Facsimile Cover Sheet To: BobMcAdam Barbara Moorhouse MaryZuckennan MikeDuggan PatDoIan Rich ScMackman TrishElms League of Women Voters Tim Hughes Hariess Scott Al Short RuthBekr Beverly Wolkow Julius Maddox Lynn Larson Steve Cook From: Anne Clingraan Marci Merrill Michigan Citizens for Fair Taxes Date: March 3,1994 100-aswd wwayDW ox saxyi a i « d NHZIXID IW woad S2:QI t>6. e a«w TI2531-0949 ICfflGAN CITIZENS FOR FAIR TAXES 3401 E. Saginaw * Suite 212 • Lansing, Michigan 4S912 TO: Daily Fax Recipients From: Anne Clingman, media director (517)3334700 (phone) (517) 333-0800 (fax) March 3,1994 Today's packet contains dtpsfrom372-3/3, including: from the Detroit News: - a commentary by Weeks on Mayor Archer's stance on Proposal 'A' in light of TTFA action - an article on Detroit city officials stance on Proposal 'A' - an article on the homeowners' form, including coverage ofbusiness leaders tour in support of Proposal 'A* — a guest editorial by Rep. Phoniak on real estate transfer deal from the Detroit Free Press — an article on the Legislature's UFA action - an editorial endorsing Proposal 'A* — an editorial on campaign ads — several letters to editor pro/con Proposal 'A' from the Grand Rapids Press -several letters to the editor on sales/cigarette taxes If you see articles of interest to our effort to your local media, please send copies to us at the above address or (&x) 517 333-0800. Thank you. a, . 300'39bd WyaUDW dl""sHXB± aiUd N32I1ID IM W03d S2:g t frS. £ aow TI2531-0950 7heDeiHrit:New5 Focus on Taxes Thursday H A R C H ». 1394 FAGS - ^<»* u.t'iii .|Min n » « « * " w " IVIbst officials favor 'AL tax plan By nohart Ankniy VHP. DETUOIT S I : I M Mcuo &4XT6V? public otiivibU i. aientfitxlinriloiu easier H) male .1 &cis&m »n ihtf Mfiw MHAAI nnancuii; pwpo&ilt dwn their runstiluetis. Miut Tivor r>n]]Mwl A, ««,rduu to an oiatmii snmy tt&n by Thf DHrr.it Nmn thU vrwV, hut the leaded uf Detroit «wi Senrhom » i Uuy art undecided km Ihdrt tw„ v«<tk$ bcfuR th« Mareh lrj vnte. Panniniitvn HIB» M»)w tiiny Lichuuna uid 7»p<ual A "il d»»rl.-' the bffit flltcnulive, tspecmly iu pMpl* in Oeltltnd CdUTity because VM hwv the norctifflueiiV scruml d|«ri«« here Tlw hi({h ifter.ni-j dlrtncls iJon"! b i t Bwjnd. Tlv. have the upp>iitoauy m levy .iiln • tlonal Dlill^se. It is betw B h»vt j higher »ili» u < *nd «l°wer income 1 THBPIttKO.tTNEWS i v . Knslfr, wtA ht»roJHV«Hfl *Vto*Iy*Bddy wltw5on»ldj> w i f t Dponia A n W , haft expected to h»v« M B M H ' I eudaraeineat. Vrcher hems and haws as Engler liestoget A sthfcfecktunadoim / » tniiiaawijnfcjtln >*"% BtafcWvctooaFso-aVptaal A wnatsitDc AtraadaulNte? H*1»i|aBia«wn2»th*»j» euiiAridBl&iltirriiw 03mfat111* awBwin.- eiH:».)telie*htpttinc 6h.ifit«»d»hwtlafifhi'd jortps MiitlMllThpnibiiUy MuSdattwis ourbwr.'BlfLc n uifiBitiMt Ajthiicpfie* ProB0«3A«^lfiSbtB#»ml, fin*™ tau*m«dawt>ty of pvb)kv«AEn«ltb|«ul»«w rnnrd^abuatotakojtriill. CkaemfcrFaJiTamrWhiiaa Oetrlpn— Cat—Ioajasittw ibuAan*-k^braigltiyiood'coiopaxttlto 4rfer«roCataninY«Bifr. Bel «1 lent* Yww«B* tsioni Ejae-.Gof.fcaBniKiAs MtiikaMkuahs Hard bytl* tnvomfirbrf5«]K5ptictlfaoW•toraopoulbecauieoiSaiwlMtbe cityn/DrtmhitnpowJIanSO.-. «*ntulll&aiflKraBn4ttlaUGfc' I t c n , whsBBccmttllFA. TJFAtlUft1;u*MCn>inc u y . n ' n in wpantirx? tt-iamBa UoMltoPwmUlMlDevdopHKptAuUiaitkttlutb&rMV that." TteTuetrjay1'j£t£a&7thftt «Hl{»TzujailiuiUiA((IA]utl.In ^f)|t««ptt^wtfl]pftmftifjaflffftrt ata»,«h»taatiil*pin!rt*Yt PTOnwatobeaCrtcliypjoaaibomiiuH«UH Ce-SnaakarDenrJtt tJ»HftiiMtill»ttomh-H.tifijX)«ftl Proposal A. Do* & n . « t i f e a t o f Wayne Harl«la*Ulir«nMktesa»eanCciatraahariffaMapraatiBiLoAulntrotsn'ijainflnuiBrto ctl Ha, wruJthtkxalijjiotas the tinier *ih. the deal W* imrairto piognialaoaM»"l«« tm» *had trim i B d n f t t x v e u taportint ' tham.ThCTe-ateaeraeMOPlawfco vntcdaloattee, «Bd»»VciH=5n^urcomimanlaiivoicbt • rrswhtttbayvawteana" PropasslAwouHbtinefcpta Bo,«iriovah,fta£tD*tab]ik»ciaMrtola Inrenferrttneatpio- ' rjto p«» tS?At65«',ajW» tht Metto*.* tnat»«iotfi»iHeittliw*.Ho To woo Arelw.SstfaraaJ" haithixtvA Wffibeusaittoheli) ttg»kmts«t««jUs!iowad» Aw5«rtMiM»fca*itofPK{!OMl taKaikK.lud'iftttrttokK* jste'iemtaosiBtferiiatlii- protect D*i»oit oxTJEA? Oe cnitirgdr^BntffifirWto Bliiit Airier haps that TlFAfeSi BtaltrgoanwXixIftciuitst tolwoceaitiiTitolttpthoaejj EtaUKi Atiboti&i CtlFA). tktrthmpaknfbsBlMtutP fe«ioa»conve»BtionSanBtprto*B,M» relaying t i l , ctowiftAlhnr.Ea^lCBt^pia[ lr BitmmtfcmSfMtofPraoailA 'e&dotaeintst Baiter needs. Hcofc «flCtytucoH. cojawittMartiMwSdantfcilta ifihenFAjMosuHMifid. i-vgfe>ia Brtnit c w k S S t l S W d u e beibi»Tw»d«y, n mnkte>ciuaiAMit&it}a»$3FB>WXi« ahusjrJfitlB Dmwt Tatv SHUl^wnlilte&riafiii' ^wryor*i±j«Je»battMhe &xtert0Rf&«4Axtb«»t»iIisf. mayorranaastiM. Brttwdo it L»t wok, wfcea U.Gov. Con- • «faMt^ttfthtTct>1elWndailint • - Tlwfierjuietira If, doe Archer sc«llyl.btPT»i»ct«roBSllcwttd with TWAaiaaaaetidii I*a»n(| —mi Hurt."* artiaoiii.iieS6iui» Srtaa&ojfcrMwhaeutflsebeat — k s l l K s ^ r ^ ballot proiw4 vfetiarllMie P«fiDit»aaH . T«l»5aioT3SA . 4J. jaiSatbBwat«!MaBia»tri»"Add Wr t ",V »«*a«it»l«Jdb° •e«iA^»*<d»bout1lBpMaptet on the i w l e thitrMsoul A n »aryi2raikgaB>Y»ryberpii* <o?jfcrDeaaittAo^t, r rfl mrt •TaBaiiifAicfcr, •&*•&&& theitaSatOfridB^fiiu&K astasia'yea—hut-h* taut • ^, y»i-.imWI» 52*T _ „ 800'39yd ppiSaioeStrttfl'mjxMalAftilt h * » u t a » t » t a » h i f e tint would WUCIW3W 0 1 CurMnrty.'DrtiwttiiilKveiil gfrfrMifTi^ineiHeawiMwt TlPAiiirtTirMTMtMiirftla MbMlbTIUettl9»DUtlwncBt)r Prnptml A would boost the *lal« sola t u t » 6 c « c e i > t train i pwwin. and froulrj ruui thv cI^nKtUi Ux b>50 e t m ' i P » d t ^ l e j ^ ^ S l ^ ^ - D W e n S i AM wnnUrotethe itaw inonrac t » it»s IKnfiiU him *.K pcKent !'»«. 11 woull sua tin «inmne tex by 13 cen» 8 Vtck, m J would lllow jn jxtrt 8 mtBa 00 prot^W tax Cm fChtMU, Bftfwi vmy, total UNrperty t u rotes RO ikrtVnt StWtWicU Mayor Donald Ftocai y aunhojipy wiOlbothmiKures. H» i n d the Whole prscaw & 'crtiy. cbsotlc «nd frnatattol t* wiylhide rvewereMn, jn«a»«eeV*M>4P Tlw Detroit Hews WW iniuior as mttiy QIQW rwdoc:' qucMifios OA tha estocl tax reform pro nitML T!s»«t«tc5n(nn],nriinlniiKB. «i»Bbfartl»(blki»t!»yl<«*iE thODIQGCM* Brf,m>d»fli«lulIotrlllo,tJ» tdbcxik wouHwBtrttlw'nrA meaty, Didt5a-itM"«uMgr« eltDabMora tneMjnjhis etaetioii. PstHaiv*(MttotrarrrJngtw Hilc ^ssni tamilKwinhMt o a t o l c p & S ' d»Vt««llS«Tii!dl-qui.t«ta» "IQ.WfflJtato. cHy.wwmy. sctwal <H»Wet are ttdpral retitH! pensions centlnut) to t» exempt from Tnris inocrrea tax und»eitrtei « both (X tna scBod finance roformptansf a A Yfis. Pufilio omaioyM pgnatono—Inauamg i»g^sitot?, tne governor, judriot, t s a a w s ana otjwrt—tre not s i o ^ t t t t imzxriB «5>t in MitMogn. Piiuil* paoatofrs ar*tfc«0,a,*ousilt!»tfrjtS>.SOO to SIO.MOol a privatoponsicnis ex6fftpL Ttwre W43«n «ajmptta t&x pwb-'c pensions an part ot the school tmsrw raform erlort. bu* e w p b n disd au« u lack ot aup- nutilMU<toOI> » h a a al uavayour question en Trw Nswa Kew Hotline by caKni ArJBrttech pueeaPiua a (313) 2 « - i a » arxtrxawnog extension MC< 01 you can fax c>ut*Eer» ibOOt wheoi finAACa fBJflrm nlai«tn " - • rv—»- ifefel,v(UAlaD«reftto<*Uibiw± JlMniflloa,tcwnJjpatiitb: cuii,i«3iilddim5*1b»frrevKiue «bCUC«mUlm»ihcrt«fil«EJUttaIii»bt»»vi«cHifartcmwitiout beinjibh toa»turBTU'Am«lCT.'niiiJatiBSltutk.nvi'S1 attatnarfftjowl nffrii»ferfl>» BuimawiShtiwTlPAiJ. B3Xfc)l y i y j NSZIIID IW WOaj t?2:0T f B . e «yw TI2531-0951 MRR 3 '34 IB; 25 FROM MI CITIZEN FflTR TfiXES TO MCHDftM PAGE. 804 ""•^-•rSfr'.'v^^S •W' i-ss Ml'1 fpiillli 111 j | J f ||S J J. ••-1 ,p- AA's I •;: v v " ^ M »|f$ | r i l j r 'B^lli^^lli'-ijii^l5 • -Ml! lllff yi III.ilJill i ill21? r*5 "ll^illll^l^sllli .... :1hl«J/:/iNi • Iff III £#liwltd • I-111 . % f | l | l r t i l l •5'fiii 'Tsi fc ifflka |iM^^|:;*Ii. l i l t a||£flf$. M*J ••••"'4!M''.' p • f l 1 45 - a - J f J = 1 £ § - f % I I * i 4 a f £• i yifel *i ill!lit ! !ill! tlri 'ill* I TI2531-0952 gWHUBSMV HASdt^L- ( B i IN OUR O W N P roposal An^peesents,fcrDetroftaBdttetKiters.a major oflporriinaytogainaneco- •• fiorflfc envelopment tool I • By "contrast, -we're cawmced lhattfifialtaMtiveplanfBrschaol finance—which wouM raise the state iocoms tax ratafajrn.4.$ percent to $ percent aid the (x aanhiaed Detroit Income HX ! rate to d percent — would have a negative effect on De» trait's chances to attract fcoaassses and jobs. Tbase factors need to be considered: p^'tasssuoto^'MiiMixaae' tax; t^bosaiesBea also wa*t have • esmcsitivetotoratewwaiftJse.dty.:. and avoid fie. higher icorge tst' •" .rate, . Proposal A would' make ' AEeHgaa aa a whole more • atttactivaaadnorecompetl•-• rive as compared with tu neighbor; atatea; - Detroit, . with Brother challenges, tecdatoauEermofltwnett-1 the elate cannot attract growth..-- Because the aele* •'If the ballot pKpoaal : to is statewide, with passes.' Miebigkrrs. m local options, it sales taxratewill noirtends to suite beouteflinewjth -. no difference m those of other business decistates in the resions a l * ^ where to kjeate or expand. gjoa ^redudng dependence on theproperty tax, we are makt&g Michigan andDetroit has faced an enormous disad- Dettohlessof aeorethsabfortaxpoBcy.., vantage, with a total menroeftnoperty tax ^ytMODtfoataitatfet&idernedaa .•; burdea that is two and sonwrJmes.alinost comparedtoother states,ratherthan one- . tee (hoes the taxratefatsome o£ its whose increased burden would rank us " fesJer-srowingsulwrlM, Moving away fan relatively high? . .: dependence <n the local property tax will Same local cfSdab, focusing on- toe'. • hop level the playing EeMbetween the chy iirideatalimpactof ttechangesHrepo&alA *andterestcfttfiitaieiatewsoftaiMte, wonMirafce on tax abatement* anpTtax incrementfinancingareas, have"argned Tb* nueKraeat cap that is a fieatune there would be maj&r losses for cities and of Proposal A win, at b u t initially, other loca) governments. We would argue jermit Detroit and other older attest* thatO)tte value of tfasebjobrfecooflBik; held out a strong inceptive for taa* <ki«eJoj^aent wS belar nirwei^ied by the. twaeawiDrngto-locateinthedry. pm the baBot proposal praniie^ and <2) that the Leglslattire awrgevernor have, shielded local,coromtaiitJes from tatty of' they can be assured that the rate of increase of property assessments, will, he those chaoses. Overall.we thttkthei* aw. • 4»M»gr*dMl thm'B^-TidierWiae^bs-the;.-. '•'case; Qne'.af De-•fJrlM"— livart- 1 -Bur of whwafes,''.: ifinWa iHvfenrtil'nM • assets 'a relatively ?0«'a^t opt fir * v •'. ' >•'••'• . cheap laiid for rede/: the inenqe tax- on-. -'ntlowwit.'nied^r..thetaafeoftt&tiwil be abletooffer p.terest, if >on par&igefl. whetter" "thought that the jA ^jnjjjnp9(5 90QEB . sdetitax was too or elsewhere,- thatwl be .dratet»«ny,! regressve or that the;fc&of federal'disnMre'jt&acftVBflHiiithasbeadfctobdd. dccrMty.raaije. & a ' ^ i s s o e ^ - j e u . ^ • out to investors in the peat Whatever We're conviwed that with the esemixions oom*nttt tJKi» may be about asaessaent- 5a the Bales tax. the regreaaivity arguiaeBt; •"; capsJs pubospolfcy:jpnersHy, thBomcaq • '•baft much less force... . . be a envelopment tea for old mnlBtriaT • i The loss of fefcr*l deductaility a a"' czbcSk' Ssdvarrt^gfthsaBleitai.aodyouean't ' iswre that We're convtaced,. t h e m that . 'Altfaoqtfhtheaike.taxratewmJd the other idvaotajMS of the galea' tai-'have oo effect on where iwasescea' cutiHijji tot cMBMentka;'. •. : wight locate or e^andm>ScW|iti, the 1 •a^itasoweittotn&ffletetotryto couhmed 9«er«eAt J&esse Us rate k^atlKffliSig^iirasel&Etercsl'jswea'. MtteJrnmedtoeSatsof^fcaSotpteii. would be » i w l barrier for Detroit. We're cccTOced the city tnllhave.a nmcit; ! better chiiee of attwerh* bbs, readenfci' • ; As the qxnhinrt raffles t&fadWid, latewouMbetiCDonemoretegreada aodbtsfaeiiesifProposafApases; .,.. • aStowmttn&.'Borveiirnthealy.TOtit.. .- .For nmr Setroi&as, Ftoposa! A wH ' . the statefcca»tax rate oicHfagto 4.4 workintheiriaaai^te'fielfl^est.fcthe !0^ivri.we'xepEiatEde4it'wiEceb«?a:'' ' percent imler the talW proposal Detrat forvJrb^evezja^ir^hidfcthosewho ' ' would still hive a disadvantage, uqjeofiy need aeoeadbte jobs m greater ~-<*But fte l&lgbejr- combined iste,-.* *e.„:rascbeiB than have been' 'pasaKi' uader."': „ dihit&ry plan went-mto effxt, wood *c-• "Mkisgin'spreseit t a system.- Ifecqptrve a ^ iaurt debate ov. Jdn Bn^er faces re^lectisii . Battbaclearintentofthsadistaaxive in Noverober, hot this month, the nwatage; If the soveracr'a for thi= YOB jfi&ht not hnaw' that, ypu'dbetterbo against it. Perioi Smilarlj thoi#, from the extenttowhich aati-Pxopssal A television ads warn voter opponents — a&d sorie supporters — of of all the.toes the phut would raise, witfcou Proposal A se<i to make tbe thecal elec-. meHlioaiag that the statutory afremativ. tiw oa the schoolfinanceballot pba a ' would boost the same taxes, except tbrtfereiK!tt0<m.tte governors popularity. - sales tax, to varying degrees. Nct-aBcftheaGaisesare being commit For exsmpfe, the chief cpalitieflfavorfeg the'^MctyritemtivetoPropOBlAhas ted sgainst the bauot plan. Although v.support the big cigarette tax increase -. eirculatsd a brochure entitled fjh blood-red A, overheated rhetoric by i: tetters) "Theyfiedabout the tottety...» Proposal • aod feaUftiag a front-pege photo of a grk- propm«ts—.versus on the sugjestio that the backup plan would cause career masGoT.Eigl«. . Am»« the vertfege' assaOing. "Eorier is hard totate. And (he war between M aadhis.ppatjdacs," the m?$ag omes Easier and the Michigan EducatiaiAsso: -some vafid points, There is a frgfrirtiatftatwn also threatens to overwhehi discupj«<tw* about the loag-terra adequacy of *m of the tax plans they favor. some of Propoaal A'? revenue aouron, Midiipo. voters deserve a canpraht: ' eapeciauy gLven the governor's wflBwiess sive and honest debate on the rebtv. to cut deals with Lansing loobies «- home abffifies of the baBot plan and thesatutm btfldera, real estate agents, farmers, per- aheroaaweto improve schoolfmance m. bapaauto dealers — to ease the Impact of thefiirnessand balance of the state's t? the pfen's tax package oa them. (Of course, structure. Given adequate information, u iwaffi? of the Democrats who advance that believe most would choose to vote t< atpmrta* also seektoreducethe ste of the Proposal A Sactty and rather cynically, t r ineoa» tax increase thefcaiiippJan worfd priracalaiathe campaigns appapcntly do;: knead to offer *uch a debate, G WllllHLlS .-'.sstttate Detroit** disadvantage.' Snce a : S00-H9yd UBaBDW ox saxyi yiud N3ZIXID ru woaj B2:QI I^G ayu TI2531-0953 MRR 3 '94 !B;g7 FROM MI CITIZEN FAIR TAXES TO MCflDAM PBSE.00S TI2531-0954 MfiR 3 '94 10:EB FROM MI CITIZEN FBIR TRXE5 TO MCRDflM PRSE.807 TI2531-0955 Hm FHEE PRESS/ • i ^ H U R S O A Y . MARCH 3, 1894 LOCAL NEWS loud bills a pitch for Proposal A ffigtoWSONBELL "' : raise the state sales taxfrom4 to 6 who met with Archer on Monday to ^f^nmisaaafSatt. caitsoDthedoHar,uito<ffQf abackup discourage him from endorsing Pro-} ,#*ANSIW — Senate Republicans plantot^se&e.stateinoonie tax from posalAcaatrytoprievefltthelegisla-l 5la| to move today on Wis intended to 4.6to6 percent/ J'..' ._ tim from ajming iip fore qutdt voteHertel's Chief of Staff DsnLoepp tnten officials — induing Archer has said he cart, endorse tit Mayor Damis Archer —who tte ballot pkowiUK^gesurakes that said Wednesday that Hertel won't| passagerfPropojalA will under- .'njonejwiDbe'avrffciijte'to pay fer'the maie30>dskmuntil the bills reach tiie House. " economic development k their". bo«& used to en&e developers. But Republican House Co^peaker -_J. . He'also has said he has concerns p|Fhe package of bills is widely aDOWttheeawGinfcwiipact tf thefo- Paul HiOepftdd of Holland said it is M I ^ as a (H)P attempt to get Ar-. c«r# tax tike. If Proposal A 63s, uplikdythebills will be taken up before foefldorseinenttfPrQposaj&Tfle De^oitetb.; would h a ^ al;;dmAEied ute. election if the mayor doesn't a c t restore taxiogawtlumtytospecial rfatt^JflcometaKiitis^p^oeiit ttvetyeeektMr passage. |IncremeaiFknu»AufliiHitydis^;:.. ^. : jiii|m£n^^fj|^ : 0^~pjaii's . "I understand the bind he's io," s within cities andaflowccmraunt ' d M ^ | ^ C T , a l 3 o h ^ l o U ^ W i ^ ' HiEegonds said. pay off bonds for roads and. : « & ' support and p$|^..'aWJw- - "I think ifs an. issue of deciding whether he's goingtogo with what & ftposilfmmtlttMairt 1 5 - ^ "~- ' thiaksB good pubSc policy, or loyalty to Democrats who mot the ballot to the ontcorae of.the votefa'"^^M^^f^tis H«se£&SoSi -proposal to feil because ihey think it: andowH help Mem^^t$^^^:^:^^e^^ hurts John Either." ' vJ&my Democrats want '^y^^'^^^'^^-i--*~-A-f-*!H ;;:St&WriterNawCosffloc<nttnk-\ oppose Proposal A, the planto-.•% Ma,mw<$I%m^te.triedtothi? report. . ASfctf 1-3 H W U1 u> H 1 o \o in an, ,w*iw«i3S* Salest^xplan -= ^:* ; unfair to ]£>oor - j * . . Cigarette tax The school flna«* reform plan, to be voted onsobn, begs that-ye vote no... • Moat,ifiiHKaflWne^meome peorte^goo4san*services subject or S t o u t wwld soraeone please S o cerits per paclc w ^ g w r ^ e •. S money for the school a g g K L ^ n D a v f c chief m e ^ * S ° r ..• •••*feMichi^n.D^ai»aentof«eaiTri,. income peoplepun&aSB services attd investments not subjecttosales tax. Folks on liwttia^mtsiwll pay art . unfairly Urge part tmttetthe "ballot plan." '• X • .;.••"• The real'estaite transfer tax probably would depress low*»st housing sales ; sales, It wpold disceijtrige fifflt-tune gj&a would cut the number of smokers m Michigan. • . ^neyfor the sfjoors^these |Sroffleavinf * * £ & & * . Mome other group, la sddi&pn,"it jwipa;. • '• . tax. property taw* andmosM other ti«^aier*re«tvepofic3 ploys to conceal teetotal touchMgewemmants rettiHrte tf^'.TKe iiu»mfett«»«5l wUhfairJ prol wrtionofl i incomes. 608"39yd wwawow 01 .1 J Cigarette tax bad way to raise money \: Your Feb. j|2 editorial, "Michigan Medicine; Higher tobacco tax wul be good for public health as well as gchools,1fwasanuU5ing.tbBtyou , believe In the tooth fairy and Santa Claus,tco. L Yon say 9 percent of the increase; goes to anti-smoking and disease prevention programs, the rest to the jublic schools? Are we supposed to "6eM«ve that this will result m a net gain for health and education programs? Remember the lottery? The state giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other. And somehow they manage to/keep the other hand behind their back-until voters buy their goods. ' Then you say the tax increase will prompt "tens of thousands" of smokers to quit. If you are really convinced this is the way to improve •the public health, why stop with tobacco? Why not triple the tax on alcohol, too? And how about ice cream, potato chips and all the other high fat foods that also contribute to cardiovascular disease? Gee real. Have you noticed the smokers clustered in doorways outside their newty created smoke-free work places, in even sub-zero weather? You are not going to tax or legislate people out of their addiction. Otherwise, we'd still have Prohibition and there would not be a thriving illegal drug trade. ff votersfollowyourlead, all we are going to see is more people going outof-state to buy cigarettes, the creation of a bigger black market for tobacco products and an increase in theft that . we will all pay for at the check-out counter. '• LAUREL BARRICX Grand Rapids S3xui aiyj NSZIIIO iw woad 05:01 t^e. s yyw TI2531-0957 * * ai0-H9yd - i « i o i * * get a break MUSiHfi — HinnDnTtm »w .. MwnAEt, a t bwii«i i r lunu- fotattWXMtsijg& ftps for «un- atcrniti»<fMicfcii*n{a support of ttoiA tS&rite. TIu 4udUK baft Joh» TMa, BKridwt 61 t*e Bw»l»z&o*Rxatli!lfasi»Mt ^CTMflwajhftiiMeAoaMli . Tto eitenikr»> • t e i *Bli»» b d a g p&i, rrJnm'Ti«'ftt iac«a» •iag^(fcr&UK,iia(rh*dit>Qor. taiimiiu«,i»» l, kbkaja.'- -~y • vaoam, n y w u i w i i m i — --«-•<—T_iji^w. „on _—fadmfint iudmEnjI fft* h hwfr hMfr oC-ihi offb* Chuoba oT.&ameta,' • -Ito gotta**** plM»i" • IwnaUH*. <wtNW «M Mood 6 p w ^ ) * * * * * *farfl»»**l»S • Bettofts**»/&«•>.flirt*•• jacNuiffiDB 4ABMMtfa-.es"*-.; . . . ...... L ^ j » . w t . n t>i»l$iaalpio(Mnta«i^»M«n<B' ailksui iihlibeiW«ciiw»tp,^vyfti»miia8iin{bMttoTlatU ^- •• •• ^ >*i. •• •J 'ThiDttnttKifisUainlk ^ h.ScM'fcpa-lAftMiltoBojDLto-''- £tyitth(&k>di&i*rBiMcs i _ . - WEONESHAV, MARCH 8, 1934 tHBMWKHTNSWS «e» Adnata '•..••'" M Gtll>ft«*3-tWt IIWMlfaltMtlte fjctdnoli- ' 0I0'39fc)d wbdtiDw 01 saxyi ai«d Naziiio IW WOHJ asser t>6« e a«w TI2531-0958 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: BobMcAdam Barbara Moorhouse MaryZuckennati MikeDuggan PatDolan Rich Schlackraan TrishElms League of Women Votes Tim Hughes Hariess Scott A! Short RuthBeier Beverly Wolkow Julius Maddox Lyon Larson Steve Cook From: Anne CBcgman Mard Merrill Michigan Citizens for Fair Taxes Date: i00-3syd March 4,1994 wyawDw o± saxy± aiyd NBZIIIO IW woad ec:s PB. P aww TI2531-Q959 ICHIGAN IcmZENSFOR •FAIR TAXES 3-401 E. Saginaw • Svit« 212 * Lansing, Michigan 48913 TO: Daily Fax Recipients From: Anne CUngnuui* media director (517)333-0700 (phone) (517) 333-0800 (fax) Marcn4,1994 Today's packet contains clipsfirom3/4 including: from the Detroit News: - an article legislative UFA action as it relates to Mayor Archer and campaign filing report information from the Lansing State Journal - an article Pero's claims about advertising - an article on ongoing deduction in Proposal 'A' funding formula If you see articles of interest to our efiTott in your local media, please send copies to us at the above address or (fex) 517 333-0800. Thank you. o 300-39yd wwayow 01 SBXWI aiyj NHZIJLIO rw WOHJ 0 S :B ^B« * aow TI2531-0960 igeo-xeszii MflR 4 "94 9: FROM -sap worn i[W Ltfc>, «tff oc, WKBJ '<#0'W)S$ «wft worn oi SBppPi -*J«B» CITIZEN FftIR TAXES -998 wud 5,J8i«ta *»«>i»m, tWOf Lj', wawjieg: „/anq ox ji UAJSfan*,V9i 8*^- sop*** pus jiaf qaw fas I'aptsooo o» pantpm v«t vx,l„ - • ^ ' , . . tft- , . "»WB&7 jWpiu -tnsqa ;?ip jtepun ^|aow qqj •681.'I- H3HVH JAVaiHi S A S K « I 0 X S a S H I . W JWIJ MCftDAM PAGE.803 .3 7) aftptfi March Madness • Sports: Complete high school pairings and tournament schedule. 4 C f 5 C FLIP SIDE Js. The hot look for spring is heavily metal. Style, 6D to 15. •to Lansing State journal CO FfHDJ Warch4,19. 35«- Backers bristle at antl-A campaign Ads called deceptive; foes say no way •YCHWSANWWV3 laiwfna Sato Journal Proposal A. backers Twmttoy accused opponents of a cowardly tod dishonest ad campaign designed lo deceive voters. Operating a tneatxieal tog maculae « a prop, Propeeai A tainpal pi manager OtkaPeroBiHeied anti-A leaden; whc he sold bad laimcbedad&torted wnuotonttie ballot issue *athec man eonteaitn)g It with His backup $Ifin mat otttonuitlcally laKes place If Proposal A falls. T o watch tnelranli-Propcaal A aD awing vole no. you'd never know *6at (he ba&np plan is. you'd iteticr ewn Know (bare B a backup plan." Fero said. Proposal A Joes say Ibelr goal ts to detest Proposal A by potattug Arttoai ttu complaints Fnro out Its shorttanUnga. tt&ed tbout wrOA CAattKKUto Voters Mil decide tae late or sod BTOtiurett. -proposal A, wfildi include a1» • TVafrtalkatoBiUH sola tax cent soles (ax hlfie, nt a special hike but rtmtlntormwten of Be erection on Marca 15. H itftl&ft aHeroathelaesawas Increase. backup Sinn Indodfaj an Income •Ttwrtty WaarerrySebool Sitttx boost troni 4-6per«ntto6perirleTi mUlage n t e m. »e Ugitr cent kicks la Proiool A, bat On dost. Tar proponls Historically flaw under nwntiOTltntn'BtyC'jOiiiilikcrii been turoed do«a by voura. and tlttM Same. tSiift 11 • nor. ^earnpfllgajarecosriiJeredalo--'' . SwinctorajayttiitWiaietsUrbc malweapoo-PomsflowPrspoeoi- afwet by aa tteewmeai cap in* A leading sifbstaattally. ' eluded In Proposal A. •JagenenlrbaUtttproposalsiire ilTheadsrtfcrtoneiftawson filrly easy t» shoot down," said Cfiarie* Anna, a Michigan state rent estate sties and Inttrctalc University proteror of orainuuil- teteatone all*. Tttey daattay the cattoa, "All people are looking far taxes are also part of a * tnettt; lssoimreoaanottofflipportlttad flan. a ttnm antl carmatea can provide thai" SWAPS. Pige 2A Coming Santa? Your guide (o WMiilw vote corning Match 15. wefjlflrwyeu B fultfiagp chart thai w3t show you how Proposal A and to backup plan compare. Wall also explain what you'll sea onlhft bafcu.areighreyoo eannptac ottnm(13te$sni people wIH t» affected. Lawmakers still fiddling with school funding plan o H N m Z "n 3 Engl grand U>eL(*bl(tuRi cot lletfd wMt pa • icaMl fttart overtwuUflo Dec, Jl. She* Unit Itmmken haw Lew than two week* before the • C u t » t « oitreel etWa nil Marea 19 election, lawmakers •KovedtoloirericetttriMi Ttmiwiay continued to Uoierwitti aome ftnoland. PTDpotal A KAool funding. •DfacUaaed lowering ttw ub TOu state Senate wtad to tnat UsoaeftTftlifV ezutmi economic development Oeawenrla claim RrtwKlcai projects Are sane wny under Pro- ar* cimiu a m to mar wpw posal A wthe badwppUo. from iprdal loterttt nwiot. 5y eontiaualry making changes, Ibe liiriesiImpJItirttielMni Gov. Joha Eagter and otter sup- EreltT jjotwnua I«i* UruKt porter* of Vw ballot pum ore isk- stid. "Allptopla lava ti dale * tittUftlvH if Ifcey mat • Bk> of SBWIC sector Cewtitunui Inc. atlcs tax DJ a m»wr bWniiB a ttmo ma tae btate tatte wc*i Tt opera It up tat ttat awe of Ulklna dwnl." •DOT't trot the poUUefcns."1 By BHHa AMHIEWS iridflSKSJ. MflOWSKJ tattling State Journal TI 3J O m « O 4i. i Lansing State Journal II Friday, March 4,1994 ( Ads * * H O ~t B r H CO TJ 35 in w Hi 01 o U> CT> W m • s > IS Ul * * From 1A • A brochure cfairas that P»» posat Awill leave "combined taxes 37 percent higherttianthe nation* at average" Their source: an article by tax-cut crusader Bill McMaster. That claim Isn't remotely close to the truth, safd Robert Kleine, senior economist far PuMic Sector Consultants Inc. "Rtgat now, we are about J or 2 percent above the national average la state and local taxes. Under bote of the plans. It's going to go down slightly," Kleine said. 'Wregoiag to be about average." Opponents of Proposal A said l&ey believe Proposal A wont adequately pay for public schools aod should be rejected. "Our message & and continues to be that Proposal A is really dangerously, underfunded and an uarealWic plan," said Anne ClJngman, media director for Michigan Citizens for Pair Taxes. The ads are offensive to intelligent voters, said William Sederonrg, vice president of Public Seetor Consultants. Nevertheless, they could be effective, he said. "Most people really firm up their decisions os ballot: proposals two days before the election," Sederburg said. "Unfortunately, the people who wait the longest to What they say Proposal A ad: ..'•-. • Claim: "Vote yes arid Michigan will pay for property tax cuts by raising the safes tax 2 cents. Vote no and we get the backup plan, a 3 0 percent income, tax increase," • Analysis; Voters will choose between a sales tax hike and an income tax boost. Two cents sounds teas than the GO percent increase it represents. And the 30 percent income tax kike is partlafty offset by an increase in the personal exemption. A family of four with $35,000 in income would pay about 12.7 percent more. Anti-Proposal A brochure M Claim: Proposal A "forces Michigan taxpayers to pay combined taxes 37 percent higher than the national average/' • Analysis: Not true. Michigan'* taxes will be about the national average. • •• make the decisions (end to Snow ttey vote no. The rate goes up by the leastaod are themostsoscepfi- that amount but Is partially offset Me to the ads." by aa Increase In the personal The Proposal A campaign has exemption. begun running its ads as well, alPor instance, a family of four though not in the taasiag area. Its with a $35,0W income wilt see a first ad sacks closer to the facts, 12,7 percent In crease In lis income though tbey are stretched to its taxes, Weiae said. advantage. The ad says taxpayers will get a Staff writer Greg J. Berewskl 3* percent income tax Increase if contributed to this report. Competition feet—giving impromptu speeches. "We'vestudied day after day together," said Anung WeMcamlgad. 18, a junior at Eastern High, "it brings Us together, individuals can't win this on their own. You Prom tA teams. Then you go out and do your best And then you talk about how you did." CompcHtcrs also bufld self-coo* ffcfence and self-esteem and "gain f«4t+w*#> . get the best grades can still compete," said Tbuy Tran, t$, a senior at Everett High. "Tficy don't iave to have a to» t TJie laming competition — in
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