Pendle Hill High School Assessment Task Cover Sheet Faculty/Subject: Ancient History Assessment Task No: 1 Year: 11 Assessment weighting: 15% Date Given: 19/03/14 Date Due: 10/04/14 Date received: Student Name: Teacher: Miss Mansour SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS The task must be completed by the due date. Hardcopies must be handed to your regular classroom teacher during school hours and signed for. Email submissions must be sent to the following email account: Assignments received after 4pm on the due date will incur a late penalty. ABSENCE/LATE SUBMISSION Late submission: For students in Years 11 and 12, the penalty is 40% for the first calendar day and 20% for each calendar day thereafter. The penalty includes weekend and public holidays. For students in Years 7,8, 9 and 10 the penalty is 20% per day . Any assignment more than one week late will result in an N award warning letter being mailed to parents. Absence: if you are absent from school on the day the task is to be completed, you are required on your return to school to provide a medical certificate/documentation to the front office. Failure to provide adequate documentation will result in late submission penalties being applied. STUDENT CONFIRMATION This is all my own work. I have referenced any work used from other sources and have not plagiarised the work of others. I understand that plagiarised work will receive zero marks and an N award warning letter. I have attached a complete bibliography. I have kept a copy of my assignment. Student Signature: _______________________________________ Assessment Task Receipt Students are to record all details before handing in. Teachers sign as a receipt. Student Name: ________________________________ Subject: ___________________________ Task Number: ________ Date Due: ______________ Date Submitted: __________________ Student Signature: ___________________________ Teacher Signature: ___________________________ Name: ________________________________________ OUTCOMES: P1.1 describe and explain the contribution of key people, groups, events, institutions, societies and sites within the historical context P3.1 locate, select and organise relevant information from a variety of sources P3.6 plan and present the findings of historical investigations analysing and synthesising information from a range of sources. P4.1 use historical terms and concepts appropriately P4.2 communicate knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues using appropriate oral and written forms TASK: Archaeologists play a key role in uncovering history. Overtime, archaeologists have discovered many archaeological sites which have helped us to understand and reconstruct the past. You are to research and write a report on ONE site and the archaeologists involved from the list below. The palace of Knossos Ur Mycenae The palace complex at Persepolis in Persia (Iran) Entombed Warriors of China Lake Mungo Teotihuacan, Mexico Petra, Jordan Machu Picchu Skara Brae Using a variety of sources, you are to write a 1000-1200 word report on your chosen site. In your report, you must: Identify the archaeologists involved in the discovery of the site. Describe the major discovery/ies of your archaeologist Explain the methods they employed Explain what problems were encountered during the excavation and how they were resolved. Explain how the site adds to our understanding of the ancient past Assess the contribution of the archaeologist to our understanding of archaeology and/ or our understanding of the ancient world. In your response, you must use a variety of sources (both archaeological and written). They cannot all be websites. The sources are to be included within your report. E.g. pictures, quotes, source extracts, etc. You must also include a bibliography listing all the sources you used in your report, as outlined on the next page. Name: ________________________________________ HOW TO WRITE A BIBLIOGRAPHY Your bibliography must be correctly referenced as shown below. Book: Mason, K.J. (2002). Experience of Nationhood: Modern Australia since 1900. McGraw Hill (4th ed). Book with multiple authors: Cameron, K., Lawless, J., and Young, C. (2000). Investigating Australia’s 20th Century History. Nelson, Southbank. Books with an editor: Evans, CL. (ed) (1992). The Kingfisher illustrated history of the world. Kingfisher, London. Website: McCulloch, J. (2001). Jim’s Buddhism page. [Internet]. Available from: jmcculloch> 27 March 2002. Journal article: Bird, M L. (2002) Waiting for a change. Time. No. 11, 25 March. Pp 40-45. You will be assessed on your ability to: Describe and assess the different methods used by archaeologists to understand the contributions of key people, groups, events, institutions, societies, written sources and sites of the past Locate, select and organise relevant information from a variety of sources. Demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question using historical terms and concepts appropriately. Present a sustained, logical and cohesive report within the stated word limit. Provide a bibliography clearly showing all sources as indicated in the attached material. Name: ________________________________________ REPORT MARKING CRITERIA 0 1 2 3 Correctly identifies the archaeologists involved. Describes the major discovery/ies of the archaeologist/s. Clearly and correctly explains the methods employed by the archaeologist. Explains the problems encountered during the excavation and how they were resolved. Explains how the site adds to our understanding of the ancient past. Assesses the contribution of the archaeologist to our understanding of archaeology and the ancient world. Selects, organises and synthesises relevant information from a variety of sources. Demonstrates historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question using historical terms and concepts appropriately. Presents a sustained, logical and well-structured report. Complies with the word limit Provides a detailed bibliography clearly showing all sources as indicated in the attached material. Total Mark: Comment /45 4 5
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