OOI RFA Cover Sheet LOI Full Addendum Above For Office Use Only Please fill out requested information in all gray boxes Dynamics of Heat, Salt, Nutrients, and Plankton in the Coastal Ocean Title: Proponent(s): Heidi Sosik, Oscar Schofield, Jim Edson, Al Hanson, Bill Boicourt, Jeff Hanson Keywords: (5 or less) Biological Oceanography, Coastal Processes, Biophysical Interactions, Instrumentation, Earth Sciences Area: Mid Atlantic Bight Contact Information: Contact Person: John Trowbridge Department: Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Address Woods Hole, MA 02543 Tel.: 508-289-2296 E-mail: jtrowbridge@whoi.edu Fax: 508-457-2194 Permission to post abstract on ORION Web site: ✔ Yes No Abstract: (400 words or less) The goal of the proposed project is to understand the fundamental coupling between physical processes, nutrient pathways, and distributions of plankton in the coastal ocean. Better understanding of plankton dynamics is critical for addressing a wide range of scientifically and societally important problems, including fisheries management, nutrient loading, harmful algal blooms, and hypoxia. Despite longstanding scientific interest, progress in understanding coupled biological and physical processes in coastal systems has been slow, because conventional observational and analysis techniques are inadequate. However, enormous advances are now possible, because new sampling platforms, sensors, and modeling techniques have matured to the point that they are ready for routine and sustained scientific application. To characterize shelf-wide patterns of variability in biological, chemical, and physical properties on timescales ranging from weekly to interannual, a study that combines sustained observations and numerical simulations of the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) is proposed. The specific research objectives are to understand (1) the pathways that provide nutrients for phytoplankton growth, (2) the processes that control stratification, and (3) the role of advection in redistributing nutrients and plankton. The processes of interest include coastal upwelling, wind-driven mixing, surface heating, freshwater influx, and various interactions of shelf and slope waters. The proposed observational system consists of (1) weekly cross-shelf glider transects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Rutgers, and the US Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF); (2) enhanced measurements at three existing cabled sites at the shoreward ends of the glider lines; (3) high-power nodes/moorings at mid shelf on the glider lines at WHOI and Rutgers; (4) moorings at the shelf break at WHOI, Rutgers and FRF and at the entrances to the major estuaries in the region; (5) a CODAR array spanning the study area; and (6) collection of satellite images of SST and ocean color. All measurement platforms will support vertically resolved measurements of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, optical backscattering, and nutrients. The cabled sites and nodes/moorings will enable advanced optical and acoustical imaging of plankton for characterization of community structure. Numerical modeling will be a focal point for analysis and synthesis of the observations, with proposed activities capitalizing on existing applications of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) that range from high resolution simulations of the LEO and MVCO regions to a shelf-wide version that includes the entire coastal margin of eastern North America, and which has been implemented with coupled biological and physical components. Please describe below key non-standard measurement technology needed to achieve the proposed scientific objectives: (250 words or less) Non-standard instrumentation includes (1) Webb Slocum gliders, which provide measurements of water mass properties on cross-shelf transects; (2) FlowCytobot and Imaging FlowCytobot, which allow enumeration of picophytoplankton up to microphytoplankton, with taxonomic resolution of many groups; (3) multi-frequency split-beam echosounding systems for near continuous assessment of zooplankton biomass; (4) custom-built (at WHOI) broad-band transducers (350-650 kHz) deployed on gliders, for spatial measurements of zooplankton biomass; (5) Video Plankton Recorder (SeaScan, Inc.) imaging systems designed specifically for the large microplankton to mesoplankton size range; (6) subsurface moorings with self-contained profiling systems that have capabilities for real-time data transmission and instrument control; and (7) nitrate sensors deployable at both high power moorings/nodes and on gliders. Proposed Sites: Site Name Position Water Depth (m) Start Date Proposed Duration Revisits Deploy during (months) deployment Site-specific Comments **please see proposal for details List of Project Participants Scott Doney, Scott Gallager, Ruoying He, Steve Lentz, Dennis McGillicuddy, Heidi Sosik, John Trowbridge, and Peter Wiebe (WHOI); Al Hanson and Jim Yoder (URI); Frank Bohlen and Jim Edson (UConn); Bob Chant, Katja Fennel, Scott Glenn, and Oscar Schofield (Rutgers); Bill Boicourt and Larry Sanford (UMCES); and Jeff Hanson (USACE FRF). Suggested Reviewers Larry Atkinson (Old Dominion University) Richard Barber (Duke University) Jack Barth (Oregon State University) Francisco Chavez (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) Stephanie Dutkiewicz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Richard Jahnke (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography) John Marra (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University) David Musgrave (University of Alaska) Sharon Smith (University of Miami) Eric Terrill (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) Andrew Thomas (University of Maine) Francisco Werner (University of North Carolina) 1. Abstract and Summary The goal of the proposed project is to understand the fundamental coupling between physical processes, nutrient pathways, and distributions of plankton in the coastal ocean. Better understanding of plankton dynamics is critical for addressing a wide range of scientifically and societally important problems, including fisheries management, nutrient loading, harmful algal blooms, and hypoxia. Despite longstanding scientific interest, progress in understanding coupled biological and physical processes in coastal systems has been slow, because conventional observational and analysis techniques are inadequate. However, enormous advances are now possible, because new sampling platforms, sensors, and modeling techniques have matured to the point that they are ready for routine and sustained scientific application. To characterize shelf-wide patterns of variability in biological, chemical, and physical properties on timescales ranging from weekly to interannual, a study that combines sustained observations and numerical simulations of the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) is proposed. The specific research objectives are to understand (1) the pathways that provide nutrients for phytoplankton growth, (2) the processes that control stratification, and (3) the role of advection in redistributing nutrients and plankton. The processes of interest include coastal upwelling, wind-driven mixing, surface heating, freshwater influx, and various interactions of shelf and slope waters. The proposed observational system consists of (1) weekly cross-shelf glider transects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Rutgers University, and the US Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF); (2) enhanced measurements at three existing cabled sites (WHOI’s Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory [MVCO], Rutgers’ Long-term Ecosystem Observatory [LEO], and the FRF) at the shoreward ends of the glider lines; (3) highpower nodes/moorings at mid shelf on the glider lines at WHOI and Rutgers; (4) moorings at the shelf break at WHOI, Rutgers and FRF and at the entrances to the major estuaries in the MAB (Long Island Sound, Hudson River, Delaware, and Chesapeake Bays); (5) a Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar (CODAR) array spanning the study area; and (6) collection of satellite images of sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean color. All measurement platforms will support vertically resolved measurements of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, optical backscattering, and nutrients. The cabled sites and nodes/moorings will enable advanced optical and acoustical imaging of plankton for characterization of community structure. Numerical modeling will be a focal point for analysis and synthesis of the observations, with proposed activities capitalizing on existing applications of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) that range from high resolution simulations of the LEO and MVCO regions to a shelfwide version that includes the entire coastal margin of eastern North America, and which has been implemented with coupled biological and physical components. The intellectual merit of the proposed study lies in the integrated application of advanced capabilities for observations and simulations to interdisciplinary scientific questions of fundamental importance at a regional coastal oceanographic scale. Broader impacts include a scientific foundation for informed management decisions that promote ocean health and responsible ocean utilization in a heavily populated, economically important region, as well as outreach activities at all educational levels. 1 2. Program Rationale and Key Scientific Hypotheses The coastal ocean is a dynamic environment characterized by complex spatial patterns that change dramatically over time. These dynamic conditions help make continental shelves some of the most highly productive ecosystems on Earth. This high productivity plays a major role in regulating the fluxes of matter and energy along and across continental shelves. Because of the proximity to dense human populations, coastal ocean dynamics have a major effect on the distribution of resources of societal interest (e.g., fisheries and recreation areas) and coastal waters are increasingly impacted by human-induced disturbances (e.g., nutrient loading and introduced species). Variations in plankton biomass and community structure drive shelf productivity and diversity at all trophic levels. Additionally, the transport and transformation of carbon and other elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, trace metals) on the shelves is dependent on the dynamics of the planktonic food web. This importance has long been recognized, but our understanding of the processes responsible for the observed spatial and temporal patterns in shelf water plankton communities remains surprisingly limited, principally due to inadequate observational capabilities. Advances in sampling platforms and sensor systems now make it possible to bring a new level of high resolution multi-scale concurrent physical, chemical, and biological observations to a coastal system. These observations, when combined with new modeling techniques, will provide fundamental insights into the regulation of coastal ecosystems. The Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), which spans the continental shelf from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras (Figure 1), offers a unique research opportunity for this new observing capability for several reasons. First, thirty percent of the US population live along the MAB, resulting in heavily urbanized coastal zones that are increasingly impacting this productive shelf ecosystem in ways that remain poorly documented and understood due to under-sampling. Second, the region is characterized by large seasonal and interannual variations in both physical and biological properties, and is influenced by a variety of important but poorly understood processes (as outlined below). Third, the MAB can be viewed as a model for large, complex ecosystems throughout the world that overlie broad shelves influenced by western boundary current systems. Fourth, the region has been the focus of decades of traditional research efforts, which provides baseline knowledge to guide new research. Finally, the MAB is the site the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s (WHOI’s) Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO), Rutgers University’s Long-term Ecosystem Observatory (LEO), and the US Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF), which provide significant anchor points for the proposed research. The overall goal of our proposed research is to construct a coupled observation and model framework that will enable development of predictive understanding of seasonal-tointerannual, and ultimately climate-scale, variability in the Middle Atlantic Bight ecosystem. Aspects of the proposed research will necessarily be exploratory in nature; however, historical biological and physical observations in the MAB and current knowledge about coastal ecosystems lead to several testable hypotheses that provide a framework to guide model developments and observational efforts. These hypotheses are focused on the physical and chemical regulation of plankton, with direct implications for higher trophic levels. Sustained observations will allow us to assess how annual plankton cycles are regulated by a temporally varying set of physical, chemical, and ecological processes. The degree that these processes are in turn affected by interannual variations will be assessed by collecting a sustained time series. 2 Four hypotheses have dictated the observatory design and experimental approach that we propose. The first two focus on processes that regulate coastal plankton ecosystems at the annual scale and smaller. These will be directly addressed in the proposed 5-year project. The last two hypotheses deal with extending process-level understanding to explain variability over longer time scales. While evaluation of these longer term hypotheses would require continued observations and modeling, beyond the initial 5 years, they point to an important research area that depends critically on observatory-based strategies for progress; as such we have considered these longer term goals in developing our research plan. Hypothesis 1: On time scales from days to seasons, light and nutrient control on phytoplankton species responsible for high productivity in the MAB occurs in two different regimes: a predominantly one-dimensional system related to vertical mixing over the outer shelf, and a predominantly two-dimensional system dominated by advection on the inner shelf. On the middle-to-outer shelf, these bio-physical dynamics can be understood as a onedimensional response in which nutrient and light availability are governed by wind-driven vertical mixing (similar to the classic spring bloom in open waters of the North Atlantic). In contrast, over the inner shelf, two-dimensional processes, with nutrient availability governed principally by wind- (and possibly wave-) driven advection from offshore source waters, are critical. The width of this “inner-shelf” regime varies seasonally and spatially since it depends on the wind strength and duration and on the stratification. This simplified view of a highly complex system can explain essential features such as the spring and early fall blooms (dominated by large phytoplankton such as chain-forming diatoms) over the outer shelf, that contrast with wintertime peaks over the inner shelf. Furthermore, it provides a framework for evaluating the importance of other processes and interactions, such as the role of cross-shelf physical gradients in modulating vertical mixing over the outer shelf, the role of riverine sources of nutrients over the inner shelf, and the effects of grazing and episodic events such as storms, which may impact either zone at different times. Hypothesis 2: Seasonal variations in MAB zooplankton communities are driven predominantly by transport processes that bring organisms into the region, principally across the northern and offshore boundaries leading to significant cross- and along-shelf differences. Seasonal variation in peak standing stock of MAB zooplankton progresses along shelf from the north (spring at the northern end of the MAB, mid-summer in mid MAB, and late summer/early fall in the southern MAB) due largely to advection from high production areas to the northeast of the region (e.g., Georges Bank). At the same time, inner and outer shelf waters differ because subtropical/tropical offshore “expatriate” zooplankton species contribute significantly to outer-shelf communities as a result of water exchange between passing warmcore rings or Gulf Stream meanders and the shelf-slope front. Under all conditions, MAB zooplankton are supported by local phytoplankton production, but inner shelf zooplankton assemblages, including gelatinous organisms that typically bloom in late summer, are more tightly coupled to this local production than are outer-shelf assemblages. Hypothesis 3: Interannual- to decadal-scale fluctuations in biomass and community structure of both phytoplankton and zooplankton in the MAB occur in response to larger scale phenomena, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Annual flux of nutrients and zooplankton into the MAB depends on the balance of water masses over the shelf. When basinscale conditions lead to increased transport in the Labrador Current, relatively cooler, fresher, nutrient-poor water overlies the outer shelf, which results in lower productivity and plankton biomass across the entire shelf. These changes in shelf water masses lead to changes in 3 community composition of the plankton driven by two processes. First, decreased nutrient input, both as direct advective flux across the northern MAB boundary and through exchange processes at the shelf-break front, selects against winter and early spring phytoplankton bloom species. Second, subtropical zooplankton species do not reach the outer shelf because the Gulf Stream position is far from the shelfbreak. Hypothesis 4: Long-term (climate-scale) warming trends in MAB waters will lead to decreased plankton biomass and shifts in plankton community structure that result in lower productivity at higher trophic levels (e.g., fish, birds, and marine mammals). Increased temperatures and greater stratification will suppress nutrient transport into surface waters and select against fall and winter phytoplankton bloom species. This in turn will lead to year-round food limitation in mesozooplankton, including fish and invertebrate larvae. This will ultimately cause a shift to a plankton community dominated by smaller phytoplankton and zooplankton species, supported principally by recycled nutrients and providing little export to higher trophic levels. Increased temperatures will further lead to spatial and temporal shifts in plankton community structure because subtropical coastal species will move to the north, displacing temperate/subarctic species currently living at the southern end of their biogeographical ranges. Given the observational and modeling research described below, these hypotheses represent testable starting points for the development of conceptual and mathematical models of continental shelf ecosystem dynamics. We recognize that some of these ideas may be overly simplified, and we anticipate that our hypotheses will evolve and require revision as part of this process. A major strength of the observatory approach we propose is that it will allow evaluation of many processes acting over a broad range of space and time scales; thus new ideas can be readily incorporated. Beyond the processes highlighted directly in the hypotheses above, we expect, for example, to quantify advective redistribution of nutrients and plankton along and across the shelf; to document the offshore extents and durations of coastal upwelling events and their effect on nutrient distributions; to evaluate the importance of (and time/space scales associated with) estuarine sources of nutrients to inner shelf waters and Slope Water sources for the outer shelf; to determine if the timing and intensity of spring storms have a substantial impact on the ultimate thermal stratification; and to describe the processes that control interannual variations in stratification and their effects on interannual variations in plankton distributions. 3. Scientific Objectives Definitive evaluation of the hypotheses defined in the previous section is probably decades away. To make progress during a five-year study toward quantitative evaluation of the first two hypotheses, we propose to focus on a small set of key but tractable scientific objectives, which emphasize physical processes, their effect on nutrient distributions, and their impact on plankton populations. The objectives are to understand (1) the pathways that provide nutrients for phytoplankton growth, (2) the processes that control stratification, and (3) the role of advection in distributing nutrients and plankton. The relevance of the first objective to phytoplankton dynamics is self-evident. Potentially important mechanisms include coastal upwelling, wind-driven vertical mixing, and shelf-slope exchange processes, which might include bottom boundary layer convergence, mesoscale variability, intrusions of saline Slope Water, or warm-core rings. The second objective is relevant because stratification traps phytoplankton near the surface, in the euphotic zone, and isolates phytoplankton from deep nutrients. Potentially important processes include the fall breakdown of stratification due to 4 wind forcing and atmospheric cooling; intermittent winter stratification near the coast due to fresh water, surface heating, or upwelling circulation acting on the cross-shelf salinity gradient; intermittent stratification over the outer shelf associated with wind forcing acting on the shelfslope front; and spring development of stratification and the timing and strength of spring storms. The third objective is important because of the possibly dominant role of advection in redistributing nutrients and plankton, particularly zooplankton. The advective fields are influenced in complex ways by wind and wave forcing, stratification, and mixing. Thus, even within the limited scope of our scientific objectives, there is a rich array of relevant processes. To achieve these objectives, we propose a study that combines observations and numerical simulations. The primary purposes of the observations are to quantify fluxes of volume, heat, salt, and nutrients across the upstream (poleward) and downstream (equatorward) boundaries of the MAB; to determine the spatial structure and temporal variability of velocity, temperature, salinity, nutrient concentration, and planktonic abundance and composition within the MAB; and to quantify fluxes of heat, freshwater, and nutrients into the MAB from the major regional estuaries. The primary purposes of the numerical simulations are to provide inferences of transport rates between shelf and Slope Water; to produce estimates of the advective and turbulent transport fields within the MAB; to elucidate the processes controlling stratification, nutrient distributions, and plankton distributions within the MAB; and to evaluate the potential impacts of projected climate on the MAB. 4. Experimental Design and Observing Requirements 4.1 Background The MAB shelf waters (Figure 1) are part of a large-scale buoyant coastal current with an equatorward along-shelf mean flow of 5-10 cm s-1 (Loder et al. 1998). A shelf-slope front near the shelfbreak separates the relatively cool, fresh, shelf waters from warmer, saltier, Slope Water (Iselin 1936; Houghton et al. 1988; Linder and Gawarkiewicz 1998). Plankton distributions in the MAB are influenced directly by these broad-scale physical features, but their productivity and taxonomic composition are also regulated by a combination of physiological constraints and available resources, notably light and nutrients such as inorganic nitrogen (for phytoplankton) and food supply (for zooplankton). Availability of light and nutrients in the MAB is highly dependent on physical properties of the environment, including stratification and circulation patterns, which vary over many temporal and spatial scales (e.g., Sosik et al. 2001). For instance, cold nutrient-rich water flows into the area via the prevailing currents from the Gulf of Maine and is thought to be a major input of nutrients to the region (e.g., Walsh et al. 1987; Townsend 1998). Zooplankton food supply depends, in turn, on biomass production in the phytoplankton. 4.1.1 Seasonal variability There are large seasonal variations in atmospheric forcing and stratification in the MAB (Beardsley and Boicourt 1981), with direct consequences for plankton. During the summer, the MAB shelf water is thermally stratified with mid-shelf near-surface temperatures of 20oC and near-bottom temperatures of less than 10oC. Minimum water temperatures occur over the mid to outer shelf in a continuous along-shelf feature called the “cold pool” (Houghton et al. 1982). Under these summer conditions, phytoplankton can be exposed to high light levels generally favorable for growth, because incident solar radiation is at its seasonal peak and phytoplankton 5 cells can be trapped by stratification in near surface layers. Warm water temperature should also be generally favorable for growth (Eppley 1972). Nonetheless, phytoplankton biomass is typically not highest in summer, most likely due to a combination of nutrient limitation grazing control by zooplankton. Evidence from both the MAB and the nearby Gulf of Maine generally points to nitrogen as the limiting nutrient (e.g., Ryther and Dunstan 1971; Walsh et al. 1978; Glibert et al. 1985; Durbin et al. 1995). Nutrient data for the MAB are sparse, but it appears that nutrient concentrations are depleted in the summertime surface layer when stratification is present, probably because phytoplankton deplete the available inorganic nutrients while resupply from cold, nutrient-rich deeper layers is limited by strong stratification (e.g., Ketchum et al. 1958; Falkowski et al. 1983; Malone et al. 1983; Walsh et al. 1987; Sosik et al. 2001). Under these conditions, sub-surface chlorophyll maxima (just above the nitracline) are common in the MAB (Walsh et al. 1987; Marra et al. 1990; Sosik et al. 2001). Despite widespread nutrient limitation in summer, it is likely that intermittent increases in phytoplankton concentrations can occur during upwelling-favorable winds due to a vertical flux of nutrients by mixing or advection (e.g., Glenn et al. 2004). In the fall, increased mixing due to storms and cooling causes an often rapid breakdown of the thermal stratification, and consequent introduction of nutrients into the euphotic zone. Taken together, historical ship-based observations and satellite-based ocean color missions (CZCS and SeaWiFS) suggest that a fall increase in phytoplankton biomass is characteristic of the MAB (O'Reilly et al. 1987; O'Reilly and Zetlin 1998; Yoder et al. 2001; Yoder et al. 2002). This increase is likely fueled by nutrients made available when stratification breaks down, but the factors which control the timing and extent of fall blooms are poorly understood. It is unclear whether the fall breakdown of stratification is primarily the result of local wind-driven vertical mixing, surface cooling, or advection in the bottom boundary layer (Lentz et al. 2003). In winter, the shelf water in the MAB is cold and often vertically well mixed with relatively high nutrient concentrations. While nutrients are available for phytoplankton growth, the seasonal low in incident radiation, combined with deep surface mixed layers, leads to low light exposure for phytoplankton, especially over the outer shelf. Historical observations of phytoplankton suggest that winter blooms of large-celled species (e.g., diatoms) are common in many areas of the MAB (see references above and also Bigelow et al. 1940; Glibert et al. 1985; Marrase et al. 1992), most prominently over the inner shelf (O'Reilly and Zetlin 1998). High phytoplankton biomass can persist over the inner shelf for many months and nutrients in this zone are likely depleted (after the initial fall breakdown in stratification) and must be replenished from deeper water or other sources. When nutrients are available, initiation of specific winter bloom events may be associated with factors such as the development of intermittent stratification, which increases the light available to phytoplankton by trapping them near the surface (e.g, Riley 1947). Townsend et al. (1992; 1994) have suggested that episodic winter phytoplankton blooms can also be initiated by a combination of low winds and sunny days, even in the absence of stratification. In addition, recent evidence suggests that temperature effects on grazing pressure in winter may also play a role in controlling the timing and amplitude of blooms (Smayda 1998; Keller et al. 2001; Oviatt et al. 2002). Stratification redevelops in spring as storm frequency and intensity decrease, solar heating increases, and river discharge increases. The redevelopment of stratification promotes classic early spring blooms over the outer shelf in the MAB. Bigelow et al. (1940) have pointed out that late winter and early spring phytoplankton blooms sometimes precede substantial 6 seasonal increases in incident irradiance, and the classical views of Gran and Braarud (1935), Sverdrup (1953), and others have linked this specifically to stratification. The spring development of stratification is often interrupted by wind-driven mixing events. The sensitivity of summer stratification to the timing and intensity of these spring mixing events is unknown, as is their effect on the timing of spring bloom events. Changes in the structure of the shelf-slope front can dramatically change the stratification and nutrient and plankton distributions over the outer shelf at various times of year. For example, persistent strong stratification was present over the outer shelf during the winter of 1996-97, because upwelling-favorable winds moved the foot of the shelf-slope front farther onshore than normal (Lentz et al. 2003). Enhanced chlorophyll concentrations in the vicinity of the shelf-slope front have been reported during spring and summer (Marra et al. 1990; Ryan et al. 1999a; Ryan et al. 1999b), and may be the result of nutrient fluxes into the upper water column. These nutrient fluxes may be related to a variety of processes that have been suggested as potential shelf-slope exchange mechanisms, including wind forcing, instabilities, intrusions, warm-core rings, and upwelling associated with convergence of bottom boundary layer transport at the front (e.g., Houghton et al. 1988; Barth et al. 1998; Lentz et al. 2003). These same exchange processes are thought to influence zooplankton community composition through introduction of slope species that persist over the outer shelf. In fact, MAB zooplankton assemblages are known to be a mixture of species endemic to the region and expatriates (Cox and Wiebe 1979). The expatriates include those of Arctic-Boreal origin transported along the shelves from the northeast, temperate species that reside in the offshore Slope Water region, and tropical/subtropical species that inhabit the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea. While the endemic species usually dominate the numbers and biomass of the shelf zooplankton populations, the expatriates can occur in substantial numbers. The resident zooplankton populations tend to follow the cycle in primary production with a seasonal peak in biomass in late spring or early summer (Sherman et al. 1996; Sherman et al. 1998). This pattern takes place on continental shelf areas such as Georges Bank, the southern New England shelf and the Mid-Atlantic Bight further to the southwest. The peak is somewhat earlier on the bank and gets progressively later on the shelf regions to the west-southwest, in spite of the fact that stratification of the water column, which can instigate the spring bloom, occurs with little time differential from Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras. This suggests that advection along the shelf plays an important though poorly understood role in this pattern. The secondary production cycle is often dominated by only a few species and in the North Atlantic, one species, Calanus finmarchicus, can account for more than 50 % of the biomass of zooplankton associated with the spring/early summer peak. In addition to Calanus finmarchicus, five other copepod species are cited as dominants: Pseudocalanus spp. Metridia lucens, Centropages typicus, Centropages hamatus, and Paracalanus parvus (Davis 1987; Meise-Munns et al. 1990; Kane 1993; Sherman et al. 1998). C. finmarchicus and Pseudocalanus are predominantly spring species, while the others have been found to be more important during other times of the year. Judkins et al. (1979), sampling across the Southern New England shelf and out into the Slope Water, found the seasonal cycle of zooplankton on the section of the continental shelf was dominated numerically by copepods, except during the winter period when other groups were more abundant. Of the more than 80 copepods species counted, the eight most abundant were Centropages typicus, Pseudocalanus sp., Oithona similis, Temora longicornis, Paracalanus parvus, Calanus finmarchicus, Metridia lucens, and Candacia armata. This list is very similar to one determined from data presented by Grice and Hart (1962) for samples 7 collected in same region during the period 1959-1960, and also by Wiebe et al. (1973), Grant (1979), and Davis (1987). In the summer and fall period on the northeast shelf, the abundance of zooplankton grazers on phytoplankton is often reduced significantly by zooplankton predators, especially gelatinous ones (ctenophores, medusae, chaetognaths) (Turner et al. 1983; Durbin and Durbin 1996). The associated release from grazing pressure can give rise to temporary diatom blooms or may lead to the beginning of the persistent winter diatom bloom. 4.1.2 Interannual variability Interannual variations of temperature, salinity, and shelf-water volume in the MAB are substantial but not well understood. Sea surface temperatures have increased 1-2oC throughout the MAB over the last century (Flagg 1987; Maul et al. 2001; Nixon et al. 2004; Shearman et al. 2004). This is one of the largest increases in sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic (Gordon et al. 1992). There have also been large interannual variations in temperature, salinity, and shelf-water volume over the last 20 years, and these are spatially coherent over the MAB (Manning 1991; Mountain and Taylor 1998; Mountain 2003). This interannual variability has been attributed to a combination of atmospheric forcing and advection (e.g., Mountain 2003), but the connection to larger scale variations such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (Walker 1924; Walker and Bliss 1932) or specific processes remain uncertain. For example, Manning (1991) found that interannual salinity variations in the MAB were correlated with local precipitation and river runoff, but Mountain (2003) found that local sources could not account for an abrupt decrease in shelf-wide salinity that persisted for four to five years (Benway and Jossi 1998; Smith et al. 2001; Lentz et al. 2003). Interannual variations in temperature and salinity in the MAB are accompanied by interannual variability of phytoplankton biomass and likely have an important effect on ecosystem dynamics of the northwest Atlantic. In particular, recent work with SeaWiFS data shows that interannual variability accounts for more than half of the total variance in chlorophyll concentration in US east coast waters (Dandonneau et al. 2004). Platt et al. (2003) demonstrated interannual variations of order weeks in the timing of the spring bloom off Nova Scotia, which appear to have an impact on survival of fish larvae. For some North Atlantic zooplankton species, strong evidence exists for links between multi-year to decadal scale variability and environmental forcing (e.g., NAO index) (e.g., Conversi et al. 2001; Drinkwater et al. 2002). Phytoplankton time series longer than a few years are rare for shelf waters of the North Atlantic, however, and explanations for interannual to decadal scale variations have proven elusive, despite many hypotheses linked to physical forcing (Drinkwater et al. 2002; Barton et al. 2003). When better observations exist, patterns have emerged; for instance, in Narragansett Bay, Smayda (1998) has documented a declining trend in the winter bloom and shifts in phytoplankton species composition since the 1960s, while Oviatt et al. (2002) showed that winter blooms fail in years with anomalously high temperature. The ecosystems in the Northwest Atlantic are particularly sensitive to climate change (Frank et al. 1990). The continental shelf in this region is located in a faunal transition zone, with Arctic-boreal, temperate, and subtropical/tropical species boundaries in close proximity (Herman 1979). With its large annual cycle of water temperature, the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf is both the northern limit for many warm water organisms and the southern limit for many cold water species. The trend toward warmer MAB shelf waters could cause a significant latitudinal shift in the faunal transition zone and thus in the seasonal occurrence of different organisms in the study area (Greve et al. 2001). Durbin and Durbin (1996) have 8 predicted that changes in water temperature due to climate warming will have maximum impact on the population dynamics of planktonic species that predominate in the wintertime. Documentation already exists that such changes are occurring on the continental shelf areas of the eastern Atlantic (Reid et al. 2001; Beaugrand et al. 2002). 4.2 Observing system The proposed coastal observing system (Figure 1) has six components: (1) weekly crossshelf glider transects at WHOI, Rutgers and FRF, (2) high-power nodes/moorings at mid-shelf on the glider transects at WHOI and Rutgers; (3) moorings at the shelf break at WHOI, Rutgers and FRF and at the entrances to the major estuaries in the MAB (Long Island Sound, Hudson River, Delaware Bay, and Chesapeake Bay); (4) enhanced observations at existing observatories at WHOI (MVCO), Rutgers (LEO), and FRF, (5) regional Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar (CODAR) measurements of surface currents, and (6) satellite observations of surface temperature and ocean color. The cross-shelf glider transects will provide detailed, although non-synoptic, measurements of the cross-shelf and vertical structure of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, optical backscattering (as an index of particle load), acoustic backscattering (as an index of zooplankton biomass), and nitrate concentration. In addition, the combination of these measurements with CODAR-derived surface currents and glider-derived estimates of geostrophic shear will produce estimates of the alongshore transport of heat, salt, chlorophyll, and nitrate. Time-series measurements at mid-shelf and the shelf break at MVCO, LEO and FRF will resolve high-frequency (e.g., tidal and inertial) variability to aid in the interpretation of the weekly glider measurements, provide direct current observations to ground truth along-shelf geostrophic velocity estimates from the gliders, and provide direct observations of along-shelf and cross-shelf variability. Time-series measurements at the entrances to the major regional estuaries will help quantify fluxes of freshwater and nutrients into the MAB. The CODAR and satellite observations will provide a detailed spatial and temporal picture of the near-surface current, temperature, and chlorophyll fields; provide a spatial (lateral) context for interpreting the glider transects and the moored observations; provide information about how advection influences plankton distributions; and allow identification of warm-core rings and meso-scale features. The measurements will quantify alongshore fluxes and therefore permit a “control-volume” treatment of the shelf between WHOI and Rutgers and FRF, thus permitting inferences of potentially important transport rates across the shelf break. 4.2.1 Glider transects Simultaneous weekly cross-shelf glider transects will be occupied offshore of WHOI, Rutgers and FRF using Webb Research Slocum gliders. Instrumentation on each glider will include a temperature-conductivity-pressure sensor, a chlorophyll fluorometer, a CDOM fluorometer, an optical backscattering sensor, and a nitrate sensor. Transects will extend from MVCO, LEO and FRF to beyond the shelfbreak to include the shelf-slope front. The gliders travel at approximately 0.25 m s-1, so that the round-trip transit time for each transect will be approximately 12 days at WHOI and Rutgers and approximately 6 days at FRF. The glider duration is at least 25 days with the planned sensor suite, so that each glider at WHOI and Rutgers will complete 2 round trips during each deployment, and each glider at FRF will complete 4 round trips during each deployment. To obtain sections every six days, a fleet of gliders is required, so that we can continuously maintain two gliders in the water on both the WHOI and Rutgers transects and one glider in the water at the FRF transect. The gliders will fly 9 a saw-toothed pattern from the surface to within 2 m of the bottom. The maximum depth of the glider survey will be 150 m to capture the foot of the shelf-slope front. The rise and descent angles will be approximately 20 degrees, resulting in a cross-shelf resolution of roughly three times the water depth. Two of the Rutgers principal investigators (Schofield and Glenn) have successfully conducted numerous unattended glider transects across the shelf (Figure 2), logging over 10,000 km since the fall of 2003. The proposed combination of weekly transects for a period of years at the spatial resolution achievable by gliders is unprecedented. 4.2.2 High-power nodes/moorings High power nodes/moorings will be maintained at mid shelf (the 60-m isobath) on the glider lines at WHOI and Rutgers (Figure 1). Each mooring will support temperatureconductivity sensors, chlorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, optical backscattering sensors, nutrient sensors, plankton sensors (see details below), and high resolution vertical profiling capability (see next section). All optical sensors will be equipped with copper anti-fouling features. Meteorological sensors on each high power node/mooring will directly measure momentum, heat, mass, and downwelling radiative fluxes, as well as providing estimates of directional wave spectra from measurements of buoy motion. The heat and radiative fluxes will be combined with near surface temperature measurements to compute the net heat flux into the coastal ocean. The momentum flux will provide direct estimates of the wind stress vector, which may not be aligned with the wind vector due, e.g., to wave induced effects. Sensors required to motion correct the fluxes will provide directional wave measurements. Mean meteorological variables including precipitation will also be measured. In addition, at each site, a bottom tripod will support an upward looking 300 kHz RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and a sensor to measure pressure, temperature, and conductivity. The rapidly fouling optical instrumentation, conductivity and nutrient sensors will be replaced in early May, early August, and early November each year. To maintain continuous times series, we will have two sets of all hardware and instrumentation for the mid-shelf and shelf-break sites, and we will deploy and recover on the same turnaround cruise; turnaround at the easier-to-access nearshore sites will be staggered to miminize the need for redundant sensors. The spring and fall deployments will be for three months and the winter deployment for six months. This strategy avoids winter deployment and recovery operations and minimizes fouling of the optical and conductivity sensors. WHOI, Rutgers and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) have had considerable experience successfully deploying moorings in similar environments, including an 11-month deployment of four heavily instrumented moorings in the same region (e.g., Lentz et al. 2003), which survived the passage of Hurricane Edouard. As indicated in the requirements section below, the capabilities necessary at these high power/high bandwidth mid-shelf sites exceed capabilities of conventional stand-alone mooring technology. We envision that engineering assessment will point to two possible solutions: extensions of the MVCO and LEO cables to the mid-shelf or an upgraded capability for power generation or storage on board the buoy. Besides the issues of power supply and telemetry bandwidth, the general infrastructure requirements for sensors above and below the sea surface are similar to those described in the next section. 4.2.3 Moorings Lower power moorings with telemetry will be maintained at the shelf break at WHOI, Rutgers, and FRF, and at the entrances to the major estuaries in the MAB (Figure 1). One 10 possible configuration of these moorings is a surface/subsurface pair (Figure 3), where the surface mooring supports meteorological sensors and supplies renewable power (solar panels and/or wind turbine coupled to rechargeable batteries and electro-optical-mechanical cables to instrumentation below). The purpose of the subsurface mooring is to support a vertical profiling package (for instance, similar to the commercially available McLane Moored Profiler, but in this case requiring capability for recharge from the surface mooring power source). Each mooring will support temperature-conductivity sensors, chlorophyll fluorometers, optical backscattering sensors, downwelling irradiance meters, bio-acoustic backscattering systems, and nutrient sensors. All optical sensors will be equipped with copper anti-fouling features. A low power version of the meteorological package will provide the same set of measurements as the high power package with the exception of latent heat fluxes, which will be estimated with bulk formula. These measurements will include directional wave estimates from motion sensors. In addition, at each site, a bottom tripod will support an upward looking 300 kHz RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and a sensor to measure pressure, temperature, and conductivity. The sampling scheme will be the same as at the heavily instrumented moorings, as will the replacement schedule for the rapidly fouling sensors. 4.2.4 Existing cabled sites The relevant existing cabled sites in the MAB are MVCO, LEO, and FRF. The MVCO consists of a shore laboratory, a meteorological mast mounted on the beach on Martha’s Vineyard, an undersea node (at a water depth of 12 m), and an offshore tower (at a water depth of 15 m) (http://www.whoi.edu/mvco). All components of the MVCO are serviced by an electro-optical cable, which provides power and capabilities for real-time communications and data acquisition. At present, dedicated instrumentation at the MVCO includes a sonic anemometer and pressure, temperature, and relative humidity sensors at the shore lab and onshore meteorological tower, and a 1200 kHz ADCP (which measures currents and provides estimates of directional wave spectra), and near-bottom conductivity and temperature sensors at the undersea node. LEO is a seafloor cabled observatory deployed 10 km offshore (15 m depth) and connected to a shore lab by a buried electro-optical cable for power and high-bandwidth two-way communications. At present, dedicated instrumentation at LEO consists of a bottommounted ADCP with pressure and temperature sensors. In partnership with WetSat, Rutgers began a series of upgrades of the original equipment to include higher bandwidth communications, more reliable power, more flexible and now upgradeable control software, and standardized plug-and-play instrument interfaces. Initial hardware upgrades funded by NOAA/NURP have begun, with a target installation date of the new WetSat node in June 2005. In addition, a new water-column profiler package currently being constructed by WetSat will be tested over the next two years at LEO as part of a Small Business Innovations Research (SBIR) grant. FRF consists of a shore laboratory and pier extending 600 m into the ocean, to a depth of approximately 8 m. Routinely maintained observations at the FRF currently include meteorological measurements, velocity measurements throughout the water column, daily conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts, and directional wave measurements at 8-m and 18m depth. Our scientific objectives require that we augment the permanent instrumentation at all three existing cabled sites by adding water column temperature-conductivity sensors, chlorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, optical backscattering sensors, nutrient sensors, and plankton sensors (see details below). We will also instrument towers near the LEO site and at the end of the FRF 11 pier with turbulence and radiative flux packages similar to those at MVCO. This instrumentation will provide measurements of atmospheric forcing, velocity, stratification, nutrients, optical properties, and plankton adunance and taxonomic composition, which will complement the measurements on the gliders and mid-shelf moorings/nodes. In addition, two directional wave buoy moorings and one additional meteorological station mooring will be added to the FRF instrumentation to extend the cross-shelf directional wave array to the shelf break. 4.2.5 CODAR CODAR is a compact High-Frequency (HF) Radar system that provides current mapping, wave monitoring and ship tracking capabilities. The Mid-Atlantic Region maintains an extensive CODAR HF Radar network that has grown to nearly 30 individual radar systems that now include a regional backbone of 12 long-range CODARs (Figure 4) with multiple nested high resolution clusters in Long Island Sound, New York Harbor, Delaware Bay, Chesapeake Bay and on the beach at Duck, NC. Since 1999, Rutgers has continuously operated a CODAR network that now includes over 10 individual sites deployed in three nested multi-static clusters along the New Jersey Shelf, at the entrance to New York Harbor, and, in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts and the University of Rhode Island (URI), around Cape Cod. The University of Connecticut and URI operate 5 CODAR systems in two clusters at each end of Long Island Sound. The FRF hosts a CODAR site with a matching site located at Buxton, NC, both of which are operated by University of North Carolina as part of the South East Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing System (SEACOOS). NASA-Wallops recently purchased three long range CODAR systems that are now being deployed in Virginia and Delaware to bridge the gap between the Rutgers Cape May CODAR and the FRF CODAR. NOAA operates multiple CODAR sites within Chesapeake Bay, University of Delaware has begun deployment of a Delaware Bay CODAR cluster, and University of Massachusetts has proposed a CODAR nest for the area in and around New Bedford Harbor. The MAB is a significant research test bed for new radar technologies. HF radar is being developed at the FRF with Imaging Science Research (ISR) that operates at various frequencies and provides spatial scales of 100-1000 m to enhance coverage in nearshore regions. ISR also operates an X-band radar at the FRF for directional wave measurements and imaging sandbar positions. Rutgers operates two new bistatic CODAR transmitter buoys, a new compact SuperDirective shore-based CODAR receiver antenna, and is the proposed test bed for the new NPGS shipboard CODAR receivers that can be used in various combinations within a multi-static network, also to enhance coverage in desired locations. 4.2.6 Satellite Imagery Satellite-based remote sensing will provide a critical observational component. Sea surface temperature and ocean color products (e.g., chlorophyll, CDOM absorption, backscattering coefficients) will allow us to examine spatial and temporal variability in surface waters with regional coverage and kilometer-scale daily resolution (see, for example, Figure 9a). Imagery will be used track seasonal evolution of water properties and to locate and follow critical features such as fronts, warm-core rings, and to define the space/time distributions of phenomena such as near-surface phytoplankton blooms and coastal upwelling. Rutgers has continuously operated an L-Band satellite tracking and data acquisition system since 1992 and a larger X-Band system since 2003. Both systems enable local real-time 12 access to the full resolution direct-broadcast imagery from an international constellation of polar orbiting satellites. The L-Band system currently tracks the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) and China’s FY1-D. Products include the operational sea surface temperature (SST) and visible imagery and simple experimental ocean color products from the Chinese satellite. The X-Band system acquires data from more recent satellites featuring higher spatial and spectral resolution. This presently includes the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, both Terra and Aqua) satellites and India’s OceanSat. The increased spectral resolution enables more advanced ocean color products to be generated in optically complex coastal waters. Tracking multiple satellites, including those operated by other countries, decreases revisit intervals, providing multiple images of rapidly evolving coastal features at different times of day. Missed satellite passes due to groundstation downtime or conflicts due to simultaneous overpasses of different satellites are minimized by an automated real-time backup system through collaboration between Rutgers and the University of Maine. In this system, each location automatically checks and, if necessary, writes recently acquired raw data to the other’s pass disk, enabling the downstream data flow to continue uninterrupted at either location. 4.2.7 Plankton sensors This proposal takes direct advantage of important new developments in submersible sensor systems for observing plankton biomass and community structure. These sensors provide unprecedented potential but are very demanding in terms of power and bandwidth requirements, so they must be deployed strategically and they absolutely require the capabilities of specialized observatory infrastructure. Our general approach is to use these sensors to make long-term high resolution time series observations at selected sites that are embedded in a larger spatial context of observations provided by other platforms, such as gliders and distributed moorings. The target sites, existing cabled locations and proposed high power nodes, span the inner to outer shelf zones and range over the along-shelf extent of the study region. For phytoplankton community analysis, broad spatial coverage with chlorophyll fluorometers will provide context for time series at the nearshore and mid-shelf sites acquired with autonomous submersible flow cytometers that have been developed at WHOI. Two separate instruments, FlowCytobot and Imaging FlowCytobot, allow enumeration of picophytoplankton (< 2 µm diameter) up to microphytoplankton (20-200 µm), with taxonomic resolution of many groups (Figure 5). FlowCytobot, the first automated submersible flow cytometer developed at WHOI (Olson et al. 2003), has been used to collect cell abundance, size, and pigmentation data at MVCO since 2002 (e.g., see Figure 5). It is optimized for analysis of cells up to ~10 µm. FlowCytobot provides not only cell abundance data but also allows us to observe changes in cell size distributions from which it is possible to estimate daily population growth rates (Sosik et al. 2003). Imaging FlowCytobot (Olson and Sosik 2004) is a modified and enhanced version of the original FlowCytobot, designed especially for characterization of larger cells (~10-200 µm), including many dinoflagellates and diatoms, which are typically much less abundant than picoplankton but make up most of the biomass in coastal blooms. Imaging FlowCytobot uses a combination of flow cytometric and video technology to both capture images of organisms for identification and measure chlorophyll fluorescence associated with each image (Figure 5). By deploying FlowCytobot and Imaging FlowCytobot sensors at the 13 same locations, we will be able to characterize the entire phytoplankton community with high taxonomic resolution and over an unprecedent range of time scales. A multi-faceted approach to measure the patterns of abundance, biomass, and community structure of zooplankton will be also be utilized (Figure 6). For near continuous assessment of zooplankton biomass, multi-frequency (120, 200, and 420 kHz) split-beam echosounding systems (Hydroacoustic Technology Inc.) will be deployed near the bottom at the high power node sites to ensonify the entire water column (Wiebe et al. 1997; Stanton et al. 2001). These observations will be placed in a larger spatial context via custom-built (at WHOI) broad-band transducers (350-650 kHz) deployed on the gliders. Acoustic backscattering provides well resolved spatial distributions and helps constrain estimates of total zooplankton biomass, however, it does not provide detailed information about taxonomic composition. To obtain time series information on species composition, we will deploy Video Plankton Recorder (SeaScan, Inc.) imaging systems designed specifically for the large microplankton to mesoplankton size range (Gallager et al. 1996; Davis et al. 2004; Gallager et al. 2004) at the high power nearshore and mid-shelf sites. 4.2.8 Nutrient sensors An important element of the proposed study will be implementation of the capability for routine nutrient measurements at the required spatial and temporal scales. In recent years there has been significant progress in sensor development and there are now both reagent-free optical nitrate sensors and reagent-based optical nutrient sensors being produced commercially. The URI Graduate School of Oceanography, SubChem Systems, Inc., and WET Labs, Inc. researchers have collaboratively made substantial progress in developing submersible nutrient analyzers for deployments from ships, moored autonomous profiling platforms, buoys and autonomous underwater vehicles (Figure 7) (Hanson and Donaghay 1998; Hanson 2000; Hanson and Moore 2001). The continued development of this submersible chemical analyzer technology is funded by multiple agencies (NSF, ONR, NOAA, EPA and NOPP) and is progressively being transferred to the private sector. Nutrient analyzers are now commercially available and adaptable for deployment on a variety of cabled or autonomous ocean observation platforms. Our scientific objectives require that we take advantage of these emerging sensors and analyzers and to develop the capability to make nutrient measurements on each of the coastal observatory sampling platforms: cabled sites, high-power nodes/moorings, moorings, and gliders. In a recent advance, WET Labs, Inc. has begun producing relatively affordable and compact, single channel reagent-based sensors (CYCLE series) for moored deployment (2-3 months or longer). These sensors were developed by WET Labs in partnership with SubChem Systems, Inc. as part of an NSF–funded NOPP project (MOSEANS). Our plans include use of these CYCLE sensors on the MAB moorings and cabled platforms. CYCLE sensors are currently available for phosphate, with nitrate and ammonia to follow in 2006. The network of CYCLE sensors will be operated and maintained by URI, with assistance from WHOI, Rutgers and FRF. The most difficult challenge will involve implementing nutrient measurements on the glider transects. URI, SubChem Systems, WET Labs (A. Hanson, PI) have recently been awarded NOPP funding to transition their autonomous profiling nutrient analyzer (APNA) technologies into commercial products that can be readily deployed on autonomous profiling moorings, coastal gliders and propeller-driven unmanned underwater vehicles and used for sustained, autonomous ocean observations of nutrient distributions and variability. Field tests of 14 the APNA deployed on the REMUS AUV have demonstrated its capability to autonomously profile multi-nutrient concentrations in real-time. The effort proposed here will involve deploying MARCHEM, a compact low-power nitrate analyzer being developed for the SLOCUM gliders. URI will facilitate the progressive implementation of MARCHEM into the complete glider fleet. Final stages will include transition of MARCHEM operations from the URI group to glider technicians at WHOI, Rutgers and FRF. 4.2.9 Mooring turnaround sampling and ground truthing On the mooring turnaround cruises, hydrographic (CTD), nutrient, and biological property profiles of the water column will be made at each mooring location to provide ground truth data for the moored sensors. Samples will be collected for laboratory analyses including concentrations of nutrients, phytoplankton pigments (HPLC), particulate organic carbon, and dissolved organic carbon. In addition, a solid-state nitrate sensor (Satlantic MBARI-ISUS) will be mounted on the CTD rosette to acquire detailed depth profiles of nitrate concentration. An optical plankton counter (OPC ; Herman 1988; Herman 1992), and a self-contained video plankton recorder (VPR ; Davis et al. 1992; Davis et al. 1996) will be deployed on the CTD rosette to characterize zooplankton vertical distribution on vertical spatial scales of meters. A 1m2 MOCNESS equipped with 150 mm mesh nets will be used to collect stratified depth samples at the deeper survey stations to obtain data on the biomass, size frequency distribution of zooplankton taxa, and abundance of zooplankton species selected for targeted study. Each tow will take no more than 30 minutes. The sampling depth interval will be 10-15 meters, although this may be altered to correspond to sharp temperature or salinity gradients to avoid sampling across major physical discontinuities. At shallow stations, the 0.5 m diameter ring net will be towed obliquely from the surface to the bottom. The analysis of the 0.5 m diameter ring net and the 1-m2 MOCNESS samples will include the measurement of zooplankton biomass, silhouette image analysis of samples from selected tows, and counts of target species (Davis and Wiebe 1985). These data will be used to interpret the acoustic backscattering data and to provide the basic zooplankton data providing model boundary conditions and verifying the model results. 4.3 Physical and biological modeling Models will be a focal point for analysis and synthesis of the observations. The purposes of the model computations are to aid in data interpretation, especially in identifying principal processes responsible for generating patterns of shelf-wide variability in physical, chemical, and biological properties; to provide a framework for quantitatively evaluating the role of specific processes in contributing to observed distributions of heat, salt, nutrients, and plankton; and to evaluate needs for future expansion of the observational network, including its linkage with other observatories in the “upstream” and “downstream” directions. The wide range of space and time scales relevant to these objectives necessitates a hierarchical modeling approach. Coupled physical-biological models will be implemented in a variety of nested configurations, ranging from high resolution three-dimensional models of the coastal ocean around MVCO and LEO, to a shelf-wide model that includes the entire coastal margin of eastern North America. The physical model computations will build upon existing capabilities with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) circulation model. ROMS is a state-of-the-art, free-surface, hydrostatic, primitive equation ocean model being used by a rapidly growing user community for applications from the basin to coastal and estuarine scales (e.g., Haidvogel et al. 2000; MacCready and Geyer 2001; Dinniman et al. 2003; Lutjeharms et al. 2003; Marchesiello et al. 15 2003; Peliz et al. 2003). Shchepetkin and McWilliams (1998; 2003; submitted) describe in detail the algorithms that comprise the ROMS computational kernel. These include formulation of the time-stepping and advection algorithms to allow both exact mass conservation and minimal dispersion error tracers – a particularly attractive feature for accurate temperature, salinity, and nutrient budgets and fields. Lagrangian particle tracking in three dimensions is implemented and well tested, offering a powerful tool for characterizing pathways of material transport. The proposed study will capitalize on existing applications of ROMS to the MVCO and LEO areas and a shelf-wide implementation for the Northeast North American (NENA) coast and the adjacent deep ocean. The regional MVCO implementation of ROMS was developed for use as a forecast tool during the Coupled Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Transfer (CBLAST) program to assist in the deployment of moveable instrumentation, and as a synthesis tool for the re-analysis of intensive observing periods at MVCO. For this application, ROMS was implemented with fine grid spacing (1 km) and realistic 3-arc-second coastal bathymetry and was found to be able to capture the essential features of the 3-dimensional heat transport on diurnal to several day time-scales (Wilkin and Lanerolle submitted). The regional implementation of ROMS at LEO was used during a series of Coastal Predictive Skill Experiments in the summers of 1999 to 2001 to provide an ensemble of 3-day ocean forecasts, with which decisions were made to direct adaptive subsurface sampling according to the evolving circulation. The skill of this modeling system with respect to subsurface validation mooring data (temperature and currents) was assessed by Wilkin et al.(2005). The model was found to have significant intrinsic predictive skill, which was further improved by the assimilation of subsurface observations from ship-based towed-body sampling and CODAR data. The ROMS NENA implementation has 10 km horizontal resolution and 30 vertical levels. The model is embedded within a North Atlantic ROMS application forced with 3-day average winds and climatological buoyancy fluxes. This embedding procedure imposes external remotely forced mesoscale and seasonal variability on the regional NENA model with few open boundary artifacts. NENA model solutions exhibit recognized features of both locally and remotely forced circulation; namely, wind-driven upwelling, buoyancy-driven river plumes, low salinity on the MAB inner shelf, retention of passive particles in the shelf-slope front, and interactions of Gulf Stream warm-core rings with the New England slope. More realistic simulations of shelf circulation, including the influence of mesoscale events observable by satellite and interannual variability associated with major climate modes such as the NAO, will be achieved with further improvement of the basin-scale embedding procedure. This will be done with the operational North Atlantic mesoscale Mercator model (www.mercator.com.fr) that assimilates satellite altimetry, SST, and Argo float profiles. This new embedding procedure will impose observed weekly-to-interannual time scale variability (predominantly from altimetry) on the ROMS NENA physical circulation, which in turn will provide improved specifications of open boundary conditions for regional, high-resolution MVCO and LEO simulations The proposed biological modeling will utilize an existing nitrogen-based ecosystem model coupled with ROMS (Fennel et al. submitted). Current implementation of this model in the ROMS NENA configuration is a relatively simple representation of nitrogen cycling. The model captures the spatial and temporal patterns in chlorophyll (e.g., Figure 9) and primary productivity on the shelves, such as increasing chlorophyll concentrations and higher levels of primary production near the coast, spring and autumn blooms, and a phytoplankton maximum near the pycnocline in summer. Moreover, model results suggest that even with riverine inputs, 16 the nitrogen budget on the Middle Atlantic Bight is dominated by a net loss due to sediment denitrification (Fennel et al. submitted). Further modifications and extension of this model are currently under development in the Rutgers Ocean Modeling group. For example, improved treatment of tidal mixing, carbon and oxygen cycling and an intermediate complexity sizestructured ecosystem model (Lima and Doney 2004) are now being implemented. 4.4 Analysis and synthesis To address our three specific scientific objectives, and ultimately our overarching hypotheses, we will use the glider, mooring, cabled observatory, and remotely sensed observations and data assimilative ROMS model simulations to characterize the evolution of the cross-shelf and vertical structure of temperature, salinity, stratification, along-shelf current, plankton, and nutrients (see for example Figure 2). The along-shelf geostrophic flow, a key element for all three objectives – objective 1 (nutrient pathways), objective 2 (stratification), and objective 3 (role of advection on nutrients and plankton) – will be determined from the glider density profiles and both the near-surface CODAR currents and the depth-averaged velocities estimated from the gliders. Previous studies have established that the sub-tidal along-shelf flow in the MAB is geostrophic to a high degree of accuracy (e.g., Shearman and Lentz 2003), even over the inner shelf (Lentz et al. 1999). The complete observing network allow us to examine the patterns and mechanisms of seasonal to interannual variability. The 6-day glider transects will not be synoptic. Consequently, the cabled observatory, mooring, CODAR, and satellite observations are needed to provide a temporal and spatial context for interpretation of the glider measurements. The weekly glider observations will be treated as a series of individual profiles that will be interpolated onto a uniform time base with standard objective analysis. We will then determine the relationships between various potential forcing mechanisms (wind stress, surface heat flux, freshwater flux, and shelf-slope exchange processes) and the observed changes in stratification (objective 2) and nutrient and plankton distributions (objectives 1 and 3). These in-situ measurements and analyses will be complemented by model simulations and diagnoses to further investigate the three-dimensionality of the flow field, transport pathways, and the relative importance of local and advectively driven processes in modifying coastal ocean physics and biology. The proposed model-data synthesis will provide a foundation for testing our four main hypotheses: Hypothesis 1 (local versus 2-D forcing on phytoplankton growth); Hypothesis 2 (lateral advection of zooplankton); Hypothesis 3 (interannual variability and the NAO); and Hypothesis 4 (long-term climate impacts). The spatially and temporally resolved data set will allow us to constrain our physical and biological model simulations to a much greater degree than in most regional oceanographic studies. For instance, better model initial conditions will be constructed by merging climatological (temperature, salinity, nutrients, etc.) fields with satellite observations, and extensive in situ measurements from the gliders and moorings. Moreover, ocean data assimilation techniques have undergone rapid development in recent years, and it is now possible to assimilate various coastal ocean state variables such as sea level, profiles of currents and temperature and salinity, and surface currents measured by CODAR. For example, sequential estimation (e.g., Dombrowsky and De Mey 1992) has been used successfully in ROMS (Wilkin et al. 2005) and variational adjoint techniques (Moore et al. 2004) are currently being implemented into ROMS. We will apply these modern techniques for data assimilation to 17 achieve more accurate model realizations of regional coastal circulation and transport processes. This will allow us to push the frontier of largely-unexplored coastal ocean data assimilation. Three types of model simulations will be performed. The first set will consist of shortduration (days to weeks) model simulations for selected sampling periods, such as bloom transport events or the rapid summer/fall transition to unstratified conditions. In conjunction with observations, these experiments will be used to explore small scale, synoptic variability and provide insights into the physical and biological processes responsible for specific phenomena identified in the observations, such as local upwelling, generation of chlorophyll maxima or bloom initiation (Hypothesis 1). These experiments will also allow us to test the model’s sensitivity, conduct model evaluations, and will also serve as test beds for the implementation of data assimilation capabilities. The second set of model experiments will be long-duration (multiple-year) hindcast simulations. Here we will focus on understanding and quantifying seasonal and interannual variability of temperature, salinity, volume transport, nutrient distribution, and plankton biomass in the larger-scale context of the MAB (Hypotheses 2 and 3). All of our model experiments will be tested against observed (unassimilated) data streams by qualitative comparisons with observable features (e.g. satellite ocean color imagery, temperature, salinity, and nutrient distributions, etc.) and quantitative comparisons with observed physical and biological time series that use statistical correlation coefficients and vector regressions as metrics. Given the highly turbulent nature of ocean flow, it will be inappropriate to directly compare model and observed mesoscale and submesoscale fields in the multi-year simulations; rather we will statistical metrics of local and regional time/space variability to assess model skill. Model momentum, temperature and salinity balances, as well as budgets of nutrients and organic matter, will be calculated to elucidate the factors affecting circulation, stratification, nutrient distribution and plankton biomass, and to improve our ability to quantify these physical and biological processes in the MAB coastal region. A third set of experiments will be conducted to assess the potential impact of climate change on the MAB (Hypothesis 4). They will be identical in construct and domain to the multiyear hindcast simulations. Physical perturbations in air-sea fluxes and lateral boundary conditions (both open ocean and river influx) will be imposed on the basis of climate-of-the-21stcentury projections from the Community Climate System Model (Collins et al. in press). An example of the type of synthesis that will be explored is use of the proposed observations and model simulations to investigate the dominant processes contributing to shelfslope exchange (e.g., Csanady and Magnell 1987; Houghton et al. 1988) and to enhanced phytoplankton concentration at the shelf-slope front (e.g., Marra et al. 1990; Ryan et al. 1999a; Ryan et al. 1999b). The glider transects will provide, for the first time, simultaneous estimates of the along-shelf fluxes of mass, heat, salt, nutrients, and chlorophyll at two cross-shelf sections. We will characterize the seasonal and interannual variations in the along-shelf fluxes and relate this variability to potential forcing mechanisms. The difference in the mass, heat, and salt fluxes at the two sections will be used to infer when significant shelf-slope exchange occurs and under what conditions. For example, an increase in the salt flux from the Martha’s Vineyard transect to the New Jersey transect implies an onshore flux of relatively salty water at the shelf-slope front. Nutrient sections will provide a direct test of the hypothesis that chlorophyll enhancement at the shelf-slope front in spring and summer is due to an increase in available nutrients (Marra et al. 1990; Ryan et al. 1999a; Ryan et al. 1999b). The weekly sections will provide a significant improvement over previous studies that have been limited to satellite observations of surface 18 distributions and a few shipboard surveys to characterize vertical structure. The CODAR surface flow fields, satellite imagery and meteorological data, in conjunction with the numerical model simulations, will allow us to infer whether nutrient and chlorophyll variations at the shelf-slope front are associated with wind forcing (Walsh et al. 1978; Walsh et al. 1987), the presence of warm-core rings (Ryan et al. 1999b), meanders in the shelf-slope front (Ryan et al. 1999a), salty intrusions (Houghton and Marra 1983) or a convergence of the bottom boundary layer transport (Barth et al. 1998; Houghton and Visbeck 1998). This combination of indirect analyses will be complemented by a proposed study of exchange processes at the shelf break (Gawarkiewicz et al., described in Section 4.6), which will quantify and elucidate the relatively small-scale processes by which cross-frontal exchange and near-front productivity actually occur. 4.5 Observing requirements The proposed research has requirements for physical, biological and chemical quantities that must be observed with specific combinations of space/time resolution and coverage. Here we outline a minimal set of sensor systems capable of providing the necessary measurements. For budgeting purposes, we have identified currently available sensors by manufacturer and model, wherever possible. This information is summarized in the attached Budget Justification text (see WHOI component). In certain cases, reasonable assumptions have been made about availability, specifications, and cost of items likely to be available before the start of this project. These instances are highlighted in the Budget Justification text. For convenience, we grouped the required instruments into a set of packages (see below). Table 1 summarizes the required number of each package, separated according to the four types of sampling platforms in the proposed observatory: existing cabled sites, new high-power node/mooring sites, moorings, and gliders. Note that the entries in Table 1 specify the number of instrument packages required per platform. The total number that will be in operation at any one time can be determined by multiplying these entries by the number of each platform: 3 existing cabled sites, 2 new high-power nodes/moorings, 7 moorings, and 5 gliders. As described above, all of the high-power node/mooring and mooring sites in the proposed observing system will be equipped with high resolution vertical profiling capability, and we have identified the minimum required measurements that must be included in these profiles (Tables 1 and 2). While the potential research applications could be expanded if higher payload profiling capability (e.g., to accommodate some plankton sensors) were also available at the high power sites, we have chosen to define a conservative deployment strategy. In our plan, high demand (payload and/or power/bandwidth) items, such as the plankton sensors, will be deployed at a single mid-water column depth and integrated with a valve/pump system to control sampling at several discrete depths. The measurements made as part of each instrument package are as follows: Small flux package – mean wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, shortwave radiation, longwave radiation, buoyancy flux, momentum flux, precipitation, directional wave information; Large flux package – mean wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, shortwave radiation, longwave radiation, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, momentum flux, precipitation, directional wave information; Small optics package – chlorophyll fluorescence, CDOM fluorescence, optical backscattering; Large optics package – chlorophyll fluorescence, CDOM fluorescence, optical backscattering, spectral downwelling irradiance (multi-spectral, plus hyperspectral at high power sites); Small acoustics package – broadband (350 to 650 kHz) transducer, side-looking, with built-in 19 controller; Large acoustics package – multi-frequency (120, 200, 420 kHz) transducers, upward-looking, with controller and processing system; Nutrient analyzers – three types of nutrient analyzers are required: a low power reagent-based fast response (~1-sec) nitrate analyzer for gliders (e.g, SubChem Systems, MARCHEM series), a fast response reagent-free nitrate sensor for vertical profiling (e.g., Satlantic ISUS), and reagent-based nitrate analyzers for moored, fixed depth use (e.g., WET Labs CYCLE series); Plankton package – FlowCytobot submersible flow cytometer (pico- to small nanophytoplankton), Imaging FlowCytobot submersible image-in-flow cytometer (large nano- to microphytoplankton, microzooplankton), and Video Plankton Recorder (micro- to mesozooplankton) system with controller. From the combination of these instrument packages and the sampling plans summarized in Table 1, we have estimated power and communication requirements for each sampling platform. The requirements summarized in Table 2 are estimates for the instrument systems only and do not include requirements for infrastructure support such as for communication to shore or base glider operations. 4.6 Related studies Several projects that complement and enhance the program described here are being proposed to the OOI/ORION program (Table 3). Highlights include a proposal by Geyer et al. to study exchange and interconnection between estuaries and the continental shelf, which addresses transport and transformation of mass, nutrients, and carbon. This project will capitalize on the proposed moorings at estuarine entrances in the MAB (Figure 1) and it will elucidate the processes by which estuarine outflows mix with the surrounding shelf water and impact shelfscale physical, chemical and biological fields. Gawarkiewicz et al. propose a study of shelfbreak processes and shelf-slope exchange. This project will capitalize on control-volume-based estimates of fluxes across the shelf-slope front that are enabled by the cross-shelf glider transects proposed here, and it will elucidate the processes by which heat, salt, nutrients and plankton are transported between shelf and slope waters and impact shelf-scale processes. McGillis et al. propose a study of controls on the carbon balance in the MAB, which will produce time-series measurements of chemical compounds and optical properties that complement the measurements proposed here. Beardsley et al. propose development of a coupled next-generation oceanatmosphere modeling system, which has the potential to improve the atmospheric model used to force regional ocean models such as ROMS. The physical measurements and corresponding analysis proposed here provide opportunities for testing and evaluating model simulations that are essential for the success of the Beardsley et al. proposal. Of particular importance to the project proposed here are regular (6-8 per year) shipbased surveys of the entire MAB and Gulf of Maine by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). These surveys characterize regional variability in physical properties and plankton and fish populations. Collaboration with NMFS (see appended letter of support) will allow us to place our observations in a larger spatial and temporal context. Three of the major estuaries connected to the MAB have their own long-running observing systems that will be integrated into the effort proposed here. These are the Long Island Sound Integrated Observing System (LISICOS), operated by the University of Connecticut; the New York Harbor Observing System (NYHOS), operated by Stevens Institute of Technology; and the Chesapeake Bay Observing System (CBOS) operated by a consortium of universities near Chesapeake Bay. 20 The US Army Corps of Engineers is developing the MORPHOS-3D model system to address the need for an improved physics-based three-dimensional (3D) community tool to predict coastal change in response to storms and other significant weather events. Key elements of MORPHOS-3D include (1) an improved tropical cyclone model, with National Hurricane Center track parameters and inputs, (2) a stochastic climate generator for evaluating long-term response, (3) a new third-generation wave model with improved shallow water physics, (4) twoway coupling with a 3D ADCIRC circulation model with mass-conserving transport equations over an unstructured grid, and (5) synthesis of state-of-the-art Dutch (Delft Hydraulics) and US (USACE/MIT) sediment transport technology into a common framework. A key improvement that MORPHOS-3D will provide is the ability to simulate the enhanced transfer of momentum that occurs as wavefields transition across the shelf to shallow water. This is possible due to a number of recent advances in our understanding of spectral equilibrium and source term behavior (Resio et al. 2001; Pushkarev et al. 2003; Resio and Long 2004; Badulin et al. subm.). These improved physics along with the unstructured grid formulation of MORPHOS-3D will make it an ideal tool for simulating the physical forces driving along-and cross-shelf transfers and providing the necessary inputs to biological models. Integration of the proposed project with the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) will be achieved through the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (MACOORA), one of about a dozen still-evolving Regional Associations that comprise the coastal component of IOOS. MACOORA, established in 2004, spans the MAB and has prioritized full implementation of an enhanced regional CODAR array, which would clearly benefit the study proposed here. 5. Program Management Drawing on extensive experience with current observational assets in the MAB, three existing teams will manage and operate the proposed observing system. The northern array (MVCO, mid-shelf node/mooring, shelf-break mooring, and glider transect off WHOI) will be managed by the operations center of WHOI’s Center for Ocean, Seafloor and Marine Observing Systems (COSMOS). The mid line (LEO, mid-shelf node/mooring, shelf-break mooring, and glider transect off Rutgers) will managed by Rutgers University’s Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratory’s (COOL) Operations Center. The southern line (FRF, shelf-break mooring, and glider transect off FRF will be managed by UMCES in collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers FRF. The expertise of project PIs spans all of the sub-disciplines necessary to carry out the proposed research (Table 4). Building on WHOI’s experience designing, constructing and operating marine observing systems of many types around the world, WHOI established COSMOS (http://www.whoi.edu/COSMOS) in 2004 to provide administrative, management and systems engineering oversight of large observatory and observing systems projects. Presently in its early stages, the vision is that COSMOS will coordinate and facilitate observing systems by providing a central contact point for scientists within WHOI and at universities and research labs around the country who use WHOI-operated systems and facilities (Figure 10). COSMOS will also partner with other New England groups to plan the development and support of coastal observatories and observing systems in the Northeast. WHOI has made a commitment to support COSMOS, and in particular to maintain and develop the Center in concert with ORION activities. The project proposed here will draw on COSMOS for coordination of (1) sensor calibration, (2) mooring design and fabrication, (3) ship operations associated with mooring 21 deployment and recovery, (4) data management and metadata standards, and (5) glider development and operation. In addition, the COSMOS structure will keep the project PIs updated on engineering developments at WHOI and strengthen formal contacts with other New England region observing systems and centers, and provide critical assistance with project management issues with which most research scientists have limited expertise. The Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observation Lab (COOL) includes a scientific research group (http://marine.rutgers.edu/COOL), an educational outreach group (www.COOLclassroom.org), and an Operations Center (http://www.theCOOLroom.org/). Faculty and students comprising the scientific teams participate in collaborative research programs in which academic, industry and government partnerships are forged between physicists and biologists, scientists and engineers, and observationalists and modelers. The education group is the focal point for outreach activities to the K-12 community and to nonscience majors within Rutgers. The Operations Center maintains a sustained coastal ocean observatory that has provided real-time ocean data to the research and education groups since 1992, and now also serves as a training ground for Operational Oceanography students. The COOL Operations Center maintains one of the world’s most advanced coastal ocean observatories. Cost-effective sustained spatial sampling of the coastal ocean is accomplished with a variety of new platforms and sensors that include the local acquisition of satellite imagery from the international constellation of thermal infrared and ocean color sensors, a triple-nested multi-static HF radar network for surface current mapping and waves, a fleet of long-duration autonomous underwater gliders and a propeller-driven REMUS AUV equipped with physical and optical sensors, a cabled observatory for water-column time series, an array of instrumented scientific moorings, and a shore-based meteorological system. UMCES supports an interdisciplinary oceanography faculty with an established record in seagoing research, including participation in the Chesapeake Bay Observing System (http://www.cbos.org/). The US Army Corps of Engineers FRF (http://www.frf.usace.army.mil/) consists of a team of scientists, engineers and technical staff dedicated to maintaining an observational system for nearshore processes, which carries out ongoing research on wavedriven flows and sediment transport, in addition to providing facilities and logistical support for community-wide scientific process studies. We anticipate that the exact management structure for the proposed observing system will be defined in the future, following guidelines established by the ORION Project Office. One possible structure would involved oversight by a Scientific Board consisting of scientists from each of the participating institutions (WHOI, URI, University of Connecticut, Rutgers University, UMCES, and FRF) and other professionals (e.g, trained project managers and data experts), as needed. The Board’s charge would be to consult with experts to oversee the system with a focus on maximizing community access, ensuring two-way data transmission, overseeing the web accessibility of observing system data, integrating with IOOS/MACOORA (described in the previous section), and providing coordination with other operations occurring within the region. The Board would communicate by means of regularly scheduled monthly conference calls, which will be complemented with annual face-to-face planning meetings that will rotate between all institutions. WHOI, Rutgers, and FRF will each appoint a lead PI and a project manager. The lead PIs will be their institutions’ representatives on the Scientific Board (or other oversight body) and will have overall responsibility for the scientific aspects of the various elements of the observing systems at their institutions. Each project manager will report to the lead PI at his or 22 her institution, and will be responsible for day-to-day oversight of the elements of the observing system at each institution, including status of sensors, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, and coordination of technical personnel and tasks. 6. Data Management The data management plan will follow the broad outlines of the Data Management and Communications (DMAC) plan of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS; Hankin et al., 2005, http://dmac.ocean.us/dacsc/imp_plan.jsp), will be compatible with the NSF sponsored Real-time Observatories, Applications, and Data management Network (ROADNET) system, and will follow any guidelines established by the ORION Project Office. The goal of the data management plan is to collect data from the observing system, provide a secure and accessible archive, and deliver real-time and delayed-mode observations to researchers, educators, students, modeling centers, and federal agencies. Our data will provide the metadata necessary for others to use the data with sufficient fidelity to derive secondary data products. Each of the partner institutions will ensure that data originating from the observatory components they operate will be freely supplied to relevant data archives. The quantity of data to be generated and the complexity of these tasks will require a dedicated data manager at each of the institutions. Two types of data, real-time data and delayed-mode data, will be produced by the proposed coastal observing system. Real-time data will include complete core data from some sensors (for example, air temperature, sea temperature, relative humidity, and salinity) and partial or averaged data from other sources (for example, ADCP). These data will come directly from several sources: shorebased CODARS, cabled observatory node, and buoys equipped with data transmission systems. For satellite data, real-time jpegs will be generated, but the data files will be available in delayed mode, and will leverage existing NASA and NOAA satellite infrastructure. Information from satellites to which NOAA and NASA have limited access (Indian OCM and Chinese FY-1D) will be delivered only in delayed mode. Gliders will provide data every six hours upon periodic surfacing; however to keep Iridium costs down, only decimated physical and optical measurements will be telemetered and served in real-time; the full data sets will be made available after the glider is recovered. Real-time data will be immediately archived and made available on the web site in its raw form, and real-time jpegs will be posted. These data will be linked to the interoperable systems through IOOS regional associations, science consortia such as the Laboratory for the Ocean Observatory Knowledge Integration Grid (LOOKING), and federal agencies. Each will require customization depending on the data source and client. For example, the Department of Defense, with its security issues, currently accesses Rutgers glider data via one way ftp, while NOAA interoperable systems operate distributed data networks. The network system will necessarily serve both clients. Rutgers University’s last decade of delivering ocean observatory data indicates that regional real-time data products will be of utility to the general public, to researchers who adaptively sample, and to a variety of applied federal agencies, including the US Navy, NOAA HazMat, and the US Coast Guard Search and Rescue. Delayed-mode data will encompass a broad range of information that cannot be exported in real time because of bandwidth or the need for analysis or processing. Many of the biological and chemical measurements will require processing before dissemination. Some data (many optical measurements) will become available quickly after a check of post-calibrations. This post-calibrated data will be posted as a level-2 data product. The data will become public six 23 months after the end of the deployment period. Some data (for example, produced by VPRs or Imaging Flow Cytometers) will provide unique challenges and may require interaction with the NSF-sponsored LOOKING group that is focused on developing the cyber infrastructure capabilities for the OOI. In addition, those products that might be derived from data (such as particle size distribution) will be made available in delayed mode with appropriate metadata standards to allow researchers to know how the numbers are derived. The mix and modes of delayed versus real-time data will vary with platform. We intend to conform to requirements specified by the ORION Project Office. Likely data strategies for the different platforms are as follows. Satellites: Real-time SST and ocean color data have been collected and images posted to the web in near real-time since the early 1990’s by the Rutgers COOL group. Rutgers maintains both an L-Band and X-Band satellite system. Users wishing to access the data are usually directed to NASA and NOAA, who maintain excellent data retrieval capabilities. For those ocean color satellites (OCM, FY-1C, FY-1D) not readily accessible by these agencies, Rutgers collects the data and archives it at the University of Texas, Austin. This satellite capability will be maintained and integrated into the OOI network. CODAR: The northeast operates the only regional triple nested multi-static CODAR network in the world. The data have been collected and archived since the late 1990’s with near continuous data coverage. A national HF Radar Data Management Network is currently being developed by Scripps Institution of Oceanography through the NSF ROADNET ITR Program. Design goals for ROADNET include scalable networked architecture out to the sensor interface, dynamic reconfigurations with the addition or removal of sensors, and Internet access to integrated data along with visualization, data mining, analysis and modeling capabilities. The ROADNET application to HF Radar Data Management includes multiple Collection Nodes that are the point of entry to an Object Ring Buffer (ORBserver) that then communicates with a Central Hub that includes a Relational Database Management System. The prototype Collection Node at Scripps currently serves as the collection point for West Coast HF radar data. NOAA has funded the development and installation of a second Collection Node at Rutgers to serve as the collection point for East Coast HF Radar data. Gliders: Decimated glider data will be delivered to shore every 6 hours and will be posted and plotted on the Internet immediately. Currently, real-time data are made available via one-way ftp, but this access will be upgraded to newer protocols as required. The real-time data will be complemented by data delivered in delayed mode after the gliders are recovered. Post calibration and quality control will be applied, and the full data set will be made available after glider recovery, in accordance with ORION guidelines. High-power sites and moorings: The high-power nodes/moorings and moorings will be outfitted with two-way real-time communications capabilities, and data will be decimated as necessary, transmitted, and posted as required in near real-time on the Internet. These data will be raw with basic quality assurance. Fully quality controlled data will be made web available within the timeframe required by ORION. The form and actual web accessibility will vary with platform, with sophisticated instruments such as the Flow Cytobots taking longer then standard data from off-the-shelf sensors. 7. Broader Impacts Establishing the proposed long-term observing system in a region where growing high density population centers increasingly impact coastal ecosystems provides numerous 24 opportunities for applied research (e.g., Schofield et al. 2003). For example, research in 2004 demonstrated that radar-derived surface current maps significantly improve Coast Guard Search and Rescue capabilities within the New Jersey Shelf CODAR range. The NOAA HazMat Rapid Response Team actively uses the CODAR current map overlays on satellite imagery to plan oil spill responses. Research to use new glider-based sensors to continuously monitor coastal hypoxia is now proposed by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to improve management response and reduce costs. The NJ Board of Public Utilities is funding research to couple coastal upwelling observations, and eventually predictions, to coastal meteorological models with the goal of improving seabreeze forecasts, which are funded by private power companies and used to improve load forecasting during peak summer demand. The US Forest Service is funding research on how the same seabreezes affect forest fires in the NJ Pinelands. The proposed research will contribute to a broad range of educational programs, including K-12, undergraduate, and graduate. K-12 activities will be coordinated with the Mid Atlantic (MA) and New England (NE) Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE). At the undergraduate level, we will provide research opportunities for students participating in the NSF Research Internships in Ocean Sciences (RIOS) program at Rutgers, the Undergraduate Research Program as part of the Coastal Studies major at the University of Connecticut, and the Summer Student Fellowship Program at WHOI. Of particular interest is a growing collaboration with the Center for Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research at the minority-serving Elizabeth City State University in NC, where promising students intern at Rutgers for hands-on research training in remote sensing. Ongoing collaborations with the Douglass Project for Rutgers Women in Math, Science and Engineering program focus on the proven excitement of underwater robotic technologies and will further broaden this project’s impact. The proposed project also will contribute to a NSF Distinguished Teaching Scholar (DTS) proposal Dr. Glenn was recently invited to submit. The DTS proposal will pair Dr. Glenn with COSEE-MA educator Janice McDonnell to bring the COSEE-CA Communicating Ocean Science course to Rutgers with the proposed datasets used for inquirybased education modules. At the graduate level, WHOI, the University of Rhode Island, the University of Connecticut, Rutgers University, and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science all have well established graduate education programs that attract highly competitive students who will be offered the opportunity to participate in this research program. In addition, Rutgers has established, in parallel with the University of Bergen in Norway, a new Masters in Operational Oceanography program, developed to provide hands-on training to the next generation of observatory operators in an operational research observatory. Educational outreach efforts designed for the general public will be pursued through WHOI’s Exhibit Center, which attracts approximately 25,000 visitors each year, including many school groups, and the Liberty Science Center. A modular, interactive display that describes coastal processes and features the MVCO is currently under development at the WHOI exhibit center. Both the technology involved and the near realtime observations generated by our proposed research will contribute to a successful and attractive exhibit designed to increase general public awareness and knowledge about coastal ocean processes and ecosystems. Liberty Science Center (in Jersey City, NJ), which attracts 700,000 visitors each year, is currently undergoing renovations that include an exhibit on coastal ocean observatories designed in collaboration with Rutgers educators and scientists. 25 References Cited Badulin, S. L., A. N. Psuhkarev, D. Resio, and V. E. Zakharov. subm. Self-similarity of winddriven sea. 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PLATFORM Meteorology Packages/sensors per platform 1 1 1 Large flux package Small flux package Discr Discr Hydrography Prof 1 1 1 Temperature, Salinity Discr 3 3 3 Velocity Prof 2 2 2 Biology, Chemistry, Optics, and Acoustics Small optics package Prof Discr 2 2 2 Large optics package Prof 1 1 1 Small acoustics package Prof 1 Large acoustics package Prof 1 1 1 Plankton package Discr 1 1 Nutrient analyzer, reagent Discr 3 4 3/4 Nutrient sensor, no reagent Prof 1 1 Nutrient analyzer, low power Discr *Discr = discrete depths, Prof – high resolution vertical profile 33 1 0 1 1 Table 2. Power and bandwidth requirements for proposed observing system components. Values in parentheses represent lower estimates for compromise scenarios with noncontinuous operation of selected instruments and/or realtime transmission of only partial data streams. Component Power Data rate (W) (Kb hr-1) * Existing cabled sites 300 (170) 1.1 x 105 (650) High power nodes/moorings 300 (170) 1.1 x 105 (650) Moorings 45 2.3 x 103 (240) Gliders 5 1.4 x 103 (50) *Present capabilities are adequate for high requirements Table 3. ORION proposals linked to this MAB Endurance Array. Proposal title Dynamics of Heat, Salt, Nutrients and Plankton in the Coastal Ocean (this proposal) PIs Trowbridge, Doney, He, Lentz, McGillicuddy, Sosik, Gallager Wiebe, Hanson, Yoder, Edson, Fennel, Chant, Glenn, Schofield, Boicourt, Hanson Institutions WHOI, URI, U. Conn, Rutgers, U. Maryland, USACEFRF Exchange and Interconnection between Estuaries and the Continental Shelf: fluxes of mass, nutrients, carbon and DNA Geyer, Lentz, Mullineaux, Charette, Ehrenbrink, Chant, O'Donnell, Goodman WHOI, Rutgers, U. Conn, and URI Shelfbreak Processes and Exchange in the Middle Atlantic Bight: A Coastal Observatory Gawarkiewicz, Flagg, Plueddemann, Owens, Edwards, Houghton, Sheremet, Charette, Yoder, Sosik WHOI, Stony Brook, UC-Santa Cruz, LDEO, UI Controls on the Carbon Cycle in the MidAtlantic Bight McGillis, Raymond, Geyer, Edson Columbia, Yale, WHOI, U. Conn. Elgar, Raubenhimer, Guza, O’Reilly, Lippmann, Herbers WHOI, SIO, Ohio State U., NPGS An Investigation of Air-Sea Interaction, Cyclogenesis and Oceanic Response over the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine Edson, Colle, Haidvogel, Wilkin, Chen, Cowles, Beardsley U. Conn. Stony Brook, Rutgers, SMAST, WHOI Flux of macrofauna in the estuarine and coastal ocean of the Middle Atlantic Bight: Able, Grothues, Mann, Hohn, Laney, Carter, Chant Rutgers, USF, NMFS, U.S. Wildlife Fed., U. New England, Nearshore Sediment Transport ARray (NSTAR) 34 Table 4. Lead Investigators for this ORION proposal. Investigator Institution Bill Boicourt University of Maryland Robert Chant Rutgers University Scott Doney Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Jim Edson University of Connecticut Katja Fennel Rutgers University Scott Gallager Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scott Glenn Rutgers University Al Hanson University of Rhode Island Jeff Hanson US Army Corps of Engineers Ruoying He Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Steve Lentz Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Dennis McGillicuddy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Oscar Schofield Rutgers University Heidi Sosik Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution John Trowbridge Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Peter Wiebe Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Jim Yoder University of Rhode Island 35 Expertise Physical Oceanography Mixing Processes Biogeochemistry Marine Meteorology Biogeochemical Modeling Zooplankton Ecology Coastal Oceanography Nutrient Chemistry Coastal Oceanography Physical Oceanography Physical Oceanography Bio-physical modeling Biological Oceanography Phytoplankton Ecology Mixing Processes Zooplankton Ecology Biologial Remote Sensing Figure 1. Map of the MAB with elements of the proposed coastal observing system. 10 10 30 30 50 70 90 110 50 Nov. 03 Temperature 02-Nov-2003 20:39:08 - 09-Nov-2003 04:18:36 70 Sep. 04 90 Temperature 110 10 10 30 30 50 70 90 110 50 Nov. 03 70 bb470 90 02-Nov-2003 20:39:08 - 09-Nov-2003 04:18:36 74:10 74:00 73:50 73:40 73:30 73:20 110 73:10 16-Sep-2004 15:00:53 - 23-Sep-2004 11:57:27 Sep. 04 bb532 16-Sep-2004 15:00:53 - 23-Sep-2004 11:57:27 74:10 74:00 73:50 73:40 73:30 73:20 73:10 Figure 2. Cross-shelf transects of temperature (upper panels, colorbar range = 5-18 ºC) and optical backscattering coefficients (lower panels, colorbar range = 0-0.01 m-1) as a function of longitude and depth (m) measured from gliders deployed from the New Jersey coast. There is a strong thermocline at 20 m in September 2004 and a much weaker thermocline at 50 m in November 2003. Note the low water clarity over the inner shelf in November and the resuspension event confined below the thermocline during a storm that occurred when the glider was at mid shelf in September. 36 Figure 3. Highly schematic view of possible surface/subsurface mooring pair that could serve at both the high power and low power sites. The surface mooring supports meteorological instruments and a variety of water column sensors located at discrete depths. The subsurface mooring supports a vertical profiler with sensor suite. At the low power sites, low bandwidth telemetry and current technologies for onboard solar and/or wind power are sufficient. At the high power sites, seafloor cable access or new developments (especially for will be necessary to meet the needs. Figure 4. Existing CODAR coverage in the MAB. 37 A Cryptophytes Synechococcus Mixed eukaryotes C B Synechococcus Eukaryotes Figure 5. Example results for phytoplankton community analysis with unattended submersible flow cytometry. Data from the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory demonstrate that FlowCytobot (Olson et al. 2003, Sosik et al. 2003) can enumerate and size picophytoplankton and small nanophytoplankton on the basis of single cell optical properties (A) continuously with high temporal resolution (B). The more recently developed Imaging FlowCytobot (Olson and Sosik 2004) has higher volume throughput and the added capability to image each cell so it can provide cell abundance and taxonomic information for large nanoplankton and microplankton, including chain-forming diatoms (C). 38 Figure 6. Example results for zooplankton community analysis with combined acoustics and video imaging (Benfield et al. 2003). A 4-h 120 kHz acoustic record (color scale: red = -50 dB to blue = -100 dB) collected from the BIOMAPER II towed vehicle in the Gulf of Maine in December 1999. The presence of individual siphonulae (image A) determined from examination of VPR images collected along the trajectory of BIOMAPER II is indicated by the white circles. Other kinds of zooplankton (images B - E) observed with the VPR are also illustrated. Figure 7. Example results for in situ nutrient analysis with reagent-based sensor technology. SubChemPak Analyzer (a predecessor to the MARCHEM instrument (SubChem Systems) proposed for use in this project) deployed on the XZ-Profiler towed instrumentation package. The ribbon and contour plots represent the real time multi-chemical data obtained during a twohour undulating tow up the Providence River. 39 Figure 8. Example results for in situ phosphate analysis using reagent-based optical sensor technology. A WET Labs CYCLE phosphate sensor (left) was deployed during Feb. – Mar. 2004, at 22 meters depth, on the UCSB CHARM Test-bed mooring off La Conchita, CA. Phosphate concentrations (green), determined at 20 minute intervals, are compared to temperature (red). Cooler waters resulting from wind driven upwelling events had higher phosphate concentrations. WET Labs and SubChem Systems are presently developing a CYCLE sensor for nitrate as is proposed for use in this project. Figure 9. Model-simulated mean surface chlorophyll for July of 1994 (a) and SeaWiFS mean chlorophyll for July of 2003 (b; same colorscale). 40 Key Existing Service Existing Facility New Initiatives Hawaii-2 Observatory MV Coastal Observatory Station W Ocean Bottom Seismology ARGO Floats Mooring Operations & Rigging Shop Engineering Labs Calibration Facilities Ship Operations Coordination, Sensor/Platform Management & Engineering Support Facility Dependent Management & Oversight Support COSMOS Center for Ocean, Seafloor and Marine Observing Systems Development Efforts & Fundraising Coordination and Transition to Operations ALPS Activities ORION Activities Future MRIs and TBD Projects Regional Observatory System Management Data Management Node Design Power Systems AUV Docking Instrumentation Open Ocean Coastal Ocean System Management System Management Data Management Data Management Maintenance Maintenance Surface Moorings Node Design Eulerian Profilers Eulerian Profiles Acoustic/Optical Telemetry Cabled Systems Instrumentation Instrumentation AUV Development Glider Development Drifter Development Lagrangian Profiler Data Management Telemetry Communications Figure 10. The purview of the WHOI Center for Ocean, Seafloor and Marine Observing Systems (COSMOS). 41 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET YEAR 1 ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Others Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John H. Trowbridge A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. John Trowbridge, Principal Investigator (WHOI) 3 __ __ 2. Dr. Alfred Hanson, Principal Investigator (URI) 5 __ __ 3. James Edson, Principal Investigator (UCONN) 2 __ __ 4. Oscar Schofield, Principal Investigator (Rutgers) 2 __ __ 5. William Boicourt, Principal Investigator,(UMCES) 2 __ __ 6. (12) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 32 __ __ 7. (17) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 46 __ __ B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ __ __ 2. (31) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 372 __ __ 3. (4) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (1) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) WHOI - Cables/Nodes: 942,000; Profiler Mooring:691,000; Surface Mooring:824,400; Glider Instrumentation:160,000 URI – Auto Analyzer:80,000; Computers (3):15,000; UCONN:42,000 Rutgers – Cables/Nodes: 942,000; Profiler Mooring: 691,000; Surface Mooring:772,000; Glider Instrumentation:160,000 UCMES – Cables/Nodes:612,000; Cross-shelf Wave Array:248,000; Surface Mooring:924,000; Glider Instrumentation:160,000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER _____ TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) $31,136 41,000 21,096 19,103 19,600 285,051 416,986 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1,951,714 102,604 _____ 35,604 _____ 2,506,908 907,502 3,414,410 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 7,263,400 43,107 8,000 _____ 629,200 18,400 _____ _____ _____ 1,134,556 1,782,156 12,511,073 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 2,959,261 15,470,334 _____ $15,470,334 AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET YEAR 2 ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Others Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John H. Trowbridge A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. John Trowbridge, Principal Investigator (WHOI) 3 2. Dr. Alfred Hanson, Principal Investigator (URI) 5 3. James Edson, Principal Investigator (UCONN) 2 4. Oscar Schofield, Principal Investigator (Rutgers) 2 5. William Boicourt, Principal Investigator,(UMCES) 2 6. (12) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 32 7. (17) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 46 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (31) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 372 3. (4) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (1) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $ 32,691 42,230 22,151 20,058 20,580 299,300 437,010 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ 2,048,384 106,748 _____ 37,392 _____ 2,629,535 959,208 3,588,743 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER _____ TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) _____ 43,107 8,000 _____ _____ _____ 145,000 18,400 _____ _____ _____ 914,476 1,077,876 4,717,726 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 2,734,645 7,452,371 _____ $7,452,371 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET YEAR 3 ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Others Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John H. Trowbridge A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. John Trowbridge, Principal Investigator (WHOI) 3 2. Dr. Alfred Hanson, Principal Investigator (URI) 5 3. James Edson, Principal Investigator (UCONN) 2 4. Oscar Schofield, Principal Investigator (Rutgers) 2 5. William Boicourt, Principal Investigator,(UMCES) 2 6. (12) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 32 7. (17) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 46 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (31) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 372 3. (4) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (1) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $34,323 43,497 23,258 21,061 21,609 314,265 458,013 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ 2,149,947 111,089 _____ 39,252 _____ 2,758,301 1,013,461 3,771,762 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER _____ TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) _____ 43,107 8,000 _____ _____ _____ 145,000 18,400 _____ _____ _____ 915,257 1,078,657 4,901,526 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 2,864,708 7,766,234 _____ $7,766,234 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET YEAR 4 ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Others Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John H. Trowbridge A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. John Trowbridge, Principal Investigator (WHOI) 3 2. Dr. Alfred Hanson, Principal Investigator (URI) 5 3. James Edson, Principal Investigator (UCONN) 2 4. Oscar Schofield, Principal Investigator (Rutgers) 2 5. William Boicourt, Principal Investigator,(UMCES) 2 6. (12) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 32 7. (17) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 46 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (31) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 372 3. (4) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (1) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $ 36,042 44,802 24,421 22,114 22,689 329,976 480,044 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ 2,256,502 115,595 _____ 41,222 _____ 2,893,363 1,070,744 3,964,107 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER _____ TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) _____ 43,107 8,000 _____ _____ _____ 145,000 18,400 _____ _____ _____ 916,077 1,079,477 5,094,691 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 2,995,733 8,090,424 _____ $8,090,424 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET YEAR 5 ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Others Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John H. Trowbridge A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. John Trowbridge, Principal Investigator (WHOI) 3 2. Dr. Alfred Hanson, Principal Investigator (URI) 5 3. James Edson, Principal Investigator (UCONN) 2 4. Oscar Schofield, Principal Investigator (Rutgers) 2 5. William Boicourt, Principal Investigator,(UMCES) 2 6. (12) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 32 7. (17) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 46 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (31) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 372 3. (4) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (1) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) $ 37,843 46,146 25,642 23,220 23,823 346,481 503,155 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2,368,422 120,302 _____ 43,284 _____ 3,035,163 1,131,279 4,166,441 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER _____ TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) _____ 43,107 8,000 _____ _____ _____ 145,000 18,400 _____ _____ _____ 916,937 1,080,337 5,297,885 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 3,133,554 8,431,439 _____ $8,431,439 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG FOR ORION USE ONLY CUMULATIVE PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Others Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John H. Trowbridge A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. John Trowbridge, Principal Investigator (WHOI) 15 2. Dr. Alfred Hanson, Principal Investigator (URI) 20 3. James Edson, Principal Investigator (UCONN) 10 4. Oscar Schofield, Principal Investigator (Rutgers) 10 5. William Boicourt, Principal Investigator,(UMCES) 10 6. (12) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 160 7. (17) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 230 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (31) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 1860 3. (4) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (1) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Granted Proposer (If Different) $ __ __ Funds Requested By 172,035 217,675 116,569 105,556 108,301 1,575,072 2,295,208 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 10,774,970 556,339 _____ 196,754 _____ 13,823,270 5,082,194 18,905,464 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER _____ TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 7,263,400 215,535 40,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1,209,200 92,000 _____ _____ _____ 4,797,303 6,098,503 32,522,902 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 14,687,901 47,210,802 _____ $47,210,802 AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) Collaborative Research: Dynamics of Heat, Salt, Nutrients, and Plankton in the Coastal Ocean John Trowbridge (WHOI), Alfred Hanson (URI), James Edson (UCONN), Oscare Schofield (Rutgers), Williams Biocourt (UMCES) 01 October 2007 - 30 September 2012 BUDGET 10/1/2007 10/1/2008 10/1/2009 10/1/2010 10/1/2011 9/30/2008 9/30/2009 9/30/2010 9/30/2011 9/30/2012 Approximate Labor Months A. SENIOR P Totals Mos/Yr 1. John Tro 3,3,3,3,3 31,136 32,691 34,323 36,042 37,843 172,035 2. Dr. Alfre 5,5,5,5,5 41,000 42,230 43,497 44,802 46,146 217,675 3. J. Edson 2,2,2,2,2 21,096 22,151 23,258 24,421 25,642 116,569 4. Oscar S 2,2,2,2,2 19,103 20,058 21,061 22,114 23,220 105,556 5. William 2,2,2,2,2 19,600 20,580 21,609 22,689 23,823 108,301 6. Ruoying 3,3,3,3,3 17,050 17,903 18,796 19,736 20,725 94,210 Steven L 3,3,3,3,3 29,626 31,108 32,663 34,296 36,010 163,703 Heidi So 3,3,3,3,3 22,868 24,013 25,212 26,475 27,798 126,366 Peter W 3,3,3,3,3 35,386 37,155 39,011 40,962 43,014 195,528 Dennis M 3,3,3,3,3 25,445 31,592 27,515 29,453 30,926 144,931 Scott Do 3,3,3,3,3 30,091 26,717 33,174 34,834 36,576 161,392 Scott Ga 3,3,3,3,3 24,957 26,202 28,053 28,888 30,333 138,433 W. Bohle 1,1,1,1,1 15,000 15,750 16,538 17,364 18,233 82,884 Scott Gl 2,2,2,2,2 25,637 26,919 28,265 29,678 31,162 141,661 Robert C 2,2,2,2,2 14,601 15,331 16,098 16,902 17,747 80,679 Katja Fe 2,2,2,2,2 13,396 14,066 14,769 15,508 16,283 74,022 Laurenc 2,2,2,2,2 16,994 17,844 18,736 19,673 20,657 93,904 TBA Ana 2,2,2,2,2 14,000 14,700 15,435 16,207 17,017 77,359 TOTAL 32 m/yr=160 m/total 285,051 299,300 314,265 329,976 346,481 1,575,072 TOTAL SE 46 m/yr=230 m/total 416,986 437,010 458,013 480,044 503,155 2,295,208 3,772,841 2. OTHER PROFESSIONALS WHOI - 126 ,126,126,126,126 682,834 716,914 752,782 790,383 829,928 URI - Ch 12,12,12,12,12 42,645 43,924 45,242 46,599 47,997 226,408 UCONN 16,16,16,16,16 85,333 89,600 94,080 98,784 103,723 471,521 Rutgers 120,120,120,120,120 532,418 559,038 586,990 616,340 647,157 2,941,943 UMCES 114,114,114,114,114 608,484 638,908 670,853 704,396 739,616 3,362,257 1,951,714 2,048,384 2,149,947 2,256,502 2,368,422 10,774,970 WHOI 53,990 56,142 58,404 60,740 63,184 292,460 URI - 1 Student 21,914 22,571 23,249 23,946 24,664 116,344 UCONN - 1 Student 26,700 28,035 29,437 30,909 32,454 147,534 102,604 106,748 111,089 115,595 120,302 556,339 35,604 37,392 39,252 41,222 43,284 196,754 2,506,908 2,629,535 2,758,301 2,893,363 3,035,163 13,823,270 907,502 959,208 1,013,461 1,070,744 1,131,279 5,082,194 TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND 3,414,410 3,588,743 3,771,762 3,964,107 4,166,441 18,905,464 D. EQUIPMENT (SEE DETAIL) 7,263,400 TOTAL O 372 m/yr=1860 m/total 3. GRADUA TOTAL GRADUATE STUDEN 5. SECRETA L. Cannata (WHOI) TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES FRINGE BENEFITS 7,263,400 E. TRAVEL (See Individual Budgets for detail) 1. Domestic 2. Foreign TOTAL TRAVEL G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS (SEE D H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS I. INDIRECT COSTS (See Individu J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIREC $ 43,107 43,107 43,107 43,107 43,107 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 40,000 51,107 51,107 51,107 51,107 51,107 255,535 1,782,156 1,077,876 1,078,657 1,079,477 1,080,337 6,098,503 12,511,073 4,717,726 4,901,526 5,094,691 5,297,885 32,522,902 2,959,261 2,734,645 2,864,708 2,995,733 3,133,554 14,687,901 15,470,334 $ 7,452,371 $ 7,766,234 ALL INSTITUTIONS $ 8,090,424 $ 8,431,439 215,535 $ 47,210,802 BUDGET DETAIL Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total D. EQUIPMENT (See Individual Budgets for detail) WHOI 1. Cables/Nodes 942,000 2. Profiler Mooring 691,000 3. Surface Mooring 824,400 4. Glider Instrumentation TOTAL WHOI 160,000 2,617,400 2,617,400 URI Auto Analyzer 80,000 Computers (3) 15,000 TOTAL URI 95,000 95,000 42,000 42,000 UCONN Rutgers Cables/Nodes 942,000 Profiler Mooring 691,000 Surface Mooring 772,000 Glider Instrumentation TOTAL RUTGERS 160,000 2,565,000 2,565,000 UCMES Cables/Nodes 612,000 Cross-shelf Wave Array 248,000 Surface Mooring 924,000 Glider Instrumentation TOTAL UCMES TOTAL EQUIPMENT 160,000 1,944,000 1,944,000 7,263,400 7,263,400 G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS (See Individual Budgets for detail) 1. Materials and Supplies a. WHOI 40,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 160,000 b. URI 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 c. UCONN 489,200 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 549,200 d. Rutgers 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 e. UMCES Total Materials and Supplies 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 629,200 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 1,209,200 35,000 2. Publication Costs a. WHOI 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 c. UCONN 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 7,000 d. Rutgers 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 35,000 e. UMCES 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 18,400 18,400 18,400 18,400 18,400 92,000 a. WHOI 328,925 328,925 328,925 328,925 328,925 1,644,625 b. URI 35,368 36,111 36,892 37,712 38,572 184,655 c. UCONN 38,200 38,200 38,200 38,200 38,200 191,000 d. Rutgers 461,163 297,940 297,940 297,940 297,940 1,652,923 e. UMCES 270,900 213,300 213,300 213,300 213,300 1,124,100 Total Publication Costs 5. Other Total Other TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COST 1,134,556 914,476 915,257 916,077 916,937 4,797,303 1,782,156 1,077,876 1,078,657 1,079,477 1,080,337 6,098,503 ALL INSTITUTIONS Collaborative Research: Dynamics of Heat, Salt, Nutrients, and Plankton in the Coastal Ocean Scott Doney, Scott Gallager, Ruoying He, Steven Lentz, Dennis McGillicuddy, Heidi Sosik, John Trowbridge, Peter Wiebe 01 October 2007 - 30 September 2012 BUDGET 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 10/1/2008 9/30/2009 10/1/2009 10/1/2010 9/30/2010 9/30/2011 Approximate Labor Months 10/1/2011 9/30/2012 Totals A. SENIOR PERSONNEL 1. John Trowbridge, Principal Investigator Ruoying He, Co-Principal Investigator Steven Lentz, Co-Principal Investigator Heidi Sosik, Co-Principal Investigator Peter Wiebe, Co-Principal Investigator Dennis McGillicuddy, Co-Principal Investigator Scott Doney, Co-Principal Investigator Scott Gallager, Co-Principal Investigator Total Senior Personnel (24 mos p/yr) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 216,559 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 227,381 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 238,747 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 250,686 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 263,225 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 1,196,598 B. OTHER PERSONNEL 2. Research Assistant II, TBA John Lund, Engineer Assistant III Jim Dunn, Engineer Assistant III Scott Worrilow, Sr. Engineer Assistant II Jay Sisson, Sr. Research Assistant II Steve Faluotico, Engineer Assistant III Janet Fredericks, Info. Systems Associate III Craig Marquette, Engineer II Bob Groman, Info. Systems Specialist Mike Purcell, Sr. Engineer Nancy Copley, Research Associate II TBA Project Manager Total Other Professionals (12 people) 126 hrs each yr 12.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 682,834 12.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 716,914 12.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 752,782 12.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 790,383 12.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 829,928 60.0 60.0 30.0 30.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 30.0 3,772,841 3. Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Total GRA's (2 people) 12.0 12.0 53,990 12.0 12.0 56,142 12.0 12.0 58,404 12.0 12.0 60,740 12.0 12.0 63,184 60.0 60.0 292,460 5. Linda Cannata, Staff Assistant Total Secretarial-Clerical 12.0 35,604 12.0 37,392 12.0 39,252 12.0 41,222 12.0 43,284 60.0 196,754 TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A+B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS $ D. EQUIPMENT (SEE DETAIL) 988,987 431,781 1,420,768 $ 2,617,400 1,037,829 453,343 1,491,172 $ 1,089,185 476,015 1,565,200 $ 1,143,031 499,802 1,642,833 $ 1,199,621 524,807 1,724,428 $ 5,458,653 2,385,748 7,844,401 - - - - 1,944 3,480 300 1,332 3,020 300 10,376 1,944 3,480 300 1,332 3,020 300 10,376 1,944 3,480 300 1,332 3,020 300 10,376 1,944 3,480 300 1,332 3,020 300 10,376 1,944 3,480 300 1,332 3,020 300 10,376 51,880 20,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 160,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 35,000 4,000 50,000 12,000 13,000 30,000 80,000 13,440 92,000 34,485 328,925 375,925 4,000 50,000 12,000 13,000 30,000 80,000 13,440 92,000 34,485 328,925 365,925 4,000 50,000 12,000 13,000 30,000 80,000 13,440 92,000 34,485 328,925 365,925 4,000 50,000 12,000 13,000 30,000 80,000 13,440 92,000 34,485 328,925 365,925 4,000 50,000 12,000 13,000 30,000 80,000 13,440 92,000 34,485 328,925 365,925 20,000 250,000 60,000 130,000 150,000 400,000 67,200 460,000 34,485 1,709,625 1,969,625 H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 4,424,469 1,867,473 1,941,501 2,019,134 2,100,729 12,353,306 I. INDIRECT COSTS a. Laboratory Costs (A+B+C less GRA x 57.39%+GRA salaries x 28.70 b. General and Administrative Costs (A+B+C x 37.24%) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 799,889 529,094 1,328,983 839,676 555,312 1,394,988 881,512 582,881 1,464,393 925,395 611,790 1,537,185 971,522 642,176 1,613,698 4,417,994 2,921,253 7,339,247 E. TRAVEL 1. Domestic a. 4 RT/yr Boston, MA - San Francisco, CA Per Diem 4@ $174 x 5 days Ground Transportation b. 4 RT/yr Woods Hole, MA - New Brunswick, NJ Per Diem 4@ $151 x 5 days Ground Transportation TOTAL TRAVEL G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. Material and Supplies a. Mooring hardware b. Glider Hardware c. Stockroom supplies Total Materials and Supplies 2. Publication Costs 50pgs@$140pg 6. Other a. Communications and Xeroxing b. Insurance c. MVCO hookup fee d. Argos e. Iridium fee f. Sensor calibration and maintenance g. Shop services 320hrs yrs 1-5 @$42hr. h. Ship Time: Tioga 40 days/yrs 1-5 @$2300 per day i. Tuition (2 students/9 mos/yr @ $1,915.83) Total Other Costs TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS $ 5,753,452 $ 3,262,461 $ 3,405,894 $ 3,556,319 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will cost share in accordance with current National Science Foundation policies. WHOI $ 3,714,427 2,617,400 $ 19,692,553 BUDGET DETAIL Year 1 D. EQUIPMENT 1. Cables/Nodes: FlowCytobot 3@$90000 Imaging FlowCytobot 3@$60000 VPR 3@$30000 CYCLE-NO3 9@$18000 HOCR w/shutter (hyperspectral irradiance) 3@$12000 Large flux package (Met) 3@$68000 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total 270,000 180,000 90,000 162,000 36,000 204,000 942,000 2. Profiler Mooring: MMP, with T/S.velocity 6@$65000 ADCP, upward looking over float (Nortek 1 MHz) 4@$14000 OCR-507 w/shutter (multi-spectral irradiance) 6@$11000 ECO-triplet w/shutter (Chl, CDOM, bb) 6@$8500 ISUS-NO3 4@$32000 390,000 56,000 66,000 51,000 128,000 691,000 3. Surface Mooring: ADCP, bottom-mounted (RDI 300 kHz) 4@23000 T/S 12@$3200 ECO-triplet w/shutter (Chl, CDOM, bb) 10@$8500 CYCLE-NO3 12@$18000 Multifrequency bio-acoustics 5@$65000 Small flux package (Met) 2@$34000 92,000 38,400 85,000 216,000 325,000 68,000 824,400 4. Glider Instrumentation: MARCHEM-NO3 4@$35000 Broadband bio-acoustics 4@$5000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT 140,000 20,000 2,617,400 - WHOI - - - 160,000 2,617,400 BUDGET DETAIL - URI NUTRIENT OBSERVATION COMPONENT - ORION RFA YR 1 A. Senior Personnel 1 Dr. Alfred Hanson PI Mos/Yr 5,5,5,5,5 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 TOTAL $41,000 $42,230 $43,497 $44,802 $46,146 $217,675 $42,645 $21,914 $105,559 $43,924 $22,571 $108,726 $45,242 $23,249 $111,988 $46,599 $23,946 $115,347 $47,997 $24,664 $118,808 $226,408 $116,344 $560,427 $59,045 $60,816 $62,641 $64,520 $66,456 $313,478 $164,604 $169,542 $174,628 $179,867 $185,263 $873,905 D. Permanent Equipment Auto Analyzer Computers (3) TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT $80,000 $15,000 $95,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $95,000 E. Travel 1. Domestic (Turn arounds, project meetings) 2. Foreign $14,000 $0 $14,000 $0 $14,000 $0 $14,000 $0 $14,000 $0 $70,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $35,000 $1,000 $1,500 $18,000 $14,868 $75,368 $5,000 $35,000 $1,000 $1,500 $18,000 $15,611 $76,111 $5,000 $35,000 $1,000 $1,500 $18,000 $16,392 $76,892 $5,000 $35,000 $1,000 $1,500 $18,000 $17,212 $77,712 $5,000 $35,000 $1,000 $1,500 $18,000 $18,072 $78,572 $25,000 $175,000 $5,000 $7,500 $90,000 $82,155 $384,655 $348,972 $259,654 $265,520 $271,579 $277,835 $1,423,560 122,248 $400,083 $400,083 $584,566 $2,008,127 $2,008,127 B. Other Personal 2 Chemical Ocg. Technician (MS) 3 URI Graduate Student TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A+B) 12,12,12,12,12 C. Fringe Benefits (40% 1&2) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS F. Participant Support Costs G. Other Direct Costs 1 Lab Materials and Supplies 2 Expendable Reagent Paks (CYCLE and MARCHEM) 3 Communications 4 Freight 5 CYCLE & MARCHEM Service and Repairs 6 Graduate Student Tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A through G) I. INDIRECT COSTS RATE=44%, BASE=MTDC TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS K. TOTAL AMOUNT OF URI REQUEST $ 111,748 $460,720 $460,720 $ 114,248 $373,901 $373,901 URI $ 116,829 $382,349 $382,349 $ 119,495 $391,073 $391,073 $ Development of a Low Power Direct Covariance Flux System James B. Edson Y1 = 04/05 Year I 10/1/07 9/30/2008 A. Senior Personnel Acad Sum 1 J. Edson 2/2/2/2/2 2. W. Bohlen 1/1/1/1/1 mo/yr Total Senior Personnel 1. Technician (16/16/16/16/16 months/year) 2. Post Doctoral Associate 3. Graduate Students - academic year Level 1 4. Graduate Students - summer salary Level 1 Total Graduate Student Costs 5. Undergraduates 6. Other Total Salary and Wages C. Fringe Benefits Total Salary, Wages & Fringe D. Equipment * E. Travel 1. Domestic 2. Foreign F. Participant Support Costs 1. Stipends 2. Travel 3. Subsistence 4. Other Total Participant Costs * G. Other Direct Costs 1. Material and supplies 2. Publicati 10 pages @ $140/page 3. Consultant Services 4. SSF * 5. Subcontract 6. Other (Ship Time, Insurance, Shop Services) Total Other Direct Costs H. Total Direct Costs I. Indirect Costs @ J. Total Direct & Indirect Costs Indirect Cost Base 48% Year II 10/1/08 9/30/2009 Year III 10/1/09 9/30/2010 Year IV 10/1/10 9/30/2011 Year V 10/1/11 9/30/2012 Total $21,096 $15,000 $36,096 $85,333 $0 $20,000 $6,700 $26,700 $22,151 $15,750 $37,901 $89,600 $0 $21,000 $7,035 $28,035 $23,258 $16,538 $39,796 $94,080 $0 $22,050 $7,387 $29,437 $24,421 $17,364 $41,786 $98,784 $0 $23,153 $7,756 $30,909 $25,642 $18,233 $43,875 $103,723 $0 $24,310 $8,144 $32,454 $116,569 $82,884 $199,453 $471,521 $0 $110,513 $37,022 $147,534 $0 $0 $148,129 $155,536 $163,313 $171,478 $180,052 $818,508 $37,931 $186,060 $42,000 $6,731 $41,776 $197,312 $0 $6,731 $45,498 $208,811 $0 $6,731 $49,487 $220,965 $0 $6,731 $53,762 $233,814 $0 $6,731 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $228,454 $1,046,962 $42,000 $33,655 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $489,200 $1,400 $0 $0 $0 $38,200 $15,000 $1,400 $0 $0 $0 $38,200 $15,000 $1,400 $0 $0 $0 $38,200 $15,000 $1,400 $0 $0 $0 $38,200 $15,000 $1,400 $0 $0 $0 $38,200 $549,200 $7,000 $0 $0 $0 $191,000 $528,800 $54,600 $54,600 $54,600 $54,600 $747,200 $763,591 $346,364 $258,643 $124,149 $270,142 $129,668 $282,296 $135,502 $295,145 $141,670 $1,869,817 $877,353 $1,109,955 $382,791 $399,810 $417,798 $436,815 $2,747,170 $721,591 $258,643 $270,142 $282,296 $295,145 $1,827,817 IDC Base - all costs less equipment, SSF's, subcontract amounts in excess of the first $25K. UCONN Year 1 FRINGE BENEFIT WORKSHEET Salary Year 2 Fringe Fringe Rate Total Salary Year 3 Fringe Fringe Rate Total Salary Year 4 Fringe Fringe Rate Total Salary Year 5 Fringe Fringe Rate Total Salary Fringe Fringe Rate Total A. Senior Personnel 1 $36,096 2 $0 23% $8,122 $37,901 $0 $0 24% $9,096 $39,796 $9,949 $41,786 $10,864 $43,875 $0 $0 25% $0 $0 26% $0 $0 27% $11,846 $0 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,864 $43,875 $11,846 $0 6. ( ) Total Senior Personnel $36,096 $8,122 $37,901 1. Technician $85,333 $0 30% $25,600 $89,600 26% $0 $0 3. Graduate Students AY $20,000 18% $3,620 4. Grads summer salary $6,700 9% $590 1% $0 2. Post Doctoral Associates 5. Undergrads 6. Other Subtotal Fringe Grand Total $9,096 $39,796 31% $27,776 $94,080 27% $0 $0 $21,000 20% $4,200 $7,035 10% $704 1% $0 $0 $148,129 $37,931 $41,776 $41,786 32% $30,106 $98,784 33% $32,599 $103,723 34% 28% $0 $0 29% $0 $0 30% $0 $22,050 21% $4,631 $23,153 22% $5,094 $24,310 23% $5,591 $7,387 11% $813 $7,756 12% $931 $8,144 13% $1,059 1% $0 1% $0 1% $0 $0 $163,313 $45,498 $125,204 Year I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Permanent Equipment (UConn Lab) a. NIS Radiometer/Pressure Calibration Standards b. CSZ ZP44 T/RH Calibration Chamber Total 10,000 32,000 $42,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Travel a. 2 RT/yr Avery Point - Woods Hole, MA Per Diem 2@ $105 x 3 days $315 $315 $315 $315 $315 Ground Transportation - Mileage (240 miles RT) $180 $180 $180 $180 $180 $1,092 $1,092 $1,092 $1,092 $1,092 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 Per Diem 2@ $151 x 3 days $906 $906 $906 $906 $906 Ground Transportation - Train $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 d. 2 RT/year Avery Point - Duck, NC $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1,002 $1,002 $1,002 $1,002 $1,002 $390 $390 $390 $390 $390 b. Summer Experiments WHOI 1 weeks/year Per Diem 2@ $156 x 7 days Ground Transportation - Mileage (240 miles RT) c. 2 RT/yr Woods Hole, MA - New Brunswick, NJ Per Diem 2@ $167 x 3 days Ground Transportation-Rental e. 1 RT/yr Boston, MA - San Francisco, CA Per Diem 1@ $174 x 5 days Ground Transportation Total 486 486 486 486 486 870 870 870 870 870 300 $6,731 300 $6,731 300 $6,731 300 $6,731 300 $6,731 Materials & Supplies Mooring operations costs: Argos 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Profiler Mooring: MMP, with T/S.velocity 2@$65000 130,000 ADCP, upward looking over float (Nortek 1 MHz) 2@$14000 28,000 OCR-507 w/shutter (multi-spectral irradiance) 2@$11000 22,000 ECO-triplet w/shutter (Chl, CDOM, bb) 2@$8500 17,000 ISUS-NO3 2@$32000 64,000 Surface Mooring: ADCP, bottom-mounted (RDI 300 kHz) 2@23000 46,000 T/S 6@$3200 19,200 ECO-triplet w/shutter (Chl, CDOM, bb) 4@$8500 34,000 CYCLE-NO3 2@$18000 36,000 Small flux package (Met) 2@$34000 68,000 Mooring hardware Total 20,000 $489,200 10,000 $15,000 10,000 $15,000 10,000 $15,000 10,000 $15,000 Other Direct Costs Shipping & Communications 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Sensor calibration and maintenance 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Shop services 100hrs yrs 1-5 @$42hr. 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 38,200 38,200 38,200 38,200 38,200 Insurance Ship Time: R/V Connecticut 4 days/yrs 1-5 @$500 per day Total Other Costs $0 $9,949 $0 $155,536 $0 UCONN $0 $171,478 $49,487 $35,266 $0 $180,052 $53,762 RUTGERS BUDGET 2 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 10/1/07 9/30/08 10/1/08 9/30/09 10/1/09 9/30/10 10/1/109/30/11 10/1/119/30/12 A. SENIOR PERSONNEL Oscar Schofield, Principal Investigator Scott Glenn, Co-Principal Investigator Robert Chant, Co-Principal Investigator Katja Fennel, Co-Principal Investigator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 B. OTHER PERSONNEL Josh Kohut, Operations Director Jen Bosch, Satellites Hugh Roarty, CODAR Liz Creed, Glider / Node Hardware John Kerfoot, Glider / Node Software Chip Haleman, Moorings Eli Hunter, Moorings Sage Lichtenwalner, Data Management Janice McDonnel, Education & Outreach Courtney Kohut, Project Coordinator 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 C. TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS $605,155 $181,022 $786,177 $635,412 $195,664 $831,076 $667,183 $211,317 $878,500 $700,542 $228,046 $928,588 $735,569 $245,920 $981,489 $3,343,861 $1,061,969 $4,405,830 D. EQUIPMENT (> 5,000) Cables/Nodes FlowCytobot 3 @ 90,000 Imaging FlowCytobot 3 @ 60,000 VPR 3 @ 30,000 CYCLE-NO3 9 @ 18,000 HOCR w/shutter (hyperspectrical iradiance) 3 @ 12,000 Large flux package (Met) 3 @ 68,000 Subtotal Cables/Nodes Profiler Mooring MMP, with T/S velocity 6 @ 65,000 ADCP, upward looking over float (Nortek 1 MHz) 4 @ 14,00 OCR-507 w/shutter (multi-spectral irradiance) 6 @ 11,000 ECO-triplet w/shutter (Chl, CDOM, bb) 6 @ 8,500 ISUS-NO3 4 @ 32,000 Subtotal Profiler Mooring Surface Mooring ADCP, bottom-mounted (RDI 300 kHz) 4 @ 23,000 ECO-triplet w/shutter (Chl, CDOM, bb) 8 @ 8,500 CYCLE-NO3 12 @ 18,000 Multifrequency bio-acoustics 4 @ 35,000 Small flux package (Met) 4 @ 34,000 Subtotal Surface Mooring Glider Instrumentation MARCHEM-NO3 4 @ 35,000 Broadband bio-acoustics 4 @ 5,000 Subtotal Glider Instrumentation TOTAL EQUIPMENT > 5,000 E. TRAVEL Domestic Foreign TOTAL TRAVEL TOTALS $270,000 $180,000 $90,000 $162,000 $36,000 $204,000 $942,000 $270,000 $180,000 $90,000 $162,000 $36,000 $204,000 $942,000 $390,000 $56,000 $66,000 $51,000 $128,000 $691,000 $390,000 $56,000 $66,000 $51,000 $128,000 $691,000 $92,000 $68,000 $216,000 $260,000 $136,000 $772,000 $92,000 $68,000 $216,000 $260,000 $136,000 $772,000 $140,000 $20,000 $160,000 $2,565,000 $140,000 $20,000 $160,000 $2,565,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS Rutgers $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $30,000 $20,000 $50,000 G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Glider Batteries 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINA 3. CONSULTING SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER Argos T/S 12 @ 3,200 Mooring Hardware CODAR Hardware Profiler Mooring Hardware Cables/Nodes Hardware Glider Hardware Satellite Data Licence Satellite Hardware Phone High-Speed Internet Power Insurance LEO Hookup Fee Iridum Fee Calibration Ship services 320 hrs yrs 1-5 @ 42 hr Software - DACNet Control Software Shiptime: Samantha Miller - 4 days @ 2,000 Shiptime: Connecticut - 10 days @ 4,500 Shiptime: Arabella - 30 days @ 1,500 TOTAL OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS $30,000 $7,000 $30,000 $7,000 $30,000 $7,000 $30,000 $7,000 $30,000 $7,000 $150,000 $35,000 $13,000 $38,400 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $7,500 $20,000 $12,000 $30,000 $10,000 $13,440 $124,823 $8,000 $44,000 $45,000 $461,163 $498,163 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $7,500 $20,000 $12,000 $30,000 $10,000 $13,440 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $7,500 $20,000 $12,000 $30,000 $10,000 $13,440 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $7,500 $20,000 $12,000 $30,000 $10,000 $13,440 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $7,500 $20,000 $12,000 $30,000 $10,000 $13,440 $65,000 $38,400 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $75,000 $37,500 $100,000 $60,000 $150,000 $50,000 $67,200 $8,000 $44,000 $45,000 $297,940 $334,940 $8,000 $44,000 $45,000 $297,940 $334,940 $8,000 $44,000 $45,000 $297,940 $334,940 $8,000 $44,000 $45,000 $297,940 $334,940 $40,000 $220,000 $225,000 $1,652,923 $1,837,923 $3,859,340 $1,176,016 $1,223,440 $1,273,528 $1,326,429 $8,858,753 TOTAL WITHOUT F & A J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) 54% $641,164 $2,672,000 $4,500,504 54% $577,269 $107,000 $1,753,285 54.5% $608,460 $107,000 $1,831,900 54.5% $635,758 $107,000 $1,909,286 54.5% $664,589 $107,000 $1,991,018 $3,127,239 $3,100,000 $11,985,992 K. RESIDUAL FUNDS L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST $4,500,504 $1,753,285 $1,831,900 $1,909,286 $1,991,018 $11,985,992 H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F & A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) FACILITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Rutgers UMCES BUDGET FINAL Yr 1 10/1/07 9/30/08 Yr 2 10/1/08 9/30/09 Yr 3 10/1/09 9/30/10 Yr 4 10/1/109/30/11 Yr 5 10/1/119/30/12 TOTALS A. SENIOR PERSONNEL Williams Boicourt, Principal Investigator Laurence Sanford, Co-Principal Investigator TBA Analyst B. OTHER PERSONNEL 2. TBA Operations Director Carole Derry, Moorings Tom Wazniak, Moorings Phil Derry, Moorings, Gliders Steve Suttles, Mooring, Gliders Randy Cone, Data Management TBA Gliders, Instruments Laura Murray, Education and Outreach Jane Hawkey, Project Coordinator TBA Waves Instruments 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 30.0 60.0 60.0 C. TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS $856,801 D. EQUIPMENT (> 5,000) Cables/Nodes FlowCytobot 2 @ 90,000 Imaging FlowCytobot 2 @ 60,000 VPR 3 @ 6,000 CYCLE-NO3 3 @ 18,000 HOCR w/shutter (hyperspectrical iradiance) 3 @ 12,000 Large flux package (Met) 3 @ 68,000 Subtotal Cables/Nodes Cross-shelf Wave Array Datawell Directional Waveriders 3 @ 60,000 Small flux package (Met) 2 @ 34,000 Subtotal Cross-shelf Wave Array Surface Mooring ADCP, bottom-mounted (RDI 300 kHz) 6 @ 23,000 ECO-triplet w/shutter (Chl, CDOM, bb) 12 @ 8,500 CYCLE-NO3 16 @ 18,000 Multifrequency bio-acoustics 6 @ 35,000 Small flux package (Met) 4 @ 34,000 Subtotal Surface Mooroing Glider Instrumentation MARCHEM-NO3 4 @ 35,000 Broadband bio-acoustics 4 @ 5,000 Subtotal Glider Instrumentation TOTAL EQUIPMENT > 5,000 E. TRAVEL Domestic Foreign TOTAL TRAVEL $899,641 $944,623 $991,854 $1,041,447 $4,734,366 $180,000 $120,000 $18,000 $54,000 $36,000 $204,000 $612,000 $180,000 $120,000 $18,000 $54,000 $36,000 $204,000 $612,000 $180,000 $68,000 $248,000 $180,000 $68,000 $248,000 $138,000 $102,000 $288,000 $260,000 $136,000 $924,000 $138,000 $102,000 $288,000 $260,000 $136,000 $924,000 $140,000 $20,000 $160,000 $1,944,000 $140,000 $20,000 $160,000 $1,944,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $30,000 $20,000 $50,000 $30,000 $3,000 $30,000 $3,000 $30,000 $3,000 $30,000 $3,000 $30,000 $3,000 $150,000 $15,000 $13,000 $57,600 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $7,500 $20,000 $30,000 $15,000 $52,800 $270,900 $303,900 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $7,500 $20,000 $30,000 $15,000 $52,800 $213,300 $246,300 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $7,500 $20,000 $30,000 $15,000 $52,800 $213,300 $246,300 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $7,500 $20,000 $30,000 $15,000 $52,800 $213,300 $246,300 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $7,500 $20,000 $30,000 $15,000 $52,800 $213,300 $246,300 $65,000 $57,600 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $37,500 $100,000 $150,000 $75,000 $264,000 $1,124,100 $1,289,100 $1,155,941 $1,200,923 $1,248,154 $1,297,747 $8,017,466 47.5% $567,793 47.5% $591,350 $2,759,496 F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Glider Batteries 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTING SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER Argos T/S 18 @ 3,200 Mooring Hardware Cables/Nodes Hardware Glider Hardware Satellite Hardware Phone Instrument spares, mooring Power Insurance Iridum Fee Calibration Shiptime:R/V Slover 24 days @ 2,200/day TOTAL OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F & A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) FACILITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $3,114,701 47.5% $531,003 47.5% $523,992 47.5% $545,358 TOTAL WITHOUT F & A J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) $3,645,704 $1,679,933 $1,746,281 $1,815,947 $1,889,097 $10,776,962 K. RESIDUAL FUNDS L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST $3,645,704 $1,679,933 $1,746,281 $1,815,947 $1,889,097 $10,776,962 UMCES Collaborative Research: Dynamics of Heat, Salt, Nutrients, and Plankton in the Coastal Ocean Jeff Hanson, US Army Corps of Engineers 01 October 2007 - 30 September 2012 BUDGET 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 10/1/2008 10/1/2009 10/1/2010 9/30/2009 9/30/2010 9/30/2011 Approximate Labor Months 10/1/2011 9/30/2012 Totals A. SENIOR PERSONNEL 1. Jeff Hanson, Principal Investigator 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 15.0 B. OTHER PERSONNEL 2. Research Assistant II, TBA Kent Hathaway, Senior Engineer 12.0 6.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 6.0 60.0 30.0 $353,600 $353,600 $353,600 $353,600 $353,600 TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS E. TRAVEL 1. Domestic Ground Transportation TOTAL TRAVEL G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. Material and Supplies 2. Publication Costs TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS $1,768,000 2,300 300 2,600 2,300 300 2,600 2,300 300 2,600 2,300 300 2,600 2,300 300 2,600 13,000 7,500 2,500 10,000 7,500 2,500 10,000 7,500 2,500 10,000 7,500 2,500 10,000 7,500 2,500 10,000 37,500 12,500 50,000 USACE Overall budget justification The overall budget compiled for this ambitious research program is much larger than budgets for typical NSF projects. The large budget is due in part to the proposed high level of observational work and interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration. However, the major reason for the large budgets is that we have included costs for a substantial level of observatory operation and maintenance activity, which is critical for the proposed instruments and specialized sampling platforms. These costs have some analogy to costs for maintenance and operation of research ships that are used in conventional oceanography proposals, which do not appear in proposal budgets. The operation and maintenance costs and activities that we have included are not independent of those required for the base observatory infrastructure, and as such could be highly leveraged with planned ORION operations budgets. The overall budget summarizes the sum of the budgets for all six participating institutions, and includes salaries and associated costs, equipment, travel, other direct costs, and indirect costs. Budgets for the individual institutions, which follow the overall budget, summarize the details for each institution. For all institutions, salaries, fringe benefits, and overhead costs associated with salaries and fringe benefits are calculated using an automated program that has built-in inflation and overhead rates forecast for future years. This was the only method available for computations of salaries and related costs. All other costs are based on 2005 prices. As stated in the section on Program Management, the responsibilities for the elements of the proposed observational system will be divided among the participating institutions. WHOI will be responsible for the glider transect, existing cabled MVCO site, midshelf node/mooring, and shelfbreak mooring off WHOI. URI will be responsible for substantial coordination of nutrient measurements. UConn will be responsible for substantial coordination of the meteorological measurements and for the mooring at the entrance to Long Island Sound. Rutgers will be responsible for the glider transect, existing cabled LEO site, midshelf node/mooring, and shelfbreak mooring off Rutgers, as well as the mooring at the entrance to the Hudson estuary. UMCES and FRF will share responsibility for the glider transect, existing cabled FRF site, and shelfbreak mooring off FRF. UMCES will be responsible for the moorings at the entrances to Delaware and Chesapeake Bays. WHOI Budget justification The salaries for all institutions are calculated using an automated program that has built in inflation and overhead rates forecast for future years; this was the only method available for salary computations. All other costs are based on 2005 prices. Personnel PIs Doney, Gallager, He, Lentz, McGillicuddy, Sosik, Trowbridge and Wiebe will have overall responsibility for the project. Sosik will focus on execution and analysis of phytoplankton measurements, Gallager and Wiebe will focus on execution and analysis of zooplankton measurements, Trowbridge and Lentz will focus on execution and analysis of physical measurements, He will focus on physical modeling, and Doney and McGillicuddy will focus on coupled bio-physical modeling. All PIs will collaborate on analysis, synthesis and publication of the measurement and simulation results. Support personnel Lund, Dunn, Worrilow, Sisson, Faluotico, Fredericks, Marquette, Groman, Purcell, Copley, Cannata, TBA Project Manager, and TBA Research Assistant II will carry out the operational aspects of the project and assist with various phases of the analysis and dissemination. WHOI personnel will have direct responsibility for all observations conducted along the cross-shelf line anchored on the shoreside by MVCO. Lund will have responsibility for the glider measurements. Dunn and Worrilow will be responsible for preparation, deployment, recovery, maintenance, and calibration of sensors. Marquette and Sisson will be responsible for shipboard operations. Purcell and Faluotico will provide mechanical and electrical engineering support, respectively. Fredericks and Groman will be responsible for data retrieval, archiving, quality control, and dissemination. Copley and TBA Research Assistant II will provide support for the zooplankton and phytoplankton sensor systems, including carrying out sampling and analyses as part of the mooring turn-around cruises. Cannata will carry out communications, photocopying, and assist with reporting and publications tasks. Support is requested for two Graduate Research Assistants, who will have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the proposed research, while pursuing doctoral degrees through the WHOI/MIT Joint Program in Oceanography. Equipment Support is requested for the submersible sensor systems required for the proposed observations. These requests include the costs of a complete set of instrumentation, plus a partial second set to support cost effective turnaround and avoid disrupting time series observations. Turnaround at the nearshore site (MVCO) will be staggered with that at the mid-shelf and shelfbreak so a complete second set is not needed. The proposed hydrographic observations require temperature/conductivity sensors (T/S; Seabird, SBE-37) and two types of moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), one deployed in a bottom-mounted upward looking mode (RDI, 300 KHz) and a second mounted upward looking in the upper water (Nortek, 1 MHz). Meterological measurements will be made with two types of sensor systems, both capable of providing mean meteorological, turbulent and radiative flux, and wave measurements. The proposed large flux package for the high power sites is comprised of the following: sonic anemometer (Gill Instruments, R3), hygrometer (LI-COR, IRGA 7500), pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM21), pyrgeometer (Kipp & Zonen, CG4), pressure/temperature/relative humidity sensor (Vaisala, PTU200), micrologger (Campbell, CR23X), inertial sensing system (SystronDonner, MotionPak), compass (Precision Navigation), rain gauge (RM Young), and custom data logger. The proposed small flux package for the low power sites is comprised of the following: sonic anemometer (Gill Instruments, R350), pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM21), pyrgeometer (Kipp & Zonen, CG4), pressure/temperature/relative humidity sensor (Vaisala, PTU200), micrologger (Campbell, CR10X), inertial sensing system (SystronDonner, MotionPakII), compass (Precision Navigation), rain gauge (RM Young), and custom data logger. In-water optical measurements will be made with a combination of fluorometer/backscattering meters (WET Labs, ECO-triplet for chlorophyll, CDOM, and backscattering), for all sites and gliders, and spectral radiometers of two types: multi-spectral (Satlantic, OCR-507) on the lower power moorings and additionally, hyperspectral (Satlantic, HOCR) at the high power nodes sites. We have presumed availability of the ECO-triplet sensor, equipped with Bio-Wiper (anti-fouling shutter) on the basis of communication with WET Labs. Nutrient sampling will be done with a combination of reagent-free technology (Satlantic, ISUS) with rapid response time, and reagent-based sensors optimized for moored deployment (WET Labs, CYCLE-NO3) and glider deployment (SubChem, MARCHEM). As described in the proposal text, the MARCHEM system is underdevelopment by one of the project PIs and expected to be available for the start of this project. The availability of the CYCLE-NO3 sensor is presumed on the basis of communication with WET Labs, which currently markets their newly developed CYCLE-PO4 and plans to expand the series to NO3 within a year. Multi-frequency bio-acoustic measurements will be done with bottom-mounted upward looking transducers (HTI, 120, 200, 420 KHz) at the high power sites and broadband tranducers (WHOI-custom) on the gliders. Plankton sensors required for the proposed observations are a zooplankton optical imager (Seascan, Video Plankton Recorder), a submersible flow cytometer for small phytoplankton (WHOI-custom, FlowCytobot), and a submersible imaging flow cytometer for large phytoplankton (WHOI-custom, Imaging FlowCytobot). In the event that commercialization of FlowCytobot and/or Imaging FlowCytobot occurs before this project begins, we would purchase them from the commercial source. High resolution vertical profiling is proposed for both the low power and high power mooring sites. A variety of infrastructure solutions are possible to provide this capability. For budgeting purposes, we have indicated use of a commercially available moored profiler (McLane, MMP), with integrated T/S sensors, at both the low and high power sites. Aspects of this system are not ideally suited to the proposed research because it does not profile the top of the water column, and it does not have built-in capability for power recharge following each profile. In addition, our required sensor payload (added optical puck, irradiance sensor, and nutrient sensor) may exceed the current capabilities. Nonetheless, the MMP would provide most of the required capability and could be used if other engineering solutions do not emerge from ORION activities. Travel Travel funds are requested for participation in a national scientific meeting (e.g, AGU) each year by four PIs and for travel to a project meeting each year by four PIs. Other Direct Costs Materials and Supplies – Funds are requested to support hardware, connectors, cables and other supplies for sensor deployment and maintenance on all of the observatory infrastructure, construction and maintenance costs for the proposed valve/plumbing assembly required for the plankton sensors, computer supplies for data processing and analysis, and laboratory supplies for sample collection and analysis. Publication costs – Funds are requested in each project year to support the cost of publication of scientific results in peer-reviewed journals. Other – Additional direct costs will be incurred as part of routine activities each project year. Communications expenses will come from interaction within the project team and with the broader research community. There will be annual expenses for insurance on the instrument systems. The annual usage fee for MVCO is required under WHOI’s current facility structure. Costs are included for routine communication 1) with the gliders during cross-shelf transects as fees for the Iridium-based link presently used by Slocum gliders and 2) with the moorings as fees for Argos service. Sensor calibration and maintenance costs are included here for all physical, biological, and chemical sensors on the MVCO line, except for the submersible nutrient analyzers, which will be supported by the URI team (see URI budget and justification). WHOI shop services will provide annual support for sensor integration with observatory infrastructure and support for mooring turn-around cruises. Costs of ship-based access to the MVCO line infrastructure for sensor maintenance and sampling are represented here as the cost for use of WHOI’s 60 foot coastal vessel the R/V Tioga. We also request support to partially offset the cost of tuition for the Graduate Research Assistants. Indirect Costs The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution calculates overhead rates (both Laboratory Costs and General & Administrative Costs) as a percent of total direct salaries and benefits, as allowed by OMB Circular A-122. Direct salaries exclude overtime-premium pay. A proposed labor month is equal to 152 hours or 1824 hours annually versus 2080 hours (40 hours/week for 52 weeks). The difference is for vacations, holidays, sick time, and other paid absences, which are included in Employee Benefits. The rates included in the proposal are negotiated with ONR or they are estimates. When estimated rates are finalized, costs will be in accordance with the rate agreement. Graduate student stipends are included in the total direct salary costs. However, they are not included in the benefits base, and only 1⁄2 of the Laboratory Cost rate is applied to the stipend because it is estimated that the GRA occupies a laboratory only 1⁄2 of his/her time, and the balance is spent in education activities. Fifty-five percent (55%) of the GRAs' tuition is included as a direct cost in this budget. The Institution provides the balance from Institution endowment funds, including 100% of summer tuition. With the assistance of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, WHOI undertook a study to determine what our 1997 combined F&A overhead rate would be, if we used the MTDC method used by most Universities, which are subject to OMB Circular A-21. We repeated the study and determined that our rate for 2003 would be 48.06%--lower than most research institutions and research-intensive universities. URI Budget Justification Personnel: a) URI Nutrient Monitoring Component: Funds are requested (6 mo/yr) Alfred Hanson who will be responsible for overall management and coordination of the URI nutrient monitoring component of the project. For URI marine research scientists, all of their salary support is usually derived from outside (non-state) funding. Funds are requested for a chemical oceanographic technician (12 mo/yr) who will be responsible for the turnarounds for the moored and glider-based nutrient analyzers. Funds are also requested for support and tuition for two graduate student (doctoral or masters degree candidates in chemical oceanography) who will assist with the nutrient analyzer calibrations, measurement comparisons, turnaround operations, and data processing and analysis. The estimated funds for fringe benefits include 40% of the PI and technician salary, and summer FICA and health insurance fees for the graduate student. b) URI Remote Sensing Component: James Yoder is not requesting funds from NSF as part of this proposal, but will submit a proposal to cover costs of remote sensing to another federal agency. Equipment: The URI budget does not include costs for the nutrient sensors and analyzers that will be employed on moorings, cable nodes and gliders. The required CYCLE and MARCHEM nutrient analyzers are included in the WHOI, Rutgers, FRF budgets. The URI budget does request funds for a nutrient autoanalyzer for Hanson’s laboratory and some computers for instrument testing, data acquisition and processing. Travel: Funds are requested for domestic travel for the PIs and project staff to participate in observatory project meetings and training sessions at WHOI, Rutgers and FRF, and to participate in selected field experiments and multiple instrument/platform turnarounds (estimated at $500/week/person @ WHOI & $1000/week/person @ Rutgers and FRF). A portion of these travel funds will also be used for attendance at professional meetings for the PI to present papers on some of the results from this research. Other Direct Costs: Funds are requested for the general laboratory and computer materials and supplies that are needed for the proposed nutrient monitoring effort, field tests and data analyses. These items include the expendable chemical reagents packs for the nutrient analyzers, filters, computer diskettes, software, and printer toner. The laboratory and computer materials and supplies will only to be used in the conduct of the equipment development effort proposed herein. Funds are requested factory calibration and repairs of the nutrient analyzers and freight expenses. Other costs in this category include communications (for long distance fax and telephone usage, and photocopy charges). Only applicable long distance telephone calls will be charged to this grant. Ship Costs: All ship costs and arrangements are not included. Overhead: Indirect costs are charged (44%) on all costs except equipment (>$5000) and graduate student tuition. Rutgers Budget Justification Personnel - Rutgers PIs Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, Robert Chant and Katja Fennel will have overall responsibility for the Rutgers component of this project and will collaborate with scientists from other institutions on the analysis, synthesis and publication of the full project results. Specifically, Glenn and Schofield will be responsible for the satellite remote sensing, the CODAR surface current mapping, and all in situ measurements along the LEO line including gliders, the cabled observatory, the midshelf mooring and the shelfbreak mooring. Chant will be responsible for the Hudson River plume mooring. Fennel will be responsible for the modeling. This partitioning of responsibilities is fully consistent with existing and ongoing projects where Glenn and Schofield have each led science projects near LEO, and Chant has led the NSF CoOP study of the Hudson River plume. All PIs request two months of summer salary to augment their ten month state supported salaries. A balanced team of ten diverse research professionals are required by this project. Dr. Josh Kohut, Director of the COOL Operations Center, to oversee and coordinate day to day operations of the observatory. Jen Bosch will maintain and operate the satellite data acquisition systems and continue to introduce new ocean color satellite data processing routines. Dr. Hugh Roarty will maintain and operate the spatially-extensive HF Radar network, include the processing of the data into a regional surface current mapping product. Liz Creed (hardware) and John Kerfoot (software) will maintain, deploy, and operate the glider fleet and, in collaboration with the Mid-Atlantic Bight National Undersea Research Center (MAB-NURC), maintain and operate the new WetSat cabled observatory. Eli Hunter and Chip Haldeman to maintain, deploy and recover all three buoys and will contribute to their data analysis. Sage Lictenwalner will serve as the data manager, ensuring that the data streams are maintained, the products generated, and that data/products are disseminated to the World Wide Web and to the appropriate archive centers. Janice McDonnell, Director of the Center for Ocean Science Excellence in Education – Mid-Atlantic (COSEE-MA) will assist scientists in their outreach efforts including K-12 teacher education, both in service and in training, and serve as the liaison between this NSF OOI effort and the Liberty Science Center. Courtney Kohut will serve as the project coordinator, assisting with the reporting and finances. Each research professional requests twelve months of funding per year so that their salary is fully covered to ensure continuous 24/7 sustained operations for the full duration of this project. Travel - Each PI will attend annual PI planning meetings at a rotating host institution for the duration of this project, and each PI will attend one national/international conference per year to present results. Additional travel funds are required for Dr. Roarty to visit the many CODAR sites on a regular basis using an existing repair van. Materials and Supplies – Material and supply costs are divided into two categories, those that are unique to Rutgers, including Satellites, CODAR and the LEO cabled observatory, and those that parallel the WHOI costs for in situ instrumentation that include the gliders, sensors for the cabled observatory and Meteorological tower, and the midshelf and offshore moorings. For the Rutgers specific needs, the Satellite remote sensing systems require annual software license fees for the SeaSpace operating software and an annual license fee for the highresolution Indian OceanSat imagery. Each CODAR system requires power and a redundant set of communications to operate efficiently. The most efficient combination for communications has proven to be a standard phone line, either land-line or wireless, combined with a broadband Internet service, either land-line or satellite. The LEO cabled observatory hardware is currently being upgraded by WetSat through support from the MAB-NURC. Costs for upgraded control software, the WetSat DACnet system, is requested to make maximum use of the new hardware capabilities. While most of the LEO cabled observatory is maintained through the direct support of the MAB-NURC, a small annual usage fee for the LEO cabled observatory is now charged by the MAB-NURC to provide a greater level of service consistent with the expanding needs of scientific users. For the Rutgers systems that parallel the WHOI systems, these requests include the costs of a complete set of instrumentation, plus a partial second set to support cost effective turnaround and avoid disrupting time series observations. Turnaround at the nearshore site (LEO) will be staggered with that at the mid-shelf and shelfbreak so a complete second set is not needed. The proposed hydrographic observations require temperature/conductivity sensors (T/S; Seabird, SBE-37) and two types of moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), one deployed in a bottom-mounted upward looking mode (RDI, 300 KHz) and a second mounted upward looking in the upper water (Nortek, 1 MHz). Meterological measurements will be made with two types of sensor systems, both capable of providing mean meteorological, turbulent and radiative flux, and wave measurements. The proposed large flux package for the high power sites is comprised of the following: sonic anemometer (Gill Instruments, R3), hygrometer (LI-COR, IRGA 7500), pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM21), pyrgeometer (Kipp & Zonen, CG4), pressure/temperature/relative humidity sensor (Vaisala, PTU200), micrologger (Campbell, CR23X), inertial sensing system (SystronDonner, MotionPak), compass (Precision Navigation), rain gauge (RM Young), and custom data logger. The proposed small flux package for the low power sites is comprised of the following: sonic anemometer (Gill Instruments, R350), pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM21), pyrgeometer (Kipp & Zonen, CG4), pressure/temperature/relative humidity sensor (Vaisala, PTU200), micrologger (Campbell, CR10X), inertial sensing system (SystronDonner, MotionPakII), compass (Precision Navigation), rain gauge (RM Young), and custom data logger. In-water optical measurements will be made with a combination of fluorometer/backscattering meters (WET Labs, ECO-triplet for chlorophyll, CDOM, and backscattering), for all sites and gliders, and spectral radiometers of two types: multi-spectral (Satlantic, OCR-507) on the lower power moorings and additionally, hyperspectral (Satlantic, HOCR) at the high power nodes sites. We have presumed availability of the ECO-triplet sensor, equipped with Bio-Wiper (anti-fouling shutter) on the basis of communication with WET Labs. Nutrient sampling will be done with a combination of reagent-free technology (Satlantic, ISUS) with rapid response time, and reagent-based sensors optimized for moored deployment (WET Labs, CYCLE-NO3) and glider deployment (SubChem, MARCHEM). As described in the proposal text, the MARCHEM system is underdevelopment by one of the project PIs and expected to be available for the start of this project. The availability of the CYCLE-NO3 sensor is presumed on the basis of communication with WET Labs, which currently markets their newly developed CYCLE-PO4 and plans to expand the series to NO3 within a year. Multi-frequency bio-acoustic measurements will be done with bottom-mounted upward looking transducers (HTI, 120, 200, 420 KHz) at the high power sites and broadband transducers (WHOI-custom) on the gliders. Plankton sensors required for the proposed observations are a zooplankton optical imager (Seascan, Video Plankton Recorder), a submersible flow cytometer for small phytoplankton (WHOI-custom, FlowCytobot), and a submersible imaging flow cytometer for large phytoplankton (WHOI-custom, Imaging FlowCytobot). In the event that commercialization of FlowCytobot and/or Imaging FlowCytobot occurs before this project begins, we would purchase them from the commercial source. High resolution vertical profiling is proposed for both the low power and high power mooring sites. A variety of infrastructure solutions are possible to provide this capability. For budgeting purposes, we have indicated use of a commercially available moored profiler (McLane, MMP), with integrated T/S sensors, at both the low and high power sites. Aspects of this system are not ideally suited to the proposed research because it does not profile the top of the water column, and it does not have built-in capability for power recharge following each profile. In addition, our required sensor payload (added optical puck, irradiance sensor, and nutrient sensor) may exceed the current capabilities. Nonetheless, the MMP would provide most of the required capability and could be used if other engineering solutions do not emerge from ORION activities. Miscellaneous costs will also include hardware, connectors, cables and other supplies for sensor deployment and maintenance on all of the observatory infrastructure, construction and maintenance costs for the proposed valve/plumbing assembly required for the plankton sensors, computer supplies for data processing and analysis, and laboratory supplies for sample analysis. Sensor calibration and maintenance costs are included here for all physical, biological, and chemical sensors on the LEO line, except for the submersible nutrient analyzers, which will be supported by the URI team (see URI budget). WHOI shop services will provide annual support for sensor integration with observatory infrastructure and support for mooring turn-around cruises since WHOI designed and built moorings will be used. Publication costs – This project is expected to produce a significant number of scientific and engineering publications as abstracts or proceedings at conferences, as student theses and peer-reviewed papers, and as peer-reviewed publications by the PIs and their collaborators. While modern desktop publishing capabilities will be used to reduce costs, funds are requested each year for those publication costs that cannot be waived. Communications – Communication needs for this project are significant. Gliders and buoys outside of line-of-site radio modem range must use Iridium and ARGOS satellite communication systems. The civilian rate Iridium link with the gliders is required for routine data transfer and control. Additional communication costs are required to enable the Rutgers PIs to interact with other project PIs and the broader community, and for Rutgers research professionals to interact with equipment manufacturers and colleagues at WHOI. Insurance – Annual insurance payments are required for all over-board equipment to ensure that the equipment will be replaced if lost at sea. All land-based systems (CODAR, Satellites) are covered by Rutgers general facilities insurance policy. Shiptime – Rutgers repeatedly uses three research vessels for coastal operations. These include UConn’s 80 foot R/V Connecticut, the NY Harbor Oil Spill Response Team’s 60 foot Samantha Miller, and Rutgers own 50 foot R/V Arabella. The R/V Connecticut has been successfully used numerous times by Rutgers for deepwater mooring deployments. The R/V Arabella is used year-round for nearshore coastal deployments including gliders and cabled observatory maintenance. The Samantha Miller has been used by Rutgers scientists on numerous occasions for bottom tripod deployments. Indirect Costs - Indirect costs are charged at the standard Rutgers rate of 55%. Indirect is not charged on equipment or software over $5,000, or on rentals such as shiptime. UConn Budget justification Personnel PI Edson has overall responsibility for the project. He will be assisted in these efforts by Bohlen, who is the chief scientist for LISICOS and has extensive experience maintaining mooring and bottom mounted arrays in the regions. Edson will oversee preparation, deployment, analysis, and maintenance of the atmospheric measurements at the LIS site. Bohlen will oversee preparation, deployment, analysis, and maintenance of the oceanic measurements at the LIS site. Support personnel at UConn will carry out the operational aspects of the project and assist with various phases of the analysis and dissemination. LISICOS ocean engineers and research assistants will be responsible for preparation, deployment, recovery, maintenance, and calibration of oceanic sensors. A TBD research assistant will be hired to assist Edson with atmospheric measurements at the mooring site and as consultants to the other PIs on the overall proposals at the MVCO, LEO, FRF and sentinel moorings. Lastly, support for one graduate student per year is requested for the 5 years of the program. The student will assist in all facets of the project. Staff assistants will carry out communications, photocopying, and assist with reporting and publications tasks using support from the UConn. Travel Travel funds are requested to visit the other installations and their host institutions (i.e., WHOI, Rutgers and FRF/University of Maryland) as required by the project. Travel expenses for a 1 week stay at WHOI each summer is requested to work on data analysis. Finally, travel expenses for either Edson or Bohlen to attend a national meeting is each year is requested. Other Direct Costs Materials and Supplies – Support is requested for the submersible and air-side sensor systems required for the proposed observations. These requests include the costs of a complete set of instrumentation, plus a second set to support cost effective turnaround and avoid disrupting time series observations. The proposed hydrographic observations require temperature/conductivity sensors (T/S; Seabird, SBE-37) and two types of moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), one deployed in a bottom-mounted upward looking mode (RDI, 300 KHz) and a second mounted upward looking in the upper water (Nortek, 1 MHz). High resolution vertical profiling is proposed for the low power mooring site. A variety of infrastructure solutions are possible to provide this capability. For budgeting purposes, we have indicated use of a commercially available moored profiler (McLane, MMP), with integrated T/S sensors, at both the low and high power sites. Aspects of this system are not ideally suited to the proposed research because it does not profile the top of the water column, and it does not have built-in capability for power recharge following each profile. In addition, our required sensor payload (added optical puck, irradiance sensor, and nutrient sensor) may exceed the current capabilities. Nonetheless, the MMP would provide most of the required capability and could be used if other engineering solutions do not emerge from ORION activities. Meterological measurements will be made with a sensor system capable of providing mean meteorological, turbulent and radiative flux, and wave measurements. The proposed small flux package for the low power sites is comprised of the following: sonic anemometer (Gill Instruments, R350), pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM21), pyrgeometer (Kipp & Zonen, CG4), pressure/temperature/relative humidity sensor (Vaisala, PTU200), micrologger (Campbell, CR10X), inertial sensing system (SystronDonner, MotionPakII), compass (Precision Navigation), rain gauge (RM Young), and custom data logger. In-water optical measurements will be made with a combination of fluorometer/backscattering meters (WET Labs, ECO-triplet for chlorophyll, CDOM, and backscattering) and a multi-spectral radiometer. (Satlantic, OCR-507) at the mooring site. We have presumed availability of the ECO-triplet sensor, equipped with Bio-Wiper (anti-fouling shutter) on the basis of communication with WET Labs. Nutrient sampling will be done with a combination of reagent-free technology (Satlantic, ISUS) with rapid response time on the profiler, and reagent-based sensors optimized for moored deployment (WET Labs, CYCLE-NO3). As described in the proposal text, the MARCHEM system is underdevelopment by one of the project PIs and expected to be available for the start of this project. The availability of the CYCLE-NO3 sensor is presumed on the basis of communication with WET Labs, which currently markets their newly developed CYCLE-PO4 and plans to expand the series to NO3 within a year. Miscellaneous costs will also include hardware, connectors, cables and other supplies for sensor deployment and maintenance on the low-power mooring and profiler. Publication costs – Funds are requested in each project year to support the cost of publication of scientific results in conference proceedings and in peer-reviewed journals. Other – Additional direct costs will be incurred as part of routine activities each project year. Communications expenses will come from interaction within the project team and with the broader research community. Sensor calibration and maintenance costs are included here for all physical, biological, and chemical sensors on the MVCO line, except for the submersible nutrient analyzers, which will be supported by the URI team (see URI budget). A RH/T calibration chamber and radiometers to serve as radiation standards are requested to assist in these efforts. UConn shop services will provide annual support for sensor integration with observatory infrastructure and support for mooring turn-around cruises. Costs of ship-based access to the LIS mooring and profiler for sensor maintenance and sampling are represented here as the cost for use of the R/V Connecticut. UMCES Budget justification Personnel PIs Boicourt and Sanford will have overall responsibility for the project. PIs will collaborate on analysis, synthesis and publication of the measurement results. Support personnel TBA Operations Director, C. Derry, T. Wazniak, P. Derry. S. Suttles, TBA Research Assistant, R. Cone, TBA Research Assistant, L. Murray, J. Hawkey, J. Seabrease, and and TBA Research Assistant will carry out the operational aspects of the project and assist with various phases of the analysis and dissemination. UMCES personnel will have direct responsibility for all observations conducted along the cross-shelf line anchored on the shoreside by FRF at Duck, NC. TBA Operations Director will serve as day-to-day executive officer to ensure measurements are operationally continuous. This person will be assisted by the TBA Project Coordinator. Suttles will assume primary responsibility for the gliders, but will be assisted by P. Derry and a TBA Research Assistant with instrumentation specialty. C. Derry, Wazniak, and Seabrease will be the primary personnel responsible for the mooring instrumentation and turnaround cruises. Cone will provide primary data management, as well as software support. Murray will coordinate the education and outreach activities. Travel Travel funds are requested for participation in an annual meeting each year by four PIs and for travel to a project meeting each year by four PIs. In addition, funds are requested for travel for turnaround cruises and for shore support of operations. Other Direct Costs Materials and Supplies – Support is requested for the submersible sensor systems required for the proposed observations. These requests include the costs of a complete set of instrumentation, plus a partial second set to support cost effective turnaround and avoid disrupting time series observations. For 3 moorings, turnarounds will be staggered, such that 2 complete systems will be serviced onshore while 3 systems are active at sea. The proposed hydrographic observations require temperature/conductivity sensors (T/S; Seabird, SBE-37), RDI 300 kHZ ADCP’s deployed in a bottom-mounted upward looking mode and a second mounted upward looking in the upper water (Nortek, 1 MHz). Meterological measurements will be made with two types of sensor systems, both capable of providing mean meteorological, turbulent and radiative flux, and wave measurements. The proposed large flux package for the high power sites is comprised of the following: sonic anemometer (Gill Instruments, R3), hygrometer (LI-COR, IRGA 7500), pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM21), pyrgeometer (Kipp & Zonen, CG4), pressure/temperature/relative humidity sensor (Vaisala, PTU200), micrologger (Campbell, CR23X), inertial sensing system (SystronDonner, MotionPak), compass (Precision Navigation), rain gauge (RM Young), and custom data logger. The proposed small flux package for the low power sites is comprised of the following: sonic anemometer (Gill Instruments, R350), pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM21), pyrgeometer (Kipp & Zonen, CG4), pressure/temperature/relative humidity sensor (Vaisala, PTU200), micrologger (Campbell, CR10X), inertial sensing system (SystronDonner, MotionPakII), compass (Precision Navigation), rain gauge (RM Young), and custom data logger. In-water optical measurements will be made with a combination of fluorometer/backscattering meters (WET Labs, ECO-triplet for chlorophyll, CDOM, and backscattering), for all sites and gliders, and spectral radiometers of two types: multi-spectral (Satlantic, OCR-507) on the lower power moorings and additionally, hyperspectral (Satlantic, HOCR) at the high power nodes sites. We have presumed availability of the ECO-triplet sensor, equipped with Bio-Wiper (anti-fouling shutter) on the basis of communication with WET Labs. Nutrient sampling will be done with a combination of reagent-free technology (Satlantic, ISUS) with rapid response time, and reagent-based sensors optimized for moored deployment (WET Labs, CYCLE-NO3) and glider deployment (SubChem, MARCHEM). As described in the proposal text, the MARCHEM system is underdevelopment by one of the project PIs and expected to be available for the start of this project. The availability of the CYCLE-NO3 sensor is presumed on the basis of communication with WET Labs, which currently markets their newly developed CYCLE-PO4 and plans to expand the series to NO3 within a year. Multi-frequency bio-acoustic measurements will be done with bottom-mounted upward looking transducers (HTI, 120, 200, 420 KHz) at the high power sites and broadband tranducers (WHOI-custom) on the gliders. Datawell Wave Riders and small Met flux packages are requested for the FRF Cable line. Plankton sensors required for the proposed observations are a zooplankton optical imager (Seascan, Video Plankton Recorder), a submersible flow cytometer for small phytoplankton (WHOI-custom, FlowCytobot), and a submersible imaging flow cytometer for large phytoplankton (WHOI-custom, Imaging FlowCytobot). In the event that commercialization of FlowCytobot and/or Imaging FlowCytobot occurs before this project begins, we would purchase them from the commercial source. Miscellaneous costs will also include hardware, connectors, cables and other supplies for sensor deployment and maintenance on all of the observatory infrastructure, construction and maintenance costs for the proposed valve/plumbing assembly required for the plankton sensors, computer supplies for data processing and analysis, and laboratory supplies for sample analysis. Publication costs – Funds are requested in each project year to support the cost of publication of scientific results in peer-reviewed journals. Other – Additional direct costs will be incurred as part of routine activities each project year. Communications expenses will come from interaction within the project team and with the broader research community. Costs for routine communication with the gliders during crossshelf transects are included here as fees for the Iridium-based link presented used by Slocum gliders. Sensor calibration and maintenance costs are included here for all physical, biological, and chemical sensors on the FRF line, except for the submersible nutrient analyzers, which will be supported by the URI team (see URI budget). UMCES shop services will provide annual support for sensor integration with observatory infrastructure and support for mooring turnaround cruises. Costs of ship-based access to the moorings and for the FRF line infrastructure for sensor maintenance and sampling are represented here as the cost for use of Old Dominion University’s 60 foot coastal vessel the R/V Faye Slover. Required maintenance days per year are estimated at 24. Indirect Costs The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science overhead rate is determined at 47.5% of Total Direct Costs, less instrumentation costing over $5000 per and less ship time. CURRICULUM VITAE William C. Boicourt Horn Point Laboratory University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science P.O. Box 775 Cambridge, Maryland 21613 Phone: 410-221-8426 Fax: 410-221-8490 Email: boicourt@hpl.umces.edu I. Education: 1966 1969 1973 B.A., Amherst College, Physics. M.A., The Johns Hopkins University, Physical Oceanography Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Physical Oceanography II. Professional Background A. Positions 1973-82 1981 1982-1993 1994- Associate Research Scientist, Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns Hopkins University. Visiting Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Associate Professor, University of Maryland Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies. Professor, Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science B. Awards 1968 1989 Summer Student Fellow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution B.H. Ketchum Award, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution III. Research A. Areas of professional expertise Physical oceanography, estuarine and continental shelf circulation, river and estuarine plumes, instrumentation and observing systems, plankton blooms, larval transport. Boicourt CV 1 of 2 B. Recent Publications Loder, J., W.C. Boicourt, and J.H. Simpson, 1998, Western boundary continental shelves. In: A. Robinson and K. Brink, eds., The Sea, Vol. 11, The Global Coastal Ocean: Regional Studies and Syntheses, pp. 3-27. Boicourt, W.C., W.J. Wiseman, Jr., A. Valle-Levinson, and L.P. Atkinson, 1998. The Continental Shelf of the Southeastern United States and Gulf of Mexico: In the shadow of the western Boundary Current. In: A. Robinson and K. Brink, eds. The Sea, Vol. 11, The Global Coastal Ocean: Regional Studies and Syntheses, pp. 135-182. Boicourt, W.C., M. Kuzmić , and T. S. Hopkins, The Inland Sea: Circulation of the Chesapeake Bay and the Northern Adriatic, 1999. In: Malone, T.C., A. Malej, L.W. Harding, Jr., N. Smodlaka, and R.E. Turner, eds., Ecosystems at the LandSea Margin: Drainage Basin to Coastal Sea, Coastal and Estuarine Studies 55:81-129, American Geophysical Union. Roman, M. R. and W. C. Boicourt. 1999. Dispersion and recruitment of crab larvae in the Chesapeake Bay plume: physical and biological controls. Estuaries 22(3):563-574. Glenn, S. M., W.C. Boicourt, B. Parker, and T. D. Dickey. 2000. Operational Observation networks for ports, a large estuary, and an open shelf. Oceanography 13(1):12-23. Glenn, S. M., T. D. Dickey, B. Parker, and W.C. Boicourt. 2000. Long-term realtime coastal observation networks. Oceanography 13(1):14-34. Xu, J., S.-Y. Chao, R. R. Hood, H. V. Wang, and W. C. Boicourt (2001) Assimilating scanfish data into a model of a partially mixed estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research. Valle-Levinson, A., W.C. Boicourt, and M. R. Roman (2003) On the linkages among density, flow and bathymetry gradients at the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries 26(6):1437-1449. Roman, M.R, Zhang, X., McGilliard, C., and Boicourt, W. (2004) Seasonal and annual variability in the spatial patterns of plankton biomass in Chesapeake Bay. Limnol. Oceanogr. 50(2): 480-492. W.C. Boicourt (2004) Physical response of Chesapeake Bay to hurricanes moving to the wrong side: refining the forecasts. In press: Hurricane Isabel, W. Dennison and K. Sellner, eds. Curriculum Vitae DATE: September, 2004 NAME: Robert J. Chant, Ph.D. ADDRESS: Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences Rutgers University 71 Dudley Road New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 (732)-932-7120 chant@imcs.rutgers.edu CITIZENSHIP: USA Education State University of New York Buffalo State University of New York Stony Brook State University of New York Stony Brook POSTGRADUATE TRAINING: Rutgers University IMCS B. S. M. S. Ph.D. 1985 1991 1995 Electrical Engineering Marine Science Oceanography 1995-1998 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: 2002-present 1998-2002 2002-Present Assistant Professor, IMCS Rutgers University Assistant Research Professor, IMCS Rutgers University Assistant Professor, IMCS Rutgers University EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES: (ad hoc reviews) Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Estuaries Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science Environmental Science & Technology Journal of Continental Shelf Research Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Journal of Hydrologic Engineering Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering Journal of Oceanography (Japan) Journal of Physical Oceanography Limnology and Oceanography Marine Environmental Research Marine and Fresh Water Research Chant CV 1 of 2 SERVICE ON NATIONAL GRANT REVIEW: (ad hoc reviews) Illinois/Indiana Sea Grant Program Georgia Sea Grant Program North Carolina Sea Grant Program Maryland Sea Grant Program Delaware Sea Grant Program Maine Sea Grant Program Rhode Island Sea Grant National Science Foundation National Underwater Research Center National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration ECOHAB program SERVICE ON NATIONAL GRANT REVIEW PANELS: National Science Foundation Oceanography grant review panel. 2002. Selected Publications Chant, R.J., W.R. Geyer, R.H Houghton, E. Hunter and J. Lerzcak, “Tidal straining and tidally asymmetric mixing in an estuarine bottom boundary layer: observations with a dye tracer” To be submitted to the Journal of Physical Oceanography Mikkelsen, O.A., P.S. Hill, T.G. Milligan, R.J. Chant, Comparison of in situ floc sizes from LISST-100 laser and a digital floc camera. Journal of Coastal Research. Accepted. Lerczak, J., W.R. Geyer and R.J. Chant Mechanisms driving the time-dependent salt flux in a partially stratified estuary. Submitted to the Journal of Physical Oceanography November 2004. Geyer, W.R. and R.J. Chant, Physical processes in the Hudson River, in The Hudson River Ecosystem. Levinton, J. S., (ed.) Oxford University Press, in preparation for publication in 2004. Fugate, D.A. and R. J. Chant. Near bottom shear stresses in a small highly stratified estuary. In Press J. Geophys. Res. Glenn, S.M., R. Arnone, T. Bergman, P. Bissett, M. Crowley, J. Cullen, J. Gryzmski, D. Haidvogel, J. Kohut, M. Moline, R. Sherrell, T. Song, R. Chant, O. Schofield, In Press, The Biogeochemical Impact of Summertime Coastal Upwelling In the Mid-Atlantic Bight J. Geophys. Res. Moline, M. A., S. Blackwell, R. Chant, M. J. Oliver, T. Bergmann, S. lenn, and O. M. E. Schofield (2005), Episodic physical forcing and the structure of phytoplankton communities in the coastal waters of New Jersey, J. Geophys. Res., 110, C12S05, doi:10.1029/2003JC001985. Chant, R. J.; Glenn, Scott; Kohut, Josh 2004, Flow reversals during upwelling conditions on the New Jersey inner shelf J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, No. C12, C12S03. 10.1029/2003JC001941 13 November 2004 Kohut, J.T, S.M. Glenn and R.J. Chant, 2004 "Seasonal current variability on the New Jersey inner Shelf" Journal of Geophysical Research, 109: C07S07, doi 10.1029/2003JC001932, 2004 Chant, R. J. 2002. Secondary flows in a region of flow curvature: relationship with tidal forcing and river discharge. Journal of Geophysical Research. 10.1029/2001JC001082, 21 September. Chant, R. J. 2001. Tidal and subtidal motion in a multiple inlet/bay system. Journal of Coastal Research. Special issue 31:102-114b Chant, R. J. 2001. Evolution of near-inertial waves during an upwelling event on the New Jersey inner shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 31:746-764. Chant, R. J. and A. Stoner. 2001, Particle trapping in a stratified flood-dominated estuary. Journal of Marine Research. 59:29-51 Chant, R. J., C. Curran, K. Able, S. Glenn. 2000. Delivery of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) larvae to settlement habitats in coves near tidal inlets. Estuarine and coastal Shelf Science. 51:529-541. Munchow, A., and R. J. Chant. 2000. Kinematics of inner shelf motion during the summer stratified season off New Jersey. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 30:247-268. Chant, R. J. and R. E. Wilson. 2000. Internal hydraulics and mixing in a highly stratified estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research. 106:14215-14222. Chant, R. J. and R. E. Wilson. 1997. Secondary circulation in a highly stratified estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research. 102:23207-23216. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Dr. Scott C. Doney Associate Scientist Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry 360 Woods Hole Rd., MS 25 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 Phone: 508-289-3776 Fax: 508-457-2193 E-mail: sdoney@whoi.edu EDUCATION 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program, Ph.D. Chemical Oceanography 1986 Revelle College, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA B.A. Chemistry (magna cum laude), Japanese Studies Minor PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2002-present Associate Scientist, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Dept. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 1993-2002 Scientist, Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 1991-1993 Postdoctoral Fellow, Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL SERVICE US-JGOFS Scientific Steering Committee (1993-2003); Synthesis and Modeling Coordinator (1997-2005) WOCE, US Scientific Steering Committee (1997-2002) NCAR CCSM, Co-chair Biogeochemistry Working Group (1998-pres.); Steering Committee (2000-pres.) NSF Ocean Carbon Cycle Research (OCCR) planning group (2001-2003) NASA Ocean Color Science Team (1997-present) Editor, U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Special Issue, DSR II, 49, No. 1-3, 2002 and DSR II, 50, No. 2226, 2003. Associate Editor, Global Biogeochemical Cycles (2002-2004); Reviews of Geophysics, 1997-2001; Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, 2005-present US Carbon Cycle Science Program (2002-present) Science Steering Group; Chair, Ocean Working Group RESEARCH INTERESTS Marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics; large-scale ocean circulation and tracers; global carbon cycle AWARDS 2004 Aldo Leopold Leadership Program Fellow 2000 American Geophysical Union James B. Macelwane Medal and AGU Fellow 1990 American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Poster Award, Fall Meeting 1987-90 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship 1986 Urey Award, Department of Chemistry, University of California at San Diego Five Relevant Publications (from published total of 69) 1. Doney, S.C., 1999: Major challenges confronting marine biogeochemical modeling, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 13, 705-714. 2. Doney, S.C., D.M. Glover, and R.G. Najjar, 1996: A new coupled, one-dimensional biological--physical model for the upper ocean: applications to the JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) site. DeepSea Res. II, 43, 591-624. 3. Moore, J.K., S.C. Doney and K. Lindsay, 2004: Upper ocean ecosystem dynamics and iron cycling in a global 3-D model, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 18, 4, GB4028, 10.1029/2004GB002220. 4. Lima, I. and S.C. Doney, 2004: A three-dimensional, multi-nutrient, size-structured ecosystem model for the North Atlantic, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 18, GB3019, doi:10.1029/2003GB002146. Doney CV 1 of 2 5. Moore, J.K., S.C. Doney, J.A. Kleypas, D.M. Glover, and I.Y. Fung, 2002: An intermediate complexity marine ecosystem model for the global domain. Deep-Sea Res II., 49, 403-462. Five other publications 1. Doney, S.C., K. Lindsay, K. Caldeira, J.-M. Campin, H. Drange, J.-C. Dutay, M. Follows, Y. Gao, A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, A. Ishida, F. Joos, G. Madec, E. Maier-Reimer, J.C. Marshall, R.J. Matear, P. Monfray, A. Mouchet, R. Najjar, J.C. Orr, G.-K. Plattner, J. Sarmiento, R. Schlitzer, R. Slater, I.J. Totterdell, M.-F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka, A. Yool, 2004: Evaluating global ocean carbon models: the importance of realistic physics, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 18, GB3017, doi:10.1029/2003GB002150. 2. Large, W.G., J.C. McWilliams, and S.C. Doney, 1994: Oceanic vertical mixing: A review and a model with a nonlocal boundary layer parameterization. Rev. Geophys., 32, 363-403. 3. Moore, J.K., S.C. Doney, D.M. Glover, and I.Y. Fung, 2002: Iron cycling and nutrient limitation patterns in surface waters of the world ocean. Deep-Sea Res., II, 49, 463-507. 4. Doney, S.C., K. Lindsay, J.K. Moore, 2003: Global ocean carbon cycle modeling, Ocean Biogeochemistry: a JGOFS synthesis, ed. M. Fasham, Springer Verlag. 5. Doney, S.C., M.R. Abbott, J.J. Cullen, D.M. Karl, and L. Rothstein, 2004: From genes to ecosystems: the ocean’s new frontier, Frontiers Ecology Environ., 2, 457-466. Associations with Graduate Students Nan Rosenbloom, PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder, Geology (completed 6/97) Sarah Zedler, MS, University of California, Santa Barbara, Geography (completed 12/99) Camilla Geels, PhD, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Geophysics, (completed Spring 2002) Anette Hynes, Massachsetts Institue of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program Naomi Levine, Massachsetts Institue of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program Postdoctoral Scientists Supervised Dr. Julia Lee (1996-1997) Dr. Montse Fuentes (1998) Dr. Dierdre Toole (2003-2005) Dr. Ivan Lima (1999-2002) Dr. J. Keith Moore (1999-2002) Dr. Roger Dargaville (2000-2002) Dr. David Baker (2000-2002) Collaborators for Past 48 months (not including WHOI investigators) Dr. William Large (NCAR) Dr. Don Olson (U. Miami) Dr. Britt Stephens (NOAA/CMDL) Dr. Kitack Lee (NOAA/AOML) Dr. Chris Sabine (NOAA/PMEL) Dr. Hugh Ducklow (VIMS) Dr. Jim McWilliams (UCLA) Dr. David Schimel (NCAR) Dr. Tommy Dickey (UCSB) Dr. Wolfgang Roether (Bremen) Dr. Matt Maltrud (LLNL) Dr. Mark Abbott (OSU) Dr. John Bullister (NOAA/PMEL) Dr. Ralph Keeling (SIO) Dr. David Archer (U. Chicago) Dr. Taro Takahashi (LDEO) Dr. T-N. Peng (NOAA/AOML) Dr. Inez Fung (UCB) Dr. Doug Capone (USC) Dr. Anthony Michaels (USC) Dr. Jorge Sarmiento (Princeton) Dr. Jim Yoder (URI) Dr. David Karl (U. Hawaii) Dr. John Cullen (Dalhousie) Dr. Rana Fine (U. Miami) Dr. Ray Najjar (PSU) Dr. Rik Wanninkhof (NOAA/AOML) Dr. Richard Feely (NOAA/PMEL) Dr. Doug Wallace (Kiel) Dr. Jim Bishop (LBNL) Dr. Monste Fuentes (NCSU) Dr. David Siegel (UCSB) Dr. Rick Smith (LANL) Dr. Paul Falkowski (Rutgers) Dr. Lew Rothstien (URI) Dr. Nicholas Gruber (UCLA) PhD advisor: William Jenkins, WHOI; Post-doc advisors: William Large, NCAR and James B. McWilliams Synergistic Activities: Co-developer of new curriculum for University of Colorado NSF IGERT Carbon, Climate and Society (http://ccsi.colorado.edu/) Coordinator of U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project Development of carbon cycle components for the Community Climate System Model Guest editor of Deep-Sea Research II, Vol. 49, No 1-3, 2002 and Deep-Sea Res. II, 50, No. 22-26, 2003 Mentor for students in UCAR Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research (SOARS) program Fellow of Aldo Leopold Leadership Program (training program for environmental scientists on leadership, science-policy interactions, and science-media outreach) Earth and Sky radio network series on ocean carbon cycle, Nov. 2004 Doney CV 2 of 2 James Bearer Edson Associate Professor Department of Marine Science University of Connecticut, Avery Point 1080 Shennecossett Road Groton, Connecticut 06340 Tel: (860) 405-9165 Fax: (860) 405-9153 Email: james.edson@uconn.edu Professional Preparation B.S. (Physics), Dickinson College, 1984. Ph.D. (Meteorology), The Pennsylvania State University, 1989 Appointments 2005-Present Associate Professor, University of Connecticut 1999-2004 Associate Scientist with Tenure, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1995-1999 Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1991-1995 Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1989-1990 Visiting Scientist, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique, France 1986 Visiting Scientist, RISØ National Laboratory, Denmark, Publications Five Publications Most Closely Related to the Proposal are: Fairall, C. W., E. F. Bradley, J. E. Hare, A. A. Grachev, J. B. Edson, 2003. Bulk parameterization of air–sea fluxes: Updates and verification for the COARE algorithm, J. Climate, 16, 571–591. Lentz, S., K. Shearman, S. Anderson, A. Plueddemann, and J. Edson, 2003. Evolution of stratification over the New England shelf during the Coastal Mixing and Optics study, August 1996 - June 1997, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 1-14. Beardsley, R. C., S. J. Lentz, R. A. Weller, R. Limeburner, J. D. Irish, and J. B. Edson, 2003. Surface forcing on the southern flank of Georges Bank, February–August 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 108, C118007, doi:10.1029/2002JC001359. Austin, T., J. Edson, W. McGillis, M. Purcell, R. Petitt, M. McElroy, J. Ware, C. Grant, and S. Hurst, 2002. A network-based telemetry architecture developed for the Martha’s Vineyard coastal observatory, IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., 27, 228-234. Edson, J.B., A. A. Hinton, K. E. Prada, J.E. Hare, and C.W. Fairall, 1998. Direct covariance flux estimates from mobile platforms at sea, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 15, 547-562 Five Other Significant Publications: Edson, J. B., C. J. Zappa, J. A. Ware, W. R. McGillis, and J. E. Hare, 2004. Scalar flux profile relationships over the open ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C08S09, doi:10.1029/2003JC001960. Grachev, A. A., Fairall, C. W., Hare, J. E., Edson, J. B., Miller, S. D., 2003. Wind Stress Vector over Ocean Waves, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 2408–2429. McGillis, W. R., J. B. Edson, J. E. Hare, and C. W. Fairall, 2001. Direct covariance air-sea CO2 fluxes, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 16729-16745. Edson CV 1 of 2 Edson, J.B., and C.W. Fairall, 1998. Similarity relationships in the marine atmospheric surface layer for terms in the TKE and scalar variance budgets, J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 2311-2328. Mahrt, L., D. Vickers, J. Edson, J. Sun, J. Højstrup, J. Hare, and J.M. Wilczak, 1998. Heat flux in the coastal zone, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 86, 421-446. Synergistic Activities 1. The development of techniques to directly measure the heat, mass (e.g., moisture and CO2), and momentum fluxes over the ocean from a variety of platforms. These measurements are used in interdisciplinary investigations with a number of collaborators. 2. The development of the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory and involvement in workshops and other activities designed to take advantage of coastal observatories. 3. CoOP Steering Committee 2001- Present. 4. Chair of the Boundary Layers and Turbulence committee, American Meteorological Society, 1997-2000. 5. IPA Office of Naval Research, Ocean, Atmosphere, and Space S&T Department, Marine Meteorology Division, September 1998 - August 1999. Collaborators and Other Affiliations Collaborators and Co-Editors Steve Anderson (WHOI), Ed Andreas (CRREL), Tom Austin (WHOI), Robert Beardsley (WHOI), John Dacey, (WHOI), Mark Donelan (RSMAS), Will Drennan (RSMAS), Chris Fairall (NOAA/ETL), David Farmer (URI), Carl Friehe (UCI), Andrey Grachev (NOAA/ETL), Tetsu Hara (URI), Jeffrey Hare (NOAA/ETL), Tihomir Hristov (UM), Andrew Jessup (UW/APL), Steven Lentz (WHOI), Larry Marht (OSU), Wade McGillis (LDEO), Scott Miller (UCI), Al Plueddemann (WHOI), Mike Purcell (WHOI), Tim Stanton (NPS), Gene Terray (WHOI), Don Thompson (JHU/APL), John Trowbridge (WHOI), Peter Sullivan (NCAR), Jielun Sun (NCAR), Doug Vandemark (NASA), Rik Wanninkhof (NOAA/AOML), Robert Weller (WHOI), James Wilczak (NOAA/ETL), Chris Zappa (LDEO) Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors Chris Fairall (NOAA, Environmental Technologies Laboratory) Patrice Mestayer (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique) Thesis Advisor+ and Postgraduate-Scholar* Sponsor (last 5 years) * Sean McKenna (TASC), +Scott Miller (UCI), +Bill Shaw (WHOI/MIT), + Doug Vandemark (UNH), +Robert Crofoot (WHOI/MIT) Total students advised including the above: 9 Total postgraduate scholars advised include the above: 2 Jessica Lundquist, Summer Student Fellow, 1998. Research Topic: Momentum and drag coefficients during hurricane conditions. Keith Contre, Summer Student Fellow, North Carolina State, 1995. Research Topic: Direct measurements of air-sea CO2 fluxes. Edson CV 2 of 2 KATJA FENNEL Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences Rutgers University, 71 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Phone: 732 932 9709 Fax: 732 932 8578 Email: kfennel@imcs.rutgers.edu Home page: http://www.imcs.rutgers.edu/~kfennel A) PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION University of Rostock, Germany, Diploma, Numerical Mathematics, 1994 University of Rostock, Germany, Ph.D., Marine Biology, 1998 B) APPOINTMENTS Oct 2002 – present Sep 1999 – Sep 2002 Sep 1998 – Aug 1999 Assistant Research Professor, IMCS, Rutgers University Associate Researcher (post doc), COAS, Oregon State University Associate Researcher (post doc), Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany C1) FIVE RELATED PUBLICATIONS Fennel, K., J. Wilkin, J. Levin, J. Moisan, J. O’Reilly, D., Haidvogel, 2005. Nitrogen cycling in the Mid Atlantic Bight and implications for the North Atlantic nitrogen budget: Results from a three-dimensional model. (submitted to Global Biogeochemical Cycles) Fennel, K. and E. Boss. 2003. Subsurface maxima of phytoplankton and chlorophyll: Steady state solutions from a simple model. Limnology & Oceanography 48:1521-1534 Fennel, K., M.R. Abbott, Y.H. Spitz, J.G. Richman and D.M. Nelson. 2003. Modeling controls of phytoplankton production in the southwest Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. DeepSea Research II, 50:769-798. Fennel, K., M.R. Abbott, Y.H. Spitz, J.G. Richman and D.M. Nelson. 2003. Impacts of iron control on phytoplankton production in the modern and glacial Southern Ocean. DeepSea Research II, 50:833-851. Fennel, K. 2001. The generation of phytoplankton patchiness by mesoscale current patterns. Ocean Dynamics 52:58-70. C2) FIVE OTHER SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS Fennel, K., Y.H. Spitz, R.M. Letelier, M.R. Abbott and D.M. Karl. 2002. A deterministic model for N2 fixation at Station ALOHA in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II 49:149-174. Fennel, K., M. Losch, J. Schröter and M. Wenzel. 2001. Testing a marine ecosystem model: Sensitivity analysis and parameter optimization. Journal of Marine Systems 28:45-63. Fennel, K. 1999. Interannual and regional variability of chemical-biological variables in a coupled 3-D model of the western Baltic. Hydrobiologia 393:25-33. Fennel, K. 1999. Convection and the timing of phytoplankton spring blooms in the western Baltic Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 49:113-128. Fennel, K. and T. Neumann. 1998. A coupled physical-chemical-biological model for the western Baltic. In: Harff, J., W. Lemke and K. Stattegger (eds.) Computerized Modeling of Sedimentary Systems, Springer Berlin, p.169-181. D) SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES Manuscript reviewer for Progress in Oceanography, Journal of Marine Systems, Ocean Dynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research, Antarctic Science, Limnology and Oceanography, Deep-Sea Research I, Deep-Sea Research II Proposal reviewer for NOAA and NSF; Panel member for the DOE Carbon Cycle Program Fennel CV 1 of 2 Member of several scientific societies Volunteer tour guide for Rutgers’ Hutcheson Memorial Forrest E1) 4-YEAR COLLABORATORS (NON-RUTGERS) Mark Abbott (OSU), Emmanuel Boss (U of Maine), Robert Collier (OSU), Enrique Curchitser (LDEO), Eric D’Asaro (UW), Mick Follows (MIT), Eileen Hofman (ODU), David Karl (U of Hawaii), Gary Larson (USGS), Craig Lee (UW), Ricardo Letelier (OSU), Martin Losch (AWI), David Nelson (OSU), Mary Jane Perry (U of Maine), Jim Richman (OSU), Lew Rothstein (URI), Jens Schröter (AWI), Yvette Spitz (OSU), Pete Strutton (OSU), Manfred Wenzel (AWI) E2) GRADUATE AND POST-DOCTORAL ADVISORS Bodo von Bodungen, graduate advisor (IOW, Germany) Jens Schröter, postgraduate advisor (AWI, Germany) Mark Abbott, postgraduate advisor (OSU) Fennel CV 2 of 2 Scott M. Gallager Associate Scientist with tenure Department of Biology Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Birth: 20 September 1952 Clearance: Secret Ph.D., Boston University, January, 1992. (Biology) Dissertation Title: Feeding and Locomotion in Larvae of Marine Bivalve Molluscs M.S., Long Island University, Department of Marine Science (Marine Science), 1977 B.A., Alfred University, Alfred, NY (Biology [pre-med] and Environmental Studies), 1974 Associate Scientist with tenure, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2001-present. Associate Scientist, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1996-2001. Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, 1996. Assistant Scientist, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-1996. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Biology Department, Dalhousie University, 1991-1993. Research Specialist, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1989-1992. Research Associate, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1980-1989. Instructor, Aquatic Veterinary Medicine, Marine Biological Lab., Nutrition in Mollusc Larvae, 1986-1995. Research Assistant, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1979-1980. Research Assistant, Harvard University, 1977-1979. Consultant, Columbia University, 1977-1978. Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Long Island University, 1976-1977. Instructor, General Biology, St. John's University, New York, 1974-1976, Undergraduate Assistant, Limnology, College Center of the Finger Lakes, 1972-1974. More than 130 publications in scientific journals Five Publications Pertinent to this Proposal Gallager, SM. H Yamazaki, CS Davis. 2004. The contribution of fine scale structure and swimming behavior to the formation of plankton layers on Georges Bank Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series. 267:27-43 Tiwari, S and SM Gallager. 2003. Optimizing multiscale invariants for the identification of bivalve larvae.Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, September 14--17, 2003 Tiwari, S. and SM Gallager. 2003 Machine learning and multiscale methods in the identification of bivalve larvae. Proc. 9th International Conference on Computer Vision, Beijing, China. Gallager, SM, CS Davis, AW Epstein, A Solow and R. Beardsley. 1996 High-resolution observations of plankton distributions correlated with hydrography in the Great South Channel, Georges Bank. Deep Sea Research (Part 2, Topical Studies in Oceanography) 43(7-8): 16271664. Ashjian, CJ, CS Davis, SM Gallager, PA Alatalo. 2001 Distribution of plankton, particles, and Gallager CV 1 of 2 hydrographic features across Georges Bank described using the Video Plankton Recorder. Deep Sea Res II 48:245-282 Five Other Significant Publications Kendra L. Daly, Robert H. Byrne, Andrew G. Dickson, Scott M. Gallager, Mary Jane Perry, and Margaret K. Tivey. Chemical and Biological Sensors for Time-Series Research: Current Status and New Directions. Marine Technology Society. 38(2):121-143 Gallager, S.M. JL Manuel, DA Manning and R. O'Dor. 1996 Ontogenetic changes in the vertical distribution of scallop larvae Placopecten megellanicus in 9 m-deep mesocosms as a function of light, food, and temperature stratification. Mar Biol 124:679-692 Tang X, Stewart K, Vincent L, Huang H, Marra M, Gallager SM, Davis CS. Automatic plankton image recognition. Artificial Intelligence Review 12(1-3): 177-199 Gallager, S.M. Hydrodynamic disturbances produced by small zooplankton: a case study for veliger larvae of bivalve molluscs. J. Plankton Res. 15(10):1-20 Davis, C., S.M. Gallager and A. Solow. 1992. Microaggregations of oceanic plankton observed by towed video microscopy. Science 257: 230-232. Synergistic Activities: S. Gallager’s research focuses on the functional morphology and biophysics of locomotion and feeding in microplankton, meroplankton, holoplankton, and icthyoplankton including understanding the importance of early life history stages in recruitment success in fishes, and optimizing culture techniques of microbial communities, particularly microplankton. Development of instrumentation for quantifying the micro-scale to meso-scale distributions and the physical environment of plankton is central to his research objectives. Gallager has co-chaired various workshops on instrument development and most recently the workshop on The Next Generation of Biological and Chemical Sensors in Oceanography held at WHOI July, 2003. He is an active participant in the ORION initiative to develop oceanographic observatories throughout the world ocean and has recently been funded to install a cabled observatory off Palmer Station, Antarctica. Associates and Collaborators in the Last Five Years: C. Ashjian (WHOI), B. Beardsley (WHOI), C Davis (WHOI), P Wiebe (WHOI), L Madin (WHOI), W. McGillis (WHOI), A. Bradley (WHOI), H Yamazaki (Tokyo University of Fisheries). Graduate Advisors: Ivan Valiela, JR Strickler (BUMP) Graduate Students Advised in the Last Five Years: James Ruzkia (WHOI/MIT), Heidi Fuchs (WHOI/MIT), Lisa Gardner (WHOI/MIT) Gallager CV 2 of 2 SCOTT M. GLENN Coastal Ocean Observation Lab, Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (TEL) 732.932.6555, x. 506 (FAX) 732.932.8578 glenn@marine.rutgers.edu · http://www.marine.rutgers.edu/cool A. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION • University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, B.S. with High Honors, Geomechanics, 1978 • MIT/WHOI Joint Program, Cambridge & Woods Hole, Sc.D., Ocean Engineering, 1983 B. APPOINTMENTS • Adjunct Scientist, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida, 2001-Present. • Vice-Chair, Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, 1999-Present. • Professor, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1998-Present. • Associate Professor, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1990-1998. • Project Scientist, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986-1990. • Research Engineer, Shell Development Company, Houston, Texas, 1983-1986. C. PUBLICATIONS (5 RELATED, 5 OTHER*) 1) Glenn S., et al. (2004), Biogeochemical impact of summertime coastal upwelling on the New Jersey Shelf, J.Geophy. Res, 109, C12S02, doi:10.1029/2003JC002265. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2004.../2003JC002265.shtml 2) Schofield O., S. Glenn (2004), Introduction to special section: Coastal Ocean Observatories, J.Geophy. Res, 109, C12S01, doi:10.1029/2004JC002577. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2004.../2004JC002577.shtml 3) Paduan, J.D., P.M. Kosro and S.M. Glenn (2004) A National Coastal Ocean Surface Current Mapping System for the United States, Marine Technology Society, 38(2), 76-82. 4) Glenn, S.M., et al (2004) The expanding role of ocean color and optics in the changing field of operational oceanography, Oceanography, 17: 86-95. 5) Glenn, S.M. and O.M.E. Schofield (2004) Observing the oceans from the COOLroom: Our history, experience, and opinions, Oceanography, 16(4), 37-52. 6) Oliver, M.J., S. Glenn, J.T. Kohut, A.J. Irwin, O.M. Schofield, M.A. Moline, and W.P. Bisset (2004), Bioinformatic Approaches for Objective Detection of Water Masses on Continental Shelves. J.Geophy. Res, 109, C07S04, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002072. http://www.agu.org/journals/ss/COCOB1/ 7) Kohut, J., S.M. Glenn, and R. Chant (2004) Seasonal Current Variability on the New Jersey Inner Shelf. J.Geophy. Res 109, C07S07, doi: 10.1029/2003JC001963. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2004.../2003JC001963.shtml 8) Chant, R., S. Glenn, and J. Kohut (2004), Flow reversals during upwelling conditions on the New Jersey inner shelf, J.Geophy. Res, 109, C12S05, doi: 10.1029/2003JC001941. http://www.agu.org/journals/ss/COCOB1/ 9) Moline M. A., S. M. Blackwell, R. Chant, M. J. Oliver, T. Bergmann, S. Glenn, O. M. E. Schofield (2004), Episodic physical forcing and the structure of phytoplankton communities in the coastal waters of New Jersey, J.Geophy. Res., 109, C12S05, doi:10.1029/2003JC001985. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2004/2003JC001985.shtml 10) Durski, S. M., S. M. Glenn, and D. B. Haidvogel (2004), Vertical mixing schemes in the coastal ocean: Comparison of the level 2.5 Mellor-Yamada scheme with an enhanced version of the K profile parameterization, J.. Geophys. Res., 109, C01015, doi:10.1029/2002JC001702. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2004.../2002JC001702.shtml D. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES 2004-Pres Co-PI, Middle Atlantic Regional Association (MARA), Ocean.US National Federation Glenn CV 1 of 2 2003-Pres Director, Rutgers Masters in Operational Oceanography Education Program 2003-Pres Steering Committee, Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) Center for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE) 2003-Pres Steering Committee, National HF Radar Network, Ocean.US 2004-Pres RFP Oversight Committee for the NEPTUNE RCO Stage I (Northern Loop) E. COLLABORATORS & OTHER AFFILIATIONS (LAST 48 MONTHS): K. Able (Rutgers), H.Arango (Rutgers), B. Arnone (NRL), R. Avissar (Duke), D. Barrick (CODAR), H. Barrier (Rutgers), K. BenoitBird (Oregon), T. Berger (SAIC), T. Bergmann (U. Maine), P. Bissett (FERI), S. Blackwell (CalPoly),A. Blumberg (Stevens), W. Boicourt (U. MD), P. Bogden (GoMOOS), J. Bosch (Rutgers), E. Boss (U. Maine), L. Bowers (Rutgers), T. Bowers (NRL), P. Burke (Stevens), W. Browning (Applied Mathematics Inc), M. Bruno (Stevens), B. Butman (USGS), T. Campbell (Webb Research), J. Case (UCSB), G. Chang (UCSB), B. Chant (Rutgers), B. Chen (UMass), J. Churchill (WHOI), A. Cope (NWS), P. Cornillon (URI), B. Cowen (RSMAS), E. Creed (Rutgers), M. Crowley (SeaSpace), J. Cullen (WHOI), C. Curran, M. Dermarest, M. DeLuca (Rutgers), T. Dickey (UCSB), J. Dighton (Rutgers), P. Dragos (Battelle), R. Dunk (Rutgers), S. Durski (Oregon State), J. Erwin (CODAR), K. Fennel (Rutgers), J. Fracassi (Rutgers), T. Frazer (U. Florida), B. Fullerton (Stevens), R. Geyer (WHOI), F. Grassle (Rutgers), G. Griffiths (Southampton University), T. Gross (NOAA), J. Gryzmski (Rockerfeller U.), D. Haidvogel (Rutgers), C. Haldeman (Rutgers), J. Hamrick, J. Hare (NOAA), C. Harris (VIMS), K. Hedstrom (U. Alaska), T. Herrington (Sea Grant), C. Herron (MBARI), J. Hillier (Mote), D. Hires (Stevens), B. Houghton (Lamont), E. Hunter (Rutgers), D. Iglesias-Rodriguez (U. Nottingham), A. Irwin (CUNY), C. Jones (Webb Research), A. Kahl (Rutgers), W. Kasch (JHU/APL), T. Keen (NRL), J. Kerfoot (Rutgers), L. Kerkhoff (Rutgers), G. Kirkpatrick (Mote Marine Lab), J. Kohut (Rutgers), P.M. Kosro (Oregon State), P. Lermusiaux (Harvard), S. Lichtenwalner (U. South Florida), P. Lilleboe (CODAR Ocean Sensors), B. Lipa (CODAR Ocean Sensors), J. McDonnell (Rutgers), W. Miller, C. Mobley (Sequoia Scientific), M. Moline (CalPoly), C. Mudgal (Rutgers), R. Nichols (JHU/APL), J. O’Donnell (UConn), M. Oliver (Rutgers),L. Oman, C. Orrico (UCSB), J. Paduan (Naval PG School), H. Pan (Rutgers), B. Parker (NOAA), A. Pence, E. Peters, A. Pluddeman (WHOI), K. Prasad (SeaSpace), D. Porter (JHU/APL), M. Purcell (WHOI),K. Rankin (Bigelow), J. Reinfelder (Rutgers), H. Roarty (Rutgers), E. Romana (Rutgers), O. Schofield (Rutgers), R. Sherrell (Rutgers), C. Sherwood (USGS), P. Shrestha, R. Signell (USGS), T. Song (JPL), R. Styles (U. South Carolina), C. Teague (CODAR), S. Thomas (DHS), C. Thoroughgood (U. Del.), S. Tozzi (VIMS), J. Trowbridge (WHOI), M. Twardowski (URI), C.s von Alt (WHOI), D. Webb (Webb Research), A. Weidemann (NRL), J. Wiggins (Princeton), J. Wilkin (Rutgers), P. Zhang (Rutgers), M. Zuo (UMass). Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors: William D. Grant (WHOI, deceased) Graduate advisor, no Postdoctoral Advisor. Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: Students – Mike Crowley (SeaSpace, Inc.), Hoyle Lee (Columbia), Richard Styles (U. South Carolina), Scott Durski (Oregon State), Josh Kohut (Rutgers), Louis Bowers (Rutgers), Donglai Gong (Rutgers). Post-docs – Timothy Keen, Anna Matteoda, Robert Chant, Richard Styles. Honors and Awards: 1996 Special Edition of The Bulletin, New Jersey Academy of Science, dedicated to Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Atmosphere Course taught with Jim Miller demonstrating active learning concepts in the college science classroom. 1997 Named a teaching Fellow (1 of 7 University-wide) by the Rutgers Teaching Excellence Center. 2000 Recipient of the First Rutgers University Scholar-Teacher Award from Rutgers President Francis Lawrence. http://marine.rutgers.edu/cool.news/scottaward.htm 2002 State of New Jersey Assembly Resolution No. 209, Commending Rutgers University (R.U.) Coastal Ocean Observation Lab (COOL) for its Research & Education Outreach Programs. http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2002/Bills/AR/209_R1.HTM 2005 One of approximately 20 nominees to be invited to submit a full proposal to the NSF Director’s Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars Program. Glenn CV 2 of 2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Alfred K. Hanson Professor in Residence Graduate School of Oceanography University of Rhode Island Narragansett Bay Campus Narragansett, RI 02882 Education University of Hartford, B.S. Chemistry, 1971 University of Connecticut, M.S. Organic Chemistry, 1974 University of Rhode Island, Ph.D. Chemical Oceanography, 1981 Appointments 2005-Present Professor in Residence, GSO-URI 1996-Present: President, SubChem Systems, Inc. Jamestown, RI 1994-Present: Assistant Marine Research Scientist, GSO-URI 1992-Present: Adjunct Professor of Oceanography, GSO-URI 1990-94: Assistant Marine Scientist, GSO-URI 1984-86: Assistant Marine Scientist, GSO-URI 1982-1984: Marine Research Associate III, GSO-URI 1974-1979: Chief Chemist, Newmont Mining Corporation, Danbury, CT. Five Related Publications Hanson, A.K., N.W. Tindale and M.A.R. Abdel-Moati, 2001. An Equatorial Pacific Rain Event: influence on the distribution of iron and hydrogen peroxide in surface waters. Marine Chemistry, 75:69-88. Hanson, A.K. and P.L. Donaghay. 1998. Micro- to Fine-Scale Chemical Gradients and Layers in Stratified Coastal Waters. Oceanography, 11(1):10-17. O'Sullivan, D.W., A.K. Hanson, Jr. and D.R. Kester. 1997. The distribution and redox chemistry of iron in the Pettaquamscutt Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 45:769-788. O'Sullivan, D.W., A.K. Hanson, Jr. and D.R. Kester. 1995. Stopped Flow Luminol Chemiluminescence Determination of Fe(II) and Reducible Iron in Seawater at Subnanomolar Levels. Marine Chemistry, 149(1) 65-77. O'Sullivan, D., A.K. Hanson, Jr., W. Miller and D.R. Kester. 1991. Measurement of Fe(II) in Equatorial Pacific Surface Seawater. Limnology and Oceanography, 36(8):1727-1741. Five Other Publications Donaghay, P.L., P.S. Liss, R.A. Duce, D.R. Kester, A.K. Hanson, Jr., T. Villareal, N. Tindale and D.J. Gifford. 1991. The role of episodic atmospheric nutrient inputs in the chemical and biological dynamics of oceanic ecosystems. Oceanography, 4(2): 62-70. Hanson, A.K., Jr., C. M. Sakamoto-Arnold, D. L. Huizenga and D. R. Kester. 1988. Copper complexation in Sargasso Sea and Gulf Stream warm-core rings. Marine Chemistry, 23:181-203. Sakamoto-Arnold, C. M., A. K. Hanson, D. L. Huizenga and D. R. Kester. 1987. "Spatial and temporal variability of cadmium in Gulf Stream warm core rings and associated waters", Journal of Marine Research, 45:201-230. Sunda, W. G. and A. K. Hanson. 1987. "Measurement of free cupric ion concentration in seawater by a ligand competition technique involving copper sorption onto C18 SEP-PAK cartridges." Limnology & Oceanography, 32(3):537-551. Hanson, A CV 1 of 2 Hanson, A. K., Jr. and J. G. Quinn. 1983.”The distribution of dissolved and organically complexed copper and nickel in the Middle Atlantic Bight." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40 (Suppl. 2): 151-161. Synergistic Activities Dr. Hanson has over 20 years of experience as a chemical oceanographer and inventor of oceanographic instrumentation. This experience has encompassed activities within both academia and the private sector. Dr. Hanson holds a research scientist position at the URI Graduate School of Oceanography and is also the founder and president of SubChem Systems, Inc. The focus of his professional activities for the past few years has primarily involved the development and technology transfer of a new class of submersible chemical analyzers for water quality monitoring in coastal waters. SubChem Systems close working relationship with the URI Graduate School of Oceanography and Department of Ocean Engineering has demonstrated that innovative university research partnerships can benefit students, the University and local industry. Dr. Hanson’s recent academic research activities have involved NAVY funded investigations of chemical plume dynamics and the association of steep nutrient gradients with thin plankton layers in coastal waters. He is presently collaborating with other URI researchers on the deployment of autonomous profiling nutrient analyzers on ORCAS bottom-up profilers and on a NOAA-CICEET project for the rapid detection of microbial indicators. He is also PI on a NAVY funded project to develop specialized sensor payload for detecting weapons of mass destruction using autonomous underwater vehicles. Research Collaborators within Last 48 Months Margaret McMannus (UH), Percy Donaghay (URI-GSO), Richard Greene (EBA-GED), John King (URIGSO), Casey Moore (WET Labs, Inc.), David Smith (GSO-URI), James Sullivan (GSO-URI), Ronald Zaneveld (WET Labs, Inc.), Tommy Dickey (UCSB), Grace Chang (UCSB), Dave Karl (UH), Heidi Sosik (WHOI), John Trowbridge (WHOI), Steven Lentz (WHOI), Oscar Schofield (Rutgers), Scott Glenn (Rutgers), Van Holliday, (BAES), James Bonner (TAMU) Graduate and Postgraduate Advisors Dana Kester, University of Rhode Island, Postdoctoral Advisor James Quinn, University of Rhode Island, Ph.D. Advisor Thomas Sharp, University of Connecticut, M.S. Advisor Graduate Students and Postdocs Over Last 5 Years Jennifer Prentice (NAVAIR, MD); Elena Martin (Environmental Writer, AZ) Peter Obuchowski (Ocean Engineer) Richard Sweetman (in progress) Peter Egli (in progress) Heather Saffert (in progress) Steven DaSilva (in progress) Peter Egli (in progress) Hanson, A CV 2 of 2 Brief Curriculum Vitae Jeffrey L. Hanson, Ph.D. Research Oceanographer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility 1261 Duck Road Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-416-6840; Email: Jeffrey.L.Hanson@erdc.usace.army.mil Education: B.S. Ocean Engineering Technology, Florida Institute of Technology 1981; M.S. Physical Oceanography, University of South Florida, 1985; Ph.D. Physical Oceanography, Johns Hopkins University, 1997. Summary: Dr. Hanson is a Principal Investigator for basic and applied research in the fields of air-sea interaction and upper ocean processes with special emphasis on the dynamics of coastal and deep-water surface waves. He has conducted extensive research into wave growth and evolution, which has resulted in the development of new state-of-the-art tools for (1) isolating and tracking wind sea and swell systems from 2D wave spectra, (2) wave data assimilation and (3) performing wave model diagnostics at the wave system level. Application of these techniques to Atlantic Ocean wave fields has resulted in new insights into the tropical storm season wave climatology. Furthermore, investigations of WAM wave model performance in the Pacific have yielded diagnostics information used to recommend specific source term improvements for increasing model accuracy. Dr. Hanson has held leadership positions in numerous oceanographic field experiments and has an extensive record of scientific collaborations between US and foreign governments, academia and private industry. Work Experience: • 2003 - Present • 2001 - 2003 • 1985 - 2003 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Research Oceanographer The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Chief Scientist, ONR Littoral Warfare Advanced Development Program The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Physical Oceanographer (Principal Professional Staff since 1998) Selected Publications Have more than 75 significant communications (book, refereed journal articles, proceedings, technical reports and published abstracts). A few selected publications follow: Hanson, J.L. and O.M. Phillips, Automated analysis of ocean surface directional wave spectra, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 18, 277-293, 2001. Arvelo, J.I. and J.L. Hanson, A science team for the Littoral Warfare Advanced Development sea test program, JHU APL Tech. Digest, 23(4), 436-442, 2002. Hanson, J.L. and O.M. Phillips, Wind sea growth and dissipation in the open ocean, J. Phys. Oceanog., 29, 1633-1648, 1999. Hanson, J.L., Winds, waves, and bubbles at the air-sea boundary, JHU APL Tech. Digest, 14(3), 200-208, 1993. Hanson, J.L., At-sea environmental analysis – valuable tool for oceanographic R&D, Sea Technology, 1016, February 1990. Hanson, J CV 1 of 1 Ruoying He Assistant Scientist Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Date of Birth: Education: 1996 1998 2002 phone: 508-289-3671 fax: 508-547-2194 email: rhe@whoi.edu March 25, 1975 B.S., Oceanography, Ocean University of Qingdao M.S. study, Physical Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Ph.D., Physical Oceanography, University of South Florida Professional Experience: 2004-present Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 2003-2004 Postdoctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 2002-2003 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of South Florida 1998-2002 Research Assistant, University of South Florida 1996-1998 Research Assistant, Institute of Oceanography, CAS Honors and Awards: 1999 Getting Research Fellowship 2000 Garrels Research Fellowship 2001 Knight Research Fellowship 2002 NSF Young Scientist Travel Award 2003 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Scholarship Research Interests: Coastal Oceanography; Biophysical Interaction; Air/Sea Interaction; Numerical modeling and data assimilation; Operational Oceanography Ph.D. Major Advisor: Robert H. Weisberg, University of South Florida Postdoctoral Advisors: Robert C. Beardsley, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Dennis J. McGillicuddy, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Long-term Collaborators (within last four years): R. Beardsley (WHOI), B. Blanton (UNC), I. Bang (UM), K. Carder (USF), D. Lynch (Dartmouth College), J. Manning (NMFS), D. McGillicuddy (WHOI), C. Mooers (UM), H. Seim (UNC), K. Smith (Dartmouth College), J. Walsh (USF), R. Weisberg (USF), F. Werner (UNC). Synergistic Activities: Contributing to the continuing development of US southeast Atlantic coastal ocean observing system to support the monitoring and predicting of the coastal ocean environment. Working with a team of scientists to develop and test a data assimilative modeling tool to better understand harmful algal blooms (red tides) and other material property transports in the Gulf of Maine. He CV 1 of 2 Five Publications Most Relevant to Proposal: 1. He, R., Y. Liu and R. H. Weisberg (2004), Coastal ocean wind fields gauged against the performance of an ocean circulation model. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31, 14, 14303, doi:10.1029/2003GL019261 2. He, R., R. H. Weisberg (2003), A Case Study of the Loop Current Intrusion on the West Florida Shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 33, 2, 465-477 3. He, R., and R.H. Weisberg (2003), West Florida Shelf Circulation and Temperature Budget for 1998 Fall Transition. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 23, 8, 777-800 4. He, R., R. H. Weisberg, H. Zhang, F. E. Muller-Karger, and R.W. Helber (2003), A cloud-free satellite-derived, sea surface temperature analysis for the west Florida shelf. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, 15, 1811, doi:10.1029/2003GL017673 5. He, R., R. H. Weisberg (2002), Tides on the West Florida Shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 32, 12, 3455-3473 Five Other Significant Publications: 1. Weisberg, R. H., R. He, G. Kirkpatrick, F. Muller-Karger, J. J. Walsh (2004), Coastal Ocean Circulation influences on remotely sensed optical properties. Oceanography, 17, 68-75 2. Weisberg, R. H. and R. He (2003), Local and deep-ocean forcing contributions to anomalous water properties on the West Florida Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, 6, 3184, doi:10.1029/2002JC001407 3. Walsh, J.J., R.H. Weisberg, D.A. Dieterle, R. He, and others (2003), The Phytoplankton Response to Intrusions of Slope Water on the West Florida Shelf: models and Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, 6, 3190, doi:10.1029/2002JC001406 4. Jolliff, J., J. J. Walsh, R. He and R. H. Weisberg and others (2003), The Dispersal of the Suwannee River Plume over the West Florida Continental Shelf: Simulation and Observation of a “ Flushing” Event. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, 13, 1709, doi:10.1029/2003GL01 5. He, R., R. H. Weisberg (2002), West Florida Shelf Circulation and Heat Budget for 1999 Spring Transition. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 22, 5, 719-748 He CV 2 of 2 Steven J. Lentz Department of Physical Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Tel: 508-289-2808; Fax: 508-457-4181 Email: slentz@whoi.edu B.A., University of California, San Diego, 1977 (Mathematics); B.A., University of California, San Diego, 1977 (Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science); Ph.D., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1984. Senior Scientist, 2000−present; Associate Scientist, 1991−2000, tenure awarded, 1995; Assistant Scientist, 1987−1991; Visiting Investigator, 1985−1987; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Research Assistant, 1984−1985; Graduate Research Assistant, 1978−1984; Center for Coastal Studies, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. Relevant and/or Significant Publications Lentz, S., and J. Trowbridge, 2001. A dynamical description of fall and winter mean current profiles over the northern California Shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31(4), 914− 931. Lentz, S. J., 2001. The influence of stratification on the wind-driven cross-shelf circulation over the North Carolina shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31(9), 2749−2760. Lentz, Steven J., and Karl R. Helfrich, 2002. Buoyant gravity currents along a sloping bottom in a rotating fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 464, 251−278. Lentz, S., K Shearman, S. Anderson, A. Plueddemann, and J. Edson, 2003. The evolution of stratification over the New England shelf during the Coastal Mixing and Optics study, August 1996−June 1997. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(C1), 3008, doi:10.1029/ 2001JC001121. Lentz, Steven J., Steve Elgar and R. T. Guza, 2003. Observations of the flow field near the nose of a buoyant coastal current. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33, 933−943. Shearman, R. K. and S. J. Lentz, 2003. Dynamics of mean and subtidal flow on the New England shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(C8), 3281, doi:10.1029/2002JC001417. Lentz, Steven J., 2003. A climatology of salty intrusions over the continental shelf from Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(C10), 3326, doi:10.1029/ 2003JC001859. Lentz, S. J., R. C. Beardsley, J. D. Irish, J. Manning, P. C. Smith, and R. A. Weller. 2003. Temperature and salt balances on Georges Bank February−August 1995. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(C11), doi:10.1029/2001JC001220. Lentz CV 1 of 2 Lentz, Steven J. and David C. Chapman. The importance of non-linear cross-shelf momentum flux during wind-driven coastal upwelling. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34, 24442457. Lentz, S. J. The response of buoyant coastal plumes to upwelling-favorable winds. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34(11), 2458-2469. Synergistic Activities: My research focuses on a better understanding of physical processes that impact a variety of important interdisciplinary problems, including coastal upwelling, groundfish survival on Georges Bank, larval transport, and sediment transport. I collect oceanic and meteorological data, which is processed, documented in data reports, archived and made available to the general scientific community and students. R. Beardsley, R. Pawlowicz, and I have developed and made available to the oceanographic community Matlab based software that allows easy analysis of the tides and air−sea fluxes. I am active in the MIT/WHOI education program. I have also served on numerous Ph.D. thesis committees both within the MIT/WHOI program and at other institutions. I have also been principal advisor to three students who completed their doctoral degrees. Collaborators within last four years: S. Anderson, J. Austin, R. Beardsley, K. Brink, M. Carr, D. Chapman, J. Dean, E. Dever, J. Edson, S. Elgar, F. Fedderson, E. Garland, W. Geyer, H. Graber, R. Guza, B. Haus, K. Helfrich, T. Herbers, D. Hebert, J. Irish, J. Largier, R. Limeburner, J. Manning, N. Oakey, R. Pawlowicz, A. Plueddemann, B. Raubenheimer, S. Rennie, A. Shanks, L. Shay, R.K. Shearman, P. Smith, J. Trowbridge, R. Weller, S. Werner, A. Williams, and D. Wright, C. Zimmer. Graduate Advisor: C. Winant, Scripps Ph.D. Students Advised: E. Dever, J. Austin, M. Bowen Post-Docs Supervised: R. K. Shearman Lentz CV 2 of 2 Dennis Joseph McGillicuddy, Jr. Associate Scientist Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 phone: 508-289-2683 fax: 508-547-2194 email: dmcgillicuddy@whoi.edu citizenship: United States Education: 1987 B.A., cum laude, Engineering Sciences, Harvard College. 1989 M.S., Applied Physics, Harvard University. 1993 Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University. Professional Experience: 1987-1990 Graduate Fellowship, Office of Naval Research. 1989 Visiting Scientist, Institut Für Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany. 1990-1993 Research Assistant, Harvard University. 1993-1995 Modeling Fellowship, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. 1993-1995 Postdoctoral Scholarship, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 1995-1999 Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 1999-Present Associate Scientist (tenure in 2003), Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Honors and Awards: 1987 Office of Naval Research Graduate Fellowship 1993 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Scholarship 1993 UCAR Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ocean Modeling 1998 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award 2000 Lindeman Award, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Research Interests: Influence of physical forcing on planktonic ecosystems and elemental cycling; mesoscale ocean dynamics; primary production; coastal circulation; zooplankton population dynamics; harmful algal blooms; numerical modeling and data assimilation. Professional Affiliations: Member, American Geophysical Union. Member, American Meteorological Society. Member, The Oceanography Society. Member, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Ph.D. Advisors: Allan R. Robinson, Harvard University. James J. McCarthy, Harvard University. Postdoctoral Advisor: Kenneth H. Brink, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Synergistic Activities • Development and presentation of a public outreach lecture "Oases in the Oceanic Desert: Turbulent Storms in the Sea and their Impact on Biological Productivity." • Participation in numerous national committees and working groups. • Guest lectures in undergraduate and graduate level courses in ocean science. • Developed a general computational tool for inversion of the two-dimensional advection-diffusion reaction equation ("Scotia 1.0"). McGillicuddy - 1 of 2 Long-term Associates and Collaborators (within last four years): Donald Anderson (WHOI), Carin Ashjian (WHOI), Nicholas Bates (BBSR), P. Bissett (FERI), B. Blanton (UNC), Ann Bucklin (UNH), Ken Buesseler (WHOI), Cabell Davis (WHOI), Scott Doney (WHOI), Edward Durbin (URI), Paul Falkowski (Rutgers) Charles Flagg (BNL), Glenn Flierl (MIT), Scott Gallager (WHOI), Veronique Garcon (CNRS), Wendy Gentleman (Dalhousie), Joel Goldman (UCSC), Maria Guarnieri (UNH), Steven Haddock (MBARI), Charles Hannah (DFO), Dennis Hansell (U. Miami/RSMAS), Robert Hetland (TAMU), R. Hill (UNH), J. Ip (Dartmouth), William Jenkins (WHOI), James Ledwell (WHOI), C. Lewis (UC Berkeley), Richard Lough (NMFS) Richard Luettich (UNC), Daniel Lynch (Dartmouth), Mathew Maltrud (LANL), James Manning (NMFS), Christopher Naimie (Dartmouth), Andreas Oschlies (IFM Kiel), Jeffrey Paduan (NPS), John Quinlan (Rutgers), Lewis Rothstein (URI), Jeffrey Runge (UNH), John Ryan (MBARI), Igor Shulman (USM), David Siegel (UCSB), Rich Signell (USGS), Heidi Sosik (WHOI), David Townsend (U. Maine), Leonard Walstad (Horn Pt Env. Lab), J. Waniek (IFM Kiel), Peter Wiebe (WHOI), Francisco Werner (UNC), James A. Yoder (URI) Publications Most Relevant to Proposal: 1. McGillicuddy, D.J., Lynch, D.R., Moore, A.M., Gentleman, W.C., Davis, C.S., and C.J. Meise, 1998. An adjoint data assimilation approach to diagnosis of physical and biological controls on Pseudocalanus spp. in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank region. Fisheries Oceanography, 7(3/4), 205-218. 2. McGillicuddy, D.J., Lynch, D.R., Wiebe, P., Runge, J., Durbin, E.G., Gentleman, W.C., and C.S. Davis, 2001. Evaluating the synopticity of the U.S. Globec Georges Bank Broad-scale sampling pattern with Observational System Simulation Experiments. Deep-Sea Research II, 48, 483-499. 3. Flierl, G.R. and D.J. McGillicuddy, 2002. Mesoscale and submesoscale physical-biological interactions. In: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Sea, A.R. Robinson, J.J. McCarthy and B.J. Rothschild, eds. The Sea, Volume 12. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 113-185. 4. McGillicuddy, D.J. and A. Bucklin, 2002. Intermingling of two Pseudocalanus species on Georges Bank. Journal of Marine Research, 60, 583-604. 5. McGillicuddy, D.J., Signell, R.P., Stock, C.A., Keafer, B.A., Keller, M.D., Hetland, R.D. and D.M. Anderson, 2003. A mechanism for offshore initiation of harmful algal blooms in the coastal Gulf of Maine. Journal of Plankton Research, 25(9), 1131-1138. Other Significant Publications: 1. McGillicuddy, D.J., Robinson, A.R., Siegel, D.A., Jannasch, H.W., Johnson, R., Dickey, T.D., McNeil, J., Michaels, A.F., and A.H. Knap, 1998. Influence of mesoscale eddies on new production in the Sargasso Sea. Nature, 394, 263-265. 2. McGillicuddy, D.J., Johnson, R.J., Siegel, D.A., Michaels, A.F., Bates, N.R., and A.H. Knap, 1999. Mesoscale variations of biogeochemical properties in the Sargasso Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(C6), 13,381-13,394. 3. McGillicuddy, D.J., Kosnyrev, V.K., Ryan, J.P. and J.A. Yoder, 2001. Covariation of mesoscale ocean color and sea surface temperature patterns in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 48, 1823-1836. 4. McGillicuddy, D.J., 2001. The internal weather of the sea and its influences on ocean biogeochemistry. Oceanography, 14(4), 78-92. 5. McGillicuddy, D.J., Anderson, L.A., Doney, S.C., and M.E. Maltrud, 2003. Eddy-driven sources and sinks of nutrients in the upper ocean: results from a 0.1 degree resolution model of the North Atlantic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(2), 1035, doi:10.1029/2002GB001987. McGillicuddy - 2 of 2 p. 1 Biographical Sketch LAWRENCE PAUL SANFORD Professional Preparation: 1984 Ph.D., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Program in Oceanography and Oceanographic Engineering, Oceanographic Engineering. 1978 Sc.B., magna cum laude, Brown University, Mechanical Engineering Appointments: 2001-present Professor, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory (UMCES, HPL) 1993-2001 Associate Professor, UMCES, HPL 1987-1993 Assistant Professor, UMCES, HPL 1984-1987 Postdoctoral Research Associate, UMCES, HPL Honors: NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1978-2001 University of Maryland Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Sciences Program Graduate Education Award, 1996 Kirby Laing Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, School of Ocean Sciences, Univ. of Wales, Bangor, 2005 Five Publications Most Closely Related to the Proposed Project: Sanford, L. P., P. Dickhudt, L. Rubiano-Gomez, M. Yates, S. Suttles, C. T. Friedrichs, D. D. Fugate, and H. Romine, 2005. Variability of suspended particle concentrations, sizes and settling velocities in the Chesapeake Bay turbidity maximum. in Flocculation in Natural and Engineered Environmental Systems. I. G. Droppo, G. G. Leppard, P. Liss and T. Milligan, eds. Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, LLC: 211-236. North, E.W., Chao, S.-Y., Sanford, L.P. and Hood, R.R., 2004. The influence of wind and river pulses on an estuarine turbidity maximum: numerical studies and field observations. Estuaries, 27(1):132-146. Lin, W., Sanford, L.P. and Suttles, S., 2002. Wave measurement and modeling in Chesapeake Bay. Continental Shelf Research: , 22(18-19):2673-2686. Lin, W., Sanford, L.P., Suttles, S.E. and Valigura, R.A., 2002. Drag Coefficients with Fetch Limited Wind Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32: 3058-3074. Sanford, L.P., Suttles, S.E. and Halka, J.P., 2001. Reconsidering the physics of the Chespeake Bay Estuarine Turbidity Maximum. Estuaries, 24(5): 655-669. Sanford CV 1 of 2 p. 2 Five Other Significant Publications: Chang, M.-L. and Sanford, L.P., 2005. Modeling the effects of tidal resuspension and deposition on early diagenesis of contaminants. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 8(1):41-51. Li, M., L. Sanford, and S. Y. Chao, 2005. Effects of Time-dependence in Unstratified Tidal Boundary Layers: Results from Large Eddy Simulations. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science. 62(1-2): 193-204. Porter, E.T., Sanford, L.P., Gust, G. and Porter, F.S., 2004. Combined Water Column Mixing and Benthic Boundary Layer Flow in Mesocosms: Key for Realistic Benthic-Pelagic Coupling Studies. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 271:43-60. Sanford, L.P. and Maa, J.P.-Y., 2001. A unified erosion formulation for fine sediments. Marine Geology, 179(1-2): 9-23. Roman, M.R., Holliday, D.V. and Sanford, L.P., 2001. Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Zooplankton in the Chesapeake Bay Turbidity Maximum. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 213: 215-227. Synergistic Activities: Member of USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP ) Sediment Workgroup; Member of USEPA CBP Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee; Reviewer for numerous journals and funding agencies; Co-editor of refereed proceedings volume from 2003 International Cohesive Sediment Transport (INTERCOH) meeting; Sediment transport modeling consultant for Hydroqual, Inc., Mahwah, NJ. Collaborators and Other Affiliations (a) Academic Collaborators and Co-Editors (last 48 months) J. Baker, A. Blumberg, W. Boicourt, E. Brown, M-L. Chang, C. Chen, S.-Y. Chao, J. Churchill, D. DiToro, K. Farley, C. Friedrichs, P. Glibert, S. Greene, J. Halka, D.V. Holliday, R. Hood, E. Houde, M. Kemp, E. Koch, J. Maa, R. Mason, R. Newell, E. North, E. Porter, M. Roman, C. Sommerfield, D. Schoelhamer, D. Stoecker, N. Urban (b) Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors W.D. Grant (deceased), W. Boicourt, L. Ward Students and Postdoctoral Associates (a) Postdoctoral Associates S. Werner (b) Students B. Alleva; S.-N. Chen; S. Crawford; M.-L. Chang; W. Lin; E. Porter; K. Ruffin Sanford CV 2 of 2 OSCAR M. SCHOFIELD Coastal Ocean Observation Lab, Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (TEL) 732.932.6555, x. 548 (FAX) 732.932.8578 oscar@marine.rutgers.edu · http://www.marine.rutgers.edu/cool A. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION 1983-1987 B.A. in Aquatic Biology, Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara 1989-1993 Ph.D. in Biology, Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara 1994 Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Remote Sensing and Environmental Optics, University of California, Santa Barbara 1994-1995 Postdoctoral Researcher, Southern Regional Research Center, Agriculture Research Service B. APPOINTMENTS 2001-Present Associate Professor, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University 2001-Present Adjunct Professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 2000-Present Member of Rutgers Ocean Systems Engineering Center 1999-Present Member of Rutgers Environmental Biophysics and Molecular Biology Program 1999-Present Co-Director of the Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratory 1995-2001 Assistant Professor, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University 1995-Present Adjunct Research Scientist, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL 1995 Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences, Loyola University, New Orleans, LA 1989-1990 Curator, Algal Culture Collection, Department of Biology, UCA, Santa Barbara C. PUBLICATIONS (5 RELATED, 5 OTHER*) 1) Falkowski, P.G., M. Katz, A. Knoll, J. Raven, O. Schofield, M. Taylor (2004) The consequences of the evolution of eukaryotic phytoplankton. Science, 305: 354-360. 2) Oliver, M. J., Schofield, O., Bergmann, T., Glenn, S. M., Moline, M. A., Orrico, C. 2004. In-situ optically derived phytoplankton absorption properties in coastal waters and its utility for estimating primary productivity rates. : Journal of Geophysical Research. 109, C07S11, doi: 3) Oliver, M.J., S. Glenn, J.T. Kohut, A.J. Irwin, O. Schofield, M.A. Moline, and W.P. Bisset (2004), Bioinformatic Approaches for Objective Detection of Water Masses on Continental Shelves. J.Geophy. Res, 109, C07S04, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002072. http://www.agu.org/journals/ss/COCOB1/ 4) Schofield, O., R. Arnone, W.P. Bissett, T. Dickey, C. Davis, Z. Finkel, M. Oliver, M. A. Moline, (2004) Watercolors in the coastal zone: What can we see? Oceanography. 107: 28-37. 5) Schofield, O., M. Tivey (2004). Building a window to the sea: Ocean Research Interactive Observing Networks (ORION). Oceanography. 17: 105-111. 6) Moline M. A., S. M. Blackwell, R. Chant, M. J. Oliver, T. Bergmann, S. Glenn, O. Schofield (2004), Episodic physical forcing and the structure of phytoplankton communities in the coastal waters of New Jersey, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C12S05, doi:10.1029/2003JC001985. 7) Schofield O., T. Bergmann, M. J. Oliver, A. Irwin, G. Kirkpatrick, W. P. Bissett, M. A. Moline, C. Orrico (2004), Inversion of spectral absorption in the optically complex coastal waters of the MidAtlantic Bight, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C12S04, doi:10.1029/2003JC002071. 8) Schofield, O., W.P. Bissett, T.K. Frazer, D. Iglesias-Rodriguez, M.A. Moline, S. Glenn, (2003) Development of regional coastal ocean observatories and the potential benefits to marine sanctuaries. Marine Technology Society 37: 54-67. 9) Schofield, O., T. Bergmann, W.P. Bissett, F. Grassle, D. Haidvogel, J. Kohut, M. Moline, S. Glenn (2002) The Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory: An Integrated Coastal Observatory. Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 27(2): 146-154. 10) Schofield O., S. Glenn (2004), Introduction to special section: Coastal Ocean Observatories, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C12S01, doi:10.1029/2004JC002577. Schofield CV 1 of 2 D. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES 2004 Science Advisory Team GOES-R Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) Coastal Water (CW) Imager 2004 Steering Committee for Alliance of Coastal Technolgoies Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop 2004-2006 Editorial Advisory Board Continental Shelf Research and Journal of Geophysical Research 2004-2006 North American Chair for the Oceanography Society Meetings in Paris, France, Spring 2005 2004-2006 Executive Steering Committee for the ORION Program E. COLLABORATORS & OTHER AFFILIATIONS (LAST 48 MONTHS): K. Able (Rutgers), H.Arango (Rutgers), B. Arnone (NRL), R. Avissar (Duke), D. Barrick (CODAR), H. Barrier (Rutgers), K. BenoitBird (Oregon), T. Berger (SAIC), T. Bergmann (U. Maine), P. Bissett (FERI), S. Blackwell (CalPoly),A. Blumberg (Stevens), W. Boicourt (U. MD), P. Bogden (GoMOOS), J. Bosch (Rutgers), E. Boss (U. Maine), L. Bowers (Rutgers), T. Bowers (NRL), P. Burke (Stevens), W. Browning (Applied Mathematics Inc), M. Bruno (Stevens), B. Butman (USGS), T. Campbell (Webb Research), J. Case (UCSB), G. Chang (UCSB), B. Chant (Rutgers), B. Chen (UMass), J. Churchill (WHOI), A. Cope (NWS), P. Cornillon (URI), B. Cowen (RSMAS), E. Creed (Rutgers), M. Crowley (SeaSpace), J. Cullen (WHOI), C. Curran, M. Dermarest, M. DeLuca (Rutgers), T. Dickey (UCSB), J. Dighton (Rutgers), P. Dragos (Battelle), R. Dunk (Rutgers), S. Durski (Oregon State), J. Erwin (CODAR), K. Fennel (Rutgers), J. Fracassi (Rutgers), T. Frazer (U. Florida), B. Fullerton (Stevens), R. Geyer (WHOI), S. Glenn (Rutgers), F. Grassle (Rutgers), G. Griffiths (Southampton University), T. Gross (NOAA), J. Gryzmski (Rockerfeller U.), D. Haidvogel (Rutgers), C. Haldeman (Rutgers), J. Hamrick, J. Hare (NOAA), C. Harris (VIMS), K. Hedstrom (U. Alaska), T. Herrington (Sea Grant), C. Herron (MBARI), J. Hillier (Mote), D. Hires (Stevens), B. Houghton (Lamont), E. Hunter (Rutgers), D. Iglesias-Rodriguez (U. Nottingham), A. Irwin (CUNY), C. Jones (Webb Research), A. Kahl (Rutgers), W. Kasch (JHU/APL), T. Keen (NRL), J. Kerfoot (Rutgers), L. Kerkhoff (Rutgers), G. Kirkpatrick (Mote Marine Lab), J. Kohut (Rutgers), P.M. Kosro (Oregon State), P. Lermusiaux (Harvard), S. Lichtenwalner (U. South Florida), P. Lilleboe (CODAR Ocean Sensors), B. Lipa (CODAR Ocean Sensors), J. McDonnell (Rutgers), W. Miller, C. Mobley (Sequoia Scientific), M. Moline (CalPoly), C. Mudgal (Rutgers), R. Nichols (JHU/APL), J. O’Donnell (UConn), M. Oliver (Rutgers),L. Oman, C. Orrico (UCSB), J. Paduan (Naval PG School), H. Pan (Rutgers), B. Parker (NOAA), A. Pence, E. Peters, A. Pluddeman (WHOI), K. Prasad (SeaSpace), D. Porter (JHU/APL), M. Purcell (WHOI),K. Rankin (Bigelow), J. Reinfelder (Rutgers), H. Roarty (Rutgers), E. Romana (Rutgers), R. Sherrell (Rutgers), C. Sherwood (USGS), P. Shrestha, R. Signell (USGS), T. Song (JPL), R. Styles (U. South Carolina), C. Teague (CODAR), S. Thomas (DHS), C. Thoroughgood (U. Del.), S. Tozzi (VIMS), J. Trowbridge (WHOI), M. Twardowski (URI), C.s von Alt (WHOI), D. Webb (Webb Research), A. Weidemann (NRL), J. Wiggins (Princeton), J. Wilkin (Rutgers), P. Zhang (Rutgers), M. Zuo (UMass). Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors: Barbara Prézelin (Ph.D.) – UCSB, David Millie (Post-doctoral) – Agricultural Research Service Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: Students – Joe Gyzymski (Ph.D.), Felisa Wolfe (Ph.D), Trisha Bergmann (Ph.D.), Zoe Finkel (Ph.D.), Mathew Oliver (Ph.D.) – Rachael Sipler (Ph.D.) – Alex Kahl (Ph. D.) – Jessie Sebbo (MS) Post-docs – Mark Moline, Yu Gao, Antionetta Quigg, Elena Litchman, Lin Jhang. Honors and Awards: Antarctic Service Medal (1988), University Research SCUBA certification (1988), University of California at Santa Barbara Travel Award (1992), University of CA Regents Fellowship Award (1992), Invited Scientist National Academy of Sciences and Max Planck for the German-American Frontiers of Science, Münich Germany (1997), Invited Participant National Academy of Sciences and Japan Science & Technology Corporation (JAMSTEC), Japanese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium (1999), Rutgers University Faculty Academic Service Increment Program (FASIP) Award (1998-2002), NJ State Legislation Resolution Assembly Resolution No. 209 recognizing RU COOL as a state resource (2003) Schofield CV 2 of 2 Heidi M. Sosik Associate Scientist Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 Telephone: 508-289-2311 Fax: 508-457-2134 E-mail: hsosik@whoi.edu Home Page: www.whoi.edu/science/B/sosiklab/ PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION: MIT, Civil Engineering/Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, S.B. 1987. MIT, Civil Engineering/Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, S.M. 1987. University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ph.D. 1993, "Phytoplankton Photophysiology and Optical Modeling of Primary Production: Laboratory Results and Field Studies in the California Current System". Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Biological Oceanography, Postdoctoral Scholar 1993-1996. APPOINTMENTS: Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1999-present. Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-1999. Postdoctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-1996. Graduate Research Fellow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1988-1993. Graduate Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987-1988. Teaching Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986-1987. HONORS AND AWARDS: WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute/Ocean Life Institute Fellow, 2003. ONR Young Investigator Program Award, 1997. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, 1996. NASA New Investigator Program Award, 1996. DOE Global Change Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1994. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Scholar Award, 1993. ONR Student Oceanography Award, 1993. NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program Award, 1991. NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1988. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Summer Student Fellowship, 1986. Sea Grant Fellowship for Undergraduate Research, 1986. National Merit Scholar, 1983. PUBLICATIONS: 5 Related Publications: Green, R. E., and H. M. Sosik. 2004. Analysis of apparent optical properties and ocean color models using measurements of seawater constituents in New England continental shelf surface waters. J. Geophys. Res. 109: C03026, doi:03010.01029/02003JC001977. Sosik, H. M, R. J. Olson, M. G. Neubert, and A. R. Solow. 2003. Growth rates of coastal phytoplankton from time-series measurements with a submersible flow cytometer. Limnology and Oceanography. 48: 1756-1765. Green, R.E., H.M. Sosik, and R.J. Olson. 2003. Contributions of phytoplankton and other particles to inherent optical properties in New England continental shelf waters. Limnol. Oceanogr.. 48: 2377-2391. Sosik CV 1 of 2 Sosik, H. M., R. E. Green, W. S. Pegau and C. S. Roesler. 2001. Temporal and vertical variability in optical properties of New England shelf waters during late summer and spring. J. Geophys. Res. 106: 9455-9472. Sosik, H. M. 1996. Bio-optical modeling of primary production: Consequences of variability in quantum yield and specific absorption. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 143: 225-238. 5 Other Significant Publications: Martin Traykovski, L.V. and H. M. Sosik. 2003. Feature-based classification of optical water types in the northwest Atlantic based on satellite ocean color data. J. Geophys. Res. 108: 3150, doi: 10.1029/2001JC001172. Olson, R.J., A. Shalapyonok, and H.M. Sosik. 2003. An automated submersible flow cytometer for analyzing pico- and nanophytoplankton: FlowCytobot. Deep-Sea Research I. 50: 301-315. Sosik, H. M. and R. J. Olson. 2002. Phytoplankton and iron limitation of photosynthetic efficiency in the Southern Ocean during late summer. Deep-Sea Res. 49: 1195-1216. Olson, R. J., A. M. Chekalyuk and H. M. Sosik. 1996. Phytoplankton photosynthetic characteristics from fluorescence induction assays of individual cells. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41: 1253-1263. Sosik, H. M. and B. G. Mitchell. 1995. Light absorption by phytoplankton, photosynthetic pigments and detritus in the California Current System. Deep Sea-Res. 42: 1717-1748. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES: Development of Undergraduate Course on Satellite Remote Sensing in Biological Oceanography at Cornell Univ./Shoals Marine Laboratory; Collaboration on development of instrumentation for individual cell measurements of photosynthetic properties and for submersible autonomous flow cytometry; Member NASA’s Ocean Color Research Team; Member NASA’s SIMBIOS Team; Associate Editor for Limnology and Oceanography; Associate Editor for Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. COLLABORATORS & OTHER AFFILIATIONS: Collaborators: Josh Blakey, Alexander Chekalyuk (NASA GSFC), Cabell Davis (WHOI), Scott Gallager (WHOI), Wilf Gardner (Texas A&M Univ.), Charles Green (Cornell Univ.), Steven Lohrenz (Univ. of Mississippi), William Miller (Dalhousie University), Bruce Monger (Cornell Univ.), Scott Pegau (Oregon State Univ.), Collin Roesler (Bigelow Lab. for Ocean Sciences), John Trowbridge (WHOI), Peter Wiebe (WHOI). Graduate and Post Doctoral Advisors: Graduate: Sallie W. Chisholm (MIT), Thomas L. Hayward (SIO/UCSD), B. Greg Mitchell (SIO/UCSD); Postdoctoral: Robert J. Olson (WHOI) Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: Ph.D Students: Rebecca E. Green; Postdoctoral Investigators: Michele D. DuRand, Linda V. Martin Traykovski, J. Ru Morrison; total graduate students: 1; total post-doctoral investigators: 3. Sosik CV 2 of 2 JOHN H. TROWBRIDGE Born 23 September 1955. B.S., University of Washington, 1977 (Civil Engineering); S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979 (Civil Engineering); Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1983 (Oceanographic Engineering). Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977-79 and 1980-83. Research Assistant, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1979-80. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware, 1983-87. Assistant Scientist (1987-1991), Associate Scientist (1991-1995), and Associate Scientist with Tenure (1995-2001), Senior Scientist, (2001-present) Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Research Interests: Mechanics of geophysical boundary layers, mechanics of sediment transport, shelf and nearshore processes. Related Publications: 1. Trowbridge, J. H., 1998. On a technique for measurement of turbulent shear stress in the presence of surface waves. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 15, 290-298. 2. Trowbridge, J. H., W. R. Geyer, M. M. Bowen, and A. J. Williams, 1999. Near-bottom turbulence measurements in a partially mixed estuary: turbulent energy balance, velocity structure, and along-channel momentum balance. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 29, 3056-3072. 3. Shaw, W. J., J. H. Trowbridge, and A. J. Williams, 2001. Budgets of turbulent kinetic energy and scalar variance in the continental shelf bottom boundary layer. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 9551-9564. 4. Trowbridge, J. H. and S. Elgar, 2001. Turbulence measurements in the surf zone. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 31, 2403-2417. 5. Trowbridge, J. H. and S. Elgar, 2003. Spatial scales of stress-carrying nearshore turbulence. J. Phys. Oceanogr, 33:1122-1128. Other Significant Publications: 1. Trowbridge, J. H., and G. C. Kineke, 1994. Structure and dynamics of fluid muds on the Amazon continental shelf. J. Geophys. Res. 99, 865-874. 2. Trowbridge, J. H., 1995. A mechanism for the formation and maintenance of shoreoblique sand ridges on storm-dominated shelves. J. Geophys. Res. 100, 16071-16086. 3. Trowbridge, J. H., and S. J. Lentz, 1998. Dynamics of the bottom boundary layer on the northern California shelf. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 28, 2075-2093. Trowbridge CV - 1 of 2 4. Shaw, W. J., and J. H. Trowbridge, 2001. The direct estimation of near-bottom turbulent fluxes in the presence of energetic wave motions. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 18, 15401557. 5. Fries, S. J. and J. H. Trowbridge, 2003. Flume observations of enhanced fine particle deposition to permeable sediment beds. Limnology and Oceanography, 48:802-812. Synergistic Activities Associate editor, J. Geophy. Res. (1992-1998) Guest editor, STRESS issue of Cont. Shelf Res. (1993-1994) Member, MARGINS steering committee (1999-2000) Collaborators (Last 48 months): R. Geyer, S. Lentz, S. Williams — Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution G. Voulgaris — University of South Carolina H. Peters — University of Miami F. Feddersen – Scripps Institute of Oceanography Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars: Ph.D. candidates (Last 5 years), W. Shaw (1995-1999); S. Fries (1998-2001) Total Ph.D. candidates: 2 Total M.S. candidates: 4 Total Postdoctoral Scholars: 4 Ph.D. Advisor: Dr. Ole Madsen Trowbridge CV – 2 of 2 PETER H. WIEBE Biologist, Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Born: October 2, 1940 B.S., 1962, North Arizona University Ph.D., 1968, University of California POSITIONS HELD: Research Assistant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1962-1968 Postdoctoral Fellow, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, 1968-1969 Temporary Assistant Professor, Oregon State University, July-August, 1969 Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1969-1974 Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1974-1984 Director, Center for Analysis of Marine Systems (WHOI), January 1983December 1986 Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984-present Adjunct Professor, Boston University, 1989-present Department Chairman, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1988-1992 SOCIETIES: American Association for the Advancement of Science (elected Fellow, May 1984) American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Phi Kappa Phi American Geophysical Union AWARDS AND HONORS: Awarded the Adams Chair in May 1996 NOAA Earth Day Environmental Hero award, May 1999 (by letter from Vice-President Al Gore) Five Publications Relevant to the Proposed Research 65 1991 Miller, C.B., T.J. Cowles, P.H. Wiebe, N.J. Copley, and H. Grigg. Phenology in Calanus finmarchicus; hypotheses about control mechanisms. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 72: 79-91. 67 1992 Wiebe, P.H., N.J. Copley, and S.H. Boyd. Coarse-scale horizontal patchiness and vertical migration in newly formed Gulf Stream warm-core ring 82-H. Deep-Sea Res. 39, Suppl. 1: 247-278. 90 1996 Wiebe, P.H., D. Mountain, T.K. Stanton, C. Greene, G. Lough, S. Kaartvedt, J. Manning, J. Dawson, L. Martin, and N. Copley. Acoustical study of the spatial distribution of plankton on Georges Bank and the relation of volume backscattering strength to the taxonomic composition of the plankton. Deep-Sea Research II. 43: 1971-2001. 94 1997 Wiebe, P.H., T.K. Stanton, M.C. Benfield, D.G. Mountain, and C.H. Greene. Highfrequency acoustic volume backscattering in the Georges Bank coastal region and its interpretation using scattering models. In. " Shallow water acoustics, geophysics, and oceanography". IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 22(3): 445-464. 135 2004 Lawson, G.L., P.H. Wiebe, C.J. Ashjian, S.M. Gallager, C.S. Davis, and J.D. Warren. 2004. Acoustically-inferred zooplankton distribution in relation to hydrography west of the Antarctic peninsula. Deep Sea Research II. 51(17-19): 2041-2072. Five Additional Significant Publications 8 1973 Wiebe, P.H., G.D. Grice and E. Hoagland. Acid-iron waste as a factor affecting the distribution and abundance of zooplankton in the New York Bight. II. Spatial variations in the field and implications for monitoring studies. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 1: 51-64. Wiebe CV 1 of 2 22 l979 Cox, J.L. and P.H. Wiebe. Origins of plankton in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Est. and Coast. Mar. Sci. 9: 509-527. 115 2001 Pershing, A. J. P.H. Wiebe, J.P. Manning, and N.J. Copley. Evidence for vertical circulation cells in the well-mixed area of Georges Bank and their biological implications. Deep-Sea Research II. 48(1-3): 283:310. 124 2002 Wiebe, P.H., T.K. Stanton, C.H. Greene, M.C. Benfield, H.M. Sosik, T. Austin, J.D. Warren, and T. Hammar. BIOMAPER II: An integrated instrument platform for coupled biological and physical measurements in coastal and oceanic regimes. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 27(3): 700-716. 126 2003 Wiebe, P.H. and M.C. Benfield. From the Hensen Net toward four-dimensional biological oceanography. Progress in Oceanography. 56(1): 7-136. Synergistic Activities Member (U.S. representative) of the ICES Oceanography Committee (appointed in June 1999). Member of the ICES Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology since 1994 Co-chair of the ICES Study Group of Management of Integrated Data since 2003 Ex-officio member of U.S. GLOBEC National Steering Committee Chairman of the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program Executive Committee (1993 to present) Member of the U.S. GLOBEC Southern Ocean Program Executive Committee (2000 to present). Chair, UNOLS (October 2004) Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral fellows Sponsored During Past 5-Years: Dr. Linda Martin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Graduate Student Dr. Joseph Warren, Southampton College, Southampton, New York Dr. Mark Baumgartner, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Non-WHOI Scientific Collaborators Within the Last four Years Dr. Olafur S. Astthorsson, MRI, Reykjavik, Iceland Dr. Ann Bucklin, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire Dr. M.E. Clarke, Northwest Fishieries Science Center, Seattle, Washington Dr. Glenn Flierl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Astthor. Gislason, MRI, Reykajavik, Iceland Dr. Louis Goodman, ONR, Arlington, Virginia Dr. Charles Greene, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Dr. Stein Kaartvedt, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Dr. Greg Lough, NMFS/NEFC, Woods Hole, MA Dr. Charles Miller, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Dr. David Mountain, NMFS/NEFC, Woods Hole, MA Dr. Bruce Monger, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Dr. Andrew Pershing, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Dr. Douglas Sameoto, BIO, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Dr. Hein Rune Skjoldal, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway Dr. Lutz Postel, Baltic Sea Research Institute, Rostock - Warnemünde. Germany. GRADUATE ADVISOR: Dr. John McGowan, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA POSTDOCTORAL ADVISOR: Dr. Malvern Gilmartin, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Wiebe CV 2 of 2 James A. Yoder Professor Graduate School of Oceanography University of Rhode Island South Ferry Rd. Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 Phone: 401-874-6864 Email: jyoder@gso.uri.edu Education 1970 B.A. Botany, DePauw University 1974 M.S. Oceanography, University of Rhode Island 1979 Ph.D. Oceanography, University of Rhode Island Recent Experience 2001- 2004 :Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement (IPA) assignment as Director, Ocean Sciences Division (OCE), National Science Foundation (NSF). 1996-97: Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement assignment to NASA Headquarters. Program Manager of Ocean Color/Oceanic Biology/Biogeochemistry Program in the Mission to Planet Earth Division. 1989- Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, promoted to Professor, July, 1992, tenure granted in July, 1993. Associate Dean, 1993-1998. Responsible for academic program in oceanography, including curriculum planning and delivery, admissions, recruitment, and graduate student affairs. Interim Dean of Oceanography, January, 2000 -July, 2001. Selected Publications in Scientific Journals since 2000. 2005 Mouw, C.B. and J.A. Yoder. Primary production calculations in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, including effects of phytoplankton community size structure. Limnology and Oceanography, in press. 2004 Uz, M. and J.A. Yoder. High frequency and mesoscale variability in SeaWiFS chlorophyll imagery and its relation to other remotely sensed oceanographic variables. DeepSea Res.II, 51: 1001-1017 Schollaert, S.E., T. Rossby and J.A. Yoder. Gulf Stream cross-frontal exchange: possible mechanisms to explain inter-annual variations in phytoplankton chlorophyll in the Slope Sea during the SeaWiFS years. Deep-Sea Res. II. 51: 173-188. Yoder CV 1 of 2 Bontempi, P.S. and J.A. Yoder. Spatial Variability in SeaWiFS Imagery of the South Atlantic Bight as Evidenced by Gradients (Fronts) in Chlorophyll a and Water-leaving Radiance. Deep-Sea Res. II., 51: 1019-1032. Nelson, N.B., D.A. Siegel and J.A. Yoder. The spring bloom in the Sargasso Sea: Spatial extent and relationship with winter mixing. Deep-Sea Res. II, 51: 987-1000. 2003 Schollaert, S.E., J.A. Yoder, D.L. Westphal and J.E. O'Reilly. The influence of dust and sulfate aerosols upon SeaWiFS ocean color bands and chlorophyll-a concentrations derived from SeaWiFS off the U.S. East Coast. J. Geophys. Res., in press. 2002 Siegel, D.A., S. C. Doney, and J. A. Yoder, The North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom and Sverdrup's critical depth hypothesis, Science, 296: 730-733. Yoder, J.A., S.E. Schollaert and J.E. O’Reilly. Climatological phytoplankton chlorophyll and sea-surface temperature patterns in continental shelf and slope waters off the Northeast U.S. coast. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 672-682. Keith, D.J., J.A. Yoder, and S.A. Freeman. Spatial and temporal distribution of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island: Implications for phytoplankton in coastal waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 55, 705-717. Campbell, J.W., D. Antoine, R. Armstrong, K. Arrigo, W. Balch, R. Barber, M. Behrenfeld, R. Bidigare, J. Bishop, M.-E. Carr, W. Esaias, P. Falkowski, N. Hoepffner, R. Iverson, D. Kiefer, S. Lohrenz, J. Marra, A. Morel, J. Ryan, V. Vedernikov, K. Waters, C. Yentsch, and J. Yoder. Comparison of algorithms for estimating ocean primary productivity from surface chlorophyll, temperature, and irradiance. Global Biogeoch.Cycles, 16(3), 2002. Gregg, W.W., M.E. Conkright, J.E. O’Reilly, F.S. Patty, M. H. Wang, J.A. Yoder and N.W. Casey. 2002. NOAA/NASA Coastal Zone Color Scanner Reanalysis Effort. Applied Optics, 41: 1615-1628. 2001 Yoder, J.A., J.K. Moore and R. N. Swift. Putting together the big picture: Remotesensing observations of ocean color. Oceannography 14:33-40. Yoder, J.A., J.E. O'Reilly, A.H. Barnard, T.S. Moore and C.M. Ruhsam. Variability in Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) chlorophyll imagery of ocean margin waters off the U.S. East Coast. Continental Shelf Research, 21: 1191-1218. McGillicuddy, D.J., Jr., V.K. Kosnyrev, J. Ryan, and J.A. Yoder. Covariation of mesoscale ocean color and sea surface temperature patterns in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 48: 1823-1836. Uz, M., J.A. Yoder and V. Osychny. Global remotely sensed data supports nutrient enhancement by eddies and planetary waves. Nature. 409: 597-600. Ryan, J.P., J.A. Yoder and D.W. Townsend. Influence of a Gulf Stream warm-core ring on water mass and chlorophyll distributions along the southern flank of Georges Bank. DeepSea Research, Deep-Sea Res II 48: 159-178. Yoder CV 2 of 2
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