Master Course Outline Cover Sheet Department: BIOLOGY Course designation: BIOL& 212 Course title: Majors Animal Course description: Continuation of series. Emphasis on the biological diversity of animals, general principles of animal physiology, growth and development. Course prerequisites: BIOL& 211 or BIO 2 of series. Emphasis on the biological diversity of animals, general principles of animal physiology, growth and development. 01. One quarter college chemistry (pref. inorganic series) or permission (C) . Credits: 5 Previous course designation: BIO 202 Previous course title: College Biology EFFECTIVE DATE: APPROVED DATE: REVIEW DATE: S-EATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGES COURSE CODING APPROVAL FORM College No. College Name: 63 NSCC r8J Date 7/24/06 Submitted by D Add to inventory effective _ _ year/quarter D D D D Delete from inventory effective _ _ year/quarter Change to another CIP Code List old CIP Code Title Change only List old title sscc SCCC D D Phone # Peter Lortz SVI D 528-4516 Change status for M degree requirements (Academic Transfer courses only. See #5 below) r8J Other (specify) Increase the contact hours from 66 to 77, revisions throughout the Course Outline Course No. BIO 202 Div/Dept Science Institutional Intent CIP Code 26. 0101 11 Course Title College Biology Administrative Unit Fund Source Budget 1. Is this course a requirement for an approved Vocational Preparatory program? DYes r8J No If yes, list Educational Program Code/EPC: _ _ 2. Does this course imply: Limited English Proficiency? DYes r8J No 3. Does this course imply: Academic Disadvantaged? DYes r8J No DYes r8J No 4. Does this course contain a workplace training component? 5. Which, if any, M Degree requirement(s) will this course satisfy?(Academic Transfer Courses only) A. Special Requirements? B. Distribution Areas D Q Math/Q (Quantitative Reasoning) D C Communication (Studies and Applications) D D D D D Credits § Is this a variable credit class? Student Contact Hours: Lecture 33 (1V\4~ e r1 G (- - c'(Jfvvvr-f 'iif d[fJ-b i~~'iM bvt- $..vfL (5 Concurring AdministratorlSSCq . '\ _ Date Clinical le/CAS/CourseCodingForm2002 System _ Total Itvk 4r1>W~ ~I dffhcL/ ~ :d;s'k Concurring AdministratorlSCCC £tuJdtfM ?/IY/OC ~ept of Instructl~ tJ .~~;:;!/'~'i~{!fJr" l--Date:~ ¢1,.,lnl Course/Changeson-line:~ Other _ /TI.4hU.. Date Global Studies The Physical Universe The Living World Science, Tech., & Environment Faculty Contact Hours 77 D Yesr8J No Lab 44 Originating Administrator Signature D D r8J D Language and Communication Literature/History of Ideas Music, Art, and Drama Individuals and Societies United States Cultures Date ~/ _ 7)/'(;111/ ~ 'HJ!b- CASApproval:1# , Date: ,. _ _ _ North Seattle Community College _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Math, Science, Social Sciences Division Course Establishment Form Outline Effective: Winter Quarter 2007 Division: Math, Science, Social Sciences Program/Dept: Biology Course Number: BIO 202 Credits: 5 Variable: No Course Title: College Biology Inst. Intent: 11 Academic Transfer Fee: Yes X CIP: No 26.0101 Type Science lab Fee Degree/Certificate Requirement: Yes No: X Name of Degree/Certificate: Distribution Requirement for AA/AS: The Natural World Transfer Status to 4-year institution: Yes X No: If yes, please describe: Transfers to 4-year institutions as BIO or BIOl 202 Course length: Lecture: 33 32 77 Course Contact Hours: Prerequisite: Class Size: One Quarter, typically 11 weeks Lab: 44 Yes: X If yes, please describe: Required Placement Tests: Clinical: Other: System: 77 No: BIO 201 with a grade of 2.0 or better or by instructor permission Yes NoX If yes, please describe: Comments: It is recommended that students should have at least tested into English 101 Course Description: Continuation of the three quarter college biology series. Emphasis is placed on the biological diversity of animals, general principles of animal physiology, growth and development, system relationships, with an underlying theme of evolution. Successful completion of BIO 201 is a pre-requisite. It is recommended that students should have at least tested into English 101 I Course Goals: Page 2 NSCC General Edncation Learning Outcomes and/or Related Instructional Outcomes (for technical courses) Met by Course: Outcome #1: Think critically in reading and writing Outcome #4: Assess, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources and a variety of contexts Outcome #10: Identify and understand fundamental concepts of the physical and life sciences and the effects that the uses of these concepts and resulting technologies have on the individual, on society, and on the biosphere Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to • • • • • • • • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of biological evolution Demonstrate an understanding of animal phylogeny and diversity Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between forma and function in the animal body based on simple biological principles Demonstrate a detailed understanding of specific, select animal organ systems Explain the events and control of animal developmental stages Safely implement laboratory procedures and methods Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills Discuss and use the scientific method to address biological questions related to the content of the course I Topical Outline and/or Major Divisions: I. II. III. IV. V. Evolutionary Processes Animal Diversity A. Major Phyla of the Kingdom Animalia (and possibly the relevant Phyla of the "Kingdom Protista") B. Morphology, anatomy, physiology, and natural history as they relate to the classification scheme of the Kingdom Animalia Animal Anatomy and Physiology A. Introduction to animal form and function 1) Homeostasis and feedback 2) Animal cytology and histology B. Select animal organ systems (instructors' option from the following list) 1) Digestive system, Cardiovascular system, Respiratory system, Nervous system, Endocrine system, and/or Skeleto-muscular system 2) Relationships between select systems C. Reproductive system Principles of Animal Growth and Development A. Gametogenesis B. Embryonic development C. Comparative embryology D. Mechanisms of development Special Topics - at the discretion of the instructor ~ • . ... Course Requirements (Expectations of Students) Students will be expected to ... • actively participate in all facets of the lecture and lab. • use the safety standards demanded by the laboratory setting. • participate cooperatively in a small group (lab group) setting. • hand in assignments, and take quizzes and/or exams based on deadlines established by the instructor. • respect fellow students and the instructor. • demonstrate the ability to perform specific competencies listed under "Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives. n Methods of AssessmentlEvaluation: As determined by instructor, but should include at least exams, laboratory quizzes, and laboratory assignments Final grades are assigned according to published grading standards for the course Required Text(s) and/or Materials: As determined by instructor. Supplemental Text(s) and/or Materials: As required by instructor. Outline Developed by: Dave Calomeni Date: May 29, 1996 Outline Revised by: Peter Lortz Date: July 24 Course Establishment Form 2001 Ie 10/11/01 th , 2006
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