/15. During the presentation IG advised that it is hoped that external assurance will not be required ahead of October submission but this remains a possibility. This extra resource will need to be procured and will have a further financial impact. Directors NOTED the updated regarding the Monitor Improvement Plan 13/91 GOVERNANCE PROGRAMME TASK AND FINISH GROUP PO updated that the Governance Programme task and finish group continue to meet on a weekly basis and he encourages any NEDs to attend the meeting, for information and assurance, as often as possible. NEDs The role of the group is to provide assurance by means of collecting all relevant evidence and ensuring improvements are taking place. OCT 2013 PO reminded Directors that the purpose of the task and finish group is to draw together all the action points identified by KPMG, PwC, CQC and Sir Bruce Keogh. Good progress has been reported with the KPMG and PwC reports/ action plans but matters relating to relevant training for the new NEDs remains outstanding. Response to the Sir Bruce Keogh report remains on track for completion by 31 October 2013. With regards to the CQC visit the Trust have received an initial draft report but an official report is still awaited. Actions were to be progressed by 31 October 2013 concerning the CQC warning notice. Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 14 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Directors noted that it is not likely that the Sir Bruce Keogh team will return to revisit the Trust but the CQC team will revisit to review the Trust against their actions again. PO identified that demonstrable progress needs to be made to allow the special measures that are currently in place to be lifted. It was acknowledged that a debate took place at the August Board of Directors meeting and it was agreed that it is likely to be July 2014 before demonstrable progress would be evident. SB questioned whether this date had changed. PO responded that this had now changed as it is anticipated that we are likely to be re-inspected between January – June 2014. KR added that she would arrange a confirm and challenge panel, with the NEDs, so that the Trust can undertake independent scrutiny and KR gain assurance that progress is being made. RD advised that he had met with the Trust’s internal audit team and DL to look at the Internal Audit plan as a result of the Keogh recommendations. It was agreed that the internal audit team will look at 7 specific areas which will be incorporated into the 2013/14 audit plan. RD Further feedback will be given later in the year. Oct / Nov 2013 Nov/Dec 2013 PO advised that the Trust was viewing its self-assessment with the same scrutiny as if in the application process required to become a Foundation Trust. The self-assessment undertaken has resulted in a score of 13. Actions taken have progressed this score to 6 but for the Trust to demonstrate to Monitor that adequate arrangements exist for ensuring safe , effective and high quality care at all times the score needs to be below 4 and further work would include the Board in order that all members are confident in the Trusts stated position KR tabled 3 documents and drew Directors attention to the timeline contained in the document titled “Board visions, values and culture”. This timeline identifies the work that will be required to ensure that adequate self-assessment is undertaken to identify any gaps prior to the submission of the assessment to Monitor on 31st October 2013. The Board NOTED the work that is being undertaken by the Governance Task and Finish Group and AGREED that further involvement is required to ensure that all actions are being addressed. 13/92 HEALTH AND SAFETY ANNUAL REPORT RDa presented the Health and Safety Annual Report bringing the following points forward; Directors were advised that the annual report highlights the work undertaken by the Trust’s health and safety function during 2012/13 to protect staff, visitors and contractors from those risks created by the work that the Trust undertakes. Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 15 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 The main points in this report include: • • • • • • The Trust’s management of work related violence and aggression. There has been a 22% reduction in incidence of violence, 172 incidents compared to 219 incidents in the previous year. Slips, trips and falls. The prevention of sharps injuries. The reported incidents remain largely unchanged with 144 incidents. the main risks and the controls that are in place or are in the process of being put in place, to mitigate these main risks. comprehensive data on the health and safety performance of the Trust together with an analysis of current successes and areas for future work. how the health and safety function works in partnership with staff and the staff side unions to mitigate and control health and safety risks. The report also contains a list of the risks and issues considered by the Trust’s Health and Safety Committee during the year and the actions that have been taken to manage those risks. RDa advised that the number of staff accidents reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 decreased from 17 to 15. This decrease was mainly due to changes made in April 2012 to the reporting requirements for RIDDOR. Of the 15 incidents only 3 were related to patient RIDDOR which is an all-time low. TR noted that within the various tables included in the report a nonoccurrence is sometimes noted as “0” and sometimes “-“. A more RDa consistent approach is required moving forward. SEPT 2014 TR questioned if there is an escalation policy in place for injuries in the workplace. RDa confirmed that all serious incidents are escalated to Trust Board level. CW questioned what measures are in place for employees that sustain stress type lifting injuries in the work place and if there is a policy in place to support these measures. RDa responded that there is a policy in place and staff have access to moving and handling training and access to physiotherapy services. MC questioned whether RDa was the Trust accountable officer for health and Safety and if other staff are also accountable are they aware of this requirement. RDa confirmed that he was the accountable Officer for Health and Safety as well as the Trust Chief Executive. RDa also confirmed that there are accountable officers for fire and asbestos and these staff members are aware of their responsibilities. Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 16 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 MC requested that the next report includes a contractor safety report RDa and also a report relating to road safety and car parking SEPT 2014 GMc asked for the date of the last HSE visit. RDa responded that the last visit was in March 2013 following a RIDDOR incident involving a doctor. RDa added that the HSE appear to be reactive in terms of visiting and routine visits are not undertaken DL drew attention to the statement in the report relating to the significant risk outstanding regarding the provision of visual skin checks for all staff frequently washing their hands. DL questioned how high the risk of staff contracting dermatitis is, due to frequent hand washing. RDa replied that it is difficult to measure this risk as lots of staff hide this issue as they do not want their hand hygiene to be scrutinised. Directors NOTED the Health and Safety Annual Report for 2012/13 and approve the plan of work for 2013/14. SUMMARY REPORTS OF THE BOARD SUB-COMMITTEES 13/93 Risk Assurance Committee RD explained that the Risk Assurance Committee meeting that was held on 29 August 2013 was not as productive as planned and there were issues in terms of communication. Documents were also presented that had not been updated or were still in draft form. SL added that he anticipated that the next meeting that was scheduled to take place on 11th September would be more structured and better attended. Finance and Performance Committee GMc advised that the Vitalpak was re-presented to the Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 22 August for further scrutiny regarding the financial elements of the business case. The Committee carried out a thorough check and RECOMMENDED that the Board of Directors approve this business case. Following a discussion Directors APPROVED the Vitalpak business case which had also been debated in detail at a previous Board meeting. Clinical Governance and Quality Committee GMc advised that a full summary of the Clinical Governance and Quality Committee was detailed in the Quality and Safety report. Directors NOTED all summaries of the Board sub Committees and recognised that a review of the effectiveness needed to be undertaken now all Board positions were appointed to. ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING - UPDATE 13/94 YM advised Directors that the upcoming Annual Members Meeting (AMM) that is scheduled to take place on 19th September 2013 will be used to showcase the range of services that are available at our hospitals including an opportunity to see a marketplace of stands and interactive displays. There will also be 2 separate presentations Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 17 of 18 Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’) These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 following the meeting relating to thyroid conditions and how to maintain a healthy heart. All members will be provided with a summary version of the annual report. KR recommended that the external auditor attend in order to present their opinion to Members on the Annual Report & Accounts. It was agreed that for the future, an early invite to attend would be extended to the Auditors. GMc encouraged Directors to prepare anticipated questions and ALL answers prior to the event MONITOR FT BULLETIN 13/95 13/96 13/97 13/98 18 Sept 2013 The Board NOTED the Monitor FT bulletin (28 August 2013 issue 72) ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business to discuss POINTS OF REFLECTION The following points of reflection were brought forward • The meeting was short on decision making with too many papers “to note” • Directors expected to receive all Board papers in a more timely manner. • Clarity needs to be gained regarding delegated authority. This clarity will be achieved as part of the review of the Standing Orders • Highlighting issues that are due to be considered and encouraging Directors to think ahead was very helpful. • There was a lot of insight during the meeting but not sufficient foresight. The Board need to be more forward looking in the future in order that it is more proactive DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING It was CONFIRMED that the next meeting of the Board of Directors would be held on Thursday 3rd October 2013 at 9.30am in Room 2, Level 0, Education Centre, King’s Mill Hospital. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 13.30hrs Signed by the Chair as a true record of the meeting, subject to any amendments duly minuted. …………………… [Name of Chairman] Chairman ……………………….. Date Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 5 September 2013 Page 18 of 18
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