What Rutgers-Camden Law Students Need to Know About Financial Aid 2012-2013 The Rutgers filing deadline is March 15th of every year. Clayton S. Bailey, M.B.A., Assistant Director Cynthia Davidson, M.Ed., Assistant Director Rutgers-Camden Please visit, call, or e-mail the financial aid office (www.finaid@camden.rutgers.edu) information regarding your housing status for the 2012/2013 academic year if an update is needed. The estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) for federal student loan eligibility is based on whether you are a commuter (living at home with parents), living in campus housing, or residing in off-campus housing. If you plan to reside off-campus, you will be required to provide the financial aid office with a copy of your current lease or mortgage statement. Your financial aid offer is based on the 2012/2013 FAFSA. Some Additional Information you should be aware of: Office of Financial Aid Rutgers-Camden Rutgers-Camden 2012-13 Law School Tuition Chart SCHOOL OF LAW - CAMDEN (24) CR. HRS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RES. CAMPUS TUITION FEE 948.00 392.50 1,896.00 392.50 2,844.00 392.50 3,792.00 392.50 4,740.00 392.50 5,688.00 392.50 6,636.00 392.50 7,584.00 392.50 8,532.00 392.50 9,480.00 392.50 10,428.00 392.50 11,373.00 899.75 Office of Financial Aid COMP. FEE 69.50 77.00 84.50 92.00 99.50 107.00 114.50 122.00 129.50 137.00 144.50 152.00 SCHOOL FEE 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 303.50 PIRG FEE 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 11.20 RES. TOTAL 1,627.25 2,582.75 3,538.25 4,493.75 5,449.25 6,404.75 7,360.25 8,315.75 9,271.25 10,226.75 11,182.25 12,739.45 NONCAMPUS RES. TUITION FEE 1,437.00 392.50 2,874.00 392.50 4,311.00 392.50 5,748.00 392.50 7,185.00 392.50 8,622.00 392.50 10,059.00 392.50 11,496.00 392.50 12,933.00 392.50 14,370.00 392.50 15,807.00 392.50 17,239.00 899.75 COMP. FEE 69.50 77.00 84.50 92.00 99.50 107.00 114.50 122.00 129.50 137.00 144.50 152.00 SCHOOL FEE 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 211.75 303.50 PIRG FEE 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 11.20 NONRES. TOTAL 2,116.25 3,560.75 5,005.25 6,449.75 7,894.25 9,338.75 10,783.25 12,227.75 13,672.25 15,116.75 16,561.25 18,605.45 Rutgers-Camden Term Bill Payment Instructions Registration at Rutgers is a 2-step process. Step One: Pre-Register. You will receive a term bill based on your registration. Step Two: Submit your term bill (each semester you attend even if the amount due is ‘zero’ and you expect a refund) to the Office of Student Accounting Services. Login to www.studentabc.rutgers.edu to pay your bill and confirm your attendance. A copy of your award letter can be presented in person at the Office of Student Accounting or faxed to (856) 225-6017. Office of Financial Aid Rutgers-Camden Direct Federal Stafford Loans The federal maximum for graduate students is $20,500 per academic year. This amount will be divided between the Fall, and Spring semesters. Beginning July 1, 2012 only the unsubsidized Stafford loan will be available for Graduate Students. The subsidized loan option has been eliminated. The unsubsidized Stafford Loan interest rate is 6.8%. The GradPlus student loan interest rate is 7.9%. If you had loans for prior years, you can obtain a Verification of Enrollment from the Registrar’s Office once you confirm your attendance. You can request the verification at www.camden.registrar.rutgers.edu . This will keep your loans in an in-school deferment. Office of Financial Aid Rutgers-Camden GradPlus and Private Loans If you require funding over and above the $20,500 allowed to you under the Direct Federal Stafford Loan Program, you can apply for a GradPlus loan or review a list of private loans posted on our web site. You can also access the Federal Graduate PLUS loan from our site or directly at www.studentloans.gov. The GradPlus website is also included on your electronic award notice. The additional amount you can borrow is based on your cost of attendance minus other financial assistance. Office of Financial Aid Rutgers-Camden The Federal Work Study Program If interested in FWS, you must complete a paper application to request funding. Applications are available only through a link on your electronic award letter. You may appeal for funding if you were not awarded FWS. Law students are assigned to work in the various administrative offices on campus and as research assistants. Upon accepting the FWS award you will be required to complete paperwork available with the employing department. Students are paid biweekly. Most law students earn $11.00 per hour. Office of Financial Aid Rutgers-Camden Refunds Once all required documents are received by the Financial Aid Office and you have confirmed your attendance, your financial aid will be automatically posted to your student account. As soon as your account has a credit balance, the Office of Student Accounting will create your refund. You have the option to pick up your refund, have it mailed to you, or sign up for Direct Deposit. Direct Deposit will get you a quicker refund. Go to www.studentabc.rutgers.edu to enroll for Direct Deposit. Office of Financial Aid Rutgers-Camden Students should plan ahead for the purchase of books, supplies, and other expenses as refund checks often are not available immediately at the start of the term. Assigned Financial Aid Administrators: Tanya Williams Alpha A-F Heather Hunsberger Alpha G-M Cynthia Davidson Alpha N-Z Welcome to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey! Office of Financial Aid Rutgers-Camden Useful Websites Rutgers University Home Page Rutgers Office of Financial Aid www.rutgers.edu http://studentaid.rutgers.edu FAFSA on the Web PIN Application or Update www.fafsa.ed.gov www.pin.ed.gov N.J. Higher Education Student GradPlus application Assistance Authority www.hesaa.org Office of Financial Aid www.studentloans.gov Rutgers-Camden Useful Contact Information Student Financial Services (Cashier/Bursar) 856-225-6021 (Camden) Rutgers University Office of Financial Aid 856-225-6039 (Camden) NJ Higher Education Student Assistance Authority 1-800-792-8670 Email us at: finaid@camden.rutgers.edu Office of Financial Aid
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