Lori M. Lechowicz
Kyocera TASKalfa 400ci KX
1 through 8
Feb 5, 2012
Please deliver to PARISH CENTER ONLY
(which is behind the church) in the OFFICE.
Do NOT deliver to the church. Thank you.
Welcome to St. Patrick Church
Saturday Vigil: 5:00p.m.
Sunday: 8:00am & 10:30am and
5:00 pm (Oct-May)
Weekdays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00 a.m.
Called together by God to experience Jesus and his word,
in the sacraments of the Church and in each other, we are committed to love God
and to embrace all God’s people as witnesses of God’s mercy.
Page Two
February 5, 2012
St. Patrick Church
47 West High St.
P.O. Box 177
East Hampton, CT 06424-0177
Office: 860-267-6644
Fax: 860-267-7807
Rectory: 860-267-6646
Web address:
Welcome to our Parish Family
Newcomers to the parish are invited to introduce
themselves to Father Nagle after Mass and to
register at the Parish Office.
Please advise the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, or Administrative
Assistant to arrange pastoral visits or Holy Communion for
those who are sick, hospitalized or homebound.
Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Also arrangements can
be made by calling the Rectory.
Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office.
Pastoral Team
Rev. Walter M. Nagle, Pastor
Sister Dominic Joseph Valla, A.S.C. J.
Pastoral Associate
Lori M. Lechowicz, Administrative Assistant
Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
John P. Higgins, Director of Music & Organist
Office Hours
8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 12:00pm, Friday
Couples must contact the Pastor at least one year in advance to
reserve a date and make arrangements.
In a large parish, keeping the information on parishioners up to
date is a difficult task. You can be of immense help in this
regard. If you move or change your telephone number, please
contact the parish office (267-6644). Not only will this help
avoid confusion, but it will also save the cost of paying
additional charges for returned mail. Thank you.
Stewardship of Treasure
January 29, 2012
Week 31 of the Fiscal Year
1,362 Registered Families
Ordinary Income:
Actual Collection:
Over or (short)
Envelopes Received:
Current Week
Year to Date
($ 690.00)
$ 6,505.00
Solemnity of Mary: $10 Nat’l Combined Collection: $150
Bulletin Deadline
Please submit articles no later than
noon on Monday
Handicap Accessible
“Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a
deserted place, where he prayed….He told them, “Let us
go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also.
For this purpose have I come.”” Mark 1:35, 38
Through today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example
of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to doing all that God
wishes—healing the sick and preaching. Yet Jesus also
makes time to be alone in prayer. It is only through prayer,
through spending time with God, that any of us can find the
strength to do all that God wishes us to do. Be sure to find
time this week to be with God.
Page Three
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 4
5:00pm Aldoph Sirois req by the Sirois family and
Francis Puzzo req by Larry,Peggy Puzzo & Family
Sunday, February 5
8:00 am Frank Lawson req. by the Dennis &
MaryAnn Wall
10:30am Richard Murray req. by Catherine & Charles
Murray and Frank Lawson req by Agnes
Zaverton & Family
5:00pm Martin Clebowicz
Monday, February 6
8:00am Dick Murray req. by John & Jane Robida
Tuesday, February 7
8:00am Special Intention for Fatima & Jeff LaChance
req. by Angelina Madalena
Wednesday, February 8
8:00am David Souza req. by Eleanor Woodward
Thursday, February 9
6:00am-7:00pm Eucharistic Adoration
Closing of Adoration
Friday, February 10
8:00am Special Intention for the Grandchildren of
Angelina Madalena req. by Angelina Madalena
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 10
5:00pm Adolfo & Juanita Boza req by Maritza Warga &
Elisa Bannon & Family and
Harry & Marie Nichols req by Mary Ann &
Dennis Wall
Sunday, February 11
8:00 am Frank Lawson req. by Donna Daly
10:30am Bette Treat req. by the Hughes Family
and the Desjardins Family
Dolores Albrecht req. by John & Jane Robida
We are so blessed to have so many
parishioners who give so
generously of their time and
resources. Thank you for your
witness to our shared Catholic
faith and values. Jesus Christ is at
the center of everything we do here at St Patrick. In that
light I do wish to share with you some upcoming events. In
the first week of Lent we are blessed to host Archabbott
Lambert Reilly, OSB who will be giving a parish mission
Feb 27, 28, and 29. There will be 6 different talks-3 after
the morning Masses and 3 in the evening. Tuesday evening
there is a Penance Service with an opportunity for
confession. Wednesday the 29th we will close with a Mass.
Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to
grow closer to God.
I am also pleased to announce that Christine Radavich
has agreed to be the chairperson for the Annual Catholic
Appeal. Christine will be replacing Renee and Michael
DeGasperi who have so wonderfully led this effort for
many years. I am grateful for the dedication of both
Michael and Renee and look forward to working with
Christine and her husband Jim.
Speaking of confession, there is a wonderful story told
by Scott Hahn concerning the late Pope John Paul II. It
seems the Pope was visiting St. John Lateran when he saw a
beggar outside. He motioned to the beggar and the two
exchanged greetings. However, on the way out the Pope
stopped the man and asked him: “you look familiar, have
we met before?” “Yes,” said the beggar.” You and I were in
the seminary together and we were ordained to the
priesthood at the same time.” Needless to say, life for the
beggar had become hard. He had left the priesthood and
was now living on the streets. Then something special
happened. The next day a papal representative approached
the beggar and said that he was invited to dinner in the
Papal chambers with the Pope and his priest secretary.
Incredulous, the beggar accepted his invitation. He arrived
at the Vatican and was escorted upstairs where he and the
Pope dined. Then the Pope motioned to him to step outside.
They were outside in the hallway for quite some time.
Curious, the Pope’s aide asked him what they were
discussing at such great length. The beggar replied, “His
holiness asked me to hear his confession….I was
overwhelmed and protested that I hadn’t been practicing as
a priest for many years.” Undaunted the Pope reminded the
priest that he could still hear confessions and that he, as
Peter, had the ability to offer any necessary dispensations.
Pope John Paul’s aide asked the beggar, “but why were you
out there so long? Was the Pope’s confession that lengthy?”
“No, said the beggar through tears, I received the grace of
the sacrament for the first time in many years. It was my
confession that took so long.”
Don’t be afraid! The Sacrament of Reconciliation is
liberating and brings much healing. Please take advantage
of this great gift of the church!
Page Four
February 5, 2012
Parish Events
St. Patrick Library is located in the workroom of
the Parish Center. All are welcome!
Sunday, February 5
11:30am Adult confirmation/ KofC
2:00pm Pre Jordan/WKRM
5:00pm Life Teen Mass NO LIFE NIGHT
Monday, February 6
Tuesday, February 7
Wednesday, February 8
7:00pm Life Teen Core Meeting/WKRM
7:00pm Choir rehearsal/Church
Thursday, February 9
7:00pm Scripture Study/Parish Hall
7:30pm Cornerstone Prayer Group/KofC (all are welcome)
Friday, February 10
6:30pm Life Teen band (Trinity) rehearsal/Church
Saturday, February 11
Dear Members of the St. Patrick
Parish Family,
In just a few short months 47 of our young
people will be receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion. I am asking each member of our parish family to
spiritually support these children by becoming a prayer
partner. If you wish to participate please take a child’s
name from the basket in front of the tabernacle and offer
prayers for the child until their First Holy Communion date
which is indicated on the card. If you wish, you may send
a card or note to the child on their First Communion by
leaving it in the basket. Thank you for your generosity and
In Christ’s Peace,
Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
The Candlemas celebration scheduled for February 2nd has
been cancelled. Please consider participating in our parish
mission with Archabbott Lambert Reiley. He will be here
for Mass, Conferences and a Penance Service February 25th
– 29th. If you need additional information or have questions
or concerns please contact Dani Annino in the Faith Formation
Warren Edwards and Fern Martin are Knights of the Month
for December for their work of installing a new microwave
unit in the Parish Rectory.
Gary Cioe is the Knight of the Month for January. He led
the very successful “Tootsie Roll Campaign.”
MASS BUT NO LIFE NIGHT 2/5; Please be advised
there will be a life teen Mass on 2/5 however no life night.
We will resume our life night schedule on 2/12 with a great
night on social justice that you don’t want to miss!
ROCK-A-THON FOR HAITI 2012; Saint Patrick life
teen will join forces again this year with St Andrew life teen
to participate in a 24 hour Rock-a-thon to raise money for
the desperate people of Jeremie Haiti.
In 1984 local resident and orthodontist Jeremy Lowney
was asked in a personal phone conversation with Mother
Theresa to build a health clinic in Jeremie, Haiti. Under
the direction of Dr. Lowney, the Haitian Health Foundation
built the clinic as requested by Mother Theresa in Jeremie,
The full time salary for a nurse at this clinic is $3,500.
Last year as a result of the rock-a-thon $28,000 was raised.
Therefore, through the generosity of people like you and
teens willing to rock for 24 hours, last year’s rock-a-thon
donations supported the full time salary of eight nurses at
this clinic. 100% of the donations go toward nurses’ salaries
at the clinic. This year the Rock-a-thon is from 10am
Saturday, February 25th to 10am Sunday, February 26th and
the goal is to raise $31,500, which would pay the full time
salary for NINE nurses at the Haitian Health Foundation. If
you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please
contact us or drop a check in the collection in an envelope
titled, “life teen – rock-a-thon”. Thank you!
TEENS: View podcasts at “Sunday, Sunday, Sunday”, Catholic Movie Reviews,
THE171, LoveLife, and TheMix!!
For more information on upcoming events or for monetary,
food or time donations, please contact Michelle or Bill
Donahue, 860 -342-0435 o r e-ma il us at
s t p a t r i c k l i f e t e e n @ g m a i l . c o m .
Sharing our Time and
Talents with the Bereaved
Can you knit, crochet or sew or do you know anyone who
The St. Patrick Parish Nurse/Health Ministry would like
to offer a Comfort Prayer Shawl to each of our bereaved
families. As you may know we currently offer sympathy
and anniversary cards, bereavement materials, a meal and
the Mass of Remembrance to assist grieving individuals
and families.
Patterns are available or you may use your own. For
more information or to donate shawls, please contact
Maggie Coolican at (860) 267-0540 or
Page Five
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Introduction-Liturgy of the Word:
“Less than three weeks from today, the holy season of
Lent will begin, calling us to prayer, fasting, and
almsgiving, disciplines by which we will express our
love for God and free ourselves for more selfless service
to our neighbor. Today, Mark’s Gospel presents Jesus’
life as the perfect pattern for disciples to follow. As he
becomes also, in this Eucharist, our Bread of Life, let us
open our hearts to the healing he imparts, that we might
devote ourselves to the loving service he commands.
Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13, Mk 6:53-56, Ps 132:8a
Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30, Mk 7:1-13, Ps 84:2
Wednesday: 1 Kgs 10:1-10, Mk 7:14-33, Ps 37:30a
Thursday: 1 Kgs 11:4-13, Mk 7: 24-30, Ps 106:4a
1 Kgs 11:29-32, 12:19, Mk 7:31-37, Ps 81:11a & 9a
Saturday: 1 Kgs 12:26-32:13:33-34, Mk 8: 1-10, Ps 106:4a
Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46, 1 Cor 10:31-11:1, Ps 147:1-6
Apostolate of Prayer for
2/05: Rev. Karl Schuh
2/06: Rev. John Marciniak & Rev. Bruce Quinn OFM Cap
Feb 5: Joan Arcidiacono 2010, Murray Chace 2005, Jane
Riddick 1993, Florence Forand 1990, Conrad Cylkowski 1985,
Arnold Gange 1983, Mary Duffy 1978, Julia Oettle 1976
Feb 6: Richard Murray 2011, Dolores E. Murphy 2007, Judith
Carden 2004, Fr. J. Clifford Curtin 2003, Andrew Ferrigno
Feb 7: Joseph Sypek, 2003 Rose Gange 1980, Victoria Koss
1979, Mary Campbell 1975, Paul Collagan 1975, John Kalman
Feb 8: David Souza 2009, Mary Holmes 1999, Edward
Barnesky 1995, Arthur Mellen 1984, Stanley Loss 1983, Sue
Colbert 1982, Fr. Leo Lavallee 1978
Feb 9: Lillian B. Stankiewicz 2008, John McCormick 1996,
Florence Beebe 1989, Daniel Hart 1977
Feb 10: Howard Becker Sr., 2004, Thomas Mazzarella 2003,
Fr. Charles McGinley 1990, John Stabinski 1987, Harold
Helveston 1982, Max Zimbouski Jr 1979
Feb 11: Anna Wall 1988, Ethel Flood 1978, Mae Casey 1976
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. May their
souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
The Knights of Columbus and the Guild are happy to
announce that applications for A HELPING HAND
award are available in the Parish Office. We are
awarding a total of four (4) $500.00 gifts to active Saint
Patrick parishioners currently enrolled at East Catholic
HS, Mercy HS and Xavier HS. Applications should be
returned to our parish secretary in an envelope by
February 15, 2012.
2/07: Rt. Rev. Edward Kakaty & Rev. Stephen Fronckewicz
2/08: Rev. Charles McGrail & Rev. Robert Washabaugh
2/09: V. Rev. James Carini & Rev. Tomasz Albrecht
2/10: Rev. Damian Tomiczek SDA & Rev. David Choquette
2/11: Rev. Thomas Plathottam & Rev. Marcin Mikulski
A beautiful sacrament full of blessings, romance, love,
commitment, comedy, giving, new life, joys, sorrows, adventure, challenges, responsibilities, growth, memories
and more.
Marriage has been variously described as a great work, a
great5 adventure, a great responsibility and a great joy.
Needless to say, it is all of these, not to mention a great
disappointment to those who approach it irreverently or ill
prepared. But above all, marriage is a great vocation, full
of grace for those who give to it all that they are and possess. (F. W. Marks)
People do not marry people, not real ones anyway; they
marry who they think the person is; they marry illusions
and images. The exciting adventure of marriage is finding
out who the partner really is. (James L. Framo)
St. Peter Knights of Columbus Council #14590 will host a
setback tournament at St. Peter in Higganum Tuesday,
February 14th at 6:30 pm in the Church Hall. Registration
is 6:00 pm. The fee is $40 per two-person team. Top
prize is $200. Food and snacks will be provided. Great
fun & Fellowship!
Page Six
February 5, 2012
Tuesday, February 14 6:00 Mass 7:00 Dinner
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Mass, a festive gourmet
dinner, fine wine, and a live jazz trio.
Program Offering: $130 per couple ($65 per person)
Wednesday, February 22
Day Retreat 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Evening Retreat 6:00 – 9:00 pm
“Our Lenten Journey: Consumed by God” Presenter: Fr.
David Cinquegrani, C.P.Both the day and the evening
will include the presentation, a meal and conclude with
Mass and the distribution of ashes. Offering: $35
Register online at or send
name, address and offering to: Holy Family Passionist
Retreat Center, 303 Tunxis Rd, W.Htfd, CT 06107 (860)
A get away weekend to remember! March 16 18. This weekend is designed to renew and rejuvenate
your relationship as a married couple, an opportunity to
deepen your relationship with each other and with God.
The weekend is facilitated by three married couples and
two Oblate priests and is sponsored by the Immaculata
Retreat House, Willimantic, CT.
To register or for more information, please contact Jim
and Elizabeth Percy, 860-648-2615, or HYPERLINK
"mail", or Immaculata Retreat House, 860-423-8484. You may also
register online at
Thyroid cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers in women.
The increase could possibly be related to the use of dental Xrays and mammograms. The next time you have either of these
tests done, ask for a thyroid guard or to have the “flap” used that
is present in most aprons used for X-rays.
Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a fairly common diagnosis, especially among women over age 50. If your thyroid is
not working properly, you may feel tired, depressed, have difficulty concentrating, gain weight, have dry skin, suffer from constipation, muscle cramps or heavy menstrual cycles. A simple
blood test called TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone can
determine if you have hypothyroidism. Diagnosis and treatment are relatively easy so ask your physician to include thyroid testing in your routine blood work next time.
Xavier High School will hold it’s 20th Auction with a
Mardi Gras Flavor on February 11, 2012, 6 – 10 p.m.
The theme for this year's auction is a "Mardi Gras Celebration" featuring "A Taste of Xavier" where several
area restaurants will present items from their menus to
delight the attendees. The event will feature a Silent and
Live Auction.
Tickets: $40 advance sales or $50 at the door. Advance
sales at:
For more information, email
St. John School is now accepting applications for enrollment for the 2012-2013 school year for all grades.,
please download a registration form from the website Applications can be
dropped off at the school during regular school hours or
mailed with all the require documentation. The openings are limited however, we will take a waiting list
when the classes are full.
The St. Patrick Prayer Line is looking for your help.
We need new members who can take up the cause and
assist us in continuing this ministry of love and prayers
for the intentions of our parishioners.
Being a member is really easy and takes very little
time. When someone has a prayer request, they call
Jann Dalton @ 860-267-5720 or Pat Powers @860-2678529 to start the prayers rolling. The caller tells you
who they want prayers for and what is the intention (can
also be done anonymously or as a Special Intention).
When you receive a call to pray for a specific need, you
are asked to pause, raise that intention up in a brief
prayer, then call the next person on the list after your
name. You can continue to pray for that intention as you
feel led by the Holy Spirit to do so.
Please prayerfully consider joining this worthwhile
ministry. What better way to celebrate the love of Jesus
than by caring for your neighbor?
If you work during the day, you can use your cell
number or you can be called or emailed in the evening,
just let us know at the numbers above.
There is nothing so rewarding as being told that our
prayers were answered.
Pat and Jann
Page Seven
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Have you seen the St. Patrick Prayer Board for active
military personnel who are fighting on the front lines for
our freedom? It’s located in the vestibule of the Church, to
the left as you enter from the front steps. We post the
pictures and rank of relatives of our parish family members
and ask that you remember them in daily prayer. Since
there are many new deployments, please let us know if
there are any family members you would like posted...and
may God keep them safe.
Bereavement Support Groups
Every first and third Monday: 5:00-6:30pm, Conference
Room A or B, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown. Every
second and fourth Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline
Medical Center, 260 Westbrook Rd., Essex. Every second
and fourth Wednesday: 10:00-11:30am, One MacDonough
Place, Community Room. (The Hospital’s assisted living
facility on the corner of Main St. Extension and
MacDonough Place.) For more information, please call
Chaplain Dennis McCann, Middlesex Hospital
Chaplain, 860-358-6725.
Why not decide to do something in 2012 that will enrich
your life and make a difference in the life of an elderly
person or Veteran? Become a volunteer! St. Luke’s
Eldercare Services, a non profit organization that provides
FREE services, desperately needs volunteers that will help
with grocery shopping and/or medical transportation. We
are very flexible and ask only one hour a week of your time,
or you can choose to drive only when you are free, which
St. Patrick Church Ministries
Adoption Information: Mike & Tina Mohr — 881-7080
Altar Server: Susan Lanzi—267-9984
Altar Society: Maureen Sweeney 267- 2520
ACTS Retreat/Men& Women:
Warren & Beverly Edwards—267-9926
Al & Isabel Vela—267-1508
John & Carol Lambert—267-9157
Baptism Contact:
Sister Dominic Joseph —267-6644
Baptism Class:
Mary Kaye Varni—267-9050
Catholic Scripture Study
Al Vela 267-1508 and Joan Fomento 267-8512
Child Advocate:
Peggy Puzzo 267-9932
Coordinator of Caregiving:
Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Westside Manor: Deb Desrocher—267-0705
Cobalt Lodge: Daisy Conway—267-0833
Eucharistic Adoration: Sheila Wall—267-9486
Guild: Kim Lanou—267-9235
Knights of Columbus: John Hines—267-4270
Life Teen: Bill & Michelle Donahue—342-0435
Planning a Wedding?
Engaged Encounter Weekend
One of the most important parts of your wedding planning
is your marriage preparation program. Engaged Encounter is a weekend-long program and meets all the aspects of
marriage preparation required by the Diocese. Weekend:
February 17-19 at Immaculata Retreat House, Willimantic
call 860-536-8665. Early registration is advised. Visit
Marriage Encounter: Dan & Pam Harazim—267-1184
Nurses’ Ministry: Maggie Coolican—267-0540
Pastoral Council Chair: Peter Bergan—267-4341
Prayer Group: George & Regina Looby—267-8203
Prayer Line: Jann Dalton — 267-5720
Pat Powers — 267-8529
Pro-Life: Theresa Hickey—267-0071
R.C.I.A.: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Vocation Contact: Don Hickey—267-0071
Wedding Coordinator: Michelle Donahue—342-0435