Urology NSSG Annual Report 2010/11 Agreement Cover Sheet This Annual Report has been agreed by: Position: Chair of the NSSG Name: Mr Richard Lodge Organisation: Southend University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Date Agreed: 5th May 2011 Position: Chair of the Network Board Name: Sheila Bremner Organisation: NHS North Essex Cluster. Date Agreed: 6th May 2011 NSSG members agreed the Annual Report on: Date Agreed: 5th may 2011. 1 Urology Cancer Network Site-Specific Group Annual Report 2010/11 Category Report Introduction This annual report from the Urology NSSG covers the period 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011. The Urology NSSG was established following merger of South Essex and Mid Anglia Cancer Networks in 2007. Key emphasis at the outset in 08/09 was of consolidation of the group and implementing the agreed network plans for delivering IOG compliant Urology Cancer services. Key achievements include: • NSSG meeting regularly with good cross network and user representation, • Commitment to network-wide audit, • Establishment of Single Specialist MDT serving all 4 x PCT localities in ECN, • IOG compliant penile cancer arrangements with all fours sites referring penile cancer to Professor N Watkins at St George’s hospital. • The Urology Constitution including referral, diagnosis and management guidelines have been agreed. • Centralisation of complex renal surgery as per manual for cancer standards in Feb 2011. • Agreement of a standard template to agree service developments across the network Key challenges where some progress made but additional work required next year: includes: • A formal Peer Review visit of the SMDT; • continued commitment to network-wide audit, • Agreement of minimum dataset (MDS) and local data collection arrangements. • Consideration of the requirement for robotic surgery in Essex. • Adoption of acute oncology practices where appropriate in line with AOS measures. • Roll out of Enhanced recovery programmes in urology. The Macmillan Allied Health Professional Lead for the ECN will also be developing local rehabilitation pathways and introducing service developments from the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative to the NSSG. NSSG Meetings Schedule / Attendance (11-1c-101g) There have been 4 Urology NSSG business meetings during 2010/11 plus one audit event. Appendix 1 presents the attendance summary for the meetings that have taken place during 2010/11. All the minutes for 2010/11 NSSG meetings are collated in Appendix 5. The summary clearly demonstrates attendance and involvement from core members of each of the Urology MDTs within the Network. There have also been meetings of a number of NSSG subgroups: Peer review group IOG implementation group Clinical Guidelines Group. 2 Network Configuration The configuration has been transformed in 2009/10 with establishment of single SMDT serving all four ECN PCT localities (hosted by Southend Hospital). Three Local MDTs still operate and these include: 1. South Essex (joint Basildon and Southend), 2. Mid Essex and 3. Colchester Hospital serving their respective populations; and in 2010/11 with the centralisation of complex renal surgery to the designated cancer centres. Activity Overview See Appendix 2 Annual Review (11-1c-102g) The chair’s annual review was carried out 2010/11 by, Mr. Tom Carr. Date: 25.3.2011 Detailed in Appendix 6. Clinical Guideline During 2010/11 the NSSG updated the comprehensive constitution document which includes the clinical guidelines for management of urology cancer in ECN under the leadership of the new chair Mr Richard Lodge; appointed in Jan 2011. The NSSG has a separate sub group that reviews the guidelines on behalf of the NSSG and then presents to the wider NSSG for agreement and sign off. Network Audit (11-1c-104g) The NSSG had a network wide audit event during 2010/11. The programme for the half day event and the follow up actions are discussed in Appendix 3. Audit will continue to be a priority in 2011/12 and presented in half-day audit event in the autumn. Potential Audit topics include: • • • • Clinical Trials (11-1c-105g) Access to radical treatments in 2010/11 CNSs in BTUHFT and MEHT to survey the patient satisfaction of patients visiting the centres. Radiotherapy Network wide audit of the use of BCG treatment. The urology NSSG agreed their list of clinical trials during 2009/10 which was reviewed and updated during 2010/11 by the attendance at NSSG of the newly appointed ECRN manager. A summary of MDT recruitment levels into each clinical trial for the 2010/11 (up to 31st Jan 10) is listed in Appendix 4. Service Improvement & Service Delivery Plan Clinical trial activity is discussed at every NSSG meeting and any remedial actions to improve recruitment are discussed. The list of trials was approved on 14.2.2011. The Urology NSSG has discussed their Service Delivery Plan priorities during 2010/11 for advice to the commissioners and the Network Board. The key service development priorities for the next 3 years are identified in the 2011/14 work programme/service delivery plan including reference to QIPP and the national cancer patient experience survey. It will include addressing any shortfalls identified in Peer Review. A roll out of enhanced recovery practices where possible is planned with SUHFT receiving funding from the network to pursue this. The Urology CNSs meet separately as a group and are looking at a range of Service Improvement initiatives including: Review of intra-network referrals and pathways 3 Patient & Carer Feedback and Involvement Standardised mitomycin instillation protocols Standardising Patient Information Standardising Patient Surveys There are three active Patients/User Members on the ECN Urology NSSG; one from Colchester and two from Southend. Two chair their respective Cancer Services User Groups in NE (Colchester) and SE (Southend) Essex; they are also members of the ECN User Partnership. All three users feel fully integrated into the NSSG: User Involvement is a standing agenda item and their views are welcomed and input encouraged. Users applaud progress made by the SMDT and the NSSG, but they are frustrated by what they believe to be unnecessary delays in the centralisation of specialist surgical facilities and the expansion of radiotherapy capacity; both decisions made by the ECN Board where users were represented. Some clinicians have been slow to reorganise their diaries to accommodate the NSSG schedule; so, attendance is spasmodic. Similarly, failure to adopt national datasets means that audit information is sometimes incomplete. The Local Urology Support Groups in Colchester and Southend are very active and well supported; the new group in Chelmsford is gaining momentum. The results of the national patient experience paper will be discussed at the May 2011 NSSG. Results for ECN trusts are embedded below: Urology Pt experience survey.xls Minimum Data Sets The NSSG have yet to formally agree a minimum dataset for all patients discussed in MDTs. MDT proformas exist across all MDTs and will be evident in respective Operational Policies identifying the MDS information collected for each patient discussed. The NSSG 2010/11 work programme included agreement of MDS for inclusion in Constitution document; however agreement is still required. The MDS was circulated for approval on 15.4.2011. It will be signed off formally by the NSSG on 5th May 2011. 4 Appendix 1 Attendance at Urology NSSG 2010/11 Name North East Essex John Corr (Chair) Alan Lamont Maggie Braithwaite Lucy Powell Bruce Sizer Gerald Rix David Galvin (from 1.1.11) Rachael West Title ORG 11.5.2010 8.9.2010 6.12.2010 14.2.2011 % Consultant Urologist Clinical Oncologist CNS CNS Clinical Oncologist Consultant Urologist Consultant Urologist CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT 75 0 50 75 25 0 Lead Manager CHUFT Y 25 50 Consultant Urologist Consultant Urologist Consultant Oncologist CNS General Manager MDT Coordinator MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT MEHT 75 0 50 50 0 0 Consultant Urologist Consultant Urologist SHUFT SHUFT 75 Consultant Urologist Consultant Urologist Consultant Urologist CNS CNS Clinical Oncologist Medical Oncologist Clinical Oncologist SHUFT SHUFT SHUFT SHUFT SHUFT SHUFT SHUFT SHUFT 75 0 75 25 25 25 0 Consultant Urologist Consultant Urologist Consultant Urologist CNS Lead Cancer Manager BTUHFT BTUHFT BTUHFT BTUHFT BTUHFT 25 75 50 100 25 100 100 100 Mid Essex Ranjan Thilagarajah Henry Lewi Priscilla Leone Christine Stubbings Karen Hall Valerie Ramsay South Essex - Southend Tom Carr Richard Lodge ( chair from December 2010) Helen Heggarty Sampi Metha Mohantha Doolideniya Ann Tull Sarah Barnicoat David Tsang Narveed Sarwar Imtiaz Ahmed South Essex - Basildon Peter Ewah Anil Vohra Ramachandran Ravi Petra Orebanwo Jackie Gibson User Representation Roger Bassett Brian Liversidge Aubrey Shinn Cancer Network Sue Maughn (from 1.6.10) Carol O’Leary User Rep User Rep User Rep Network Director ECN Nurse Director ECN 50 25 Entries in Blue are Core Urology MDT members 5 Appendix 2 Activity Overview Number of cases discussed at the SMDT Since the 1st April 2010, 995 cases, which include 412 new cases, have been discussed by the SMDT Radical Resection Numbers Total number of radical prostatectomies performed by the SMDT (1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011) Name of surgeon Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr J Corr H Lewi(retired 15.03.11) T Carr M Doolideniya(Commenced 18.10.10) D Galvin (Commenced 03.01.11) Number of radical prostatectomies 13 14 19 5 5 Total number of cystectomies performed by the SMDT (1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011) Name of surgeon Mr J Corr Mr H Lewi(retired 15.03.11) Mr T Carr Mr M Doolideniya Miss H Hegerty Mr D Galvin (Commenced 03.01.11) Mr R Lodge (stopped this operating in Aug 2010 Number of cystectomies 17 6 28 2 4 2 7 st Complex Operations (1 April 2009 to 31st March 2010) ST ST Baus Data – Complex Operations 1 April - 31 March 2011 Southend University Basildon and Hospital NHS Thurrock Foundation Trust University NHS (SUHFT) Foundation Trust (BTUHFT) Nephrectomy 38 21 Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust (CHUFT) 35 Mid Essex Hospital Service NHS Trust (MEHT) 46 Cystectomy 41 0 25 0 Radical Prostatectomy 24 0 32 0 Prostate Brachytherapy 28 21 5 6 6 7 Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust 7 1 30 31 25 32 21 70 24 15 Urological Neoplasm 12 Total Excision of Kidney Total Total Excision of Kidney No Urological Neoplasm 2 Partial Excision of Kidney Total Excision of Kidney Total Total Excision of Kidney Partial Excision of Kidney Total Partial Excision of Kidney Partial Excision of Kidney Total Urological Neoplasm No Urological Neoplasm Urological Neoplasm Total Excision of Kidney Total Total Excision of Kidney 7 7 35 35 Urological Neoplasm 2 No Urological Neoplasm No Urological Neoplasm Urological Neoplasm 24 2 No Urological Neoplasm 6 Partial Excision of Kidney Total Urological Neoplasm Partial Excision of Kidney No Urological Neoplasm 2009/10 total 8 4 4 4 49 29 20 14 7 21 4 1 Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 6 1 Trust 200809 total 39 2010/11 April to November 14 21 39 47 8 3 25 9 12 10 2 31 23 8 34 34 46 30 32 24 6 2 2 31 28 42 3 40 11 1 39 6 5 46 2 7 1 38 32 8 1 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 26 12 3 5 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust Please note that complex renal surgery was centralised from 4.2.2011. Renal data source NCIN. 9 Cancer Wait time data: Two Week Waits Total Seen within referrals 14 days seen during the period BASILDON AND THURROCK UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total Apr-10 62 Day Standard Total treated Treated on or within 31 days Total treated Total over target 30 43 40 37 42 47 30 24 28 27 41 29 38 37 34 41 45 28 23 26 26 36 16 15 25 18 18 15 22 19 11 23 20 16 15 25 18 18 15 22 19 11 23 20 11 6 14 8 12 10 10 14 5 8 14 2.5 2 3.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 4 1.5 2.5 4 389 363 202 202 112 29 Two Week Waits Total Seen within referrals 14 days seen during the period COLCHESTER 31 Day First Treatment 60 58 31 Day First Treatment 62 Day Standard Total treated Treated on or within 31 days Total treated Total over target 35 33 18 3.5 10 HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION TRUST May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total 60 75 46 43 54 47 52 32 52 52 60 68 44 43 48 38 51 31 48 45 27 32 51 31 29 41 27 27 29 34 27 32 50 30 29 41 26 25 27 32 12 11 31 13 11 16 11 13 11 17 3 2 3 1 1 2.5 3.5 2 2.5 2.5 573 534 363 352 164 26.5 Two Week Waits Total Seen within referrals 14 days seen during the period MID ESSEX HOSPITAL SERVICES NHS TRUST Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 63 42 54 55 62 57 57 54 65 67 61 37 51 54 59 56 55 53 61 65 31 Day First Treatment 62 Day Standard Total treated Treated on or within 31 days Total treated Total over target 32 25 29 27 23 28 27 18 16 26 30 24 28 26 20 27 26 18 16 26 20 16 20 20 12 16 12 11 12 20 6.5 1 10 8.5 5 8.5 4.5 4.5 0 4.5 11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total 62 59 29 26 4 4 638 611 280 267 163 57 Two Week Waits Total referrals Seen within seen during 14 days the period SOUTHEND HOSPITAL NHS TRUST Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Total 31 Day First Treatment 62 Day Standard Total treated Treated on or within 31 days Total treated Total over target 45 47 57 52 52 51 58 50 57 33 47 42 45 57 51 51 49 56 50 54 32 45 50 31 42 49 35 31 31 40 25 31 30 50 31 42 49 35 30 31 39 25 31 30 13 8 14 11 11 10 10 13 8 6 11 1.5 1 0 1.5 3 2 1 2 1 2.5 3 549 532 395 393 115 18.5 12 13 14 To be held at: The Waterfront Place, Chelmsford, CM2 6LU in the Horizon Suite sponsored by: TIME TITLE OF PRESENTATION 12.30pm PRESENTER Buffet Lunch 1.15pm Welcome Mr. John Corr 1.30pm Patient Pathway Audit on 3 radical Prostatectomy, 3 Renal and 3 Radical Urology Cases Ann Tull 2.00pm 2.30pm Radical Prostatectomy Audit based on the Informed Decision Making DVD for Prostate cancer: How do men make their choices. 3.00pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.15pm Mr. John Corr/Mr. Tom Carr Lucy Powell Refreshment Break Strategy Plans at the Cancer Centres Mr. John Corr/Mr. Tom Carr Closing Remarks Mr. John Corr Close 15 Agreed Actions following the Audit Event Network wide patient pathway audit is embedded below: network pathway audit (2).ppt Actions agreed: Action points from CNS Pathways Audit 2010.doc Audit based on the Informed Decision Making DVD for Prostate cancer: How do men make their choices? informed decision making netwo... Conclusion• Most pt’s appeared to use the tool effectively for the purpose it was designed for- i.e Informed decision making. Therefore continue its use within the network. Action: • Lucy Powell and Ann Tull to publish finding of audit. NSSG actions will be picked up within the work plan and considered during the review of clinical guidelines due to take place in April 2011. CNS actions will be picked up within the CNS group and progress fed back through the standing CNS agenda item at the NSSG business meetings. 16 Essex Cancer Research Network – Urology Cancer Trials and Recruitment 2010/11 Trial Name and Short Description Southend 10/11 BEP-Continuous Infusional Bleomycin - TE3 - A randomised phase III toxicity study of day 2, 8, 15 short (30 minute) versus day 1, 2, 3 long (72 hours) infusion bleomycin for patients with IGCCCG good prognosis germ cell tumours SORCE - A phase III randomised controlled study comparing sorafenib with placebo in patients with resected primary renal cell carcinoma at high or intermediate risk of relapse LAMB - A phase II/III randomised two are comparison of maintenance lapatinib versus placebo after first line chemotherapy in patients with HER1 and/or HER2 overexpressing locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer COSAK - A randomised phase II study evaluating cediranib vs cediranib and saracatanib in patients with relapsed metastatic clear cell renal cancer *NCRN 111 - A Randomized, Double Blind, Phase 3 Trial Comparing Ipilimumab vs. Placebo Following Radiotherapy in Subjects with Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer That Have Received Prior Treatment with Docetaxel Total Basildon 10/11 Chelmsford Colchester Total 10/11 Total 10/11 Total 1 0 4 0 1 Unable to support IP chemotherapy 3 7 1 1 In set up In set up 1 1 1 1 In set up In set up In set up In set up Not open to other sites 2 Not open to other sites 0 0 Not open to other sites RADICALS - Radiotherapy and androgen deprivation in combination after local surgery 1 7 Ethics refused Stampede - Systematic therapy in advancing or metastatic prostate 9 49 0 10 3 2 2 0 9 In set 17 up cancer: Evaluation of drug therapy UK Genetic Prostate Study 4 46 6 9 9 65 Non Portfolio Studies *READY – Commercial. CHUFT *PANTHER – Commercial. BTUHFT/SUHFT *Commercial 18 Appendix 5 NSSG Minutes ESSEX CANCER NETWORK UROLOGY NSSG MEETING Tuesday 11th May 2010 2.00pm – 4.00pm Channels Golf Club, CM3 3PT Essex Barn Mr. John Corr (Chair) JC Consultant Urologist, CHUFT Mr Tom Carr TC Consultant Urologist SUHFT Aubrey Shinn AS User Representative Brian Liversidge BL User Representative Mr Peter Ewah PE Urologist, BTUHFT Petra Orebanwo PO Urology CNS, BTUHFT Ann Tull AT Urology CNS, SUHT Robin Fussell RF Urology MDT Co-ordinator, CHUFT Lucy Powell LP Urology CNS, CHUFT Roger Bassett RB User Representative Debbie Stokes DS Acting Cancer Service Manager, BTUHFT Mr Ranjan Thilagarajah RT Consultant Urologist, MEHT Anil Vohra AV Consultant Urologist, BTUHFT Maggie Braithwaite MB Urology CNS, BTUHFT Mr Sampi Mehta SM Consultant Urologist, SUHT Mr Peter Ewah PE Consultant Urologist, BTUHFT 19 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc 1. Dr Priscilla Leone PL Consultant Urologist, MEHT Ashley Solieri ASO Cancer Research Network Manager, ECRN Apologies Claire Dixon, Neville Davidson, David Tsang, Richard Lodge, R. Ravi, Belinda Grant, Naveed Sarwar, Christine Stubbings, Michelle Bath, Teresa Bell, Sally King 2. Previous Minutes – 8th February 2010 The minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings 3. Matters Arising 3.1 IOG Compliant Renal Cancer Arrangements TC presented the results of renal audit which concluded that the type of operation and site where it was undertaken had no bearing on the outcome. There followed a discussion on the Peer Review Report from Mike Bellamy and the meeting with the Peer Review Zonal Leads held on 4th March. AT questioned the IOG compliance of other Networks and was informed that Essex was the only Network that was not compliant; some members disputed this. There was also discussion on the validity of the evidence supporting this measure due to age of the guidance being used. It was agreed that TC would write to National Cancer Peer Review Team outlining the audit results with supporting evidence from a larger sample of partials from RT. The members would also get evidence of other networks non-compliance. RT would also like a response to what the process is for those patients that are referred to MEHT from outside the network. RB will provide a letter from the Network User Group supporting the status quo. AT pointed out that paragraph four on page 6 on the letter should read “at Mid Essex there were parallel clinics” and not Colchester and that parallel clinics were acceptable. RB enquired whether the high level of brachytherapy was due to patients not receiving information on all possible treatment options. AT said they do although it is difficult to evidence how the clinical “sells” treatment options. TC will draft a response and circulate to members for comment/additions. Action: TC 3.2 ECN Clinical Guidelines/Constitution JC thanked MB, AT and all those who have contributed for all their hard work completing the document. AT requested that the clinicians check that the guidelines for OSHC, RAC and TRUS 20 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc biopsy clinics were up to date as they were required for peer review evidence. ACTION: All Clinicians AT outlined the amount of work being undertaken by the CNS’s uploading evidence for peer review and that some information was being uploaded twice for SMDT and local MDT. The SMDT information will be uploaded and individual Trusts can select their information. JC has requested administrative support for peer review at CHUFT. DS commented that there should be a multidisciplinary approach. It was suggested that the CNS’s discuss this with Carol O’Leary at their next meeting 3.3 Network-wide Audit – 11th November 2010 AT reported she will be undertaking a Patient Pathway Audit on 3 radical prostatectomy, 3 renal and 3 radical urology cases. Other agreed topics were: • • • • Erectile Dysfunction BCG in bladder cancer Audit of the patient information centre at CHUFT PSA levels after radical prostatectomy – JC 3.4 “Informed Decision making” Localised Prostate Cancer Information The CNS team confirmed this was happening 3.5 Peer Review Programme 2010 Feedback from 2009 previously discussed in section 3.1 and workload and difficulties in section 3.2. AT, MB and JC will be present for the 2010 visit on 11th June 2010. Other key date to note: 21st May for Self Assessment upload onto CQINS. 4.0 Standing Agenda Items 21 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc Research Trial Activity: ASO introduced herself and provided the background to the ECRN. A list of current studies being undertaken across the network and other available portfolio studies was tabled for discussion. AS outlined that Peer Review required the NSSG to identify a Research Lead (?Naveed Sarwar) and agree a portfolio of studies and inform the SMDT who would provide a written response. The SMDT are also required to identify an individual Research Lead. The NSSG then receive recruitment reports from ASO and discuss remedial action with the SMDT where required. It was agreed that ASO would circulate the list to the Oncologists requesting a response as to why they would not be participating in particular studies, then a definitive list could be agreed at the next meeting. ACTION: AS AT reported that Peer Review had raised the question of why not all sites were participating in all trials and ASO suggested that ideally patients should be referred to a site in the Network who were participating in that study. However, an agreed referral pathway for clinical trials was not yet in place and this will take some time. Financial and resource difficulties were highlighted and ASO reported that this is a national problem and that a process for submitting business cases to the commissioners will be developed. ASO stated that the ultimate goal was that all patients in the ECN have an equal opportunity of participating in a research study wherever they live in the Network. User Involvement: BL reported he had attended user Peer Review training. It was also reported that the ECN User Group had formally responded to the excessive Peer Review standards required for the User Group and it was acknowledged that users are unpaid volunteers and could not, therefore, be subject to any sanctions. The volume of papers that required printing for these meetings was discussed and it was agreed that the ECN would circulate hard copies to the User Representatives. RB reported the User Group work on Patient Information Centres and the progress of this at SUHFT. The group has been in discussion with MacMillian and is hopeful of some funding and a business case will be submitted to SUHFT Board. The information centre at CHUFT was discussed and it was reported that the post of Manager is currently being advertised. RB also tabled the Patient Information Guide developed by the Partnership Group and outlined the work to disseminate this to hard to reach groups. The Group commented on what an excellent document it was. 5.0 New Business 5.1 NSSG Annual Report 2009/10 22 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc Approved 5.2 Work programme 2010/11 AT requested clinical input to completing the work programme 5.3 Proposed Staging Guidelines (D Tsang) The proposed guidelines were discussed and JC will discuss CT and MRI requirements with radiography at CHUFT. PL reported that radiology at MEHT would have a resource issue with reporting. Guidelines to be reviewed again at the next meeting. 5.4 NCIN Clinical Leads Urology Workshop, 2nd July 2010 TC will be attending. 5.5 Mitomycin maintenance for high risk TCC Following discussion it was agreed that current practice should be audited. 5.6 Active Surveillance and Template Biopsy This is currently carried out at SUHT, BTUHFT and CHUFT but not MEHT. PL will enquire at MEHT pathology. It was agreed that as numbers requiring this would be small, there should not be a resource issue Any Other Business A guideline for choice of hormonal treatment in prostate cancer was tabled and it was highlighted that the guideline recommended the “cheapest” option and individual Trust choice should be discussed with appropriate PCT. 6.0 Date of next Meeting and for rest of 2010 NSSG – Wednesday 8th September, 2.00pm-4.00pm – Kestrel House Board Room 23 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc Audit – Thursday 11th November, lunch 12.30 followed by audit, Waterfront NSSG – Monday December 6th, 10.00am-12noon – Kestrel House Board Room ESSEX CANCER NETWORK UROLOGY NSSG MEETING Tuesday 8th September 2010 2.00pm – 4.00pm Kestrel House Board Room Chelmsford CM2 5PF John Corr (Chair) JC Consultant Urologist, CHUFT Roger Bassett RB User Representative Aubrey Shinn AS User Representative Brian Liversidge BL User Representative Jackie Gibson JG Commissioner NHS Mid Essex Petra Orebanwo PO Urology CNS, BTUHFT Ann Tull AT Urology CNS, SUHFT Richard Lodge RL Consultant Urologist SUHFT Belinda Grant BG GM Cancer Services MEHT Naveed Sarwar NS Consultant Oncologist 24 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc 1. Michael Scanes MS User Facilitator ECN Ranjan Thilagarajah RT Consultant Urologist, MEHT Anil Vohra AV Consultant Urologist, BTUHFT Maggie Braithwaite MB Urology CNS, BTUHFT Sampi Mehta SM Consultant Urologist, SUHFT Sue Maughn SMn Interim Director, ECN Bruce Sizer BSr Consultant Oncologist CHUFT Chris Davidson CD Associate Director, CHUFT Gerald Rix GR Consultant Urologist, CHUFT Christine Stubbings CS Urology CNS, MEHT Sarah Barnicoat SB Urology CNS SUHFT Priscilla Leone PL Consultant Urologist MEHT Ashley Solieri ASi Network Manager, ECRN Apologies Tom Carr, Michelle Bath, David Tsang, Lesley Peacock, Matt Riddleston. Lucy Powell, Tracey Camburn. Previous Minutes – 11th May 2010 2. The minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Peer Review SMn reported that considering all the hard work that had gone into preparing for the review, the results were particularly disappointing. For the Network Board measures the 25 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc score was 2/17 (12%), which was the same as the previous year. There were four Serious Concerns, which require a response within 4 weeks. These were: 1. The Clinical Guidelines were not satisfactory, the needed reviewing and should include patient pathways. It was suggested that the Lung guidelines should be used as a template. 2. A three year work plan needed to be developed which included Service Development and Workforce Development Plans. 3. Renal Surgery is being performed at too many sites and was therefore non compliant. 4. The number of pelvic operations at Southend were below the minimum of 50 and the service was therefore non compliant. SMn said that she had produced a report on the Renal and Pelvic Surgical numbers for the network Board. She then threw it open to discussion, and said that if the NSSG could not come to an agreement then it would have to be decided by the ECN Board. The question which needed to be resolved is whether there should be one centre or two, and where this (these) would be located. Points from the lengthy discussion: RT said that he was part of a specialist renal group which was challenging NICE guidelines. MS said that he had been a member of two NICE Guideline Development Group (MSSC and Ovarian cancer), and that he had been appointed to the NICE Cancer Topic Selection Panel and proceeded to explain the procedure involved in challenging a guideline. Firstly the proposal to look at the Renal Guidelines would go to the Topic selection panel which meets three times a year, so it could take up to 8 months to be discussed by this panel. If it was agreed then there would be a stakeholder event organised at which all the issues would be discussed. The project would then go to the National Collaborating Centre for Cancer who would recruit to the Guideline Development Group. It would take up to 12 months from NICE giving the go ahead. The Guideline Development group would take two years to produce the Guideline. There would be another nine months of stakeholder consultation before the guidelines would be published. In other words it could take up to 5 years before the guideline would be published; in the meantime the Essex Service would be non compliant. MS added that next year Peer Review results would be used by the Care Quality Commission to assess Hospital services, so suggested that it was imperative that the current situation should be resolved. BS suggested that the group should agree a proposal for one or two centres and then decide where the centres should be. RT said the decision should be made by the Network Board SMn said that the Network Board was establishing an IOG resolution group 26 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc BS said that when the two centre solution had been established after the formation of the Essex Cancer Network, it was believed that the figure of 50 procedures was “between” the two centres and not each. MS said that the guidelines state that a team should perform 50 procedures. While the number of pelvic surgical procedures at Southend was under 50 last year, it was expected that they would be above 50 this year. As Brachytherapy becomes more popular then it is inevitable that surgical numbers will fall. AT said that patients generally choose to be treated as locally as possible. She added that while they refer patients to Colchester for laparoscopic surgery, but the DVD they give to patients that explain all the options to prostate patients is produced by Addenbrookes and refers to their service, hence some patients opt for treatment in Cambridge. BS said that active surveillance should be one of the options offered to patients and asked if anyone knew the numbers who were offered this option and what the outcomes are for patients given this option AT asked how many partial / complex kidney cancer procedures were performed in the Network each year. The answer was around 50. It was finally agreed that three proposals be taken to the Essex Cancer Network Board as follows: • • • Complex renal surgery is performed at both Cancer Centres by the specialist Urology teams Complex renal surgery is performed at one of the cancer centres Complex renal surgery is performed at another single trust which is designated as a specialist renal surgery team. The members of the NSSG agreed to accept the Board decision as final and binding. 4. Standing Agenda Items 4.1 Research Trial Activity: At the previous meeting it was agreed that ASi would circulate a list of open trials to the Oncologists requesting a response as to why they would not be participating in particular studies, then a definitive list could be agreed at the next meeting. ASi reported that she 27 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc had not had any responses. The chair asked if the oncologists would respond as soon as possible. Action: NS, BSr, DT, ND It was agreed that NS would be the NSSG Research Lead 4.2 User Involvement: RB reported that the group in Southend had produced a Business Plan for the proposed Cancer Information Centre at Southend Hospital which had been submitted to the Trust Board. A meeting between the Trust and Macmillan had been arranged for later in the month. The Trust Facilities Manager was currently looking for a suitable area in the Hospital to locate the unit. BL said that he was now Chair of the NE Essex User Group, and they were currently trying to recruit new members. The aim was to recruit at least one patient or carer from each Tumour site, to ensure that the group was fully representative of all patients in the area. 4.3 CNS Meeting : AT said that they were concerned about the transfer of scans. Patients are being delayed because of difficulties in reading scans, and she is concerned who is accountable. JC said that MEHT IT had an encryption problem. SMn said that 3/4 Trusts have IEP, but MEHT do not. The Network has agreed to support implementation at MEHT. AT requested clarification on which anti LHRH injections they should be using. It had previously discussed at the NSSG but was advised that the pricing was all wrong. Southend have agreed to use Zoladex for neo adjuvant prior to radiotherapy and Prostap or Decapeptyl as the pricing is similar. Dr Ahmed is hoping to introduce Firmagon into pharmacy which has a role in advanced disease as it does not cause a flare. AT said that there needs to be one drug sheet for the Network which would ensure equity across the Network. Action: BSr, NS et al 5. New Business 5.1 Circulation List 28 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc JC said that a circulation list has been circulated and asked if it could be updated and agreed by the next meeting. 5.2 Approval of Minutes To ensure that the minutes are as accurate as possible it was agreed that they would be circulated to all attendees as soon as they had been produced with a request of accuracy corrections to be notified within 14days. If no comments are received within 14 days it will be assumed that they are correct. 5.6 Any Other Business AV asked what the period of office is for Chair of the NSSG. SMn said that it was initially three years with an option for a further two years extension. JC would have been chair for three years in January 2011. RL proposed that JC be asked to remain as Chair for a further 2 years. It was agreed that the position of Chair would be discussed at the next meeting in December 2010 6. Date of next Meeting and for rest of 2010 Audit – Thursday 11th November, lunch 12.30 followed by audit, Waterfront NSSG – Monday December 6th, 10.00am-12noon – Kestrel House Board Room ESSEX CANCER NETWORK UROLOGY NSSG MEETING Monday 6th December 2010 10.00am – 12.00 Noon 29 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc Kestrel House Board Room Chelmsford CM2 5PF 1. Martin Nuttall MN Consultant Urologist MEHT Roger Bassett RB User Representative Aubrey Shinn AS User Representative Brian Liversidge BL User Representative R Ravi RR Consultant Urologist BTUHFT Petra Orebanwo PO Urology CNS, BTUHFT Ann Tull AT Urology CNS, SUHFT Richard Lodge RL Consultant Urologist SUHFT Rachael West RW Cancer Service Manager CHUFT Lucy Powell LP Urology CNS, CHUFT Michael Scanes MS User Facilitator ECN Ranjan Thilagarajah RT Consultant Urologist, MEHT Anil Vohra AV Consultant Urologist, BTUHFT Tom Carr TC Medical Director, ECN Sampi Mehta SM Consultant Urologist, SUHFT Sue Maughn SMn Interim Director, ECN Victoria Dawson VD SIL ECN Mohantha Dooldeniya MD Consultant Urologist SUHFT Christine Stubbings CS Urology CNS, MEHT Sarah Barnicoat SB Urology CNS SUHFT Priscilla Leone PL Consultant Urologist MEHT Ashley Solieri ASi Network Manager, ECRN Apologies 30 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc David Tsang, Bruce Sizer, Belinda Grant, Jackie Gibson, Nicola Lacey, Sally Sanger, Maggie Braithwaite Previous Minutes – 8th September 2010 2. AT asked that the following corrections be made to the minutes: Page 3: Should read: AT reported that previous CNS Audits have shown that patients prefer to be treated locally, and Southend current practice is to refer Southend and Basildon patients who want a laparoscopic or robotic radical prostatectomy to Addenbrookes. Page 4: AT requested clarification and review regarding the use of LHRH analogues. Since the Network produced guidance on the use of LHRH analogues, she has been approached continuously be the Drug Company Representatives who feel our guidance is not based on research, licensing and efficacy, and that the costing indicated is not correct. She has suggested that the Representatives contact the Network Pharmacist direct as it is not in the CNS’s remit to make changes to pharmacy issues. If they have dropped their prices in response to our change in use of their drug they should contact the Network Pharmacist and not the CNSs. In line with the Network Guidance, Southend had changed its practice and has been using Zoladex for all neo-adjuvant treatment and Prostap for all other patients. Decapeptyl could be used instead of Prostap, but as yet it is not in the Hospital Pharmacy. Dr Ahmed is hoping to introduce Firmagon into the Pharmacy, which has a role in advanced disease as it does not cause flare. She also suggested that the Network also look at the use of anti-androgens across the Network. AT said that there needs to be one drug sheet for the Network which would ensure equity across the Network. With these changes, the minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the previous meeting. Chair: As JC the Chair had been delayed in returning from holiday, SM agreed to act as Chair for this meeting. 3. Matters Arising 3.1 IOG Compliant Renal Cancer Arrangements SM reported that following the agreement at the previous NSSG, a paper listing 4 options for Complex Renal Surgery were submitted to the Network Board who decided that Renal 31 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc Surgery could only be performed at the Urology Centre(s). SM had written to the London Zone Peer Review Team, who had confirmed that complex Renal Surgery must be performed at the designated Urology Centre(s). The Commissioners have agreed that they will only commission Renal Surgery from the two designated centres from 1st January 2011. RL suggested that a small group of clinicians should meet away from the NSSG to plan the implementation of this decision. RL, RT, JC and AV agreed to form this group. In addition there would be a Network Representative who would facilitate the meetings, the first of which would take place in early January 2011. RR suggested that this group should also look at the possibility of having just one renal Surgery Centre in Essex if this was likely to be recommended in the future. It was agreed that for practical reasons the implementation date for the service should be 1st April 2011, and that the Commissioners should be advised of this decision. Action: Network TC suggested that the Guidelines in the Constitution needed to be amended, and asked whose responsibility this should be. MS said that it should be the responsibility of the NSSG/SMDT Lead clinicians to amend the Clinical Guidelines as appropriate. It was agreed that the Sub-group would discuss the revision of the Guidelines. 3.2 Peer Review SM reported that the London Zone Peer Review Team were visiting the Network on Tuesday 7th December 2010 to discuss the results of the 2010 Self Assessments/Internal Validation exercises and discuss the Peer Review visits for 2011. LP said that the preparation for Peer Review was left to the CNSs, and they were disappointed when they received a very poor Peer Review report. MS said that the responsibility for the Peer Review documentation lies with the Chairs of the SMDT, MDT and NSSG. Revisions to Clinical Guidelines must be undertaken by a designated Clinician. TC asked who the Lead Clinicians are:Southend: Richard Lodge Basildon : TBA Broomfield: Henry Lewi Colchester: John Corr 32 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc NSSG: John Corr As Henry Lewi found it difficult to attend the NSSG meetings, RL questioned whether he could be the Broomfield Lead Clinician as he was not attending the requisite number of NSSG meeting. Mid Essex agreed to decide who would be the Lead Clinician in future. MS said that there were changes planned for Peer Review in the future following a request from Mike Richards to reduce the burden of Peer Review by 40%. This will mean a reduction in number of visits, changes to the Internal Validation process and revision of some measures. However it was almost certain that the Urology Teams would be visited again in 2011. RW said that the Measures would not change next year. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed to establish a small working group to look at the Peer Review measures and prepare for the probably visit in 2011. SM said that she would send out possible dates for a meeting and a request for volunteers. The first meeting would be planned for early 2011. Each team should nominate someone to attend the meeting. 4. Standing Agenda Items 4.1 Research Trial Activity AS circulated the current list of research studies with the 10/11 recruitment. Also circulated was a summary sheet that AS would forward to the MDT and request a response. The need for Remedial Action Plans for poorly recruiting MDTs could then be discussed by the NSSG. This would ensure compliance with the Peer Review Research Measures. The MDTs will also need to nominate a Research Lead. AS had circulated the current trial list to the oncologists to request reasons why not all sites were participating (as requested by Peer Review) but had not yet received a response. AS to follow up. *Post meeting update: Responses had been received from Southend and Broomfield incorporated onto the recruitment report attached. LP questioned the numbers reported for Genetic Trials as she said that she referred larger numbers than were reported. AS said that not all patients who are referred for the Trials are actually recruited. AS added that she takes the Essex numbers from Nationally reported data and backed up by Trust Data managers. 4.2 User Involvement 33 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc RB said that the Southend Group had supported the building of a Patient Information Centre at the Hospital. The Centre would be funded by Macmillan who would also pay for the services of an Information Manager for three years. A suitable location had been found in the Hospital. The steering group were currently preparing and Operation Policy and hoped to meet before Christmas to finalise. In addition the group were assisting the Network Partnership in recruiting patient/ carer representatives to NSSGs. He added that they had recruited two new members to the group. BL said that the Colchester Group were trying to recruit members from each tumour site and had been relatively successful so far and were also looking to help recruit to NSSGs. The Macmillan Patient Information Centre was now operational at Essex County Hospital and the Information Manager would be reporting to the Colchester user group next week. The group were also working on an update of the Patient information Directory, but this was proving a long drawn out exercise. 4.3 CNS Update The CNSs have combined the Patient Information Leaflets from Colchester and Southend which explain the reasons for referral to the Centre. There is now one Essex Cancer Network Leaflet. The CNSs would be carrying out a joint Network Audit in 2011, which would be managed by the Colchester Audit Department. The method of communication of a diagnosis to the patient’s GP was being updated and will be fully operational by 1st April 2011. This would then be audited in line with the Peer Review Measure 5. New Business 5.1 NSSG Chair SM said that John Corr’s term as Chair of the NSSG ends in January 2011. She added that all Core Members of the NSSG could be nominated or nominate themselves for the role. RL said that JC could extend his tenure by 2 years but all thought that it would be good to 34 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc have an election. TC said that the Chair did not need to be a Clinician. MS said that there is actually a Service User Chair of a NSSG in another Cancer Network. AV said he understood that the Constitution stated that the Chair should alternate between a Centre and a Unit. RL said that this was never the case. SM will circulate the list of NSSG Core members and asked that any changes should be sent to her by return. An e-mail requesting nominations will go out on Monday 13th December with a JD of the NSSG chair role. Action: All nominations should be sent to SM by 23rd December 2010. 5.2 Gold Seed Insertion for Prostate IGRT It was suggested that all service developments/new or innovative practices be discussed at the NSSG to ensure that they are clinically appropriate and evidence based. ACTION: SM to draft a template. 5.3 Robotic Urology Surgery in Essex RT said that Robotic Surgery for Prostate and Renal Cancer was not approved by NICE. However, patients in Essex were routinely being offered robotic surgery at Addenbrookes as an option, with about 40 per year taking up the option. As patients were asking for this procedure, RT suggested that the Network should discuss the provision of this service at one Centre before a Trust commits to purchasing a robot. He added that MEHT were using their robot for other procedures. RL suggested that the Renal Surgery Implementation Group should look at whether a robot should be sited in Essex 5.4 At what stage should patients be added to the SMDT? AT said that there had been a discussion at an SMDT regarding when patients should be discussed at the SMDT, with some suggesting that patients need only be discussed once after staging. It was agreed that this should be discussed at the NSSG. 35 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc The current Operational Policy states that SMDT discussion should take place on receipt of Histology and ideally before the patients are seen in clinic. The patient should then be discussed again after staging is complete. The NSSG agreed that all patients with a positive Histology will be referred to the SMDT, in line with this policy. AT added that it should be made clear that the second discussion is for review of staging, which means that there is no need to discuss the patient in full as the previous SMDT outcome should already be on the proforma. RL added that the Operational Policy was fine and that it was some practices which need to change. 5.5 Any Other Business • • • • 6. TC said that there should be a small group of clinicians to look at the NSSG Strategy for the next 3 years, including Service Improvement and Workforce Development. The group could also be responsible for updating the Clinical Guidelines when necessary. It was agreed that the group looking at the Implementation of Renal Surgery would take on this role. AV suggested that the group could look at the possibility of establishing one centre in Essex if this was likely to be required by IOG in the future. RL said that the Peer Review Team had expressed concern that the numbers of procedures at Southend were under the required level of 50 per annum. He added that they had revised their procedures and changed theatre times, with the result that they had performed 42 procedures to date and would meet the 50 by the end of March 2011. HIFU: AT/LP asked whether they should be offering HIFU routinely to all patients. Currently it is offered to patients when radiotherapy has failed and for metastatic disease. They added that there needed to be clarification of the policy. RL suggested that this be added to the work of the Clinical Group. Audit: TC said that there had been a poor attendance by Clinicians at the recent Audit meeting. He said that this meeting was an opportunity to discuss issues and hoped that there would be a better attendance in 2011. Date of next Meeting and for rest of 2011 NSSG Monday 14th February 2011 Middle and Annexe Swift House: 2pm -4pm Wednesday 11th May 2011 Middle and Annexe Swift House: 2pm -4pm 36 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc Tuesday 13th September 2011 Board Room Kestrel House: 2pm – 4pm Monday 5th December 2011 Middle and Annexe Swift House: 2pm -4pm AUDIT Thursday 10th November 2011 12.30pm – 5pm (Venue to be advised) ESSEX CANCER NETWORK UROLOGY NSSG MEETING th Monday 14 February 2011 14.00 – 16.00 hrs Kestrel House Board Room Chelmsford CM2 5PF Lisa Want LW Service Manager BTUHFT Roger Bassett RB User Representative Aubrey Shinn AS User Representative Brian Liversidge BL User Representative R Ravi RR Consultant Urologist BTUHFT Petra Orebanwo PO Urology CNS, BTUHFT Theresa Bell TB Divisional Manager MEHT Richard Lodge (Chair) RL Consultant Urologist SUHFT Rachael West RW Cancer Service Manager CHUFT Lucy Powell LP Urology CNS, CHUFT 37 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc 1. Michael Scanes MS User Facilitator ECN Ranjan Thilagarajah RT Consultant Urologist, MEHT Anil Vohra AV Consultant Urologist, BTUHFT Tom Carr TC Medical Director, ECN Carol O’Leary CO Nurse Director, ECN Sue Maughn SM Interim Director, ECN Maggie Braithwaite MB Urology CNS, CHUFT John Corr JC Consultant Urologist, CHUFT Christine Stubbings CS Urology CNS, MEHT David Tsang DT Consultant Oncologist, SUHFT Belinda Grant BG GM Cancer Services, MEHT Ashley Solieri AS Network Manager, ECRN David Galvin DG Consultant Urologist, CHUFT V. Ramsey VR MDT Co-ordinator, MEHT Apologies Bruce Sizer, Matt Riddleston, Sampi Mehta, MD Dooldeniya, Nicola Lacey, Gerald Rix, Priscilla Leone, Naveed Sawar, th Previous Minutes – 6 December 2010. 2. Minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting. 3. Matters Arising 3.1 IOG Compliant Renal Cancer Arrangements A sub group has agreed the arrangements for all renal surgery across Essex. It will only take place at st either of the two centres (Colchester and Southend). The arrangement will take place from 1 st st February 2011. RT said that it was 1 February for discussion at MDT, but 1 March for procedures. 38 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc These arrangements will be presented to the next ECN Board meeting for approval. 3.2 Peer Review Visit Schedule: th Contrary to earlier indications, the Peer Review Team will be visiting the SMDT and Network on 8 th and 16 June respectively. The group needs to prepare and agree a Work Programme for the next three years before the visit. The Constitution needs to be updated if necessary and an Annual Report for 2010-2011 needs to be produced. Work Programme: SM circulated the draft Work Programme 2011/14. The following items were highlighted: Enhanced Recovery:- CHUFT and SUHFT are currently developing enhanced recovery for urology patients. The progress will be audited in 2012/13. Follow up protocols:- It was agreed to set up a sub group to develop protocols. SM will email a request for volunteers for this group. It is proposed to run a pilot of new methods and then roll out across the Network Action: SM Rapid access: RT to email procedure to SM for distribution. Action: RT Peer Review:- A sub group is meeting to address all the issues raised by the last Peer Review to ensure a better result this year. Guidelines:- SM will circulate the document for comments. Sub groups will be established to write/amend the guidelines and a day will be set aside to pull all comments and amendments together. th If anyone has anything to add to the Work Programme they should email SM by 7 March 2011. This will then be forwarded on to the network board for approval. BL suggested that there should be an Action Plan based on the results of the National Patient Satisfaction Survey. 3.3 NSSG Chair: Agreed at previous meeting 3.4 Service Development SM has produced a Service Development Template for members to bring any ideas to this group. The Template was agreed and any issues for inclusion should be brought to the next meeting. 39 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc The Template will be circulated with the minutes Action: 3.5 MS Gold seed insertion for Prostate IGRT Pricilla Leone to complete a Service Development Template and submit to the next meeting. Action: 3.6 PL Robotic Surgery in Essex SM said that the Service Development would have to be discussed by the NSSG and if it was agreed, the Network Board would have to ask one of the Centres to bid for the service. RL said that robotic surgery was mentioned in the “Strategy for Cancer” Document. 4. Audit Topics for 2011 • • • • 5. Patient Survey of access to treatment modalities for localised prostate cancer Access to radical treatments in 2010/11 CNSs in BTUHFT and MEHT to survey the patient satisfaction of patients visiting the centres. BL suggested we add an audit of radiotherapy. DT agreed. AOS – Rapid Access Clinics All Trusts with an A&E department will be required to channel cancer patients directly to Cancer Clinicians. Each Trust needs a plan and this needs to be documented. The Network has a Cross Cutting Group working on these issues. The process will be subject to Peer Review this year. SUHFT: Currently no defined service: If A&E suspect cancer they fax to GP to suggest an early referral. CHUFT: If A&E suspect cancer they refer to the appropriate MDT BTUHFT: It was thought that A&E may refer to MDT but not sure. MEHT RT said that there was a system in place for A&E to refer to the 40 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc appropriate clinician. SM said that the group need to add Generic AOS pathway into the Clinical Guidelines. Each Trust lead should bring their pathway to the next meeting for discussion, and development of Network Pathway. 6. Standing Agenda Items 6.1 Research Trial Activity The previously circulated list of approved studies and reasons why the studies were not open at each site was agreed. AS informed the Group that Peer Review requires the Chair to inform the MDTs of the list and they would need to formally acknowledge it. Remedial Action Plans could then be agreed between the MDT and NSSG where recruitment was poor. ACTION: AS/RL RT requested details about the approval process and it was agreed that new studies should be brought to the NSSG for their approval. AS re-iterated that individual Trust R&D approval would also be required for each study. Post meeting note – It has been suggested that a small e-mail group be convened to enable NSSG approval of studies to prevent any delays. 6.2 User Involvement RB reported that the Network had organised a Team Building day for patients, carers and professionals from across the Network. The day was well attended and was found very useful by those who did attend. th RB added that Macmillan surveyors were visiting Southend Hospital on 28 February to finalise the design of the Patient Information Centre. A Macmillan Information Space at Basildon was due to be installed shortly. BL said that the revisions of the NE Essex Patient Information Directory were complete and were now with the designer for preparation for printing. nd The Urology CNSs were holding a Men’s Health evening on 2 March 2011 at Essex County Hospital. The NE Essex group now have three representatives on NSSG’s 6.3 CNS Update 41 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc The CNSs from the 4 Trusts continue to meet on a regular basis. Other CNS issues are covered elsewhere in the minutes 7. Any Other Business 7.1 Teenage and Young Adults: MS said that there were new Peer Review Measures for TYA currently out for comment. They require that, for 16-18 year olds, ALL cases must be discussed and treated by the Primary Treatment Centre, which for Essex is UCLH. 19-24 year olds have the choice of where they are treated, but must be reported to the PTC. MS said that the Network would write a section describing the Pathways for TYA for inclusion in the Urology Guidelines. RL asked about orchidectomy, which is performed locally as part of the diagnostic procedure for Testicular cancers. CO said that she was attending a meeting at UCLH to discuss these measures and would ask the question. Action: 7.2 MS/CO Referrals from Outside the Network RT asked if patients were referred to him from a hospital outside the network (eg Lister in Stevenage) was it acceptable for him to treat the patient in MEHT. SM relied that Patients can only be treated in IOG compliant Centres, which MEHT was not. 8. Date of next Meeting and for rest of 2011 NSSG th Wednesday 11 May 2011 th Tuesday 13 September 2011 th Monday 5 December 2011 Middle and Annexe Swift House: 2pm -4pm Board Room Kestrel House: 2pm – 4pm Middle and Annexe Swift House: 2pm -4pm AUDIT 42 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc th Thursday 10 November 2011 12.30pm – 5pm (Venue to be advised) Appendix 6 Annual Review NSSG Chairman Essex Cancer Network Name Richard Lodge NSSG Site Urology Date 25.3.11 Structure Length in post: Jan 2011 To continue: Yes Deputy: Discussed at NSSG and decided against will be revisited as needs to be cover for absences – an oncologist would be ideal to balance out any surgical bias. Attendance, engagement and organisational issues: Adequate/quorate attendance Engagement is improving with sub group meetings for both Peer review Prep and clinical guidelines group. Audit and business meetings: Yes: Audit and SMDT business meeting LMDT business meeting with SUHT and BTUH needs arrangingStrengths: Good engagement now. Good progress with pathways. Resolution of complex renal pathway. Mechanism for service developments approved. Weaknesses: Residual issue re structure and organisation e.g. tail end of renal controversy Data collection. MDS to be agreed as part of Peer review prep work. Somerset needs to be implemented Documentation Constitution: yes to be reviewed at clinical guidelines sub group in April 2011. 43 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc Work plan + Strategic plan: RNL + SM largely done, out for comment and approval. Annual report in draft; to circulate in April for May sign off. Peer review outcomes and concerns Renal resolved Documentation deficits being addressed Pelvic surgery numbers at Southend now >60 resolved Data and audit Data collection Somerset in place not fully implemented good clinical support the issue is administrative • • • IOG Commissioners Service development Audit Network wide and commissioning questions Clinical ownership and engagement Good Self sufficiency + agenda ownership Improving e.g. definitive lead clinicians for BTUH and MEHT was a little vague and ad hoc. Continued need for management support from the centre limited self sufficiency is possible but likely to need some support. Personal development needs and plans Nil identified Signed 25.3.2011 Mr T W Carr Medical Director ECN 44 of 44 N:\NSSG Peer review docs\Urology\UROLOGY Annual Report 2010-11 final version for upload.doc
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