LASER-COM. COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME & ADDRESS: ST. BERNARDINE OF SIENA #513956 24410 Calvert St. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CONTACTS: Peggy Pryor 818-426-6539 (c) or Dorothy Kramer 818-888-8200 (office) EMAIL: SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows XP PRINTER HP Laser Jet P2055dn TRANSMISSION TIME: OCTOBER 8, 5:05 pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 13, 2013 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Saint Bernardine of Siena Parish 24410 Calvert Street, Woodland Hills, California 91367 Don’t Miss Out On All The Fun!!!! Rev. Msgr. Robert J. McNamara, Pastor Rev. Daniel Fox, Associate Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard Murray, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Jerry Cellner Deacon Steven Ellms Schedule of Masses: Saturday: 8:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; 12:00 noon & 5:30 p.m. Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. (Monday –Friday) First Friday: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m . (also 11:30 a.m. October - June) Holy Days: Schedule to be Announced Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30 pm and anytime by appointment Website: Deacon Jesus Pasos Deacon Dale Taufer Parish Center: School: Pre-School: Religious Education: R.C.I.A./Adult Education: Youth Ministry: Library: Gift Shop: 888-8200 340-2130 716-4730 340-1440 340-2087 710-1662 884-2736 888-7073 Marriages: 6 months prior notice requested Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month Call for an appointment Classes 1st Thursday of the month Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Times St. Bernardine of Siena October 13, 2013 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 13, 2013 If we have died with [Christ Jesus] we shall also live with him; if we persevere we shall also reign with him. — 2 Timothy 2:11-12a Dear Parishioners: Our Festival weekend is in full swing and tonight someone will receive a phone call that they have won the grand prize of $5,000.00. I usually pick out the winning ticket and immediately the winner is called with the good news. Once, I remember when the phone was picked up, the annoyed winner said: “Who’s this calling, I’ve gone to bed.” Another time when the winner was announced, a voice from the crowd yelled “That’s my grandma”. If you would like a chance to get that phone call Sunday night, and I think all of us would love a $5,000 windfall, be sure your name is in the ticket drum. I’ll try my best to find it! I thank the incredible committee. Their planning for this years festival began even before last years festival was over. Most of them will live in our parking lot for the weekend! Their gift of time and talent to make our Festival successful is huge. Here is the committee - may God bless them all: • Chairpersons: Tod Borowski, Michele Sjolander • Scheduling: Donna Cote • Food: Charlene Barkes, Wendy Moreno, Tami Alcocer, Dave Downing. • Beverage: Cathy/Paul Barkes • Manpower: Tony Bourgeois, Bryan Cantwell, Tod Sater, Michael Murray • Prizes: Cindy Simoni, Helen Griffiths, Sophia Crescenzi, Keey Caldera • Auction: Valorie Snyder • Raffle: Daniella Stark • Entertainment: Alan Sjolander, Dean Cresecenzi • Publicity: Susan Sole • Permits: Tracy Norton • PreSale: Carrie Law • Sponsorship: Cathy Borowski • Finance: Doug Thompson, Jill Ortiz, Mandy Rhodes While the committee works all year, another army of workers will be busy this weekend. Too numerous to mention by name, they are essential to the success of the Festival in working the food booths, game booths, entertainment etc. etc. Thank you all so much. Lastly, to you, who with your friends and neighbors, come to enjoy the Festival, thank you. You are the final piece that makes our Festival both a financial and community building success. May the Lord bless us this weekend with the best Festival ever. Father McNamara ALTAR CARE - October 18, 2013 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION every Tuesday in the Chapel, beginning at 7:00 am and ending with Benediction at noon. Nancy Blau, Michele Croson, Bernice Galbreath, Nellie Hsu and Diane McCaustland Page Three St. Bernardine of Siena IMPORTANT DATES Oct 19/20 Nov 2/3 Food gathering for Guadalupe Center and Loaves and Fishes Pantry San Fernando Valley. Sandwich Sunday. Bagged meals (sandwich, chips, dessert, fruit), water, socks and blankets will be collected at all the Masses for distribution to those in need. October 13, 2013 ANNUAL PULPIT EXCHANGE St. Bernardine’s parishioners are invited to the Shabbat Service at Temple Aliyah, this coming Friday, October 18th, at 8:15 pm, when Monsignor McNamara will speak about this year’s Pulpit Exchange topic “The Role of Clergy: Walking the Line Between Comforting the Afflicted and Afflicting the Comfortable.” Please plan to attend. St. Bernardine of Siena St. Bernardine Adult Faith Enrichment Program Presents VATICAN II Out of the blue? with Reverend Leon Hutton As part of our observance of the 50th anniversary of Vatican Council II (1962-65), Fr. Leon Hutton takes us on a backwards walk through the time just prior to the calling of the council Was Vatican II really the 'revolution' some think it was, and is? Were there precedents that laid the groundwork for the inspiration of Pope John XXIII? Thursday, October 24, 2013, 7:30 p.m. St. Bernardine of Siena – Monsignor Murray Hall ———————————————————————————————————— Presenter: Fr. Leon is an Associate Professor of History at St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo. He has assisted in Pastoral work at St. Robert Bellarmine, Burbank and Holy Family Church, Pasadena. This work included involvement in RCIA, the Conference for Community and Justice, Intersem, Chaplain at BellarmineJefferson High School and the Associate Director of IPSF. He is a member of the American Catholic Historical Association and the American Historical Association. He has published articles in the U. S. Catholic Historian and Chicago Studies. Page Four St. Bernardine of Siena Tuesday October 15 “Tuesday Night at the Movies” 7-8:30pm Parish Hall Why would God ask Joan to join the chess club at her high school? Come by to discuss what God is up to and see how Joan responds. Come by and pray that we have the faith of Joan! All high school youth are welcome. Refreshments provided. Wednesday October 16- Wednesday Night Youth Session 7-8:30 pm in the parish Center “Love my neighbor”? I can barely tolerate my brother! All high school youth are invited to come discuss how we can bring Christ’s LOVE into a world so much in need. We will be viewing “the Butterfly Circus” as part of our discussion. Come join us for what promises to be a lively prayer and discussion session! In your charity please pray for the sick of the parish: Carol Kelly; Kathy Powell; Sandy Cox; Barbara Manegold; Ellen Zegel, sister of Frank Becker; Dharma Pablos; Tati Cardero; Ruthie Marke; Michael Gelinas; Ernie Nargolis; Pamela Shuken; Ellen La Frieda; Bradford Dawson; Anne Baldocchi; Damian Giammatteo; Laurie Pearson; Jessica Barres Please pray for the happy repose of all souls: Bill Herman, father of Michele Croson; Tom Melancon, formerly of St. B’s; Priscilla “Perl” Sullivan, wife of Will; Sally Pietrolungo, daughter-in-law of Trudy; Felix S. Vasquez, father of Robert; Eduardo Paredes, grandfather of Joseph October 13, 2013 October 14 thru October 20, 2013 MONDAY 6:30 am Victoria Alambra+ 8:30 am Michael McClean+ TUESDAY 6:30 am Susie Murphy+ 8:30 am Robert Kimball+ WEDNESDAY 6:30 am Marion McEveety+ 8:30 am Robert Coscolluela+ THURSDAY 6:30 am Ruby Londono+ 8:30 am Ann Monte+ FRIDAY 6:30 am Edralin Adriano+ 8:30 am Josefina Jovellanos+ SATURDAY 8:30 am Barbara Manegold 5:00 pm Terrence Krier+ SUNDAY 7:00 am Pro Populo 8:30 Judi Ketchum+ 10:00 am Kelli McCoy+ 12:00 noon Normand Poiriter+ 5:30 pm Monica Cronin+ Jr. Hi Religious Education We’ll see all you 7th and 8th graders at 4:00-5:30 pm in the Parish Center as we resume our classes this week. ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE Saturday, October 19, 5:00 pm: Emily Miller, Oomi Pammit, Nicholas Romo, Cole Teglas Sunday, October 20, 7:00 am: Emma Calvert, Alex Navarro 8:30 am: Christopher Cassar, Nicole Cassar, Catherine Law, Daniel Law 10:00 am: Samantha Licursi, Camron McElroy, Bianca Palaganas, Hanz Palaganas 12:00 pm: Brenden Blau, Katie Jamal, Conrad Scarr, Elena Scarr 5:30 pm: Gus Hurlbut, Lucy Hurlbut, Cheyenne Navarro, Giulianna Navarro Page Five St. Bernardine of Siena ST. BERNARDINE’S PARISH LEADERS Parish Council Odile Swift 613-0595 Altar Care Lucy Kerecman 998-6701 Altar Servers Dcn Jesse & Eloisa Pasos 805-777-7105 Baptism Prep. Dcn. Jesse Pasos 805-777-7105 Caregiver Support Group Charlotte Fuchs 884-3935 Christian Service Lesley Hawes-Hearn 590-3649 Coffee & Donuts Veronica & Paul Arce 339-4995 Cross Bearers Dave Goracke 347-0192 Detention Ministry Joyce Wright 884-4305 Eucharistic Ministers Rico Abarca 384-5158 EM’s for Homebound Dcn. Dale Taufer 888-8200 Facilities John Erlinger 883-4345 Festival Chairpersons Michelle Sjolander 999-6169 Todd Borowski 348-5650 Finance Committee Priscilla Brehm 591-6201 1st Friday Mass/Lunch Karen Brown 591-1520 Funeral Buffet Shirley Grochalski 347-6228 Gift Shop Jean Sampson 888-7073 Justice & Peace Maryanne Malzone Miller 618-1467 Lectors Jack Maranto 887-6310 Library Volunteers 884-2736 Magnificat Pat Dunlap 346-5460 Mary & Martha’s (Reach Out) Ella Haney 888-1423 Marriage Encounter Jeanie & Russ Walker 805-648-4244 Mommy & Me Megan French 205-6062 Nursery Care Program Carole Williamson/10am 999-3764 OASIS Monica Goudis 340-5100 Parent/Teacher Assoc. Cheryl Divitale 618-3972 Pre-School Charlene Barkes 716-4730 RCIA Dcn.Steve & Sharron Ellms 340-2087 Religious Education Eileen Fewless 340-1440 Respect Life Alise Sue 310-283-2804 Retreats (Men’s) Jim Birkhead 348-4616 Safeguard the Children Ray Barkes 888-0833 School Carol Ward 340-2130 Scouting (Boy Scouts) Gary Bishop 998-7917 (Cub Scouts) Dru Morgan 943-1968 (Girl Scouts) Donna Cote 703-8035 Social Activities Janet Barnett 929-1692 Tithing Frank Loffa 880-8101 Ushers Donna Forrester 648-4461 Webmaster (St. B’s) Odile Swift 613-0595 Welcoming Committee Dharma Trafecanty 515-2039 Women on the Journey Jean Sampson 888-7073 Youth Ministry Bob Nicholas 710-1662 Abortion Recovery Help (877)467-3463 & Angels Way Maternity Home 818-346-2229 Crisis Pregnancy Hotline (800)973-7334 Holy Family Adoption Services (800) 464-2367 Childrens Assistance Ministry 213-637-7650 October 13, 2013 The St. Bernardine's Parish Children's Choir will be performing at the Fall Festival this weekend on Sunday, October 13th, at 3:00 pm. You don't want to miss it! Please come out and enjoy the show and support our young singers! "Please Join In Singing...." All adult parish members are invited to be a part of the Choir for the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Rehearsals will be held on Sundays at 8:00 a.m. in the church. If you enjoy singing, please add your voice to our music ministry! Magnificat Day of Prayer Mass Father Bob Garon, spiritual advisor for Magnificat, will celebrate Mass in the chapel at 10 A.M. on Thursday, October 24th. Everyone is welcome. Save the Date The Sacred Ordinary: Participating in the Liturgy of Life A Day of Prayer & Reflection for Women Presenter: Dan Miller, Ph.D. Saturday, November 23rd, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm St. Bernardine of Siena Parish Hall Cost $40 - Lunch & Morning Coffee -Don’t miss this Day!! Bring a Friend!!- Page Eight St. Bernardine of Siena October 13, 2013 Job Search Workshop, October 26th, 9:00 AM to 12 Noon, at Woodland Hills This is a class for entry level to experienced job seekers. If you are considering making a career move or are experiencing challenges in with your ongoing job search this class is for you. Sean McCarthy has 30 years of job search experience counseling a wide variety of job seekers and displaced workers from The Walt Disney Co., Pratt Whitney ~ Rocketdyne, Curtis Wright, Saint Jude Medical and many more. Learn to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Craft a winning resume Tell your compelling story Search the web for hidden job opportunities Build a dynamic LinkedIn profile Set goals Negotiate compensation Sign up on line to receive a copy of the class materials. Class size limited to 15 people. Class will be held in the Parish Center. Cost of the course is $10. Please sign up by emailing us at: For more info: Sean McCarthy 818-389-1876. ~ Shower Sunday Update ~ Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the St. Bernardine community, the Justice and Peace committee was able to supply over 650 bagged hygiene kits to M.E.N.D. (Meet Each Need with Dignity) in Pacoima. M.E.N.D. currently maintains 4 showers appreciated by over 200 homeless people a week. We were also able to donate several boxes of family-size items to the Guadalupe Community Center in Canoga Park. The Center improves the lives of nearly 10,000 low-income people each year through emergency assistance services and innovative programs for all ages. All donations were very gratefully received. The Justice and Peace committee members greatly appreciated the many hands that collected and sorted the donations and bagged the kits – including several of our Confirmation students and their parents. PREGNANCY COUNSELING CENTER Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life? Do you hav four hours a week to volunteer? Are you a good listener? Become a Counselor! A 4-week training class is available starting in October. All classes are on Saturdays from 9am-1pm. October 19 & 26 and November 2 & 9 Contact Edy at 818-895-2500 MISSION SUNDAY Next weekend, October 19/20, our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to act in solidarity with missionaries in India and throughout the world. Every day, faithful missionaries are reaching out in the name of Christ, offering practical, emotional and spiritual care to communities, children and families in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. For more information visit: Magnificat Rosario Rodriguez Young Actress shot point-blank miraculous healing. MAGNIFICAT - A Ministry to Catholic Women Prayer Meal Saturday, November 2 @ 10:00 am Odyssey Restaurant, 15600 Odyssey Dr., Granada Hills Mail “Magnificat” check for $26 by October 21st to Magnificat, 17836 Oakrock Ct., Granada Hills, CA 91344. After deadline $30. Questions? Pat Dunlap 818-346-5460. On-line reservations
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