Skin NSSG Annual Report 2009/10 Agreement Cover Sheet This Annual Report has been agreed by: Position: Chair of the NSSG Name: Peter Dziewulski Organisation: Mid Essex Hospitals Trust Date Agreed: April 2010 Position: Chair of the Network Board Name: Pam Court Organisation: NHS South West Date Agreed: Planned 14th September 2010 NSSG members agreed the Annual Report on: Date Agreed: 15th June 2010 1 Skin Cancer Network Site-Specific Group Annual Report 2009/10 Category Report Introductions This annual report from the Skin NSSG covers the period 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010. As a fairly new NSSG, established following merger of South Essex and Mid Anglia Cancer Networks in 2007, key emphasis in 09/10 was of consolidation of the group, implementing the ECN agreed plan for delivering IOG compliant Skin Cancer services and planning for comprehensive Peer Review programme in June 2009. The Group has matured into a cohesive strong group with cross network representation (acute and primary) making significant progress towards delivering IOG compliance. There remain areas where attendance from core members could be improved Key achievements include: stronger NSSG, agreed clinical guidelines and constitution; completed network-wide audit and progress to deliver IOG. Key challenges where progress made but additional work required next year includes: strengthening role and functioning of the single SSMDT and IOG compliant community skin cancer services across all localities NSSG Meetings Schedule / Attendance There have been 5 x Skin NSSG meetings during 2009/10. (Appendix 3) This is a higher than average number which was felt to be required to deliver the network IOG implementation plan. Appendix 1 presents the attendance summary for the meetings that have taken place during 2009/10. The summary also demonstrates attendance from core members of each of the Skin MDTs within the Network. Network The configuration of local and specialist MDTs year end has changed dramatically during 2009/10. Configuration At the start of the year there were 3 x SSMDTs - South Essex SSMDT, Mid Essex SSMDT and North East Essex SSMDT. However, summer 2009 saw the establishment of a single network SSMDT hosted by Broomfield (linking all four ECN localities) receiving referrals from North East LSMDT and South Essex LSMDT. Consolidation and development of new SSMDT will be a priority for 2010/11 work plans. 2009/10 saw increased commitment across all 4 PCTs in ECN to deliver IOG compliant Skin Cancer services in community. All PCTs have undertaken baseline assessment and have a clear understanding who is excising what in primary care. They also are reasonably clear of the service model they wish to support. However formalizing these arrangements has been compounded by draft NICE guidelines on BCC management which has been out for consultation. All PCTs have now established formal reporting arrangements with local pathology departments with appropriate governance arrangements in place to take action if melanomas/SCCs are excised in community. Further work required in 2009/10 to further define and formalize arrangements. 2 Activity Overview Skin Cancer Surgeries Essex Acute Trusts 01/04/2009 - 31/03/2010 PCT Procedure (All) (All) Count of Episode_ID Month Provider_ID 200904 200905 200906 200907 200908 200909 200910 2 9 7 7 8 10 7 8 Chelmsford 150 121 133 142 136 171 169 191 Colchester 55 67 72 81 71 71 94 83 Basildon Southend Grand Total Basildon 9 4 17 8 7 10 8 12 216 201 229 238 222 262 278 294 200912 201001 201002 201003 Grand Total 4 7 9 9 87 Chelmsford 136 131 177 202 1859 Colchester 64 72 65 99 894 Southend Grand Total 200911 7 3 10 6 101 211 213 261 316 2941 Waiting Times See Appendix 4 for 2009/10 Data Annual Review Date: 4th March 2010 Conducted by: Mr. Tom Carr, Medical Director Appendix 5 Clinical Guideline During 2009/10 the NSSG formally developed and agreed the clinical guidelines for management of skin cancer in ECN under the leadership of Dr Elizabeth Fraser-Andrews. These along with referral guidelines and organisational arrangements have been incorporated into the Skin NSSG Constitution document which was formally approved in April 2010. The constitution is due for review March/April 2011. Network Audit The NSSG completed one Skin Cancer Network Audit Project during 2009/10. This was an audit of management of Cutaneous Lymphomas in ECN. The audit reviewed several years of lymphoma management across all localities and the results were presented at the NSSG on 26th Jan 2010. Key conclusion points for debate and action were: • • • • • • Long natural history, discuss at diagnosis/progression TSEB not required in Essex if available at tertiary centre Increasing use of Bexarotene may have funding implications Treatment of CTCL and CBCL in line with current guidelines Need better pick up of cases for discussion at skin MDT ECN Cutaneous lymphoma management guidelines and referral pathways require clarification (see NSSG Guidelines) The NSSG remain committed to network-wide audit and have agreed that the ‘Management of SCC on Ear’ would be the topic for 2010/11. Clinical Lead – Peter Dziewulski 3 Time Period – All cases diagnosed in calendar year 2008 and managed through both Skin and H&N MDTs Audit Presentation: Autumn 2010 Research The current list and recruitment into each clinical trial for the 2009/10 (up to March 2010) is listed in Appendix 2. During 2009/10 the two cancer research networks serving ECN were merged to create a single Essex Cancer Research Network co-terminous with service network. A lead manager (Ashley Solieri) and Lead Clinician (Dr Madhavan) have been appointed. The NSSG has not to date held and recorded details of a dedicated meeting to discuss clinical trial activity (as required by measure 1C-151) and this will be actioned during 2010/11. Service Improvement & Service Delivery Plan The NSSG identifies the Service Delivery Plan priorities for advice to the Network Board. The key issues all relate to delivering IOG compliant services in ECN and will be subject to review as part of 2010/11 NSSG Work Plan. Priority areas include development of SNB at MEHT and consolidating SSMDT. Network-wide service improvement initiatives during 2009/10 have concentrated on strengthening local MDTs and establishing the single SSMDT for ECN. Some examples include: North east – local skin cancer database, improved MDT attendance, patient survey, communication skills training, improved patient information circulation South – Improved administration for MDT; new teleconference facilities, dedicated pathway coordinator At the outset of 2009/10 there was only one Skin cancer CNS in ECN (Esther Kay – South Essex). However since Peer Review in June 2009 all ECN localities have secured funding and appointed dedicated Skin cancer CNSs . This is an excellent patient centered development for the network. Patient & Carer Feedback and Involvement Due to shortfalls in CNS provision the opportunity to complete network-wide patient survey through the NSSG during 2009/10 was compromised however this will be addressed during 2010/11, ensuring that details of the outcome of this work impact changes to service delivery as a result. Minimum Data Sets The NSSG have agreed a minimum dataset for all patients discussed in MDT and this is set out in two MDT proformas (a) melanoma and Non-melanoma. These documents can be found as an appendix of the respective MDT Operational Policy 4 Appendix 1 Skin NSSG Attendance (2008/09) Name Title ORG Plastic Surgeon Lead Cancer Clinician Consultant Dermatologist Medical Oncologist Histopathologist Histopathologist CNS MDT Coordinator Lead Manager Manager PCT Lead GP lead MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT NHSME NHSME Consultant Dermatologist Clinical Oncologist CNS Derm manager Lead manager PCT lead GP lead CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT NHSNEE NHSNEE Consultant Dermatologist Consultant Dermatologist Consultant Dermatologist Lead Cancer Manager Histopathologist Clinical Oncologist Skin Cancer CNS Derm Nurse BTUHFT BTUHFT BTUHFT BTUHFT SHUFT SHUFT SHUFT BTUHFT 16/04/09 30/06/09 24/11/09 20/01/10 23/03/10 % √ √ 60% 40% 20% 40% 20% 40% 60% 40% 40% 100% 60% Mid Essex Peter Dziewulski (Chair) Professor Neville Davidson Hilary Dodd M Arum Mahir Petkar Dia kamel Elizabeth Ann Dust Sheryl Jones Belinda Grant Karen Cook/Elizabeth Podd Tracy Porter/Lyn Smith Donald McGeachy √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ North East Essex Elizabeth Fraser-Andrews Alan Lamont Michelle Marshall Mel Crouch Michelle Bath Tracy Beastall Linda Mahon-Daly √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 80% 60% 40% 20% 20% 20% 20% South Essex Mohsen Khorshid Rohaj Metha Stephanie Lateo (from 25.1.2010) Jackie Gibson Maryse Sundarsen Krishnaswamy Madhavan Esther Kay Janice Armitt √ √ 40% √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 20% 60% 20% 20% 0% 20% 5 Julie Hopping Linda Brett Dave Fazey Maryse Sundaresan PCT Lead NHSSWE √ PCT Lead Histopathologist SEEPCT SHUFT √ √ √ Kevin McKenny Tom Carr Ashley Solieri (joined 1.3.2010) Network Director Lead Clinician Research Manager ECN ECN ERCN √ √ Michael Scances User Facilitator ECN 20% 60% 100% 20% √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 100% 0% √ 20% 60% Cancer Network Total in Attendance 12 12 √ √ √ 14 15 14 Entries in Blue are also Core Skin MDT members 6 Appendix 2 Essex Cancer Research Network – Melanoma Studies and Recruitment 2009/10 Trial Name and Short Description Southend 09/10 Total Basildon 09/10 Total AVAST-M / A randomised trial evaluating bevacizumab (Avastin®),as adjuvant therapy following resection of AJCC stage IIB , IIC and III cutaneous melanoma Melanoma Cohort Study *NCRN062 / A Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Treatment with OncoVEXGM-CSF Compared to Subcutaneously Administered GM-CSF in Previously Treated Melanoma Patients with Unresectable Stage IIIb, IIIc and IV Disease *NCRN063 – Study 6 / A randomised study to assess the efficacy of AZD6244 (Hyd-Sulfate) in combination with dacarbazine compared with dacarbazine and placebo to AZD6244 in first line patients with BRAF positive advanced cutaneous melanoma (Closed) 0 Studies of Familial Melanoma 0 2 0 Chelmsford 09/10 Total 14 49 Colchester 09/10 Total 0 In set up 9 9 9 Non-NCRN Studies *Commercial study 7 Appendix 3 Essex Cancer Network Skin Cancer Network Site Specific Group Tuesday 16th April 2009 09.30am – 12.30pm Swift House MINUTES 1. Present: Mr Peter Dziewulski (Chair) Mr. Kevin McKenny Jackie Gibson David Fazey Krishnaswamy Madhavan Dr. Elizabeth Fraser-Andrews Dr. Hilary Dodd Tracey Beastall Tracey Porter Julie Hopping Karen Cook PD KMK JG DF KM EFA HD TB TP JH KC Dr. M. Arun MA Plastic Surgeon, MEHT ECN Network Director Lead Cancer Manager, BTUHFT Commissioning Lead, SEE PCT Consultant Oncologist, SUHFT Consultant Dermatologist, CHUFT Consultant Dermatologist, MEHT Commissioning Lead, NEE PCT Commissioning Lead, Mid Essex PCT Commissioning Lead SW Essex PCT General Manager Burn Unit and Head and Neck and General Manager Plastic Surgery, MEHT Medical Oncologist, MEHT Apologies Maryse Sundaresen, Alison Shaw, Esther Kay, Ian Seddon, Mel Crouch, Alan Lamont 2. Previous Minutes – 24th March 2009 These were agreed as a true record of proceedings 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Single SSMDT for ECN Every effort had been made to deliver SSMDT on 27th April as planned. However, there remain significant concerns about the ability of both Chelmsford and Colchester to have functioning teleconferencing facilities available, despite local efforts. Colchester are highly unlikely to have additional kit but Elizabeth Fraser-Andrews stated she would be happy to consider travelling to Chelmsford to join in a link-up with South Essex if required. Chelmsford are in advanced negotiations with BT to secure the appropriate lines in advance of 27th April. South Essex arrangements are already in place and ready to link up. Action: MEHT to communicate with all MDT members next week confirming if facilities available for 27th April and that SSMDT will go ahead. SSMDT Operational Policy This is now complete and available for up-load to CQUINS to inform Peer Review Page 8 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc assessment. NOTE POST-MEETING - MEHT, as host of the SSMDT, do not need to also Peer Review assess for LSMDT. 3.2 Peer Review Planning All MDTs are clear about self-assessment and evidence up-load requirements for their respective MDTS and the cut-off timetable of 21st April. Community Leads also aware of their responsibilities in respect of self-assessment and up-load to CQUINs by 21st April. The Leads are: • • • • North East Essex Tracey Beastall Mid Essex Tracey Porter South West Essex Julie Hopping South East Essex David Fazey PCT have five measures to self-assess against. KMK will be circulating Skin NSSG constitution for Peer Review upload which includes reference to the organisational arrangements for Skin Cancer services in the Community for each locality. Visit Schedule All localities aware of the visit programme and the respective day that the Peer Review Team will be visiting each locality. Lead Managers in each locality should already be arranging appropriate meeting rooms for visiting teams. Skin NSSG visit NSSG members were reminded that the Peer Review visits in respect of Skin NSSG would be taking place on 10th June at the South Lodge Hotel, Chelmsford. KMK will be asking for confirmation from group members on who would be attending, representing their locality. It would be important to have representation from each locality at this NSSG assessment event. 3.3 Community Skin Cancer Services The current organisational arrangements in each locality have now been clarified by each PCT and are reflected in the Skin Constitution document. All PCTs acknowledged that they have work to do to deliver the clinical governance IOG requirements, in particular SLA agreements with GPsWSI/Community Practitioners and their interface with local Skin Cancer MDT. Delivery of IOG compliant Skin Cancer services for the community will be a key NSSG work programme objective for this group in 09/10. 3.4 ECN Clinical Guidelines Now incorporated into the Skin NSSG Constitution document, which KMK will circulate to all making it available for up-load to CQUINS as required to inform local assessment. 3.5 Network Audit NSSG were asked to consider Network Audit topics for 09/10. Following discussions it Page 9 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc was agreed that the following topics would be subject to a Network-wide Audit: • • • Review of the management of Skin Lymphomas over 12 months – Clincial Lead – Elizabeth Fraser-Andrews Management of high risk SCC thicker than 4mm wider than 2mm (on the ear) reviewing six months data – Clinical Lead – Peter Dziewulski Network-wide Patient Survey – Clinical Lead – CNSs (to be confirmed) It was agreed that the Skin NSSG would hold a half-day Audit event in the Autumn to present these audits, inviting a wider audience. 3.6 Clinical Trial Recruitment. It was acknowledged that the 09/10 Work Programme would need to put stronger emphasis on assessing levels of clinical trial recruitment across all Network MDTs and regular Network-wide reports coming to the NSSG on performance and appropriate action as required. Also the group needs to formalise their Clinical Research Lead. Interim – Dr. K. Madhavan. 3.7 Sentinel Node Biopsy Aspirations remain in MEHT to develop this service. Business Case currently under development. PD will keep group informed of progress. In the meantime patients are referred into Barts and the London. PD also stated that they have a new plastic surgeon starting in May who will also provide sessional time at BTUHFT and is keen to offer SNB to the Network. 3.8 Skin Cancer Nurses An appointment at MEHT is imminent. CHUFT are still progressing the Macmillan Cancer sponsorship route, however, progress is slow. Also support is looking favourable in South Essex for expansion of CNS provision. 4. Any Other Business Nil to note. 5. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 30th June 2009 - 4.00pm – 6.00pm Swift House, Middle and Annexe Page 10 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Essex Cancer Network Skin Cancer Network Site Specific Group Tuesday 30th June 2009 4.00pm – 6.00pm Swift House, Chelmsford, CM2 5PF Middle and Annexe MINUTES Present: Mr. Kevin McKenny David Fazey Dr. Linda Mahon-Daly Lynn Smith Karen Cook KMK DF LMD LS KC Dr. M. Arun Dr. M. Khorshid Mel Crouch Dr. Alan Lamont Dr. Donald McGeachy Linda Brett Elizabeth Ann Dust MA MK MC AL DMG LB EAD 1. ECN Network Director Commissioning Lead, SEE PCT Primary Care Cancer Lead, NEE PCT Dermatology Lead, Mid Essex PCT General Manager Burn Unit and Head and Neck and General Manager Plastic Surgery, MEHT Medical Oncologist, MEHT Consultant Dermatologist, BTUHFT General Manager, CHUFT Consultant Oncologist, CHUFT GP, Mid Essex PCT Dermatology Manager, BTUHFT Skin Cancer CNS, MEHT Apologies Maryse Sundaresen, Esther Kay, Dr. K. Madhavan, Tom Carr, Jackie Gibson, Neville Davidson, Tracy Porter In view of Peter Dziewulski’s absence KMK agreed to Chair. At the next meeting it will be important to clarify Deputy Chair arrangements for this group. 2. Previous Minutes – 16th April 2009 These were agreed as a true record of proceedings 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Single SSMDT for ECN SSMDT was now up and running and had met twice. It remains embryonic with still some gaps in core membership which it is envisaged will improve over time. The administrative support arrangements at MEHT were good with strong MDT coordination. Teleconferencing appears to work and they are able to discuss all cases. It is important that the level 5 cases that need to be submitted and discussed are clearly defined pre-SSMDT. A clear shortfall for the SSMDT is access to Sentinel Node Biopsy. It appears that the business case for SNB at MEHT is progressing; however, this is getting increasingly urgent if we are to offer an equitable service across Page 11 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc localities. Currently South Essex cases are going into Barts. Colchester have now secured teleconferencing access which should be available for the next meeting. 3.2 LSMDT MK reported oncologist shortfalls for their LMDT; however, a locum is now providing cover. It is vital that there is South Essex medical oncologist input to the new SSMDT. Peter Szlosarek’s job plan does not currently enable this. Hopefully this will be addressed in the near future. 3.3 Community Skin Cancer Services KMK reminded all of the verbal feedback from Peer Review demonstrated that no PCT has got an IOG compliant skin cancer service in the community. All PCTs need to go through the four phases of development. 1. Baseline assessment to get a clear indication of who is excising skin cancers in primary care. Identifying GPsWSIs Train and accredit GPsWSIs Issue SLA/establish Governance Arrangements 2. 3. 4. 5. It is vital that all localities have governance arrangements in place so that there is a “flag” when a cancer is excised by a non-accredited clinician in primary care so that action can be taken. North East Essex LMD reported that they had already put in place monitoring arrangements on primary care excisions using MDT co-ordinator. LMD is also writing to all GPs regarding establishment of IOG compliant arrangements asking them for nominations for individuals who would be interested in doing this work and also clarifying the financial reimbursement for individual procedures. It is hoped that the letter will generate potentially three GPsWSIs for North East Essex. Mid Essex LS gave up-date. PCT still needs to complete the audit to have a clear understanding of who is excising skin cancers. They already have a dedicated GPsWSI dermatologist developed through the intermediate dermatology service with local consultant dermatologist providing support. There is concern from GPs about the level of commitment required to fulfil accreditation requirements. South Essex South Essex localities also need to complete the baseline and identify which GPs are excising skin cancers. In South East Essex no GPs are stepping forward to take on this work. It is also important to clarify who is excising and separate this work from enhanced minor surgery. Currently they have 120 GPs who are providing minor surgery of one sort or another. Page 12 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc KMK stated that he is meeting with Pathologists later this week and will be asking for baseline data across all four PCTs. Clearly we now have PCT representation and support so it is imperative that action plans are developed for each locality to establish IOG compliant arrangements. This in turn will also be required as part of the Peer Review response. 3.4 ECN Constitution Peer Review feedback indicates that there may be elements within our clinical guidelines that need to be reviewed, in particular, the need to discuss all new melanomas in the SSMDT and also the guideline arrangements for SCC do not meet some of the national standards. Lead EFA 3.5 Peer Review KMK shared the verbal feedback received from Peer Review. The letters concerning any immediate risks and serious concerns are likely to be circulated shortly. The two immediate risks identified are relevant to South Essex and these include: • • that melanomas are being excised in Primary Care and also that these had not been discussed at the MDT prior to such a procedure being carried out substantial proportion of more complex surgical procedures were being carried out by a plastic surgeon who is not a designated core MDT member and did not attend MDT meetings. These immediate risks will need to be addressed and responded to within two weeks; the serious concerns will need a response within four weeks. Action: KMK to circulate peer review letter as soon as this becomes available 3.6 Network Audit As agreed at last meeting, management of T-Cell Lymphoma is a key Audit topic for 2009/10 which EFA has kindly agreed to lead. EFA has already circulated the proforma and supporting information for this Audit. EFA will be keen to get feedback and that the document circulated was deemed to be acceptable and that we can get on with this Audit over the summer months. EFA would be keen to receive data from all localities by mid-September so that she can present at NSSG in Autumn. Pending discussions with Pathologists, Audit meeting should also include presentation of the PCT baseline assessments in respect of the GPs excising skin cancer. Key questions within this audit are: Who is carrying it out? What is being excised? Where is it being carried out? When and what action was taken post-positive diagnosis? 3.7 Clinical Trial Recruitment KMK up-dated group on advanced plans to merge the South Essex and Mid Anglia Cancer Research Network to create a new Essex Cancer Research Network coterminous with the service network. It is hoped that the new network will be up Page 13 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc and running by October following appointment of a Lead Clinician and Research Manager. With the new network it is envisaged that NSSG will receive networkwide reports comparing clinical trial recruitment across localities. 3.8 Sentinel Node Biopsy NSSG urged MEHT to progress this business case and develop their service as soon as possible, so that new SSMDT would have immediate access to this vital component of skin cancer care. 3.9 Skin Cancer Nurses New appointment at MEHT now at place, Elizabeth Ann Dust?? At CHUFT Macmillan have approved funding for a CNS and they hope to make the appointment in the very near future. 4. Any Other Business Nil to note. 5. Date of Next Meeting NSSG Business Meeting – 22nd September 2009 4.00pm – 6.00pm, Kestrel House, CM2 5PF (adjacent to Swift House) Audit Event and Business Meeting – 24th November 2009 2.00pm – 4.30pm, Venue to be confirmed Essex Cancer Network Skin Cancer Network Site Specific Group Tuesday 24th November 2009 2.00pm – 4.30pm Courtyard Suite Regiment Way Golf Club CM3 3PR MINUTES Present: Mr. Kevin McKenny Mohammad Ghazavi KMK MG Sheryl Jones Michelle Bath SJ MB Michael Scanes Belinda Grant Neville Davidson Lynne Smith MS BG ND LS Elizabeth Podd Mohsen Khorshid Janice Armitt Linda Brett EP MK JA LB ECN Network Director Dermatology SpR, Leicester Royal Infirmary (in attendance) MDT Co-ordinator, Melanoma, MEHT Assistant Service Manager, Cancer, CHUFT User Facilitator, ECN General Manager for Cancer, MEHT Oncologist, MEHT Service Redesign (Commissioner) NHS Mid Essex General manager, Plastic Surgery, MEHT Consultant Dermatologist, BTUHFT Senior Dermatology Sister, BTUHFT Service Manager, Dermatology, BTUHFT Page 14 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc David Fazey Dia Kamel Mahir Petkar Maryse Sundaresan 1. DF DK MP MS Programme Manager, NHS SEE Consultant Pathologist, MEHT Consultant Histopathologist, MEHT Consultant Histopathologist, SUHFT Apologies Dr. Donald McGeachy, Tracey Porter, Jackie Gibson, Elizabeth Dust, Peter Dziewulski, Charlot Grech, Tom Carr, Esther Kay. Audit Presentations 1. Management of Cutaneous Lymphoma in ECN Lead: Dr. E. Fraser-Andrews At the outset, EFA confirmed that she had not received any information from South Essex or Mid Essex localities to inform the Audit, hence the Audit could only be presented from a Colchester Hospital perspective. Post Audit Presentation KMK confirmed that despite agreeing Audit topic back in the Spring 2009, it is extremely disappointing that 3 x ECN localities had not submitted data to enable a single network-wide Audit Presentation. This is a key requirement for Peer review. In order to complete Audit, it was suggested that outstanding data for Mid Essex and South Essex localities is submitted to EFA by the end of the year and that the Skin NSSG meeting in January will include a presentation of the Audit, incorporating data from all localities. In respect of generic clinical guidelines, EFA also circulated draft guidelines for the management of cutaneous lymphoma for inclusion in the ECN Constitution Document. Comments to be returned to EFA by the end of the year. 2. Lead Dr Ghazavi Dr Ghazavi kindly presented an audit of skin cancer surgery in South West Essex. Audit presentation to be circulated to group members for their information. Key point of note is requirement of GP training of ‘diagnostic skills’ 2. Previous Minutes – 30th June 2009 These were agreed as a true record of proceedings 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Peer Review Report and Action Plan The spreadsheet of results and Peer Review Report and subsequent Network Action Plan had been circulated with papers for information. KMK reminded the group that the network was required to report formally to Peer Review by the end of the year on progress made against Skin NSSG and SSMDT/LSMDT Peer Review concerns. This would also be submitted to Essex Page 15 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Cancer Network Board on 12th January 2010. Key areas requiring action were discussed in detail under the remaining agenda items. 3.2 SSMDT for ECN clearly acknowledged that the network had been unable to deliver an IOG compliant SSMDT hosted by Mid Essex Hospitals serving all 4 localities despite confirmation back in May that this would be established. Clearly there are a range of operational issues that have not been put in place to make SSMDT successful. The following key points were noted: • MEHT as host organisation has a responsibility to ensure smooth operation and coordination of meetings. A dedicated MDT co-ordinator should be receiving proformas from all localities, collating agenda and circulating it in advance of SSMDT. Each patient discussed should have agreed action recorded. • Core members should attend as many meetings as possible. It is imperative that individuals do not simply attend the MDT link and then leave when they have presented their cases. This undermines the true nature of what MDT meetings are about. • Tele-conferencing links with Colchester need to be organised as a matter of urgency. It was reported that CHUFT are no longer committed to buying additional teleconferencing facilities. Action: KMK to liaise directly with Senior Management at CHUFT in this regard • The MDT operational policy needs to be updated to reflect new SSMDT arrangements and key points of contact proforma, etc. • It was agreed that the SSMDT will take place weekly, starting on Monday 30th November 1pm. Initially every third week, there will be a business meeting to address any operational short-falls and difficulties. • Communication across all skin cancer CNS’s within the network will be key to delivering a successful SSMDT. The CNS must work closely with the MDT co-ordinator to ensure they receive the appropriate clinical support. • Somerset Information System will be available within the next 12 months in all Trusts to support better data collection at MDT’s. • Peter Dziewulski to ensure that Plastic Surgeons attend all LSMDT’s and SSMDT’s as required by IOG and Clinical Governance. PD will be formally writing to all respective Plastic Surgeons in the this regard. 3.3 Community Skin Cancer Services KMK confirmed that it appears that all PCT’s are formally committed to delivering IOG Compliant Skin arrangements. All PCT’s appear to be at a similar level of development. Development includes: (a) Baseline assessment and mapping was currently happening in each locality (b) Identifying preferred service model, including named individuals (GPSwSI) (c) Providing appropriate education and training arrangements for GPSwSI’s supported by Service Level Agreements and strong clinical governance arrangements with GPSwSI’s actively involved with SMDT’s as required. Page 16 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc North East Essex appeared to be at an advanced stage, having developed a draft Service Level Agreement, which has been circulated to other localities for information. Mid Essex have completed their audit and have a good understanding of the level of activity across GP’s. Negotiations are ongoing in an effort to secure a optimum IOG compliant arrangement. South East Essex. The key requirement for them was to separate skin cancer from those GP’s undertaking enhanced skin surgery practice. Dedication to skin cancer is a key with training support from consultants. In respect of education training, it was suggested that Peter Dziewulski and Liz FraserAndrews develop a training package jointly for use within the network. South West Essex. Unfortunately no PCT representation so unable to report on updates. Action: KMK to confirm South West Essex PCT representative. 3.4 ECN Constitution EFA kindly agreed to update guidelines in respect of shortfalls identified at Peer Review including BCC’s, SCC’s and cutaneous lymphoma. Final draft document to be formally approved early next year. 3.5 Network Audit Actions are as discussed earlier. All localities to submit cutaneous audit data to EFA by the end of the year for presentation at the next NSSG. 3.6 Clinical Trial Recruitment KMK updated group on the progress regarding establishment of the new merged Essex Cancer Research Network. Dr Madhavan has been appointed as Lead Clinician and Ashley Solieri is the Lead Research Manager. It is hoped in the near future that all Site Specific Groups will receive a regular report on trial recruitment across localities for NSSG to action accordingly. Dr Neville Davidson was indentified as Research Lead for the NSSG. 3.7 Sentinel Node Biopsy It was confirmed that the business case to establish SNB at MEHT was now at an advanced stage. The skin NSSG and Essex Cancer Network will fully support this development and the ability of SNB’s to be accessed directly from SSMDT hosted by MEHT. 3.8 Skin Cancer Nurses It was confirmed that all localities have now appointed or are in the process of appointing dedicated skin cancer CNS’s and thereby delivering IOG compliance. 4. Any Other Business None. Page 17 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc 5. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 26th January 2010 2pm-4pm at Swift House Board Room Essex Cancer Network Skin Cancer Network Site Specific Group Tuesday 26th January 2010 2.00pm – 4.30pm Board Room, Swift House MINUTES Present: Peter Dziewulski (Chair) Mr. Kevin McKenny Dr E. Fraser-Andrews Sheryl Jones Dr. Donald McGeachy Michael Scanes Jackie Gibson Neville Davidson Elizabeth Podd Rohan Mehta Linda Brett David Fazey Michelle Marshall Elizabeth Dust Alan Lamont 1. PD KMK EFA SJ DM MS JG ND EP MK LB DF MM ED AL Plastic Surgeon, MEHT ECN Network Director Consultant Dermatologist, CHUFT MDT Co-ordinator, MEHT GP Representative, NHSME User Facilitator, ECN Lead Manager, BTHUFT Consultant Oncologist, MEHT General Manager, Plastic Surgery, MEHT Consultant Dermatologist, BTUHFT Service Manager, Dermatology, BTUHFT Programme Manager, NHS SEE Skin Cancer CNS, CHUFT Skin Cancer CNS, MEHT Consultant Oncologist, CHUFT Apologies Mohsen Khorshid, Tom Carr, Audrey Loos, Hillary Dodd, Vivienne Loo, Stephanie Lateo, Michelle Bath, Esther Kay, Lynne Smith Audit Presentation 2009/10 Management of Cutaneous Lymphoma in ECN Lead: Dr. E. Fraser-Andrews EFA presented completed audit which included information from all ECN localities including South and Mid Essex (network-wide). Key conclusion points for debate and action were: • • • • • • Long natural history, discuss at diagnosis/progression TSEB not required in Essex if available at 3° centre Increasing use of Bexarotene may have funding implications Treatment of CTCL and CBCL in line with current guidelines Need better pick up of cases for discussion at skin MDT ECN cutaneous lymphoma management guidelines and referral pathways require clarification (see draft NSSG Guidelines) Page 18 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Action: 2. Audit to be circulated to group members for information alongside updated draft NSSG Guidelines. Dr Ghazavi’s audit of skin cancer surgery in South West Essex presented at last NSSG to be circulated. Skin NSSG 24th November 2009 These were agreed as a true record of proceedings 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Peer Review Report and Action Plan The spreadsheet of results and Peer Review Report and subsequent Network Action Plan had been circulated with papers for information. KMK shared with the group, the paper presented to network board on 12th January 2010 detailing progress made against the concerns reported for Skin NSSG and SSMDT /LSMDTs. Key areas requiring action were discussed in detail. This report will also inform discussions with Peer Review Zonal leads on 4th March 2010. A meeting specifically convened to discuss and report progress (or lack of). In summary, the following concerns were deemed to be addressed (RAG Assessed as Green) • • • • • • • Fully constituted NSSG in place which includes PCT representation (however SWE and NEE representation could be criticised) Oncologist attending all ECN Skin MDTs (outstanding issue for SE LSMDT) Constitution/Clinical Guidelines reviewed agreed and reflects national policy where applicable (recently updated) Information systems (linked to local Histopath Depts) in place in all localities reporting excisions in community Access to Immuno-compromised clinics in all localities Operational Policy for SSMDT formally agreed (needs review) Skin Cancer CNS in all four localities The following concerns were deemed to be incomplete but progressing (RAG Assessed as Amber) • • • • Plastic surgeon attending 66% of all LSMDT and SSMDTs (ongoing) Development of Sentinel Node Biopsy in ECN at MEHT (draft BC available) IOG compliant community Skin cancer arrangements in all 4 localities SSMDT serving ECN (hosted by MEHT) in place but not yet fully compliant due to operational difficulties (improving) Peer Review Programme 2010 Group were reminded that all skin services will experience Peer Review (internal validation process) this year with self assessment and evidence to be submitted by end of June 2010. The SSMDT hosted by MEHT will receive a formal visit early June with a April/May timetable for self assessment and evidence submission. Page 19 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc 3.2 SSMDT for ECN (hosted by MEHT) It was reported that the SSMDT for ECN had made significant progress since the reported dysfunctional non-IOG compliant SSMDT at last NSSG. It was confirmed that many of the operational issues hampering the smooth running of the SSMDT are being addressed. The following key points were deemed crucial: • MEHT as host organisation has a responsibility to ensure smooth operation and co-ordination of meetings. A dedicated MDT co-ordinator should be receiving proformas from all localities, collating agenda and circulating it in advance of SSMDT. Each patient discussed should have agreed action recorded. Now in place. • Core members should attend as many meetings as possible. It is imperative that individuals do not simply attend the MDT link and then leave when they have presented their cases. This undermines the true nature of what MDT meetings are about. To a lesser degree but still an issue • Tele-conferencing links with Colchester need to be organised as a matter of urgency. Now been addressed. • The MDT operational policy needs to be updated to reflect new SSMDT arrangements and key points of contact proforma, etc. Action: EP agree to lead this review of Operational Policy – KMK to forward current draft • SSMDT taking place weekly, starting on Monday 30th November 1pm. Every third week, there is a business meeting to address any operational short-falls and difficulties. In place • Communication across all skin cancer CNS’s within the network will be key to delivering a successful SSMDT. The CNS must work closely with the MDT coordinator to ensure they receive the appropriate clinical support. Ongoing. • Somerset Information System will be available within the next 12 months in all Trusts to support better data collection at MDT’s. Roll out underway • Peter Dziewulski to ensure that Plastic Surgeons attend all LSMDT’s and SSMDT’s as required by IOG and Clinical Governance. PD will be formally writing to all respective Plastic Surgeons in this regard. • Separately, BTUHFT management attempting to secure dedicated oncologist input to the South Essex LSMDT. Lead LB • SSMDT will need to begin formulating their 2009/10 annual report to inform 2010 Peer Review. 3.3 Community Skin Cancer Services It appears that all PCT’s remain committed to delivering IOG Compliant Skin arrangements. All PCT’s currently appear to be at a similar level of development. Page 20 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Development includes: (a) Baseline assessment and mapping was currently happening in each locality (b) Identifying preferred service model, including named individuals (GPSwSI) (c) Providing appropriate education and training arrangements for GPSwSI’s supported by Service Level Agreements and strong clinical governance arrangements with GPSwSI’s actively involved with SMDT’s as required. It was noted that NICE are currently out to consultation on specific guidance related to management of BCC in community. In view of this, formal establishment of IOG compliant service models across 4 x PCTs may be delayed pending outcome and recommendations in this guidance once published. Link: North East Essex representation not present but appear to be at an advanced stage, having developed a draft Service Level Agreement, plus plans to go to advert for GPsWI. Mid Essex have completed their audit and have a good understanding of the level of activity across GP’s. Negotiations are ongoing in an effort to secure an optimum IOG compliant arrangement. South East Essex. The key requirement remains to separate skin cancer from those GP’s undertaking enhanced skin surgery practice. Dedication to skin cancer is key with training support from hospital consultants. In respect of education training, it was suggested that Peter Dziewulski and Liz FraserAndrews develop a training package jointly for use within the network. South West Essex. Unfortunately no PCT representation so unable to report on updates. Action: KMK to confirm South West Essex PCT representative. 3.4 ECN Constitution/Guidelines EFA kindly agreed to update guidelines in respect of shortfalls identified at Peer Review including BCC’s, SCC’s and cutaneous lymphoma. Final draft document to be recirculated and formally approved at next meeting. Community section may need to read ‘pending outcome of NICE consultation’. Lead dermatologists with interest in lymphomas were named as: Dr Fraser-Andrews, Dr Khorshid and Dr Dodds. RM reported that Photodynamic therapy was up and running at BTUHFT and the service was happy to accept referrals from other localities. It was acknowledged that there is a national review of guidelines for management of MM underway (draft circulated for information). The outcome of which may see requirement to review local guidelines accordingly. Action: Draft MM guidelines for consultation to be circulated to NSSG for information. Page 21 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc 3.5 Network Audit 2010 It was agreed that the ‘Management of SCC on Ear’ would be the network-wide topic for 2010. Clinical Lead – Peter Dziewulski Time Period – All cases diagnosed in calendar year 2008 and managed through both Skin and H&N MDTs Audit Presentation: Autumn 2010 Action: PD to draft proforma and circulate to local clinical leads for completion. 3.6 Clinical Trial Recruitment KMK informed group that the merged Essex Cancer Research Network was now operational. Dr Madhavan has been appointed as Lead Clinician and Ashley Solieri is the Lead Research Manager (taking up post early Feb 2010). It is hoped that, in the near future, all Site Specific Groups will receive a regular report on trial recruitment across localities for NSSG to action accordingly. 3.7 Sentinel Node Biopsy Draft business case to establish SNB at MEHT was shared with group. The skin NSSG and Essex Cancer Network will fully support this development and the ability of SSMDT to access SNBs directly from MEHT. SSMDT need to be clear on cases to be referred for SNB and confirm this in Operational Policy. Ideally used as a prognostic index in patients entering clinical trials. The NSSG await with interest MEHT’s progress in establishing local service 3.8 Skin Cancer Nurses / Service Improvement It was confirmed that all localities have now appointed or are in the process of appointing dedicated skin cancer CNS’s and thereby delivering IOG compliance. NSSG recommends that the CNSs meet collectively as a group and lead on service improvement/improving patient experience initiative on behalf of NSSG. CNSs already confirmed that they have agreed standardised approach to patient information and use of patient diary. 4. Any Other Business None. 5. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 23rd March 2010 2pm-4pm – Kestrel House, Board Room (please note change of date to that agreed at the meeting) Page 22 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Essex Cancer Network Skin Cancer Network Site Specific Group Tuesday 23rd March 2010 2.00pm – 4.00pm Board Room, Swift House MINUTES Present: Peter Dziewulski (Chair) Mr. Kevin McKenny Dr E. Fraser-Andrews Michael Scanes Jackie Gibson Elizabeth Podd David Fazey Michelle Marshall Elizabeth Dust Alan Lamont Belinda Grant Ashley Solieri Dia Kamel Dr Stephanie Lateo 1. PD KMK EFA MS JG EP DF MM ED AL BG AS DK SL Plastic Surgeon, MEHT ECN Network Director Consultant Dermatologist, CHUFT User Facilitator, ECN Lead Manager, BTHUFT General Manager, Plastic Surgery, MEHT Programme Manager, NHS SEE Skin Cancer CNS, CHUFT Skin Cancer CNS, MEHT Consultant Oncologist, CHUFT Head Of Cancer Services, MEHT Cancer Research Manager, ECRN Consultant Histopathologist, MEHT Consultant Dermatologist, BTUHFT Apologies Lynne Smith, Maryse Sundaresan, Tom Carr, Linda Brett, Neville Davidson 2. Previous Minutes - 26th January 2010 These were agreed as a true record of proceedings 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Peer Review Action Plan to address concerns Follow Up Meeting – 4th March 2010 to assess progress against 2009 concerns KMK provided feedback on outputs from meeting that took place on 4th March 2010 with the Peer Review Zonal Leads to review progress against 2009 concerns. A full formal report will be available shortly and circulated. KMK provided a verbal summary. Background At the time of the review in June 2009, the NSSG although well established, did not have regular involvement from all local MDT’s. The Network Clinical Guidelines (Constitution document) did not clarify the limits of the local MDT’s and the range of skin tumours that the SSMDT would manage. The Guidelines needed updating for BCCs and SCCs. The Colchester local MDT did not meet sufficiently or frequently and did not fulfil the requirement that skin cancers other than BCCs should be treated by core members in MDT. Also lacked a CNS. Page 23 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc South Essex local MDT relied on a surgeon who did not attend the MDT at the time their participation in the SSMDT was inadequate due to job plan clashes. The Network designated SSMDT hosted by MEHT had not yet started to meet and complex skin cancers were still being managed by local MDT’s and referrals made to specialist teams outside the Network. The 4 PCT’s had not established a compliant Community Skin Cancer Service. Progress made since June 2009 Review NSSG meets regularly and attendance has improved. A dedicated CNS Group has been established with CNS’s in post in all localities. Clinical Guidelines have been amended accordingly. Network wide Audit took place for the management of Cutaneous Lymphoma and changes reflected in referral pathway. Guidelines for BCC’s and SCC’s have been updated and those for Melanoma revised in light of recent guidance. Colchester MDT now meets more frequently with dedicated CNS, higher level of histopathology attendance and made progress in concentrating surgery to core team members who regularly attend. There is still an issue with plastic surgery attendance. The South Essex local MDT has taken appropriate action regarding the Melanomas being excised at Primary Care. BTUHFT have taken action to resolve problem of plastic surgeon attendance at MDT. The inadequate oncology and plastic surgery input at specialist MDT has not been addressed. Membership for the SSMDT has improved following appropriate changes to job plans and video links. The team meets weekly since November 2009. The 4 PCT’s have made some progress in creating community services, however, yet to be IOG compliant. All 4 have carried out base line assessments to identify the volume of excisions taking place in the community. All PCTs in the process of identifying model 1 practitioners, however, progress has been hampered by recent draft NICE guidance on management of BCCs currently out for consultation. It was stated that all localities have established reporting arrangements with local pathology departments, with appropriate alert systems, when Skin Cancer is excised in the community. PCTs were urged to ensure appropriate local clinical governance arrangements are in place to manage this scenario. Action: KMK to circulate the full report when available 3.2 Single SSMDT for ECN (hosted by MEHT) Co-ordination – Continues to improve and working well. Co-ordination issues are discussed at monthly business meeting. Transfer of imaging and viewing imaging still appears to be a problem. Core Membership – Good attendance with all localities appropriately represented. Teleconferencing – Have encountered some practical difficulties, but hopefully these will improve with time. Also important that the teleconferencing arrangements are Page 24 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc clearly documented in the Operational Policy. Operational Arrangements/Review Operational Policy – It is vital that the Operational Policy is up-dated to reflect current arrangements. Lead: MEHT leads. Annual Report/Work Programme – It is vital that the SMDT agrees Work Programme for 10/11 and completes the Annual Report for the six months or so that the SMDT has been in existence. Lead: MEHT 3.3 Review 2009/10 Work Programme KMK reminded NSSG of the Work Programme commitments for 09/10, progress for which will need to be noted in the 09/10 Annual Report. The objectives include: • • • • • • • • • • • Action: Consolidate NSSG – completed Establish SSMDT – completed with on-going operational difficulties to be addressed through monthly business meeting Establish Community Skin Cancer Services – progress made but still significant work to be done to deliver IOG compliance, therefore will continue as a work objective for 10/11 Support local development of Sentinel Node Biopsy – not completed Review and up-date NSSG Constitution/Clinical Guidelines document – completed by Dr. Fraser-Andrews Prepare for 2009 Peer Review Programme – completed Appoint to Skin Cancer CNSs in all localities – completed Identify key service developments for Skin Cancer - clearly incorporated in NSSG business throughout 09/10 Agree Minimum Dataset and ensure data collection - incomplete but likely to progress with roll out of Somerset System Commit to Network-wide Skin Cancer Audit - completed and topic identified for 2010 Contribute to the recruitment of clinical trials – group needs to formalise the clinical trials list for Network to be actioned in 10/11 KMK in partnership with PD to draft Annual Report for 09/10 and Work Programme for 10/11. Possible 10/11 Work Programme objectives were summarised. These include: • • • • • • • Continue to strengthen SMDT Formalise IOG compliant Community Skin Cancer arrangements Commitment to Network-wide Audit and Service Monitoring. Addressing any inequities in service provision for Skin Cancer across localities Establish dedicated Skin Cancer CNS group to lead on service improvement for Skin SSMDT In partnership with Audit, present annual stats on Skin Cancer performance and outcomes, addressing any inequities which may present Support roll out of Somerset Information system and collecting data on all Skin Cancer cases 3.4 Community Skin Cancer Services Page 25 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Unfortunately only SEE in attendance. Situation remains as reported previously. Baseline assessments and report arrangements with histology departments in place. However, progress hampered by NICE Guidelines on BCC out for consultation. SEE are gearing up to implementing NICE Guidelines once published including GPs undertaking minor surgery being clearly instructed not to remove any known Skin Cancers. There are no current plans in SEE to have GPsWIs. NSSG discussions re-emphasised the importance of appropriate clinical governance arrangements within PCTs with pathology reports going to named leads and taking appropriate action as required if Skin Cancer removed in the community. Consultant-led Training Scheme – PD/EFA keen to develop a package similar to that used in South Essex to enable standardisation across the Network. 3.5 Network Constitution As acknowledged at last meeting, the Guidelines are now up-to-date thanks to Dr. Fraser-Andrews. 3.6 Network-wide Audit 2010 Single topic for Network-wide Audit has already been agreed, this is “The Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma on Ear” – Lead Dr. Peter Dziewulski. Peter will be circulating proforma in Excel asking local MDTs to complete and return data. It was suggested that this includes all cases, not just those surgically managed, including those cases where radiotherapy was a primary treatment. Date for presentation to be agreed in Autumn 2010. KMK asked that the group consider wider topics or presenting pre-agreed performance metrics at Audit event. KMK reminded group members that key role of this group is to demonstrate to Commissioners and the public that high-quality Skin Cancer service exist in Essex and this should be demonstrated through half-day Audit and performance presentation event. 3.7 Clinical Trial Recruitment Ashley Solieri, ECRN Lead Manager, presented the NCRN-approved list of Skin Cancer trials, and it was suggested that Ashley circulate this list to all the Lead Skin Cancer Oncologists within the Network to secure standardised agreement and commitment to trials list. This list in turn will be incorporated into NSSG Constitution document. 3.8 Sentinel Node Biopsy Draft Business Case had been circulated widely within MEHT collating a range of comments. Development is particularly pertinent to discussions around access to clinical trials. It is primarily a staging tool with no survival benefit. All cases requiring SNB should be agreed through the SSMDT and increasingly trials will require SNB and should be developed through the Network. The NSSG, in conclusion, fully supported develop of SNB at MEHT. MOHS Surgery Page 26 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Unlikely to be developed within the Network within the short term, but again the NSSG would fully support local access. Appropriate cases are currently referred to St. John’s. Aspirational to establish service within the Network but ideally this should also be placed at MEHT linked to plastic centre. 3.9 Skin Cancer Nurses Service Improvement Up-date CNSs confirmed that they are now meeting regularly and discussing Service Improvement initiatives, including nurse-led clinics, delivering keyworker, standardising patient information, improving patient-focussed care, undertaking Network-wide Patient Survey. 4. New Business 4.1 National Patient Survey NSSG reminded that all Acute Trusts were asked to sign up to the National Patient Survey which will take place later this year. 4.2 Raising Awareness in Community Pharmacies Project – Skin Cancer CNSs were approached and invited onto this project group looking at raising awareness within community pharmacies. The CNSs were reminded that under no circumstances should they be used to assess skin lesions in the community setting. 4.3 Head and Neck Skin Cancers – It was acknowledged and included in the Constitution that patients with cancers above the clavicle will be discussed in both the Head and Neck Cancer MDT and the Skin Cancer MDT, however, it was clear that the Skin MDT is the best place to discuss the management of Melanoma cases. As both Essex MDTs are hosted by MEHT this cross-communication/sharing of cases should be easily managed. Clearly defined pathways need to be included in MDT Operational Policy. 5. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 15th June 2010 – 2.00pm-4.00pm Kestrel House, Board Room (Please note change of date to that agreed at meeting) Page 27 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Appendix 4 Skin Cancer Waiting Times Performance against 3 cancer waiting times targets for each of the 4 Essex Cancer Network Trusts PCT South East North East Mid South West Total Provider Southend Colchester Chelmsford Basildon Total 2WW No. 854/917 1745/1749 1091/1161 629/677 4319/4504 % 93.1% 99.8% 94.0% 92.9% 95.9% 2WW No. % 1/1 100.0% 2020/2024 99.8% 963/1046 92.1% 1342/1450 92.6% 4326/4521 95.7% 31 Day No. % 138/138 100.0% 60/62 96.8% 62/63 98.4% 153/153 100.0% 413/416 99.3% 31 Day No. % 19/19 100.0% 51/53 96.2% 116/117 99.1% 225/225 100.0% 411/414 99.3% Page 28 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc 62 Day No. 55/56 40/42 53/55 62/62 % 98.2% 95.2% 96.4% 100.0% 210/215 97.7% 62 Day No. 3/3.5 45/47 68/70 93/93.5 % 85.7% 95.7% 97.1% 99.5% 209/214 97.7% Appendix 5 NSSG Chair Annual Review Name: Peter Dziewulski Date of Review: Essex Cancer Network NSSG Site: Skin 4th March 2010 Structure: Peter Dziewulski has been chair of the Skin NSSG since its inception 18months ago and has indicated his willingness to continue. His deputy is Elizabeth Fraser-Andrews a dermatologist from Colchester. Initially there was reluctance on the part of the Plastic Surgeons to attend the NSSG, however they now attend regularly. The NSSG meets regularly and is properly constituted. While the NSSG is well developed it did relied too heavily on the support of the previous Network Director. The NSSG recently held a good and well attended audit meeting. The group is reviewing the management guidelines of Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Strengths: Peter Dziewulski felt that the NSSG was now coming together well and with a good spirit. The organisation of individual case management such as staging and oncology treatments has been better integrated with improved quality of care. Areas for Improvement: Video conferencing and SMDT organisation are still a challenge. Getting regular attendance from busy plastic surgeons is still a problem but improving. A meeting to tackle node dissections was planned to help plug the gap in service provision. Develop plans for Mohs Surgery and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsies Documentation: The NSSG has produced the following documents: • • • • Constitution including treatment guidelines Annual Report Work Programme The strategic plan has still not been completed and needs to address the plans for the development of Mohs surgery and Sentinel Lymph Node biopsies. Peer review outcomes and concerns: The Peer Review report was favorable and recognized good progress. Page 29 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc Data and audit: There are no issues around data collection with MDS proforma established. Personal development needs and plans: Peter Dziewulski requires more managerial support. Time is an issue for many members of the group. He did point out that he was not paid for this role. (Traditionally this type of duty is eligible for consideration for a Clinical Excellence Award, so mechanism for reward does exist) He was also reluctant to attend the mandatory Advanced Communication Skills course as it would take 3 days; however he has now agreed to attend. Signed Mr T W Carr Medical Director Essex Cancer Network 4th March 2010 Next Review Due by 4th March 2011 Page 30 of 30 M:\NSSG Peer review docs\Skin\SKIN Annual Report 2009-10.doc
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