COVER SHEET 4 1 3 7 6 S.E.C. Registration Number S Y N E P H I L S . , D E E L O P V R G Y G R I I N C M E N T D & . ( P D E V E L O P r l y : I N C . f o r m e H I L S . , Y C O O N P E A R L M E N T U E M C E N T E R D R I E , (Company’s Full Name) 1 6 0 7 1 6 T B L D G. C O N D O M I N I U M P A S I C I Y , M E T R G H T F L O O R T O M A N I L V A (Business Address: No. Street/City/Town/Province) Anna May B. Agustin Contact Person 633-9757 Company Telephone Number SEC Form 17-C Month Day FORM TYPE Month Day Fiscal Year Annual Meeting N/A Secondary License Type, if Applicable Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign ________________________________________________________________________________________ To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned File Number ______________________________ LCU Document I.D. ______________________________ Cashier STAMPS Remarks = pls. use black ink for scanning purposes SYNERGY GRID & DEVELOPMENT PHILS., INC. (formerly: UEM Development Phils., Inc.) 1607, 16th Floor, Tycoon Center Bldg. Condominium Pearl Drive, Pasig City 15 May 2013 PHILIPPINE STOCK EXCHANGE, INC. Tower One and Exchange Plaza Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue, Makati City Attention: Re: Ms. Janet A. Encarnacion Head, Disclosure Department Synergy Grid & Development Phils., Inc. Gentlemen: Please see the attached SEC Form 17-C dated 15 May 2013. Very truly yours, SYNERGY GRID & DEVELOPMENT PHILS., INC. By: ANNA MAY B. AGUSTIN Compliance Officer SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 17-C, AS ATAENDED CURRENT REPORT UNDER SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SRC RULE 17(b)(3) THEREUNDER SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION sEc FoRM 17-C CURRENT REPORT UNDER SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SRC RULE 17.2(c) THEREUNDER May 15, 2013 l. .................... Date of Report (Date of eartiest event reported) 2. SEC ldentification 41376 Number 000-59 3. BIR Synergy Grid & Development Phils,, lnc. (formerly 4. .....,.............. Exact name of issuer as specjfied jn jts charter Tax ldentification No. UEM Development Philippines 5. ................... ............................ Provjnce, country or other jurisdjction jncorporatjon of 6. 3- 240-000 ....................... Phils., lnc.) (sEC Use Onty) lndustry Classjfication Code: 1607, 16th Floor, Tycoon center Bldg. Condominium Pearl Drive, Pasig City, Metro Manila Address of prjncipat offjce 1226 PostaI Code (632) 982-3500 (c/o Corporate Secretary) B. .................... lssuer's tetephone number, inclLrdjng area code N/A 9. ...,....,....,..... FoTmeT name or former address, if changed sjnce Last report '10. Securitjes regjstered pursuant to Sectjons 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and B of the RSA Title of Each Common SEC Forn l7-C Decel11ber 2003 CLass Shares Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding As of December 31,7012 Fully paid common shares (listed) - 49,466,000 Item 9 11, lndicate the item numbers reported herein: Item 9. Other Events May 1 5, 2013 Board Meeting At a special meetjng of the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Synergy Grid Development Corp. lnc. (the "Corporation") hel.d on May 1 5, 20'13, the Board resolved to reschedule the date of the hotding of the annual stockhoLders' rneetjng from the third Monday of May, as provided in the Corporation's By-laws, and tentativeLy set it on October 2013, as to be further determined by the Board. This is in light of the Board's djscussion that the Securjtjes and Exchange Commission's ("sEC") condition for the release of the shares issued out of the increase in the authorized capitat stock of the Corporation ("New Shares") cannot be futfilted yet, pendjng the appeat of the tax'free exchange rutjng dated August 3, 2012 fited with the Department of Fjnance. Consjdering that the SEC stiLt hotds in escrow the New Shares, which comprise more than a majority of the current outstanding capita[ stock of the Corporation, the Board deerned it best to move the date of the ho(ding of the annuaI stockholders'meeting pending the resotution of these issues, SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Regutation Code, the jssuer has duly caused thjs report to be signed on its behatf by the undersjgned hereunto duty authorized. synergy Grid & Development Phils., lnc. ANN SEC Fonn l7-C December 2003 G U STIN Date: May 1 5, 2013
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