C C SAHTU Land & Water Board P.O. Box 1 Fort Good Hope, NT XOE OHO Telephone: (867) 598-2413 Fax: (867) 598-2325 E-mail: sahtuexd@allstream.net C 1f r— Da jj 1 JC7 File: SO7C-003 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Larry Wallace Fax Number: (867) 587-2861 Attention: Chairperson, Sahtu Land & Water Board From: George Govier Number of Pages (mcI. cover): 4 Subject: Date: June 15,2007 Land Use Permit Application SO7C- 003 Mineral Exploration Selwyn Program Comments from Sahtu Secretariat Inc. - — Reference: Fax letter from Freda Taniton dated June 8, 2007 1. Please see letter attached from Sahtu Secretariat Inc. 2. Your thoughts and comments always welcome. Regards, George Govier Executive Director 357584906 SAI-TU CRTARIAT I AHTU SCRTAP.T INC. 0:1”48 3m. 08-1 5-2007 1)3 The Sahm Secretariat Inc orporated & Sahtu Dene Council P.O. Box 155 Deline, NT. XOE oGo Tel: (867) 589.4719 Fax (867) 589-4908 Website: www.sahtu.ca S -- F7t :C3C Facsimile To z------’- ZZ L z - I Fox; -z Re: om: Exceutive Director o - Freda Tariiton Chief Financial Officer - C) Fart-Thne Finance Clerk 0 Executive A.sistant O C. Receptionist - - Ruth Arm Elemie - Margaret Sewi Ruby Takarr Vacant o Land and Resource Manager Fred Pierr ot o Sahtu Enrolment Coordinator/ Regional Program Manager o Icria1 FLlucin ari1añngMans HRDA - - Phoebe Esau ) RrAnn Thtth - Subject/Details: Thu Document accompenying tr. m.4saion eont*Jna cou aDa purpose. The liforoaUon et)ia prhttc, ad Is 1gflhly poteet fldentlal lnrestofl ültQu4ed for a apocie Iuaj hcraby uotlfled that any dIsc ed by law. If yuu ere hOt the intended Low’e, copying, distribu tion, or the h.kung of any thia teteeopy Infernietlou recipient, you are Is strIctly probibiried If y-on aetlair In refereflre tO the have rccalvcd this com meIately by telephone and ret at munlcatloe in cnu uin the original to us by r, pleaz nhgiy regular maiL us Aorii Kh Lend >linc Land Cor,nrathn Nc,rTTl3r. WII (..r.J [crt Norain Mcia E. cc O (TorthQn Land Corporar 3 h 4 L r’ t LoJ Co?Q rtin rnrrC.od Mcpe Met L.,d LJ Ccrporadon - - C Racaivad 01—15—07 08:17 rom F4 9 —9 0 S7 8 58 To—SAHTU LWB Land Coror.,on Pa 01 86753g4a0E, $AI-TU SCRCTARIAT SAI-4TU SCFTARST INC. 09:7’ ?0 Sm. 06-15-2007 THE SAHTU SECRETARIAT INCORPORATED FO.5ok 55. Dolirie, NT XOE OGO Tel: (867) 56-”17l9, Fax: (867) 589-4908 June 8, 2007 George Govicr Executive Director Sahtu Land & Water Board P.O. Box 01 Fort Good Hope’ NT XOE OHO Dear Mrs Govicr npJcatign # S07C003 by Pacifica Resources Ltd. The Sithtu Secretariat Incorporated Board of Directors had their meeting on June 7, 2007 in Tulita and there was a concern put forth from the Tulita District Land Corporation regarding Pacifica Resources Ltd. C’ We the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated support the Tulita Distric t Land Corporation to refer Pacifica Resources Ltd to go under an environment assessm ent according to our Sahtu Dene & Meti Comprehensive Land Claim Agftement undor Chapter 25.3.4 which states: ‘A development proposal in the sctlkment area or which may impact upon the settlement area may he referredfor assegsmejzt to the Review Board by the Sahtu Tribal Council or any governmental authority, and by the Re’iew Board on its own motIon.” And under the MVRMA section 126 (2) (b): “The Gwich ‘/n or So/i/u Firsi Nation, in the case of U development to he carried out in its .ettle,ne,zt area or a development that might have an impact on the environment liz that settlement area..’ Therefore, w feel that thc Tulita District requirements arc not being met by Paciflea Resources Ltd. They require further work that needs to take place by the Tulita District hut Pacilica is hot respecting the Tulita District. Tulita feels that there needs to be more C Ayoni Keh Land Corporation Deline Land Corporation Ernie McDonald Land Corporttion Tulita Land Corporation Yamoa Landa Corporotiori Received 06—15—07’ 08:17 From—8675964008 . Fort - Good Hopo Motia Nation Fort Noi-man Mccia Land Loca’ To—SANTU LB Corporation 54 Land Corporation P;g 02 2/3 86758408 SA-TU SCRTARIATI - SAI-4TU ECRCTARIST INC. O9:2O57.m. 08-15-2007 time to do (heir internal studies and a proper consultation to take place by Pacifica Resources Ltd. Motion was macic by thc Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated on June 7, 2008 in Tulita, NT. Moved by Wilfred McNeely Jr. Second by Lcroy Andre “Be it resolved that the Sahtu Secretariat incorporated Board of Directors support the Tulita District Laud Corporation in their request to reFer Pacitica Resources Ltd for an Environmental Assessment.” Also, attach you will find a letter from our oice to the Tulita Distric t Land Corporation President, Clarence Campbell given them a list of things we see wrong with the application from Paciuica Resources Ltd for your reference. If you need further information please contact Alvin Yallec, Land Manager, for the Tuiita District Land Corporation office at (67) 588-4984 or Freda Tanito n, President, for the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated at (87) 589-4719. Mabsi Cho c - Larry ourangcau Chaitpcrson cc: Tulita District Land Corporation C RceivQd 01—18—07 08:17 O rom— 4 8 8SlSSl 9 To—SAHTU L 3)3
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