Page Two February 25, 2007 FROM 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 12:10 PM MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Rupert Jonas Eddie Martel Raymond DePlatchett 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 12:10 PM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Elizabeth Corrigan Bernard J. Sweeney, Anniversary Neal Davis 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 12:10 PM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Peter F. Petrino Thomas F. Brosnan, Anniversary Grace R. Slater, Anniversary 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 12:10 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 1 Jerome F. Tolson Dorothy Griffin, Anniversary Dorothy M. O’Connell 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 12:10 PM FRIDAY, MARCH 2 Jason Stadstad Special Intention: The Holden Family David Phillips 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:15 AM 10:00 11:30 1:00 5:00 AM AM PM PM SATURDAY, MARCH 3 Special Intention: Elias Nagele Michael & Margaret Rusnak (Fr. Kleinamann) SUNDAY, MARCH 4 Parishioners (Fr. Ruskamp) Keith & Francis Burke (Fr. De Celles) Special Intention: Sharon Ayoub (Fr. Kleinmann) Robert & Ellen Metzgar (Fr. Ruskamp) Jamie Whelan (Fr. De Celles) Lutgarda Mercado (Fr. Jean-Claude) Marvin J. Brandt (Fr. Kleinmann) Baptism We welcome through the Sacrament of Baptism: Garrett Sage Lian Jack David Schwalb LATIN MASS REMINDER: St. Mary’s offers a Novus Ordo Latin Mass the first Sunday of every month at 10:00 AM. The next Mass will take place on March 4th. WOMEN'S NIGHTS on March 8th & 22ndt: beginning at 7:30pm. Please arrive at the church by 7:30pm for the first ten to fifteen minutes of the parish Holy Hour. By 7:45pm, meet around the corner at the "white house" at 314 Duke St., next door to the rectory. Please contact Theresa at 703-836-4100 or if you have any questions. REEN TO OLD Last week here I mentioned that this week I would speak about the parish mission which begins three weeks from now. A mission is always a great blessing for a parish as are many other events of course. To have a mission in the midst of Lent is quite appropriate. It is almost like a mini-retreat. A mission is an opportunity for increased prayer, for “fasting,” and for almsgiving--the three usual practices of Lent. The primary emphasis of a mission is prayer. It is a chance to increase our devotion to prayer and to the “end” of prayer which is our Almighty Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Our mission will begin at the Saturday 5:00 P.M. Mass on the evening of March 17th. It will continue at all Masses on Sunday, the 18th. In addition there will Mass offered at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, the 19th, Tuesday, the 20th, Wednesday, the 21st, and Thursday, the 22nd (in lieu of the Holy Hour). Confessions will be available at least one of those nights if not more. A mission provides an opportunity for fasting as attendance will require giving up time which might be spent doing something else. And finally, a mission also involves almsgiving as a second collection will be taken up after all weekend Masses for the priest conducting the mission. It is our hope that we are giving and have given you enough time to make this mission part of your Lenten routine this year. While the added evening Masses will be the primary part of this mission, there will be another time when those who do not have the evenings available but want to participate in the mission can. The 8:00 A.M. Masses Monday through Thursday will also be preached by the visiting priest. It is our hope to have a little social after the Mass on Thursday evening, concluding the mission. The priest conducting the mission is Fr. Stephen Valenta. He is a Conventual Franciscan Friar who was ordained in 1951. In his 55 years of priestly service he has worked in parishes and has been a state university chaplain. He spent a year in Assisi, Italy studying the prayer life of St. Francis. Following this but before beginning his parish mission work he founded a hermitage in New York. He has led over 450 missions, retreats, and days of recollection all over the world. He also has given a number of retreats to Blessed (Mother) Theresa’s sisters, the Missionaries of Christ. Father Valenta has also written a number of books and produced video and audio programs. Some of them will be available while he is visiting with us. We look forward to his joining us for a week in Lent and for his direction with the assistance of the Holy Spirit in helping us to grow in holiness and spiritual fruitfulness. Speaking of spiritual fruitfulness, two women of our parish are within the week joining convents and will be exploring the call to them from God to religious life. Diane Maple, who has been a lector and very involved here at St. Mary’s, will be entering the Visitation Sisters in Rockville, Virginia. A special blessing was extended to her at the 8:00 A.M. Mass on Saturday. She departs for the monastery on Friday. Another young woman from the parish is departing soon for a convent in the Midwest. This too then is a great blessing for our parish to have two women entering religious life. Please pray for them as I am sure they will be praying for us. In Christ, Fr. Kleinmann First Sunday of Lent Page Three PRO-LIFE CORNER OBLIGATIONS FOR FAST AND ABSTINENCE DURING LENT: Everyone over 14 years of age is bound to observe abstinence (NO MEAT). ABSTINENCE IS TO BE OBSERVED ON ALL FRIDAYS OF LENT. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, everyone between the ages of 18 and 60 years of age is bound to observe the law of fast. On these two days ONLY ONE FULL MEATLESS MEAL IS ALLOWED. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs; but together they should not equal another full meal. ASH WEDNESDAY AND GOOD FRIDAY ARE THE ONLY DAYS OF BOTH FAST and ABSTINENCE. EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT STATIONS OF THE CROSS will take place at 7:30 PM, followed by CONFESSION. LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS: Each week beginning on Friday, February 23rd and ending on Friday, March 30th, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Kavanaugh, No. 54 and other parish organizations will cosponsor our annual Lenten Soup Supper. To promote respect for life, proceeds benefit MARIH Crisis These soup Pregnancy Center of Alexandria. suppers incorporate the three characteristics of the Lenten Season: almsgiving, fasting and prayer. We share fellowship with a simple meal consisting of meatless soups, bread, salad and soft drinks [with PB&J for the children] from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in Holy Family Auditorium, St. Mary’s Lyceum. [On Friday, March 30th St. Mary’s HSA sponsors the last soup supper in the school cafeteria.] After cleaning up, we pray the Stations of the Cross at 7:30 PM in the Church. Suggested contributions are $10.00 for individuals and $25.00 for families of four or more. For more information or to volunteer your support in contributing to these dinners, please contact Helen Lynch at 703-549-3742. ROSARY REPAIRS: Bring any damaged or old rosaries to the Rosary Repair Clinic, sponsored by the Mary Martha Guild at the Friday Lenten Soup Suppers. For the cost of new materials along with your donation to MARIH Crisis Pregnancy Center, we can repair a Rosary while you wait. For more complex repairs, we can obtain the necessary parts, repair the Rosary and return it at a later date. Additionally, the Mary Martha Guild offers hand-crafted rosaries in crystal, jasper and other unique materials. For more information about hand-crafted rosaries, please contact the Mary Martha Guild at or call Mary Petrino at 703-6838877 in the evenings. LENTEN REFLECTION SERIES BEGINS THIS WEEK! Tuesdays February 27th, March 6th, and March 13th from 7:30-8:45pm in St. Mary's Church. Holy Hour with talk by St. Mary's Priest. Topic is "Reflections on the Theology of Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI." “Meanwhile, sonograms and embryology have made people aware of how well developed fetuses are while still legally vulnerable to abortion. We even do surgery on fetuses now, which makes abortion then seem that much more perverse. ~ William Saletan – Pro-choice columnist, “Life After Roe,” March 5, 2006 FIRST PENANCE for St. Mary's children is Saturday, March 3rd at 10am in St. Mary's Church for school classes 2-10 and 2-12 and Saturday, March 10th at 10am in St. Mary's Church for CCD children and school class 2-11. CONFIRMATION MASS is Wednesday, March 7th at 7:30pm in St. Mary's Church. Bishop Loverde is the celebrant. Reception to follow for families and friends in St. Mary's school gym. Confirmation rehearsal is Tuesday, March 6th at 7pm beginning in St. Mary's Lyceum and continuing in the Church. ST. MARY’S HSA is hosting a Spring Auction on March 31, 2007 at Belle Haven Country Club to raise funds to purchase new technology for the classrooms. The theme this year is “Under the Tuscan Moon.” Please consider supporting the auction this year so the St. Mary’s HSA can continue to support the provision of a quality Catholic education for our parish children by: Becoming a Sponsor or Patron, Donating a Service or an Item, or Advertising in the Auction Catalog. For more information or tickets to the event, please contact Mary Ellen Rotondo at 703-7659236 or Claire Gilbert at 703-765-0163. Thank you! MARY MARTHA GUILD: The next meeting of the Mary Martha Guild will take place at 9:30 AM on Saturday, March 3, 2007 in the parlor of the Sam Adams House, 314 Duke Street. Guild members may donate one hour of prayerful service each week, either in church centered or home-based activities that support various projects. Guild responsibilities include the planning of church decorations, prayer publications, care of flowers and plants that adorn church areas during the liturgical year, and other Catholic crafts such as making rosaries. Guild activities are ideal for mothers and their daughters who wish to work with others on parish projects. Father John De Celles serves as the spiritual advisor to the Guild. For more information about the Guild, please contact Mary Petrino at 703-6838877 (evenings) or at THE NOCTURNAL ADORATION SOCIETY invites you to spend one hour in silent and vocal Eucharistic Adoration on First Friday, February 2, 2007 beginning at 9:00 P.M and ending early Saturday morning, February 3, 2007 at 6:00 A.M at St. Mary’s Church. For more information on this international Archconfraternity committed to monthly Eucharistic adoration, contact Jeff Petrino, President for the Deanery II Parishes at 703-6838877 or by e-mail at February 25, 2007 ST. MARY’S SCHOOL CAR RAFFLE: Win a 2007 BMW X3 Sport Utility Vehicle from Passport Auto Group! Only 600 tickets to be sold. Tickets are $100 each. For applications and information contact Diane Hynes at 703768-0631 or Winner will be announced at the Spring Auction on March 31. CARPENTER’S SHELTER: On March 1st we will be serving dinner to the residents of the shelter. Please sign up for food in the book at the rear of the church. For more information, please contact Barbara Halicki at 703-3707026. Thank you! TODAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS First Reading — God brought us into this country, this land flowing with mild and honey (Deuteronomy 26:4-10). Psalm — Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble (Psalm 91). Second Reading — The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (Romans 10:8-13). Gospel — Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led into the desert for forty days (Luke 4:1-13). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27; Phil 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES First Sunday of Lent; Rite of Election; Rite of Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion; Rite of Sending Friday: First Friday; World Day of Prayer; Abstinence Saturday: St. Katharine Drexel; First Saturday Sunday: Please pray for all those who are ill, including: Lovanne Graham Will Andahazy Constance McAloon Charmaine Atkenson Joseph R. Green, Sr. James McAloon Chris Ballard Vince Guida Mary McDermott Joe Barbano Todd Hansen John Monahan Teagan Bryne Lewis Harper Betty Murphy Terri Clark Theresa M. Hayes Gregory Naile Clyde Colley Daniel Scott Holden Betty Nesky Jane Condon Lisa Kittner Betty Nieman Stephanie Dimond Mary T. Kocourek Aniyah Nick Barbara Dwyer Tommy Lathwell Karen Papouleas Bitsy Foster Jane Lewis John Pierpoint Helen Fraser Thomas Lovely Elizabeth Santos Loretta Fusco Kathy Lynch George Stelluto Garrett Golubin Marjorie Talyor Please pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have died, including: Elizabeth Corrigan and Geraldine Lash Page Four STs. ANNE & JOACHIM SOCIETY (Senior Group): Participants in the study of the Gospel of John, sponsored by the Spirituality Committee of the Sts. Anne and Joachim Soc. will meet at 10:00 am on Thursday March 1 in the St. Joseph's room of the Lyceum on Duke Street. Chapter 7 will be discussed. Fr. Kleinmann will mentor. YOUTH GROUP NIGHTS March 4th, 11th, and 18th: March 4th is a PIZZA PARTY, and we will have a special talk given by a seminarian on Lent. He’ll be joining us from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. You won't want to miss this... All Teens are welcome to join us from 7-9 PM in the parish Lyceum Auditorium for our Pizza Party Youth Group Night on Sunday, March 4th. JUNIOR HIGH GIRLS: Girls' Club returns to St. Mary's School! Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27th. Please be sure to hand in your signed permission slips to the Junior High office since all girls need to have one to participate. All 7th and 8th Grade girls are welcome, and we will hope to see them there. WORKCAMP APPLICATION FORMS: Due IMMEDIATELY (Monday, Feb. 26th), at the Rectory. Please note that there will be no guarantee of spots open. TEEN LOUNGE ~ Next Open on March 2nd! Open to all High School Teens. Please join us on Fridays from 3:15 to 5:15pm in the Loft of the Lyceum. Teens, this area is just for you! *TEENS*: If you have questions about any of these events, please contact Theresa at or 703-836-4100. THANK YOU FROM THE HOLY CROSS SISTERS: On July 15th, Sister Anne F. Tardiff, CSC, was invited to give a little history of the Sisters of the Holy Cross at St. Mary’s Parish and tell about a few of the ministries they are currently involved in. The Holy Cross Congregation would like to thank your pastor, Father Kleinmann, and the parish community for the generous response to the CSC Fund. Please keep them in your prayers as you are in theirs. They are looking forward to the beatification of Father Basil Anthony Moreau, their founder, in September in Rome. PILGRIMAGE TO OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SHRINE: Catholic Daughters are sponsoring a trip to Guadalupe, Mexico City, Mexico, October 10-14, 2007. The tour includes visits to the Guadalupe Basilica, Tepeyac Hill--site of the apparitions, the home of Saint Juan Diego, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Teotihuacan pyramids built 2000 years ago, and key sites of "old Mexico." Fr. Kleinmann will accompany the group. Reservations are due March 15. For more information, please contact Marjorie Niehaus at 703-836-8038; . Brochures and applications are on tables in the back of St. Mary's Church.
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