First Scholars® Application Cover Sheet The First Scholars Program is available to approximately 20 first-time, full-time freshmen who are first-generation college students (defined as “parents have no more than two years of education beyond high school and no postsecondary degree”) who enroll at the University of Alabama during the 2014-2015 academic year. Twenty students will be selected to participate in a holistic student success program which includes a renewable financial award of $5,000 each, half disbursed in the fall semester and half disbursed in the spring semester. Students will remain in the program and continue to receive the award for an additional 3 years as long as they meet the eligibility and participation requirements. This scholarship requires that the recipients live on campus in the First Scholars Living Learning Community for the 2014-2015 academic year and outside of the family home the following three academic years in order to renew the scholarship. Selection Criteria Students who apply to The First Scholars program must: · Be a first time freshman who has applied and been admitted to the University of Alabama for the 2014-2015 academic year. This includes submitting an application with appropriate fees, high school transcripts, and ACT or SAT scores; · Complete the Student Strengths Inventory (instructions will be given once application has been received); · Demonstrate financial need and complete the FAFSA/Free Application for Federal Student Aid online at by March 1, 2014; · Be a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen as defined by federal law; · Be eligible for in-state tuition; · Have ACT/SAT scores between 20-27 and a minimum high school GPA of 2.5, placing him or her in the mid-range of the university’s admitted class, · Submit scholarship application and all material by February 1, 2014 Students selected to be a First Scholar must: · Agree to attend a New Student Orientation · Agree to enroll in a designated AS 101 course(s) for First Scholars during the fall 2014 semester; · Agree to live on campus as freshman in housing designated for the First Scholars living-learning community, · Participate in designated retreats, activities, workshops and service projects; · Agree to attend regular meetings with the First Scholars Program Coordinator; · Participate in mentoring program; · Maintain a 2.5 GPA; · Transition to leadership roles as upperclassman. How do I apply? Fill out the application form online and submit it with the required materials no later than February 1, 2014 For questions visit our website at or contact Jessica Barnes Franks, First Scholars Coordinator, at (205)348-6559 or via email at Scholarship Application Deadline February 1, 2014 Student Information Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Date of Birth: ________________ (MM/DD/YYYY) CWID Number* _______________________________ *You received this number in an email from the Admissions office. It is also listed on all mailings from the Admissions Office. If you have not applied for Admission yet, please do so prior to applying to the First Scholars Program. Home Phone Number (_______) ___________-___________ Cell phone Number (________) _______________________ Permanent Home Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip County Preferred Email Address __________________________________________________________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Information If any information is not applicable, please list “N/A”. Please verify education information with parent/guardian. Name of Parent/Guardian #1: ________________________________________________________________________ Last First Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Phone:___________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian #1’s Highest Level of Educational Attainment: No High School Some High School High School or GED Graduate Less than 2 years of post-high school education Technical/Vocational School or Certificate Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s, Professional or Ed.D./Ph.D. Name of Parent/Guardian #2: ________________________________________________________________________ Last First Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Phone:__________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian #1’s Highest Level of Educational Attainment: No High School Some High School High School or GED Graduate Less than 2 years of post-high school education Technical/Vocational School or Certificate Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s, Professional or Ed.D./Ph.D. High School/Admission Information High School ____________________________________________Telephone Number (______) ____________ Name City State Expected Date of Graduation ____________ Cumulative Grade Point Average ________ Number of college or AP credits (if any, taken in high school, dual-enrollment, etc.) ____________ ACT score:______________________________ If you have not taken either exam yet, please indicate the date you intend to take the test. Are you a GED Graduate? Yes No If you obtained your GED or are working toward your GED and do not currently in high school, please answer “Yes”. Essay Question Please answer the following question. Answers should be no less than 150 words: Describe your family background and what it means to you to be a first-generation college student. How did you hear about the First Scholars Program? Email Phone call University website First Scholars website Facebook Word of mouth High School Counselor Other, please list: I understand that the application is incomplete and void unless completed and received in the First Scholars program office or postmarked by February 1, 2014. I understand that I must be admitted to the University of Alabama to be considered for the First Scholars program. I verify that the information submitted is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Please mail this complete form to: The University of Alabama First Scholars Program ATTN: Jessica Barnes Franks Box 870114 Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Date: ____________________
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