Request for Proposal for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Consulting Services Ogden City Corporation is accepting proposals to provide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Consulting Services. Proposal packets may be obtained from Ogden City Purchasing, 2549 Washington Blvd., Suite 510, Ogden, Utah, or on Additional Information may be obtained by contacting Blake Wilkinson, (801) 629-8722. Responses to this Request for Proposal shall be submitted to the office of the City Purchasing Division, 2549 Washington Boulevard, Suite 510 (5th Floor) Ogden, Utah, no later than 3:00 p.m. on July 2nd, 2014. LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal as it best serves its convenience and/or is found to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to issue contracts to multiple vendors. Ogden City encourages and welcomes bids from women and minority owned businesses. PUBLISHED: June 22, 25, 2014 OGDEN CITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) CONSULTING SERVICES I. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Ogden City is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified consulting firms to conduct a study of the feasibility of implementing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to meet the City’s needs in the areas of financial management, procurement, human resources, payroll administration, community development, utility management, decision support, and other administrative business needs. This Request for Proposal describes the City, the Scope of Work, proposal requirements, selection criteria and other related information. II. OGDEN CITY Ogden City was incorporated in 1851. With a population of approximately 83,000 contained in an area of 27 square miles, it is the largest municipality in Weber County and serves as the county seat. Ogden city has stable, older neighborhoods undergoing revitalization, newer neighborhoods experiencing some growth, and a central business district also undergoing revitalization. Many of the county’s recreational, leisure and cultural opportunities are located in Ogden. It is home to Weber State University, a public institution with a total enrollment of 26,000. The City operates under a Council-Mayor form of government, operating similar to the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. A seven (7) member Council sets city policy and authorizes all budgetary actions. Council members are elected on a non-partisan basis. The Mayor is responsible for all administrative operations of the City and with the assistance of the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) manages six (6) departments: Legal, Public Services (includes Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer Utilities and Golf and Airport Enterprises), Community and Economic Development, Management Services (includes the Justice Court, Human Resources, Finance, Fleet, and IT), Police, and Fire. Page 1 of 12 III. CURRENT BUSINESS ERP ENVIRONMENT The primary reasons for this feasibility study are The current ERP technology is dated and there appears to be no short or long term scheduled efforts to enhance it. A number of business needs are being met marginally or not at all by the current ERP system. Examples of these needs include Parcel Management, Permitting, Inspections, Contract Management, Code Enforcement, Debt Collections, and Project Management. User complaints regarding the current system are increasing and departments are implementing work-around applications. Ogden City has used Tyler Technology’s Eden ERP software suite since 1998. Current ERP modules include, General Ledger Accounts Payables Accounts Receivables Purchase Orders Requisitioning Budget Preparation Cash Receipting Interface Fixed Assets Payroll/Position Budgeting Human Resources Inventory Parcel Manager Permits and Inspections Business License Cash Receipting Interface Ogden City also runs other applications, both vendor and internally developed, that are not part of the Eden ERP software, but that may be part of other ERP suites. These include, Perf. Appraisal (Halogen) Committee Management Cashiering (Quadrant) Utility Billing (Incode) Job Application Submission Parking Ticket Management Good Landlord Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Collections On-Line Business License Renewal Other business functions commonly found in ERPs are performed manually at Ogden City. These include, Parking Ticket Collections Page 2 of 12 Contract Management IV. WRITTEN AGREEMENT REQUIRED The selected consultant must be willing to negotiate and enter into a written agreement with Ogden City to provide all services required under the Scope of Services set forth in this solicitation or as may be modified by the written agreement. V. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. General Description The study shall analyze the accounting standards, business practices, needs, policies, procedures, management, staffing levels and productivity, and operations of City departments as it relates to functions currently performed in City ERP software and related functions performed with other software or performed manually. The analysis shall include comparisons with similar-situated cities in the United States. Criteria such as city size, demographics, form of government, number of employees, etc. should be used in the comparisons wherever possible. The study shall recommend continuation of the current Eden solution or implementation of better aligned ERP solution or implementing non-ERP, unique solutions by department/division. The study shall make detail recommendations supporting their directional recommendation. This procurement is not for system integration services. There may be a subsequent procurement for ERP software and system integration services. B. Software, Customer Service, and Staff Productivity Review 1. Review current ERP software. The Consultant shall obtain an indepth understanding of the current Eden ERP’s capability of performing and satisfying City business needs. This information should be obtained via interviews with the department and division managers, employees, other members of the City’s administration, and elected officials as well as on-site visits to the City offices and a review of business policies, procedures, manuals, or other written information relating to the software’s performance and capability. Special emphasis shall be given to the following areas: Page 3 of 12 o o o o VI. Business practices and needs fit with software Business practices in line with best practices Staff productivity Technology objectives of departments DELIVERABLES A. Consultant will document all study findings, conclusions and recommendations in a formal study report. The consultant will identify specific recommendations for implementation of those findings. B. Consultant will conduct interviews with the Mayor, CAO, Department Directors, Division Managers, and other City staff. Once these interviews are conducted, the consultant will summarize the comments and meet with City Administration and Directors to determine the central goals and direction of the study. Interviews may be conducted in person, via phone, go-to-meeting or other web based method with approval of the Director of Management Services. C. Consultant will survey employees regarding their perception of current ERP functionality as it pertains to performing their work, division and department business practices, manual ERP work-a-rounds, ERP training, staff productivity, related policies and procedures, etc. D. Consultant will provide monthly status reports to the Director of Management Services or his assignee, including a summary of all costs incurred and work performed by project team members during the period. E. Consultant will provide City Administration and the Management Services Director draft copies of the final report of findings and recommendations for review and comment prior to the final printing. These reviews of the draft will be for factual accuracy (whether s/he disagrees or agrees with the recommendations can be expressed in a formal response once the final report has been delivered). F. Consultant will make oral presentations of the results of the study to the City Administration to assist in achieving a full understanding of the implications and recommendations. This presentation will be made in person in the City Council Work Room at 2549 Washington Boulevard, Page 4 of 12 Suite 310, Ogden, Utah or by video conference as approved by Ogden City. VII. G. Consultant will make an oral presentation of the results of the study to the Division Managers so that they may hear the recommendations directly from the consultant. This presentation may be made in person at the City offices or by video conference as approved by Ogden City. H. Consultant will provide twenty (20) copies of the final report and other documents to the City Administration. Consultant will also provide a copy of the final report in PDF. WORK SCHEDULE Services required must be commenced by July 14, 2014, unless another date is negotiated by the successful responder prior to award of the contract) and be completed no later than October 31, 2014. VIII. PROPOSAL In order to assist the selection committee, proposals from offerors must be submitted in the same sequence shown below. 1. Cover Sheet (See Exhibit A). 2. A statement indicating whether your organization is national, regional or local. 3. A description of your organization's professional qualifications. 4. A statement indicating the number of employees, by level, which will handle the study. 5. A separate listing of current and prior ERP assessment clients, indicating the following: A. Page 5 of 12 Type(s) of services performed. B. 6. Indicate the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons who may be contacted by the selection committee as references. Government clients are preferred. Provide a resume for each study team member, and indicate the experience for each team member who would be assigned to the Ogden City study, including: A. Name of individual. B. Education/Professional credentials. C. Experience in ERP system assessments. D. Experience in government IT management. E. Hourly rates to be charged for each team member. F. Amount of time of each member dedicated to each study. G. Their position on each study. H. Percentage of time senior or higher level personnel will be on-site. 7. A tentative schedule for completing the study within time frames specified herein. 8. A quoted price for each area shown on Exhibit C and a "Not to exceed" total cost for the study. 9. Any additional information, which, in the opinion of the offeror, would be relevant to the City’s evaluation, process. 10. A written work plan outlining in detail how the offeror proposes to perform the services required. 11. A list of specific exceptions to any and all items, conditions and requirements contained in the RFP. Page 6 of 12 IX. 12. The signature of an authorized representative must appear on the cover sheet of the offeror's proposal. Signature on this form will be interpreted to indicate the consultant's willingness to comply with all the terms and conditions set forth in this solicitation, unless specific written exceptions are noted on the list referenced in Provision 10 above. 13. A list of any proposed exceptions to the terms and conditions of the attached agreement. 14. Information pertaining to any area of ERP evaluation and selection which are customarily reviewed during such a study which have not been mentioned in the "Scope of Services" section of the RFP. EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. Page 7 of 12 Following the receipt of proposals, the City-appointed selection committee will select finalists for further evaluation. The finalists will be selected based upon consideration of the following criteria: A. Availability of national, local and regional resources. B. Number and depth of office staff to be used in carrying out the study. C. Level of expertise and experience of personnel in performing this type of study. D. Quality of the work plan used by the study team. E. Experience, education and training of personnel as it relates to ERP assessments, particularly local government experience. F. Proposed schedule for completion of the required study functions within the specified deadlines. G. Willingness of the offeror to negotiate an agreement which will be in the best interest of the City. H. Hourly rates and a not-to-exceed price for completion of the work outlined in the Scope of Services in similar format to that set forth below. A Proposal containing price and/or hourly quotes which indicates an Offeror does not understand the scope of the work will not be considered. Schedule Of Price Quote Hourly rates to be charged as follows: CLASSIFICATION RATE Partner $____________ Manager $____________ Field Supervisor $____________ Staff $____________ Clerical $____________ Other: __________________ $____________ "Not to Exceed" cost to perform the Ogden City Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Study is $____________. 2. A selection committee consisting of the IT Steering Committee, IT Project Review Committee, IT Division Manager, IT Operation Supervisor and IT Customer Account Supervisor will evaluate all proposals received. Following evaluation by the committee, two or three finalists will be selected for further consideration. The Committee will conduct onsite, oral interviews with each finalist. The individual designated as the project manager should be in attendance at the interview. Other team members may attend at the discretion of the offering consultant. All costs associated with travel to this interview are the responsibility of the consultant. The City will make every effort to accommodate flight and other schedules to minimize the cost to the offering consultants. Page 8 of 12 Offering consultants should be prepared to discuss all aspects of their proposal. Finalists will be evaluated based upon consideration of the following criteria: 3. X. A. Professional qualifications and ability to present required information. B. Previous experience. C. Comments from references. D. Whether or not studies conducted for other jurisdictions have resulted in positive changes. E. Ability to communicate effectively with the City Administration, Department employees, and the public. F. Willingness to perform in an informal advisory capacity to the City Administration. F. Willingness of the consultant to cooperate and work with the City Administration staff in performance of the required study functions. The selected consultant will be required to meet with the City Administration to present their proposal prior to entering into a contract. All costs associated with travel to this interview are the responsibility of the consultant. The City will make every effort to accommodate flight and other schedules to minimize the cost to the consultant. NOTICE OF SELECTION The City Administration hopes to select the consultant to perform the ERP feasibility study by July 11, 2014. The selected consultant will be notified as soon as possible. If a written agreement cannot be negotiated with the selected consultant within a reasonable period of time after selection, the City reserves the right to terminate negotiations and select a consultant from among the other finalists. XI. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Page 9 of 12 In order to be considered for award, the offeror must submit fifteen (15) copies of the written proposal to the Purchasing Division, Ogden City, 2549 Washington Boulevard, Suite 500, Ogden, Utah, 84401, prior to 3:00 p.m., on July 2nd, 2014. All proposals will be delivered in a sealed package and ERP Feasibility Study must be marked in a conspicuous place on the outside of the package. Proposals which are not received in the Purchasing Division prior to the time and date specified herein will be considered late. LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informality or technicality in proposals received, in the interest of the City. XII. PROPOSAL COORDINATOR – CITY CONTACT Questions concerning the scope of work should be directed to Blake Wilkinson, IT Manager, who will be the coordinator for this RFP. Any questions regarding the meaning or intent of these specifications must be directed to Blake Wilkinson at the Office of the IT Division, 2549 Washington Boulevard, Suite 410, Ogden, Utah 84401; (801) 629-8722 or via e-mail at Page 10 of 12 EXHIBIT A COVER SHEET FOR PROPOSAL CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS STUDY SERVICES TO: The Purchasing Officer of Ogden City Corporation Proposal of ___________________________________________________________________ (an individual) (a partnership) (a corporation) duly organized under the laws of the State of ____________________. The undersigned, having carefully read and considered the Request For Proposal for ERP Feasibility Study for Ogden City, does hereby offer to perform such services on behalf of the City, in the manner described, subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the attached proposal and at the rates indicated in our response to this solicitation. _______________________________________ OFFEROR (Company Name) _____________________________ Date BY: ___________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ (City) (County) (State) TELEPHONE: __________________________ FAX: ___________________________ THIS COVER SHEET MUST ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL Page 11 of 12 EXHIBIT B CITY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Page 12 of 12
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