..» I */ UJ 31763-+42*/ * *M* * p - * 4 2 IC:2fl ^^OA-S/FEUECHTHIflCHiyBARlIHTT 3176344247;t 1/" 4 TI !• ' '• "^*H'l^ I uw jLO»oaLLfn<w. WOT JL xuxtTmoift&iF> strm» ADO g*Tncr»orT Btnunwa INDIAJ^AFOUB, 2NZKANA 46*<K FAX COVER SHEET TO; frW MUinSSefl: Jeanie - Tobacco I n s t i t u t e %c£*%, 636-0907 FROto XtfOMAS B- FROECffTENICHT 0AT£: October 9 , 1992 °ocr 1992 MUUBtrtt OP PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET); J» tt youfru-icJI*:cuf»y iuopfv'no »M» fax, #•»*• o«U (317) 834-4242 *nd *ik for Chris e i Jennie; dero Is a copy of the preliminary draft which the interim study coftDiicuea on Long Term Needs of the Mental and Developmentally Disabled Committee voted to recommend for passage by the legislature in their meeting vn Tfuirsday> October 8> 1992. ' Legislators supporting the drafting of this legislation were Rep." Brad Bailiff and Senators Marvin Riegsecker and Morrie *: t,;..i. 'ihi.5 bill will undoubtedly be filed when the General Assembly rCirtonvdiK?*- io lata November. Torn COMteXVAUlY JJfffjtg: TW» rtwiuig* ft for tf» «xclu<fc* ust of tfct IndlvfcwJ or »ntfty t» *Woh ft fe tttdmrnd andi». &&&!*£&& * y* 1 <*• * * l >* « d d r « m or *n employ** or «o«nt orth» ftdrfttu** rttpoiMJbfe for dtitvorinattlo tho atfdftwoo, r,tem* do ««* r**3, kw, dituou, copy or dltfrfbut* thi* mo»Mg» »ix* cfo not ttk» *ny Action in rtffww* upon It If you tun* r^»lv*d thi» it«»ucic Jn «rw, pJtuM notify ti» lmm««ai«ly by t«tophon# («*«*) to arrMfio for ftt ratnm. VV» do not Intofttf to WAfv* any *noi'i>*>r<JUrtt tr *t*k produm ptfvll*0» by t*i# transmkifon of iWi fTMM«9», II i-92 FRI 9:51 S3JS GROUP UT3J P.01 3172?73&0S PRELIMINARY DRAFT No. 3322 ^/wro PREPARED BY LEGISLATIVE SERVICES AGENCY 1993 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OCT 1932 DIGEST Citation* Affcctedt 1C 6-7-1. Synopsis: Cigarette tax. Increases the cigarette tax by $0.05 per pack. Provides that the $0.05 increase is deposited in the Aitntal health centers fund. Effective: July 1, 1993. 13t» PD 3$22/DI 79 1993 TI27771114 ^•^JUS/r^USCHIEIIICHT/'EARliSTT 9C5X 3DS GROUP LTD TI ; 3176344247;? 3 / 4 SlT29T56aS P. 62 1 fie it Regular Scaiion 108 th General Aiitmbly UP00) A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Cods concerning cigarette taxation. fie it msctod by the General Assembly oftht Start of Indiana! SECTION 1. IC 6-7-1-12 IS AMENDED TO BEAD AS FOLLOWS: Sec. 12. (a) The following taxes are imposed, and shall be collected and paid as provided in thi* chapter, upon the sale, exchange, bartering, furnishing, giving away, or otherwise disposing of cigarettes within the atate of Indiana; (1) On oigarottac weighing not more than three (3) pounds per thousand (1,000), a tax at the rate of *evea few%dred owenoy fi*o one and twenty-five thousandths of a cent ($0,00775) ($0.01025) per individual cigarette. (2) On cigarettes weighing more than three (3) pounds per thousand (1,000), a tax ac the rate of one and tteee Uutty-six hundredths of a cent ($0.0103) ($0.0136) per individual cigarette, except that if any cigarettes weighing more than three (3) pounds per thousand (1)000) shall be more than six and one-half (6 1/2) inches in length, they shall be taxable at the rate provided In subdivision (1), counting each two and threti>-fourth& (2 3/4) inches (or fraction thereof) as a separate cigarette. (b) Upon all cigarette papers, wrappers, or tubes made or prepared for the purpose of making cigarettes which that are sold, exchanged, bartered, given away, or otherwise disposed of within the et&te or Indiana (other than to a manufacturer of cigarettes for use by him in the manufacture of cigarettes), the following tuxes are imposed and shall be collected and paid as provided in this chapter: (1> On fxfty (50) papers or less, a tax of one-half cent ($0,005). (2) On more than fifty ($0) papers but not more than one hundred (100) papers, a tax of one cent ($0.01). (3) On more than one hundred (100) papers, one-halF cent ($0,005) for each fifty (SO) papers or fractional part ?D 3322/DI 79 1993 TI27771115 ,^-3DS/?SDECHTSKICHT/SAK1STT -5 2 5 2 SDS GROUP LT» TI ; 31T297360S thereof. 14) On tubes, one cent ($0.01) Tor each fifty (50) tub« or fractional part thereof. SECTION 2> IC 6-74*28-1 IS AMENDED TO EEAD AS FOLLOWS: Sec. 28a. The taxes, registration fees, fines, or penalties collected under this chapter shall be deposited on a dally basis in the following manner; (1) SevenfehiMy-firoU(7/3*) forty-firsts (7/41) of Che money shall be deposited in a fund to be known a& the cigarette tax fund. (Z) Qtte thirty.figat fi/«> Eleven forty*firsti (I V41) of the money shall be deposited in a fund to be known at the men to] health centers fund. (3) Fourteen thtfty Pira»3(L 4^1) forty-firsts (14/41) of the money shall be deposited in the state general fund. (4) Nine ihitiyfamm-$ft4> forty-firsts (9/41) of the money shall be deposited into the pension relief fund established in IC 5*10,3-11. The money in the cigarette tax fund, the mental health centers fund, or the pension rciiof fund at the end of a fiscal year does not revert to the state general fund. However, if In any fiscal year, the amount allocated to a fund under subdivision (!) or (2) is less than the amount received in fiscal year 1077, then that lund shall be credited with the difference between the amount allocated and tita amount received infiscalyear 1977, *nd the allocation for the fiscal year to the fund under subdivision (3) shall be reduced by the amount of that difference. FD 3322/DI 79 1993
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