ANIMAL SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM NEWSLETTER November 2014 TO: Students/Faculty/Staff FROM: Dr. Kathleen Rahman Phone: 848-932-1168; email: Dept. website: REGISTRATION FOR SPRING 2015 BEGINS NOV. 2!! Registration for the Spring 2015 Semester begins on Sunday, November 2, at 10:00pm. Students with 110 or more degree credits can register on November 2. To find out when you can register, go to You should schedule a meeting with your academic advisor prior to registering for classes. OTHER IMPORTANT DATES: Change of Designation Days: Thursday classes meet Tuesday, Nov 25; and Friday classes meet Wednesday, Nov 26 11/25-26/2014 Thanksgiving Recess Winter Session: Last day for registration without a late fee Last Day of Fall Semester Classes Final Exams First Day of Winter Session First Day of Spring Semester 11/27-28/2014 12/08/2014 12/10/2014 12/15-22/2014 12/23/2014 01/20/2015 IMPORTANT! SPRING 2015 COURSE CHANGES! - Endocrinology 450 will be taught by Dr. Advis in Spring 2015 on T3 & W23 in BT-123 (Note change in days/times/instructor.). Dr. Advis will also offer it during the third summer session (July 6 to August 12). - Animal Genetics 328 is cancelled for Spring 2015; it will be offered during the first summer session (May 26 to July 2) by Dr. Jesse. NEW! ANIMAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT & SOCIAL MEDIA! The Animal Sciences Department now has a Facebook page, Twitter feed, and YouTube channel. Be sure to follow us on these social media outlets to remain up-to-date with the current happenings of the department. Tips and job opportunities are also frequently posted. Click on the following links to learn more: Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Watch Us on YouTube: PREREQUISITE OVERRIDES – ASK THE COURSE INSTRUCTOR Can’t register for a course you want to take? If you haven’t yet completed or are currently taking a required prerequisite at Rutgers or have not had a transfer course declared equivalent and listed on your transcript, you will need to ask the course instructor for a prerequisite override. MAKE SURE YOU ARE CLEARED TO WORK WITH ANIMALS! Certain courses (Animal Practicum; Animal Handling, Fitting and Exhibition; Animal Nutrition Lab; Dairy Cattle AI; etc.) require work with animals. These courses have protocols that have been reviewed and approved by the Rutgers University Animal Care and Facilities Committee. A condition of enrollment is that students complete the Orientation to Animal Care and Use at Rutgers Training, an Occupational Health Questionnaire, and be cleared to work with animals. Clearance may span 1 to 5 years depending on your health. To learn more about completing this process, please go to our YouTube page ( and watch the video titled “How to Obtain Med Clearance to Work with Animals”. Please note: To get credit for the training, you must read through ALL pages of ALL of the course lessons AND pass the final exam. If you do not read through all pages of all lessons (even if you pass the final exam), the Training course will not be considered complete. After this online registration, you will be emailed a health questionnaire (your name will be typed on the form). If you have already completed this in the past, ask Ms. Tory Gombosi in the Main Office in Bartlett Hall (room 105; 848-932-9100; to check if your clearance is current. HOW TO CHANGE YOUR ANIMAL SCIENCE OPTION OR CHANGE YOUR MAJOR To change your option, fill out a Change of Option form: You’ll need the signature of the Undergraduate Program Director, Dr. Barry Jesse ( and then bring the form to Room 205 Martin Hall. This process can also be completed online through the MyMajor program. You can access MyMajor by going to the SEBS Academic page ( and clicking on “Change Major”. Course substitutions with advisor approval can be completed by Dr. Barry Jesse ( HOW TO REGISTER FOR ANIMAL PRACTICUM To register for Animal Practicum, you will need to contact the appropriate Farm Staff member and identify course and time requirements. Also, you will need to be cleared to work with animals for this course (see above). Only then will they issue you a special permission number. Species Dairy Horse Lab Animal Sheep/Goat Swine Winter 01 -02 03 04 Spring DC HO LA SH SW Farm Staff Joanne Powell, Dr. Sarah Ralston, Dr. Mehmet Uzumcu, Laura Comerford, Laura Comerford, Section HO has a prerequisite of Horse Management 11:067:384. Section 02/LA has a prerequisite of Laboratory Animal Sciences: Management and Techniques 11:067:275. A particular Animal Practicum section/species can be taken only once for degree credit. However, more than one section/species can be taken for degree credit. Animal Practicum 200 is offered during the Fall and Spring semesters, the Winter Session, and during the first Summer Session term. Course number 204 is used for the second Summer Session term. Animal Practicum 200 and Animal Practicum 204 are the same course. HOW TO SIGN UP FOR RESEARCH IN ANIMAL SCIENCE 11:067:493/494 You will need to contact the professor directly if you want to find out if there is a research opportunity available for you. Visit our department website to see what kind of research our professors are doing. By talking with the professor, you can learn what projects are available and if there is an opportunity for you. The professor will then give you a special permission number to register for their section of the class. If a non-Animal Science professor has a research opportunity for you, ask Dr. Barry Jesse about transferring credits. ANIMAL SCIENCE 11:067:142 OFFERED IN SPRING 2015 Dr. Perri Stark will be coordinating the Spring offering of this class, intended for Animal Science majors only. Please contact her at for more information. SHOW AN ANIMAL ON AG FIELD DAY – 11:067:175 Animal Handling, Fitting and Exhibition (11:067:175, 1 cr) will run from Spring Break through Ag Field Day. Special permission numbers may be obtained for Dairy (DC), Goat (GO), Sheep (SH), and Swine (SW) from Dr. Rahman ( and for Horse (HO) from Dr. Ralston ( Students showing Seeing Eye puppies in the 4-H Dog Show may obtain special permission numbers for section DO from Dr. Jesse ( You will need to be medically cleared to work with animals for this course! Please note that this is a very popular class and priority will be given according to class year. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION 11:067:327 OFFERED IN SPRING 2015 This popular course will be offered in the Spring 2015 semester, with Drs. Troy Roepke (Course Coordinator), Kathleen Rahman, Carol Bagnell, and Larry Katz. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (11:067:490) 3 credits Dr. JP Advis will be offering this course in the Spring 2015 semester. A previous physiology course is required. The course is approved as an elective for the Endocrine Physiology and Health Sciences minor as well as a possible advisor-approved optional elective for pre-veterinary students. REPRODUCTIVE & DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICOLOGY (11:067:491) 3 credits- Not offered in Spring 2015 Dr. Troy Roepke ( will next offer this course in Fall 2015. An upper-level physiology course is required; course(s) in reproduction, developmental biology, and/or endocrinology are recommended- so plan ahead! MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY (11:067:492) 3 credits Dr. Bill Belden ( will offer this course in Spring 2015 to juniors and seniors (prereqs include General Biology and Organic Chem). Designated to explore the molecular mechanisms of cell biology as it pertains to mammalian physiology, this course is an approved Animal Science elective for all options in our major. See for course description and sample syllabus. ADVANCED EQUINE HEALTH CARE & MANAGEMENT 398 OFFERED AT CENTENARY COLLEGE Dr. Fugaro will teach this course at Centenary College in Spring 2015 (and at Rutgers again in Spring 2016). See the synopsis at ANIMALS AND THE LAW (11:067:460) 3 credits, online for Spring 2015 (and Summer 2015) Juniors and Seniors: If you have an interest in the law and animals (whether or not you’re in the Companion Animal Science option or minor), consider taking this online course taught by Sandra Jones, Esq. PRODUCTION ANIMAL SCIENCE OPTION STUDENTS: ENROLL IN PRODUCTION ANIMAL MANAGEMENT 11:067:336 AND LAB 11:067:338 These are required courses for Production Animal Science. It will be taught every odd-numbered Spring Semester (2015, 2017, etc.). For information, contact Dr. Westendorf at DAIRY CATTLE ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION COURSE Dairy Cattle AI (11:067:322) will be offered off campus in cooperation with Precision Diagnostics of New Holland, PA, during Spring Break 2015. Enrollment is limited to seniors and juniors, and registration is for the spring semester. Animal Reproduction (11:067:327) and large animal experience are prerequisites. The AI company charges a fee (~$300) for the course. Additional costs include transportation and meals. A special permission number may be obtained from Dr. Westendorf ( PLAN FOR ALL SEMESTERS, NOT JUST THE NEXT ONE! ALWAYS CHECK WHEN COURSES ARE OFFERED When deciding on classes for next semester, don’t stop there – keep going! You should always have a schedule of courses for your remaining semesters. There are many Animal Science courses that are only taught a certain semester, or alternate years, so you need to plan ahead. Check the Course Offerings schedule: and our Suggested Sequence of Courses to help create your course plans. NEW BRUNSWICK UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG IS ONLINE; check out our minors! Please view/review the description of the Animal Science 067 program and graduation requirements for the Animal Science major and our four minors in the online catalog: Animal Science major: Animal Science minor: Equine Science minor: Companion Animal Science minor: Endocrine Physiology and Health Sciences minor: STUDIES IN ANIMAL SCIENCE 11:067:411 This course provides credits for students engaged in educational activities that differ from research activities. Two sections are offered in Spring 2015: SP (Special Projects) and TA (Teaching Assistant). (Note: Only section SP is offered during Winter session; see For section SP, the student receives “By Arrangement” credits for faculty-supervised student projects that are not considered research (e.g., literature searches, topic reviews, and written reports). For section TA, the student receives 1.5 credits for teaching assistant–related activities in designated courses (e.g., Animal Nutrition Lab; Student Coordinator/Supervisor for Ag Field Day animal shows). Contact Dr. Barry Jesse for a special permission number. Since you can’t sign up for different sections within the same course, students with TA or Supervisor/Coordinator roles AND special projects credits, ask Dr. Jesse for registration instructions. ENROLL IN TECHNIQUES IN EQUINE EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 11:067:403 OR RESEARCH IN ANIMAL SCI WITH DR. MCKEEVER 11:067:494:M2 Open to students with prior research experience. Taught in a small-group learning format, this course supplements laboratory studies with formal classroom sessions on the scientific method and the theory of various techniques used in equine exercise physiology research. Permission of Dr. McKeever (Bartlett 003, 848-932-9390, is required. He also has research opportunities for students beginning in the Spring 2015 semester. Previous experience with horses is preferred. FINDING COURSES: USE RUTGERS ONLINE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES: Some courses are taught online or at locations off campus. If you are unsure, check the course synopsis or check the “Rutgers Online Courses” box in the online Schedule of Courses. EARN CREDITS & EXPERIENCE: STUDENT TO PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP NETWORK The Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN) affords students the opportunity to gain experience related to their course of study or career interests while earning academic credits to fulfill their SEBS experience-based education requirement. Credits are earned through the completion of academic assignments while the student is engaged in part-time or full-time work experience within business, industry, government or nonprofit organizations. Find out more at CONSIDERATIONS FOR PREVET STUDENTS: 2ND ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION COURSE A number of veterinary colleges recommend or require a public speaking course. Thus, consideration should be given to taking Fundamentals of Public Speaking (04:192:220) or Public Speaking (04:192:380) rather than Scientific and Technical Writing (01:355:302). GRE PREPARATION WORKSHOPS OFFERED AT RUTGERS SPRING 2015 A GRE Preparation Workshop (01:090:180; 3 credits) is being offered Spring 2015 at Rutgers. There are four sections: two on Fridays and two on Saturdays. Please visit the online schedule of classes for additional information. APPLY TO TEACH A FIGS (First-year Interest Group Seminar) IN FALL 2015 Are you interested in applying for a unique leadership experience at Rutgers that counts for experiencebased education credit? The FIGS Peer Instructor position is open to rising juniors and seniors with a 3.0 cumulative GPA who are interested in encouraging the success of first-year students and introducing them to Rutgers and the field of Animal Science. The Rutgers University FIGS Program is one of the few in the nation that allow an undergraduate to teach their own course! For more information, go to WHAT’S AN “OR EQUIVALENT”? “Or equivalent” is often stated in the catalog and refers to a course similar in content or at a higher level that may substitute for a required course. Many courses that are offered infrequently or have ceased to be offered may require an “or equivalent”. Examples of “or equivalents” in our curriculum are: • General Microbiology (11:680:390) for General Microbiology (01:447:390) • Introduction to Microeconomics (01:220:102) for Principles and Applications of Microeconomics (11:373:121) • Calculus I (01:640:135) for Precalculus College Mathematics (01:640:115) • Extended General Physics (01:750:201, 202) or General Physics (01:750:203, 204, 205, 206) for Physics for the Sciences (01:750:193, 194) • Animal Genetics (11:067:328) for Genetics (01:447:380) Course substitutes/or equivalents may also apply in Area VI, Oral and Written Communication, ExperienceBased Education, 9 credits, and elsewhere in our curriculum. HOW TO ASK FOR A RECOMMENDATION LETTER Many students are required to obtain recommendation letters for their application to veterinary school or graduate school. Please see Dr. Alan Robock’s website about how to ask a professor for a recommendation letter:
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