FAX COVER SHEET TO: Sharon Boyce Dominic Asante John Hoel Rob Meyne Amy Thompson Pat Tyson Clausen Ely Jane F. Koska Neil Kodsi Chris Coggins Mark Berlind Matt Winokur Seth Moskowitz Mary Ward Patricia Barald Leo Dreyer Jeff Fuhr FROM: Marco Giamberardino The Tobacco Institute 1875 I Street, N.W., Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 457-4800 (202) 457-9350 (FAX) DATE: July 13,1998 # of pages (including cover sheet): 4 The original of this will Q will not Q be sent: via regular mail \Z\ via overnight mail I I MESSAGE: OSHA Legislation If you do not receive any of the pages properly, please call 800-898-4433 or 202-457-4800 extension: 3K JK ^K ^K 3C «C Mt ^K JJ* «E 3ft JK ^ y Jp. ^ t ^C JJC JK ^C *K JK X* *J* *p «E n» ^ * ^ > *|* Jjfc *J» *ft «n^ ^ » ^C Jji JJ* J p ^w ?J% TfG Jj* #|t j p JK> JK. *% "y* ^ s 9G ^K J Q JK, *K 3E JjC ^ p ^ * JJC JJC Jf* ^ » J|C ?JC ^C JjC *T» rl» J K JJC *K 7J* THIS FAX IS INTENDED ONLY FOR Till-: ADDRESSEE SHOWN ABOVE. IT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED FROM DISCLOSURE. ANY REVIEW. DISSEMINATION OR USE OKTHIS TRANSMISSION OR ITS CONTENTS BY PERSONS'OTHER THAN THE ADDRESSEE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE. T^ *I* T* *|C T* *f* T* *l* T^ *!* *F *J* T ? T* *F T* *r T^ Tr *1* T* T " T^ T^ T * *J* *P ^ P ^^ *r *i* *F ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ T^ T^ T^ T^ T^ T^ T^ T^ V T^ ^^ ^F *l> ^S *P T* T^ TS *P V ^^ T^ T^ T^ *F T^ *P T^ *t* *l* %S *J* *T* T> ^1* Recipient's Fax Number: Til 037-0422 THE TOBACCOlii-nINSTITUTE I STRKICI". VCWmWKST \ V \ S H I \ I : T O \ . I X : zooms _:i;: 4 . " 4;UHI • HI 10 M»i:(-4-i:i:t MARCO A. GIAMBKRARDINO Iviiii' \T.}iiit;4fT r»I»lii AlT.iir* (••;\.\:2t^.**4r>7-!i:m MEMORANDUM TO: Sharon Boyce, Brown and Williamson Chris Coggins, Lorillard Dominic Asante, Philip Morris Mark Berlind, Philip Morris John Hoel, Philip Morris Matt Winokur, Philip Morris Rob Meyne, R.J. Reynolds Seth Moskowitz, R.J. Reynolds Amy Thompson, R.J. Reynolds Mary Ward, R.J. Reynolds Pat Tyson, Costangy, Brooks, and Smith Patricia Barald, Covington and Burling Clausen Ely, Covington and Burling Leo Dreyer, Shook, Hardy and Bacon Jane F. Koska, Shook, 1 lardy and Bacon JeffFuhr, Womblc Carlyle Neil Kodsi, Woinble Carlyle FROM Marco Giamberardino, The Tobafcj SUBJECT: OSHA Legislation July 13, 1998 Attached please find a copy of H.R. 2873, the bill discussed in the conference call earlier today. MAG/Ibg Til 037-0423 I 105TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 2873 To amend the Occupational Safety and llealth Act of 1970, IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES NOVEMBER 7, 1997 Mr. BALLEXUER (for himself, Mr. IIALL of Texas, Mr. STENIIOLM, Mr. NORWOOD, Mr. BARRETT of Nebraska, Mr. PAUL, Mr. DELAY, Mr. BOB SOTAPPER of Colorado, Mr. IIOEKSTRA. Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. ISTOOK, Mr. FAWELL, and Mr. BOEUXER) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce A BILL To amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoitse of Representee 2 fives of the United States ofAmerica in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. STANDARDS. 4 Section 6(b)(2) of the Occupational Safety and 5 Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C 655(b)(2)) is amended by 6 inserting after the first sentence the following: "The notice 7 in the Federal Register shall include identification of the 8 specific industry or industries to which the standard, to 9 be promulgated under the rule, will apply. In promulgate 10 ing a standard, the Secretary shall ensure that the stand- 2 1 ard, as applicable to each such industiy, is based upon 2 an assessment of the risks to workers in such industry 3 from the hazard which is the subject of the standard, the 4 range of estimates and the best estimate of the quantifi5 able and nonquantifiablc benefits of the standard in each 6 such industiy, and an analysis of the costs likely to occur 7 in each such industiy as a i'esult of compliance with the 8 standard.". O •HJL 2873 IH
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