Dallas Independent School District Purchasing Department COVER SHEET RFQ TITLE: Request for Qualification for SQL Server Database Administrator Svcs and Student Information Systems Programming Svcs. RFQ# LH203336 RFQ DUE DATE: April 09, 2008 TIME: 2:00P.M. Pre-Bid Conference: N/A PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION: COMPANY NAME: ___________________________________________________ COMPANY ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO. ___________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________ 3700 San Jacinto Dallas TX 75204 M/WBE POLICY ENDORSEMENT “All bids of $25,000 or more shall contain the M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms at the time of bid opening. Bidders/proposers who will subcontract out portions of the work must attach the signed Letter of Intent to Subcontract. Request for Offer maybe considered nonresponsive, and thus may not be accepted if the completed and signed M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms and Letter of Intent to Subcontract are not submitted. However, the M/WBE department reserves the right to contact bidders for additional information/clarification after bid opening.” Any questions regarding the M/WBE Documentation should be directed to the M/WBE Office at 972-925-4140. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 2 Instructions for MWBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms 1. You are not required to subcontract, however, if you have MWBE subcontracting, complete sections A, B, C, D, and sign page 4. 2. If you do not intend to subcontract, you will not be penalized, however, please complete sections A and B, and sign page 4. 3. If you have any questions regarding completion of the form, contact the MWBE office at 972-9254140. If you fail to comply with these instructions, your bid may be deemed Non-Responsive 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 3 M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms To be completed and signed by the Prime Vendor/Contractor The undersigned agrees that he/she has read and understood the M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms and that all information is correct to the best of his/her knowledge. Print Name/Title: Date: Signature: Telephone: For additional information contact: M/WBE Department, 3700 Ross Avenue, Box 76, Dallas, TX 75204 Phone: (972) 925-4140, Fax: (972) 925-4141/4149, Email: mwbe@dallasisd.org, Website: www.dallasisd.org Read carefully: The M/WBE Program requirements are applicable to all bidders/proposers, including minority and women owned firms. These forms must be attached to any procurement document totaling $25,000 or more and are due at the time of bid/proposal opening. R Board Policy, CH Local: Approved by the Board of Trustees– November 2006 M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms: Revised February 2007 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 4 PLEASE READ BEFORE COMPLETING THE M/WBE COMPLIANCE GUIDELINES and FORMS. It is a continuing goal of the district to involve minority and women-owned businesses (M/WBE) to the maximum extent possible in all facets of the district’s contracting and purchasing activities. ♦ The completed M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms must be attached to all procurement documents totaling $25,000 or more and are due with the bid/proposal at the time of bid opening. If the completed M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms are not attached, responses to procurement documents will be considered non-responsive. ♦ The district’s aspirational M/WBE goal is 30 percent for goods, services, and construction contracts. The aspirational M/WBE goal for bond funded professional services contract is 35 percent. Please note, the district may assign a contract specific M/WBE goal. The M/WBE goal is applicable to any change orders, additional services, modifications or revisions to the original contract. Review your solicitation documents. ♦ The district recognizes M/WBE certifications issued by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB), Department of Transportation (DOT), Small Business Administration (SBA) – 8A or SDB, South Central Texas Regional Certification (SCTRCA), D/FW Minority Business Council, National Minority Supplier Development Council, City of Houston, Corpus Christi Regional Transportation, Women’s Business Council and City of Austin. Other certifications may be considered on an individual basis. ♦ Vendors do not have to be certified as an M/WBE to participate in the district’s contracting and purchasing activities. ♦ All district bidders/proposers are required to demonstrate positive and reasonable good faith efforts to subcontract with and/or procure supplies/services with M/WBEs. ♦ Respondents who will subcontract portions of the work will be required to submit the Letter of Intent to Perform/Contract as a Subcontractor Form (page 5, section E) prior to an agreement being executed or an authorized transaction created. ♦ Bidders/proposers may not apply one of its subsidiary companies or its own workforce towards meeting its M/WBE subcontracting goals. ♦ Changes to the List of Subcontractors (page 4, section C) must be reviewed and approved by the M/WBE Department prior to any changes being made. ♦ The contractor/proposer shall notify the M/WBE Department if the percentage of M/WBE participation declines or falls below the level of participation represented in the contract. The contractor shall promptly notify the M/WBE Department within 7 days and obtain a listing of other qualified M/WBE vendors to meet the commitment amount. ♦ Contractor will be required to submit a Pay Activity Report indicating the amounts paid to its subcontractors with each pay application submitted or as requested by the district. ♦ Contractor agrees to establish a written contract with each subcontractor. At minimum, the contract must include the scope of work, payment terms, termination of M/WBE Clause, Prompt Payment Clause, and Retainage Clause. ♦ The contractor will be required to maintain records showing the subcontract/supplier awards, subcontractor payment history, specific efforts to identify and award contracts to M/WBEs, and copies of executed contracts with M/WBEs. The contractor must provide access to books, records and accounts to authorized district, state and federal officials for the purpose of verifying M/WBE participation and good faith efforts. All district contracts are subject to an M/WBE audit. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 5 Bid/Proposal #: Bid/Proposal Title: Prime Vendor / Contractor: Company Address: City: Contact Person: Section A. Yes No State: Zip: Phone: Email: Is your company a Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE)? If you answered “Yes,” complete the current certification information in the boxes below, then continue to Section B. If you answered “No,” then continue to Section B. Certifying Entity North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB), Department of Transportation (DOT), Small Business Administration (SBA) – 8A or SDB, South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA), D/FW Minority Business Council, National Minority Supplier Development Council, City of Houston, Corpus Christi Regional Transportation, Women’s Business Council and City of Austin. (If you are not M/WBE certified, list non-certified.) Section B. Certification Number Ethnicity Gender Will you use subcontractors as a part of this bid/proposal? Yes If you answered, “Yes”, complete Sections C and E. No If you answered “No”, a written explanation is required below. (If you answered “No”, Sections C,D and E are not applicable.) 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 6 Section C. (Subcontractor Utilization) List all subcontractors (minority and non-minority) that will be utilized in this bid/proposal. Non-certified firms will not be counted towards the prime’s M/WBE subcontracting goals. Bidders/proposers may not apply one of its subsidiary companies or its own workforce towards meeting its M/WBE subcontracting goals. Use additional sheets if necessary. Subcontractor/ Supplier Contact Person & Phone Number Certificati on Type Certificati on # Ethnicity/ Gender Service/Suppli es to be Provided Estimat ed Amount % Of Tota l Bid Totals Special Note: You will be required to submit the Letter of Intent to Perform/Contract as a Subcontractor Form (page 5, Section E) prior to an agreement being executed or an authorized transaction created. Section D. Good Faith Efforts Documentation (No M/WBE Subcontractor Utilization) 1. Was contact made with M/WBEs by telephone or written correspondence at least one week before the bid was due to determine whether any M/WBEs were interested in subcontracting and/or joint ventures? 2. Were contracts broken down to provide opportunities for subcontracting? 3. Was your company represented at a pre-bid/proposal conference to discuss, among other matters, M/WBE participation opportunities and obtain a list (not more than two months old) of certified M/WBEs? 4. Was information provided to M/WBEs concerning bonding, lines of credit, technical assistance, insurance, scope of work, plans/specifications, etc.? 5. Were subcontracting opportunities advertised in general circulation, trade associations, minority/women-focused media and/or minority chambers of commerce? 6. Did you encourage non-certified M/WBEs to pursue certification status? 7. Were negotiations conducted in good faith with interested M/WBEs? 8. Were the services utilized of available minority and women, community organizations, contractor groups, local, state, and federal business assistance offices, and other organizations that provide assistance in the identification of M/WBEs? Special Note: The good faith efforts documentation is subject to an M/WBE audit. Upon request, you will be required to provide supporting documentation for the purpose of verifying your good faith efforts. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 Ye No 7 Letter of Intent to Perform/Contract as a Subcontractor Section E. Intent to Perform/Contract as a Subcontractor. Complete a form for each minority or woman–owned subcontractor, which will be utilized in this bid/proposal. If necessary, make copies to list additional subcontractors/suppliers. Pursuant to district policy (CH Local), only “certified” M/WBEs may be counted towards meeting the district’s M/WBE goal at the subcontracting level. Refer to page two (2) bullet three (3) of the M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms for a listing of Dallas ISD-recognized certifications. Bid/Proposal # 1. Bid/Proposal Title: Name of Offeror / Prime Contractor Address, City, State & Zip SUBCONTRACTOR INFORMATION 2. The undersigned has been certified by a Dallas ISD recognized certification agency Name of Agency: Certification Number: Ethnicity/Gender: 3. The undersigned is prepared to perform the following described work/service and/or supply the material listed in connection with the above project and at the following price $ By: (Name of the M/WBE Firm) (Signature of Owner, President or Authorized Agent) (Phone) (Date) (Print or Type – Name of Owner, President or Authorized Agent of M/WBE Firm) DECLARATION OF PRIME CONTRACTOR I HERBY DECLARE AND AFFIRM that I am the (Name of Declarant) and a duly authorized representative of (Title of Declarant) (Name of Prime Contractor) to make this declaration that I have personally reviewed the material and facts set forth in this Letter of Intent to Perform/Contract as a Subcontractor form. To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the facts and representations contained in this form are true. The owner, president or authorized agent of the M/WBE firm signed this form and no material facts have been omitted. The prime contractor has designated the following person as their M/WBE Liaison Officer: (Name of M/WBE Liaison Officer) (Phone) Caution: Any false statements or misrepresentations regarding information submitted on this form may be a criminal offence in violation of Section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code. Phone Number: (Name of Declarant) (Phone) Date: (Signature of Declarant) (Date) Sections (F through I) should be completed for Request for Proposals (RFP) and Competitive Sealed Proposals only. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 8 Section F. EMPLOYEE CATEGORY Workforce Composition TOTAL EMPLOYEES Male Female NON MINORITY Male Female AFRICAN AMERICAN Male Female HISPANIC Male Female NATIVE AMERICAN Male Female ASIAN Male Female Executive & Manageri al Technical & Skilled Office & Clerical TOTAL Section G. Affirmative Action Plan or Supplier Diversity Initiative Yes My company has a written Affirmative Action Plan or Supplier Diversity Initiative, which is included in this proposal. No My company does not have a written Affirmative Action Plan or Supplier Diversity Initiative. Section H. Historical M/WBE Utilization. List M/WBE Subcontractors that were utilized on previous Dallas ISD projects. If no Dallas ISD experience, please list similar projects. Name of Project Section I. M/WBE Subcontractor/Supplier or Joint Venture Partner M/WBE Contact Person & Phone Number Amount or % of Bid Mentor Protégé Plan or Joint Venture Agreement Yes My company has attached a Mentor Protégé Plan and/or Joint Venture Agreement. No My company hasn’t attached a Mentor Protégé Plan and/or Joint Venture Agreement. For additional information, visit the following websites: Mentor Protégé Plan: http://www.dallasisd.org/inside_disd/depts/business/support/mwbe/MPP.pdf Joint Venture Agreement: http://www.dallasisd.org/inside_disd/depts/business/support/mwbe/JVP.pdf 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 9 RE: RFQ #LH203336-SQL Server Database Administrator Services and Student Information Systems Programming Services. DUE DATE: April 9, 2008, 2:00p.m. 1. BIDDERS ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT ONE (1) ORIGINAL AND THREE (3) COPIES OF THEIR ENTIRE BID, INCLUDING ALL REQUIRED PRICING SHEETS, COMPLETED M/WBE FORMS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL EXPENSES RESULTING FROM PREPARATION AND RESPONDING TO THIS BID/PROPOSAL, SHALL BE SOLELY AT THE EXPENSE OF THE BIDDER/PROPOSER AND NOT REIMBURSEABLE. THIS PROVISION INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO BID BONDS, PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS, REPRODUCTION (COPY) SERVICES, ETC. 3. THE ATTACHED M/WBE GUIDELINES AND FORMS ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THIS BID. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS WITH REGARDS TO COMPLETING THE M/WBE FORMS PROPERLY, PLEASE CONTACT THE M/WBE OFFICE AT 972-925-4140. CONTACT LIZZIE HARRIS @ 972-925-4125 OR EMAIL lharris@dallasisd.org WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS SOLICITATION. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CAN BE MAILED TO: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 3700 SAN JACINTO, DALLAS TX 75204 ATTN: LIZZIE HARRIS. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS IS DUE AT THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED. LATE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 4. BLANK LINE ITEMS: BIDDER MUST QUOTE A PRICE FOR ALL LINE ITEMS. ALL LINE ITEMS MUST REFERENCE A DOLLAR AMOUNT OR BE DESIGNATED “NO CHARGE”(N/C). IF A BIDDER DOES NOT WISH TO BID ON A SPECIFIC LINE ITEM, THAT LINE ITEM MUST BE DESIGNATED “NO BID”. BLANK LINE ITEMS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CONSIDERED NONRESPONSIVE. BIDDER’S FAILURE TO HONOR BID/QUOTE PRICES WILL BE DEEMED NONRESPONSIVE AND MAY RESULT IN FORFEITURE OF BID BOND. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPRESSED IN THE SPECIFICATION, THIS BID MAY BE AWARDED BY LINE ITEM OR OVERALL TOTAL, WHICHEVER IS DETERMINED TO BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE DISTRICT. 6. FOB: INSIDE DELIVERY, INSTALLED AND/OR ON PALLETS, PER OSHA AND DOT STANDARDS, AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO DISD. 7. CONTACT BETWEEN BIDDERS AND USER DEPARTMENTS DURING THE BIDDING PROCESS OR EVALUATION PROCESS IS PROHIBITED. ANY ATTEMPT BY A BIDDER TO CONTACT THE DEPARTMENTS COULD RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. 8. ADDENDA: ANY ADDENDA PUBLISHED WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE DALLAS ISD WEBSITE. IT IS THE VENDOR’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK FOR POSTINGS. THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES THAT THIS BID IS AN OFFER TO SELL THE ITEMS OR SERVICES LISTED HEREIN OR ATTACHED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON THIS FORM. THE UNDERSIGNED WARRANTS THAT HE/SHE IS AUTHORIZED TO BIND THE COMPANY. _________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME & TELEPHONE NUMBER ________________________________ PRINTED NAME _________________________________________________ ________________________________ ADDRESS SIGNATURE 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 10 Request for Qualification #LH203336- SQL Database Adminstrator Services and Student Information Systems Programming Services. The Dallas Independent School District Purchasing Department is accepting Request for Qualification for SQL Server Database Administrator Services and Student Information Systems Programming Services. All questions regarding the specifications must be submitted in writing and submitted via e-mail to lharris@dallasisd.org or faxed to Attn: Lizzie Harris, Buyer at 972-925-4136. There will be no verbal confirmations regarding specifications. The final day to submit questions regarding this request for qualification is April 4, 2008 2:00p.m. Contact between the bidders and the user departments during the rfq process or evaluation process is prohibited. Any attempt by a bidder to contact the departments could result in disqualification. RFQ Selection Criteria Factors Listed below are the selection criteria factors. Please see the evaluation criteria qualification scoring sheet for a break down of the elements as it pertains to each criteria factor listed. • • • • Firm Resources Experience and Qualifications Cost Responsiveness to DISD’s stated goals for M/WBE participation RFQ Contents Each section should be marked by a tabbed divider. RFQ Section 1. RFQ Section Contents Specific and detailed description of firm qualifications as specified in the scope of work. 2. Cost Schedule Completed Cost Schedule (blank form included in RFQ) 3. References Completed Form (blank copy included in RFQ) 4. M/WBE Forms 5. Conflict of Interest Form,Vendor Debarment Felony Conviction, and Vendor Disclosure Forms Completed M/WBE Forms (blank copy included in RFQ) 6. Insurance Requirements Current copy of insurance certificate Completed Forms ( blank copies included in RFQ) 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 11 Award of Request for Qualification The request for qualification may be awarded to one are multiple vendors which ever is in the best interest of the district. Submittals • Completed MWBE forms must be submitted with your request for offer. M/WBE POLICY ENDORSEMENT • “All bids of $25,000 or more shall contain the M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms at the time of bid opening. Bidders/proposers who will subcontract out portions of the work must attach the signed Letter of Intent to Subcontract. Bids maybe considered nonresponsive, and thus may not be accepted if the completed and signed M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms and Letter of Intent to Subcontract are not submitted. However, the M/WBE department reserves the right to contact bidders for additional information/clarification after bid opening. • Completed Vendor Debarment and Felony Conviction form shall be submitted with your bid. • Completed Conflict of Interest Questionnaire • Copy of Insurance Certificate • Vendor Disclosure Form Termination Clause The district retains the right to terminate any agreement resulting from this RFQ at its exclusive option and at no further cost or obligation to itself for reasons of Bidder’s failure to perform satisfactorily in the following areas: • • Quality of service Fulfillment of other contractual commitments or requirements relating to this request for qualification Such termination action will be enacted only after the Bidder has been notified in writing by the district of its dissatisfaction and the Bidder has been given, in the district's opinion, reasonable time to correct the matter of dissatisfaction. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 12 Technical Platform and Environment Overview DISD uses Novell Operating System for network connectivity. Groupwise is used for email communication. DISD has 158,000 students and 25,000 employees, 238 campuses with various administrative sites. Databases and Servers: • Microsoft SQL Server databases: o Multiple environments consisting of testing, training and production. o Stand-alone and shared web servers o Stand-alone and shared SQL server o SQL 2005 and web servers o Citrix servers and Citrix server farm o Windows 2003 and 2000 servers software o Microsoft .net framework o Internet Information Server (IIS) o Crystal Enterprise Report Application Server (RAS) o Secure Socket Layer certificates (SSL) o Microsoft Data Access components (MDAC 2.8 or higher) o SQL Server 2000/2005 o Windows 2003 Domain Service o Task Scheduler service o SQL 2000/2005 reporting service o SQL Analysis service o SQL server backup o DTS SQL service • MySQL databases: o Multiple environments consisting of testing, training and production. o Residing on Unix servers o Apache (web service) • Unisys’s Unicorn Database for the Delta Student Management System: o Multiple environments consisting of testing, training and production. o Residing on Unix servers Database tools: o Enterprise Management Console / SQL Server Management Studio Software Languages/Development Tools/IDEEs: o Pearson’s cTool utility o JavaScript o Java Servlets o Java Server pages o Java Beans o Cascading Style Sheets o HTML o Unisys Leprechaun 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 13 o o o o o o o o o Unisys Pegasus Screen Developer Unix Shell Scripting C programming languages XML SQL PVCS (version control) PHP Crystal Reports Cold Fusion MX, MX7 Application Systems Most systems have multiple environments (production, testing, & training) o Spectrum K12 School Solution’s eNCORE Special Education Systems o Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) o Facility Management System with a web and apps server using jboss application o Lesson Plan Builder System using Apache and Tomcat application servers o Benchmark Assessment System o Campus Accountability Management System o Discipline Management System o Unisys Delta Management Student Records System o Pearson’s Chancery Student Management Systems o Various locally developed sub-modules (i.e. Teacher Retirement System reporting, Application Request System) o Texas Records Exchange (TREx) system o Student Profile Center for Personal Graduation Planning Operating Systems o Microsoft Windows 98 – XP o Linux (SUSE, Red Hat) o Unix o AIX Print Utilities o Adobe o Postscript o Secure Doc o PCL 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 14 Scope of Work The purpose of this request for qualification is to gather pricing information in order to possibly enter into a contract with a vendor for SQL Server Database Administration Services and Programming Services related to Unisys’s Delta Management System. The Dallas ISD is soliciting information from qualified individuals/organizations with the intent of developing a pool of SQL Server and database administration vendors, that Dallas ISD can continuously select from to provide the required database support. We expect to receive rfq’s with pricing based on volume of service. Please refer to the “Technical Platform and Environment Overview” section for information on our technical environment. Please see below for the areas of support we are looking for. SQL Server Database Administrator Database Services (multiple database instances of test, staging, training and production): • Monitoring and Support • On-site database consulting • Remote database consulting • Customer response time within 1 hour • Support staff to be available Monday – Friday 24 hours/day • Support staff to be available Saturday – Sunday 8:00am – 5:00pm • Monitor disk space and make recommendations • Review database alert log files for database errors • Analyze database for possible performance issues • Regular verification of data files to detect hidden data file corruption • Verify and validate backups and recovery regularly • Monitor SGA and memory usage • Monitor CPU and I/O database use • Quarterly analysis report • Performing corrective measures on databases • Applying RDBMS patches to database instances during off-peak hours • Cloning or refreshing database instances with production data • Database installation or migration projects • Resolving database issues with internal support staff • Performance Tuning (SQL, PL/SQL, database, network, OS, design, architecture) • Working with internal support staff and/or database company support on known issues Student Information System Programming Services Subject Matter Areas and Areas of Expertise: • PEIMS (Public Education Information Management System) • School District Business Processes • Student Academic Records (i.e. grade reporting, attendance, etc.) 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 15 • • • • • • • • • • • • Student Demographic & Household information tracking Student Grade Reporting Student Attendance recording Curriculum/Lesson Plan Development Student Health Records Student Transcript Records Truancy Monitoring and reporting Graduation Planning Test Score tracking Student Class Scheduling Special Education Systems Discipline References Bidders shall complete the following and return concurrent with the rfq and identify customer references with requirements similar or comparable to those included within this solicitation and with whom this firm has entered into a contract for this service within the last three (3) years. Dallas ISD reserves the right to contact these and other customer references that come to Dallas ISD attention, and consider customer reference comments in making a recommendation for award. (a) Agency Name: Address: Representative: Telephone Number: (b) Agency Name: Address: Representative: Telephone Number: (c) Agency Name: Address: Representative: Telephone Number: 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 16 Evaluation Criteria Qualification Scoring Sheet Evaluation Criteria Resources • Staffing • Finance • Infrastructure • Years of experience of technical staff • Certifications and partnerships • Public School Experience • Total number of current public sector sites customers Experience and Qualifications • • • • • • • Maximum Points 25 25 Able to provide on-site service w/o travel expenses Capable of providing 7 x 24 x 365 Service SQL Server database experience Accessible via phone w/o charges J2EE Development experience Variance of Programming skills Accessible via the web Proposed Solutions N/A Cost 30 M/WBE Participation 20 • • • • Company has an Affirmative Action Plan and/or Policy and its workforce composition reflects its Affirmative Action Policies. Company presented positive historical M/WBE utilization on its previous contracts. Team make-up meets the District's M/WBE goals (30%) through significant and meaningful M/WBE involvement Team make-up exceeds the District's goals through significant and meaningful M/WBE involvement. • Company will voluntarily participate in the district's Mentor Protégé Program. Maximum Total Points 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 100 17 Indemnification To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Proposer and its agents, partners, employees, and consultants (collectively "Indemnitors") shall and do agree to indemnify, protect, defend with counsel approved by the District, and hold harmless the District and its affiliated enterprises, representatives of the District, and their respective officers, directors, members of the board, partners, employees and agents (collectively "Indemnities") from and against all claims, damages, losses, liens, causes of action, suits, judgments and expenses, including attorney fees, of any nature, kind, or description (collectively "Liabilities") of any person or entity whomsoever arising out of, caused by, or resulting from the performance of services, or provision of goods, by contractor pursuant to this contract, or any part thereof, which are caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Proposer or, anyone directly or indirectly employed by it or anyone for whose acts it may be liable even if it is caused in part by the negligence or omission of any Indemnities, so long as it is not caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of any Indemnities. In the event more than one of the Indemnitors are connected with an accident or occurrence covered by this indemnification, then each of such Indemnitors shall be jointly and severally responsible to the Indemnities for indemnification and the ultimate responsibility among such Indemnitors for the loss and expense of any such indemnification shall be settled by separate proceedings and without jeopardy to any Indemnities. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to eliminate or reduce any other indemnification or right which the District or any of the Indemnities has by law. Proposer shall protect and indemnify the District from and against all claims, damages, judgments and loss arising from infringement or alleged infringement of any United States patent, or copyright, arising by or out of any of the services performed or goods provided hereunder or the use by Proposer or by the District at the direction of Proposer of any article or material, provided that upon becoming aware of a suit or threat of suit for patent or copyright infringement, the District shall promptly notify Proposer and Proposer shall be given full opportunity to negotiate a settlement. Proposer does not warrant against infringement by reason of the District's design of articles or the use thereof in combination with other materials or in the operation of any process. In the event of litigation, the District agrees to cooperate reasonably with Proposer and parties shall be entitled, in connection with any such litigation, to be represented by counsel at their own expense. The indemnities contained herein shall survive the termination of any agreement or purchase order for any reason whatsoever prior to written notice or cancellation, non-renewal or reduction in coverage. Should any of the required insurance be provided under a claims-made form, Contractor shall maintain such coverage continuously throughout the term of this contract and without lapse, for a period of three years beyond the contract expiration, such that occurrences arising during the contract term which give rise to claims made after expiration of the contract shall be covered. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 18 Insurance Requirements The following are insurance requirements for different categories of services with contract amounts above $100,000. All contracts over $100,000 must have a waiver of subrogation on the General Liability, Automobile Liability and the Workers’ Compensation. They must also name Dallas Independent School District as an additional insured on the General Liability and Automobile Liability. A. Services provided by Sole Proprietors, except for Medical Services General Liability Bodily Injury & Property damage $500,000 combined single limits/ $2,000,000 aggregate Automobile Liability Bodily Injury Property damage $250,000 per person/$500,000 per accident $250,000 Professional Error’s & Omissions Umbrella Policy $1,000,000 $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 aggregate B. Businesses providing Accounting Services, Recreational Services, Student Support Services, Technology Services, Legislative Consulting Services, Communication Services, Professional Development Services, Curriculum & Instructional Services Workers’ Compensation Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability $500,000 per accident / $500,000 per employee General Liability Bodily Injury & Property damage $1,000,000 combined single limits/ $2,000,000 aggregate Business Automobile Liability: for Owned, Scheduled, Non-Owned, or Hired Automobiles Bodily Injury $250,000 per person/$500,000 per accident Property damage $250,000 Professional Error’s & Omissions Umbrella Policy $1,000,000 $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 aggregate 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 19 C. Medical Services, including Psychological or Counseling Services Workers’ Compensation Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability $500,000 per accident / $500,000 per employee General Liability Bodily Injury & Property damage $500,000 combined single limits/ $2,000,000 aggregate Business Automobile Liability: for Owned, Scheduled, Non-Owned, or Hired Automobiles Bodily Injury Property damage $250,000 per person/$500,000 per accident $250,000 Professional Liability Insurance (Malpractice) $1,000,000 Umbrella Policy $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 aggregate D. Security Services Workers’ Compensation Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability $500,000 per accident / $500,000 per employee General Liability Bodily Injury & Property damage $1,000,000 combined single limits/ $1,000,000 aggregate Business Automobile Liability: for Owned, Scheduled, Non-Owned, or Hired Automobiles Bodily Injury Property damage $250,000 per person/$500,000 per accident $250,000 Professional Error’s & Omissions Umbrella Policy E. Transportation Services Workers’ Compensation Employer’s Liability $1,000,000 $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 aggregate Statutory Limits $500,000 per accident / $500,000 per employee General Liability Bodily Injury & Property damage 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 $1,000,000 combined single limits/ $2,000,000 aggregate 20 Business Automobile Liability: for Owned, Scheduled, Non-Owned, or Hired Automobiles Combined Single Limits Umbrella Policy $1,000,000 $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 aggregate F. Armored Car Services Workers’ Compensation Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability $500,000 per accident / $500,000 per employee General Liability Bodily Injury & Property damage $1,000,000 combined single limits/ $2,000,000 aggregate Business Automobile Liability: for Owned, Scheduled, Non-Owned, or Hired Automobiles Bodily Injury Property damage $250,000 per person/$500,000 per accident $250,000 All Risk Armored Car Cargo Liability Umbrella Policy $1,000,000 $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 aggregate All insurance policies proposed or obtained in satisfaction of these requirements shall comply with the following general specification, and shall be maintained in compliance with these general specifications throughout the duration of the Contract, or longer, if so noted: • • Each policy shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Texas with an A.M. Best Company rating of at least A-. Liability policies shall be endorsed to provide the following: 1. Name as additional insured the District, its Officials, Agents, and Employees. 2. That such insurance is primary to any other insurance available to the additional insured. 3. All policies shall be endorsed to provide thirty- (30) day’s prior written notice or cancellation, non-renewal or reduction in coverage. 4. Should any of the required insurance be provided under a claims-made form, Contractor shall maintain such coverage continuously throughout the term of this contract and without lapse, for a period of three years beyond the contract expiration, such that occurrences arising during the contract term which give rise to claims made after expiration of the contract shall be covered. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 21 NOTICE TO BIDDER: This document must be signed in order to be deemed eligible for award. Please submit this document with your bid submittal. Offeror’s signature affirms compliance with the following: I I. DEBARMENT, EXCLUSION (a) SUSPENSION, INELIGBILITY AND VOLUNTARY In accordance with the provisions of Appendix A to 49 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), Part 29, the offeror certifies to the best of the offeror’s knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (1) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, transactions by any or voluntarily Federal, excluded State or from Local covered Government department or agency; (2) have not within a three (3) year period preceding this offer been convicted of or had a civil judgement rendered against them for the commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes, or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (3) are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in (a)(2) above; and (4) have not within a three (3) year period preceding this offer had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. (b) Where the offeror is unable to certify to any of the statements above, the offeror shall attach a full explanation to this offer. ( c) For any subcontract at any tier expected to equal or exceed $25,000: 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 22 (1) In accordance with the provisions of Appendix B to 49 CFR, Part 29, the prospective lower tier subcontractor certifies, by submission of this offer, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. (2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to the statement, above, an explanation shall be attached to the offer. (3) This certification (specified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c) (2), above, shall be included in all applicable subcontracts and a copy kept on file by the prime contractor. The prime contractor shall be required to furnish copies of the certifications to the Authority upon request. II. FELONY CONVICTION NOTIFICATION AND CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK (a) Offeror must give advance notice to the Owner if the person or an owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony. The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of a felony. The District may terminate any Agreement or if the Owner determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by this paragraph or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction. This paragraph requiring advance notice does not apply to a publicly held corporation. : (b) Offeror will obtain criminal history record information that relates to an employee, applicant for employment, or agent of the Offeror if the employee, applicant, or agent has or will have continuing duties related to the contracted services; and the duties are or will be performed on school property or at another location where students are regularly present. The Offeror certifies to the Owner before beginning work and at no less than an annual basis thereafter that criminal 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 23 history record information has been obtained. Offeror shall assume all expenses associated with the background checks, and shall immediately remove any employee or agent who was convicted of a felony, or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, as defined by Texas law, from Owner property or other location where students are regularly present. District shall be the final decider of what constitutes a “location where students are regularly present.” Offeror’s violation of this section shall constitute a substantial failure. (c) If the Offeror is the person or owner or operator of the business entity, that individual may not self-certify regarding the criminal history record information and its review, and must submit original evidence acceptable to the District with this Agreement showing compliance. Signature below acknowledges compliance with Section I. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION and Section II. FELONY CONVICTION NOTIFICATION. DATE: __________________ SIGNATURE OF OFFEROR: PRINTED/TYPED NAME OF OFFEROR:____________________________________ COMPANY NAME:_____________________________________ 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 TEL#: ______________________ 24 FORM CIQCONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor or other person doing business with Dallas ISD 1 This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with chapter 176 of the Local Government Code by a person doing business with the Dallas ISD. By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government not later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006, Local Government Code. A person commits an offense if the person violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Name of person doing business with Dallas ISD. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than September 1 of the year for which an activity described in Section 176.006(a), Local Government Code, is pending and not later than the 7th business day after the date the originally filed questionnaire becomes incomplete or inaccurate.) 3 Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee or contractor of Dallas ISD who makes recommendations to a local government officer of Dallas ISD with respect to expenditure of money. 4 Describe each affiliation or business relationship with a person who is a local government officer and who appoints or employs a local government officer of the Dallas ISD that is the subject of this questionnaire. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 25 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ Page 2For vendor or other person doing business with Dallas ISD Name of local government officer with whom filer has affiliation or business relationship. (Complete this section only if the answer to A, B, or C is YES.) This section, item 5 including subparts A, B, C & D, must be completed for each officer with whom the filer has affiliation or business relationship. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income from the filer of the questionnaire? Yes No Is the filer of the questionnaire receiving or likely to receive taxable income from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not from the Dallas ISD? Yes No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other business entity that the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of 10 percent or more? Yes No D. Describe each affiliation or business relationship. Describe any other affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest. Signature of person doing business with Dallas ISD Date 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 26 Vendor Disclosure Form 1) Please attach information detailing your firm’s ownership and affiliations (names, titles, etc.) including all principals and operating officers. 2) The undersigned firm attests that there is no other ownership or affiliation as described in the documentation provided for item #1. 3) This form is required for award consideration. Failure to submit this form with supporting ownership/affiliation information may render your offer ineligible for award. ________________________________________ Name _________________________________________ Title/Firm Name _________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________ Date This form is required for award consideration. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 27 Cost Schedule (Submit pricing on this sheet do use any other form) Section 1 1. SQL Server Database Administrator 1 1-3 years experience $__________________ per hour 2. SQL Database Administrator 2 4-7 years experience $ __________________per hour 3. SQL Database Administrator 3 8 years or more $_______________________ per hour Section 2 1. SIS Programmer (1 ) 1- 3 years experience $_________________________ per hour 2. SIS Programmer (2) 4-7 years experience $_________________________ per hour 3. SIS Programmer (3) 8 years or more $____________________________ per hour 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 28 Terms and Conditions 1. Bids are to be submitted on “Request for Offer” form. Each bid shall be placed in an envelope, sealed and properly identified with the bid title and delivered to the Purchasing Department office before the hour and date specified. Late bids will not be considered under any circumstances. Telegraphic or other written response to bid request, other than this form must show all information requested on the bid. Signed confirmation on bid form of such response must be received in the office of the Purchasing Department within 48 hours after opening day and time. 2. Bid unit price on quantity specified, extend and show total. In case of errors in extension, unit prices shall govern. 3. Prices bid must be F.O.B Destination (Shipping terms under which the seller bears risk until the goods are transported to buyer’s dock/department/school, after which risk will pass to the buyer), inside delivery. Show the exact or estimated cost to deliver if transportation is not included in the item cost. No C.O.D. or collect freight shipments will be accepted. 4. Unless otherwise noted, bid prices must be firm for acceptance 60 days from the bid opening date of the bid. 5. The District is a public entity and is exempt from Federal Excise Tax, State Tax and local Tax. Do not include tax in bid. If it is determined that tax was included in the bid, it will not be included in the tabulation or any awards and will be deleted from any subsequent invoices. Tax-exempt certificates will be furnished upon request. State of Texas number is 1-75-6001276-7 Outlet Number 167. 6. Bids must show the full name and address of the bidder if different than name and address shown on the bid request. Unsigned bids will be disqualified. Person signing bid should show title or authority to bind their firm to a contract. 7. Bids cannot be altered or amended after opening time. Any alterations made before opening time must be signed by the bidder or his agent. No bid can be withdrawn after the opening time without approval of the Purchasing Agent based on acceptable written reason. 8. Items must conform to appropriate local, state, federal ordinances, statutes and regulations governing the manufacture, safety, sale, and installation of the items. 9. The District will evaluate the bids and make award for supplies, materials, services and equipment on the basis of the lowest and best bid, which meet the specifications. Payments discounts will be used in determining the lowest and best bid. 10. The District reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of any bid, waive minor technicalities and award the bid to best serve the interest of the District. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 29 11. The District reserves the right to purchase additional quantities of items or services as listed on this bid subject to verification of the same or lower prices and conditions as bid. 12. Any catalog, brand name or manufacturer’s reference used in the bid is descriptivenot restrictive- it is intended to indicate type and quality desired. Bids on brands of like nature and quality will be considered. If bidding on other than referenced specifications, bid must show manufacturer, brand model, etc. of article offered. If other than brand (s) specified is offered, complete descriptive information of each article being bid must be included with the bid. If bidder takes no exception to specifications or reference data, the bidder will be required to furnish brand names, models, etc. as specified. Articles delivered that are determined by the District not to be of equal or comparable quality of the requested articles shall be picked up by the vendor at no expense to the District. 13. All items must be new, in first class condition, including containers suitable for shipment and storage, unless otherwise indicated on the bid. 14. Samples, if requested must be furnished at no cost to the District. If not destroyed in examination, the samples will be returned to the bidder on request at the bidder’s expense. Otherwise, the District will dispose of samples not requested for return. Each sample, when requested must be marked with bidder’s name and item number on the bid. Bid and sample must be submitted separately. 15. Delivery: Bid must show the number of days required to deliver the articles to the specified location under normal conditions after receipt of an order. Failure to state the delivery time obligates the bidder to make delivery in 14 calendar days. Delivery shall be placed inside the school building in room or rooms as designated at no additional charge. The District cannot and will not accept tailgate delivery at a school entrance unless specified otherwise. The right is reserved to reject incorrect or damaged shipments. 16. Installation: The successful bidder shall provide the following services and requirements at no additional cost above the initial bid price on machinery, appliances and furniture. Provide transportation of the items to the building, locating the items in the proper location within the building, uncrating, complete assembly and adjustment by a trained installation mechanic and removal of all debris. Machinery is to be complete and made ready for electrical and/or fluid service connection by the District. After connection, make the machine ready, start up, check out, and correct any malfunction of the equipment. Provide all materials, equipment and labor to place machinery in top operating condition or to fully assemble furniture. 17. The District makes payment 30 days upon receipt of a properly executed invoice and verification of delivery from the consignee. Discounts will be calculated from the date of delivery or date of invoice, whichever is most current. 18. By signing and executing this bid, the bidder certifies and represents to the District that Bidder has not offered, conferred, or agreed to confer any pecuniary benefit or 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 30 other thing of value for the receipt of special treatment, advantage, information, recipient’s decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or any other exercise of discretion concerning this bid. 19. Bidder further certifies and represents that Bidder has not violated any state, federal, local law, regulation or ordinance relating to bribery, improper influence, collusion, discrimination or other similar crimes and all items or services provided or delivered under any award shall conform hereto. 20. In signing this bid form, the Bidder certifies that to the best of their knowledge no company employee, either full or part time, owner, official, stockholder, subcontractor, or members of their immediate family, are members of the Board of Education or an employee of the District. 21. Texas Education Code, Section 44.034, Notification of Criminal History, Subsection (a), states “ a person or business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district if the person or an owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony. The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of a felony.” 22. The Bidder, if awarded a contract relative to this bid, hereby assigns to the District any and all claims for overcharges associated with a contract which arises under the Antitrust Laws of the United States, 15 U.S.C.A Sec. 1 et seg. (1973). 23. The District reserves the right to financial records relative to this bid or subsequent award. 24. ACCESSORIES, OPTIONS, AND UPGRADES: All accessories, options or upgrades must be approved by the District and will be of equal or greater in features at the same or lower price. 25. VALUE ADD: The District encourages all CISV vendors submitting a response to propose any additional benefits the DISD could utilize in conjunction with the laptop and tablet program. Examples:quantity of thirty student laptops will include one mobile wireless student cart, bonus points may be used for training opportunities, DISD employees laptop or tablet purchase not to exceed the cost of DISD laptop or tablet purchases, additional student or classroom equipment. 26. LEMON CLAUSE: Upon the third return for warranty service, regardless of reason, the vendor at no additional cost to the district shall replace the laptop or tablet computer that is being returned for warranty service. The replacement laptop or tablet computer shall meet the same minimum specifications as the computer being replaced. The warranty period of the replacement computer shall begin at the time it is delivered to the district’s central receiving office. 3700 San Jacinto Dallas Texas 75204 31
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