2012/2013 Assignment Cover Sheet & Feedback Form All pages of this form must be submitted together with the completed assignment by no later than 4:00 pm on the specified submission date. SECTION A RECORD OF SUBMISSION To be Completed by Student Only Record of Submission & Plagiarism Declaration I declare that this assignment is my own work and that the sources of information and material I have used (including any internet resources) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the referencing guidelines provided. Any material submitted may be referred to the JISC Plagiarism Detection Service for checking. I hereby confirm that this assignment has not been submitted for any other module at the University of Glamorgan. You are required to acknowledge that you have read the above statements by writing your student number below. 1 Student ID: If this is a group assignment, please provide the student numbers of all group members here: 2 Student ID: 5 Student ID: 3 Student ID: 6 Student ID: 4 Student ID: 7 Student ID: NOTE: It is important that you always keep a copy of your completed assignment. Assignment Details Please ensure you complete the following details clearly and accurately. Module Code: FH1S07 Module Title: Video Production 1 Assignment Title: Short Film Number of Pages n/a Module Tutor Assignment Number (e.g. 1 of 3) Word Count: 2 of 3 n/a Student Details Student Name: Date of Submission: Student Signature: OFFICE USE ONLY 2012/2013 SECTION B ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS To Be Completed by Module Leader Only Module Code: FH1SO7 Module Tutors: Module Title: Submission Date: George Auchterlonie Michael Aaron Inga Burrows Video Production 1 Friday 14th Dec 2012 Assignments to be submitted by 4:00pm Return Date: w/b 21st Jan 2013 Module Leader Details Module Leader Name: George Auchterlonie Module Leader Telephone: Module Leader Room Number: CA401 Module Leader Email: gauchter@glam.ac.uk Please note that there is now a University late submission policy of 5 working days for all coursework. All work handed in after the submission date and within 5 working days will be capped at 40%. No marks will be awarded if the assignment is submitted after the late submission date unless mitigating circumstances are applied for and accepted. Details of Assignment: Working in teams, produce a 3-4 minute, location-based short film. You have a choice: o DRAMA FILM - interpreting an existing screenplay (you will have access to those written in the 1st year Scriptwriting for the Media module, to use as a starting point for your ideas, or you may write your own.) It will be a visual, no/low-dialogue screenplay, with two characters maximum. o POETRY FILM – interpreting an existing poem or song lyrics, or write your own, either taking a fiction approach using actors or continue taking a documentary approach. The 1st assignment focused on juxtaposing sounds and images in creative and meaningful ways. The second assignment adds yet another element, words - words of dialogue and/or words of poetry or song lyrics. The aim is to encourage you to concentrate on the impact that words have on images, and similarly on the impact images have on the spoken word. Emphasis will be on experimentation and on creating a symbiotic relationship between words and images, i.e. not using images to simply illustrate the words, but to combine both in such a way as to bring increased visual and aural richness to the work as a whole. Whichever one you choose you will need to continue following similar filmmaking principles developed during the first assignment, “Documenting a Space,” building upon your newfound technical & creative skills and being particularly sensitive to choices of location/s. This exercise is less prescriptive than the previous one (e.g. complex shots are permitted - camera moves, lens movement and hand-held camerawork.) Note however, that you should always carefully consider the reasons behind your production decisions and be able to justify their use. Note also, for the same reasons as outlined above, the film is to have no music. Titles and credits need to be included. Production Log We use the Production Log to monitor attendance and participation in the preparation and planning stages of the short film. The log is a folder of the written stages of your production. If you have correctly followed normal planning procedures this should not require much more than compiling existing documents, your working papers, into a coherent package. The log should contain a minimum of: Team members’ names & student numbers, contact details Attendance Record/minutes of team meetings: what decisions were accepted or rejected, what roles and tasks were allocated. Screenplay Visual treatment Storyboards and/or shot list. Call sheets for shoots. 2012/2013 Other material can also be included, such as; an edit plan, log of shot material, and draft scripts. Only one Log is required from each group. Learning Outcomes: A4. An understanding of the audio, visual and verbal conventions through which sounds, images and words make meaning Professional/Vocational skills C2. Produce work showing competence in operational aspects of media production technologies, systems, techniques and professional practices Marking Criteria: o Quality of camera work. o Quality of sound recordings. o Control and mastery of editing software. o Creative manipulation of picture and sound. o Effectiveness of the film as a stand-alone piece - with a discernable beginning, middle and end. o Quality of production log. Plagiarism Advice: You must not engage in plagiarism when completing your coursework as it is a form of deception. It is deliberately or carelessly passing off another’s written or oral work as yours. If you engage in it, or allow others to copy your work, your work (and theirs) will attract a mark of zero pending investigation. Plagiarism includes copying the words (spoken or written), ideas or research results of another without acknowledging the original of the source. Acknowledging (crediting) a source requires an entry in your bibliography. It also requires proper annotation and applies to both electronic and paper sources. 2012/2013 SECTION C ASSIGNMENT FEEDBACK To Be Completed by Module Tutor Only Feedback Mark Note: All marks are provisional at this time and are subject to confirmation by the Board of Examiners. Note for Tutors All late work should be awarded zero unless mitigating circumstances have been approved. Marked by: Date: 2012/2013
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