Head and Neck NSSG Annual Report 2010/11 Agreement Cover Sheet This Annual Report has been agreed by: Position: Chair of the NSSG Name: Alan Lamont Organisation: Colchester Hospital University Foundation Trust Date Agreed: 6th may 2011 Position: Chair of the Network Board Name: Sheila Bremner Organisation: NHS North Essex Cluster Date Agreed: 6th May 2011 NSSG members agreed the Annual Report on: Date Agreed: 5th May 2011 1 Category Report Introduction This annual report from the Head and Neck NSSG covers the period 1st April 2010 – 31st March 2011. The Head and Neck service in ECN is fully IOG compliant. Key achievements in 2010/11 include: NSSG securing good cross network and user representation, completing and formally approving comprehensive constitution/clinical guidelines document (approved July 2010) running successful half day Head and Neck cancer audit event and supporting Head and Neck MDTs and NSSG through new Peer Review process , achieving a green rating in following external validation in Jan 2011. Centralised services for both ENT and Max Fax are now established at MEHT. This group met on three occasions during 2010/11 (business meetings) and held one audit event. Minutes attached Appendix 1. NSSG Meetings Schedule / Attendance 11-1C-101i Annual Review 11-1C-102i Key challenges where some progress made but additional work required next year, includes: • Recruitment and integration of specialist and restorative dentistry practitioner staff. • Establishment of Clinical Trials and research activity. • Expansion of junior medical and other disciplines’ training in Head and Neck cancer. • Evolution of the relationship with Base-of-Skull surgery MDT. • Provision of routine IMRT (Specialist radiotherapy) at CHUFT, currently available at SUHFT. • Rationalisation of Thyroid cancer core membership. • Maintenance of a reliable technological infrastructure for MDT video conferencing and radiology image transfer There have been four Head NSSG meetings during 2010/11, three dedicated to business and one audit event. (Appendix 1) The attendance demonstrates involvement from core members from each of the four Head and Neck MDTs that serve the Essex Cancer Network (Appendix 2). However the attendance is by a core group and some other members have poor attendance that the NSSG may wish to review its membership. Date: 14th May 2010 Conducted by: Tom Carr, Medical Director (Appendix 5) 2 Clinical Lines of Enquiry National Data Trust Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Clinical Clinical Indicator Indicator Indicator 1 2 3 Clinical Indicator 4 % WHERE INTERVAL BIOPSY TO REPORTING >10 DAYS (6) > 40% CASES SEEN BY CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST (CNS) (9) % OF CASES DISCUSSED AT MDT (5) %OF CASES WITH TNM RECORDED (4) 100 100 100 100 92 100 80 36 100 100 94 9 National Clinical indicator 5 SUHFT provided assurances that at least 40% of patients having treatment received pretreatment dietetic assessment. Activity Overview Head and Neck Cancer Surgeries MEHT H&N surgical data 201011.xls Waiting Times Network Audit 11-1C-111i See Appendix 3 for 2010/11 Data A range of topics were presented at our Network audit event agreed via NSSG. The meeting was highly successful and was well attended by members of the NSSG Audit flyer shown in Appendix 4. Audits presented: • • • • • Cytology Results post FNA Completion rates for patients commencing radical non-surgical treatments Resection Margins Network-wide patient survey Free flap reconstruction in Head and Neck Surgery Agreed Actions: 3 There had been differences identified and, therefore, upfront chemo will be looked at again next year. Research 11-1C-113i All patients with a diagnosis of head and neck cancer should be considered for inclusion in clinical trials and other well designed research studies. Research nurses at each site are encouraged to attend MDTs and out patients to facilitate recruitment into studies. Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed is the clinician responsible for participation in trials and other well-designed studies. The Cancer Research Network Manager and or Clinical Lead for Research attend the NSSG to provide reports on recruitment and the current portfolio of research trials available. The NSSG will regularly review and agree head and neck studies available and have identified a lead responsible for ensuring recruitment into clinical trials and other well designed studies is integrated into the function of the NSSG The NSSG, at its meeting on 1st October 2010 discussed and agreed the clinical trial list for 2010/11. Activity (as required by measure 1C-151) was reviewed at all future meetings and action agreed as required during 2010/11. The current list and recruitment into each clinical trial for 2010/11 is listed in Appendix 6. Patient & Carer Feedback and Involvement A Network wide patient satisfaction survey is currently underway to be presented in September 2011. The results of the 2010 national patient survey are to be discussed at the NSSG in May 2011. Full results for the SMDT are embedded below, although the numbers were small at 28 respondants. Head and Neck Pt Survey.xls 4 Appendix 1 Head and Neck Cancer Network Site Specific Group Friday 25th June 2010 11.00am – 1.00pm Boardroom Kestrel House Present: Sue Maughn SM Associate Director, ECN Tom Carr TC Medical Director ECN Jonathan Philpott (chair) JP Head and Neck Surgeon, SUHFT Imtiaz Ahmed IA Consultant Oncologist, SUHFT Belinda Grant BG General Manager Cancer Services MEHT Arcot Maheshwar AJ Consultant & Neck Surgeon, CHUFT Sally-Ann Philpott SP Head and Neck CNS, CHUFT Karen Robertson KR CNS MEHT Anne Hill AH Head and Nick Oncology CNS, SUHFT Mrs. K. Tzafetta KT Consultant Plastic Surgeon, MEHT Lisa Oakley LO Specialist Dietician MEHT Miriam Mitchell MM Service Lead, Adult SLT NHS SW Essex Ashley Solieri AS Network Research Manager, ECRN Chris Adams CA User Representative Joanne Sirkett JC Speech & Language Therapist, MEHT Peter Weller PW Consultant OMFS Surgeon, SUHFT Karen Robertson KR CNS Head & Neck , MEHT Felicity Megee FM Speech and Language Therapist, MEHT Vivienne Loo VL Consultant Oncologist, MEHT Julia Morley JM CNS BTUHFT 5 Peter Davis PD Pathologist MEHT Ashley Solieri AS ECRN Manager Karen Cook KC General Manager MEHT Kate Patience KP AHP Lead ECN Gavin Watters GW ENT SUHFT Jo Sirkett JS Principal Speech and Language Therapist CECS/MEHT Bhagwat Mathur BM Consultant Plastic Surgeon MEHT 1. Apologies Rehman Khan, Mr A. Pace-Balzan, Pavel Kotoucek, Deborah Stokes, Adele Wisbey, Mr. Jeddy, Jamal Siddiqi, Judy Molyneux 2. Previous Minutes – 12th March 2010. Minutes agreed as true record of proceedings. 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Annual Report 2009/10 JP went through the annual report. Page 20 the wording “entries in blue are core Breast MDT members” required to be amended to read Head and Neck. Page 19 two members of the breast MDT need to be removed. Once these corrections have been made then the annual report can be signed off. 3.2 Work Programme 2010/11 JP reviewed the annual report section by section at the meeting. Agreed that it could be signed off as the programme for the NSSG for 2010/11. 6 3.3 SMDT Functioning Peer review Programme 2010/11. It was reported that 3 staff had done advanced communication skills last year and 3 were planned for this year. The CNS annual report is in progress but is still waiting for some activity data. 3.4 Joint Clinic Arrangements It was reported that there are concerns by the AHP’s that some patients are going home without seeing all of the healthcare professionals they need to, particularly Dieticians or S&L therapists. KR reported that in order to avoid this all patients should go through the clinic nurse who will see that no one is missed. There was some question as to whether or not a psychologist needed to be included in the remit of the clinic. It was generally felt however that the clinic was generally working better. It was felt however that there is some need to rationalise those patients that are sent to the clinic because some are too frail. It was felt that all patients who are to be offered some form of curative treatment should attend the clinic. It was felt that guidelines for the use of the clinic should be included in the operational guidelines. It was also felt that there needed to be some patient information given to explain to them the need to attend more than one site and what the benefits of attending the joint clinic are. It was reiterated that the clinic is for both new patients and those with recurrence. It is expected that the clinic will remain in its current location following the completion of the PFI. 3.5 Surgical Centralisation at MEHT Group confirmed that all in-patients surgery for ECN now centralised at MEHT. Unfortunately, activity reports not available for NSSG review. There has been some difficulty in getting plastic surgeon support on Tuesdays for these cases. There had been an indication from MEHT that on the appointment of a new plastic surgeon H&N cancer work would be supported on a Tuesday. It was reported that consultants in other trusts had adjusted job plans to support this. 7 However in practice there have been difficulties encountered in getting H&N patients dated for surgery on a Tuesday. The group urged MEHT to provide some degree of flexibility around this given the small number of cases per annum and the length of notice given. An urgent meeting is to be held at MEHT to resolve. This will be raised at the ECN board on 13th July and feedback is required before then. This unresolved issue will result in non-compliance with peer review. There are also some issues being experienced with some equipment availability. There was concern about potential changes to ward provision and that both the SMDT and NSSG should be kept up to date in MEHT Strategic Plans in this regard. It has been requested that potential changes to ward provision are also discussed at the same meeting. 3.6 DAHNO Concern noted by those who have used system that it is extremely time consuming to enter patient data however it was acknowledged that there needs to be a greater input from the wider members of the MDT. There have been some system problems, which has also compounded ability of teams to submit data. There has been some slippage in the completeness of data in the most recent report. The audit meeting in September will look at data completeness prior to the next upload of data. There was still concern amongst the group that what is recorded in DAHNO may not provide an accurate reflection of what is done. It was suggested that many of these difficulties could be overcome with the introduction across the network of the SOMERSET system. MEHT reported that they are in the pilot stage with the system and that the Head and Neck MDT is planned to be in phase 2 which is expected in 6- 8 weeks time. SUHFT reported that they are using the system already. Neither CHUFT nor BTUHFT were able to provide an update. The adoption of SOMERSET is seen as a priority by the network and is able to provide some funding for project support should it be required. 3.7 2010 Audit Topic NSSG was reminded of agreed audit topics discussed at the last meeting. These include:- 8 • • • • • Cytology results of post FNA - Lead: Jonathan Philpott Audit of re-section margins - (Lead: Mr. Jamal Siddiqi) Audit of completion rates for patients commencing radical non-surgical treatment - Lead: Dr Alan Lamont Network wide patients survey - Lead: Clinical Nurse Specialists Free flap reconstruction in Head and Neck Surgery – Lead: Mr. Bhagwat Mathur/Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta The Audit half day will take place at Mid Essex Hospital Trust, Lecture Theatre 1 on Friday, 17th September 2010 between 9.00am-12.15pm. Ms Tzafetta has agreed to make appropriate arrangements in partnership with Jill Butten, Network Office Manager. A study day is being planned by the CNS’s for all healthcare professionals working in the field of Head and Neck. It is to take place on 11th November 2010. 3.8 Draft Constitution Document 2009/10: There were some changes to be made. It was suggested that there should be a requirement to provide photographs of larger samples. Following feedback from other constitutions that had been subject to peer review this year SM suggested that flowcharts of referral and imaging pathways could be included. Action: SM/JP 3.9 Regular Agenda Items 3.9.1 Clinical Trial Recruitment Ashley Solieri, ECRN Manager, circulated the ECRN approved list of Head & Neck Cancer Trials for NSSG review. It was confirmed that Imtiaz Ahmed was the research lead and this needs reflecting on P32 of the constitution and added to the annual report. The current study list also needs amending in the constitution. IA discussed the small number of studies available however more studies are expected in the future and it is hoped that recruitment would increase. VL and AM agreed to take part in the PET-NECK study and AS would follow this up with R&D. 9 3.9.2 User Involvement Nil to report. 3.10 Clinical Nurse Specialists Meeting/Service Improvement A patient satisfaction survey is underway in the Friday am clinic. There is a South Essex/Network wide patient experience project underway. It was considered a bit too early to audit IMRT as there have only been 15 patients to date. 3.11 Consultant Appointment at MEHT. Paper work had been presented to the HR department to enable the trust to readvertise. MEHT are also to go out to advert to replace Mr Dev Roy who is retiring. 4. New Business 4.1 Rehab pathways NCAT has published standardised rehab pathways for each tumour site. These will be peer reviewed as part of the Rehab measures. These pathways will need to be adopted and placed within the constitution document. Discussions to be picked up through ECRN and review of NCRN trials list to ensure SMDT in all localities contributing to this trial. 5. Any Other Business 5.1 British Association of Head & Neck Nurses 10 SP has been elected on to the British Association of Head & Neck Nurses committee. 5.2 Morbidity and Mortality JP suggested that the NSSG needs to be formally reporting its morbidity and mortality figures. This should be reported on a 3 monthly basis. Discussions were had a to how to take this forward. 5.3 Pathology Reports There is a wide variation seen in pathology reports, particularly in the case of Oral. It was agreed that there should be some standardisation and a wider use of photographs. Although the pathologists agree there is a requirement for a MDS they also feel the need for the ability to free text. It was suggested that there is a need to drive up standards and that this could be done through audit. The pathology cross cutting group had worked out where the expertise lies within the network but it had been difficult to drive items forward as they have not been quorate. PD described the difficulties in trying to move pathology services forward whilst a decision on the centralisation of services was still outstanding. 5.4 Performance Reports TC suggested that there should be performance information presented to the NSSG. This should include performance against 31/62 day standards and activity as well as any others that the group feels appropriate. 6. Date of next meeting Half Day Audit – Friday, 17th Lecture Theatre 1, MEHT September 2010 - 9.00am-12.15pm, 11 NSSG - Friday 1st October 2010 - 11.00am-1.00pm, Lecture Theatre 1, MEHT. Head and Neck Cancer Network Site Specific Group Friday 1st October 2010 11.00am – 1.00pm MEHT – Lecture Theatre 1 Present: Dr Alan Lamont (Chair) AL Consultant Oncologist, CHUFT Sue Maughn SM Interim Network Director, ECN Adele Wisbey AW Divisional Nurse Manager, MEHT Dawn Beaumont-Jewell DBJ Research Nurse Clinician, MEHT Imtiaz Ahmed IA Consultant Oncologist, SUHFT Maged Abdelkader MA Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon, BTUHFT Belinda Grant BG General Manager Cancer Services, MEHT Sally-Ann Philpott SP Head and Neck CNS, CHUFT Anne Hill AH Head and Nick Oncology CNS, SUHFT Mrs. K. Tzafetta KT Consultant Plastic Surgeon, MEHT Karen Robertson KR Head and Neck CNS, MEHT Vivienne Loo VL Consultant Oncologist, MEHT Michael Scanes MS User Involvement Facilitator Miriam Mitchell MM Service Lead, BTUHFT Julia Morley JM CNS, BTUHFT 12 Joanne Sirkett JC Speech & Language Therapist, MEHT Sally Sanger SS Macmillan Information Network Manager, ECN Bhagwat Mathur BM Consultant Plastic Surgeon, MEHT Jamal Siddiqi JS OMFS Surgeon, BTUHFT Gavin Watters KW Head & Neck Surgeon, SUHFT Jayne McCabe 1. Psychotherapist, MEHT Apologies Ashley Solieri, Judy Molyneux, Arcot Maheshwar, Deborah Stokes, Albert PaceBalzan, Chris Adams, Denis Falconer 2. Previous Minutes – 25th June 2010 Minutes agreed as true record of proceedings. 3. Matters Arising 3.1 SMDT Functioning Still experiencing problems with the radiology support at SMDT. 3 radiologists to be recruited by April 2011. The video link infrastructure seems better. Some problems, however, still occur when multi-link required. MEHT to install Image Exchange Portal (IEP) with initial funding from the network. Histology usually present with sections to review. Good overall attendance and high quality discussions taking place. 3.2 Surgical Centralisation at MEHT The surgical centralisation of ENT from St John’s to MEHT has been delayed until 5th November. It is envisaged that when this move has taken place, MEHT 13 surgeons will be able to attend more of the SMDT to allow for a wider discussion of all patients. 3.3 DAHNO Commitment The CNS’s had attended a study day at DAHNO. From next year there will be new requirements to collect 6 and 12 month reviews and also AHP data. The NSSG agreed to commit to do this. SOMERSET will support some of the data collection; but there will still be commitment to DAHNO. The 4 trusts are at different stages with SOMERSET roll out. The Network has a graduate trainee joining them to help bring all of the trusts together. 3.4 2010 Audit Topics The NSSG had held a successful Audit half day on 17th September. Mrs Tzafetta is going to write up a report of the session. There had been differences identified and, therefore, upfront chemo will be looked at again next year. Next year’s audit day will also be in September; hosted by CHUFT. Members were asked to consider topics for 2011 audit and bring them to the next meeting. 3.5 Draft Constitution Document Approved by the Network Board on 14th September 2010. Will need to be reviewed by June 2011 prior to Peer Review. 3.6 Regular Agenda Items 3.6.1 Clinical Trials Trials already open on the list provided were approved by the NSSG. COSTAR still in set up at SUHFT. Other studies are open to recruitment: The list to be revised and adopted at the next NSSG. 3.6.2 User Involvement Feedback 3.6.3 CNS/Service Improvement 14 At the joint Friday clinic all patients are asked if they would like a permanent record of their consultation. At SUHFT all patients are sent this automatically. There was some debate as to what the National Guidance actually is in relation to providing patients with a record of their consultation. SM/AL to investigate. Action: SM/AL 3.7 Consultant Appointment at MEHT (Up-date) Job description is still with the college, although a locum is trying to be recruited in the interim. 4. New Business 4.1. Information Prescription Project: Project Manager Sally Sanger presented to the NSSG. The Information Prescription Project aims to bring good quality pathway specific patient information. The information can be tailored to the patient’s needs and stage of pathways. It is a back up to verbal information and not a substitute for it. It will be delivered electronically through NHS Choices and will be subject to Peer Review from 2012. Roll out takes place over 2 years from November 2010 and there are 2 beacon sites in Essex 1 at CHUFT and 1 at BTUHFT. Head and Neck pathways will be available from November. Local site specific information can be uploaded to the system. 4.2 Rehab Pathways NCAT has produced a number of rehab pathways. These pathways contain triggers for referrals to an AHP along the patient pathway. They need to be signed off by the NSSG and any comments should be referred to Kate Patience please at kate.patience@nhs.net. If there are no adverse comments returned to Kate within 2 weeks of the circulation of the minutes, the pathways will be approved. 5. Any Other Business 15 5.1 Head and Neck Wards The NSSG approves and supports the requirement for a dedicated Head and Neck ward at MEHT. This should be properly resourced in both terms of staff and facilities. It is a requirement of Peer Review that the details of the dedicated ward are included in the Constitution. 5.2 Operational Issues A number of operational issues were discussed:• • • • • • Patients are discharged from the Hub without district nurse cover and any equipment required. Patients have to be admitted the night before surgery as notes not available on the day. There were delays in information getting back to the Hubs e.g data not received by local oncologists before follow up. Funding for psychological support withdrawn from April 2011. Lack of CNS support at Basildon. Possible change of date of thyroid MDT. It was suggested that the discharge planning needs to be more comprehensive. It was felt that these issues were not for the NSSG, but should be taken up in a local operational business meeting which will be held between NSSG meetings. 6. Dates of Next Meetings Friday, 4th February 2011 following SMDT at MEHT 11.30-1:30pm – Olga Rippon Room Head and Neck Cancer Network Site Specific Group 16 Friday 4th February 2011 11.30am – 1.30pm MEHT – Olga Rippon ROOM MAU Present: Dr Alan Lamont (Chair) AL Consultant Oncologist, CHUFT Imtiaz Ahmed IA Consultant Oncologist, SUHFT Jamal Siddiqi JS OMFS Surgeon, BTUHFT Arcot Maheshwar AM Consultant ENT Surgeon, CHUFT Rachael West RW Cancer Services Manager, CHUFT Kate Petts KP Head & Neck General Manager, MEHT Tom Carr TC Medical Director, ECN Sue Maughn SM Interim Network Director, ECN Belinda Grant BG General Manager Cancer Services, MEHT Sally-Ann Philpott SP Head and Neck CNS, CHUFT Anne Hill AH Head and Nick Oncology CNS, SUHFT Kate Patience KP Macmillan AHP Lead, ECN Karen Robertson KR Head and Neck CNS, MEHT Vivienne Loo VL Consultant Oncologist, MEHT Michael Scanes MS User Involvement Facilitator Miriam Mitchell MM Service Lead, BTUHFT Amy Brocks AB Staff Nurse, MEHT Joanne Sirkett JC Speech & Language Therapist, MEHT Joanna Gagola JG Staff Nurse, MEHT Lesley-Ann Little LL Student Nurse, MEHT Gavin Watters KW Consultant ENT Surgeon, SUHFT Niresh Randive NR Consultant Anaesthetist, MEHT A Pace-Balzan APB Consultant ENT Surgeon, MEHT J Philpott JP Consultant ENT Surgeon, SUHFT Judy Molyneux JM Dietician, MEHT 17 Skandadas Gangshalincam 1. SG Consultant Radiologist, MEHT Apologies Rehman Khan, Kallirroi Tzafetta, Jackie Gibson, Mr T Jeddy, Ashley Solieri 2. Previous Minutes – 1st October 2010 Minutes agreed as true record of proceedings. 3. Matters Arising 3.1 SMDT Functioning AL said that the SMDT was working satisfactorily, but there were still issues around image transfer, although he is of the opinion that this is part of a learning curve. SM said that the Network was looking at the issues and undertaking a baseline assessment. 3.2 Surgical Centralisation at MEHT A new surgeon has been appointed, but they are waiting for the Contract to be finalised. Several operations have been cancelled due to a lack of beds and also a lack of ITU beds. MEHT does not currently have a dedicated H&N Surgical Ward as required by the NICE IOG Guidelines. KP said that the new Director of Operations has promised that a dedicated H&N ward will be established at MEHT and would be publishing the timescale next week. MEHT had wanted to transfer a patient to Springfield Hospital (private) so that Mr Faulkner could include the patient on his private list due to the unavailability of beds at MEHT, but the Network team had stopped this as it would be completely inappropriate as this was not an IOG compliant centre. It was stated that the bottom line was that there are not enough beds, and unless more beds are made available this will be an ongoing problem. AL said that this was an issue for the Network and Trust to resolve. SM said that if an operation is cancelled perhaps the patient should be offered surgery at another IOG compliant centre. JP said that this would introduce delays as it would entail discussing the patient with another MDT, and then the other centre finding a slot. 18 AL said that the group needs a Crisis Management Plan: The SMDT should discuss whether a particular patient MUST be treated at an IOG compliant centre or not. Patients should only be treated in an IOG compliant centre and only if no timely slot is available after consultation with reasonable accessible to IOG compliant centres (e.g. London, Cambridge, Norwich) should use of a non compliant centre be considered. IA suggested that the group should audit how many patients are having the surgery cancelled. AL said that the Network was not getting the resources from MEHT that had been promised. SM and TC are meeting with the Director of Operations at MEHT and would be raising these issues at the meeting. TC said that the network were looking at centralisation of the Upper GI service at MEHT, but were planning a strict Service Specification before the centralisation will take place. 3.3 DAHNO Commitment SP said that the DAHNO report for 2010 was due in April 2011. CHUFT have two data clerks helping uploading the data. SUHFT are uploading data with IT support from MEHT MEHT will be using Somerset by April 2011 and this will populate DAHNO. AL said that we need to look at the next DAHNO Report to establish where the gaps are. He suspects that non-surgical oncology is a likely gap. 3.4 2011 Audit Topics The next audit day will be hosted by CHUFT. SP will try to find a room for the proposed date (16th September 2011) Topics to include:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cancellations (JP will coordinate the results) Nutrition Laryngectomy: Speech and language outcomes. PET Scan: does it meet standards Kate Patience: Audit of rehab services for H&N patients across Essex Adherence to Cancer Drug Fund (AL) Patient Satisfaction Survey (CNSs) 19 3.5 Draft Constitution Document The Constitution document needs to be reviewed ready for the Peer Review visit in June 2011. The SMDT at Broomfield will be visited on 8th June 2011 and the NSSG on 16th June 2011. AL and MS to look at the Constitution and amend as required. The Annual Report 2010-2011 and 3 year Work Programme will be discussed at the end of a future MDT meeting. These will need to be ready by end of April 2011 as they will need to be uploaded onto cquins in readiness for the Peer review visits. 3.5.1 Teenage and Young Adults Peer Review Measures MS reported that the TYA Peer Review measures are out for consultation. One of the requirements of the Measures is that every NSSG in a Network should have a TYA Pathway in their Constitution. 16-18 year olds have to be referred to the MDT at the Primary Treatment Centre for discussion. Treatment will take place at the PTC; 19-24 year olds are to be discussed locally and the PTC advised. This group can choose where they are treated. The PTC for all Essex patients is UCLH. MS said that the Network would prepare a paragraph for insertion into the Constitution. This would have to be formally agreed at the next meeting. 3.6 Regular Agenda Items 3.6.1 Clinical Trials See attached report from Ashley Solieri 3.6.2 User Involvement Feedback AH said that the current User Representative did not feel that his presence was useful. She added that there was another potential representative in Southend. MS asked her to provide contact details so that he could discuss what would be involved. He added that a H&N patient had just joined the User Group in Colchester and would be approached about joining the NSSG when he had a little more experience. He asked any other of the CNSs if they could identify potential new patient/carer representatives to let him know. 4. New Business 4.1 AOS Rapid Access Clinic All Trusts with an A&E department will be required to channel cancer patients 20 directly to Cancer Clinicians. Each Trust needs a plan and this needs to be documented. The Network has a Cross Cutting Group working on these issues. The process will be subject to Peer Review this year. 4.2 Rehab Pathways The Rehab Pathway, having been circulated, was accepted by the group and signed off by the Chair 5. Any Other Business 5.1 Maxillofacial service There are currently 3 vacancies for Maxfac surgeons. MEHT are looking to recruit to the vacancies. IA said that the service is suffering. JP said that they were concerned that the oral surgery service in Southend is just oral surgery and not supported by a Maxfac surgeon. He urged the Centre to recruit as soon as possible. Following discussion around the role, the NSSG agreed that in principle it supports the concept of any Maxfac surgeon contributing to open flap surgery. There are operational difficulties at CHUFT due to a lack of Maxfac input to the Oral Surgery Service. The NSSG supports a Hub and Spoke service for Maxfac surgeons based at MEHT. 5.2 Surgical Capacity JS expressed concerns on access to MEHT operating capacity and urged MEHT and BTUHFT to resolve the matter as soon as possible. 5.3 National Patient Satisfaction Survey 6. BG expressed concern that MEHT had not done very well in the recently published National Cancer Patient Satisfaction Survey. SM said that due to time constraints it would be put on the agenda of the next meeting. Dates of Next Meetings Friday 13th May 2011, 12 noon – 2.00pm, Kestrel House CM2 5PF Thursday 16th June SMDT peer review visit at Network Offices 1112:30pm ( a representative group of members from the NSSG needs to attend) Friday 4th November 2011 following SMDT at MEHT 11.30 – 1.30pm Half Day Audit: Friday 16th September 2011 Venue : TBA 21 Appendix 2 Summary Attendance at Head and Neck NSSG 2010/11 Name South Essex - Basildon Title ORG Jamal Siddiqi OMFS Surgeon Taleb Jeddy Consultant Surgeon North East Essex Donna Booton Duncan McRae Alan Lamont (chair) Arcot Maheshwar Michelle Bath Philip Murray Sally-Anne Philpott Robert Skelly 25.6.10 1.10.10 4.2.11 BTUHFT X 66% BTUHFT X x x 0 CHUFT x x x 0 0 66% CHUFT x x x Consultant Oncologist CHUFT x Consultant H&N Surgeon CHUFT Head & Neck CNS CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT x x x x x x Ruth Sterell H&N Radiographer CHUFT x Rachael West Lead Cancer Manager CHUFT x x x x x x x x x x x Consultant Oncologist MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT x x Saad Tahir CHUFT x x x 66% 0 0 100% x 0 x 0 x 33% 0 Mid Essex Basil Abdi Khalid Al-Janabi Hilary Armstrong David Cunnah Dr. Vivienne Loo Denis Falconer Lynn Thomas Judy Molyneux Bhagwat Mathur Neville Davidson Albert Pace-Balzan Mahir Petkar Karen Robertson Joanne Sirkett OMFS Surgeon Dietetic Lead Consultant Plastic Surgeon Lead Cancer Clinician Histopathologist Head and Neck CNS MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT Speech & Language Therapist MEHT Adele Wisbey Nurse Matron MEHT Kalliroi Tzafetta Consultant Plastic Surgeon Speech & Language Therapist Consultant Anaesthetist Dietetic Lead (alternate) MEHT Felicity Megee Paolo Baraggia Lisa Oakley x x x x 0 0 0 0 100% x x x x x 0 0 33% x x x x x x x x x 33% 0 33% 0 100% 100% x x 33% x 66% x x 33% x x x 0% y y x 66% x x x 0% 66% x x x x x x x x x x x MEHT MEHT x South Essex - Southend Audrey Loos Anne Hill Jonathan Philpott (deputy chair) Karl Metcalfe Krishnaswamy Madhavan Mike Salter Sreekanth Palvai Lead Cancer Manager Head & Neck CNS Head & Neck Surgeon SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT x x x x 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 22 Imtiaz Ahmed Consultant Oncologist SUHFT Gavin Watters Peter Weller Head & Neck Surgeon Consultant OMFS Surgeon Head & Neck Cancer CNS Consultant Head & Neck Surgeon SUHFT SUHFT Julia Morley Maged Abdelkader Miriam Mitchell Rehman Khan Jackie Gibson Lead Cancer Manager 100% 100% 33% BTUHFT x x x BTUHFT x x BTUHFT BTUHFT BTUHFT x x x x x x 33% 100% 0 0 x x 33% 66% User Representation Chris Adams Cancer Network Sue Maughn (from June 2010) Tom Carr Netty Wood Michael Scanes Network Director ECN Medical Director Network Pharmacist User Involvement Facilitator ECN ECN ECN x x x x Manager ECRN x 100% 66% 0% 66% Essex Cancer Research Network Ashley Solieri x x 33% Entries in Blue are Core Head and Neck MDT members 23 Head and Neck Cancer Activity and Waiting Times 2010/11 Essex Cancer Network Patients where primary diagnosis was Head and Neck Cancer by PCT. (100 patients were diagnosed at trusts outside the network) Purchaser Mid Essex PCT North East Essex PCT South East Essex PCT South West Essex PCT Total Patients from Essex Cancer Network PCTs 25 20 23 31 29 23 19 31 44 12 34 24 32 23 18 31 39 19 35 29 48 11 40 42 26 15 25 46 29 19 22 50 Dec emb er 2010 33 29 32 32 99 102 114 104 122 141 112 120 126 April 2010 May June July August 2010 2010 2010 2010 Septe mber 2010 October 2010 Novem ber 2010 Janua ry 2011 Febr uary 2011 YTD (11/12) 29 25 23 34 36 12 14 19 370 292 285 369 111 81 1232 24 Cancer Wait times data (Source Open Exeter) Two Week Waits Total Seen referrals within seen during 14 days the period BASILDON AND THURROCK UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total 31 Day First Treatment 62 Day Standard Treated Total Total Total on or over treated within treated target 31 days 21 39 25 36 32 35 22 29 29 33 47 21 38 24 34 32 33 22 29 28 33 47 3 1 4 3 1 4 2 0 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 4 1 0 0.5 0 1.5 0.5 0.5 0 348 341 9 9 25 4 25 COLCHESTER HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION TRUST Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total Two Week Waits Total referrals Seen seen within during 14 days the period 34 34 32 32 43 42 39 34 36 34 35 33 46 44 37 37 33 33 29 25 43 43 407 391 31 Day First Treatment Total treated 62 Day Standard Treated on or Total within treated 31 days Total over target 5 1 2 1 7 1 3 3 5 1 2 1 7 1 3 2 3 0.5 1 2 2 1 2 0 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 0.5 0.5 28 26 14 3 26 Two Week Waits Total Seen referrals within seen during 14 days the period MID ESSEX HOSPITAL SERVICES NHS TRUST Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total 31 Day First Treatment 62 Day Standard Treated Total Total Total on or over treated within treated target 31 days 43 36 34 28 37 44 31 37 43 34 39 39 34 32 28 35 42 27 36 38 33 38 9 13 9 4 12 12 11 13 10 11 5 9 13 9 4 12 12 11 13 10 9 5 2 3 4 2 5 4 4 8 3 6 4 0.5 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0.5 1 0.5 406 382 109 107 45 5.5 27 SOUTHEND HOSPITAL NHS TRUST Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total Two Week Waits Total referrals Seen seen within during 14 days the period 38 36 48 47 53 53 52 52 33 33 52 51 43 43 62 60 42 40 43 43 56 53 522 511 31 Day First Treatment Total treated 62 Day Standard Treated on or Total within treated 31 days Total over target 1 4 5 6 9 6 2 4 6 6 5 1 3 5 6 7 6 2 4 5 6 5 1 3 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 0 0 1 1 1.5 0 1 0 0 0 54 50 27 4.5 28 29 Appendix 4 Sponsored by: TIME TITLE OF PRESENTATION 09.00 09.05 09.30 Coffee and Biscuits Cytology Results post FNA Mr. Jonathan Philpott Resection Margins Mr.Jamal Siddiqi 10.00 Completion rates for patients commencing radical non-surgical treatments 10.30 Refreshment Break 10.45 11.15 11.45 PRESENTER Network-wide patient survey Dr. Alan Lamont Clinical Nurse Specialists Free flap reconstruction in Head and Neck Surgery Mr. Bhagwat Mathur/Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta Buffet Lunch 30 For more information please contact Sue Maughn, Associate Director/SIL, Essex Cancer Network (tel: 01245 397647) If you plan to attend, please e-mail: jill.butten@nhs.net 31 Appendix 5 Essex Cancer Network NSSG Chair Annual Review Name: Alan Lamont Date of Review: NSSG Site: Head and Neck 14th May 2010 Structure: Alan has had the role of chair of the NSSG for 2 years and is happy to continue. His deputy is Jonathan Philpot. Strengths: The NSSG has a good attendance across all disciplines and from each Trust in the Network. The agenda for the meetings is written by the chair. Areas for Improvement: Centralisation of the service to become IOG compliant has been a struggle but is now progressing well. There is currently a challenge in the centralisation and organisation of the Essex maxillofacial service. Expansion of junior medical and other disciplinary training in Head & Neck cancer is essential. The integration of ENT services from St John’s to Broomfield is long overdue and when completed will help the service delivery. Establishment of research and clinical trials activity is essential. There are concerns regarding the facilities after the service moves into the new PFI Hospital. Documentation: The NSSG has produced the following documents: • • • Constitution including treatment guidelines Annual Report Work Programme Peer review outcomes and concerns: No major concerns. The transfer of imaging is difficult and IT needs to be improved. It does not appear to be a priority and might need to be pushed. Data and audit: DAHNO is supported but it is complex and needs clerical support which is not available. Network wide audit has been conducted and reported at an Audit meeting. 32 Personal development needs and plans: Nil. Mr T W Carr Medical Director Essex Cancer Network 14th May 2010. Next Review Due by 14th May 2011 33 Appendix 6 Essex Cancer Network – Head and Neck Cancer Trial activity and Recruitment Accrual 2010/11 Trial Name and Short Description Southend 10/11 COSTAR / A randomised study of cochlear sparing intensity modulated radiotherapy vs conventional radiotherapy in patients with parotid tumour PET NECK / A randomised trial comparing PET-CT guided watch and wait policy vs planned neck dissection for the management of locally advanced (N2/N3) nodal metastases in patients with head and neck squamous cancer TCUK IN / Thyroid Cancer Genetic investigation in the UK Non-NCRN Studies Basildon Total 0 1 10/11 Chelmsford Total 10/11 Total Colchester 10/11 Total 0 3 In set up In set up 0 0 34 35
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