COVER SHEET A 1 9 9 6 1 1 5 9 3 S.E.C. Registration Number M A N I L A S U B S I D I W A T E R A R I C O M P A N Y I N C . A N D E S (Company’s Full Name) 2 F A D M . B L D G . 4 8 9 K A T I P U N A N R D . (Business Address: No. Street City / Town / Province) Atty. JHOEL P. RAQUEDAN 9267999 local 2021 Contact Person 1 2 3 1 Month Day Fiscal year Company Telephone Number SEC FORM 17- Q S T O C K 0 4 FORM TYPE Month Day Annual Meeting Secondary License Type, If Applicable A1996-11593 Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned File Number ____________________________________ LCU Document I.D. ____________________________________ Cashier STAMPS SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 17-Q QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SRC RULE 17(2)(b) THEREUNDER 1. For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2009 2. Commission Identification No. A1996-11593 3. BIR Tax Identification No. 005-038-428 4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter MANILA WATER COMPANY, INC. 5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization Quezon City, Philippines 6. Industry Classification Code: (SEC Use Only) 7. Address of issuer's principal office: 2F MWSS Admin. Bldg., 489 Katipunan Road, Balara, Quezon City Postal Code: 1105 8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code (632) 926-7999 local 8131 / (632) 981-8130 9. Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last report: Not Applicable 10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the Securities Regulation Code (SRC): Title of each class Authorized Capital Stock Common Shares (P1.00 par value) Participating Preferred Shares)P0.10 par value) Number of Shares Outstanding Common Shares (P1.00 par value) Participating Preferred Shares)P0.10 par value) Number of shares outstanding 3,100,000,000 4,000,000,000 2,030,906,4761 4,000,000,000 Amount of debt outstanding as of September 30, 2009 (Fixed Rate Bonds): Php 4 billion The Company has no other registered securities either in the form of shares, debt or otherwise. 11. Are any of Registrant’s securities listed on a Stock Exchange? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 12. Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (a) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 17 of the Code and SRC Rule 17 thereunder or Sections 11 of the RSA and RSA Rule 11(a)-1 thereunder, and Sections 26 and 141 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, during the preceding twelve (12) months (or for such shorter period the registrant was required to file such reports) Yes [X] No [ ] (b) Has been subject to such filing requirements for the past ninety (90) days. 1 2,004,895,466 Outstanding Common Shares 568,500 Treasury Shares Listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) 25,442,510 Shares Under the Stock Ownership Plans, the listing of which has been approved in principle by the 2,030,906,476 PSE -1- Yes [X] No [ ] PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION Item I: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MANILA WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008 (In Thousands) September 30, 2009 Unaudited ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash Equivalents Short-term cash investments Receivables-net Materials and supplies-net Other current assets Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment-net Service concession assets-net Deferred tax assets Available-for-sale financial assets Other non-current assets-net Total Non-Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts and other payables Income tax payables Current portion of service concession obligation Payables to stockholders Current portion of long-term debt Total Current Liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term debt-net of current portion Service concession obligation-net of current portion Customers guaranty and other deposits Pension liabilities Deferred credits Total Non-current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES Stockholders' Equity Attributable to stockholders of Manila Water Co., Inc Capital stock Additional paid-in capital Subscription receivable Total paid-in capital Common stock options outstanding Retained earnings Unrealized gain on available for sale Treasury stock Minority Interest Total Stockholders' Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY P P P P -2- Dec. 31, 2008 Audited 5,003,854 P 4,051,635 548,389 1,953 929,606 10,535,436 3,989,080 3,368,007 593,138 2,879 641,859 8,594,963 840,640 24,904,148 321,981 1,926,964 1,906,414 29,900,147 40,435,583 P 722,898 23,913,789 327,661 1,551,316 1,257,841 27,773,505 36,368,467 3,122,983 P 122,121 558,230 83,890 607,938 4,495,162 2,739,940 368,151 558,279 110,170 454,755 4,231,295 14,638,653 3,276,495 1,312,308 151,377 263,497 19,642,330 24,137,492 12,897,232 3,475,379 1,034,164 114,670 158,140 17,679,586 21,910,881 2,905,444 3,444,461 (145,381) 6,204,524 7,446 10,566,102 12,468 (500,000) 16,290,539 7,552 16,298,092 40,435,583 P 2,905,444 3,345,449 (90,825.82) 6,160,067 7,446 8,775,853 6,670 (500,000) 14,450,036 7,550 14,457,586 36,368,467 MANILA WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the Three Months and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2009 and September 30, 2008 (In Thousands except earnings per share) QUARTER YEAR-TO-DATE 2009 2008 2009 2008 July - September January - September REVENUE Water Environmental charges Sewer Revenue from projects outside East Zone Others COSTS AND EXPENSES Depreciation and amortization Salaries, wages & employee benefits Power, light and water Management, technical & prof. fees Repair and maintenance Business meetings and representation Regulatory Collection fees Taxes and licenses Wastewater costs Water treatment chemicals Occupancy Transportation and travel Postage, telephone and telegram Insurance Advertising Premium on performance bonds Provision for probable losses Cost associated from projects outside East Zone Others INCOME BEFORE OTHER INCOME(EXPENSES) OTHER INCOME(EXPENSES) Revenue from rehabilitation works Cost of rehabilitation works Foreign currency differentials Foreign exchange gains(losses) Interest income Interest expense Mark-to-market gain on derivatives Other Charges 2,019,612 244,429 99,100 21,156 8,948 2,393,244 1,908,998 226,479 97,800 17,208 2,250,485 5,948,267 725,748 295,109 23,837 41,971 7,034,933 5,645,333 662,450 289,101 37,594 6,634,478 535,510 247,651 118,891 61,815 29,364 25,451 24,510 21,933 20,717 20,506 20,070 17,996 8,421 7,620 7,438 4,378 2,162 (35,815) 16,234 6,307 1,161,157 1,232,087 526,191 227,081 119,335 57,122 40,919 19,571 20,259 22,690 19,329 9,632 15,798 16,798 11,803 6,980 7,216 2,513 1,987 22,333 4,631 1,152,186 1,098,299 1,589,393 726,516 364,652 189,183 89,185 66,654 73,529 76,340 66,843 80,685 39,051 50,319 32,099 20,917 22,593 11,075 6,475 10,630 18,040 19,379 3,553,558 3,481,375 1,385,223 711,083 346,975 167,888 157,879 50,524 60,770 74,319 59,212 22,135 35,277 44,890 33,311 20,342 19,548 14,133 5,153 65,149 13,224 3,287,034 3,347,444 Provision for income tax NET INCOME P OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Changes in fair value of available-for-sale investment TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME P Attributable to minority interest Attributable to owners of the parent EARNINGS PER SHARE(Annualized) Basic Diluted -3- 939,020 (939,020) 321,001 (326,782) 86,664 (219,511) (19,859) 5,232 (153,255) 269,239 809,594 372,524 (372,524) 407,390 (404,292) 41,632 (161,599) (116,869) 250,422 731,008 2,392,881 (2,392,881) 172,612 (159,268) 264,141 (671,480) (47,598) 4,871 (436,723) 771,556 2,273,096 1,797,951 (1,797,951) 1,038,007 (1,153,007) 111,324 (478,122) (8,893) (490,691) 866,597 1,990,155 1,457 811,051 (7) 811,058 731,008 5,797 2,278,893 (7) 2,278,900 (7,798) 1,982,357 1.23 1.23 1.08 1.08 731,008 1,982,357 MANILA WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2009 and 2008 (In Thousands) At January 1, 2009 Additions to subscriptions receivable Issuance/subscriptions of shares Employee share options Increase during the period Dividends on common shares Dividends on preferred shares Unrealized gain(loss) on AFS Balance as of September 30, 2009 At January 1, 2008 Additions to subscriptions receivable Issuance/subscriptions of shares Employee share options Increase during the period Dividends on common shares Dividends on preferred shares Unrealized gain(loss) on AFS Balance as of September 30, 2008 Additional Paid-in Paid-up Capital Capital 2,922,879 3,345,449 Subscription Receivable (108,261) (62,354) Sharebased Payments 7,446 Appropriated Retained Earnings 4,000,000 Unappropriated Retained Earnings 4,775,853 Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Available for Sale-Financial Assets 6,670 Treasury Stock (500,000) 7,799 99,012 2,274,871 (484,621) 2,930,678 3,444,461 (170,615) 7,446 4,000,000 6,566,103 5,797 12,468 (500,000) 2,918,185 3,234,454 (55,940) 6,942 7,969 2,000,000 5,758,369 4,710 (503,761) (6,124) 2,000,000 1,845 4,000,000 (7,798) (3,088) (503,761) 23,967 2,918,185 3,258,421 (48,999) -4- (972,013) (845,619) 3,940,738 Total attributable to owners of parent 14,450,036 (62,354) 7,799 2,373,883 (484,621) 5,797 16,290,540 13,363,987 6,942 1,045,829 (845,619) (7,798) 13,563,342 Minority interest 7,550 2 7,552 - Total Equity 14,457,586 (62,354) 7,799 2,373,883 (484,621) 5,799 16,298,092 13,363,987 6,942 1,045,829 (845,619) (7,798) 13,563,342 MANILA WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2009 and 2008 (In Thousands) 2009 2008 As of September 30 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Income before income tax Adjustments to reconcile net income to operating income before changes in working capital Depreciation and amortization Provision for probable losses Interest Expense-net of amount capitalized Common stock options outstanding Interest Income Operating income before changes in working capital Changes in operating assets and liabilities Decrease(increase) in Receivables Materials and supplies Other current assets Increase(Decrease) in: Accounts and other payables Payables to stockholders Net cash generated from operations Income Taxes Paid Net Cash provided by operating activities CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest received Proceeds from sale of: Termination of available-for-sale financial assets Additions to: Property, plant and equipment-net Concession Assets Short-term cash investments Available-for-sale financial assets Other non current assets Net cash used in investing activities CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Customers guaranty & other deposits Other non-current liabilities Loan Payments Loan Availments Payments of Dividends Service concession obligation Interest Paid Proceeds from issuance of shares Net Cash provided by financing activities NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD 3,044,652 2,856,752 1,589,393 10,630 671,480 31,707 (264,141) 5,083,720 1,385,223 65,149 478,122 17,842 111,262 4,914,351 40,317 926 (249,742) (215,753) 36,499 (9,411) 786,998 (26,281) 5,635,939 (1,005,491) 4,630,447 (1,256,819) (46,242) 3,422,626 (700,470) 2,722,156 268,369 112,021 (489,854) (276,119) (2,884,704) (683,628) (369,838) (322,237) (4,268,157) (166,422) 198,234 (243,405) 1,984,294 (483,812) (64,271) (584,887) 12,751 652,483 1,014,773 3,989,080 5,003,854 -5- (232,351) (915,590) 399,563 (286,578) (1,412,790) 246,460 (1,226,644) 1,522,864 (844,607) (295,664) (364,594) 6,942 (955,243) 354,123 1,536,621 1,890,744 NOTES TO THE INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS A. The interim financial statements as of September 30, 2009 include all adjustments, normal and recurring, which are necessary to present fairly the results for the period shown. The results for the interim periods are not necessarily indicative of results for the full year. B. The accompanying financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention method and in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Philippines. Accounting principles and policies applied for the semester ended September 30, 2009 are the same as those applied in the preceding calendar year, except as stated in the succeeding sections. C. The Company does not have any significant seasonality or cyclicality in the interim operation, except for the usually higher demand during the summer months of April and May. D. Aside from the normal water and wastewater CAPEX disbursements, the Company did not acquire assets or incur liabilities that are material in amount for the period ended September 30, 2009. E. Future events may occur which may cause the assumptions used in arriving at the estimates to change. The effect of any change in estimates will be recorded in the financial statements as they become reasonably determinable. F. The Company is not covered by segment reporting required under PFRS8, Although the Company has several offices around the concession area (East Zone Service Area), the purpose of which is to bring services (service applications, meter reading and billing) nearer to the customers, these business offices do not maintain separate books of accounts. The Concession Agreement grants the Company the right to manage, operate, repair, decommission, and refurbish the MWSS facilities in the East Zone. Legal title to these facilities remains with the MWSS. New assets, on the other hand, acquired by the Company during the term of the concession shall remain with the Company until the expiration date of the Concession Agreement, at which time, all rights, title, and interest in such assets automatically vest in MWSS. G. There were no known material events subsequent to the end of the interim period that have not been reflected in the financial statements for the interim period, or disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements. H. The Company has not been subjected and is not subject to any bankruptcy, receivership or similar proceedings. It has not been subject of any material reclassification, purchase or sale of any significant amount of assets not in the ordinary course of business. I. The Company is contingently liable for lawsuits or claims filed by third parties (substantially laborrelated) which are pending decision by the courts or are under negotiation, the outcomes of which are not presently determinable. The Company has been advised by its legal counsel that it is possible, but not probable, that the action will succeed and accordingly, no provisions for probable losses on these cases were recognized. BASIS OF PREPARATION The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared using the historical cost basis, except for available-for-sale (AFS) financial assets and derivative financial instruments that have been measured at fair value. Manila Water Company, Inc. (the “Company” or the “Parent Company”), and its subsidiaries’, Northern Waterworks and Rivers of Cebu, Inc., Manila Water Total Solutions, Inc., and Manila Water International Solutions, Inc and AAA Water Corporation.(collectively, the “Subsidiaries”), use presentation and functional currency that are denominated in the Philippine Peso (P = ). Our consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of MWCI and the following subsidiaries (collectively, the MWC Group). -6- Name of Subsidiary Manila Water International Solutions Inc. (MWIS) Manila Water Total Solutions Corp. (MWTS) AAA Water Corporation (AWC) Northern Waterworks and Rivers of Cebu Inc. (NWRC) Place of Incorporation Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Principal Activity Management of waterworks, waste waterworks and treatment facilities Management and consultancy water, wastewater and environmental projects Concession services to water and wastewater utilities Construction and management of waterworks, wastewater and treatment facilities 2009 2008 Percentage of Ownership 100 100 100 100 100 - 90 90 MWIS was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on October 13, 2006. It changed its registered name from West Zone Water Services Inc. on May 29, 2008. MWC acquired 100% ownership of AWC from Asia Water Limited and All Asia Development Corporation on July 20 and 24, 2009, respectively. Minority interests represent the portion of the profit or loss and net assets in NWRC not wholly owned and are represented separately in the consolidated statement of income and changes in equity and within the equity section in the consolidated balance sheet, separately from the MWC Group’s equity. Transactions with minority interests are handled in the same way as transactions with the external parties. ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND DISCLOSURES Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash includes cash on hand and in banks. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash with original maturities of three months or less from dates of acquisition and that are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. Other short-term cash placements are classified as short-term cash investments. Short-term Cash Investments Short term cash investments are short-term placements with maturities of more than three months but less than one (1) year from the date of acquisition. These investments earn interest at the respective shortterm investment rates. Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Date of recognition The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability on the consolidated balance sheet when it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Purchases or sales of financial assets that require delivery of assets within the time frame established by regulation or convention in the marketplace are recognized on the settlement date. Derivative instruments are recognized on trade date basis. Initial recognition of financial instruments All financial assets are initially recognized at fair value. Except for financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), the initial measurement of financial assets includes transaction costs. The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: financial assets at FVPL, held-tomaturity (HTM) investments, available-for-sale (AFS) financial assets, and loans and receivables. The Group classifies its financial liabilities as financial liabilities at FVPL and other liabilities. The classification depends on the purpose for which the investments were acquired and whether these are quoted in an active market. Management determines the classification of its investments at initial recognition and, where allowed and appropriate, re-evaluates such designation at every reporting date. -7- Financial instruments are classified as liability or equity in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement. Interest, dividends, gains and losses relating to a financial instrument or a component that is a financial liability, are reported as expense or income. Distributions to holders of financial instruments classified as equity are charged directly to equity net of any related income tax benefits. Determination of fair value The fair value for financial instruments traded in active markets at the balance sheet date is based on its quoted market price or dealer price quotations (bid price for long positions and ask price for short positions), without any deduction for transaction costs. When current bid and asking prices are not available, the price of the most recent transaction provides evidence of the current fair value as long as there has not been a significant change in economic circumstances since the time of the transaction. For all other financial instruments not listed in an active market, the fair value is determined by using appropriate valuation methodologies. Valuation methodologies include net present value techniques, comparison to similar instruments for which market observable prices exist, option pricing models, and other relevant valuation models. Day 1 profit For transactions other than those related to customers’ guaranty and other deposits, where the transaction price in a non-active market is different from the fair value from other observable current market transactions in the same instruments or based on a valuation technique whose variables include only data from observable market, the Group recognizes the difference between the transaction price and fair value (a Day 1 profit) in the consolidated statement of income under “Other income” account unless it qualifies for recognition as some other type of asset. In cases where use is made of data which is not observable, the difference between the transaction price and model value is only recognized in the consolidated statement of income when the inputs become observable or when the instrument is derecognized. For each transaction, the Group determines the appropriate method of recognizing the ‘Day 1’ profit amount. Derivatives recorded at FVPL The Group has certain derivatives that are embedded in the host financial (such as long-term debt) and nonfinancial (such as purchase orders) contracts. The Group has recognized the value of the embedded prepayment option in one of its long-term debt Embedded derivative is separated from the host contract. Embedded derivatives are measured at fair value with fair value changes being reported through profit or loss, and are carried as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Financial assets at FVPL Financial assets at FVPL include financial assets held for trading and financial assets designated upon initial recognition as at FVPL. Financial assets are classified as held for trading if they are acquired for the purpose of selling in the near term. Derivatives, including separated embedded derivatives, are also classified as held for trading unless they are designated as effective hedging instruments or a financial guarantee contract. Gains or losses on investments held for trading are recognized in profit or loss. HTM investments HTM investments are quoted non derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities for which the Group’s management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Where the Group sells other than an insignificant amount of HTM investments, the entire category would be tainted and reclassified as AFS financial assets. After initial measurement, these investments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, less impairment in value. Amortized cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees that are an integral part of the effective interest rate. The amortization is included in “Interest” in the consolidated statement of income. Gains and losses are recognized in income when the HTM investments are derecognized or impaired, as well as through the amortization process. -8- Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities that are not quoted in an active market. These are not entered into with the intention of immediate or shortterm resale and are not designated as AFS financial assets or financial assets at FVPL. These are included in current assets if maturity is within 12 months from the balance sheet date; otherwise, these are classified as noncurrent assets. This accounting policy relates to the consolidated balance sheet captions “Cash and cash equivalents”, “Short-term cash investments”, “Receivables”, and “Other noncurrent assets - net”. After initial measurement, loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, less allowance for impairment. Amortized cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees that are an integral part of the effective interest rate. The amortization is included in “Interest” in the consolidated statement of income. The losses arising from impairment of such loans and receivables are recognized in “Provision for probable losses” in the consolidated statement of income. AFS financial assets AFS financial assets are those which are designated as such or do not qualify to be classified as financial assets FVPL, HTM investments or loans and receivables. These are purchased and held indefinitely, and may be sold in response to liquidity requirements or changes in market conditions. These include equity investments, money market papers and other debt instruments. After initial measurement, AFS financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. The effective yield component of AFS debt securities, as well as the impact of restatement on foreign currencydenominated AFS debt securities, is reported in earnings. The unrealized gains and losses arising from the fair valuation of AFS financial assets are excluded net of tax from reported earnings and are reported as ‘Unrealized gain on AFS financial assets’ in the equity section of the consolidated balance sheet. When the investment is disposed of, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in equity is recognized as other income in the consolidated statement of income. Where the Group holds more than one investment in the same security, these are deemed to be disposed of on a first-in first-out basis. Interest earned on holding AFS financial assets are reported as interest income using the effective interest rate. Dividends earned on holding AFS financial assets are recognized in the consolidated statement of income as other income when the right of the payment has been established. The losses arising from impairment of such investments are recognized as provisions on impairment losses in the consolidated statement of income. Other financial liabilities Other financial liabilities include short-term and long-term debts. All loans and borrowings are initially recognized at the fair value of the consideration received less directly attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, short-term and long-term debts are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains and losses are recognized under the “Other income” and “Other expense” accounts in the consolidated statement of income when the liabilities are derecognized or impaired, as well as through the amortization process under the “Interest expense” account. Customers’ Guaranty and Other Deposits Customers’ guaranty and other deposits are initially measured at fair value. After initial recognition, these deposits are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Amortization of customers’ guaranty and other deposits are included under “Interest expense” in the consolidated statement of income. The difference between the cash received and its fair value is recognized as “Deferred credits”. Deferred credits are amortized over the remaining concession period using the effective interest rate method. Amortization of deferred credits is included under “Other income (expenses)” in the consolidated statement of income. -9- Derecognition of Financial Assets and Liabilities Financial Assets A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial asset or part of a group of financial assets) is derecognized where: 1. the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired; 2. the Group retains the right to receive cash flows from the asset, but has assumed an obligation to pay them in full without material delay to a third party under a “pass-through” arrangement; or 3. The Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset and either (a) has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) has neither transferred nor retained the risk and rewards of the asset but has transferred the control of the asset. Where the Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from an asset or has entered into a passthrough arrangement, and has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset nor transferred control of the asset, the asset is recognized to the extent of the Group’s continuing involvement in the asset. Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred asset is measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset and the maximum amount of consideration that the Group could be required to repay. Financial Liabilities A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or has expired. Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another financial liability from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in the respective carrying amounts is recognized in profit or loss. Impairment of Financial Assets The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired. A financial asset or a group of financial assets is deemed to be impaired if, and only if, there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that has occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (an incurred ‘loss event’) and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or the group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated. Loans and Receivables For loans and receivables carried at amortized cost, the Group first assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are individually significant, or collectively for financial assets that are not individually significant. If the Group determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for individually assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses for impairment. Those characteristics are relevant to the estimation of future cash flows for groups of such assets by being indicative of the debtors’ ability to pay all amounts due according to the contractual terms of the assets being evaluated. Assets that are individually assessed for impairment and for which an impairment loss is, or continues to be, recognized are not included in a collective assessment for impairment. Evidence of impairment may include non-collection of the Group’s receivables, which remain unpaid for a period of 60 days after its due date. The Group shall provide the customer with not less than seven days’ prior written notice before any disconnection. If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). The carrying amount of the asset is reduced through use of an allowance account and the amount of loss is charged to the consolidated statement of income. Interest income continues to be recognized based on the original effective interest rate of the asset. Receivables, together with the associated allowance accounts, are written off when there is no realistic prospect of future recovery. - 10 - If, in a subsequent year, the amount of the estimated impairment loss decreases because of an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed. Any subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss, to the extent that the carrying value of the asset does not exceed its amortized cost at the reversal date. For the purpose of a collective evaluation of impairment, financial assets are grouped on the basis of such credit risk characteristics as industry, customer type, customer location, past-due status and term. Future cash flows in a group of financial assets that are collectively evaluated for impairment are estimated on the basis of historical loss experience for assets with credit risk characteristics similar to those in the group. Historical loss experience is adjusted on the basis of current observable data to reflect the effects of current conditions that did not affect the period on which the historical loss experience is based and to remove the effects of conditions in the historical period that do not exist currently. The methodology and assumptions used for estimating future cash flows are reviewed regularly by the Group to reduce any differences between loss estimates and actual loss experience. AFS financial assets For AFS financial assets, the Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired. In the case of equity investments classified as AFS financial assets, this would include a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the investments below its cost. Where there is evidence of impairment, the cumulative loss - measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognized in the consolidated statement of income - is removed from equity and recognized in the consolidated statement of income. Impairment losses on equity investments are not reversed through the consolidated statement of income. Increases in fair value after impairment are recognized directly in equity. In the case of debt instruments classified as AFS financial assets, impairment is assessed based on the same criteria as financial assets carried at amortized cost. Future interest income is based on the reduced carrying amount and is accrued based on the rate of interest used to discount future cash flows for the purpose of measuring impairment loss. Such accrual is recorded as part of “Interest income” in the statement of income. If, in subsequent year, the fair value of a debt instrument increased and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized in the consolidated statement of income, the impairment loss is reversed through the consolidated statement of income. Offsetting Financial Instruments Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the consolidated balance sheet if, and only if, there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. Materials and Supplies Materials and supplies are valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value (fair value less costs to sell). Cost is determined using the moving average method. Property and Equipment Property and equipment, except land, are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization and any impairment in value. Land is stated at cost less any impairment in value. The initial cost of property and equipment comprises its purchase price, including import duties, taxes and any directly attributable costs of bringing the property and equipment to its working condition and location for its intended use, including capitalized borrowing costs incurred during the construction period. Expenditures incurred after the property and equipment have been put into operation, such as repairs and maintenance and overhaul costs, are normally charged to operations in the period in which the costs are incurred. In situations where it can be clearly demonstrated that the expenditures have resulted in an increase in the future economic benefits expected to be obtained from the use of an item of property and - 11 - equipment beyond its originally assessed standard of performance, the expenditures are capitalized as additional cost of the related property and equipment. Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment commences once the property and equipment are available for use and are calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives (EUL) of the property and equipment or the remaining term of the concession, whichever is shorter, as follows: Office furniture and equipment Transportation equipment Leasehold improvements 3 to 5 years 5 years 5 years Leasehold improvements are amortized over the EUL of the improvements or the term of the lease, whichever is shorter. The EUL and depreciation and amortization method are reviewed periodically to ensure that the period and method of depreciation and amortization are consistent with the expected pattern of economic benefits from items of property and equipment. When property and equipment is retired or otherwise disposed of, the cost and the related accumulated depreciation and amortization and accumulated impairment, if any, are removed from the accounts and any resulting gain or loss is credited to or charged against current operations. Service Concession Arrangement with MWSS The Group accounts for its concession arrangement with MWSS under the Intangible Asset model as it receives the right (license) to charge users of public service. The Service Concession Asset (SCA) is amortized using the straight-line method over the life of the concession. The effect of the adoption of the IFRIC 12 Interpretation required the Group to recognize the fair value of its right to charge its customers, which resulted in the following consequential effects: Increase in total assets with a corresponding increase in total liabilities. The rehabilitation works performed by the Group (previously recognized as property and equipment) and the present value of the total estimated concession fee payments were recognized as intangible assets in accordance with PAS 38, Intangible Assets. The intangible asset is amortized using the straight-line method over the life of the Concession Agreement. Previously, the asset recognized under the concession agreement was amortized based on the ratio of the nominal value of total estimated concession fee payments to the remaining projected billable water volume over the remaining concession period. As the related service concession obligation is now recognized, this resulted in additional finance cost to the Group due to the accretion of the obligation. The increase in intangible assets, together with the change in amortization method described above, also resulted in an increase in amortization expense. In connection with the rehabilitation works performed, the Group also recognized revenue and costs in accordance with PAS 11, Construction Contracts. It measures the revenue from rehabilitation works at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. Given that the Group has subcontracted the rehabilitation works to outside contractors, the recognized revenue from rehabilitation works is equal to the related cost. As the service concession obligations are denominated in foreign currencies these were restated to their peso equivalent using the exchange rate at balance sheet date. The related foreign currency differential adjustment under the concession agreement provided for a reimbursement of an amount in excess of the base rate agreed during the rate rebasing exercise with MWSS. Consequently, the foreign exchange differential adjustment has been capitalized or credited as part of other noncurrent assets or accounts and other payables, respectively. - 12 - Impairment of Nonfinancial Assets An assessment is made at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment of any long-lived assets, or whether there is any indication that an impairment loss previously recognized for an asset in prior years may no longer exist or may have decreased. If any such indication exists, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. An asset’s recoverable amount is calculated as the higher of the asset’s value in use or its net selling price. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. An impairment loss is recognized only if the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is charged to operations in the year in which it arises. A previously recognized impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount of an asset, however, not to an amount higher than the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of any accumulated depreciation and amortization), had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is credited to current operations. Revenue Recognition Water and sewer revenue are recognized when the related water and sewerage services are rendered. Water and sewerage are billed every month according to the bill cycles of the customers. As a result of bill cycle cut-off, monthly service revenue earned but not yet billed at end of the month are estimated and accrued. These estimates are based on historical consumption of the customers. Twelve percent of the water revenue are recognized as environmental charges as provided for in the Agreement. Interest income is recognized as it accrues, taking into account the effective yield of the assets. When the Group provides construction or upgrade services, the consideration received or receivable is recognized at its fair value. The Company accounts for revenue and costs relating to operation services in accordance with PAS 18. Consultancy fees are recognized when the related services are rendered. Other customer related fees such as re-opening fees are recognized when re-opening services have been rendered. Foreign Currency-Denominated Transactions Foreign exchange differentials arising from foreign currency transactions are credited or charged to operations. As approved by the MWSS Board of Trustees (BOT) under Amendment No. 1 of the Concession Agreement, the following will be recovered through billings to customers: a. Restatement of foreign currency-denominated loans; b. Excess of actual Concession Fee payments over the amounts of Concession Fees translated using the base exchange rate assumed in the business plan approved every rate rebasing exercise (P = 44.00 starting January 1, 2008 and P = 51.86 starting January 1, 2003 c. Excess of actual interest payments translated at exchange spot rates on settlement dates over the amounts of interest translated at drawdown rates; and d. Excess of actual payments of other financing charges relating to foreign currency-denominated loans translated at exchange spot rates on settlement dates over the amount of other financing charges translated at drawdown rates. In view of the automatic reimbursement mechanism, the Parent Company recognized a deferred FCDA (included as part of “Other noncurrent assets” or “Accounts and other payables” account in the balance sheet) with a corresponding credit (debit) to FCDA revenues for the unrealized foreign exchange losses (net of foreign exchange gains) which have not been billed or which will be refunded to the customers. The write-off of the deferred FCDA or reversal of deferred credits pertaining to concession fees will be - 13 - made upon determination of the rebased foreign exchange rate which is assumed in the business plan approved by the RO during the latest Rate Rebasing exercise, unless indication of impairment of the deferred FCDA would be evident at an earlier date. Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs are generally expensed as incurred. Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, development, improvement and construction of fixed assets (including costs incurred in connection with rehabilitation works) are capitalized as part of the cost of fixed asset. The Group uses the general borrowings approach when capitalizing borrowing costs wherein the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization is determined by applying a capitalization rate to the expenditures on that asset. The capitalization of those borrowing costs commences when the activities to prepare the asset are in progress and expenditures and borrowing costs are being incurred. Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when substantially all activities necessary in preparing the related assets for their intended use are complete. Borrowing costs include interest charges and other related financing charges incurred in connection with the borrowing of funds. Premiums and/or discounts on long-term debt are included in the “Long-term debt” account in the Group’s consolidated balance sheet and are amortized using the effective interest rate method. Retirement Cost Retirement cost is actuarially determined using the projected unit credit method. The projected unit credit method reflects the services rendered by the employees to the date of valuation and incorporates assumptions concerning employees’ projected salaries. Actuarial valuations are conducted with sufficient regularity, with option to accelerate when significant changes to underlying assumptions occur. Retirement cost includes current service cost, interest cost, actuarial gains and losses and the effect of any curtailment or settlement. The liability recognized by the Group in respect of the defined benefit pension plan is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date together with adjustments for unrecognized actuarial gains or losses and past service costs that shall be recognized in later periods. The defined benefit obligation is calculated by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using risk-free interest rates of government bonds that have terms to maturity approximating to the terms of the related pension liabilities or applying a single weighted average discount rate that reflects the estimated timing and amount of benefit payments. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized as income or expense when the net cumulative unrecognized actuarial gains and losses of the plan at the end of the previous reporting year exceeded 10% of the higher of the defined benefit obligation and the fair value of plan assets at that date. These actuarial gains and losses are recognized over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees participating in the plan. Share-based Payment Transactions Certain employees and officers of the Group receive remuneration in the form of share-based payment transactions, whereby they render services in exchange for shares or rights over shares (‘equity-settled transactions’) The cost of equity-settled transactions with employees is measured by reference to the fair value at the date of grant. The fair value is determined by using the Black-Scholes model. The cost of equity-settled transactions is recognized in the consolidated statement of income, together with a corresponding increase in equity, over the period in which the performance conditions are fulfilled, ending on the date on which the relevant employees become fully entitled to the award (‘vesting date’). The cumulative expense recognized for equity-settled transactions at each reporting date until the vesting date reflects the extent to which the vesting period has expired and the number of awards that, in the opinion of the directors of the Group at that date, will ultimately vest. - 14 - No expense is recognized for awards that do not ultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market condition is satisfied, provided that all other performance conditions are satisfied. Where the terms of an equity-settled award are modified, as a minimum, an expense is recognized as if the terms had not been modified. An additional expense is recognized for any increase in the value of the equity-settled award (measured at the date of modification). The total increase in value of the equitysettled award is amortized over the remaining vesting period. Where an equity-settled award is cancelled, it is treated as if it had vested on the date of cancellation, and any expense not yet recognized for the award is recognized immediately. However, if a new award is substituted for the cancelled award, and designated as a replacement award on the date that it is granted, the cancelled and new awards are treated as if it were a modification of the original award, as described in the previous paragraph. The dilutive effect of outstanding options is reflected as additional share dilution in the computation of earnings per share Treasury Stock Treasury stock is recorded at cost and is presented as a deduction from equity. When these shares are reissued, the difference between the acquisition cost and the reissued price is charged/credited to additional paid-in capital. When the shares are retired, the capital stock account is reduced by its par value and the excess of cost over par value upon retirement is debited to additional paid-in capital to the extent of the specific or average additional paid-in capital when the shares were issued and to retained earnings for the remaining balance. Income Tax Current tax Current tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax Deferred income tax is provided, using the balance sheet liability method, for all temporary differences, with certain exceptions, at the balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and its carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences with certain exceptions. Deferred income tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable income will be available against which the deferred income tax asset can be used or when there are sufficient taxable temporary differences which are expected to reverse in the same period as the expected reversal of the deductible temporary differences. The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax assets to be utilized. Unrecognized deferred income tax assets are reassessed at each balance sheet date and are recognized to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable income will allow all or part of the deferred income tax assets to be recovered. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rate that is expected to apply in the year when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as of the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset, if a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax assets against current income tax liabilities and the deferred income taxes relate to the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority. - 15 - Earnings per Share (EPS) Basic EPS is computed by dividing net income applicable to common and participating preferred stock by the weighted average number of common and equivalent preferred shares outstanding during the year and adjusted to give retroactive effect to any stock dividends declared and changes to preferred share participation rate during the period. The participating preferred shares participate in the earnings at a rate of 1/10 of the dividends paid to a common share. Diluted EPS is computed by dividing earnings attributable to common and participating preferred shares by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period, after giving retroactive effect of any stock dividends during the period and adjusted for the effect of dilutive options. Outstanding stock options will have a dilutive effect under the treasury stock method only when the average market price of the underlying common share during the period exceeds the exercise price of the option. Where the effects of the assumed exercise of all outstanding options have anti-dilutive effect, basic and diluted EPS are stated at the same amount. Assets Held in Trust Assets which are owned by MWSS but are operated by the Group under the Agreement are not reflected in the consolidated balance sheet but are considered as Assets Held in Trust The Group is granted the rights to operate, maintain in good working order, repair, decommission and refurbish the movable property required to provide the water and sewerage services under the Concession Agreement. The legal title to all movable property in existence at the Commencement Date, however, shall be retained by MWSS and upon expiration of the useful life of any such movable property as may be determined by the Group, such movable property shall be returned to MWSS in its then-current condition at no charge to MWSS or the Group. The Concession Agreement also provides for the Concessionaires to have equal access to MWSS facilities involved in the provision of water supply and sewerage services in both East and West Zones including, but not limited to, the MWSS management information system, billing system, telemetry system, central control room and central records. MWSS’ corporate headquarters is made available to the Concessionaires for a one-year period starting August 1, 1997, subject to a yearly renewal by mutual agreement of the parties. As of December 31, 2008, the Group has renewed the lease for another year. These are included in the “Occupancy Costs” account in the consolidated statements of income. Provisions A provision is recognized when the Group has: (a) a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event; (b) it is probable (i.e. more likely than not) that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and (c) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessment of the time value of money and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as an interest expense. Where the Group expects a provision to be reimbursed, the reimbursement is not recognized as a separate asset but only when the reimbursement is virtually certain. Provisions are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. Events After Balance Sheet Date Any post year-end event up to the date of the auditor’s report that provide additional information about the Group’s position at the balance sheet date (adjusting events) is reflected in the consolidated financial statements. Any post year-end event that is not an adjusting event is disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements when material. Contingencies Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the consolidated financial statements. These are disclosed unless the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is remote. Contingent - 16 - assets are not recognized in the consolidated financial statements but disclosed when an inflow of economic benefits is probable. MANAGEMENT’S JUDGEMENTS AND USE OF ESTIMATES The preparation of the accompanying consolidated financial statements in conformity with PFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. The estimates and assumptions used in the accompanying consolidated financial statements are based upon management’s evaluation of relevant facts and circumstances as of the date of the consolidated financial statements. Actual results could differ from such estimates. Management believes the following represent a summary of these significant estimates and judgments: Service Concession Arrangement In applying Philippine Interpretation IFRIC 12, the Group has made a judgment that the Concession Agreement qualifies under the Intangible Asset model. Impairment of AFS financial assets The Group treats AFS financial assets as impaired when there has been a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value below its cost or where other objective evidence of impairment exists. The determination of what is ‘significant’ or ‘prolonged’ requires judgment. The Group treats ‘significant’ generally as 20% or more and ‘prolonged’ as greater than six (6) months for quoted securities. In addition, the Group evaluates other factors, including the future cash flows and the discount factors of these securities. Use of Estimates Key assumptions concerning the future and other sources of estimation and uncertainty at the balance sheet date that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below. Estimating allowance for doubtful accounts The Group maintains allowance for doubtful accounts based on the results of the individual and collective assessments under PAS 39. Under the individual assessment, the Group is required to obtain the present value of estimated cash flows using the receivable’s original effective interest rate. Impairment loss is determined as the difference between the receivable’s carrying amount and the computed present value. Factors considered in individual assessment are payment history, past due status and term. The collective assessment would require the Group to group its receivables based on the credit risk characteristics (industry, customer type, customer location, past-due status and term) of the customers. Impairment loss is then determined based on historical loss experience of the receivables grouped per credit risk profile. Historical loss experience is adjusted on the basis of current observable data to reflect the effects of current conditions that did not affect the period on which the historical loss experience is based and to remove the effects of conditions in the historical period that do not exist currently. The methodology and assumptions used for the individual and collective assessments are based on management's judgment and estimate. Therefore, the amount and timing of recorded expense for any period would differ depending on the judgments and estimates made for the year. Estimating useful lives of property and equipment The Group estimates the useful lives of its property and equipment based on the period over which the assets are expected to be available for use. The Group reviews annually the estimated useful lives of property and equipment based on factors that include asset utilization, internal technical evaluation, technological changes, environmental and anticipated use of the assets tempered by related industry benchmark information. It is possible that future results of operations could be materially affected by changes in the Group’s estimates brought about by changes in the factors mentioned. A reduction in the - 17 - estimated useful lives of property and equipment would increase depreciation and amortization and decrease noncurrent assets. Asset impairment The Group assesses the impairment of assets whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. The factors that the Group considers important which could trigger an impairment review include the following: significant underperformance relative to expected historical or projected future operating results; significant changes in the manner of usage of the acquired assets or the strategy for the Group’s overall business; and significant negative industry or economic trends. As described in the accounting policy, the Group estimates the recoverable amount as the higher of the net selling price and value in use. In determining the present value of estimated future cash flows expected to be generated from the continued use of the assets, the Group is required to make estimates and assumptions regarding the expected future cash generation of the assets (property and equipment, concession assets, and other noncurrent assets), discount rates to be applied and the expected period of benefits. Deferred tax assets The Group reviews the carrying amounts of deferred income taxes at each balance sheet date and reduces deferred tax assets to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available to allow all or part of the deferred tax assets to be utilized. However, there is no assurance that the Group will generate sufficient taxable income to allow all or part of the deferred tax assets to be utilized. Also, the Group does not recognize certain deferred taxes on deductible temporary differences where doubt exists as to the tax benefits they will bring in the future. Share-based payments The expected life of the options is based on the expected exercise behavior of the stock option holders and is not necessarily indicative of the exercise patterns that may occur. The expected volatility is based on the average historical price volatility of several water utility companies within the Asian region which may be different from the expected volatility of the shares of stock of the Group. Pension and other retirement benefits The determination of the obligation and cost of pension and other retirement benefits is dependent on the selection of certain assumptions used by actuaries in calculating such amounts which include, among others, discount rate, expected return on plan assets and salary increase rate. While the Group believes that the assumptions are reasonable and appropriate, significant differences in actual experience or significant changes in assumptions materially affect retirement obligations. Fair value of financial instruments Where the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the consolidated balance sheets or disclosed in the rates cannot be derived from active markets, they are determined using internal valuation techniques using generally accepted market valuation models. The inputs to these models are taken from observable markets where possible, but where this is not feasible, estimates are used in establishing fair values. These estimates may include considerations of liquidity, volatility, and correlation - 18 - Derivative asset on bond call option was valued using the Black’s option model. Valuation inputs such as discount rate were based on credit adjusted spot rate as of value date while interest rate volatility was computed based on historical rates or data. Contingencies The Group is currently involved in various legal proceedings. The estimate of the probable costs for the resolution of these claims has been developed in consultation with internal and outside counsels handling the defense in these matters and is based upon an analysis of potential results. The Group is contingently liable for lawsuits or claims filed by third parties (substantially labor-related and civil cases) which are either pending decision by the courts or are under negotiation, the outcomes of which are not presently determinable. The Group has been advised by its internal and outside counsels that it is possible, but not probable, the action will succeed and accordingly, no provision for probable losses on these cases was recognized. The Group currently does not believe these proceedings will have a material adverse affect on the Group’s financial position. It is possible, however, that future results of operations could be materially affected by changes in the estimates or in the effectiveness of the strategies relating to these proceedings. COMMITMENTS The significant commitments of the Group under the Concession Agreement are as follows: a. To pay MWSS concession fees b. To post a performance bond, bank guarantee or other security acceptable to MWSS amounting to US$60.00 million in favor of MWSS as a bond for the full and prompt performance of the Group’s obligations under the Concession Agreement. The aggregate amounts drawable in one or more installments under such performance bond during the Rate Rebasing Period to which it relates are set out below. Aggregate Amount Drawable under Performance Bond (in US$ Millions) Rate Rebasing Period First (August 1, 1997-December 31, 2002) Second(January 1, 2003-December 31, 2007) Third (January 1, 2008 -December 31, 2012) Fourth (January 1, 2013 -December 31, 2017) Fifth (January 1, 2018 -May 6, 2022) US$70 70 60 60 50 Within 30 days from the commencement of each renewal date, the Group shall cause the performance bond to be reinstated in the full amount set forth above as applicable for that year. Upon not less than 10 days written notice to the Group, MWSS may make one or more drawings under the performance bond relating to a Rate Rebasing Period to cover amounts due to MWSS during that period; provided, however, that no such drawing shall be made in respect of any claim that has been submitted to the Appeals Panel for adjudication until the Appeals Panel has handed down its decision on the matter. In the event that any amount payable to MWSS by the Group is not paid when due, such amount shall accrue interest at a rate equal to that of a 364-day Treasury Bill for each day it remains unpaid; c. To pay MWSS an annual amount (accounted for as regulatory costs in the consolidated statements of income) equal to one-half of the annual MWSS budget, provided that such annual budget shall not, for any year, exceed P = 200.00 million, subject to annual CPI adjustments; - 19 - d. To meet certain specific commitments in respect of the provision of water and sewerage services in the East Zone, unless deferred by the Regulatory Office due to unforeseen circumstances or modified as a result of rate rebasing exercise; e. To operate, maintain, renew and, as appropriate, decommission facilities in a manner consistent with the National Building Standards and best industrial practices so that, at all times, the water and sewerage system in the East Zone is capable of meeting the service obligations (as such obligations may be revised from time to time by the Regulatory Office following consultation with the Group); f. To repair and correct, on a priority basis, any defect in the facilities that could adversely affect public health or welfare, or cause damage to persons or third party property; g. To ensure that at all times, the Group has sufficient financial, material and personnel resources available to meet its obligations under this Agreement; and h. To ensure that no debt or liability that would mature after the life of the Agreement will be incurred unless with the approval of MWSS. Failure of the Group to perform any of its obligations that is deemed material by the Regulatory Office may cause the Agreement to be terminated. The Agreement also provides a general rate setting policy for rates chargeable by the Group for water and sewerage services as follows: 1. For the period through the second Rate Rebasing date (January 1, 2008), the maximum rates chargeable by the Group (subject to interim adjustments) are set out in the Concession Agreement; and 2. From and after the second Rate Rebasing date, the rates for water and sewerage services shall be set at a level that will permit the Group to recover, over the 25-year term of the concession, its investment including operating, capital maintenance and investment incurred, Philippine business taxes and payments corresponding to debt service on the MWSS loans and the Group’s loans incurred to finance such expenditures, and to earn a rate of return on these expenditures for the remaining term of the concession in line with the rates of return being allowed from time to time to operators of long-term infrastructure concession arrangements in other countries having a credit standing similar to that of the Philippines. The maximum rates chargeable for such water and sewerage services shall be subject to general adjustment at five-year intervals commencing on the second Rate Rebasing date; provided that the Regulatory Office may exercise its discretion to make a general adjustment of such rates on the first Rate Rebasing date (January 1, 2003). MWSS exercised its option to implement general Rate Rebasing starting January 1, 2003 through Regulatory Office Resolution No. 02-007 and Board of Trustees Resolution No. 329-2002, both dated December 13, 2002. On December 14, 2007, MWSS Board of Trustees approved and confirmed, through MWSS Resolution No. 2007-278, a staggered implementation of the Rate Rebasing adjustment effective January 1, 2008. On February 3, 2009, MWSS Board of Trustees approved, through MWSS Resolution No. 2009-025, the implementation of the 12.2% Consumer Price Index-linked adjustment as applied to the Average Basic Charge of Manila Water and a net adjustment of P0.04 per cubic meter through the FCDA mechanism. On April 16, 2009, MWSS Board of Trustees approved, through MWSS Resolution No. 2009-072, that the Concession Period of Manila Water be renewed/extended for an additional period of fifteen (15) years, from 2022 to 2037, subject to the written consent of the Republic of the Philippines. - 20 - On October 19, 2009, the Department of Finance (DOF) has acknowledged and approved the extension of the said Concession Agreement for another fifteen (15) years from its original term. The approval of the DOF confirms the government’s guarantee of its contractual obligation relative to the extension. Manila Water has officially received the signed copy and corresponding documents to this effect and shall now proceed to complete its own contractual obligations. In view thereof, since all the contingent conditions have been fulfilled and all legal requirements completed, the Concession Agreement renewal is now in full force and effect. - 21 - MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS The following management’s discussion and analysis (“MD&A”) of the Manila Water Company’s financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with the Company’s unaudited financial statements, including related notes. This report may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. The actual results may differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including but not limited to, economic, regulatory, socio-political, financial, and other risk factors. Any references in this MD&A to “our”, “us”, “we”, or the “Group” shall refer to Manila Water Company, Inc., including its subsidiaries. Any reference to “Manila Water Company”, “Manila Water” or the “Company” shall refer to the parent company only. Additional information about the Group, including recent disclosures of material events and annual/ quarterly reports, are available at our corporate website at Overview of the Business Manila Water Company is a Philippine company that holds exclusive rights to service the eastern side (“East Zone”) of Metro Manila, under a 25-year Concession Agreement entered into between the Company and Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (“MWSS”). Under the Concession Agreement, the Company provides water treatment, water delivery, sewerage and sanitation services to an estimated five million people in the East Zone, comprising a broad range of residential, commercial and industrial customers. The Company, as a concessionaire of MWSS, covers a service area which encompasses 23 cities and municipalities, including San Juan, Taguig, Pateros, Marikina, Pasig, Mandaluyong, most of Quezon City and Makati, parts of Manila, and the province of Rizal, spanning approximately 1,400 square kilometers. As we disclosed recently, Manila Water received an official notice from the MWSS Board of Trustees that our proposal for the renewal of our Concession Agreement period for another 15 years has been approved and confirmed by the Department of Finance of the Republic of the Philippines. The renewal of concession will result in an extension of the period from 2022 to 2037. The Company decided to pursue new projects outside of its current service area. We have an existing contract with Saigon Water Company (“Sawaco”) for a non-revenue water reduction program that covers approximately 25% of Sawaco’s service area in Ho Chi Minh City. We entered into a management contract with Mahindra Water Utilities Limited for the operation of a water and sewerage project located in Tiripur, India. We also entered into joint venture agreement with Philippine Tourism Authority (“PTA”) for the management of the water and wastewater systems in Boracay Island, a major tourist destination in the Philippines. In July, the company acquired 100 percent ownership of AAA Water Corporation which is 70 percent ownership of the Laguna AAA Water Corporation (LAC), a joint venture company that has 25-year concession to provide water supply services to the city of Sta. Rosa and the municipalities of Biñan and Cabuyao in Laguna. Over the past eleven years, the Company received numerous awards and recognitions from various local and international bodies, for its management success, sustainable development and corporate governance. Just recently, Manila Water garnered the top award in the CSR Leadership Challenge from the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP). MAP also recognized the company’s 2007 Annual Report as the Best Annual Report from more than 50 publicly listed companies. Earlier this year, the Company was also awarded “Best in Corporate Governance” by The Asset magazine, as well as similar recognitions from Finance Asia magazine, Corporate Governance Asia and from the Institute of Corporate Directors. Key Performance Indicators The Group’s key operational performance indicators are discussed below: Billed volume The billed volume, which is reported in terms of million cubic meters (mcm), indicates the volume of water sold by the Company for the period. Year to date billed volume slightly increased by 1% from - 22 - 291.4mcm to 294.5mcm . Average consumption per customer decreased from 54 to 50 cu.m. per connection largely from our commercial and industrial accounts. Collection efficiency Year to date collection efficiency was at 100% (including past due accounts), while average accounts receivable days was at 17days. This is better than the previous year’s collection efficiency of 99%. Service connections As a result of the completion of various expansion projects, new service connections increased by 41,328 and brought the total service connections to 725,222 as of September 2009, serving a total of 1,073,225 households. Non-revenue water ratio Non-revenue water (NRW) refers to system losses, or the volume of water lost in the network through leakage or pilferage. It is computed by deducting total water billed (billed volume) from the total water supplied (water supply) to the customers, while NRW ratio is derived by dividing the NRW by the water supply. A lower level of NRW ratio means greater network efficiency. As of the end of September 2009, NRW ratio decreased to 15%, down by 5.0% points from the year-ago figure, mainly due to the effective supply and pressure management. Water quality The Company continued to exceed the Department of Health (DOH) bacteriological compliance standard of 95%. For a number of years now, our water quality compliance has been maintained at 100%. An average of 921 water samples per month were collected from the customers’ tap, schools, hospitals, and public places. The water samples were bacteriologically examined to ensure safety and potability and to detect the presence of chemical substance that may affect the quality for domestic use. We operate a testing laboratory that is accredited by the DOH and is ISO/IEC17025:2005 – certified since 2006. This means that the laboratory meets the requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibration, including sampling. The Group’s key financial performance indicators are discussed below: Operating revenue growth Operating revenues for the third quarter of 2009 amounted to P7,035 million, 6% higher from the same period a year ago. This increase was driven by inflation-based adjustments in tariff.. EBITDA and EBITDA margin Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) grew by 7% to P5,071 million for the nine-month period of 2009, resulting in an EBITDA margin of 72%. This was brought about by effective management of operating costs (excluding depreciation) which grew by 3% year on year. (See more detailed explanation in the succeeding section). Net income and net income margin Net income grew by 14% for the nine-month period in 2009, to P2,273 million. Net income margin was at 32%, from only 30% in the prior year. The improvement in net income was a result of higher EBITDA, higher interest income and lower income tax rate in 2009. - 23 - Results of Operations Financial Highlights Operating revenues as of September 30, 2009 registered at P7,035 million, P400 million higher than the previous year. The increase was the result of inflation-based adjustments implemented in February 2009. However, the full impact of the tariff increase on the revenues was recorded only in the following month. Total operating costs increased by P266 million or 8%, to P3,553 million for the nine-month period ending September. Depreciation, which accounts for 45% of total operating costs increased by 15% with the amortization of completed project cost. Other operating cost drivers were power, insurance, wastewater costs and premises cost which increased due to the expansion in service coverage, as additional wastewater facilities and services were put in place. EBITDA, which essentially measures the Group’s operating cash earnings for the period, improved by 7% to P5,071 million, from P4,733 million last year. EBITDA margin improved from 71 to 72% of operating revenues. The Group ended the third quarter of 2009 with P2,273 million in net income after tax,14% higher than last year. The lower income tax rate for 2009 and higher interest income also contributed to the earnings growth. Net income margin improved to 32% compared with the year-ago level of 30%.. Earnings per share was computed at P0.92. Cash reserves and investments improved to P10,982 million, as at the close of the third quarter this year. This was P2,074 million higher than the cash balance at the end of 2008. The Group’s cash reserves and investments are composed of cash and cash equivalents, short term investments, and financial assets classified as available for sale, which are mostly denominated in local currency. Liquidity was bolstered by the sustained collection efficiency, averaging 100% for the nine-month period of 2009, while days receivable was at 17 days. Total current assets exceeded total current liabilities by a ratio of 2.3 times (current ratio). Total assets grew by P4.07 billion as of September 2009, due to the strong cash flows. Service concession assets stood at P24.9 billion, approximately P990 million (net of amortization) higher than the end of year level in 2008. Service concession assets were composed of direct capital investments of the Company and the present value of future concession fee payments. Long-term debts are composed of both peso and foreign-denominated term loans and the peso bonds. Total long term debts at P15 billion, increased by P2.1 billion since December 2008. Net long term debt-to-equity was at 1.2X, as in the prior year. The Group maintained a favorable level of total liabilities/ equity ratio at 60:40 (or 1.5 times) Stockholders’ equity increased by P1.8 billion since December 31, 2008, as a result of higher retained earnings. Book value per share was computed at P8.03 per share. There were no new equity shares issued from January to September this year, except for the exercise of stock options in relation to Group’s employee benefits. In its last meeting on September 24, 2009, the Group’s Board of Directors declared a P0.20 per common share (and P0.02 per participating preferred share) in cash dividends, which totaled to P437 million. The cash dividends is to be paid on October 30, 2009 for all common and participating preferred stockholders as of record date October 08, 2009. - 24 - The following table summarizes the income statement highlights of the Group: Statement of Income In million pesos Total revenues Total cost and expenses, excluding depreciation/amortization EBITDA Margin Depreciation and Amortization Income before other income/ expenses Interest expenses Interest income Net foreign currency gains/ (losses) Mark-to-market gains/(losses) Other charges/Loss from asset sale Income before income tax Provision for income tax Net Income Total comprehensive income For the nine months ende September 30, 2009 2008 7,035 6,634 1,964 5,071 1 1,589 3,481 (671) 264 13 (48) 5 3,045 772 2,273 6 Incr/(Decr) Amount % 400 6 1,902 4,733 1 1,385 3,347 (478) 111 (115) (9) 2,857 867 1,990 (8) 62 338 0 204 134 (193) 153 128 (48) 5 188 (95) 283 14 3 7 1 15 4 40 137 -112 -55 7 -11 14 -174 Operational Highlights Billed volume, which measures the total volume water billed to the customers, reached 294.5 million cubic meters for the nine-month period ending September 2009. This figure was at par with last year’s level. While the number of connections increased by 10% year-on-year. Average consumption per connection decreased by 8% to 51 cu.m., largely from domestic and commercial accounts. NRW ratio declined by 5 percentage points to 15%, as a result of pressure management and effective supply management. We continued to exceed service targets by achieving 100% compliance with water quality standards, with 24-hour availability in more than 99% of its current service coverage, and a manpower efficiency of 1.5 staff per 1000 connections, outperforming regulatory targets and most of its regional counterparts. The following table summarizes the operational performance of the Company: September 30 2009 2008 Inc(Dec) Amount % 294 3.0 1.03 34199 4.9 Billed volume (in million cubic meters) Number of water connections('000) 725,222 291 691,023 Average consumption (in cu.m per month) 51.1 55.4 -4.3 -7.8 358.7 370.1 -11.4 -3.1 15.4% 20.2% 99% 99% - - 1.5 1.5 - - 100% 100% - - Water supplied (in million cubic meters) Non-revenue water (water losses ratio) 24-hour availability Staff per 1000 connections Water quality compliance - 25 - -4.8% pts Analysis of operating revenues The Group derived up to 85% of its operating revenues from water billings, 14.5% from environmental and sewer charges, and 0.5% from other miscellaneous charges. The increase in operating revenue, driven by the increase in tariff and billed volume, was 4% lower from plan brought about by the staggered implementation of the tariff adjustment and the decrease in the average consumption per connection. Changes in average consumption is broken down as follows: Average consumption per connection In cubic meters per month Residential Semi-commercial Commercial Industrial Overall As of September 30, 2009 2009 2008 37.6 40.3 105.8 104.1 229.1 256.8 292.3 285.3 51.1 55.4 Incr/(Decr) Volume % -3 -6.8 2 1.7 -28 -10.8 7 2.4 -4 -7.8 Income from from projects outside the East Zone comprised of revenues from project management fees in Vietnam and India amounting to P14 million and subsidiaries at P10 million. Analysis of operating costs Below is a summary of the increases or decreases in operating costs: Nine Months Ended September 30 COSTS AND EXPENSES 2009 1589 727 365 189 81 89 76 74 11 67 67 50 32 39 23 19 21 11 6 18 3554 Amount in millions Depreciation/Amortization Salaries, wages & employee benefits Power, light and water Management, technical & prof. fees Wastewater costs Repair and maintenance Collection fees Regulatory Provision for doubtful accounts Taxes and licenses Business meetings and representation Occupancy Transportation and travel Water treatment chemicals Insurance Others Postage, telephone and telegram Advertising Premium on performance bonds Cost Associated from Outside East Zone Total Operating Costs (Php) - 26 - 2008 1385 711 347 168 67 113 74 61 65 59 51 45 33 35 20 13 20 14 5 3287 Incr.(Dec) (%) 204 15 18 21 14 -24 2 13 -55 8 16 5 -1 4 3 6 1 -3 1 18 267 15 # 2 # 5 13 20 -21 3 21 -84 13 32 12 -4 11 16 47 3 -22 26 8 The increase in operating costs was accounted for mainly by the increases/decreases of the following accounts: Power, light and water The increase was due to additional consumption for new water and wastewater facilities. Total consumption increased by 3.3 million kwh or 6%, while effective cost/kwh decreased by P0.9 or 1% compared with last year. Management, technical & professional fee The increase was due to the engagement of services of consultants on tax matters, rate rebasing, due diligence and foreign currency differentials. Provision for doubtful accounts The bad debts provision for the year was reduced as a result of improved collection efficiency. As the balance of provisions made in prior years proved to be enough to cover overdue accounts, allowance for the year was limited to 1% of latest billing. Regulatory cost The increase was due to the annual CPI rate adjustment payable to MWSS Regulatory office as operating expense budget. Water Treatment Chemicals The increase was a result of additional requirements in chemicals due to high turbidity of raw water and higher volume of water treated. Taxes and licenses This was due to increase in local business taxes as a result of higher revenue base, and real property taxes. Repair and maintenance The decrease in the maintenance cost was due to the replacement of old equipments which were covered by longer warranty period. The coverage and prices of existing preventive maintenance contracts were also reviewed. Occupancy cost This was due to increase in building rental expenses and rate adjustments for janitors and security guards deployed in various facilities. Transportation and travel The decrease was due to lower cost per liter of fuel Insurance The increase was due to the increase in the value of insured assets. Wastewater costs The increase was accounted for by the expansion in wastewater services and facilities, particularly septic tank desludging services. This also covered the costs of maintaining the desludging trucks. Premium on performance bonds The increase was due to the posting of additional performance bonds, as required in the bidding procedures and acquisition for new projects. Advertising 2008 charges were higher than 2009, as the Company intensified its public awareness programs last year. Business meetings and representation The increase was due to the increase in activities in support of the various business expansion programs of the company. - 27 - Others These covered the Increase in communication expenses, computer and office supplies and miscellaneous expenses Analysis of depreciation, other income and expenses, and income tax Depreciation and amortization expenses increased from P1,385 million to P1,589 million year-on-year, due to the increased capital investments. The Group uses a straight-line amortization method, (see Notes to the Interim Financial Statements) Interest income increased to P264 million versus P111 million last year due to the higher level of cash investments for 2009. Interest expenses, on the other hand, increased to P671 million due to the additional loans incurred towards the second half of 2008. Mark-to-market losses on embedded derivatives amounted to P48 million, resulting from the effect of the changes in risk free rate on the value of the prepayment option under the terms of the P4.0 billion peso bonds issued last year. The Group benefited from the lower nominal income tax rate this year, from 35% to 30%. Provision for income tax thus declined to P772 million, from P867 million last year. Effective tax rate on taxable income is at 25%. Liquidity and Capital Resources Balance sheet In million pesos Total assets Cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and other financial assets Other current assets September 30 2009 40,436 Dec 31 2008 36,368 Incr/Decr Amount 4,067 10,982 930 8,841 642 2,142 288 25,745 2,779 24,137 15,052 3,276 5,809 16,298 24,637 2,249 21,911 12,897 3,475 5,538 14,458 1,108 530 2,227 2,155 -199 271 1,016 4,070 37,677 11% 25% 1.25x 2.58x 6.91 4,056 32,104 13% 28% 1.17x 2.03x 6.17 13 5,573 Service concession assets and PPE Other non current assets Total liabilities MWC loans Service concession loans Others Total shareholders' equity Financial ratios Net debt* Market capitalization Net debt to market capitalization Net debt to equity Net debt to EBITDA Current ratio Book value per share (Pesos) * Long term debts minus cash and cash equivalents, short term investments and other financial assets Sources and uses of cash In Million Pesos For the nine months ended September 30 2009 2008 Net cash provided by operating activities Net cash used in investing activities Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities 4,930,447 -4,568 652 - 28 - 2,722 -1412.79 -955 Incr/ Decr Amount 4,927,725 -3,155 1,608 % 181023 223 -168 Assets and liquidity Under the Intangible Asset Model of the Philippine standard-IFRIC 12, the Group records all capital investments pertaining to the rehabilitation and construction works on the East Zone project, as well as concession fee payments, as intangible assets or service concession assets, in recognition of the concessionaire’s rights to the recovery of the value of these investments in accordance with the terms of the Concession Agreement. (See more discussions on Philippine interpretation- IFRIC 12 under the Notes to the Interim Financial Statements). Service concession assets, together with property, plant and equipment, increased by P1,108 million as of September 2009, due to additional investments in capital expenditure and concession fees amounting to P3,158 million. Cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and available-for-sale financial assets totaled P10,682 million. This is P2,074 million higher than the 2008 year-end level. With this level of cash reserves, we have already pre-funded our capital expenditure requirements for the whole year of 2009, up to the earlier part of 2010. In addition, we still have approximately $46 million in available loan facilities which we intend to fully utilize up to next year. Receivables were at P548 million, in spite of the higher revenues, as a result of better collection efficiency. Average receivables were computed at 17 days. Current ratio was computed at 2.6 times, while quick ratio was computed at 2.4 times. Debts and other liabilities Long-term debt amounted to P15.05 billion, P2,154 million higher than the 2008 year-end level as a result of loan drawdown. Service concession obligations amounted to P3,276 million, P199 million lower than 2008 year-end level. These pertain to the present value of future concession fee obligations of the Company, and unlike the long term debts, service concession obligations are not yet considered legal obligations of the Company until they are officially billed to the Company by MWSS. However, the new accounting rules Philippine interpretation- IFRIC 12 required the Company to recognize these future obligations as part of both assets and liabilities. Current liabilities decreased by P150 million (including the current portion of debt and service concession obligations) due to payment of current portion of loan, dividends and income tax. Stockholders’ equity Capital stock and additional paid-in capital increased slightly as a result of the exercise of additional employee stock options. The increase in our net worth of P1,841 million was mainly due to the higher retained earnings for the last nine months of 2009. Cash flows from operating activities Net cash generated from operations increased by 70% year-on-year. This was mainly due to better working capital management, as turn-over of receivables significantly improved, and at the same time, payment cycles were extended. Cash flows from investing activities Net cash used in investing activities increased by 200% from the same period last year. A total of P3,161 million of the available cash was invested mostly in capital investments and concession fees. Money market instruments are composed of time deposits, treasury bills and notes, special deposit accounts, and a small portion in highly marketable corporate issues and bank notes. - 29 - Cash flows from financing activities Net cash provided by financing activities amounted to P652 million as of September 30, 2009. Out of this amount, debt servicing accounted for P243 million, while additional P1,984 million in loans were availed during the period from existing facilities. Summary of Appendices A. B. C. D. E. F. Board of Directors and Senior Management Team Financial Risk Management Manila Water Stock and Dividends Information Summary of corporate disclosures during the 3rd quarter 2009 Regulatory Key Performance Indicators and Business Efficiency Measures Tariff table - 30 - APPENDIX A BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM The Board has eleven (11) members elected by the Company’s stockholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting. The directors hold office for one (1) year and until their successors are elected and qualified in accordance with the Company’s By-Laws. The following are the members of the Board as of September 30, 2009: Name Fernando Zobel de Ayala Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala Charles Thomas Cornish Jose Rene D. Almendras Delfin L. Lazaro Leslie Bell Hiromu Nishimura Antonino T. Aquino Alberto L. Jugo Cielito F. Habito Oscar S. Reyes Position Chairman of the Board and Executive Committee Vice Chairman Co-Vice Chairman President Director Director Director Director Director Independent Director Independent Director The following is a list of the Company’s key executive officers as of September 30, 2009: Name Jose Rene D. Almendras Luis Juan B. Oreta Virgilio C. Rivera, Jr. Frank Beaumont Ruel T. Maranan Geodino V. Carpio Position President Chief Finance Officer and Treasurer Group Director, Regulation and Corporate Development Group Director, Operations & Project Delivery Group Director, Human Resources & Corporate Services Group Director, Project Delivery For more information about each of the members of the Board and management team, please visit our website at - 32 - APPENDIX B FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT The Group’s principal financial instruments comprise of cash and cash equivalents, short term cash investments, available for sale financial assets and long-term debt. These financial instruments are used to fund its operations and capital expenditures. Results of financial management activities are reported to the Board of Directors which reviews and approves the policies for managing the risks arising from the use of financial instruments. The Group’s financial risk management policies are follows: INTEREST RATE RISK The Group’s exposure to changes interest rate risks relates primarily to the Company’s long term obligations. The Group’s policy is to manage its interest cost using a mix of fixed and variable rate debts. Approximately, 70.6% of the Group’s borrowings as of September 30, 2009 were drawn at fixed rates compared to 71% of last year. The following tables show information on the Group’s financial instruments that are exposed to interest rate risks. 2009 (In thousand pesos) Cash Equiv & Short Term Investments AFS Financial Assets Corporate Bonds/ IMA TOTAL 2008 (In thousand pesos) Cash Equiv & Short Term Investments AFS Financial Assets Corporate Bonds/ IMA Time Deposits TOTAL 2009 (In thousand pesos) Fixed Rate Long Term Debt (exposed to fair value risk) Bonds Payable (exposed to fair value risk) Floating Rate Long Term Debt ( exposed to cash flow risk) TOTAL Within 1 year Within 5 years More than 5 yrs 9,052,797 9,052,797 Within 1 year 9,052,797 541,671 1,475,292 2,016,963 Within 5 years 60,000 60,000 More than 5 yrs 7,260,234 82,689 7,342,923 Within 1 year 753,218 702,221 1,455,439 Total 541,671 1,535,292 11,129,760 Total 7,260,234 182,811 900,000 1,644 1,084,455 Within 5 yrs 4,860,979 2,983,524 7,844,503 - 33 - 54,285 170,000 224,285 More than 5 years 319,785 1,070,000 1,644 8,651,663 Total 870,291 6,484,488 4,156,463 4,156,463 2,662,185 7,688,939 6,347,930 16,988,881 2008 (In thousand pesos) Fixed Rate Long Term Debt (exposed to fair value risk) Bonds Payable (exposed to fair value risk) Floating Rate Long Term Debt ( exposed to cash flow risk) TOTAL Within 1 year Within 5 yrs 840,897 More than 5 years 5,742,246 216,163 1,057,060 1,332,664 7,074,910 Total 1,736,671 8,319,814 4,156,463 4,156,463 1,421,809 7,314,943 2,970,636 15,446,913 The following table shows the sensitivity of the Group’s income before income tax to a possible change in interest rates on September 2009 and 2008, with all variables held constant. Effect on Income Change in BPS Cash Equivalents Short term investments Floating Rate borrowings 2009 44,445 -44,445 40,516 -40,516 -19,881 19,881 100 -100 100 -100 100 -100 2008 38,922 -38,922 33,680 -33,680 -14,931 14,931 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK The Group’s foreign exchange risk results from movements of the Philippine peso (PHP) against the United States Dollar (USD). Majority of revenues and expenditures are generated in PHP. Approximately, 53.1% of debt, excluding concession loans, as of September 30, 2009 was denominated in foreign currency. Under Amendment 1 of the Concession Agreement, however, the Group has a natural hedge on its foreign exchange risks on loans and concession fee payments through a recovery mechanism in the tariff. Information on the Group’s foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities and its Philippine peso equivalents are as follows: (In thousand pesos) Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Available for Sale Financial Assets Liabilities Long Term Debt YEN Loans USD Loans Concession Loans YEN Loans USD Loans FRF Loans Net Foreign Currency Denominated Liabilities September 30, 2009 Original Peso Currency Equivalent $1,745 December 31, 2008 Original Peso Currency Equivalent 82,696 - - $3,462 - P 164,514 - ¥11,258,956 $78,948 5,921,470 3,741,326 ¥ 6,572,797 $68,482 3,431,657 3,254,252 ¥857,688 $66,016 FRF4,497 451,088 3,128,502 47,376 13,372,458 ¥ 941,581 $73,561 FRF 4,531 491,600 3,495,621 46,438 P 10,555,054 The following table shows the sensitivity to a possible change in foreign exchange rates of the Group’s profit before tax and equity as of September 30, 2009 and 2008. - 34 - Dollar Yen Increase(Decrease) in FX rates 2009 2008 P 0.50 P 1.00 (P 0.50) (P 1.00) P 0.02 P 0.02 (P 0.02) (P 0.02) Effect on profit before tax 2009 2008 ( P 1,312 ) ( P 65,020 ) P 1,312 P 65,020 ( P 112,398) ( P 107,418) P 112,398 P 107,418 CREDIT RISK The Group trades only with recognized and creditworthy third parties. It is the Group’s policy that except for connection fees and other highly meritorious cases, the Group does not offer terms to its customers. The Group’s exposure to credit risk on other financial assets arises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying value of these instruments. The Group transacts only with institutions or banks which have demonstrated financial soundness for the past five years. Credit risk from receivables from customers is managed through credit reviews and continuous analysis. Customer payments are facilitated through various collection modes engaging the services of reputable banks and collection agents. The Group has no significant concentration on credit risk. As of September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008, the credit quality per class of financial assets is as follows: 2009 (in thousand pesos) Cash & Cash Equivalents Short Term Cash Investments Neither past due nor impaired High Grade 5,001,162 Standard Impaired 4,051,635 4,051,635 Receivables From Customers Residential Semi Business Commercial Industrial Interest Other Receivables 488,238 69,972 180,198 738,408 30,659 7,821 20,654 59,134 122,397 43,799 58,496 224,692 20,636 1,179 4,316 26,131 50,119 27,539 87,343 51,403 51,403 9,685 AFS Fin. Assets Quoted Unquoted TOTAL Total 5,001,162 156,000 156,000 1,770,964 1,770,964 9,931,815 172,890 - 35 - 291,203 12,166,872 2008 Neither past due nor impaired (in thousand pesos) Cash & Cash Equivalents Short Term Cash Investments High Grade Standard 3,989,064 Impaired Total 3,989,064 3,368,007 3,368,007 Receivables From Customers Residential Semi Business Commercial Industrial Interest Other Receivables 442,123 111,542 177,158 730,823 18,558 11,186 14,936 44,680 120,069 93,716 53,407 267,192 29,610 2,550 2,888 35,048 7,119 72,121 43,389 12,917 5,982 59,020 56,306 AFS Fin. Assets Quoted Unquoted TOTAL 469,035 469,035 1,082,281 1,082,281 9,568,118 290,931 255,508 10,114,557 Up to 6 months Over 6 months to one year Trade Receivables 799 55 194 1048 Total 799 55 194 1048 Ageing of Accounts Receivable 2009 (in millions) Past due Total The credit quality of the financial assets was determined as follows: Cash and cash equivalents and short term cash investments are placed in various banks. Material amounts are kept with the country’s top banks. Customer’s receivables deemed collectible within 7 days from bill delivery are considered high grade while those collectible from 11-30 days from bill delivery falls under the standard credit category. The classes of the Group’s receivables from customers are as follows: Residential - pertains to receivables arising from water and sewer service use for domestic sanitary purposes only. Commercial - pertains to receivables arising from water and sewer service use for commercial purposes. Semi-business - pertains to receivables arising from water and sewer service use for small businesses. Industrial - pertains to receivables arising from water and sewer service use for industrial purposes, including services for manufacturing. AFS financial assets are investments in debt and equity instruments in companies with good financial capacity and investments in government securities. LIQUIDITY RISK The Group’s objective is to maintain a balance between continuity of funding and flexibility through the use of bank overdrafts, bank loans, debentures, preference shares and hire purchase contracts. The Group’s policy is to maintain a level of cash that is sufficient to fund its monthly cash requirements, at least for the next 4-6 months. Capital expenditures are funded through long tern debt, while operating expenses and working capital requirements are funded by cash collections of sales. - 36 - The following table shows the maturity profile of the Group’s financial liabilities based on contractual undiscounted payments: 2009 (in Thousands) Accounts & Other Payables Payable to Stockholders Long Term Debts Service Concession Obligations Customers Guaranty & Other Deposits TOTAL 2008 (in Thousands) Accounts & Other Payables Payable to Stockholders Long Term Debts Service Concession Obligations Customers Guaranty & Other Deposits TOTAL Within 1 Year 1-5 years 3,040,817 83,890 194,385 7,421,980 76,521 2,014,015 8,468 3,404,081 9,435,995 Within 1 Year 1-5 years 2,739,941 110,170 1,083,678 7,164,213 523,575 2,531,688 4,457,364 9,695,901 > 5 yrs 5,011,315 1,536,430 1,303,840 Total 3,040,817 83,890 12,627,679 3,626,966 1,312,308 7,851,585 20,691,660 > 5 yrs 7,341,509 1,735,867 1,192,304 Total 2,739,941 110,170 15,589,400 4,791,130 1,192,304 10,269,680 24,422,945 The methods and assumptions used by the Group in estimating the fair value of the financial instruments are: Accounts and other payables and payable to stockholders - Carrying amounts approximate fair values due to the relatively short-term maturities of these payables. Customers’ guaranty and other deposits and long-term debt - The fair values are estimated using the discounted cash flow methodology using the Group’s current incremental borrowing rates for similar borrowings with maturities consistent with those remaining for the liability being valued. - 37 - APPENDIX C MANILA WATER STOCK AND DIVIDENDS INFORMATION Stock chart (Sept. 2008 – Sept. 2009) Daily Manila Water Company, Inc. 9/30/2008 - 9/30/2009 (MNL) Price PHP 16 15.6 15.2 14.8 14.4 14 13.6 13.2 12.8 12.4 12 11.6 11.2 10.8 10.4 10 9.6 .123 06 13 20 27 03 Oct 08 10 17 Nov 08 24 02 08 15 22 12 Dec 08 19 26 02 Jan 09 09 16 Feb 09 23 02 09 16 23 Mar 09 30 07 20 27 04 Apr 09 11 18 25 May 09 01 08 15 22 29 Jun 09 06 13 20 27 Jul 09 03 10 17 24 01 08 14 Aug 09 22 28 [Delayed] Sep 09 * Source: Reuters The Company was listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange on March 18, 2005 and its listed shares have since been actively traded therein. The high and low sale prices for each quarter that the Company’s shares have been listed are as follows: 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr HIGH / LOW SALES 2008 2009 High Low High Low 19.25 16 13.75 9.3 18.5 17.5 15.75 11 18.25 15.75 16.5 14.25 16.75 11.25 The price information as of the close of September 30, 2009, was P15.50. Dividends Information Annual Dividends per share (in pesos) 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.21 0.13 0.16 0.08 2003 2004 2005 2006 - 38 - 2007 2008 2009 APPENDIX D SUMMARY OF CORPORATE DISCLOSURES DURING THE 3RD QUARTER 2009 DATE July 9, 2009 July 9, 2009 July 22, 2009 August 6, 2009 August 10, 2009 August 12, 2009 September 17, 2009 September 18, 2009 September 22, 2009 September 24, 2009 September 29, 2009 TOPIC FCDA Tariff Adjustment Results of Meeting of the Board of Directors Acquisition of 100% Equity in AAA Water Corporation Submission of Amended General Information Sheet Manila Water reports higher earnings Cebu Bulk Water Supply Project FCDA Tariff Adjustment Completion of acquisition of 100% equity in AAA Water Corporation Update on Cebu Bulk Water Supply Project Meeting of the Board of Directors Clarification on the news article on Iloilo Project For more details on these disclosures, please visit our website at - 39 - APPENDIX E REGULATORY KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND BUSINESS EFFICIENCY MEASURES As of September 30, 2009 Key Performance Indicators Water Service Connections Continuity of Water Supply Pressure of Water Supply Water Quality at Plant Outlet Water Quality in Distribution Sampling Sewerage and Sanitation - Domestic Connections (cumulative, separate system only)1 Sanitation - Total number of households served plus waivers (cumulative) Wastewater Effluent Quality (Average) - % Compliance with DENR Standards Response to Customer Service Complaints - % responded within 10 days Response to Customer Billing Complaints - % responded within 10 days Response to Request for New Connections - % responded within 5 days Installation of New Water Service Connections - No. of new service connections installed within 7 days (cumulative) Response to disruptive mains failure - % repaired within 24 hours Business Efficiency Measures Billed Volume, water (mcm) Revenue Collection Rate Labor – Total Cost (cumulative) Power Consumption (in KwH) Power – Total Cost (cumulative) Total Controllable OPEX (cumulative) Total Capex (cumulative) Non-Revenue Water 1 Target 98% of population with 24-hour supply 78% with at least 7 psi 100% 100% 100% 18 178,599 95% 99.75% 95% 99.99% 90% 99.90% 100% 100% 26,397 41,328 95% 100% Target 296.45 95% 735.12 – max 61.75-max Actual 294.52 100% 724.4 57.32 376.28 682.64 3,161 15% 807.02-max xxx 25%-max Accomplishments on combined sewage-drainage system will be reported at year-end - 40 - Actual 725,222 100% of Central Distribution System with 24-hour supply 99% with at least 7 psi 100% 100% 105% 132 APPENDIX F AVERAGE TARIFF Prev. Basic CPI Rate Rebasing Total Basic Water FCDA 12% EC TOTAL VAT TOTAL w/ VAT September 30, 2008 15.17 Dec. 31, 2008 4.47 19.64 -0.13 2.34 21.85 2.62 24.47 4.47 19.64 0.18 2.38 22.20 2.66 24.86 - 41 - 15.17 September 30, 2009 19.64 2.27 21.92 0.21 2.66 24.78 2.97 27.75
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